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Test Report

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                      RF Test Report
                          Product Name: Smart Phone

                             Model Number: SNE-LX1

                 Report No.: SYBH(Z-RF)20180619018002-2001
                                  FCC ID:QISSNE-LX1

                Reliability Laboratory of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

     (Global Compliance and Testing Center of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd)

Administration Building, Headquarters of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Bantian, Longgang District,
                                        Shenzhen, 518129, P.R.C
                        Tel: +86 755 28780808      Fax: +86 755 89652518

          RF Test Report of SNE-LX1


1. The laboratory has passed the accreditation by China National Accreditation Service for

Conformity Assessment (CNAS). The accreditation number is L0310.

2. The laboratory has passed the accreditation by The American Association for Laboratory

Accreditation (A2LA). The accreditation number is 2174.01

3. The laboratory has been recognized by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to

perform compliance testing subject to the Commission's Certification rules. The Designation Number

is CN1173, and the Test Firm Registration Number is 294140.

4. The laboratory has been listed by Industry Canada to perform electromagnetic emission

measurements. The recognition numbers of test site are 6369A-1.

5. The laboratory (Reliability Lab of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd) is also named “Global

Compliance and Testing Center of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd”, the both names have coexisted

since 2009.

6. The test report is invalid if not marked with the signatures of the persons responsible for preparing

and approving the test report.

7. The test report is invalid if there is any evidence of erasure and/or falsification.

8. The test report is only valid for the test samples.

9. Content of the test report, in part or in full, cannot be used for publicity and/or promotional

purposes without prior written approval from the laboratory.

Report No.:                               Huawei Proprietary and Confidential                 Page 2 of 31
SYBH(Z-RF)20180619018002-2001          Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

         RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

Applicant:                   Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Address:                     Administration Building, Headquarters of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.,
                             Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518129, P.R.C

Date of Receipt Sample:      2018-07-13

Start Date of Test:          2018-07-16

End Date of Test:            2018-07-31

Test Result:                 Pass

Approved by Senior           2018-07-31                He Hao
Engineer:                    Date                      Name                         Signature

Prepared by:                 2018-07-31             ZhouLingbo

                             Date                      Name                         Signature

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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1


1   General Information ................................................................................................................................................ 5
    1.1         Applied Standard....................................................................................................................................... 5
    1.2         Test Location............................................................................................................................................. 5
    1.3         Test Environment Condition ...................................................................................................................... 5
2   Test Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
    2.1         Cellular Band (824-849 MHz paired with 869-894 MHz) ........................................................................... 6
    2.2         PCS Band (1850-1910 MHz paired with 1930-1990 MHz) ........................................................................ 7
    2.3         AWS Band (1710-1755 MHz paired with 2110-2155 MHz) ....................................................................... 8
    2.4         BRS&EBS Band (2500-2570 MHz paired with 2620-2690 MHz) .............................................................. 9
3   Description of the Equipment under Test (EUT) ................................................................................................... 11
    3.1         General Description ................................................................................................................................ 11
    3.2         EUT Identity ............................................................................................................................................ 11
    3.3         Technical Specification ........................................................................................................................... 13
4   General Test Conditions / Configurations ............................................................................................................. 14
    4.1         Test Modes ............................................................................................................................................. 14
    4.2         Test Environment .................................................................................................................................... 14
    4.3         Test Frequency ....................................................................................................................................... 15
    4.4         DESCRIPTION OF TESTS ..................................................................................................................... 17
    4.5         Test Setups ............................................................................................................................................. 23
    4.6         Test Conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 26
5   Main Test Instruments .......................................................................................................................................... 28
6   Measurement Uncertainty..................................................................................................................................... 30
7   Appendixes ........................................................................................................................................................... 31

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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

1     General Information

1.1    Applied Standard

Applied Rules:                      47 CFR FCC Part 02
                                    47 CFR FCC Part 22
                                    47 CFR FCC Part 24
                                    47 CFR FCC Part 27

Test Method:                        FCC KDB 971168 D01 Power Meas License Digital Systems v03r01
                                    ANSI C63.26

1.2    Test Location

Test Location :                     Reliability Laboratory of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Address1:                           Administration Building, Headquarters of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.,
                                    Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518129, P.R.C
Address2:                           No.2 New City Avenue Songshan Lake Sci. &Tech. Industry Park, Dongguan,
                                    Guangdong, P.R.C
1.3    Test Environment Condition

Ambient Temperature:                19.5 to 25 °C
Ambient Relative Humidity:          40 to 55 %
Atmospheric Pressure:               Not applicable

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             RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

