SAR Test Report 1


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                                                TEST REPORT

KCTL Inc.                                      Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOO11
65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu,
Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
TEL: 82 70 5008 1021
FAX: 82 505 299 8311
                                               Page( 1 ) / ( 25 ) Pages     

   1. Client
        Name :                             IRIVER LIMITED.
        Address :                          Iriverhouse, 5, Bangbae—ro 18—gil, Seocho—gu, Seoul, Korea

   2. Sample Description
        Type of equipment:                 Portable Music Player

        Model :                            PPE12

   3. Date of Receipt :                    2016—06—14
   4. Date of Test:                        2016—06—27
   5. FCC ID:                              QDMPPE12
   6. FCC Rule Part:                       CFR §2.1093
   7. Test method used:                    IEEE 1528—2013, ANSUIEEE C95.1, KDB Publication
   8. Test Results                         Complied (Refer to page 23)
                                           (Measurement uncertainty : Refer to test result)

   The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated.

                                 Tested   by                              Technical   Manager

                                               —Ps—                            soG
                                 Name : Kyounghoo Min                     Name : Cheonsig Choi


                                                                                              KCTL Inc.


                                                                            Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                            Page: 2 of 25


         Date                                             Revision
      2016—07—14                                        iginally issued

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KCTL Inc. This document
may be altered or revised by KCTL Inc. personnel only, and shall be noted in the revision section of the
document. Any alteration of this document not carried out by KCTL Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify
the document.

  KCTL Inc.                65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                               TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
            This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                                           Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                                           Page: 3 of 25


1. CHiGHEINEOTI@EION .. ... 0000000000000 +0 ++ rererereerererereerererereerererereenen en en nen en en nen en en nen en en nenenenenenevnenenenevnenennnee 4

2. Laboratory information ...                                                                                                                           «.5
3. Identification of Sample.....                                                                                                                        «.6
4.TESt RESUIE SUMIMATY .... .ce 000000 eeeeeeereeeneenneenenenneeeenenneenenenneneenenneenenennennenennenneenen en nne n nnnn en nen 8

5. REPOPL OVERVIEW ... 000 e 060000 eeereerereereerennereenennereenennereenenneneeenenneneenennennnenenn en en nn en en en nnnnn en en nnn n nenn 8
6. Test L@b DeCIQFAION Of COMIMENES....... .0. 0000000006666 e e eerereereenenneneenennereenennennenennenneenennnnnn n en nn en nen 8

7. Applicant DeCIAPAtION O COMIMENES..... ... 0000000000000 e e eeeereereerereererenennereenennereenenneneeeeneennennennnnnnnnnnnnen 8
8. MEASUEMENE UNCEPAIDEY.. ... 0000000000000 e eeeeeeeeeeeeeerereereeennereenenneneenennereeenn en en nn en n en nn en nnnn en nen 9

9. The SAR MEASUPEMENE SYSEEM ........ccceeeeeneeeenmennenenmeeneeneeeneenneneenennernenennennenennenneenennnennnnnnnennnn n ns 10
10. SYStEM VETIfICAUION .. .0 0000000000006 060666 eee e eee en renenneneenennennnenennennenenn en en nn en en nn en en nnennnnn en en nnn n nen en 14

11. OperatiON. CONfigUPANIONS ...0.0. 000000000000 060606 e eeereereenereerenenenneneenennenenenennennnenenn en en nneennnn en nnnnnnnnnen n 17

12. SAR MeASUPEMENE PFOCEGUTES ........ ... 00000000ee6eeeeeeereerereereenennereenennereenennernenenneneenenneenennennnnnnnnnnnnen n 18

13. TeSt EQUIPMENE IEOTM@UION ... ... 000000000 000000 006060666 e e e eeereerenenenneneenenneneenennenenenenn en en nneennnn en nnnnnnnnnen en 20

14. RF Average Conducted Output Power ......                                                                                                         «.21

15. SAR Test Exclusions Applied .                                                                                                                     ... 22
16. SAR TeSt ReSUIES ..... ... cee0 00000006 ereererereeenenmereenennereenennennnenennennenennenenenenn en en nn en en nnennnnn en en nnn n nen n 23

17. Test SyStEM VerifiC@UION R@SUIES.....0. .0. 000000000000000 6e eerereereenennereenennenenenennennenenne n enenneenennnnnnnnnnn n nen n 24

18. TeSt RESUIES..... 000 000000000000e0 e eeee e enerneneenennennenennennenennennnene en en en nn en en nn en en nn en en nnennnnn en nnnnnn n nen en 25

Appendix A. Calibration ceritficate

Appendix B. EUT Photo
Appendix C. Test Photo

   KCTL Inc.                           65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                            TEL: 82705008 1021                   FAX: 82505299 8311
                 This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                             Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                             Page: 4 of 25

1. Client information

Client:                          IRIVER LIMITED.

