User Manual Part II


Users Manual

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User Guide

             View Current Playlist

             1. Touch and hold, then drag your finger left on the home
               screen to display the current playlist.

             View playback history

             1. Drag [Down / Up] direction on the Home screen to display
               the playback history.

                                                         Using the Device   13

User Guide

             Moving Up/Down on the List

             1. Scroll through the list by dragging
               your finger up and down.

                                                      Using the Device   14

User Guide






             5                7

             6                9

                 Using the Device   15

User Guide

             1   Album Cover      Displays album cover image.
             2   Title            Song title information.
                                  The file name is displayed when
                                  the title is unavailable.
             3   Details          Displays current song
             4   Progress Bar     Shows playback progress of
                                  current song. Drag the indicator
                                  to move to the desired track time.
             5   Song Progress    Indicates song duration.
             6   Previous Song/   Short-press: Plays the previous
                 Rewind           song or restarts the song.
                                  Long-press: Rewinds the current
             7   Song Duration    Indicates the song’s total
                                  duration or remaining time.
                                  Tap to switch display option.
             8   Play/Pause       Plays or pauses the current song.
             9   Next/FF          Short press: Plays the next song.
                                  Long press: Fast-forwards
                                  current song.

                                                 Using the Device   16

User Guide

Notifi-           1   2   3   4   5   6     7      8




                                      Using the Device   17

User Guide

             1        Wi-Fi            Press [      ] to turn Wi-Fi on/off.
             2        Bluetooth        Press [     ] to turn Bluetooth on/off.
             3        EQ               Press [       ] to turn the EQ on/off.
                                       The most recent EQ settings are
                                       applied by default.
             4        Wheel            Press [      ] to turn the screen lock
                      Lock             on/off. The volume wheel is disabled
                                       when the screen is locked.
             5        Gapless          Press [      ] to turn Gapless
                      Playback         Playback on/off.
             6        Line-out         Press [       ] to turn line-out on/off.
             7        Computer         Select the mode to use when
                      Connection       connected to a computer.
                      Mode                   :Listen to music files on a
                                             connected computer
                                             through the device.
                                             :Enables transfer of media files.
             8        USB              After connecting the device to a
                      output           portable USB DAC, press [           ] to
                                       connect or disconnect the device.

             9        Brightness       Use the adjustment bar to control
                                       the display brightness.

             10       Notifications Notification contents are displayed
                      Display          in this area.

                  Long-press [     / /      /    ] to move to the corresponding
                  Settings screen.
                  Add/delete Quick Settings buttons or change their order in
                  [Menu - Settings - Notification Panel].

                                                          Using the Device        18

User Guide

Purcha-      Conveniently purchase music from the Services when connected
             to a wireless network.
sing or
Streaming    Purchasing or Streaming Music
Music from   1. Connect to a wireless network.
Services     2. Select [Services] from the menu to display the Services
               options available.
             3. Select the desired Services.
             4. Check the user guide or help menu within each Services
               for detailed information.

                  For Wi-Fi connections, see Page 36.

                                                        Using the Device   19

User Guide

AK           The PPS11 can access and play back music files stored on
             a computer on the same network, as well as output sound
CONNECT      through compatible speakers.

             MQS Streaming Server Installation

             1. Visit the Astell&Kern website and download the server
               installer that corresponds to your operating system.
               [ > Support > Download].
             2. Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen
             3. Check the User Guide within the program for detailed
               information on using the MQS Streaming Server.

                  Please refer to the following Computer/Mac minimum system
                    Minimum Computer Requirements
                    OS: Windows XP, Windows 7/8/10 (32 & 64-bit)
                    Mac Requirements
                    OS X 10.7 (Lion) or later

             Connecting AK Connect Library / Speaker

             1. Turn On the library to be connected
               and connect to the same network
               as PPS11.
                 Run the MQS streaming server
                 on your computer.
             2. Turn on the AK CONNECT function
               by pressing and holding [     ] in the
               notification bar or selecting [Menu-
               Settings-AK CONNECT].
             3. Press [AK Connect] on the menu.

                                                        Using the Device   20

User Guide

             4. A list of libraries / speakers that
               are on the same network with
               PPS11 is displayed.
             5. Select a library / speaker to

             6. After selecting a library / speaker,
               select a category from the menu
               to display the corresponding music

                   For Wi-Fi connections, see Page 36.

                                                         Using the Device   21

User Guide

             Streaming and downloading music from your library

             1. Select a category from the library
               menu to see your list of music.
             2. Select a song to begin streaming.

             3. Press [     ] button at the upper-
               right corner of the music list.
             4. Select the desired music, and
               press [      ] on the top to download
               the music.
                 A message on the Notification
                 Bar will indicate when the
                 download is complete.

                   Depending on network conditions, song loading may be slow or
                   streaming may stutter.
                   Performing other operations on the library PC may cause slower
                   response time.
                   If you stream and download at the same time, it may slow the
                   device’s response time depending on the speed of the Wi-Fi network
                   or server.
                   Stop downloading by touching the item you're downloading in the
                   notification bar and moving to the window.

                                                              Using the Device     22

User Guide

Listening    Selecting Music

to Music     1. Select a category from the menu to display the corresponding
               music list.
             2. Select a song from the list to begin playback.

                   Select [Folder] to search music by folder.
                   Continuous Playing Time: Approximately 10 hours (Music: FLAC,
                   16-bit, 44.1 kHz, unbalanced output, volume 75, EQ off, LCD off)
                   Supported Formats: PCM [8~384kHz], DSD [2.8/5.6/11.2MHz]

             Listening to Music

               Turn the [Volume Wheel] to adjust the volume.
               Press [ ] during playback to pause and [            ] to resume
               Press [     /     ] during playback for the previous/next song.
               Long-press [       /   ] during playback to rewind/fast-forward.
               Drag the indicator to the desired location during playback.
               Press the [       ] to go to Home Screen.
               Press [Lyrics] at the bottom of the Control Panel to display
               Press [     ] at the top of the menu list to hide the menu list.
               Press [     ] at the top of the menu to display the search
               window and type in the title of the music you want to play
               to display a list of search results including the searched
               Select [MQS] and press [          /     ] at the top to sort the
               list by sound quality or alphabetically.
               Press [         ] on the music list to add all music to the
               current playlist.

                                                             Using the Device    23

User Guide

             Press [    ] at the top of the music list to display the Edit
                : Add selected items to the current playlist at the
                  beginning / at the end / after the current song of
                  Now Playing
                : Add selected list to playlist
                : Delete selected list
                : Exit Edit Mode
             Select all: Select / deselect entire list

                                                         Using the Device   24

User Guide

             Playlist Screen

                1                                                        3


             1 Previous        Return to the previous screen.

             2 Playlist        Displays the playlist for the current location.

             3 Edit mode Display the editing options for the music list.

             4 Play All        Play all songs in the current list.

                                                         Using the Device    25

Document Created: 2018-05-30 15:42:37
Document Modified: 2018-05-30 15:42:37

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