EX5UR UserMan

FCC ID: QH9T090515

Users Manual

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 Instruction manual

                                     Thank you for purchasing EX-5UR. Please read and fully understand the instructions prior to use R/C model.

EX-5UR Features
Though developed as a well-balanced and controllable entry model, EX-5UR ultra high-response transmitter uses
2.4GHz as a frequency and allows simultaneous running without checking unused band. This high standard model
is widely recommended from beginners to enthusiasts. 27 functions allows you to make detailed settings for R/C
race. This set is available either "Electronic Speed Controller Set" for electric powered cars or "2-servo set" for gas R/C
cars. Refer to the instructions according to your R/C car.

Set components and cable connection
                                            ● For electric cars
                                                                                                                  ●Motor (not included)
                                                                     ●Running battery (not included)



                                                                                                              ●ESC (Speed controller)

                                                                         ●Receiver (KR-407S)

                                            ● For gas cars
                                                                                                                      ●Receiver battery
                                                                                                                          (not included)

                                                                                           ●Receiver (KR-407S)
 ●Servo horn                                ●Servo
 ●Servo grommet
 ●Digital servo sticker               Caution!   When using units not included in the set, be sure to use products compatible with
 ●Receiver connector cap                         "Ultra High Speed Response". Please refer to our website for details
                                                 (www.kopropo.co.jp)(Japanese only)
  MADE IN JAPAN                                                                                                                                   1

                                                                                                                        ■ For safe operation

    For safe operation
    With the nature of radio controlled model, improper usage may result in serious accidents. In order to avoid these
    circumstances, please read following contents before use. We cannot be held responsible for problems
    encountered when not complying with these cautions and notices.

      Warning!     Failure to observe the matter discussed in such an item poses a serious threat of death or severe injury.

      Caution!     Failure to observe the matter discussed in such an item poses a possibility of injury or damage to the equipment or property.

                          Caution when installing units
                          ●Make sure metal parts do not come in direct contact to model (chassis/ship hull) by vibration.
                          ※Noise of metal parts may result in malfunction of receiver, and the model may run out of control
        Warning!          ●Do not cut or bundle receiver antenna with other cables.
    Prohibited matters    ※It may result in decreasing the sensitivity of receiver and may result in the model running out of control.
                          ●Note polarity when installing batteries to transmitter and receiver. ※It may damage R/C units.

                          ●Be sure to connect receiver, servo and switch connectors correctly.
                          ※If connections are loosened by vibration, the model may run out of control.
                          ●Attach receiver using thick double-sided tape to avoid direct contact with other parts.
                          ※Strong shock and vibration may result in the model running out of control.
        Warning!          ●Operate servo to check that there are no unnecessary forces onto the push rod.
    Enforcement matters   ※It may damage the servo or increase the consumption of batteries.
                          ●Make sure to use rubber grommet to attach servo and be sure that the servo is not touching mecha-
                          nism plate directly.※The vibration may damage the servo and the model may run out of control.
                          ●Use genuine KO transmitter, receiver, servo, speed controller, and optional parts.
                          ※We cannot be held responsible for problems encountered when using with other maker's products.

                          Notes on driving
                          ●Do not use in thunderstorms.※There is possibility of lightning striking the antenna.
                          ●Do not use in the rain or in a location where water might get in.
                          ※The unit may become wet in and run out of control.
                          ●Do not use in the following places.
        Warning!          1. Near to other radio control circuits (within 3km)
                          2. Near to people or on the street.
    Prohibited matters    3. Near electric wires or communication facilities.
                          ※In the case of the model running out of control, dangerous situations will occur.
                          ●Do not run the model when you experience difficulties in concentration through tiredness, alcohol or
                          medication.※The miss-judgment may result in accidents.
                          ●Do not allow fuel or exhaust to touch plastic parts ※It may attack plastic.
                          ●Make sure that model memory is matched to the models currently running.
        Warning!          ※Otherwise, it may cause car to run out of control.
    Enforcement matters   ●Make sure to stop engine (disconnect motor cables) before making function change.
                          ●Do not touch engine, motor or speed controller immediately after running.
        Caution!          ※They are hot and can cause burns
    Prohibited matters    ●Transmitter emits a high-frequency energy from antenna. The antenna may cause a kind of stimulus if
                          touched by fingers.
                          ●Always turn on the transmitter first, followed by the receiver. When turning off, turn off the receiver first,
                          followed by the transmitter.