Address:                         Iriverhouse, 5, Bangbae—ro 18—gil, Seocho—gu, Seoul, Korea

Telephone:                       +82—2—3019—7514

Fax:                             +82—2—3019—7575


Contact name:                    Dabin Wang

  KCTL Inc.                 65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                TEL: 82705008 1021        FAX: 82505299 8311
             This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                                       Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOO11
                                                                                                                      Page: 5 of 25

2. Laboratory information
65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea
TEL: 82 70 5008 1021                      FAX: 82 505 299 8311


KOLAS No.: KT231

FCC Site Designation No.: KROO040

FCC Site Registration No.: 687132

VCCI Site Registration No.: R—3327, G—198, C—3706, T—1849

IC Site Registration No.: 8035A—2


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  KCTL Inc.                   65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                  TEL: 827050081021 FAX: 82505299 8311
              This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.

                                                                           Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                           Page: 6 of 25

3. Identification of Sample

EUT Type                     Portable Music Player

Brand Name                   IRIVER LIMITED.

Mode of Operation            WLAN 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth

Model Number                 PPE12

Serial Number                N/A

Max. Power                   15.00 dBm

Tx Freq.Range                2 412 ~ 2 462 MHz

Rx Freq.Range                2 412 ~ 2 462 MHz

Antenna Type                 FPCB Type

Antenna Size                 31.2 mm x 12.8 mm

Normal Voltage               DC 3.7 V

H/W Version                  vI1.0

S/W Version                  v1.0

 KCTL Inc.                65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                              TEL: 82705008 1021        FAX: 82505299 8311
           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                          Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                          Page: 7 of 25

3.1 Antenna Diagram

                                     31.2 mm x 12.8 mm
                                      <WLAN/BT Ant.>

                  1124 mm

                                             <Front View>

 KCTL Inc.               65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                             TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                      Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                      Page: 8 of 25

  4.Test Result Summary
  4.1 WLAN 802.11b Body SAR
   Frequency         Average      Max. tune           a                     Separation        Measured       Scaled
      C               Power       up power       i,c:cl::f     Pfsli{;l;n    Distance          1 g SAR      1 g SAR
  MHz      Ch.        (dBm)         (dBm)                                      {mm)            (W/kg)        (W/kg)
  2462      11        13.57         15.00          1.390         Rear             5             0.181         0.252
  * Contain the results of the worst test SAR including battery.

  5. Report Overview
This report details the results of testing carried out on the samples listed in section 3, the results contained in this

test report do not relate to other samples of the same product. The manufacturer should ensure that all products in

series production are in conformity with the product sample detailed in this report.

This report may only be reproduced and distributed in full. If the product in this test report is used in any

configuration other than that detailed in the test report, the manufacturer must ensure the new configuration

complies with all relevant standards and certification requirements. Any mention of KCTL Inc. Wireless lab or

testing done by KCTL Inc. Wireless lab made in connection with the distribution or use of the tested product must
be approved in writing by KCTL Inc. Wireless lab.

  6. Test Lab Declaration or Comments

  7. Applicant Declaration or Comments

     KCTL Inc.                  65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                    TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
                 This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                                   Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                                   Page: 9 of 25

8. Measurement Uncertainty
All measurements and results are recorded and maintained at the laboratory performing the tests and

measurement uncertainties are taken into account when comparing measurements to pass/ fail criteria.

                       4                    b             c               D             e =fidk)                   cxg/e        k
                                        Description    Tolerance/ Probability             Div.             i      Standard      vi
                                        IEEE P1528    Uncertainty Distribution                                   uncertainty    or
     Source of Uncertainty
                                          BODY           value                                                                 Veff
                                       (0.3 ~3 GHz)      +%                                             (12)      £%, (I g)
Measurement S
   obe calibration(k=1)                                                                                             6.30

  xial isotropy                                                                                                     0.20
  emispherical isotropy                                                                                              1.06
Linearity                                                                                                           0.35
Boundary effect                                                                                                     0.58
System detectionlimits                                                                                              0.58
Readout electronics                                                                                                 0.30
Response time                                                                                                       0.46

Integration time                                                                                                     1.50
    ambient conditions—noise

Probe positioner mechanical

Probe positioning with respect to
Extrapolation, interpolation, and
integration algorithms for max
    R evaluation
   est Sample                Related
 Test sample positioning
 Device holder uncertainty
 Jutput power variation—SAR
  ift measurement
Phantom and Tissue Parameters
 shape and thickness tolerances)           £334
Liquid conductivity—measurement            E33
              nty                           ~~
Liquid permittivity—measurement
Liquid conductivity—deviation
from target values
Liquid permittivity—deviation
from target         values

  KCTL Inc.                            65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                          TEL: 82705008 1021          FAX: 82505299 8311
                       This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                           Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
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9. The SAR Measurement System

                                    <SAR System Configuration>
    *   A standard high precision 6—axis robot with controller, teach pendant and software. An arm extension
        foraccommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
    *   An isotropic Field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurement.
    *   Data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing,
        AD—conversion,offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit

        is battery powered withstandard orrechargeable batteries. The signalis optically transmitted to the
    *   The Electro—optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals forthe
        digitalcommunication to the DAE. To use optical surface detection, a special version of the EOC is
        required. TheEOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.
    *   The function of the measurement serveris to perform the time critical tasks such as signalfiltering,
        control ofthe robot operation and fast movementinterrupts.
    *   The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe
    *   A computer running WinXP or Win7 and the DASY5 software.
    *   Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning
        lamps, etc.
    *   The phantom, the device holder and other accessories according to the targeted measurement.