2      Test Summary

2.1      Cellular Band (824-849 MHz paired with 869-894 MHz)

                     FCC Rule                                                          Verdict     Test
      Test Item                            Requirements             Test Result
                        No.                                                       (Note1)        Address
     (Isotropic)     §2.1046,
                                            ERP ≤ 7 W.              Appendix A    Pass           Address 2
Radiated Power        §22.913
    Output Data
                        ---                 Limit≤13 dB             Appendix B    Pass           Address 1
                      §2.1047            Digital modulation         Appendix C    Pass           Address 1
                                           OBW: No limit.
     Bandwidth        §2.1049                                       Appendix D    Pass           Address 1
                                           EBW: No limit.
                                ≤ -13 dBm/1%*EBW, in 1 MHz
                                bands immediately outside and
    Band Edges       §2.1051,
                                adjacent to the frequency block.    Appendix E    Pass           Address 1
     Compliance       §22.917
                                Note 1):   EBW is -26 dBc EBW.
                                ≤ -13 dBm/RefBW, from
                                max( lowest internal frequency, 9
                                kHz ) to min( 10 * highest
      Spurious                  fundamental frequency, 40 GHz),
     Emission at     §2.1051,   after 1 MHz bands immediately
                                                                    Appendix F    Pass           Address 1
      Antenna         §22.917   outside and adjacent to the
      Terminals                 frequency block.
                                (RefBW: ≥100 kHz for frequency
                                below 1 GHz, and =1 MHz above
                                1 GHz)
                                ≤ -13 dBm/RefBW, from
                                max( lowest internal frequency, 9
                                kHz ) to min( 10 * highest
                                fundamental frequency, 40 GHz),
Field Strength of
                     §2.1053,   after 1 MHz bands immediately
      Spurious                                                      Appendix G    Pass           Address 2
                      §22.917   outside and adjacent to the
                                frequency block.
                                (RefBW: ≥100 kHz for frequency
                                below 1 GHz, and =1 MHz above
                                1 GHz)
     Frequency       §2.1055,
                                            ≤ ±2.5ppm               Appendix H    Pass           Address 1
      Stability       §22.355

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             RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

2.2      PCS Band (1850-1910 MHz paired with 1930-1990 MHz)

                     FCC Rule                                                          Verdict     Test
      Test Item                            Requirements             Test Result
                        No.                                                       (Note1)        Address
   (Isotropic)       §2.1046,
                                            EIRP ≤ 2 W              Appendix A         Pass      Address 2
Radiated Power       §24.232
  Output Data
 Peak-Average        §2.1046,
                                            Limit≤13 dB             Appendix B         Pass      Address 1
        Ratio        §24.232
                     §2.1047             Digital modulation         Appendix C         Pass      Address 1
                                           OBW: No limit.
   Bandwidth         §2.1049                                        Appendix D         Pass      Address 1
                                           EBW: No limit.
                                ≤ -13 dBm/1%*EBW, in 1 MHz
                                bands immediately outside and
  Band Edges         §2.1051,
                                adjacent to the frequency block.    Appendix E         Pass      Address 1
  Compliance         §24.238
                                Note 1):   EBW is -26 dBc EBW.
                                ≤ -13 dBm/1 MHz, from
      Spurious                  max( lowest internal frequency, 9
  Emission at        §2.1051,   kHz ) to min( 10 * highest
                                                                    Appendix F         Pass      Address 1
      Antenna        §24.238    fundamental frequency, 40 GHz)
      Terminals                 but outside authorized operating
                                frequency blocks.
                                ≤ -13 dBm/1 MHz, from
                                max( lowest internal frequency, 9
Field Strength of
                     §2.1053,   kHz ) to min( 10 * highest
      Spurious                                                      Appendix G         Pass      Address 2
                     §24.238    fundamental frequency, 40 GHz)
                                but outside authorized operating
                                frequency blocks.
   Frequency         §2.1055,   Within authorized bands of
                                                                    Appendix H         Pass      Address 1
      Stability      §24.235    operation/frequency block.