                          ●Dismantling of transmitter is prohibited and it can be punished. Disassembly and modification of all
        Caution!          units may cause accidents such as a short circuit. Also, repair service may not be accepted in this case.
                          ●Do not use in aircraft, hospital, near electrical equipment such as fire alarm or medical equipment. It
    Enforcement matters
                          may cause malfunction and result in serious accidents. Turn off the transmitter immediately if it effects
                          on other wireless or electric appliances.
                          ●2.4GHz transmitter must be registered in the Japan Radio Control Safety Association. This product is
                          pre-registered. Note that transmitter without registration is regarded as violations of radio law.

                          Notes after driving
                          ●When using with electric powered R/C car, make sure to remove batteries after running.
        Warning!          ※If the power turns on accidentally, it may cause the model to run out of control or fire disaster.
    Enforcement matters   ●Keep transmitter, batteries and model out of reach of children.
                          ※Chemical material may cause personal injury.
                          ●Remove batteries from transmitter when not in use for a long time.
                          ※If you leave batteries in the transmitter, leakage may damage transmitter.
                          ●Avoid storing transmitter and receiver in the following places.
                          1. Extremely hot or cold places (+40C or ‒10C)
        Caution!          2. Direct sunlight
    Enforcement matters   3. High humidity places
                          4. Vibration
                          5. Dusty places
                          ※If you store the unit under these circumstances, it may result in deformation or damage to the unit.


                                                                                               ■ Name of parts/Unit preparation

Name of parts
 LCD display (factory setting)                                      (EX-5UR)
  Model name (MENU26)             Voltage                                   Antenna              ET1 lever
                                                                                                 (Steering trim)

                                                                     Steering wheel
                                                                                                      ET2 lever
                                                                                                      (Throttle trim)
 LCD indicates voltage after a certain period of time.
                                                                                                             Foward key
 ※Alarm sounds when batteries are depleted. Install fresh
 batteries as soon as possible to keep radio power.
                                                                                                                  +/ Enter key
                                                                                                                  −/ Cancel key
                                                                                                                  Back key
●Receiver( KR-407S)
                                                      ET3 lever                                                   Power switch
  Channel 1〜4 connector                               (Steering travel)
                 Battery connector
                                                      ET4 lever                                               Throttle trigger
                                                      (3ch control)

       Set button LED indicator

 ※Regarding servo and ESC, please refer
                                                                                                         Battery box (inside)
  each set-supplied instruction manual.

Unit preparation
1.   Install receiver, servo, ESC (when using with electric car) and connect cables. Install
     receiver noting anti-noise measures. ←Refer to P.4
  ※Read instructions included with servo and speed controller before connection and usage.                  R6/AA/UM3 battery

                                                                                                 Battery box
2.   Install batteries (R6/AA/UM3 size batteries x                         Battery cover
     8) to transmitter, then install running battery
     to electric R/C car. For gas R/C car, install
     receiver batteries.
  ※Note polarity and install fresh batteries. Depleted batteries
   may deteriorate radio power and cause problems.

                                                     Transmitter (bottom)

3.   Register the transmitter to the receiver to complete                           pairing     ←Refer to P.5
  ※EX-5UR requires pairing to register the transmitter ID number to the receiver the first time you use.
   When operating several receivers (cars) using one transmitter, perform "pairing" for each receivers only first time you use.