 KCTL Inc.               65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                             TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                      Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                     Page: 11 of 25

9.1 Isotropic E—field Probe
 Isotropic E—Field Probe for Dosimetric Measurements

                                 Symmetrical design with triangular core
                                 Interleaved sensors
                                 Built—in shielding against static charges
                                 PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic solvents, e.g., DGBE)

Calibration                      ISO/IEC 17025 calibration service available.

Frequency                        10 MHz to 4 GHz;
                                 Linearity: + 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 4 GHz)

Directivity                      + 0.2 dB in TSL (rotation around probe axis)
                                 + 0.3 dB in TSL (rotation normal to probe axis)
Dynamic Range                    5 puWig to > 100 mWig;
                                 Linearity: + 0.2 dB

Dimensions                       Overall length: 337 mm (Tip: 20 mm)
                                 Tip diameter— 3.9 mm (Body: 12 mm)
                                 Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 2.0 mm

Application                      General dosimetry up to 4 GHz
                                 Dosimetry in strong gradient fields
                                 Compliance tests of mobile phones

Compatibility                    DASY3, DASY4, DASYS2 SAR and higher, EASYA/MRI

 Smallest Isotropic E—Field Probe for Dosimetric Measurements
 (Preliminary Specifications)

                                 Symmetrical design with trangular core
                                 Built—in shielding against static charges
                                 PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic solvents, e.g., DGBE)

Calibration                      ISO/EC 17025 calibration service available.

Frequency                        10 MHz to > 6 GHz
                                 Linearity: + 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 6 GHz)
Directivity                      0.3 dB in TSL (rotation around probe axis)
                                 + 0.5 dB in TSL (rotation normal to probe axis)
Dynamic Range                    10 pWig to > 100 mWig
                                 Linearity: + 0.2 dB (noise: typically < 1 pWig)

Dimensions                       Overall length: 337 mm (Tip: 20 mm)
                                 Tip diameter: 2.5 mm (Body: 12 mm)
                                 Typical distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 1 mm

Application                      High precision dosimetric measurements in any exposure scenario (e.9..
                                 very strong gradient fields); the only probe that enables compliance testing
                                 for frequencies up to 6 GHz with precision of better 30%.

Compatibility                    DASY3, DASY4, DASY52 SAR and higher, EASY4/MRI

 KCTL Inc.                   65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                 TEL: 82705008 1021              FAX: 82505299 8311
              This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                      Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                     Page: 12 of 25

9.2 Phantom
 Twin SAM

                                  The shell corresponds to the specifications of the Specific
                                  Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM) phantom defined in IEEE 1528 and
                                  IEC 62209—1. It enables the dosimetric evaluation of left and right hand
                                  phone usage as well as body mounted usage at theflat phantom region. A
                                  cover prevents evaporation of the liquid. Reference markings on the
                                  phantom allow the complete setup ofall predefined phantom positions and
                                  measurement grids by teaching three points with the rabot.
                                  Twin SAM V5.0 has the same shell geometry and is manufactured from
                                  the same material as Twin SAM V4.0, but has reinforced top structure.

Material                          Vinylester, glassfiberreinforced (VE—GF)

Liquid Compatibility              Compatible with all SPEAG tissue simulating liquids (incl. DGSE type)
Shell Thickness                   2 + 0.2 mm (6 + 0.2 mm at ear point)

Dimensions                        Length: 1000 mm
(incl. Wooden Support)            fl;fit agfllnsgge s
Filling Volume                    approx. 25 liters
Wooden Support                    SPEAG standard phantom table
Accessories              Device and Adapto[s


                                  Phantom for compliance testing of handheld and body—mounted wireless
                                  devices in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz. ELI is fully compatible
                                  with the IEC 62209—2 standard and all known tissue simulating liquids. EL1
                                  has been optimized regarding its performance and can be integrated into
                                  our standard phantom tables. A cover prevents evaporation of the liquid.
                                  Reference markings on the phantom allow installation of the complete
                                  setup, including all predefined phantom positions and measurement grids,
                                  by teaching three points. The phantom is compatible with all SPEAG
                                  dosimetric probes and dipoles.
                                  ELI V5.0 has the same shell geometry and is manufactured from the same
                                  material as EL14, but has reinforced top structure. EL1 V6.0, released in
                                  August 2014, has the same shell geometry as EL14 but offers increased
                                  longterm stability.
Material                          Vinylester, glassfiberreinforced (VE—GF)
Liquid Compatibility              Compatible with all SPEAG tissue simulating liquids (incl. DGBE type)
Shell Thickness                   2.0 £ 0.2 mm (bottom plate)
Dimensions                        Major axis: 600 mm
                                  Minor axis: 400 mm
Filling Volume                    approx. 30 liters

