User Manual 2


Users Manual

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User Guide                                                                   User Guide

             4. A list of servers on the same                                             Streaming and Downloading from the Music Server
               network as the PPM31 will be             esns
                                                                                          1. Select a search option from the
                                                              pslie s                        server Home Screen to display
                                                                                             a list of music.
                                                                                          2. Select a song to begin streaming.

                                                                                                                                           Spanish Harlem

             5. Scroll the screen left and right to
                select a server. The selected server
                                                                                          3. Press the [ &2 ] button at the
                will be connected and the server
                                                                                             upper—right corner of the music list.
                home screen will be displayed.
                                                                                          4. Select the desired music, and then
                                                                                             press the [ L. ] button at the top of
                                                                                             the screen to begin downloading.
                                                                                             *A message on the Notification
                                                            asmsrs                             Bar will indicate a completed
                                                            ABuMS                             download.

             6. Select a search option at the
                bottom of the server home screen
                to display a list of music.                                                     Bepending on network conditions, song loading may be slow or
                                                                                                streaming may sturter
                                                                                                Server response may be slow when the server computer is
                                                                                                under load.
                                                                                                Depending on network conditions and server status, the
                                                                                                PPM3t‘s pertormance may be affected when streaming and
                                                                                                downloading at the same time.
                                                                                                Terminating music streaming Or pressing the item being
                                                                                                downloaded within the Notfication Bar will stop the downtoading.

              e Refer to page 44 of the mantal for more information on
                connecting to a wireless network.

                                                       Using the Device 20                                                              Using the Device 21

User Guide                                                                                  User Guide

             Selecting Speakers                                                                          Example 2

              1. Turn on the speaker(s) to be                           W   &
                 connected, and then connectit to                      smI_} 6
                the same network as the PPM31.                        $     2         e
             2. Turn on [AK Connect] from the                         se    s    9.   .0~
                device settings.                                      ©&    BR   4    e                                                            J
             3. Press [         ] from the notification                e               #
                   bar to display a list of speakers
                   available on the same network
                                                                                                          AK500N                      PPM31                      AK T1
                   as the PPM31.                                      ie   eice c
                  . Scroll the screen left and right to                                                                               REMOTE                    Biyeco

                    select a speaker. The selected
                    speaker will be connected, and
                    music will be played back through
                   the speaker.                                                                          Example 3


             AK Sonnect Usage Examples                                                                                                         ColI—,

              Example 1                                                                                       PPM31                             AK500N
                                                                 C——_—0                                  REMOTE & LIBRARY _                    SPEAKER

                           |                    J3
                           2               nnuremmensesmentige


                                                                    Using the Device 22                                                             Using the Device 23

User Guide                                                                                         User Guide

              Example 4
                                                                                                   Listening    Selecting Music

                                                                                                   to Music     1. Select a search option at the bottom of the home screen
                                                                                                                   to display the playlist.
                                                                                                                2. Select a song from the list to begin playback.

                                                      iJs                                                              Select [Folder} to search music by folder,
                                                   woommmosniip:                                                       Continuous Playback: Approximately 10 hours (Basis: FLAGC,
                                                                                                                       16—bit, 44 kHz, unbalanced output, volume 80, EQ off, LCD off}
                                                                                                                       Supported Formais; PCM [8 — 384 kHz (3/16/24/32—bi), DSD
                                                                                                                       §2.875.6 MHz]

                PPM31               AK500N                           AK T1

                                                                                                                Listening to Music

                                                                                                                * Press [ &2 ] at the top of the music list to display music
             ~Exampic 5       +              —                               —   rmcras   e   2s
                                                                                                                    @ : Add the selected file after the current/last song of
                                                                                                                        the current playlist.
                                                                                                                    > : Add the selected file to the playlist.
                                                                                                                    M : Copy the selected file.
                                                                                                                    i[} : Move the selected file.
                                                                                                                    fi : Delete the selected file.
                                                                                                                    Select an album cover from the home screen to begin
                PPM31                               n
                                                   mm                                                               Turn the [Volume Wheel] to adjust the volume.
                                                                                                                    Press [ ] during playback to pause and [ »] to resume

                                  AK Connect APP

               &—/        a                                                                                         o You can also pause/resume playback by pressing the
                                                                                                                      [ I) ] button on the device.
                          /                                          AKTi                                           Press [ «b«f / J ] during playback for the previous/next song.

                                                                                                                    0 Play the previous/next song by pressing the [(/)] button
                                                                                                                      on the device.
               AK500N                                                                                               Long—press [ «l«f / )»»] during playback to rewind/fast—forward.
                                                                                                                    o Rewind/fast—forward by pressing the [ / )] button on
                                                                                                                      the device.

