

Users Manual

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● Pairing (For MHS Mini-Z)

  Case without the Xpansion unit                               2. Preparing the Mini-Z
  ※ Refer to p.26 pairing Operation in the case of              ① Bring distance of EX-2 and MiniZ close to about
   using the Xpansion unit.                                       10cm.
  In order for the Mini-Z to operate, it must store the
  transmitter's unique ID in its memory in a process
  called“pairing.”Mini-Z must go through the pairing
  process with the transmitter before being used for
  the first time.
     ※ Please adjust the Modulation mode
     before pairing.(p.10) A receiver does
     not work normally in different mode.

1. Preparing the Transmitter
  ① While pushing the ET2 lever up, power on.
                                                                ② Switch on MiniZ while pushing the setup button
                                                                  of Mini-Z.

                                                                 Pushing setup botton

Power ON
                                                                                                          Switch on
    ↓            ET2

  ② When the ET2 lever is released, the LED turns of            ③ After the Mini-Z's LED has lit up, release the
                                                                  setup button. Then c heck that the Mini-Z's LED
 <France mode pairing >
 FRANCE mode pairing is possible when the ET2
                                                                  lights up again (indicating pairing completion)
 lever is released after LED turns off. Please use
 this feature if the situation is needed.


                                                               3. Preparations for Operation
    EX-2 LED lights up again (indicating transmitter
                                                                ① Switch off MiniZ.
    is transmitting the pairing signal.)
                                                                ② Switch off the EX-2 main power, then switch on
                                                                  EX-2 again.
                                                                ③ Bring distance of EX-2 and MiniZ close to about
                                                                  30cm. Switch on the Mini-Z and check that the
                                                                  receiver LED is lit. If the LED flashes, the Mini-Z
                                                                  is not getting the EX-2 signal and the pairing
                                                                  procedure should be repeated.

                                                                   If the mode is changed(General or France), please
                                                                   conduct pairing procedures with the Mini-Z you are
                                                                   using again.


● Fail-Safe Setting

Fail-safe is when the receiver loses the radio signal                     Please be sure to set the fail-safe.
of the transmitter and the function keeps channel 2
(throttle) in an optional position.
The configuration is usually full brake or neutral.                       If you change the position of the fail-safe operation,
                                                                          please set again. We recommend to set it again even
                                                                          if you modify the car engine brake linkage.

                         This function works for only 2nd




                         Turn on the transmitter.

   Transmitter ON

                         Turn on the receiver and verify

    Receiver ON

                         Recommended positions are the following :
         Full brake
                              Full Brake
                              ● GP car
                              ● EP car
                              (forward / Brake)
Hold the throttle to          ● EP car
the position On the
                              (forward / Back)
transmitter, hold the
throttle to the position      (forward / Brake / Back)
you would like it to be
set to.

                         While holding the position, press
                         the setup button on the receiver
                         for 3 seconds.

   Press for 3 seconds

                         Hold the setup button on the
                         receiver until the LED light goes off
                         and release the button. Fail-safe
                         setting is complete.

 LED light goes off

                         Turn off the transmitter. And the
                         device that connected into 2nd
                         Channel will move to the position
                         that you set up.

 Transmitter OFF


■ Procedures Prior to Operation
 1.Switching On
   After ensuring that it is safe to do so, switch on the transmitter followed
   by the receiver or Mini-Z.

 2.Model Confirmation
   Confirm the model which will be used.

 3.Checking Movements
   With the model's wheels lifted off the ground, operate transmitter to check
   for proper movement. While driving, use steering and throttle trims to make
   fine adjustments. Drive in a figure 8 pattern to check steering balance.

                                      Figure 8 Pattern



 4.Switching Off
   After a driving session, switch off the receiver (or Mini-Z), followed by the
   transmitter. Remove the battery pack from the model.
      After switching off, wait at least 5 seconds before switching on again to ensure proper operation.


● Trim and Sub Trim Operation
The sub trim is a convenient feature but it could also complicate the setting process if used incorrectly. Use the sub
trim in the correct manner while also referring to the sub trim operation instructions on p.44 and p.49.

