Appendix B.1 -LTE Band CA_38C_part 4 of 4


Test Report

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                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       44 of 61




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                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       45 of 61




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                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       46 of 61

“This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
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                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       47 of 61

6           Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminal
NOTE: For the averaged unwanted emissions measurements, the measurement points in each sweep is
greater than twice the Span/RBW in order to ensure bin-to-bin spacing of < RBW/2 so that narrowband
signals are not lost between frequency bins. As to the present test item, the "Measurement Points = k * (Span
/ RBW)" with k between 4 and 5, which results in an acceptable level error of less than 0.5 dB.
Part I - Test Plots
6.1 For LTE
6.1.1 Test Band = LTE Band CA_38C


This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for
electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation
of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
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or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       48 of 61

                              CA_38C_QPSK_100RB+100RB_37952+38150_PCC: 1RB@0_SCC:0RB@0

“This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
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their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       49 of 61

                              CA_38C_QPSK_100RB+100RB_38048+37850_PCC: 1RB@0_SCC:0RB@0

                              CA_38C_QPSK_100RB+100RB_38099+37901_PCC: 1RB@0_SCC:0RB@0

“This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
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their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       50 of 61

                              CA_38C_QPSK_100RB+100RB_38150+37952_PCC: 1RB@0_SCC:0RB@0

“This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all
their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                    Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                    Page:       51 of 61

“This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
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their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

         *   SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                    Report No.: Hi¥20 1a/Coo0201
                                                    Page        se of 6t

7.   Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
7.1 For LTE
7.1.1 Test Band = LTE Band CA_38C_Main Antenna
TA | TestMode= LTEOPSK 10RB+100B
         ranad Test Channel = LCH—Vertical



        ranne Test Channel = LCH—Horicontal

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         SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                  Report No.: HIR20 18/C000201
                                                  Page        s3 of 6t
    TA.1.1.0 Test Chonnel = MOHYertical


    TAcddd Test Chonnel = MOH—Horizontal

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         SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                  Report No.: HIR20 18/C000201
                                                  Page        54 of 5t
    T115 Test Chonnel = HOHertical

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    TA.1.1.8 Test Chonnel = HCH—Horlcontal

              a                                   hsn


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         *   SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                       Report No.: Hi¥20 1a/Coo0201
                                                       Page        Sb of 5t

7.1.2Test Band = LTE Band CA_36C_Secdondary Antenna
T1 Test Mode »LTBapsiroong.roone
       7A.2.1.1 Test Chonnel = LCHYertical


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                                          Eanicernte— Test Channel = LCHHorleontal


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         SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                    Report No.: HIR20 18/C000201
                                                    Page        56 of 5t
    7A.2.1.0 Test Chonnel = MOHYertical

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    7A.2.1.4 Test Chonnel = MOH—Horizontal

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               SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                               Report No.: HIR20 18/C000201
                                                               Page        57 of 6t
          7A.2.1.5 Test Chonnel = HOHYertical

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          7A.2.1.8 Test Channel = HCH—Horlcontal

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                                   SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                       Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                       Page:       58 of 61

   8           Frequency Stability
   8.1 Frequency Error VS. Voltage
                                                                                                                                                            Freq.                 Freq. vs.
 Test            Test                                                           RB                                Test                 Test
                                  Test Channel                                                                                                              Error                   rated                  Verdict
 Band            Mode                                                          Config                            Temp.                 Volt.
                                                                                                                                                             [Hz]                  [ppm]
CA_38C          QPSK               37850-38048                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 11.06                 0.004286                  PASS
CA_38C          QPSK               37901-38099                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -2.18                -0.000845                  PASS
CA_38C          QPSK               37952-38150                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                -11.58                -0.004470                  PASS
CA_38C          QPSK               38048-37850                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                -15.89                -0.006111                  PASS
CA_38C          QPSK               38099-37901                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                -13.50                -0.005181                  PASS
CA_38C          QPSK               38150-37952                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -9.92                -0.003802                  PASS
CA_38C         16QAM               37850-38048                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -2.36                -0.000916                  PASS
CA_38C         16QAM               37901-38099                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 5.25                 0.002029                   PASS
CA_38C         16QAM               37952-38150                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -4.86                -0.001875                  PASS
CA_38C         16QAM               38048-37850                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -6.68                -0.002568                  PASS
CA_38C         16QAM               38099-37901                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 8.57                 0.003290                   PASS
CA_38C         16QAM               38150-37952                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 0.53                 0.000201                   PASS
CA_38C         64QAM               37850-38048                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 1.24                 0.000482                   PASS
CA_38C         64QAM               37901-38099                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                -11.32                -0.004378                  PASS
CA_38C         64QAM               37952-38150                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                -12.68                -0.004894                  PASS
CA_38C         64QAM               38048-37850                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -5.80                -0.002230                  PASS
CA_38C         64QAM               38099-37901                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 -8.42                -0.003232                  PASS
CA_38C         64QAM               38150-37952                    100RB@0/100RB@0                                   TN                   NV                 12.71                 0.004869                  PASS
   8.2 Frequency Error VS. Temperature
                                                                                                                                                              Freq.              Freq. vs.
 Test               Test                                                                 RB                               Test              Test
                                        Test Channel                                                                                                          Error                rated                  Verdict
 Band               Mode                                                                Config                            Volt.            Temp.
                                                                                                                                                              [Hz]                [ppm]
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             13.44             0.005208                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             14.23             0.005514                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -5.94             -0.002302                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              9.80             0.003798                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             10.96             0.004247                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              5.78             0.002239                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30              6.03             0.002337                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             -4.46             -0.001728                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -8.02             -0.003107                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30            -11.12             -0.004302                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             6.05              0.002342                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             2.34              0.000904                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -0.89             -0.000344                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             14.45             0.005591                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              9.68             0.003746                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             -3.04             -0.001176                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             -4.08             -0.001577                  PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50              1.50             0.000581                   PASS
CA_38C             QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             -0.15             -0.000057                  PASS
   “This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
   for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
   limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
   intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all
   their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
   or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
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                                  SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                      Page:       59 of 61
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             9.74              0.003760                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -9.59             -0.003701                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              8.54             0.003297                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10            -12.31             -0.004754                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             -5.99             -0.002314                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             -7.25             -0.002799                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              8.26             0.003188                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -0.72             -0.000278                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30            -11.16             -0.004292                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -6.43             -0.002472                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             1.27              0.000490                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              4.64             0.001785                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10              6.91             0.002659                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              7.30             0.002808                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30              4.63             0.001780                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             15.17             0.005836                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -1.11             -0.000426                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             12.75             0.004893                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -1.31             -0.000501                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             13.34             0.005121                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              9.67             0.003711                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10            -11.28             -0.004332                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             -9.22             -0.003539                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             15.16             0.005821                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              7.06             0.002709                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -0.46             -0.000176                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             13.47             0.005162                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             7.01              0.002688                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10            -11.62             -0.004451                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -4.06             -0.001557                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10              2.58             0.000987                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20            -11.06             -0.004238                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30            -10.25             -0.003927                  PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             10.59             0.004059                   PASS
CA_38C            QPSK                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50            -10.74             -0.004117                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30            -14.01             -0.005431                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -8.70             -0.003372                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10            -12.28             -0.004761                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              0.39             0.000152                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10            -12.62             -0.004893                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             12.61             0.004889                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30              6.81             0.002641                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             15.68             0.006079                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50              7.77             0.003010                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             8.23              0.003185                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             7.44              0.002878                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -2.34             -0.000904                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             14.73             0.005697                   PASS
  “This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
  for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
  limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
  intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all
  their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
  or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
  refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