                                                     Using the Device 24                                                                                      Using the Device 28

User Guide                                                                   User Guide

             » Drag the progress bar to the desired location during                       Playlist Screen
             * Press the [Home] button on the device to go to the Home                                      3i 2oSka
              ) Press the album cover during playback to display an
                additional screen.
                4« : Display the previous screen.
               &= : Display the current playlist.
                    o Press [ =] next to the playlist to edit the playlist                                  HDO90368024565

                      oidet: ls                         2l         .                                        Bruckner Orchester Linz / Be.,
                    o Press [ & ] at the top of the music list to display                        en
                      music options.                                                         3              Music
                      > : Add the selected file to the playlist.                            ~               tunknown}
                      \J : Delete the selected file.                                                                          .
                  : Add the current song to the playlist.                                         ons       %fims From The 1t
               => : Display lyrics for the current song.                                         " be       e eeeate
                t . Display current song information.
                                                                                                            Sugar Hill
                                                                                                            Jackson, Hazelting, Reedus,.

                                                                                                            The Persuasions Sing U2
                                                                                                            The Persuasions

                                                                                                            The Raven

                                                       Using the Device 26                                                            Using the Device 27

User Guide                                                                        User Guide
                                                                                                                     o   nomeansemeesernercenmcaneovenessobenieeereernsreacvecrevetesecesemessersecint

                                                                                               Music Player Screen
             1   Gurrent        Indicates the current location.
                 Location       Press to return to the previous screen.

             2   Play All       Play all songs from the current playlist.

             3   Playlist       Displays the playlist for the current location.

             4   List Sorting   Select a method for
                                sorting the playlist.

             §                  Select a view type for the list of albums.

             0                  Select the checkbox to apply playlist _

                                                                                               1   /   Previous Screen Return to the previous screen.

                                                                                               2       Album Cover           Display album covers.
                                                                                                                             Press the album cover to show
                                                                                                                             additional functions.

                                                        lsing the Device 28                                                                           Using the Device 29 —

3    o       Llyrics          Lyrics for the current song.           Fflay’jiffi   Creating a Playlist
4        >   Add to Playlist Add the current song to a playlist.     Manage—     1. Press [Playlist — Playlists] from the
 —            Crcram            CC               —                   ment           home screen to display a list of            satad
5            Song Progress Indicates song duration.                  fIGIIL        playlists.                                     CEA
6            Details          Displays bitrate and sampling                      2. Press [+] at the upper—right corner
                              frequency data.                                       of the screen.
                                                                                 3. Enter a name for the playlist,
             Title            Song title information.                               and then press [Add] to create
                              File name is displayed when                          a new playlist.
                              ID3Tag is unavailable.

             Artist           Artist name.

                              Play or pause the current song.

                              Displays the current playlist.

             Dstails          Displays current song information.

             Song Duration    Indicates the song‘s total duration.
                              Press to switch from elapsed
                              time to remaining time.

             Progress Bar     Indicates song progress.
                              Drag the indicator to move to
                              the desired time.                                  Adding a Song to a Playlist

14 44 Previous/               Short press: Previous song.                        1. Press [Playlists] to display a list
      Rewind                  Long press: Rewind the current                        of playlists.
                                             song                                2. Select a playlist and press [+ Add]
     —                                                                              to display a list of songs.
     PP¥ Next/                Short press: Next song.                            3. Select the desired song, and then
             Fast—Forward     Long press: Fast—forward the                         press [+ Add] to add the song to
                                             current song.                         the selected playlist.

                                                                                                                              » tR
                                                                                                                             C “‘&’ Pbbecd

                                             Using the Device 30                           ‘                                Using the Device 31

Dear Murirs                                                                         ‘ v fluirla
User Guide                                                                         User Guide

              Removing a Song from a Playlist                                                       Renaming a Playlist

              1. Press [Playlists] to display a list                                               1. Press [Playlists] to display a list
                 of playlists.                                                                        of playlists, and then press [ 2 ]
              2. Select the desired playlist, and                                                     at the top of the screen.
                 then press [ &2 ] at the top of                                                   2. Select a playlist to be renamed.
                 the screen.                                                                       3. Press [ ¥ ] at the top of the screen
              3. Select the desired song, and then                                                    to display a rename window.
                 press [fi ] to remove the song                                                     4. Enter a name for the playlist, and
                from the selected playlist.                                                           then press [Rename] to save the
                                                                                                      playlist under a new name.

                   CC the Playlist Order

              1. Press [ == ] next to the playlist
                 to medify the playlist order.

                                                                                                        . Press [Playlists] to display a list

                                                                                                          of playlists, and then press [ ®=2]
                                                                                                          at the top of the screen.
                                                                                                        . Select the playlist to be deleted.

                                                                                                  m n
                                                                                                          Press [ WWy ] at the top of the screen
                                                                                                         to delete the selected playlist.

              Playing a Playlist

              1. Press [Playlists] to display a list
                 of playlists, and then press [ ==2]
                 at the top of the screen.
              2. Select the desired playlist for playback.
              3. Press [ ® ] at the top of the screen
                 to add the selected playlist after
                the current/last song of the current

                                                             Using the Device 32                                                                   Using the Device 33

User Guide                                                                                    User Guide

                The USB DAC functionality allows the PPM31 to be                              CD R!ppmg     Connect the AK Ripper (sold separately) to rip CDs.
                recognized as a sound card on a computer. Music from the
Instailation    computer is played through the device‘s earphones port for
                an enhanced listening experience.                                                           Turning the AK Ripper On/Off

                                                                                                                . Set [ — CD Ripping] to On.