《Purpose of the Sub Trim》
When a servo is to be mounted onto a model, it is usually                            ● Trim (Center Trim)
connected to the receiver temporarily to enable the transmitter
                                                                                                   Adjusting neutral position only.
to check its neutral position before it is installed. However, upon
running the model it is often the case that it does not run in a
straight line and the steering servo's neutral position has to be
readjusted. This adjustment function is known as the“trim,”but
trim adjustment is not only done at the beginning, but it also must
be done during model operation to account for factors such as tire                 Left/Right movement
wear and chassis warp. However, using the normal trim to make                      range is fixed.
these intermediary adjustments could cause other problems. In
the case of the steering trim, it could lead to different turning radii
for the left and right wheels. For throttle trims on glow engine
cars, the point of maximum braking, the full open position of the
carburetor, etc. would be shifted. For this reason, the normal trims
are designated as“center trims”that only adjust the neutral
position, while a new function called sub trim is used in conjunction                     Initially, steering trim and throttle
                                                                                      P   trim are assigned to ET1 and ET2
to enable the most optimal settings.

《Purpose of the Trim》
The effect of the sub trim is illustrated in the image on the right.
Adjusting the sub trim also moves the left/right angle range.
In contrast, the center trim moves the neutral position without                      ● Sub Trim
changing the angle range position. However, trying to compensate                                 Left/Right angle range and neutral
the neutral position while making large sub trim adjustments may                                 position can be both be adjusted.
throw off the model's left/right balance.

《Actual Setting Sequence》
① When installing R/C equipment, the servo's neutral position is
  set first, then final adjustments would be made with the sub
  trim after installation. However, if the sub trim setting value is
  high, adjust the neutral position again.
② Test run to confirm neutral position. Adjustments during this
  time should also be made with the sub trim. After neutral
  position is fixed, adjust steering balance (p.20) so that the left
  and right wheels have the same turning radius and use steering
                                                                                                Only at the time of expansion setting,
  travel(p.19) to adjust overall steering angle.                                          P     t he sub trim is accessed via the
③ During the course of practice or racing, use the center trim to                               steering menu, but the steering trim
  correct slight changes to the neutral position. If the setting                                can be assigned to one of the ET keys
                                                                                                in SETUP.
  value becomes high, correct in conjunction with the sub trim so
  that the center trim value is zero.

 P   Use the sub trim to adjust settings prior to driving instead of the center trim.

 P   Install R/C equipment when the sub trim setting value becomes low.

 P   If the neutral position becomes slightly off during driving, use center trim to correct.


■ operating procedure
※ Other than the operation explanation of the                   ② Press and hold the ET1 lever to right, wait

steering wheel,the following function explanation is in          about 1 second.                     Left
                                                                                       ET1                 MAX.
the case of not using the Xpansion unit. Refer to p.43
operation in the case of using the Xpansion unit.

■ Steering wheel
  Turn steering in right and left, the servo (steering)
  connected to 1CH of the receiver works.
          Neutral                        Neutral

  Left                  Right    Left              Right
  MAX.                  MAX.     MAX.              MAX.         ③ A single buzzer sounds and the steering
                                                                 directional movement is reversed.

                                                                ※ Return reverse setting, perform operation to ①
                                                                ~③ again.

                                                            ■ Steering travel
■ Steering trim                                                 Adjust the left/right steering angles independently.
 Adjusts the neutral/center position of the steering            This enables the turning radii to match up during
 angle range. The function to make a fine adjustment            cornering.
 so that a car goes straight, operate the ET1 lever in
 the right and left directions.                                 ● Travel R
                                                                ① Hold steering wheel to all the right
 ● A buzzer sound with a single beep sound when                 ② Push ET1 lever by 1 click, adjust the range of
 operated to the right and left.                                 Steering angle.
 ● A buzzer sound "Piro" is made when the center trim
 is adjusted.                                                              Hold steering wheel
 ● When exceeding the setting range a "Pi-" sound                          to all the right
 can be heard. Please look over your installation and                                                       ET1
 linkage of the servo horn.
                        < ex. Right >

                                Left               Right
            ET1                 MAX.               MAX.