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             RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

2.3      AWS Band (1710-1755 MHz paired with 2110-2155 MHz)

                     FCC Rule                                                           Verdict     Test
      Test Item                            Requirements             Test Result
                        No.                                                         (Note1)       Address
   (Isotropic)        §2.1046,
                                             EIRP ≤ 1 W             Appendix A          Pass      Address 2
Radiated Power       §27.50(d)
  Output Data
 Peak-Average         §2.1046,
                                             Limit≤13 dB            Appendix B          Pass      Address 1
        Ratio        §27.50(d)
                      §2.1047             Digital modulation        Appendix C          Pass      Address 1
                                           OBW: No limit.
   Bandwidth          §2.1049                                       Appendix D          Pass      Address 1
                                           EBW: No limit.
                                 ≤ -13 dBm/1%*EBW, in 1 MHz
                                 bands immediately outside and
                                 adjacent to the frequency
  Band Edges          §2.1051,
                                 block.                             Appendix E          Pass      Address 1
  Compliance         §27.53(h)
                                   Note 1):     EBW is -26 dBc
                                 ≤ -13 dBm/1 MHz, from
      Spurious                   max( lowest internal frequency,
  Emission at         §2.1051,   9 kHz ) to min( 10 * highest
                                                                    Appendix F          Pass      Address 1
      Antenna        §27.53(h)   fundamental frequency, 40
      Terminals                  GHz) but outside authorized
                                 operating frequency ranges.
                                 ≤ -13 dBm/1 MHz, from
                                 max( lowest internal frequency,
Field Strength of
                      §2.1053,   9 kHz ) to min( 10 * highest
      Spurious                                                      Appendix G          Pass      Address 2
                     §27.53(h)   fundamental frequency, 40
                                 GHz) but outside authorized
                                 operating frequency ranges.
   Frequency          §2.1055,     Within authorized bands of
                                                                    Appendix H          Pass      Address 1
      Stability       §27.54       operation/frequency block.

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              RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

2.4     BRS&EBS Band (2500-2570 MHz paired with 2620-2690 MHz)
                    FCC Rule                                                                                               Test      Verdict       Test
  Test Item                                                     Requirements
                       No.                                                                                                Result    (Note1)      Address
                     §2.1046,                                                                                            Appendix
  Radiated                                                          EIRP ≤ 2W                                                        Pass       Address 2
                    §27.50(h)                                                                                               A
Power Output
Peak-Average                                                                                                             Appendix
                    §27.50(a)                                       Limit≤13 dB                                                      Pass       Address 1
      Ratio                                                                                                                 B
 Modulation                                                                                                              Appendix
                     §2.1047                              Digital modulation                                                         Pass       Address 1
Characteristics                                                                                                             C
                                                               OBW: No limit.                                            Appendix
  Bandwidth          §2.1049                                                                                                         Pass       Address 1
                                                               EBW: No limit.                                               D
                                                 -10 dBm/        -10 dBm/
                                                 2%*EBW Frequency
                                       -10 dBm/1 MHz                  -10 dBm/1 MHz
                                  -13 dBm/1 MHz                            -13 dBm/1 MHz

                                          -X        -5     -1 0       0 1     5                         X        / MHz
                                                         X = max {6 MHz, EBW}


                                    -13 dBm/1 MHz
 Band Edges          §2.1051,                                                                                            Appendix
                                    2490.5 2496 2500                                   2690             / MHz                        Pass       Address 1
 Compliance        §27.53(m4)                                                                                               E
                                 AND, if 2495-2496MHz is immediately outside and adjacent to the
                                      frequency block

                                  -10 dBm/1%*EBW

                                           2495       2496                                 2690         / MHz

                                         Note 1):                   EBW is -26 dBc EBW.


                                                                -25 dBm/               -25 dBm/
                                                                 1 MHz                  1 MHz

                                                               Fa       -X   0    0    X       Fb
                                                                    X = max {6 MHz, EBW}

  Spurious                                     AND

 Emission at         §2.1051,                                                                                            Appendix
                                                         -25 dBm/1 MHz                                                               Pass       Address 1
   Antenna          §27.53(m)                                                                                               F
                                                         Fa     2490.5 2500                   2690       / MHz

  Terminals                                    --------------------
                                               Fa = max( lowest internal frequency, 9 kHz )
                                               Fb = min( 10 * highest fundamental frequency, 40 GHz )

                                Note 1):           EBW is -26 dBc EBW.
                                Note 2):           MeasFrom: max( lowest internal

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           RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

                 FCC Rule                                                                                  Test      Verdict        Test
  Test Item                                            Requirements
                    No.                                                                                   Result    (Note1)       Address
                                            frequency, 9 kHz ).
                             Note 3):     MeasTo: min( 10 * highest
                             fundamental frequency, 40 GHz)

                                                       -25 dBm/                 -25 dBm/
                                                        1 MHz                    1 MHz

                                                      Fa       -X    0    0    X        Fb
                                                            X = max {6 MHz, EBW}