                                                                                                                . After connecting the product, pull down the notification

                USB DAC Specifications
                                                                                                                  bar and press the CD ripping icon to use the AK Ripper.
                * Supported OS                                                                                    While the AK Ripper is turned on, pull down the notification

                  o Windows XP (32—bit) / Windows 7 (32/64—bit) /                                                 bar and press the CD ripping icon to stop the AK Ripper
                    Windows 8 (32/64—bit)                                                                         operation.
                * USB DAC Support Specifications
                  o Supported Formats: WAV, FLAC, WMA, MP3, OGG,
                    APE (Normal, High, Fast), AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DFFE, DSF                                    Automatic CD Ripping
                  o Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz — 96 kHz
               ——sBit Pate:—AB—bit/@4—trit———————————————                              e=—~                     . Connect the AK Ripper and inserta CD.

                * Control the volume with the PPM31‘s volume wheel.                                             . The metadata (1D3 tags) for the inserted CD willberetrieved_
                                                                                                                  via Gracenote.
                 recrmigtnng spmieur
                                                                                                                . CD ripping will begin automatically after the metadata

                6» é'fi!fld will not play back for files thal exceed the supported
                oi ue                                                                                            has been retrieved.
                   i Wolkme control is unavailable when the LGD screen is turned off
                                                                                                                . When finished, press [OK] on the results prompt to

                     ‘duiing USB DAC connection.
                     The Previous, Play, and Next buttons are unavailable during USB                              complete automatic CD ripping.
                     DAC connection.
                     Playback may stutter when computer performance is slew or the
                     USB connection is experiencing Reavy usage.
                     There may be issues with audio—to—video synchrontzation during
                     video playback depending on the sound guality and opcrating                            Manual CD Ripsing
                     Optical cutput (S/PDIF) is unavailable during USB DAC                                      . When the AK Ripper is connected and a CD is inserted,

                     Volume cannot be adjusted via the Windows valume control. The                                the [CD Ripping] menu will be activated on the home screen.
                     volume whee! on the device or volume control on the                                        . Press the [CD Ripping] menu and select the desired file

                     appropriate program must be used to adjust the volume.
                                                                                                                  format (FLAC or WAV).
                                                                                                                . The Gracenote database will be searched for matching

                                                                                                                  CD metadata after the file format is selected.
                                                                                                                . When the database search is complete, press [Start] to
                                                                                                                  begin CD ripping.
                                                                                                                . Rip only selected songs.

                                                             Using the Device 34                                                                       Using the Device 35

User Guide                                                                               User Guide

             CD Ripping Results                                                          Using             Connect a Bluetooth device to listen to music wirelessly.

             — #:   Indicates that CD ripping is complete, or that although              Blustooth
                  an error occurred, CD ripping was successfully
                                                                                                           Turning Blustocth On/Off
                  completed via error correction.
                : Indicates that the song currently being ripped can be                                    A Bluetooth device must be paired
                  canceled via user input.                                                                 with the PPM31 prior to use. Refer
                : Indicates that CD ripping failed due to a scratch on                                     to the Bluetooth device‘s instruction
                  the CD or other similar reasons. Also indicates that                                     manual for details.
                  CD ripping was canceled due to user interruption.                                        1. Select [%] from the home screen,
                                                                                                               or select [On/Off] from [ J —
                    To search the Gracenote database, the PPM31 must be                                        Bluetooth].
                    connected to the Internet via Wi—Fi. The database access time
                    may vary depending on the network environment.
                    Please note that metadata for certain CDs may not be available
                .ofufie Gracenote database.
                cicid while CD ripping is in

                        ‘AK Gonnect service will be disabled during CD ripping. The |                 — *Biueiao’ih*?airing merermererrenerermer werer mverr h enrareenereprariimaererntte M ree merarere en e oec es mrairreta ie e e erete en en ne t m
                              R automatically restart when CB npping is completed.
                    fi’?       yback will be disabled during GB ripping, and tracks                         1. Select the appropriate Bluetooth device from the list of
                            e been nipped wilt not be available tor playback until the
                    ‘entre©1 Hasbesn ripped.              :                                                    available devices.
                      Wicanset the desired file format and ripping speed from the [
                         CB Ripping] menu.                                                                          A Blustosth device must be paired with the PPM31 prior to use.
                        eral atempts at correction will be made for data with errors                                Refer to the Bluetooth device‘s instriction manual for details.
                       en the feature is enabled under [ — CD Ripping — Error
                    Correction]. Please note that the CD ripping speed will be
                    affected when this feature is enabled,

                                                                                                           Terminating a Blustocth Connection

                                                                                                           1. Press the connected Bluetooth
                                                                                                              device and confirm the message
                                                                                                              prompt to disconnect the device.

                                                              Using the Device 36                                                                                    Using the Device 37

Document Created: 2015-11-27 13:05:46
Document Modified: 2015-11-27 13:05:46

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