RF exposure info 4


RF Exposure Info

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Schid & Panser   Engrecing G                                  p       e      a       q
Tesgmontamse 13004 2urch, Setzerind
Prane »4t t 28 9700 Fax »a1 t ass ort9
intotispengcom, hn tronssponycom

                                  IMPORTANT NOTICE

The DAE unt is a deleate,high preciion instument and requires careftratment by the user. There are no
seniceable pats insidethe OAE. Spoca aterton shal be giventothe folowing points
Battery Exchange: The batley cover ofthe DAEA un‘ is clased using a scrau., ovetightening the serow may
cause the threads isidethe DAE t wear out
Shipping of the DAE: Before shipping the DAE to SPEAG for caltration, remove the battries and pack the
DAE in an antstac bag. This anstaie bay shathen be packed inta larger box or conainer which protectsthe
DAE from impacts during transportaion. The package shall be maried to indale that a fragle insrument is
E—Stop Fallures: Touch detection may be mallunctioning due o broken magnets in the Estop. Rough handing
of he Eatop may lead to damage ofthese magnets. Touch and colison arrrsare oflen caused by dust and dit
accumulated in the Estop. To prevent Estop falure, the customer shall abrays mount the probe to the ORE
carefuly and keep the DAE unt n a non—dusty enviranmenti not used fr measurements
      ir: Minorrepairs are pararmed at o ectra cost during the ann‘ caltration. However, SPEAG reserves
the ighttocharge for any repai especially i rough unprofessional hane caused the defect
DASY Confiquration Files: Since the exact values of the DAE input reistances, as measured during the
ealbration procedure of a DAE unit, arenot used by he DASY sofware, a nominl valueof 200 MObm is given
in the corresponding contiguration fle
Important Note:
|Warranty and calibration is void if the DAE unitis disassembled partly or fully by the

Important Note:
Never attempt to grease or oil the E—stop assembly. Cleaning and readjusting of the E—
Istop assembly is allowed by cortified SPEAG personnel only andis part of the annual
(callbration procedure.

important Note:
[To prevent damage of the DAE probe connector pins, use great care when installing the
|probe to the DAE. Carefully connect the probe with the connector notch oriented in the
Imating position. Avoid any rotational movement of the probe body versus the DAE
lwhile turning the locking nut of the connector. The same care shall be used when
(disconnocting the probe from the DAE.

Schnid & Partner Engineemng
n_eroi0s1¢0 Date.doe                                                                       11122000

Calibration Laboratory of                         «Un                            g. SchwelenischerKaltrlrtionst
Schmid & Partner                                  SI}TE_&{/E&                    g Sorven sulise datomnage
  Engineering AG                                  1acuR                             Sorvito svieeroi tatura
Zoughavsstasse d3 8004 2uich, Suilsetand          xw                             5. suis catbratn Sarvice

Accsudledby the Snias ccrodtalon Sar/ce (GAS)                            Acsredtatontto: SCS 0108
The Sviss ccredation Servicis one ofthesignatore o the EA
Holtiteral Agreementforthecognton ofalbraton corifetes
clem       Intertek                                                      Coifcaten: DAE4—358_Nov17

Obiea                          DaE4 — SD 000 Do4 BM — SN: as8

Citbatonpeceduet)              OA CAL—06.429
                               Calibration procedure for the data acquistion electronics (DAE)

 Caitratondate                 November 07, 2017

 This calratoncortfcai dacamnts h taceabty tnatanal standas utich eate tphyscal uns t measremnts (S0
 The measuments and ho unceiaitesvih contdence prbabity e gven on thftouing pagosand are par ot cortfeate
 Alcatvraton hav bee conduta in ho closa laboto faci envronmenttonporave (2 2 )C and hunidty<70%c
 Caterton Eavormentused (HATE eitenforealtaton)
 Pimany Sunduds    _______|1D#                    Cal it (Conteatotio)                   Sctoded Catraion
 Katty MatinteType 2001    |shcooioere            arai7 Noztorm                          hopre
 Scondar Standads               n«                 Gheske (ntooso)                       scradiedCrock
 Auo DE Citbaton Unt            se Lits 0s3 A 1001 OsJartr n hovse ces                   Inroose chec Jin8
 Caoiortonyes                   se uis 006A 1902. Os antr (nhousectey                    Intusechec dinto

                                Hane                        Furcion                       Spratue
 Cattatty                       Doniigue Sten               Latotey Tectrican         @

 Appromaby                      Sionkitn                    Doouty Managar             \ V
                                                                                          lesod: Nowwmer7, 2017
 This catbrato corfal ahalno e rerodvend exentnfat vihout in ororlet

Cortfcate No: DAE4aseNovt7                           Page 1 o1

Calibration Laboratory of                                                .. SetwelrschorKattrlrtionst
Schmid & Partner                                                            Service sulse @ttonnage
  Engineering AG                                                         C Senviic      wro dtastura
‘recghnusstaase 43, 6004 zarich, Ssnnd                                   8. Sss Cabraton Serice
Accrodtod y thSuis AccrudtatonSerfce (GAS)                                Aceredtation N   is orcs
The        AceredtantionService is onof e aignatores o the EA
Mttitatera Agreemenfoh recogntoofcabratoncerifentes

DAE                      data acquisition electronics
Connector angle          information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                         coordinate system.