                                                                    Do not hold the ET1 lever, or the steering reverse will
                                                                    be set.

                                                                ● Travel L
                                                                ① Hold steering wheel to all the Left
■ Steering reverse                                              ② Push ET1 lever by 1 click, adjust the range of
                                                                 Steering angle.
 Changing the output directional movement of the
 servo when it is moving in the opposite direction.
 (when a steering moves to the left while turning               Hold steering wheel
                                                                to all the left
 the steering wheel to the right.)

 ① Hold the steering wheel all the way to the right .

                                Hold steering wheel
                                to all the right


※ Other than the operation explanation of the trigger     ■ Throttle travel
movement, the following function explanation in case
of not using the Xpansion unit. Refer to p.48 operation     Modify the maximum amount of throttle brake
in the case of using the Xpansion unit.                     movement and forward acceleration movement.

■ Throttle trigger                                          ● Travel F(Forward)
  Operating trigger, the servo (ESC) connected to           ① Hold throttle trigger full throttle.
  2CH of the receiver works forward and reverse             ② Push ET2 lever by 1 click, adjust the range of
  function.                                                  throttle movment angle. Quantity of the movement
                                                             increases and decreases when operating the ET2
                                                             lever up or down respectively.

 Forward                                     Back                                                    Increase
             Neutral             Neutral

■ Throttle trim                                             Hold full throttle

  Adjusts the neutral/center position of the throttle
  stroke range.The function to make a fine adjustment,
  operate ET2 lever in up and down.
  ● A buzzer sound with a single beep sound when
  operated up or down.                                      ● Travel B(Brake)
  ● A buzzer sound "Piro" is made when the center           ① Hold throttle trigger full brake.
  trim is adjusted.                                         ② Push ET2 lever by 1 click, adjust the range of
  ● When exceeding the setting range a "Pi-" sound           throttle movment angle. Quantity of the movement
  can be heard. Please look over your installation and       increases and decreases when operating the ET2
  linkage of the servo horn.                                 lever up or down respectively.

            Forward                                                                                  Increase

                ET2                                                                                  ET2
                                                                             Hold throttle trigger
                                                                             full brake.

            Back                                                                                     Decrease

■ Throttle reverse
                                                                Do not hold the ET2 lever, or the steering reverse will
  Changing the output directional movement of the               be set.
  servo when it is moving in the opposite direction.
  (when the brake is moving the forward throttle.)

  ① Hold throttle trigger full brake.

                            Hold throttle trigger
                            full brake.

  ② Press and hold the ET2 lever down, wait about
   1 second.


 ③ A single buzzer sounds and the throttle directional
  movement is reversed.
 ※ Return reverse setting, perform operation to ①~③


● 3CH operation                                                 ● 4CH           operation

Operating the ET3 lever, controls the 3ch                           When the button of BT1 is operated, it is
servo.                                                              possible to operate the signal of 4CH.

※ The funtion explaination is in the case when not                  ※ The funtion explaination is in the case when not
using the Xpansion unit. Refer to p.33 operation                    using the Xpansion unit. Refer to p.33 operation
in the case of assembled Xpansion unit.                             in the case of assembled Xpansion unit.


Example                                                                                     BT1
  ① using KR-241FH receiver, a servo connected
   to 3CH can operate 5WAY .                                        Example
   ※ Cannot change setting value.                                     ① using KR-241FH receiver, a servo connected
   ※ The set point fixed –100, -50, 0, 50, 100.                        to 4CH can operate 2WAY .
                                                                       ※ Cannot change setting value.
  ② Use it for steering gyro gain (effect) control as                  ※ The set point fixed 0, 100.
   MiniZ MR-03VE PRO for MHS.
                                                                      ② Use it for steering gyro gain (effect) control as
     It is possible to do the gyro gain configuration of KR-           MiniZ MR-03VE PRO for MHS.
     212FHG, but because entry value is large, normal
     operation is not possible, you cannot use it.
                                                                         It is possible to do the gyro gain configuration of KR-
                                                                         212FHG, but because entry value is large, normal
                                                                         operation is not possible, you cannot use it.


