Test Report_Classic Bluetooth_Reference


Test Report

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                  RF Test Report
                      Product Name: Smart Phone

                        Model Number: ELE-L04m

             Report No.: SYBH(Z-RF)20190401017001-2002
                            FCC ID:QISELE-L04M
                             IC: 6369A-ELEL04M

                                  APPROVED                          PREPARED
                                 (Lab Manager)                     (Test Engineer)


      DATE                         2019-04-30                        2019-04-30

             Reliability Laboratory of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

  (Global Compliance and Testing Center of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd)

No.2, New City Avenue, Songshan Lake Sci. & Tech. Industry Park, Dongguan, 523808, P.R.C
                Telephone: +86 769 23830808       Fax: +86 769 23837628

           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                        Public

                                             ※     ※          Notice             ※     ※

    1. The laboratory has passed the accreditation by The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). The

    accreditation number is 2174.01.

    2. The laboratory has been recognized by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to perform compliance

    testing subject to the Commission's Certification rules. The Designation Number is CN1173, and the Test Firm

    Registration Number is 294140.

    3. The laboratory has been recognized by the Innovation, Science and Economic Development

    Canada (ISED) to test to Canadian radio equipment requirements. The CAB identifier is CN0003, and the

    ISED# is 21741.

    4. The laboratory (Reliability Lab of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd) is also named “Global Compliance and Testing

    Center of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd”, the both names have coexisted since 2009.

    5. The test report is invalid if not marked with the signatures of the persons responsible for preparing and approving the

    test report.

    6. The test report is invalid if there is any evidence of erasure and/or falsification.

    7. The test report is only valid for the test samples.

    8. Content of the test report, in part or in full, cannot be used for publicity and/or promotional purposes without prior

    written approval from the laboratory.

    9. If any question about this report, please contact the laboratory (PublicGCTC@huawei.com).

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20190401017001-2002                    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

            RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                     Public

                                             MODIFICATION RECORD

   No.    Report No                   Modification Description
   1      SYBH(Z-RF)                  First release.

   Type               Description
   Multiple                The present report applies to single model.
   Models                  The present report applies to several models. The practical measurements are
   Applications            performed with the model.
                           The present report only presents the worst test case of all modes, see relevant test
                           results for detailed.

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             RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                                                                               Public

   1    Table of contents

   1    Table of contents .................................................................................................................................................... 4
   2    General Information ................................................................................................................................................ 5
       2.1          Test standard/s ......................................................................................................................................... 5
       2.2          Test Environment ...................................................................................................................................... 5
       2.3          Test Laboratories ...................................................................................................................................... 5
       2.4          Applicant and Manufacturer ...................................................................................................................... 5
       2.5          Application details ..................................................................................................................................... 5
   3    Test Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
   4    Description of the Equipment under Test (EUT) ..................................................................................................... 8
       4.1          General Description .................................................................................................................................. 8
       4.2          EUT Identity .............................................................................................................................................. 9
       4.3          Technical Description .............................................................................................................................. 11
   5    General Test Conditions / Configurations ............................................................................................................. 12
       5.1          EUT Configurations ................................................................................................................................. 12
       5.2          Antenna requirements ............................................................................................................................. 13
       5.3          Description of tests.................................................................................................................................. 14
       5.4          Test Setups ............................................................................................................................................. 17
       5.5          Test Conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 20
   6    Main Test Instruments .......................................................................................................................................... 22
       6.1          Current Test Project/Report .................................................................................................................... 22
   7    Measurement Uncertainty..................................................................................................................................... 23
   8    Appendixes ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

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   2     General Information

   2.1    Test standard/s

                                    47 CFR FCC Part 2, Subpart J
                                    47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C
   Applied Rules :
                                    ISED RSS-Gen Issue 5
                                    ISED RSS-247 Issue 2
                                    FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05r01
                                    ANSI C63.4-2014, American National Standard for Methods of
                                    Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
   Test Method :
                                    Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.
                                    ANSI C63.10-2013, American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed
                                    Wireless Devices.