                                                -25 dBm/1 MHz

Field Strength
                                                                                                 / MHz
                  §2.1053,                      Fa     2490.5 2500                     2690
 of Spurious                            --------------------
                                        Fa = max( lowest internal frequency, 9 kHz )
                                        Fb = min( 10 * highest fundamental frequency, 40 GHz )
                                                                                                                     Pass        Address 2
                 §27.53(m)                                                                                  G
                             Note 1):       EBW is -26 dBc EBW.
                             Note 2):       MeasFrom: max( lowest internal
                                            frequency, 9 kHz ).
                                 Note 3):            MeasTo: min( 10 * highest
                                   fundamental frequency, 40 GHz).
 Frequency        §2.1055,              Within authorized bands of                                       Appendix
                                                                                                                     Pass        Address 1
   Stability      §27.54                operation/frequency block.                                          H

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           RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

3     Description of the Equipment under Test (EUT)

3.1     General Description

SNE-LX1 is subscriber equipment in the GSM/WCDMA/LTE system. The GSM frequency band includes GSM850 and
GSM900 and DCS1800 and PCS1900.The UMTS frequency band is B1 and B2 and B4 and B5 and B8. The LTE
frequency band is B1 and B3 and B7 and B8 and B20. The Mobile Phone implements such functions as RF signal
receiving/transmitting, LTE/HSPA/UMTS and GSM/GPRS/EDGE protocol processing, voice, video MMS service, GPS,
AGPS, NFC and WIFI etc. Externally it provides one micro SD card interface (it can also used as SIM card interface),
earphone port (to provide voice service) and one SIM card interface. It also provides Bluetooth module to synchronize
data between a PC and the phone, or to use the built-in modem of the phone to access the Internet with a PC, or to
exchange data with other Bluetooth devices. SNE-LX1 may support single SIM or double SIM .Model SNE-LX1 is a
smart phone with dual SIM or single SIM. The difference of them is only for SIM CARD. SNE-LX1 single SIM is deleted
one SIM by software. So SNE-LX1 single SIM share the same report and the certification with SNE-LX1 dual SIM.

Note: Only GSM850/1900, UMTS Band2/4/5, LTE Band 7 test data included in this report.

3.2     EUT Identity

NOTE:      Unless otherwise noted in the report, the functional boards installed in the units shall be selected from the
           below list, but not means all the functional boards listed below shall be installed in one unit.

3.2.1    Board

Description                       Hardware Version                           Software Version
Main Board                        HL2SNEL21M                                 SNE-LX1

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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

 3.2.2    Sub-Assembly

Sub-Assembly Name              Model                    Manufacturer                       Description
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-059200BHQ              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-059200AHQ              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-059200UHQ              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-059200EHQ              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-090200BH0              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-090200AH0              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-090200UH0              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz
Adapter               HW-090200EH0              Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Output voltage: 5V           2A
                                                                                OR 9V         2A
                                                                                Rated capacity: 3650mAh
Rechargeable Li-ion   HB386589ECW               Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
                                                                                Voltage:        +3.82V

                                                                                Charging Voltage:          +4.40V

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           RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

3.3    Technical Specification

Characteristics                        Description
Radio System Type                         GSM
Supported Frequency Range                                          Transmission (TX):      824 to 849 MHz
                                       GSM850/ WCDMA850
                                                                   Receiving (RX):         869 to 894 MHz
                                                                   Transmission (TX):      1850 to 1910 MHz
                                       GSM1900/ WCDMA1900
                                                                   Receiving (RX):         1930 to 1990 MHz
                                                                   Transmission (TX):      1710 to 1755 MHz
                                                                   Receiving (RX):         2110 to 2155 MHz
                                       LTE BAND7                   Transmission (TX):      2500 to 2570 MHz
                                                                   Receiving (RX):         2620 to 2690 MHz
TX and RX Antenna Ports                TX & RX port:               1
                                       TX-only port:               0
                                       RX-only port:               1
Target TX Output Power                 GSM850:       32.8dBm
                                       GSM1900         30dBm
                                       UMTS850         24dBm
                                       UMTS1900:       23.5dBm
                                       UMTS1700        22dBm
                                       LTE BAND7:       23.3dBm
Supported Channel Bandwidth            GSM system:                     200 kHz
                                       UMTS system:                    5 MHz
                                       LTE band 7                      5MHz,     10MHz ,   15MHz ,    20MHz
Designation of Emissions               GSM850:                     248KGXW, 247KG7W
(Note: the necessary bandwidth of      GSM1900:                    244KGXW, 252KG7W
which is the worst value from the      UMTS850:                    4M16F9W
measured occupied bandwidths for       UMTS1900:                   4M17F9W
each type of channel bandwidth         UMTS1700:                   4M16F9W
configuration.)                        LTE BAND7:                  4M52G7D (5 MHz QPSK modulation),
                                                                   4M52W7D (5 MHz 16QAM modulation)
                                                                   9M01G7D (10 MHz QPSK modulation),
                                                                   9M01W7D (10 MHz 16QAM modulation)
                                                                   13M5G7D (15 MHz QPSK modulation),
                                                                   13M5W7D (15 MHz 16QAM modulation)
                                                                   18M0G7D (20 MHz QPSK modulation),
                                                                   18M0W7D (20 MHz 16QAM modulation)

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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4     General Test Conditions / Configurations

4.1     Test Modes

NOTE:       The test mode(s) are selected according to relevant radio technology specifications.

