FCC ID: QH9R124703

Users Manual

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 o Pz20?0 KR—302F anvancen Hick sPpeED REsPONSE FM RECEIVER Instruction Manual
     Thank you very much for purchasing this receiver. Read this manual carefully in obtain maximum performance from this unit.
    Notes on Handling For Safe                                      s, handle with care.
                        This sign is indicated; A possibility of death or serious injury may occur, and physical damage by accident occurs with high probability.
& CAUTION!              @This unit manufactured and sold for surface radio control models only. * Do not use for any other purpose. @Be sure thatthe frequency bandis available before
 switching on the transmitter. * Other people‘s using the same frequency will run out of control. @Do not use this in thunderstorms. * There is possibility of lightning striking the antenna.
 @Do not use the transmitter in the rain or in location where water might get on it. *# The unit may become wet and cause loss of control. @Do not run the model when you experience
 difficulties in concentration through tiredness, alcohol or medication. *Any error of judgment may result in an accident. @Be sure to keep the transmitter, batteries and model stored out
 of reach of children. * There is danger of positioning by intake by mistake, burn, or an injury. @Do not disintegrate. * There is a danger of short—circuit etc. Our service department
 may decline the registration of repair. @Be sure to use genuine KO PROPO Crystal. *Since there is a possibility of frequency shifting, causing a defectof operation and leading to serious
 trouble if the product ofother company is used, please do notuse it by—any means. @ Do not switch the receiver on before the transmitter. There is a dangerof motor and engine operating
 on full throttle. Be sure to turn on the switch on the transmitter first, followed by the receiver. @Please turn off the receiver switch first, followed by the transmitter. @ This receiver is
 manufactured to be used in conjunction with KO PROPO Products. We cannot assume any responsibility for the use of other companies products with this unit.

                             This sign is indicated; A possibility of injury or the physical damage accidentis assumed.
A WARNING!               @Be sure to use genuine KO PROPO Products, transmitter, servo, and other option parts. # We cannot assume any responsibility for the use of other companies
products with this unit.@Do not install other connector or old type connector. It may result in miss—operation or damage the unit.@When installed in an electric powered car, make sure
that the unit is installed correctly. Incorrect positioning may affect the units performance and may be the cause of trouble. Please ensure that the wires are positioned correctly. * Please
see the diagram for correct installation. @Wheninstalled in a gasoline—powered car, Please do not allow exhaust gasses, oil, and fuel to comein direct contact with the receiver, Should
this unit come in contact with water or oil, remove the water or oil immediately, Please contact our service department for repair.

              Due to the nature of a radio control model, as a result of accident damage by the customer, our company may be unable to take responsibility.
   NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment.Such
   modifications could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
   interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
    Name          Parts                                                                                                    echnical specification
  Antenna wire                     4                                                   Crystal socket               @Reception system : FM—PPM system        @Function : Advanced High Speed
  Do not bundle the antenna            \}                                              Be sure to use only          @Number of channels : 3 channels            .    _ Response
  wire with other cords.                                                               KO PROPO FM                  @Supply voltage : 35 to 65 V             @Dimensions :(294? ):i25x 165 _mm)
                                                                                       type crystal.                @Antennalength : 350 mm                                lexcluding protrusions)
  Battery Cha}'mel           —                                                          yb8 618                                                              @Weight : 12.0 g (excluding crysta)
  When used
        1 in a Gasoline—                           o
                                                   k              S                    Throttle Channel 2
  powered car, connect                                                                 Connect the Electronic
  the receiver power supply.                                * /\'L'L,, &               speed controller or              @The installation position should be as far
  Steering Channel 1 fi/                                                      the throttle servo.                          as possible from the motor, ESC, batteries,      .,‘
  Connect the steering servo. Q‘ ;                                          L AUX Channel 3                              or other noise sources                       o M—S
                                                                                                                        @FET servo blue wire (Z2V wire) or            n C1
                                                                                                                         switches can also generate
@ Mounting the Receiver Electric—powered car                                                                             noise, position them as far away as
When fixing the receiver in place on the chassis or on the "mechanical deck‘, use two pieces of                          possible
double—sided tape, one on top of the other, so that the receiveris cushioned s.omewha& Be sure
that the crystal is on the high side when installing the receiver on the chassis or the "mechanical
deck‘, The noise is conducted by them, especially a carbon product, If a receiveris not stuck, it
will become strong noise.                                                                         [                                                    The silicone wire must not pass
                                                                                                                                                       directly over the receiver.
                                                                                                                                                       Do not allow the silicone wires
                                       _                             |E’l      x                      HI o                                             to cross the antenna.
                            r,___| | s                                                       ——===—_—_—
  Do not mount the receiver  Use twolayers of Do not position the                            Always position the
   directly on the chassis        double—sided tape.             crystals on the              crystal on the top.
   or "mechanical deck".                                         bottom.
                                                                                                                                             =      Do not position the antennaopening or
®@ Notes on Installing the Receiver Gasoline—powered car                                                                                    |<<———. the crystal nearthe batteries, motor, or
                                                                                                                                                    the carbon chassis.
Do not secure the receiver on the chassis or the "mechanical deck‘. Vibrations will cause the                                                       Do notroute the wires near the antenna.
receiver to malfunction and may even cause internal damage to the receiver. Either uses the