   2.2    Test Environment
   Temperature :                      TN       15 to 30                 °C during room temperature tests
   Ambient Relative Humidity:                 25 to 75 %
   Atmospheric Pressure:            Not applicable
   Power supply :                     VN     3.8              V    DC by Battery

   NOTE 1: 1) VN= nominal voltage, VL= low extreme test voltage, VH= High extreme test voltage;

             TN= normal temperature, TL= low extreme test temperature, TH= High extreme test temperature.

   NOTE 2: The values used in the test report may be stringent than the declared.

   2.3    Test Laboratories

                                     RELIABILITY LABORATORY OF HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,
   Test Location 1 :
                                     No.2, New City Avenue, Songshan Lake Sci. & Tech. Industry Park,
   Address of Test Location 1 :
                                     Dongguan, 523808, P.R.C
   2.4    Applicant and Manufacturer

   Company Name :                   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD
                                    Administration Building, Headquarters of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.,
   Address :
                                    Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518129, P.R.C

   2.5    Application details

   Date of Receipt Sample:          2019-04-15
   Start of test:                   2019-04-16
   End of test:                     2019-04-30

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   3    Test Summary

                               FCC Rule         ISED Rule                                                Verdi       ng
   Test Item                                                   Requirements                Test Result
                               No.              No.                                                      ct        locati
   20dB Emission Bandwidth
                               15.247(a)(1)     RSS-247, 5.1   No limit.                   Appendix A    Pass      Locat
                                                                                                                   ion 1
                                                               ≥ MAX {25kHz,                                       Test
   Carrier Frequency                                           IIF{output power                                    Locat
                               15.247(a)(1)     RSS-247, 5.1                               Appendix B    Pass
   Separation                                                  ≤125mW, 2/3*20dB                                    ion 1
                                                               EBW, 20dB EBW }}.
   Number of Hopping           15.247(a)(1)
                                                RSS-247, 5.1   ≥15 channels.               Appendix C    Pass      Locat
   Channel                     (iii)
                                                                                                                   ion 1
   Time of Occupancy (Dwell    15.247(a)(1)                    < 0.4s within a period of
                                                RSS-247, 5.1                               Appendix D    Pass      Locat
   Time)                       (iii)                           (0.4s*hopping number).
                                                                                                                   ion 1
                                                               FCC: Conducted < 1 W                                Test
                                                               if using ≥75                                        Locat
                                                               non-overlapping                                     ion 1
   Maximum Peak Output
                               15.247(b)(1)     RSS-247, 5.4   ISED: Conducted < 1         Appendix E    Pass
                                                               W if using ≥75
                                                               channels.& EIRP< 36
   Band edge spurious
                                                                                           Appendix F    Pass      Locat
   emission                                                    < -20 dBr/100 kHz if
                                                                                                                   ion 1
                               15.247(d)        RSS-247, 5.5   total peak power ≤
   Conducted RF Spurious                                       power limit.
                                                                                           Appendix G    Pass      Locat
                                                                                                                   ion 1
                                                RSS-247, 5.5                                                       Test
                                                RSS-Gen,       FCC Part 15.209 field                               Locat
   Radiated Emissions in the   15.247(d)        6.13           strength limit;                                     ion 1
                                                                                           Appendix H    Pass
   Restricted Bands            15.209           RSS-Gen,       RSS-Gen 8.10 field
                                                8.10           strength limit.