■ Display and Control Method for attaching the Xpansion unit
● Basic Operations to Change Settings
   Operation   Controlling of the setting adjustments is done via the L(<) key, R(>)key,
               ENTER(ENT) key, and BACK key.

      ENT Key: Selecting item to be modified; Confirming a change after a setting change.
      L( < )Key: Used to move cursor between menu choices and to change a setting value.
                    Lowering a value (for L/R cases: raising toward L); Return to a previous menu item.
      R( > )Key: Used to move cursor between menu choices and to change a setting value.
                    Raising value (for L/R cases: raising toward R); Proceed to next menu item.
      BACK Key:Returning to previous screen; Canceling change
      L(<) key + R(>) key Pressing simultaneously: Resets the value to default setting.

                                                                                          Command Button
                                                                                           Used for firmware upgrading.
                                                                                           Please refer to an update
                                                                                           manual for the details.

                                                                                        Communication port
                                                                                        Used for firmware upgrading
                                                                                        and ICS communication.
                                                                                        Please refer to an update
                                                                                        manual for the details.

  BACK Key        L( < )Key            ENT Key          R( > )Key
  【 Basic Operation 1: Selecting from a Menu 】
    This explanation uses [Steering] as an example.
     ① Use the R(>) key to move the cursor over [Steering].
     ② Press the ENTER key to change to the Steering Menu screen.

  【 Basic Operation 2: Changing a Setting Value 】                         ST SPEED スピード
    This explanation uses [TURN 1] on the Steering Speed screen as an example.
                                                             ST TURN     100 %
     ① Use R(>) key to move the cursor over the 100% value next to [ST TURN].
     ② Press ENTER key to select it for modification.           ST RETURN 100%
     ③ Once selected, the cursor will blink. Now use the L(<)key+R(>)key to change the value.
     ④ After changing the value, press the ENTER key again to confirm the change.

                ST SPEED スピード                                             ST SPEED スピード
          ST TURN       100 %                                       ST TURN      50 %
          ターンスピード                                                 ターンスピード

          ST RETURN 100%                                            ST RETURN 100%
          リターンスピード                                                リターンスピード


● Installation of expansion unit
※ Not included with No.10555 EX-2 BASIC set.                  ▼ B:when mounting sideways
Xpansion unit can be mounted facing the                       ① Attach the monitor base at a right angle to
front or the side. The factory setting is                      Xpansion Unit. ※ Different Factory setting.
mounted to the front.
                                                                              Attention to the marker.
      Be careful to not misuse the M2.6-6BH and TP2.6-
      8BH screws.
     Xpansioun unit can be mounted in two different
 P   directions using the monitor base and bracket..                x2

A ▼:setting to the front
 ① Attach a monitor base parallel to Xpansion
  unit. ※ Factory setting.
              Attention to the marker.
                                                               ② Attach the monitor bracket to the master
        M2.6-6BH                                               unit. ※ Apply[B ▼]mark to the steering side
                                                                    Self tapping screws

                                                              Connect the wire of the
                                                              Xpansion unit to the
 ② Attach the monitor bracket to the master                   master unit.
  unit. ※[A ▼]mark to the steering side

        Self tapping screws

 Connect the wire of the                                                                                      B
 Xpansion unit to the
 master unit.

                                                               ③ Attach the Xpansion unit to the master unit.
                                                                ※ Attach the monitor base and bracket as
                                                                  shown in figure A ③ .

                                               A              How to disassemble the Xpansion unit.
                                                               1.While pushing the monitor-based apart.
                                                               2.Slide the Xpansion like shown in the figure
                                                                 below and take off.
                                                                 ※ The disassembly method is the same as side
 ③ Attach expansion unit to a master unit.                        and front positions.

                                                                                        1    2

     While matching the edge of the base with
                                                                  When assembling or disassembling the Xpansion unit to
     the dent of the bracket, slide it until the                  EX-2, please switch off the EX-2.
     Xpansion unit locks.