Test Mode            Test Modes Description
GSM/TM1              GSM system, GSM/GPRS, GMSK modulation
GSM/TM2              GSM system, EDGE, 8PSK modulation
UMTS/TM1             WCDMA system, QPSK modulation
LTE/TM1              LTE system, QPSK modulation
LTE/TM2              LTE system, 16QAM modulation

4.2     Test Environment

Environment Parameter         Selected Values During Tests
Relative Humidity             Ambient
Temperature                   TN                                Ambient
                              VL                                3.6V
Voltage                       VN                                3.8V
                              VH                                4.4V

NOTE: VL= lower extreme test voltage
       VN= nominal voltage
       VH= upper extreme test voltage
TN= normal temperature

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           RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.3     Test Frequency

                                                                 RF Channel
      Test Mode       TX / RX
                                         Low (L)                  Middle (M)         High (H)

                                       Channel 128               Channel 190       Channel 251
                                        824.2MHz                   836.6MHz         848.8MHz
                                       Channel 128               Channel 190       Channel 251
                                        869.2MHz                   881.6MHz         893.8MHz

                                       Channel 4132              Channel 4182      Channel 4233
                                        826.4MHz                   836.4MHz         846.6MHz
                                       Channel 4357              Channel 4407      Channel 4458
                                        871.4MHz                   881.4MHz         891.6MHz

                                                                 RF Channel
      Test Mode       TX / RX
                                         Low (L)                  Middle (M)         High (H)

                                       Channel 512               Channel 661       Channel 810
                                        1850.2MHz                 1880.0MHz         1909.8MHz
                                       Channel 512               Channel 661       Channel 810
                                       1930.2 MHz                 1960.0 MHz       1989.8 MHz

                                       Channel 9262              Channel9400       Channel9538
                                        1852.4MHz                 1880.0MHz         1907.6MHz
                                       Channel 9662              Channel 9800      Channel 9938
                                       1932.4 MHz                 1960.0 MHz       1987.6 MHz

                                                                 RF Channel
      Test Mode       TX / RX
                                         Low (L)                  Middle (M)         High (H)

                                       Channel1312               Channel1413       Channel1513
  WCDMA1700             TX
                                        1712.4MHz                 1732.6MHz         1752.6MHz

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        RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

                                                               RF Channel
   Test Mode       TX / RX
                                       Low (L)                  Middle (M)          High (H)

                                    Channel 1537               Channel 1638       Channel 1738
                                     2112.4 MHz                 2132.6 MHz        2152.6 MHz

                                                               RF Channel
  Test Mode       TX / RX
                                       Low (B)                  Middle (M)          High (T)

                                    Channel 20775             Channel 21100      Channel   21425
                  TX (5M)
                                     2502.5 MHz                  2535 MHz         2567.5 MHz

                                    Channel 20800             Channel 21100      Channel 21400
                 TX (10M)
                                      2505 MHz                   2535 MHz          2565 MHz

                                    Channel 20825             Channel 21100      Channel 21375
                 TX (15M)
                                     2507.5 MHz                  2535 MHz         2562.5 MHz

                                    Channel 20850             Channel 21100      Channel 21350
                 TX (20M)
                                      2510 MHz                   2535 MHz          2560 MHz
  LTE Band 7
                                    Channel 2775               Channel 3100       Channel 3425
                  RX (5M)
                                     2622.5 MHz                  2655 MHz         2687.5 MHz

                                    Channel 2800               Channel 3100       Channel 3400
                 RX (10M)
                                      2625 MHz                   2655 MHz          2685 MHz

                                    Channel 2825               Channel 3100       Channel 3375
                 RX (15M)
                                     2627.5 MHz                  2655 MHz         2682.5 MHz

                                    Channel 2850               Channel 3100       Channel 3350
                 RX (20M)
                                      2630 MHz                   2655 MHz          2680 MHz

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          RF Test Report of SNE-LX1