                                                               FCC Part 15.207                                     Test
   AC Power Line Conducted                      RSS-Gen,
                               15.207                          conducted limit;            Appendix I    Pass      Locat
   Emissions                                    8.8
                                                               RSS-Gen,                                            ion 1

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                                FCC Rule       ISED Rule                                                Verdi       ng
   Test Item                                                   Requirements              Test Result
                                No.            No.                                                      ct        locati
                                                               8.8conducted limit.
   NOTE: The transmitter has an integral PCB loop antenna that is enclosed within the housing of the EUT and meets the
   requirements of FCC 15.203

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           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                      Public

   4     Description of the Equipment under Test (EUT)

   4.1    General Description

   ELE-L04m is subscriber equipment in the GSM/WCDMA/LTE system. The GSM frequency band includes
   GSM850 and GSM900 and DCS1800 and PCS1900.The UMTS frequency band is B1 and B2 and B4 and
   B5 and B6 and B8 and B19. The ELE-L04m LTE frequency band is B1 and B2 and B3 and B4 and B5 and
   B6 and B7 and B8 and B9 and B12 and B17 and B18 and B19 and B20 and B26 and B28 and B34 and B38
   and B39 and B41 and B66. The ELE-L04m LTE frequency band for intra-band carrier aggregation uplink
   operation band is CA_1C and CA_3C and CA_7C and CA_38C and CA_39C and CA_41C. The Mobile
   Phone implements such functions as RF signal receiving/transmitting LTE/HSPA/UMTS and
   GSM/GPRS/EDGE protocol processing, voice, video MMS service, GPS, AGPS and WIFI etc. Externally it
   provides one micro SD card interface, earphone port (to provide voice service) and one SIM card interface.
   ELE-L04m is single SIM smart phone. It also provides Bluetooth module to synchronize data between a PC
   and the phone, or to use the built-in modem of the phone to access the Internet with a PC, or to exchange
   data with other Bluetooth devices.
   BT high power mode detection technique Description
   1) The mobile phone is connected to an external audio device ( eg: BT headset ,BT speaker ) via BT. The
   external audio device refers to a BT device that can play music and make calls;
   2) The external BT audio device sends requests to the mobile phone.
   Note: When the mobile phone is connected to an external audio device and the audio device is far away
   from the mobile phone or they have a shelter, the signal will become weak. If it detects that the signal
   intensity transmitted from the mobile phone is lower than a certain value, it sends out a signal to ask the
   mobile phone to increase power. The specific trigger distance between the mobile phone and the external
   audio device is related to the signal reception capability of the connected device.
   3) Wifi 2.4G and Wifi 5G of the mobile phone are both off, or only one is on.
   Note 1: When WiFi 2.4G and 5G are both working at the same time, the BT high power level A will not be
   triggered. The BT of the DUT will still working at Low power level mode (power level B, maximum duty cycle
   100%) as default mode;
   Note 2: For the DUT (mobile Phone), Wi-Fi 2.4G& Wi-Fi 5G can’t work at same mode, but they can transmit
   simultaneously at different modes (Wi-Fi station/P-to-P) by using different Wi-Fi antennas. Only Wi-Fi 2.4G
   Ant 2 station mode and Wi-Fi 5G Ant1 P-to-P mode or Wi-Fi 2.4G Ant 2 P-to-P mode and Wi-Fi 5G Ant1
   station mode can transmit simultaneously.
   Note1: Only Bluetooth test data included in this report.
   Note2: For Wireless charging protective case we tested the RSE of the worst case.

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   4.2     EUT Identity

   NOTE:        Unless otherwise noted in the report, the functional boards installed in the units shall be
                selected from the below list, but not means all the functional boards listed below shall be
                installed in one unit.

   4.2.1     Board

                Description                           Software Version                   Hardware Version
                Main Board                               HL3ELLEM

   4.2.2     Sub- Assembly

   mbly              Model                  Manufacturer             Description
                                                                  Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz   0.75A
                                         Huawei Technologies
   Adapter       HW-050450B00                                     Output voltage: 5V        2A OR4.5V
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  5A OR 5V           4.5A
                                                                  Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz   0.75A
                                         Huawei Technologies
   Adapter       HW-050450E00                                     Output voltage: 5V        2A OR4.5V
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  5A OR 5V           4.5A
                                                                  Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz   0.75A
                                         Huawei Technologies
   Adapter       HW-050450U00                                     Output voltage: 5V        2A OR4.5V
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  5A OR 5V           4.5A
                                                                  Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz   0.75A
                                         Huawei Technologies
   Adapter       HW-050450A00                                     Output voltage: 5V        2A OR4.5V
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  5A OR 5V           4.5A
                                                                  Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz   0.75A
                                         Huawei Technologies
   Adapter       HW-050450E01                                     Output voltage: 5V        2A OR4.5V
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  5A OR 5V           4.5A
                                                                  Input voltage: 100-240V ~50/60Hz   0.75A
                                         Huawei Technologies
   Adapter       HW-050450A01                                     Output voltage: 5V        2A OR4.5V
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  5A OR 5V          4.5A
                                                                  Rated capacity: 3550mAh