4.   Adjust steering and throttle/brake settings ←Refer to P.5

5.   Adjust failsafe ←Refer to P.15


                                                                                              ■ Notes on installing receiver (anti-noise measures)

    Notes on installing receiver (anti-noise measures)

                Locate antenna cable as far away from noise source!
                                                                                     Carbon chassis                          Battery
       Be careful of noise!                                                                                                                      EE
                                                                                       NNO                                                    ISIS
     Assume that all areas where large currents are                                      OIIS
     flowing are generating noise! Locate antenna cables                                                                                                          EE
     and receiver as far away from the motor, ESC,                                                                                                         NNOO

     silicone cords as possible. (Materials such as metal                                              receiver                                            motor
     or carbon chassis also conduct noise)
     R/C model is controlled by radio wave. Therefore,                                                  EE
     anti-noise measures are the most important factor.                                           NNOO

     Take measures to ensure optimum performance of

     your R/C model and driving technique.                                                                   ESC
                                                                                                                              Silicone cords

    ●Fixing receiver to carbon chassis
     When fixing the receiver to the chassis or on the
     mechanism deck, use more than 2 layers of double-
     sided tape to avoid direct contact with chassis.
     Chassis and mechanism deck (especially carbon

     material) can also conduct noise. Making space

     between receiver with them is recommend to ensure
     protection against noise.
     ※Note receiver LED position when installing.                               EE
                                                                          NNOO                                                     Double sided tape

    ●Antenna installation
     Raise antenna cable vertically and set as high as
     possible. Pass cable into antenna pipe to protect
     from damage. Be sure that the cable projects a bit
     from antenna pipe. Installing antenna holder far away
     from receiver may deteriorate radio sensitivity.
     Locate antenna holder as near to the receiver as
     possible. Make sure that the antenna cable does not
     come in direct contact with chassis, mechanism
     plate or other noise sources. Make sure to use
     plastic antenna pipe and mount. Do not use metal
     antenna mount as it easily conducts noise and result                                                    EE
     in trouble.                                                                                       NNOO

     ※Do not cut or bundle antenna cable.
     (It may result in breaking of wire and deteriorate performance)

                          Piano wire                                   Plastic antenna pipe                                        Plastic antenna pipe

                        Aluminum holder
                                                                       Aluminum holder                                                 Plastic holder
                                                                       FRP or plastic holder
                EE        Soldering lug plate
             ISIS                                            EE        can be used.
          NNOO                                            ISIS

    ●Attaching to a gas car
     Engine vibration may damage the servo. Make sure to attach                                                              Grommet
     grommet (receiver holder) to reduce vibration. Do not attach
     directly to chassis or mechanism plate using double-sided tape.
     The installation position should be as far as possible from heat
     from engine or exhaust.
     ※Note receiver LED position when installing.

4                                                                                                                                                                     4

                                                                               ■ Pairing/Steering/Throttle/ABS

▶How to pairing
Register receiver to the transmitter                                            1. Forward key + Back key
① Hold both Forward and Back keys and switch transmitter on.
② "PAIR" (blinking sign) will be displayed on the LCD
  screen and alarm sounds.
③ Blinking and alarm stops after approx. 5 seconds.
  Then LCD screen displays PAIR .
  Now the transmitter is ready.
④ Move receiver close to the transmitter (approx. within 1m)
⑤ Hold set button of the receiver then switch on.
⑥ Release set button. Receiver LED indicator turns on
  after pairing is completed. Switch off both transmitter                                   2. Power switch
  and receiver.
▶Check movement                                                                         2. Power

① Switch on the transmitter first, then switch on the
  receiver. Confirm that the receiver LED indicator lit up.              1. Set button
② Check movement of the servo and the amplifier.