4.4.1    Radiated Power and Radiated Spurious Emissions
Radiated spurious emissions are investigated indoors in a full-anechoic chamber to determine the
frequencies producing the worst case emissions. Final measurements for radiated power and radiated
spurious emissions are performed on the 3 meter OATS per the guidelines of ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016. The
equipment under test was transmitting while connected to its integral antenna and is placed on a wooden
turntable 150cm above the ground plane and 3 meters from the receive antenna. The spectrum is scanned
from the lowest frequency generated in the equipment up to a frequency including its 10th harmonic. The
receive antenna height is adjusted between 1 and 4 meter height, the turntable is rotated through 360
degrees, and the EUT is manipulated through all orthogonal planes representative of its typical use to
achieve the highest reading on the receive spectrum analyzer. Emissions are also investigated with the
receive antenna horizontally and vertically polarized.
A portable or small unlicensed wireless device shall be placed on a non-metallic test fixture or other
non-metallic support during testing. The supporting fixture shall permit orientation of the EUT in each of
three orthogonal (x, y, z) axis positions such that emissions from the EUT are maximized. Measure the
EUT maximum RF power and record the result.
A half-wave dipole is then substituted in place of the EUT. For emissions above 3GHz, a horn antenna is
substituted in place of the EUT. The substitute antenna is driven by a signal generator with the level of the
signal generator being adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum analyzer level previously recorded
from the spurious emission from the EUT.

The power of the emission is calculated using the following formula:
                           Pd [dBm] = Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB] + antenna gain [dBd/dBi]
Where, Pd is the dipole equivalent power, Pg is the generator output into the substitution antenna, and the
antenna gain is the gain of the substitute antenna used relative to either a half-wave dipole (dBd) or an
isotropic source (dBi). The substitute level is equal to Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB].
The calculated Pd levels are then compared to the absolute spurious emission limit of -13dBm which is
equivalent to the required minimum attenuation of 43 + 10log10(Power [Watts]).

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01-Section 5.2.2 / KDB 971168 D01 v03r01-Section 5.8

ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016-Section 2.2.17 / ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016-Section 2.2.12

Note: Reference test setup 3

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         RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.4.2   Peak-Average Ratio

A peak to average ratio measurement is performed at the conducted port of the EUT. The spectrum
analyzers Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) measurement profile is used to
determine the largest deviation between the average and the peak power of the EUT in a given bandwidth.

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01-Section 5.7.2

Test Settings

1、The signal analyzer’s CCDF measurement profile enabled

2、Frequency= carrier center frequency

3、Measurement BW > EBW of signal

4、for continuous transmissions, set to 1ms

5、Record the maximum PAPR level associated with a probability of 0.1%.

Note: Reference test setup 1

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4.4.3   Occupied Bandwidth

The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper
frequency limits, the mean powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated
by a given emission shall be measured. The span of the analyzer shall be set to capture all products of the
modulation process, including the emission skirts. The resolution bandwidth shall be set to as close to 1
percent of the selected span as is possible without being below 1 percent. The video bandwidth shall be set
to 3 times the resolution bandwidth. Video averaging is not permitted. Where practical, a sampling detector
shall be used since a peak or, peak hold, may produce a wider bandwidth than actual. The trace data
points are recovered and are directly summed in linear terms. The recovered amplitude data points,
beginning at the lowest frequency, are placed in a running sum until 0.5 percent of the total is reached and
that frequency recorded. The process is repeated for the highest frequency data points. This frequency is
recorded. The span between the two recorded frequencies is the occupied bandwidth.

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01-Section 4.3

Test Settings

1、SET RBW=1-5% of OBW


3、Detector: Peak

4、Trace mode= max hold.

5、Sweep= auto couple

6、Steps 1-5 were repeated after it is stable

Note: Reference test setup 1.

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         RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.4.4   Band Edge Compliance
The test complies with the requirements in clause 2 of the present report according to test procedures in
KDB 971168 D01 v03r01-Section 6 with corresponding test settings.

Note: Reference test setup 1.

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         RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.4.5   Spurious and Harmonic Emissions at Antenna Terminal

The test complies with the requirements in clause 2 of the present report according to test procedures in
KDB 971168 D01 v03r01-Section 6 with corresponding test settings.

Note: Reference test setup 1.

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          RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.4.6   Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation

Frequency stability testing is performed in accordance with the guidelines of ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016. The
frequency stability of the transmitter is measured by:
a.) Temperature: The temperature is varied from -30°C to +50°C in 10°C increments using an
environmental chamber.
b.) Primary Supply Voltage: The primary supply voltage is varied from 85% to 115% of the nominal value
for non hand-carried battery and AC powered equipment. For hand-carried, battery-powered equipment,
primary supply voltage is reduced to the battery operating end point which shall be specified by the
Specification – The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission stays
within the authorized frequency block. The frequency stability of the transmitter shall be maintained within
±0.00025% (±2.5 ppm) of the center frequency.
Time Period and Procedure:
1. The carrier frequency of the transmitter is measured at room temperature (20°C to provide a reference).
2. The equipment is turned on in a “standby” condition for fifteen minutes before applying power to the
transmitter. Measurement of the carrier frequency of the transmitter is made within one minute after
applying power to the transmitter.
3. Frequency measurements are made at 10°C intervals ranging from -30°C to +50°C. A period of at least
one half-hour is provided to allow stabilization of the equipment at each temperature level.