                                         Huawei Technologies      Nominal Voltage:      +3.85V
   Battery       HB436380ECW
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                  Charging Voltage:      +4.43V

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   4.2.3   Wireless charging case

       Wireless charging case             C-ELE Wireless charging case
       Manufacturer                       Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
       Wireless charging power            10W max
       Connector rating                   5A max
      Rated operating voltage             9V
       Charging efficiency                >75%
       Operating temperature              -10 ℃~40 ℃
       Storage temperature                -40 ℃~70℃

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   4.3     Technical Description

   NOTE:       For the detailed technical descriptions, see the applicant/manufacturer’s specifications or user

   Characteristics         Description
   TX/RX Operating         2400-2483.5      fc = 2402 MHz + N * 1 MHz, where:
   Range                   MHz band         -      fc = “Operating Frequency” in MHz,
                                            -      N = “Channel Number” with the range from 0 to 78.
   Modulation Type         Carrier          Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
                           Digital          GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, 8DPSK
   Emission Designator     GFSK: 950KFXD
   for BT Normal power     π/4-DQPSK: 1M32GXD
                           8DPSK: 1M32GXD
   Emission Designator     GFSK: 950KFXD
   for BT High power       π/4-DQPSK: 1M31GXD
                           8DPSK: 1M31GXD
   Bluetooth Power         Class 1
   Antenna                 Description      Isotropic Antenna
                           Type                 Integral (permanent fixed antenna, which may be built-in,

                                            designed as an indispensable part of EUT)
                                                Dedicated (removable antenna supplied with EUT, designed as
                                            an indispensable part of EUT)
                           Ports                Ant 1,     Ant 2,     Ant 3
                           Gain             -2.56 dBi (per antenna port, max.)
                           Remark           When the EUT is put into service, the practical maximum antenna
                                            gain should NOT exceed the value as described above.
   Power Supply            Type                 External DC mains,


                                                AC/DC Adapter,

                                                Powered over Ethernet (PoE).


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   5     General Test Conditions / Configurations

   5.1     EUT Configurations

   5.1.1    General Configurations

   Configuration             Description
   Test Antenna Ports        Until otherwise specified,
                             -      All TX tests are performed at all TX antenna ports of the EUT, and
                             -      All RX tests are performed at all RX antenna ports of the EUT.
   Multiple RF Sources       Other than the tested RF source of the EUT, other RF source(s) are disabled or
                             shutdown during measurements.
   Sensors and Antenna       Sensors and Antenna optimization function should be disabled during testing by
                             software method to get the stable maximum power and avoid the influence of
                             uncertain conditions

   5.1.2    Customized Configurations

   # EUT Conf.           Signal Description                                           Operating Frequency
   TM1_DH5_Hop           GFSK modulation, package type DH5, hopping on.               ---
   TM1_DH5_Ch0           GFSK modulation, package type DH5, hopping off.              Ch No. 0 / 2402 MHz
   TM1_DH5_Ch39          GFSK modulation, package type DH5, hopping off.              Ch No. 39 / 2441 MHz
   TM1_DH5_Ch78          GFSK modulation, package type DH5, hopping off.              Ch No. 78 / 2480 MHz
   TM2_2DH5_Hop          π/4-DQPSK modulation, package type 2DH5, hopping on.         ---
   TM2_2DH5_Ch0          π/4-DQPSK modulation, package type 2DH5, hopping off.        Ch No. 0 / 2402 MHz
   TM2_2DH5_Ch39         π/4-DQPSK modulation, package type 2DH5, hopping off.        Ch No. 39 / 2441 MHz
   TM2_2DH5_Ch78         π/4-DQPSK modulation, package type 2DH5, hopping off.        Ch No. 78 / 2480 MHz
   TM3_3DH5_Hop          8DPSK modulation, package type 3DH5, hopping on.             ---
   TM3_3DH5_Ch0          8DPSK modulation, package type 3DH5, hopping off.            Ch No. 0 / 2402 MHz
   TM3_3DH5_Ch39         8DPSK modulation, package type 3DH5, hopping off.            Ch No. 39 / 2441 MHz
   TM3_3DH5_Ch78         8DPSK modulation, package type 3DH5, hopping off.            Ch No. 78 / 2480 MHz