● Startup Screen and Initial Screen
 When the transmitter is switched on, the startup screen will display, followed by the initial screen.
 ※ Pressing the ENTER key during the startup screen will allow you to proceed to the initial screen.

 【 Startup Screen 】

                                            ① Version Information :
                                               Displays the version of the program that is installed in the Master Unit's CPU.
                                               This product's performance may be upgraded via paid or free upgrades.
                                               Check the KO Propo website for information regarding such upgrades.
                                              ( http://www.kopropo.co.jp )

 【 Initial Screen 】
                                                                      ⑤            ⑥

                      ①                                                                             ⑦



                      ③                                                                             ⑨


        ① Function Monitor: Functions that are active will be lit up.
                        OR : Steering and Brake travel Override
                        AUT : Throttle Auto Start
                        CYC : Cycle(Throttle Acceleration/Throttle ABS)
                        OFS : Offset(Drag Brake/Idle Up)

        ② Steering Trim Monitor: Displays the position of the steering trim.
        ③ Throttle Trim Monitor: Displays the position of the throttle trim.
        ④ Top menu: Display three kinds of setting items

                        FUNCTION Modify settings related to functions.
                        STEERING Modify settings related to the steering.
                        THROTTLE Modify settings related to the throttle.

        ⑤ Mini-Z MODE: Functions that are in Mini-Z will be lit up.
        ⑥ Power Source Type: Displays the type of battery being used.
                       LP:Li-po          DR:R03/AAA/UM4 Alkaline Batteries
                       LF:Li-Fe          NI:Ni-MH
                 (Notice) If you switch battery types, make sure to also change the [Battery Management] setting.

        ⑦ Voltage: Displays the current power source voltage.
        ⑧ Model Number: Displays the currently selected model number.
        ⑨ Model Name: Displays the name of the currently selected model number.


● VR information setting                                   ● How to change the Modulation mode
 Adjust the steering and throttle resistance
                                                            EX-2 has two Modulation modes.
 information. ※ Please perform the VR information           ※ When attaching the Xpansion unit, this operation
 configuration to calibrate your system.                     is the same.
 ○ When using EX-2 for the first time.
 ○ When changing a steering unit for a different
   product or when putting it back together.                ● General RC models FHSS mode: LED Solid
 ○ When changing a grip unit for a different product         Operating the general receivers such as KR-211FH/KR-
   or when putting it back together.                         241FH Only receivers using FHSS will work.
 ○ When using and confusion has occurred in the
   positional information.                                      The receiver of other methods (DSSS/27/40MHz)
 1.Select [FUNCTION] on the initial screen and push             do not work.
   the ENTER key.
 2.Select [SYSTEM] on the function screen and push          ● Mini-Z MHS mode :LED Flashing slowly
   the ENTER key.                                            Oparating Kyosho Mini-Z MHS mode. (MR-03 VE
 3.Select [VR INFO] on the system screen and push            PRO)
   the ENTER key.                                           ※ Functions that are in Mini-Z will be lit up at initial
 4.Move the wheel slowly to the full left and right lock      screen.
   (numbers will change as the steering is moved) and
   release the wheel back to neutral.                           Only MiniZ using MHS will work. Does not work with
 5.Move the trigger slowly to the full throttle and full        ASF, FHS, general RC cars.
   brake positions (numbers will change as the
   throttle is moved) and release the trigger back to       ① Turn off EX-2 switch.
 6.Then select YES (press ENTER) to adjust and save         ② Push the ET1 lever to the left and power on.
   the settings.
                                                            ③ Hold ET1 lever until the buzzer sounds and the
  3.Example before setting                                   LED of EX-2 turns on (approximately two seconds).