Wooden Support                    SPEAG standard phantom table

Accessories                       Mounting Device and Adaptors

  KCTL Inc.                  65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                 TEL: 82705008 1021             FAX: 82505299 8311
              This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                               Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                              Page: 13 of 25

9.3 Device Holder for Transmitters

Mounting Devices and Adaptors

                                   MD4HHTVS — Mounting Device for Hand—Held Transmitters
                                    In combination with the Twin SAM V5.0,/V5.0¢ or ELI Phantoms, the
                                   Mounting Device for Hand—Held Transmitters enables rotation of the
                                   mounted transmitter device to specified spherical coordinates. At the
                                   heads, the rotation axis is at the ear opening. Transmiter devices can be
                                   easily and accurately positioned according to IEC 62209—1, IEEE 1528,
                                   FCC, or other specifications. The device holder can be locked for
                                   positioning at different phantom sections (left head, right head, flat).

                                   Material: Polyoxymethylene (POM)

Mounting Device for Hand—Held

                                    MD4LAPVS — Mounting Device for Laptops and other Body—Worn
                                    In combination with the Twin SAM V5.0/V5.0¢ or ELI Phantoms, the
                                    Mounting Device (Body—Worn) enables testing of ransmitter devices
                                    according to IEC 62209—2 specifications. The device holder can be locked
                                    for positioning at flat phantom section.

                                    Material: Polyoxymethylene (POM), PET—G, Foam

 Mounting Device for Laptops

 KCTL Inc.                65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                               TEL: 82705008 1021        FAX: 82505299 8311
           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                              Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                             Page: 14 of 25

10. System Verification
10.1 Tissue Verification
The dielectric properties for this Tissue Simulant Liquids were measured by using the SPEAG Model DAK3.5

Dielectric Probe in conjunction with Agilent E5071B Network Analyzer (300 kHz — 8 500 MHz). The

Conductivity (0) and Permittivity (p) are listed in Table 1.For the SAR measurement given in this report.

   Freq.     Tissue        fns                            Hiret                        for             Temp
  (MHz)       Type        Limit/Measured            Permittivity (p)           Conductivity (6)         (0)

                                      m                52.15 45 %                 1.91 +5 %
   2412       MSL       Recommended Limit            (50.11 ~55.39)              (1.81 ~ 201            22 +2

                       Measured, 2016—06—27               51.43                       1.95              21.43
                                      m                52.72 +5 %                 1.94 +5 %
   2437       MSL       Recommended Limit            (50.08 ~ 55.36)             (1.83 ~2.03)           22 +2

                       Measured, 2016—06—27               51.36                       1.97              21.43
                                      m                52.10 +5 %                 1.95 +5 %
   2 450      MSL       Recommended Limit            (50.07 ~ 55.34)             (1.85 ~ 2.05)          22 +2

                       Measured, 2016—06—27               51.30                       1.99              21.43
                                      m                52.69 +5 %                 1.97 +5 %
   2 462      MSL       Recommended Limit            (50.06 ~ 55.32)             (1.87 ~2.07)           22 +2

                       Measured, 2016—06—27               51.25                       2.00              21.43

                       <Table 1.Measurement result of Tissue electric parameters>

  KCTL Inc.                 65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                TEL: 82705008 1021        FAX: 82505299 8311
            This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


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          10.2 Test System Verification
         The microwave circuit arrangement for system verification is sketched below picture. The daily
         system accuracy verification occurs within the flat section of the SAM phantom. A SAR
         measurement was performed to see if the measured SAR was within + 10% from the target SAR
         values. These tests were done at 2 450 MHz. The tests were conducted on the samedays as the
         measurement of the EUT. The obtained results from the system accuracy verification are displayed
         in the table Table 2 (A power level of 2501# was input to the dipole antenna). During the tests, the
         ambient temperature of the laboratory was in the range (22 + 2) °C .the relative humidity was in the
         range (50 + 20)% and the liquid depth above the ear/grid reference points was above 15 cm in all the
         cases. It is seen that the system is operating within its specification, as the results are within
         acceptable tolerance of the reference values.