                                  SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                      Page:       60 of 61
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             11.74             0.004541                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20            -11.97             -0.004630                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             14.29             0.005527                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40            -12.29             -0.004756                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             13.92             0.005387                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             7.96              0.003072                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -8.13             -0.003140                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10            -12.05             -0.004652                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              5.69             0.002198                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             -0.01             -0.000004                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              1.61             0.000623                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             10.70             0.004131                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              0.57             0.000218                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50            -13.04             -0.005034                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             -0.95             -0.000366                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             1.75              0.000674                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -9.95             -0.003828                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              8.73             0.003359                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             -5.91             -0.002272                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             -1.08             -0.000417                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30              6.78             0.002607                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              4.03             0.001549                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50              4.42             0.001701                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             13.82             0.005304                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             15.48             0.005942                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             10.54             0.004045                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              4.86             0.001867                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             -9.51             -0.003652                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              3.27             0.001254                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30            -13.03             -0.005000                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40            -12.46             -0.004785                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -0.52             -0.000199                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             13.51             0.005177                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -0.57             -0.000217                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -3.78             -0.001446                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              3.64             0.001396                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             -9.18             -0.003518                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              5.31             0.002036                   PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             -2.53             -0.000968                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             -1.09             -0.000416                  PASS
CA_38C           16QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -2.12             -0.000811                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             8.50              0.003296                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -0.18             -0.000069                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             0.98              0.000381                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -8.64             -0.003348                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10              3.91             0.001516                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20            -14.60             -0.005658                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             -7.66             -0.002967                  PASS
  “This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
  for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
  limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
  intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all
  their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
  or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
  refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

                                  SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                      Report No.: HR/2018/C000201
                                                                                                                                      Page:       61 of 61
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             10.11             0.003917                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37850-38048                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             12.31             0.004770                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             -9.09             -0.003518                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             3.35              0.001296                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10            -10.97             -0.004244                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -1.67             -0.000645                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10              6.73             0.002604                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20            -11.95             -0.004621                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             13.63             0.005271                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              0.59             0.000229                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37901-38099                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50              8.48             0.003279                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             7.04              0.002719                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -4.67             -0.001801                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             12.49             0.004822                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -4.93             -0.001903                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10              5.91             0.002281                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             -3.48             -0.001342                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             -2.51             -0.000969                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40            -14.74             -0.005690                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  37952-38150                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50              2.96             0.001143                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             3.47              0.001334                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             -9.80             -0.003769                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -2.57             -0.000987                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0              2.56             0.000983                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10            -13.57             -0.005218                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20              2.46             0.000948                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30              4.82             0.001856                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              3.66             0.001407                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38048-37850                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50            -11.27             -0.004335                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             5.68              0.002180                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20             15.02             0.005765                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             -5.80             -0.002228                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -1.46             -0.000559                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10              4.19             0.001609                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             -2.30             -0.000883                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             -3.93             -0.001507                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40              9.51             0.003651                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38099-37901                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             11.74             0.004506                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -30             0.41              0.000157                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -20            -15.72             -0.006021                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                -10             13.61             0.005213                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                  0             -3.34             -0.001280                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 10             11.74             0.004496                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 20             11.58             0.004436                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 30             12.84             0.004921                   PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 40             -4.59             -0.001758                  PASS
CA_38C           64QAM                  38150-37952                      100RB@0/100RB@0                                   NV                 50             -2.88             -0.001105                  PASS

  “This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and,
  for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the
  limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its
  intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all
  their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery
  or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report
  refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only.

Document Created: 2019-01-23 11:40:15
Document Modified: 2019-01-23 11:40:15

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