    VR INFOMATION            VRインフォメーション
  ST- LEFT ヒダリ              2204
      NUT センター               2198
      RIGHT ミギ              2194        OK?                                           ET1
  TH- HI  ゼンシン              2078        YES
     NUT センター                2075
        LOW    ブレーキ         2072
  4,5, Move slowly to full stroke, then release.
  Left MAX       Right MAX

                                                                                          Approximately two
                         Full Throttle
                                         Hold                                             seconds, LED turns on.
                                         Full Brake

  6, Small window [Yes] comes active.                           If the pilot LED is blinking fast, this is a warning
                                                                that the battery voltage is low. Please change to
                                                                new batteries or for a battery pack which has been
    VR INFOMATION            VRインフォメーション                        charged.

  ST- LEFT ヒダリ              3949                               Model selection changes and modulation mode
      NUT センター               2198
                               2                                changes are not linked.

      RIGHT ミギ               487        OK?
  TH- HI  ゼンシン              3313        YES
     NUT センター                2075
        LOW    ブレーキ         1463

 ※ When operating the VR INFORMATION and
  pressing the BACK key will cancel the operation.


● Pairing (For general receiver)
Case of using the Xpansion unit
※ Refer to p.13 pairing Operation when not using the
                                                                        3. Preparations for Operation
Xpansion unit.                                                           ① Switch off the receiver.
In order for the receiver to operate, it must store the                  ② Switch off the EX-2 main power,
transmitter's unique ID in its memory in a process                         then switch on EX-2 again.
                                                                                                                         Lit LED
called“pairing.”Even if a single transmitter is used                     ③ Switch on the receiver and check
to control multiple receivers, each receiver must go                       that the receiver LED is lit. If
through the pairing process with the transmitter                           the LED flashes, the receiver is
before being used for the first time.                                      not getting the EX-2 signal and
※ Please adjust the modulation mode before pairing.                        the pairing procedure should be
(p.24) A receiver does not work normally in a different                    repeated.
                                                                                                                        Flashing LED
                                                                           During this process, your car may become uncontrollable
1. Preparing the Transmitter                                               if the ESC has not been adjusted. As a precaution, set
                                                                           your car so that its wheels do not touch the ground.
  ① While pushing the ET2 lever up, power on.
                                                                           Pairing procedures may not go smoothly if there
    The pilot LED lights up, release ET2 lever.
                                                                           are wireless LAN, microwave ovens, or other users
                                                                           conducting pairing procedures nearby. In this case, move
                                                                           some distance away or wait a while before attempting the
                                                                           pairing procedure again.
                                                                           If the mode is changed(General or France), please
                                                                           conduct pairing procedures with the receiver you are
                                                                           using again.

              ↓                                                          ④ Set the Fail-Safe Function(p.15).

    ↓          ET2                                                  ● For an Electric Car
                                                                                    ● Battery Pack                    ● Motor
                                                                                     (Sold Separately)                 (Sold Separately)

  ② Displays the initial screen, then pairing display is
   shown. (indicating transmitter is transmitting the
   pairing signal.)                                                      ● Steering Servo (CH1)
                                                                          (Sold Separately)
    <France mode pairing >
    FRANCE mode pairing is possible when the ET2 lever is
    released after LED turns off. Please use this feature if the
    situation is needed.                                                                                           ● ESC (CH2)
                                                                                                                     (Sold Separately)

                                                                                         ● Receiver

                                                                    ● For a Glow Engine Car
                                                                                                                     ● Battery for Receiver
                                                                         ● Steering Servo (CH2)
                                                                                                                      (Sold Separately)
                                                                          (Sold Separately)

 2. Preparing the Receiver                             BATT

  ① Connect the receiver power
                                                                                                      ● Receiver
    source while pressing the
    setup button.                                                           ● Steering Servo (CH1)
                                                                             (Sold Separately)

  ② Check that the receiver's LED
    has lit up, then release the                                            This transmitter is only compatible with digital servos.
    setup button.                                                           Correct operation is not possible when used with analog
                                                                            For items which are not included in this product, please
  ③ Check that the receiver's LED                                           refer to the KO Propo website for a list of compatible
    lights up again (indicating                                             products. (http://www.kopropo.co.jp)
    pairing completion)                      Lit LED