                                                                                        2             y

                                       Spacer                                                             x

                                                    t        *                         3D Probe positioner

                                                        —Es¥                   Field probe
                                                                                             ,   Flat phantom


                                       Amp                   Dir. coupler                    *
                       generator ——I


Validation    Dipole Ant.       Frequency           Tissue                      Limit/Measurement (Normalized to 1 W)
   Kit            S/IN            (MHz)              Type                                            1 g                10 g
                                                                      Recommended Limit         50.90 + 10 %        23.60 + 10 %
D2450V2          895               2450             MSL                  (Normalized)          (45.81 ~ 55.99)     (21.24 ~ 25.96)
                                                                     Measured, 2016—06—27           54.40               25.36
                                                 <Table 2.Test System Verification Result>

             KCTL Inc.                    65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                                TEL: 82705008 1021          FAX: 82505299 8311
                       This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


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10.3 Justification for Extended SAR Dipole Calibrations

Instead of the typical annual calibration recommended by measurement standards, longer calibration
intervals of up to three years may be considered when it is demonstrated that the SAR target,
impedance and return loss of a dipole have remain stable according to the following requirements

KDB 865664 DO1v01r04 requirements
a ) return loss : <— 20 dB, within 20 % of previous measurement
b ) impedance : within 5Q from previous measurement.

  .                                   Date of           Return Loss           o           Impedance
Dipole Antenna     Head/Body        Measurement            (dB)             A %              (2)           AQ

   D2450V2                           2014. 07. 24           —28.7                            50.6
    SN 895            Body           2015. 07. 23           274              45              52.5          19

c) extrapolated peak SAR : within 15% of that reported in the calibration data
  .                                    Date of                                                               o
Dipole Antenna     Head/Body        Measurement               extrapolated peak SAR (W/kg)                 A %

   D2450V2                           2014. 07. 24                            27.6
    SN 895            Body           2016. 06. 27                            27.6                          00

  KCTL Inc.               65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                              TEL: 82705008 1021        FAX: 82505299 8311
           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


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                                                                                             Page: 17 of 25

11. Operation Configurations

Measurements were performed at the lowest, middle and highest channels of the operating band. The EUT was
set to maximum power level during all tests and at the beginning of each test the battery was fully charged.

  KCTL Inc.                 65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
            This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


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http //

12. SAR Measurement Procedures

Step 1: Power Reference Measurement
The Power Reference Measurement and Power Drift Measurements are for monitoring the power drift
ofthe device under test in the batch process. The Minimum distance of probe sensors to
surfacedetermines the closest measurement point to phantom surface. The minimum distance of probe
sensorsto surface is 2 mm. This distance cannot be smaller than the Distance of sensor calibration
points toprobe tip as defined in the probe propertics.

Step 2: Area Scan
The Area Scan is used as a fast scan in two dimensions to find the area of high field values, before
doinga fine measurement around the hot spot. The sophisticated interpolation routines implemented in
DASYsoftware can find the maximum locations even in relatively coarse grids. When an Area Scan
hasmeasured all reachable points, it computes the field maximal found in the scanned area, within a
rangeof the global maximum. The range (in dB) is specified in the standards for compliance testing.
Forexample, a 2 dB range is required in IEEE Standard 1528 and IEC 62209 standards, whereby 3 dB
is arequirement when compliance is assessed in accordance with the ARIB standard (Japan). If only
oneZoom Scan follows the Area Scan, then only the absolute maximum will be taken as reference.
Forcases where multiple maximums are detected, the number of Zoom Scans has to be

Area Scan Parameters extracted from KDB 865664 DO1 SAR Measument 100 MHz to 6 GHz vOlr04.
                                                                  <3 GHz                         >3 GHz
 Maximumdistance from closest measurement point                  2                        bes          2
       ..     _    .          .               in                 5 +1 mm                  %6—In(2) + 0.5 mm
 (geometric center of probe sensors) to phantomsurface
 Maximumprobe angle from probe axis to phantom                    30°+1°                        20° 4 1°
 surface normal at the measurementlocation                        t   t                             ~

                                                             <2 GHz: < 15 mm              3—4 GHz: < 12 mm
                                                            2—3 GHz: < 12 mm              4—6 GHz: < 10 mm

 Maximumarea scan spatial resolution: AXazeq, AYarea     Whenthe x or y dimensionofthe test device, in the
                                                         measurement plane orientation, is smaller thanthe above,
                                                         the measurementresolution must be < the corresponding
                                                         x or y dimensionof the test device withat least one
                                                         measurement point onthe test device.

  KCTL Inc.                 65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                TEL: 827050081021         FAX: 825052998311
            This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.

                                                                                   Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                  Page: 19 of 25

Step 3: Zoom Scan
Zoom Scans are used to assess the peak spatial SAR values within a cubic averaging volume
containing1 g and 10 g of simulated tissue. The Zoom Scan measures 5x5x7 points within a cube
whose base faces are centered on the maxima found in a preceding area scanjob within the same
procedure. When the measurement is done, the Zoom Scan evaluates theaveraged SAR for 1 g and 10
g and displays these values next to the job‘s label.