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   5.2    Antenna requirements

   Excerpt from §15.203 of the FCC Rules/Regulations:
   “An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by
   the responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
   antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with
   the provisions of this section.”

   The antennas of the ELE-L04m are permanently attached.
   There are no provisions for connection to an external antenna.

   The Smart Phone FCC ID: QISELE-L04M unit complies with the requirement of §15.203.
   Ch. Frequency (MHz)

                                            Ch.              Frequency (MHz)
                                            00                      2402

                                             .                        .
                                             .                        .

                                            39                      2441
                                             .                        .
                                             .                        .
                                            78                      2480

                                          Frequency/ Channel Operations

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   5.3     Description of tests

   5.3.1 Bandwidth measurement
   (a) Connect EUT test port to universal communication tester.
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch off frequency hopping
   function, then set the measuring frequency number, finally test the bandwidth with universal
   communication tester.

   5.3.2 Carrier frequency separation measurement
   (a) Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer and universal communication tester.
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch off frequency hopping
   function, then set the measured frequency number to two adjacent channels separately and test the
   carrier frequency separation with spectrum analyzer.

   5.3.3 Number of hopping channel
   (a) Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer and universal communication tester.
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch on frequency hopping
   function, then set enough count time (larger than 5000 times) to get all the hopping frequency channel
   displayed on the screen of spectrum analyzer.
   (c) Count the quantity of peaks to get the number of hopping channels.

   5.3.4    Time of occupancy

   (a) Connect test port of EUT to spectrum analyzer and universal communication tester.
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch on frequency hopping
   (c) Set the span of spectrum analyzer to 0 Hz, and set the resolution bandwidth to1 MHz and the vedio
   bandwidth to 1 MHz, then get the time domain measured diagram. and set sweep time to 2 times of
   one burst occupancy time, and measure the time of occupancy of one burst.
   (d) Set the resolution bandwidth to1 MHz and the vedio bandwidth to 3 MHz ,and set the sweep time
   to a period (0.4 seconds multiplied by the number of hopping channels employed), and count the
   number of the bursts.
   (e) Calculate the time of occupancy in a period with time occupancy of a burst and quantity of bursts

   5.3.5 Peak output power
   (a) Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer and universal communication tester.
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch off frequency hopping
   (c) Then set the EUT to transmit at high, middle and low frequency and measure the conducted output
   power separately.

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   5.3.6 Band edge spurious emission
   (a) Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer and universal communication tester
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch off frequency hopping
   (c) Then set the EUT to transmit at high, low frequency and measure the conducted band edge
   spurious separately.
   (d) Switch on the frequency hopping function, and repeat above measurement.

   5.3.7 Conducted RF Spurious
   (a) Connect EUT test port to spectrum analyzer and universal communication tester
   (b) Set the EUT to transmit maximum output power at 2.4GHz and switch off frequency hopping
   (c) Then set the EUT to transmit at high, middle and low frequency and measure the conducted
   spurious separately.
   (d) Switch on the frequency hopping function, and repeat the above measurement.