Test Procedures Used


Note: Reference test setup 2.

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          RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.5     Test Setups

4.5.1    Test Setup 1

          Control                   EUT                                                 Wireless
         Computer         Control                                                     Communication
                          port(s)     Antenna
          Power           Power                                                         Spectrum
          Supply           port                                                          Anlyzer

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4.5.2     Test Setup 2

                         Temperature Chamber

     Control                         EUT
    Computer               Control
                           port(s)     Antenna                Power
                                        port(s)               Divider
        Power              Power                                                         Spectrum
        Supply              port                                                          Anlyzer

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           RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.5.3     Test Setup 3

NOTE:      Effective radiated power (ERP) and Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power(EIRP) refers to the radiation
           power output of the EUT, assuming all emissions are radiated from half-wave dipole antennas.    Step 1: Pre-test    Step 2: Substitution method to verify the maximum ERP/EIRP

            Full- Anechoic Chamber
                       Substitution                         Antenna
                        Antenna                                                                  Measurement


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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

4.6      Test Conditions

Test Case                          Test Conditions
Transmit        Average Power,     Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
Output          Total              Test Setup        Test Setup 1
Power Data                         RF Channels       L, M, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
                Average Power,     Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
                Spectral Density   Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                (if required)      RF Channels       L, M, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
Peak-to-Average Ratio              Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
(if required)                      Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                                   RF Channels       L, M, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
Modulation Characteristics         Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
                                   Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                                   RF Channels        M
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
Bandwidth       Occupied           Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
                Bandwidth          Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                                   RF Channels       L, M, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
                Emission           Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
                Bandwidth          Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                (if required)      RF Channels       L, M, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
Band Edges Compliance              Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
                                   Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                                   RF Channels       L, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                   Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
Spurious Emission at Antenna       Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
Terminals                          Test Setup        Test Setup 1
                                   RF Channels       L, M, H
                                   (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )

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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

Test Case                        Test Conditions
                                 Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
Field Strength of Spurious       Test Env.         Ambient Climate & Rated Voltage
Radiation                        Test Setup        Test Setup 3
                                 Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1/TM2/TM3,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2
                                                   NOTE:      If applicable, the EUT conf. that has maximum power
                                                              density (based on the equivalent power level) is
                                 RF Channels       L, M, H
                                 (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
Frequency Stability              Test Env.         (1) -30 °C to +50 °C with step 10 °C at Rated Voltage;
                                                   (2) VL, VN and VH of Rated Voltage at Ambient Climate.
                                 Test Setup        Test Setup 2
                                 RF Channels       L, M, H
                                 (TX)              (L= low channel, M= middle channel, H= high channel )
                                 Test Mode         GSM/TM1,GSM/TM2,UMTS/TM1,LTE/TM1,LTE/TM2

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               RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

   5      Main Test Instruments

   Test Address 1:
                                               Main Test    Equipments
       Equipment Name           Manufacturer       Model          Serial Number           Cal Date         Cal- Due
         Power supply            KEITHLEY           2303             1342889             2017/10/24       2018/10/23
        Universal Radio
                                    R&S           CMU200             110932              2018/4/27        2019/4/26
   Communication Tester
        Universal Radio
                                    R&S          CMW500              126854              2017/10/19       2018/10/18
   Communication Tester
       Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent        N9030A           MY51380032            2018/03/15       2019/03/14
   Temperature Chamber             WEISS          WKL64          56246002940010          2017/12/13       2018/12/12
        Signal generator           Agilent        E8257D          MY51500314             2018/04/27       2019/04/27