bracket (receiver holder), provided with the kit, or else cushion the receiver with a spongelike
material. Please avoid installing the receiver where exhaust gasses comeinto direct contact with
the unit. Invasion of an exhaust gas will result in irreparable damage. Avoid installing near engine
                                                                                                                                 Do not position the       %            gae n vu/f|

                                                                                                                                 receiver or the antenna
or muffler where heat may cause damage for the case, malfunctioning will occur.                                                  on the top of the
                                                                                                                                 motor or the batteries
                                                     ~~ Bracket               o |i
                                                                                                                                                                            When mounting the
                                                                                                                                                                        receiver and antenna on

      Notes          Antenna Installation
                                                                                                                                      TCSS ©=
                                                                                                                                                                      the "upper deck‘, position
                                                                                                                                                                      them as far away from the
                                                                                                                                                                      batteries and motor as possible.
The antenna pipe of the product made of plastic is used as possible use the plastic product, when
you mountindispensably. Do not use the antenna of the metal is easy to conduct. It may cause
some dangerous situations. When using on FRP or carbon hollow antenna on a racing car, etc.,                         All KO PROPO Products have been carefully inspected prior to
do not pass the antenna wire through the pipe, allow it to trail away loosely outside.                               operating, However, if you have any problems while using it under
                                                                                                                     normal conditions or the set has any detects, it will be repaired in
                                                                            Plastic holder
        * Piano
                                                            \               Metal, carbon     A WARNING!
                                                                                                                     accordance with warranty conditions. When requesting service,
                                                                                                                     report the time—required repair.
            Aluminum holder                Aluminum                                                   m       hbA
               Metal, carbon                     halder                             Do not cut the antenna wire,     @If you feel the unitis still not functioning correctly..
               (OK t rEP                                       o                    not use piano wire for metal,    * Once again refer to this instruction manual for further checking.
               or plastic)                                                          carbon chassis, it may result    * If the problem still exists, please contact our Service Dept. When
                                       ]     l\g;taé lg«;g)o“ |                    in dangerous situations.            using our Service Dept., please provide details ofthefollowing
                                                                                                                       information available under the situation,
                Soldered                     (          ;                     Do not secure antenna                    Name of Tx, Rx, Servo, Electric Speed Controller, Motor, Batteries,
                to lug board                 or plastic)                   _~ wire to the plate                        Chassis, A use situation, the failure, condition when trouble occurred
                                                                                                                       Your name, address or phone and fax numberthat we can contact you on.
     Notes on Installing                                                                                             @Plcase send theInformation described above when requesting repair.
 The crystal direction facing front or down, the crystal may fall out by the shock                                   Kondo Kagaku Co., Ltd. Service dept.

               —¥, Orp_ O—=—
 of a crash or vibration Please use crystal fixing on the case with tapes.
                                                                                                                    For more information Phone:03—3807—7751 FAX:03—3807—8155
                                                                                                                    Business hours: Monday through Friday except for Saturday, Sunday
                                                                                                                    and Japanese National holiday
                    The advance                     /    The advance                                      Tape
                                                                                C                         C         4—17—7, Higashi—Nippori, Arakawa—Ku, Tokyo, 116—0014, Japan
   zx              C direction                          C direction
                                                                                                                    Web site:

Document Created: 2019-09-05 10:29:38
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 10:29:38

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