   5.3.8 Radiated spurious emission & spurious in restricted band
   For frequency below 1GHz, the test site semi-anechoic chamber has met the requirement of NSA
   tolerance 4dB according to the standards: ANSI C63.10 (2013). The EUT was set-up on insulator
   80cm above the Ground Plane. For frequency above 1GHz, the test site full-anechoic chamber has
   met the requirement of ANSI C63.10 (2013). The EUT was set-up on insulator 150cm above the
   Ground Plane.
   The set-up and test methods were according to ANSI C63.10:2013.The Radiated Disturbance
   measurements were made using a Rohde and Schwarz Test Receiver and control software.

   A preliminary scan and a final scan of the emissions were made by using test script of software; the
   emissions were measured using a Quasi-Peak Detector below 1GHz, Peak Detector and AV detector
   above 1GHz. The maximal emission value was acquired by adjusting the antenna height, polarisation
   and turntable azimuth in accordance with the software setup. Normally, the height range of antenna
   was 1m to 4m, and the azimuth range of turntable was 0°to 360°.The receive antenna has two
   polarizations V and H.

   A portable or small unlicensed wireless device shall be placed on a non-metallic test fixture or other
   nonmetallic support during testing. The supporting fixture shall permit orientation of the EUT in each of
   three orthogonal (x, y, z) axis positions such that emissions from the EUT are maximized.

   The EUT communicates with the BTS simulator through Air interface. The EUT transmits maximum
   output power at 2.4GHz and switch off frequency hopping function.

   Measurement bandwidth: 30 MHz - 1000 MHz: 120 kHz
   Measurement bandwidth: 1000 MHz - 10th Carrier Frequency: 1 MHz

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   5.3.9 Conducted Emission at Power Port
   The Table-top EUT was placed upon a non-metallic table 0.8 m above the horizontal metal reference
   ground plane. EUT was connected to LISN and LISN was connected to reference Ground Plane. EUT
   was 80cm from LISN. The set-up and test methods were according to ANSI C63.10: 2013.

   Conducted Disturbance at AC Port measurements were undertaken on the L and N Lines. The
   emissions were measured using a Quasi-Peak Detector and Average Detector.

   The EUT communicates with the BTS simulator through Air interface, the BTS simulator controls the
   EUT to transmitter the maximum power which defined in specification of product. The EUT operated
   on the typical channel.

   Measurement bandwidth (RBW) for 150kHz to 30 MHz: 9 kHz;

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   5.4     Test Setups

   5.4.1    Test Setup 1

   The Bluetooth component’s antenna ports(s) of the EUT are connected to the measurement instrument per an
   appropriate attenuator. The EUT is controlled by Bluetooth System Simulator and/or PC/software to emit the specified
   signals for the purpose of measurements.

                                       Jumper Cable for
                                    connecting to RF Cables
                                         (If applicable)                                           Measurement
                    Bluetooth                                               RF Cables
                                                                            for testing
                   Component                                  Splitter

                                                                                                Bluetooth System
                                             antenna port                                           Simulator

         Power         Control
         Supply         PC

   5.4.2    Test Setup 2

   The semi-anechoic chamber and full-anechoic chamber has met the requirement of ANSI C63.4. The test distance is
   3m.The setup is according to ANSI C63.4 and CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC CISPR 22.

   The maximal emission value is acquired by adjusting the antenna height, polarisation and turntable azimuth. Normally,
   the height range of antenna is 1 m to 4 m, the azimuth range of turntable is 0°to 360°, and the receive antenna has two
   polarizations Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H).

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           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                               Public

                                                 (Below 1 GHz)

                                                 (Above 1 GHz)

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20190401017001-2002                 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                                            Public

   5.4.3    Test Setup 3

   The mains cable of the EUT (maybe per AC/DC Adapter) must be connected to LISN. The LISN shall be placed 0.8 m
   from the boundary of EUT and bonded to a ground reference plane for LISN mounted on top of the ground reference
   plane. This distance is between the closest points of the LISN and the EUT. All other units of the EUT and associated
   equipment shall be at least 0.8m from the LISN.