▶Adjusting steering
Adjusting turning angle of the steering servo.
① Adjust MENU02: Steering trim to 0 (default setting)
② Adjust "MENU08: Steering sub-trim" so that the car run straight with the steering in neutral.
③ Operate steering wheel. Make sure that the setting does not lock the linkage. In this case,
  reduce values in "MENU03: Steering travel".
  If turning angle is not enough, adjust each left and right angle at the maximum in "MENU04:
  Steering balance R" and "MENU05 steering balance L".
※If left and right turning radius are not same at low speed running, increase values of steering balance
 of smaller radius to adjust. Adjust steering travel to reduce turning angle if car turns excessively while
 high-speed running.
※Frequent setting or worn-out linkage will deteriorate balance of steering. Periodical adjustment is
 recommended to keep performance of steering.

▶Adjusting throttle
Adjust the movement amount of speed controller (electric car) / throttle linkage (gas car)
▶When using with electric car: Refer to the instructions included with ESC.
▼When using with gas R/C car: Adjust throttle linkage
① Reduce values in MENU12: Throttle high point to avoid exerting excessive pressure on the
  linkage when throttle is applied.
② Adjust in MENU13: Throttle brake       to avoid exerting excessive pressure when brake is applied.

▶Adjusting anti-lock brake (ABS)
Whilst in braking operation, pumping brake prevents wheel lock and being unstable
(Anti Lock Braking System). Braking power and pumping speed can be adjusted.
① Adjust ABS power in "MENU19: ABS power". Increase values to expand pumping width.
② Adjust ABS speed in "MENU20 ABS speed".
③ If servo moves more than brake pad stroke range or vibrates due to excessive speed,
  it may shorten life span of the servo. In this case, re-adjust.


                                                                                         ■ Procedure when running/Functions (1-27)

    Procedure when running
    1.   Power on: Note surroundings and switch transmitter on, then switch receiver on.

    2.   Checking model: Confirm model to be used.
         ※EX-5UR automatically finds unused frequency band after switching on. This function is called "carrier sense". To
          perform carrier sense effectively, switching on transmitter around the running area as close as possible.

    3.   Checking movements: Raise wheels from ground and operate transmitter to check
         movements. Detail adjustment using steering/throttle trim lever should be done while
         running. Adjust steering balance by operating 8-figure running.
                                                                                                                      Trim lever

                                                 8-figure running


    4.   Power off: Switch off in receiver, transmitter order and remove running battery.
         ※Make sure to switch transmitter on and off after an interval of 2 seconds at least.

    Functions (1-27)
    ▶Select using FORWARD/BACK button
    ※The transmitter automatically memorizes each setting 1                          MENU10:Throttle monitor ‥‥‥ P.9
     second after changing. When switching transmitter off, wait
     more than 2 seconds after changing settings.                                    MENU11:Throttle trim‥‥‥‥‥ P.9
                                                                                     MENU12:Throttle high point‥‥ P.10
                                                                                     MENU13:Throttle brake ‥‥‥‥ P.10
            MENU01:Steering monitor‥‥‥ P.7
                                                                                     MENU14:Throttle speed‥‥‥‥ P.10
            MENU02:Steering trim‥‥‥‥‥ P.7
                                                                                     MENU15:Throttle curve F ‥‥‥ P.11
            MENU03:Steering travel‥‥‥‥ P.7
                                                                                     MENU16:Throttle curve B ‥‥‥ P.11
            MENU04:Steering balance R‥‥ P.7
                                                                                     MENU17:Throttle sub trim‥‥‥ P.11
            MENU05:Steering balance L‥‥ P.8
                                                                                     MENU18:Throttle reverse ‥‥‥ P.12
            MENU06:Steering speed‥‥‥‥ P.8
            MENU07:Steering curve‥‥‥‥ P.8                                            MENU19:ABS power‥‥‥‥‥‥ P.12
            MENU08:Steering curve‥‥‥‥ P.9                                            MENU20:ABS speed‥‥‥‥‥‥ P.12
            MENU09:Steering reverse‥‥‥ P.9                                           MENU21:3ch monitor ‥‥‥‥‥ P.13
                                                                                     MENU22:3ch position setting‥ P.13
                                                                                     MENU23:Adjust volume ‥‥‥‥ P.13