Zoom Scan Parameters extracted from KDB 865664 DO1 SAR Measument 100 MHz to 6 GHz vO1r04.
                                                                        <3 GHz                        >3 GHz
Maximum distance from closest measurement point
                                                                     5 mm * l mm               4 8In(2) mm 0.5 mm
(geometric center of probe sensors) to phantom surface
Maximum probe angle from probe axis to phantom
                                                                        30° + 1°                     20° + 1°
surface normal at the measurement location
                                                                    <2GHz <15 mm                 3—4GHz: < 12 mm
                                                                   2—3 GHz <12 mm                4—6 GHz: < 10 mm
                                                               When the x or y dimension ofthe test device, in the
   Maximum area scan spatial resolution: AxArea, AyArea        measurement plane orientation, is smaller than the
                                                               above, the measurement resolution must be < the
                                                               corresponding x or y dimension ofthe test device with
                                                               at least one measurement point on the test device.
                                                                     <2GHz < 8 mm                3—4 GHz: <5 mm*
 Maximum zoom sean spatial resolution: AxZoom, AyZoom
                                                                   2—3 GHz: <5 mm*               4—6 GHz: < 4 mm*
                                                                                                  3—4 GHz:<4 mm
                               uniform grid: AzZcom(n)                    <5 mm                   4—5 GHz: <3 mm
                                                                                                  5—6 GHz:<2 mm
Maximum zoom
                                      AzZoom(1): between                                          3—4 GHz:<3 mm
scan spatial
                                      Ist two points closest              <4 mm                  4—5 GHz <2.5mm
resolution, normal to
phantom surface           graded        to phantom surface                                        5—6 GHz:<2 mm
                          grid        AzZoom{n>1):
                                      between subsequent                       <1.5—AzZoom(n—1) mm
Minimum zoom                                                                                    3— -:‘ GHz: > 28 mm
                                        x, y, 2                         > 30 mm                   4—5 GHz: > 25 mm
      scan volume
                                                                                                  5—6 GHz: > 22 mm
Note: 6 is the penetration depth of a plane—wave at normal incidenceto the tissue medium; see IEEE Std
        1528—2013 for details.
* When zoom scan is required and the reported SAR from the area scan based 1—g SAR estimation procedures of
   KDB Publication 447498 is < 1.4 W/kg, < 8 mm, < 7 mm and < 5 mm zoom sean resolution may be applied,
   respectively, for 2 GHz to 3 GHz, 3 GHz to 4 GHz and 4 GHz to 6 GHz.

Step 4: Power drift measurement
The Power Drift Measurement measures the field at the same location as the most recent
powerreference measurement within the same procedure, and with the same settings. The Power
DriftMeasurement gives the field difference in dB from the reading conducted within the last
PowerReference Measurement. This allows a user to monitor the power drift of the device under test
within abatch process. The measurement procedure is the same as Step 1.

Step 5: Z—Scan
The Z Scan measures points along a vertical straight line. The line runs along the Z—axis of a
onedimensionalgrid. In order to get a reasonable extrapolation, the extrapolated distance should not
belarger than the step size in Z—direction.

* Z Scan Report on Liquid Measure the height Appendix C. Liquid Depth photo to replace

  KCTL Inc.                   65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                   TEL: 82705008 1021          FAX: 82505299 8311
              This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                   Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                  Page: 20 of 25

      13. Test Equipment Information
Test Platform                    SPEAG DASYS5 System
                                 DASYS : Version
Version                          SEMCAD : Version 14.6.10 (7331)
Location                         KCTL Inc.
Manufacture                      SPEAG
Hardware Reference

Equipment                        Model                   Serial Number           Date of Calibration    ]I?el;i Léa;ffliiition

Shield Room                      Shield Room             None                    N/A                    N/A
DASY3 Robot                      TX90XL Speag            F12/5L7FA1/A/O1         N/A                    N/A
DASY3 Controller                 TX90XL Speag            F12/5L7FA1/C/O1         N/A                    N/A
Phantom                          SAM Twin Phantom         1724                   N/A                    N/A
Mounting Device                  Mounting Device         None                    N/A                    N/A
DAE                              DAEB4                    1342                   2015—07—17             2016—07—17
Probe                            EX3DV4                  3928                    2016—01—28             2017—01—28
Dipole Validation Kits           D2450V2                 895                     2014—07—24             2016—07—24
Network Analyzer                 E5071B                  MY42403524              2016—02—11             2017—02—11
Dual Directional Coupler         T72D                    2839A00719              2015—07—14             2016—07—14
Signal Generator                 E4438C                  MY42080486              2016—01—08             2017—01—08
Power Amplifier                  2055 BBS3Q7EOL           1005D/CO521            2016—05—18             2017—05—18
LP Filter                        LA—30N                  40058                   2015—07—14             2016—07—14
Dual Power Meter                 E4419B                  GB43312301              2015—07—14             2016—07—14
Power Sensor                     8481H                   3318A19377              2015—07—15             2016—07—15
Power Sensor                     8481H                   3318A19379              2015—07—15             2016—07—15
Dielectric Assessment Kit        DAK—3.5                  1078                   2015—08—19             2016—08—19

gzgifiyfig‘:Temp.                  MHB—382SD               73871                   2015—07—16             2016—07—16