   Ground connections, where required for safety purposes, shall be connected to the reference ground point of the LISN
   and, where not otherwise provided or specified by the manufacturer, shall be of same length as the mains cable and
   run parallel to the mains connection at a separation distance of not more than 0.1 m.

                                                           Shielding room



                                                                                      a   ble
                                                                               e   rc                           m
                                                                           w                               :1
                                                                        Po                              ble
                Receive                                                                             a
                                                              LISN                         din
                                             Power input                              ou

                                                                                           D≤10cm                            GRP

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20190401017001-2002                     Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                          Public

   5.5     Test Conditions

   Test Case             Test Conditions
                         Configuration       Description
   20dB Emission         Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.7
   Bandwidth (EBW)       Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Ch0, TM1_DH5_Ch39, TM1_DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM2_2DH5_Ch0, TM2_2DH5_Ch39, TM2_2DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM3_3DH5_Ch0, TM3_3DH5_Ch39, TM3_3DH5_Ch78.
   Carrier Frequency     Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.2
   Separation            Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Hop,
   Number of Hopping     Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.3
   Channel               Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Hop,
   Time of Occupancy     Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.4
   (Dwell Time)          Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Ch39,
   Maximum Peak          Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.5
   Conducted Output      Test Env.           TN/VN
   Power                 Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Ch0, TM1_DH5_Ch39, TM1_DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM2_2DH5_Ch0, TM2_2DH5_Ch39, TM2_2DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM3_3DH5_Ch0, TM3_3DH5_Ch39, TM3_3DH5_Ch78.
   Band edge spurious    Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.6
   emission              Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Ch0, TM1_DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM2_2DH5_Ch0, TM2_2DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM3_3DH5_Ch0, TM3_3DH5_Ch78.
   Conducted RF          Meas. Method        C63.10 §7.8.8
   Spurious Emission     Test Env.           TN/VN

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           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                         Public

   Test Case             Test Conditions
                         Configuration       Description
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 1
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Ch0, TM1_DH5_Ch39, TM1_DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM2_2DH5_Ch0, TM2_2DH5_Ch39, TM2_2DH5_Ch78,
                                             TM3_3DH5_Ch0, TM3_3DH5_Ch39, TM3_3DH5_Ch78.
   Radiated Emissions    Meas. Method        C63.4, C63.10.
   in the Restricted                         (1) 30 MHz to 1 GHz:
   Bands                                     Pre:       RBW = 100 kHz; VBW = 300 kHz; Det. = Peak.
                                             Final:     RBW = 120 kHz; Det. = CISPR Quasi-Peak.
                                             (2) 1 GHz to 26.5 GHz:
                                             Average: RBW = 1 MHz; VBW = 10 Hz; Det. = Peak; Sweep-time = Auto;
                                                        Trace = Single.
                                             Peak:      RBW = 1 MHz; VBW = 3 MHz; Det. = Peak; Sweep-time = Auto;
                                                        Trace ≥ Max Hold * 100.
                         Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 2
                         EUT Conf.           30 MHz -1 GHz      TM1_DH5_Ch0 (Worst Conf.).
                                             1-3 GHz            TM1_DH5_Ch0, TM1_DH5_Ch39, TM1_DH5_Ch78,
                                                                TM2_2DH5_Ch0, TM2_2DH5_Ch39,
                                                                TM3_3DH5_Ch0, TM3_3DH5_Ch39,
                                             3-18 GHz           TM1_DH5_Ch0 (Worse Conf.),
                                                                TM1_DH5_Ch39 (Worse Conf.),
                                                                TM1_DH5_Ch78 (Worse Conf.).
                                             18-26.5 GHz        TM1_DH5_Ch0 (Worst Conf.).
   AC Power Line         Meas. Method        AC mains conducted.
   Conducted                                 Pre:       RBW = 10 kHz; Det. = Peak.
   Emissions                                 Final:     RBW = 9 kHz; Det. = CISPR Quasi-Peak & Average.
                         Test Env.           TN/VN
                         Test Setup          Test Setup 3
                         EUT Conf.           TM1_DH5_Ch0.