● Pairing (For MiniZ MHS)
Case of using the Xpansion unit
※ Refer to p.13 pairing Operation when not using the
                                                                    2. Preparing the Mini-Z
Xpansion unit.                                                          ① Bring distance of EX-2 and MiniZ close to about
In order for the receiver to operate, it must store the
transmitter's unique ID in its memory in a process
called“pairing.”Even if a single transmitter is used
to control multiple receivers, each receiver must go
through the pairing process with the transmitter
before being used for the first time.
※ Please adjust the modulation mode before pairing.
(p.24) A receiver does not work normally in a different
1. Preparing the Transmitter
  ① While pushing the ET2 lever up, power on.
                                                                        ② Switch on MiniZ while pushing the setup button
    The pilot LED lights up, release ET2 lever.
                                                                          of Mini-Z.

                                                                         Pushing setup botton

                                                                                                                     Switch on

    ↓          ET2

                                                                        ③ After the Mini-Z's LED has lit up, release the
                                                                          setup button. Then c heck that the Mini-Z's LED
                                                                          lights up again (indicating pairing completion)

  ② Displays the initial screen, then pairing display is
   shown. (indicating transmitter is transmitting the
   pairing signal.)
    <France mode pairing >
    FRANCE mode pairing is possible when the ET2 lever is
    released after LED turns off. Please use this feature if the
    situation is needed.

                                                                    3. Preparations for Operation
                                                                        ① Switch off MiniZ.

                                                                        ② Switch off the EX-2 main power, then switch on
                                                                          EX-2 again.

                                                                        ④ Bring distance of EX-2 and MiniZ close to about
                                                                          30cm. Switch on the Mini-Z and check that the
                                                                          receiver LED is lit. If the LED flashes, the Mini-Z
                                                                          is not getting the EX-2 signal and the pairing
                                                                          procedure should be repeated.

                                                                          If the mode is changed(General or France), please
                                                                          conduct pairing procedures with the Mini-Z you are using


      FUNCTION                                                     STEERING
This an index which displays the 6 different function        This an index which displays the 6 different function
menus.                                                       menus.

     Model Menu (MODEL)                                           Steering Travel
     Operations such as selecting or copying a model.             Modify the overall amount of steering

     Timer Menu (TIMER)                                           Steering Trim
     Operating timer-related functions.                           Modify the neutral position of the steering

     Key set Menu (KEY SET)                                       Steering Turn Speed
     Modify system-related functions such as key                  odify the speed of the steering's movement.

     3CH/4CH Menu (3/4ch)                                         Steering Dynamics
     Modify settings related to 3CH and 4CH.                      Modify the movement speed ratio which
                                                                  corresponds to steering angle and Modify how
                                                                  much the steering initially turns from neutral
     Trim set Menu(TRIM SET)                                      position.
     Easy adjust function for steering trim and
     balance.                                                     Steering Feel
                                                                  Modify the feeling of the steering's movement.
     System Menu (System)
     Modify system-related functions such as VR
     information or calculator.                                   Steering Reverse
                                                                  Modify the steering direction.


This an index which displays the 10 different function
menus.(Separeted 2 pages.)

     Throttle Travel                                          MENU1
     Modify the maximum throttle movement.                    Jump menu to throttle menu1.

     Throttle Trim                                            Brake Override
     Modify the neutral position of the throttle.             Modify the maximum amount of braking and
                                                              steering travel assigned to a switch.

     Throttle Turn Speed                                      Throttle Reverse
     Modify the speed of the throttle's movement.             Modify the throttle direction.

     Throttle Dynamics                                        Throttle Cycle
     Modify the movement speed ratio which                    Modify the amount of brake pumping and
     corresponds to throttle angle and Modify how             acceleration.
     much the throttle initially moves from the
     neutral position.                                        Throttle Auto-Start
                                                              Set the amount of automatic startup for the
     Throttle Feel                                            throttle.
     Modify the feeling of the throttle movement.
                                                              Idle Up
                                                              Modify the neutral position of the throttle
     MENU2                                                    trigger or neutral braking.
     Jump menu to throttle menu2.


Document Created: 2015-05-31 14:20:55
Document Modified: 2015-05-31 14:20:55

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