                                                                                     MENU24:Model reset ‥‥‥‥‥ P.14
                                                                                     MENU25:Model copy ‥‥‥‥‥ P.14
                                                                                     MENU26:Model name ‥‥‥‥‥ P.14
                                                                                     MENU27:Model select‥‥‥‥‥ P.14

6                                                                                                                                    7

                                                                                                        ■MENU 01〜04

              MENU01:Steering monitor                                                Neutral position

     ▶Displays the current position of steering.

           If steering direction is changed in reverse position,
           movement of steering and L/R will be reversed accordingly.

              MENU02:Steering trim                                          L50 〜 0(Default setting)〜 R50

     ▶Neutral position of steering can be adjusted while running.                                       ET1 lever

Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                            + key
                                                                                                                    − key
           ※Max. width may be changed according to steering
            travel/balance settings.
           The position of the edge of movement does not move.
           Only the neutral position moves.
           When changing the edge of movement, adjust in
           "MENU08:Steering sub trim".
           Steering trim can also be adjusted by using ET1 lever.

              MENU03:Steering travel                                           40 〜 100(Default setting)

     ▶This function allows you to adjust the amount of
      servo movement when fully turns steering wheel.

                                                                                                                    + key
Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                            − key

Caution!   Make sure the setting does not cause excessive force to
           the servo as it may result in malfunction.
           Steering travel can also be adjusted using ET3 lever.
           When adjusting right and left movement individually, adjust in
           "MENU04: Steering balance R" and "MENU05: Steering balance L".       ET3 lever

              MENU04:Steering balance R                                     40 〜 70(Default setting)〜 100

     ▶This function allows you to adjust right turning angle                  Steering wheel            ET1 lever
      (Use to correct left and right turning radius)

                                                                                                                    + key
Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                            − key

           Fully turns steering wheel to right and operate ET1 lever to
           make setting of steering balance R.


                                                                                             ■MENU 05〜07

             MENU05:Steering balance L                                40 〜 70(Default setting)〜 100

       ▶This function allows you to adjust left turning angle.
        (Use to correct left and right turning radius)

                                                                                                      + key
    Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                          − key

         Fully turns steering wheel to left and operate ET1 lever
         to make setting of steering balance L.

             MENU06:Steering speed                                   ­100 〜 0(Default setting)〜 +100

       ▶Use this function to adjust the steering speed
        when turning steering wheel.

                                                                                                      + key
    Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                          − key

         ※It effects on both TURN and RETURN directions.
         Speed type servo may not move smoothly due to excessive
         speed if sets over +30 values.

             MENU07:Steering curve                                    ­50 〜 0(Default setting)〜 +50

       ▶Use this function to adjust an initial response
        of the steering servo.

                                                                                                      + key
    Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                          − key

         ※+: Reacts greatly at the start, and the response becomes
             loose later
          −: Reacts loosely at the start, ant the response becomes
             big later
         When using with other function such as "steering speed",
         check the effect one by one.


                                                                                                  ■MENU 08〜11

         MENU08:Steering sub trim                                      L30 〜 0(Default setting)〜 R30

   ▶This function allows you to adjust the edge of operation
     and neutral position at the same time.
    (Use when installing servo and test running)
                                                                                                             + key
                                                                                                             − key
Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.

     Adjust "MENU02: Steering trim" to adjust neutral position only.
     When value of the sub trim gets bigger, adjust the linkage and
     make it a smaller the value. In certain circumstances, too big
     value may cause dead area (servo does not react) at the edge
     of operation.

         MENU09:Steering reverse                                       NORM / REV(Default setting)

   ▶This function allows you to change the direction
     of servo movement
    (Use this function when the turning direction of servo
     is opposite to the transmitter operation)                                                               + key
                                                                                                             − key

Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.