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
   * DC Voltage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
        comparison with a callbrated instrument traceable to national standards. The figure given
        corresponds to the full scale rangeof the voltmeter in the respective range.
    * Gonnector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
      mechanically by a tool inserted. Uncertainty is not required.
    + The following parameters as documented in the Appendix contain technical information as a
        result from the performancetest and require no uncertainty.
        *    DC Vollage Measurement Linearity: Veriication of the Lineaity at +10%and —10% of
             the nominal callbration voltage. Influence of offset voltage is included in this
        *    Gommon mode sensitvily: Influence of a positive or negative common mode voltage on
             the differential measurement.
        *    Channe! separation: Influence of a vollage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
             input voltage.
        *    AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the intermal AD converter
             corresponding to zero input votage
        + input Offset Measurement Oulput voltage and statistical results over a large number of
          zero voltage measurements.
        + Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channelinput offset
          current, not considering the input resistance.
        * inputresistance: Typical value forinformation: DAE input resistanceat the connector,
          during internal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
        *    Low Battery Alarm Voltage: Typical value for information. Below this vollage, a battery
             alarm signal is generated.
        + Powerconsumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Ceriicate No: DAE4:358. Novt                            Page2ets

DC Voltage Measurement
   A/D — Convertor Resolution nominal
       Figh Range:          wse»      SV          fullrango = —100..300 m
       Low Range:           iss«      Stov.       fulltange = 1.....+3m
   DASY measurement prameter: Auto Zero Tine: 3 ec; Measuringtme: 3 seo
    Calivration Factors             x                       ®                    z
    High Range            404.142 + 0.02% (ke2) 408.701 x 0.02% (k=2)   409.056 2 0.02% (—2)
     Low Range            a.o100 x 1.50%e (2) a.00007 + 1.50% (ke2) @.00174 2 1500 (ce2)

Connector Angle

     Connector Angle to be used in DASY systen                              sesone1*

Coriicate No: DAEA—958.Novt                      Pageacts

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)
1. DC VoltageLinearity
    High Range                        Reading (¥)___|_Ditference (u)              Eor (%)
    Channel X__     + Input             2o00s4.10           Ac8                   oc0
    Channel X       _ _+ input          2oor0.19            aso                   oce
    Channel X_ _—   input               «2000009            aso                   oce
    Channel¥        + input             2000008             mss                   oc0
    Channel¥        + input             2oooraa             183                   oo1
    Channel¥___—    input               «2000160            ose                   —oco
    Channel2.___    + input             2ooncer             ose                   000
    Channel 2        + input             200052             oas                   aco
    Channel 2        _ — input          2000732             a1so                  oo1
    Low Range                          Reading (x¥)      bittrence (¥)            Entor (%)
    ChannelX___+ input                   200178               oor                  oco
    ChannelX   + input                    moere               aso                  o2s
    ChannelX   —input                     roase               ace                 005
    Channel¥   + input                   zoor.70              uze                  oo
    Channel¥   + input                    20000               ore                 03e
    Channel¥   Input                      ro0e7               oso                  oso
    ChannelZ   + input                   200101               o4s                 oce
    Channel 2  _ _+ input                 20000               130                 .oss
    Channel 2  <input                     «2o0se              «183                 oor

2. Common mode sensi
   DASY measurement parameter: Auto Zero Tire: 3 see; Measurng time: 3 see
                    Common mode                    High Rango                   Low Range
                    Input Voitage (m¥)       Average Reading (u)           Average Reading (1¥)
    ChannelX                     200                   zoo                        ces
                                «200                   see                       c
    ChannelY                     200                   sn                        Em
                                +200                   ass                        2s0
    Channel2                     2o                    mai                       1120
                                —200                  1304                       1380

3. Channel separation
   DASY measurement paramaters: Auto Zero Tire: 3 see; Measurig time: 3 se
                   Input Voltage (m¥) ChannelX(s¥) Channel‘¥ (i¥)              ChannelZ (@¥)
    Channel X              200                   —               273               a2s
    ChannelY               200                 7e                  —               195
    Channel2               200                 so1               sar                 —

Ceriicate No: DAE4—358.Novt?                      PagedotS

4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
   DASY measurement paramaters: Auta Zero Time: 3 see; Measuring tme:3 see
                                             High Range (LSB)            Low Range (LSB)
    Channel X                                         16030                          1seer
    Channel ¥                                         1etze                          1sour
    Channel 2                                         1sere                          1se05

5. Input Offset Measurement
   DASY measurement paramotors: Asto Zero Time3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec
   Insot 1ova
                                            min.Offset)         mas. oftset y¥)      5* Z"‘;;‘“m
    Channeix                  120                 o2                 220                     o0
    ChannelY                  oie                 10e                Ts                      on
    Ghannelz                  o0«                 ore                1e                      ose

6. Input Offset Current
    NominalInput circuly offet current on all channals: <25rA

7. Input Resistance (Typical values forifommation)
                                              Zeroing (kohm)                Measuring (MOhm)
    Channel X                                       200                            200
    Channel¥                                        200                            200
    Channel 2                                       2c                             200

   Low Battery Alarm Voltage (Typicalvavesforintormation)
    Typical values                             Alum Level (¥DC)
    Supply (+ Vee)                                                     «s
    Supply (Vee)                                                       z8

9. Power Consumption (Typicalvaluesfor nfomaton)
    Typical values                       Switched off (mA) Stand by (ma)          |_Transmitting (mA)
    Supply (+ Vee)                             «o1              16                        «n
    Supply (—Vee)                              —co1              s                         a

Corifeate No: DAEt—358.Novt                          PageSots

Document Created: 2019-09-22 13:12:36
Document Modified: 2019-09-22 13:12:36

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