          KCTL Inc.               65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                      TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
                   This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                               Page: 21 of 25

14. RF Average Conducted Output Power
14.1 Average Conducted Output Power
                                                           Average Conducted Power(dBm)
  Mode       FIE\(}I';;:; Y   Channel                              Data Rate(Mbps)
                                          1          2      5.5       11           —        —         —         —
                2412           Low      13.75    13.89     14.06    13.89          —        —         —         —
 802.11b        2437          Middle    13.66    13.71     13.80    13.78          —        —         —         —
                2462           High     13.23    13.30     13.57    13.54          —        —         —         —
                                                           Average Conducted Power(dBm)
  Mode       FIE\(}I';;:; Y   Channel                              Data Rate(Mbps)
                                          6          9      12        18          24       36       48         54
                2412           Low      11.52    11.56     11.60    11.67        11.70    11.76    11.86      11.85

 802.11g        2437          Middle    i1121    i1.17     1122     1132         1132     1141     11.58      11.60
                2462           High     m        fainoe    ros      1109         aias     ia7      inss       1141
                                                           Average Conducted Power(dBm)
  Mode       FIE\(}I';;:; Y   Channel                                 Data Rate
                                        MCSO    MCS1       MCS2    MCS3         MCS4     MCSS      MCS6é      MCS7
                2412           Low      11.55    11.46     11.59    11.69        11.79    11.84    11.92      11.90
 drrae          |_267         Miage     130      1138      nse      i1ar         11s7     1130     inee       1171
                2462           High     11.12    11.23     11.09    11.14        1147     11.53    11.45      11.39

           Channel                                                         39
         BDR(GFSEK)                                                   3.44

14.2 Max. tune up power
             Mode                       Target Power                Tolerance              Max. Allowed Power
       IEEE 802.11b                      14.00 dBm                  + 1.00 dB                     15.00 dBm
       IEEE 802.11¢g                     12.00 dBm                  + 1.00 dB                     13.00 dBm
    IEEE 802.11n(HT—20)                  12.00 dBm                  + 1.00 dB                     13.00 dBm

             Mode                       Target Power                Tolerance              Max. Allowed Power
           BLE(GFSEK)                     —3 dBm                     +2 dB                         —1 dBm

         EDR(GBDPSE)                      —3 dBm                     +2 dB                         —1 dBm

 KCTL Inc.                    65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                 TEL: 82705008 1021       FAX: 82505299 8311
            This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                              Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                             Page: 22 of 25

15. SAR Test Exclusions Applied
Per FCC KDB 447498 DO01v06, The SAR exclusion threshold for distance < 50 mm is defined hy the following


                              Max Power of Channel (mW)        W +230
                         Test Separation Distance (mm) *          /Frequency (GHz) <3.

                               Frequenc           Maximum                 Separation
       Mode                       quency        Allowed Power              Distance                 < 3.0
                                 (MHz)                {mW)                   {mm)
     Bluetooth                   2480                 0.794                    5                    0.250

Based on the maximum conducted power of Bluetooth and antenna to use separation distance, Bluetooth SAR

was not required.

This device contains transmitters that may operate simultaneously. Therefore simultancous transmission analysis

is required. Per FCC KDB 447498 DO01v06, simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion may be applied when

the sum of the 1—g SAR forall the simultaneous transmitting antennas in a specific a physical test configuration

is < 1.6W/kg. When standalone SAR is not required to be measured per FCC KDB 447498 D01v06, the
following equation must be used to estimate the standalone 1—g SAR for simultaneous transmission assessment

involving that transmitter.

                                            \/f (GHz)       (Max Power of Channel mW)
                        Estimated SAR =        7.5            Min Separation Distance

                               Frequenc              Maximum              Separation           Estimated SAR
       Mode                       quency        Allowed Power          Distance (Body)             (Body)
                                 (MHz)                {mW)                   {mm)                  (W/kg)
     Bluetooth                   2480                 0.794                    5                    0.033

  KCTL Inc.                    65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                  TEL: 82705008 1021        FAX: 82505299 8311
             This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                 Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                Page: 23 of 25