     ※REV:Reverse       NORM:Normal

         MENU10:Throttle monitor                                              Neutral position

   ▶Displays current throttle position.

     If throttle direction is in reverse position, +/− and throttle
     movement will be reversed accordingly.

         MENU11:Throttle trim                                          b50 〜 0(Default setting)〜 F50

   ▶Adjust neutral position of throttle while running                                            ET2 lever

Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.
                                                                                                             + key
                                                                                                             − key
     In general, trim adjustment is not required when using with
     electric car with preset electronic speed controller (ESC).
     The position of the edge of movement does not move. Only
     the neutral position moves.
     When changing the edge of movement, adjust in "MENU17:
     Throttle sub trim".
     Throttle trim can also be adjusted by using ET2 lever.


                                                                                                    ■MENU 12〜14

             MENU12:Throttle high point                                       0 〜 70(Default setting)〜 100

     ▶Sets only the max forward movement on throttle.
      (Allows you to adjust highest point of ESC of electric car
       or high carburetor of gas car)
                                                                                                             + key
                                                                                                             − key
 Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.

 Caution! Creating a large value for a gas car puts an increase burden on
         servo and may result in damage.
 Caution! In an electric car, when set value is too small the ESC can not
         show a better performance. Please start from +70 (factory
         setting) setup.
 Caution! Minimum value is 0 but doesn    t operate to forward. Also,
         throttle servo does not move.
 Caution! When a small the value of  Throttle high point is made, and
         then a large value in MENU11: Throttle trim is set to an advance
         direction, the amount of operation will be extremely small.

             MENU13:Throttle brake                                            0 〜 70(Default setting)〜 100

     ▶Adjust only the brake of throttle and max movement
      of reverse running.

                                                                                                             + key
 Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                    − key

 Caution! In an Electric car, a value set too small the ESC will not show
         better performance. Please start from +70 (factory setting) in
         this case.
 Caution! Keep in mind that a brake or reverse running does not work
         when a set up is 0. Please check the brake before running as
         functions of ESC also effects on.

             MENU14:Throttle speed                                          ­100 〜 0(Default setting)〜 +100

     ▶Adjust reaction velocity of throttle.

 Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                    + key
                                                                                                             − key
         ※To improve response, adjust in + direction.
         ※To improve handling, adjust in − direction


                                                                                               ■MENU 15〜17

         MENU15:Throttle curve F                                        ­50 〜 0(Default setting)〜 +50

   ▶This function allows you to adjust throttle servo move-
    ment on actual trigger operation (forward only).

                                                                                                        + key
Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                − key

     ※The throttle response can be made quick (+) or mild (−)
     + makes quick at start, and mild later
     − makes mild at start, sensitive later
     Quick curve (+ values) reacts greatly at the start, and the
     response becomes mild later
     Mild curve (− values) reacts mild at the start, ant the response
     becomes sensitive later
     When using with other function, check the effect one by one.

         MENU16:Throttle curve B                                        ­50 〜 0(Default setting)〜 +50

   ▶This function allows you to adjust throttle servo move-
    ment on actual trigger operation (braking only).

                                                                                                        + key
Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                                − key

     ※The throttle response can be made quick (+) or mild (−)
     + makes quick at start, and mild later
     − makes mild at start, sensitive later
     Quick curve (+ values) reacts greatly at the start, and the
     response becomes mild later
     Mild curve (− values) reacts mild at the start, ant the response
     becomes sensitive later
     When using with other function, check the effect one by one.

         MENU17:Throttle sub trim                                       b30 〜 0(Default setting)〜 F30

   ▶This function allows you to adjust the edge of operation
     and neutral position at the same time.
    (Use when installing servo and test running)
                                                                                                        + key
                                                                                                        − key
Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.