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20190401017001-2002                      Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

            RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                    Public

   6     Main Test Instruments

   6.1      Current Test Project/Report
   Main Test Equipments(BT/WIFI test system)
   Equipment Name                                Model           Serial Number      Cal Date     Cal-Due
   Spectrum Analyzer               Agilent       N9030A          MY51380032         2018/07/23   2019/07/23
   Universal Radio Communication
                                   R&S           CMW500          159302             2018/07/23   2019/07/23
   Wireless Communication Test
                                   Agilent       N4010A          MY49081592         2018/07/23   2019/07/23

   Main Test Equipments(RE test system)
   Equipment Name                                Model           Serial Number      Cal Date     Cal-Due
   Test receiver                   R&S           ESU26           100387             2019/01/15   2020/01/14
                                   R&S           HFH2-Z2         100263             2019/03/15   2021/03/15
   Trilog Broadband Antenna        SCHWARZ
                                                 VULB 9163       9163-356           2018/4/9     2020/4/8
   (30M~3GHz)                      BECK
   Double-Ridged Waveguide
                                   R&S           HF906           100684             2017/5/27    2019/5/26
   Horn Antenna (1G~18GHz)
   Pyramidal Horn                  ETS-Lindgr
                                                 3160-09         5140299            2017/07/20   2019/07/19
   Antenna(18GHz-26.5GHz)          en
   Pyramidal Horn                  ETS-Lindgr
                                                 3160-10         00205695           2018/04/20   2020/04/19
   Antenna(26.5GHz-40GHz)          en
                                                 Software Information
              Test Item                   Software Name                     Manufacturer            Version
                 RE                           EMC32                              R&S                V9.25.0

   Main Test Equipments(CE test system)
   Equipment Name                                Model           Serial Number      Cal Date     Cal-Due
   Test receiver                   R&S           ESU26           100387             2019/01/15   2020/01/14
   Artificial Main Network         R&S           ENV4200         100134             2018/05/08   2019/05/07
   Line Impedance Stabilization
                                   R&S           ENV216          100382             2018/05/08   2019/05/07
                                                 Software Information
              Test Item                   Software Name                     Manufacturer            Version
                 CE                           EMC32                              R&S                V9.25.0

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20190401017001-2002                     Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

           RF Report for ELE-L04m                                                                           Public

   7    Measurement Uncertainty

   For a 95% confidence level (k = 2), the measurement expanded uncertainties for defined systems, in accordance with
   the recommendations of ISO 17025 as following:

   Test Item                                                             Extended Uncertainty
   Transmit Output Power Data             Power [dBm]                    U = 0.39 dB
   Bandwidth                              Magnitude [%]                  U=7%

   Band Edge Compliance                   Disturbance Power [dBm]        U = 0.9 dB
   Spurious Emissions, Conducted          Disturbance Power [dBm]        20MHz~3.6GHz:U=0.88dB
   Field Strength of Spurious             ERP/EIRP [dBm]                 For 3 m Chamber:
   Radiation                                                             U = 3.868 dB (9 kHz to 150 kHz)
                                                                         U = 3.782 dB (150 kHz to 30 MHz)
                                                                         U = 5.24 dB (30 MHz-1 GHz)
                                                                         U = 4.84 dB (1 GHz-18 GHz)
                                                                         U = 4.62 dB (18 GHz-26.5 GHz)
   Frequency Stability                    Frequency Accuracy [Hz]        U=41.58Hz

   AC Power Line Conducted                Disturbance                    U=2.3 dB
   Emissions                              Voltage[dBμV]
   Duty Cycle                             Duty Cycle [%]                 U=±2.06 %

   8    Appendixes

                     Appendix No.                                                  Description

        SYBH(Z-RF)20190401017001-2002-A                             Appendix for Bluetooth(High Power)

        SYBH(Z-RF) 20190401017001-2002-B                          Appendix for Bluetooth(Normal Power)


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20190401017001-2002                    Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2019-05-15 09:10:04
Document Modified: 2019-05-15 09:10:04

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