RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                   RF exposure Estimation for CP60

1.   Introduction

     Product:                          HUAWEI WIRELESS CHARGER

     Model no.:                        CP60

     FCC ID:                           QISCP60

     Options and                       Adapter and USB Cable

     Rating:                           5-12Vdc 2A Max supplied by an external adapter

     Adapter information:              Manufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
                                       Model: HW-100400U00
                                       Input voltage:100-240V 50/60Hz 1.2A
                                       Output voltage:5V     2A or 9V     2A or 10V                                   4A Max

     RF Transmission                   111-148KHz

     Antenna Type:                     Integrated coil antenna

     Description of the                The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a wireless charger which operated at
     EUT:                              111-148kHz.

2.   Limit and Guidelines on Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
     According to §1.1310 system operating under the provisions of this section shall be operating in
     a manner that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess limit for
     maximum permissible exposure.

     Frequency range Electric field strength Magnetic field strength                    Power density           Averaging time
          (MHz)               (V/m)                  (A/m)                                (mW/cm 2)               (minutes)
                                     (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure
          0.3-3.0                     614                          1.63                       *100                       6
          3.0-30                    1842/f                        4.89/f                     *900/f 2                    6
          30-300                     61.4                         0.163                        1.0                       6
        300-1,500                                                                             f/300                      6
      1,500-100,000                                                                             5                        6
                                (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
         0.3-1.34                     614                          1.63                       *100                      30
          1.34-30                    824/f                        2.19/f                     *180/f 2                   30
          30-300                     27.5                         0.073                        0.2                      30

                                   TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
     Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China

            300-1,500                                                                            f/1500                     30
          1,500-100,000                                                                            1.0                      30
         f = frequency in MHz
         * = Plane-wave equivalent power density

3.       Test Result
                                                      Electric Field Emissions
                                        Test Distance    Measure Value                                             50% Limit
            Test Position                                                    Limit (V/m)                                                    Result
                                            (cm)              (V/m)                                                  (V/m)
                 Front                       15               39.09             614                                   307                   Pass
                 Rear                        15               40.40             614                                   307                   Pass
                 Right                       15               31.95             614                                   307                   Pass
                  Left                       15               37.96             614                                   307                   Pass
                  Top                        15               42.47             614                                   307                   Pass
                Bottom                       15               35.33             614                                   307                   Pass
                                                      Magnetic Field Emissions
                                        Test Distance    Measure Value                                             50% Limit
            Test Position                                                    Limit (A/m)                                                    Result
                                            (cm)              (A/m)                                                  (A/m)
                 Front                       15               0.104             1.63                                 0.815                  Pass
                 Rear                        15               0.109             1.63                                 0.815                  Pass
                 Right                       15               0.085             1.63                                 0.815                  Pass
                  Left                       15               0.101             1.63                                 0.815                  Pass
                  Top                        15               0.113             1.63                                 0.815                  Pass
                Bottom                       15               0.094             1.63                                 0.815                  Pass
         Remark: test standard refers to KDB 680106 D01 v03.

Reviewed by:                                  Prepared by:                                          Tested by:

     _______________________                        _______________________                              _______________________
             John Zhi                                         Alan Xiong                                           Tree Zhan
         Project Manager                                   Project Engineer                                       Test Engineer

                                       TÜV SÜD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
         Building 12&13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Checkpoint Road 2, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, 518052, P. R. China

Document Created: 2019-06-25 18:12:07
Document Modified: 2019-06-25 18:12:07

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