     ※The whole operation angle including neutral position moves.
      Use this function if you can not corrects neutral position by
      adjusting servo horn or linkage.
     Adjust "MENU11: Throttle trim" to adjust neutral position only.
     When value of the sub trim gets bigger, adjust the linkage and
     make it a smaller the value. In certain circumstances, too big
     value may cause dead area (servo does not react) at the edge
     of operation.


                                                                                              ■MENU 18〜20

            MENU18:Throttle reverse                                     NORM / REV(Default setting)

     ▶You can change the direction of throttle movement
      (Use this function when the turning direction of servo
       is opposite to the transmitter operation)
                                                                                                      + key
                                                                                                      − key
 Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.

        ※REV:Reverse         NORM:Normal

            MENU19:ABS power                                              0(Default setting)〜 100

     ▶This function allows you to adjust amount of ABS pumping.

 Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                             + key
                                                                                                      − key
        ※Adjust pumping amount of ABS. Effective to improve stability
         if wheel locks during braking and as a result cornering
         becomes smoother.

            MENU20:ABS speed                                            1 〜 6(Default setting)〜 10

     ▶SThis function allows you to adjust speed of ABS

 Adjust using +/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.                                             + key
                                                                                                      − key
        ※When making small the values, the servo moves slow
         and pumping cycle become short.
         When making large the values, the servo moves fast
         and pumping cycle become long.

 Caution! Too large values increase currency and may shorten life
        span of servo.


                                                                                                             ■MENU 21〜23

            MENU21:3ch monitor                                                           3ch movement

    ▶Displays current 3ch servo movement.

            MENU22:Adjustment of 3ch position                                ­127 〜 (Each default positions) 〜 +127

    ▶Adjusting the movement amount of 3ch servo
     in each position (position 01〜05)
                                                                                                                 Foward key

Adjust using 1. Hold + key for a while                                                                                 + key
             2. Use Forward/Back keys to choose positions                                                              − key
             3. Push +/- keys to set positions.
                Push both keys together to reset.                                                                     Back key
             4. Push Forward key from (05 position) then
                LCD displays "EXIT". Push + key to set.

        5 positions (-100 / -50 / 0 / +50 / +100 ) are factory preset.

            MENU23:Adjust volume                                                           Calibration

    ▶Recalibrate used volume settings                                             Steering wheel

Adjust using 1. Hold + key for a while                                                                                 + key
             2. Fully turn steering wheel to right/left
                then release.
             3. Fully pull/press throttle trigger in
                forward/reverse position then release.
             4. LCD displays OK           . Then, hold + key
                for a while to set.

        ※CPU of the transmitter recognizes physical end points of                                        Throttle trigger
         steering/throttle and neutral position. It corrects volume
         consumption caused by frequently use or malfunction caused by shocks.
        The use of this function will depend on your frequency of use and
        your operation method

Caution! This function can cause trouble when it is performed incorrectly.
        We recommend sending this to our service department for repair,
        when you are not familiar with this function.


                                                                                              ■MENU 24〜27

             MENU24:Model reset                                                   Reset

     ▶This will erase all data of model memory.

 Adjust using Hold + key for a while to erase                                                         + key

         ※LCD turns off when setting is finished.

 Caution! Memory will be reset back to the factory settings.

             MENU25:Model copy                                                    Copy

     ▶Save the current model memory to other model memory
                                                                                                 Foward key

 Adjust using 1. Push + key.                                                                          + key
              2. Use Forward/Back keys to choose
                 a copy place (model number).
              3. Push + key to copy.                                                                 Back key

         ※Copying data of model memory is useful when adjusting
          chassis setting according to condition of the track.

 Caution! Please be sure that copy destination data will be overwritten.
 Caution! The mode will be moved to   model select of copy destination.
         If copying model 1 to model 2, model select will be changed to
         model 2 and data of model 1 (original data) will be saved.

             MENU26:Model name                                                 Registration

     ▶Putting a name in the model memory.                                                        Foward key

 Adjust using 1. Push + key.                                                                          + key
              2. Push +/− keys to select alphabets                                                    − key
                 and numbers.
              3. Push Forward/Back keys to select letters.                                           Back key
              4. Push Forward key after selecting 4th letter.
                 Push + key after LCD displaying EXIT .