16. SAR Test Results
16.1 WLAN Body SAR Test Results

preqens Avcost
MHz Ch.  (dBm)
                           same     out Stamit®
                           Factor PosiM09 _y
2437       6         13.80         15.00         1.318     Front           5            0.000           0.000
2437       6         13.80         15.00         1.318     Rear            5            0.185           0.244
2437       6         13.80         15.00         1.318      Left           5            0.000           0.000
2437       6         13.80         15.00         1.318     Right           5            0.000           0.000       1.6
2437       6         13.80         15.00         1.318      Top            5            0.005           0.007
2437       6         13.80         15.00         1.318    Bottom           5            0.000           0.000
2412       1         14.06         15.00         1.242     Rear            5            0.131           0.163
2462       11        13.57         15.00         1.390     Rear            5            0.181           0.252

* SAR values were scaled to the maximum allowed power to determine compliance per KDB
  Publication 447498 D01 v06.
* For WLAN 2.4 GHz, the highest measured maximum output power channel for DSSS was
  selected for SAR measurement. When the reported SAR is <= 0.8 W/kg, no further SAR
  testing is required. Otherwise, SAR is evaluated at the next highest measured output power
  channel. When any reported SAR is > 1.2 W/kg, SAR is required for the third channel. For
  OFDM modes (802.11g/n), SAR is not required when the highest reported SAR for DSSS is
  adjusted by the ratio of OFDM to DSSS specified maximum output power and it is <= 1.2

16.2 WLAN + Bluetooth Simultaneous Transmission

   mant                JBL,             Dotne              rasin         0sno| CSR                              Te
                                           {mum)           (W/kg)              (W/kg)                           (W/kg)
WLAN + BT                Rear                5              0.252              0.033            0.285            1.6

* The above numerical summed SAR results for all the worst—case simultaneous transmission
  conditions were below the SAR limit. Therefore, the above analysis is sufficient to determine
  that simultaneous transmission cases will not exceed the SAR limit. And therefore no
  measured volumetric simultaneous SAR summation is required per FCC KDB Publication
  447498 DO1v06.

  KCTL Inc.                     65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                                   TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
                This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


                                                                                 Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                                Page: 24 of 25

17. Test System Verification Results

             Procedure Name: d=10 mm, Pin=250 mW, dist=2.0mm (EX—Probe)

             Frequency: 2450 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
             Medium parameters used: £=2450 MHz; 0= 1.986 S/m; & =51.299; p= 1000 kgm3
             Phantom section: Flat Section

             DASY5 Configuration:

                      Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3928; ConvF(7.2,7.2, 7.2), Calibrated: 2016—01—28;
                      Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                      Electronics: DAE4 Sn1342; Calibrated: 2015—07—17
                      Phantom: SAM twin SN1724; Type: QDOOOPAOCD; Serial: TP: 1724
                      Measurement SW : DASY52, Version 52.8 (8), SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

             System Performance Check (without Area Scan)/d=10 mm, Pin=250 mW, dist=2.0mm
             (EX—Probey/Area Scan (101x121x1): Interpol ated grid: dx=1.200 mm, dy=1.200 mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) =21.1 Wikg

             System Performance Check (without Area Scan)/d=10 mm, Pin=250 mW, dist=2.0mm
             (EX—Probe)/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=>mm, da=5mm
             Reference Value = 1035 V/m; Power Drift= 0.03 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.6 Wikg
             SAR(L g) = 13.6 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 6.34 Wi/kg
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 20.6 Wikg





                        0 d8 = 20.6 Wikg = 13. 14 dB Wikg

 KCTL Inc.                 65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                               TEL: 82705008 1021            FAX: 82505299 8311
          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


KCTI                                                                          Report No.: KCTL16—SFAOOL
                                                                                             Page: 25 of 25

18. Test Results

             Procedure Name: 802.11b_{.2 462_Rear_5 mm

             Frequency: 2462 MHz, Duty Cycle: 1:1
             Medium parameters used: £= 2462 MHz; 0= 1.996 S/m; e = 51.247; p = 1000 l(glm3
             Phantom section: Flat Section

             DASY5 Configuration:

                      Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3928; ConvF(7.2, 7.2, 7.2); Calibrated: 2016—01—28;
                      Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                      Electronics: DAE4 Sn1342; Calibrated: 2015—07—17
                      Phantom: SAM twin SN1724; Type: QDO0OP4OCD; Serial: TP:1724
                      Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8), SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

              Configuration/802.11b_f.2 462_Rear_5 mm/Area Scan (101x121x1); Interpolated grid:
              dx=1.200 mm, dy=1.200 mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.142 Wikg

              Configuration/802.11b_£.2 462_Rear_5 mm/Zoom Scan (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement
             grid dx=>mm, dy=5mm., de=5mm
             Reference Value = 0 V/m; Power Drift = 0.00 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.570 Wike
             SAR(L g) =0.181 W/kg; SAR(1O g) = 0.053 W/ke
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.334 Wikg






                                             — END OF REPORT —

 KCTL Inc.                 65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu, Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea
                               TEL: 82705008 1021         FAX: 82505299 8311
          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval.


Document Created: 2017-12-11 02:04:10
Document Modified: 2017-12-11 02:04:10

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