   Test Address 2:
                                               Main Test    Equipments
       Equipment Name           Manufacturer       Model          Serial Number           Cal Date         Cal- Due
        Universal Radio
                                    R&S           CMU200             117385              2018/05/08       2019/05/07
   Communication Tester
        Universal Radio
                                    R&S          MT8821C           6261760791            2017/10/06       2018/10/05
   Communication Tester
         Test receiver              R&S            ESU26             100387              2018/1/20        2019/1/19
         Test receiver              R&S            ESCI              101163              2018/1/20        2019/1/19
         Test receiver              R&S            ESU26             100150              2018/1/20        2019/1/19
       Spectrum analyzer            R&S            FSU3              200474              2018/1/20        2019/1/19
       Spectrum analyzer            R&S            FSU43             100144              2018/1/20        2019/1/19
LOOP Antennas(9kHz-30MHz)           R&S           HFH2-Z2            100262              2017/6/15        2019/6/14
LOOP Antennas(9kHz-30MHz)           R&S           HFH2-Z2            100263              2017/8/21        2019/8/20
 Trilog Broadband Antenna      SCHWARZBE           VULB
                                                                    9163-490             2017/3/29        2019/3/28
         (30M~3GHz)                  CK             9163
 Trilog Broadband Antenna      SCHWARZBE           VULB
                                                                    9163-521              2018/4/9         2020/4/8
         (30M~3GHz)                  CK             9163
 Trilog Broadband Antenna      SCHWARZBE           VULB
                                                                    9163-357             2017/4/21        2019/4/20
         (30M~3GHz)                  CK             9163
 Double-Ridged Waveguide
                                    R&S            HF907             100304              2017/5/27        2019/5/26
 Horn Antenna (1G~18GHz)
double ridged horn antenna(
                                    R&S            HF907             100305              2017/4/21        2019/4/20
        Pyramidal Horn
                                ETS-Lindgren      3160-09            5140299             2017/7/20        2019/7/19
        Pyramidal Horn          ETS-Lindgren      3160-10           00205695             2018/4/20        2020/4/19

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      Pyramidal Horn
                               ETS-Lindgren       3160-10          LM5947               2017/7/20       2019/7/19
   Artificial Main Network         R&S            ENV4200          100134               2018/5/8        2019/5/7
Line Impedance Stabilization
                                   R&S            ENV216           100382               2018/5/8        2019/5/7
                                               Software Information
         Test Item                  Software Name                        Manufacturer                    Version
            RSE                           EMC32                              R&S                         V8.40.0

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            RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

6    Measurement Uncertainty

For a 95% confidence level (k = 2), the measurement expanded uncertainties for defined systems, in accordance with
the recommendations of ISO 17025 as following:

Test Item                                                             Extended Uncertainty
Transmit Output Power Conducted         Power [dBm]                   U = 0.64 dB
RF Power Density, Conducted             Power [dBm]                   U = 0.64 dB
Bandwidth                               Magnitude [kHz]               200kHz: U=9.06kHz
                                                                      1.4MHz: U=9.48kHz
                                                                      3MHz: U=10.86kHz
                                                                      5MHz: U=13.84kHz
                                                                      10MHz: U=22.32kHz
                                                                      15MHz: U=31.9kHz
                                                                      20MHz: U=41.78kHz
Band Edge Compliance                    Disturbance Power [dBm]       U = 0.9 dB
Spurious Emissions, Conducted           Disturbance Power [dBm]       20MHz~3.6GHz:U=0.88dB
Field Strength of Spurious Radiation    ERP/EIRP [dBm]                For 3 m Chamber:
                                                                      U = 5.94 dB (30 MHz to 3GHz)
                                                                      U = 5.54 dB (3GHz to 18GHz)
                                                                      U = 4.94 dB (18GHz to 26.5GHz)
Frequency Stability                     Frequency Accuracy [Hz]       800MHz: U=24.08Hz
                                                                      900MHz: U=24.54Hz
                                                                      1900MHz: U=34.7Hz
                                                                      2100MHz: U=36.96Hz
                                                                      2300MHz: U=39.24Hz
                                                                      2500MHz: U=41.58Hz
                                                                      2600MHz: U=42.74Hz

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         RF Test Report of SNE-LX1

7   Appendixes

           Appendix No.                                            Description

SYBH(Z-RF)20180619018002-2001-A                                Appendix_for_GSM

SYBH(Z-RF)20180619018002-2001-B                              Appendix_for_WCDMA

SYBH(Z-RF)20180619018002-2001-C                             Appendix_for_LTE Band7

            Appendix                                              Description

           Appendix A                           Effective (Isotropic) Radiated Power Output Data
           Appendix B                                         Peak-Average Ratio
           Appendix C                                      Modulation Characteristics
           Appendix D                                             Bandwidth
           Appendix E                                       Band Edges Compliance
           Appendix F                               Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals
           Appendix G                                 Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
           Appendix H                                         Frequency Stability
Note: For the RSE data we tested ant1&ant2, the data presented is all the antenna mode; the other items
we tested all antenna modes, but the data presented is the worst antenna mode


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Document Created: 2018-08-02 09:04:36
Document Modified: 2018-08-02 09:04:36

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