         All usable letters: −*/@_ ̄¥\0123456789

             MENU27:Model select                                                 Select

     ▶You can change current model memory to other
      model memory.                                                                              Foward key

 Adjust using 1. Push + key                                                                           + key
              2. Push Forward/Back keys to choose
                 other model memory.
                                                                                                     Back key
              3. Push + key to set.

         You can save the model memory for 7 cars. It is useful to save each
         model memory to use several cars. Even the same car can have
         multiple numbers due to changes to the settings at every course.

 Caution! Can cause of out of control operation when changing model
         memory while running.


                                                                                       ■ Safety function/References

Safety function

▶Failsafe setting

 Failsafe automatically returns throttle (2ch) in desired position (full brake/neutral) if the model may run out
 of control.

 ① Switch transmitter on.
                                                                                           1. Power
 ② Switch receiver on and check servo movement.
 ③ Operate throttle trigger in brake/neutral position
   (transmitter memorizes the position)
                                                                                           3. Throttle trigger
 ④ Hold set button of receiver more than 3 seconds.                                          (full brake/neutral)
   Release after LED turns off.
   ※Failsafe function can be checked by switching
   off transmitter. The data will be memorized until                           2. Power
   ※When replacing brake linkage of a gas car,
   resetting is recommended.                               4. Set button (hold 3 seconds)           5. LED (off)


 ●Model does not work though the transmitter is on
 LCD display is displayed with the start sound after switching on. If not, check batteries .
 If there is no problem with transmitter, check LED indicator of the receiver.
 ① In case of the LED is too dark or blinking, it shows conflicting radio signals from other
     sources. Change location or take some time before switching on.
 ②Power is not on if the LED does not shine. Reconnect receiver battery or amplifier cables.

 Caution! EX-5UR(transmitter) uses 2,4GHz direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) as a frequency
        band. The frequency band is also used for electric appliances such as personal computer
        w/wireless LAN, Bluetooth and microwave oven. In the case of radio interference, LED of
        KR-407(receiver) will not turns on correctly. Wait for a while or change location if LED flashes or
        lit up incorrectly.

 ●To increase cornering angle
 If steering angle is not enough, adjust steering travel lever to increase travel.
 Use MENU04/05: steering balance to get more angle.

 ●To improve steering response
 Adjust MENU07: steering curve         or   MENU06: steering speed     at +(quick) side.

 ●To make steering characteristics milder
 Adjust MENU07: Steering curve or MENU06: Steering speed                at −(mild) side.
 Adjust MENU07: Throttle speed at -side.

 ●To slow down
 Adjust MENU14: Throttle speed at −side.
 Adjust MENU12: Throttle high point at −side.


                                                                                ■ Spec/After-sales service

     After-sales service
     Transmitter: KT-309                               Current consumption: Approx. 100mAh
     Operation method: Wheel + trigger type            Operation area: Approx. within 80m radius
     Number of channels: 3 channels                    Function: Compatible with High Speed Response
     Frequency: 2.4GHz                                           (ULTRA)
     Modulation: Direct sequence spread spectrum       Receiver: KR-407S
                (DS-SS)                                Modulation: Direct sequence spread spectrum
     Output: Approx. 10mW                                         (DS-SS)
     Neutral pulse: 1.5msec                            Channels: 4 channels
     Data save memory: EEPROM                          Dimensions: 28×18.3×18.5mm
     Supply voltage: R6/AA/UM3 size battery x 8 or 8   Weight: 7.4g
                    cells battery pack                 Supply voltage: 4.8〜7.4VFunction: Compatible with
                                                       High Speed Response (ULTRA or above), ICS,


Document Created: 2009-04-09 18:50:15
Document Modified: 2009-04-09 18:50:15

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