users manual 2


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                        I 4 Detailed Operation I
Detailed Operation
Interval Repeat (A-B) The Reservation Function allows you to queue one song to play after the current song has ended.

                 1      Select the (A) point
                        Press the <MENU> button while playing to
                        select the beginning (A) point.

                 2      Select the (B) point
                        Press the <MENU> button again to select
                        the end (B) point.
                          - The interval (A to B) will be repeated.

               Play a selected interval repeatedly during play.

Detailed Operation                                 Detailed Operation
EQ                                                 EQ

                                                                 3      Press the <      /    > button
                                                                        to display the current EQ
              1      EQ
                     Press the <MENU> button.                           Press the <MENU> button.

                                                                 4      Press the <+/-> button to the
                                                                        available EQ options.

              2      Select the MENU
                     Press the <   /   > button.
                     Press the <MENU> button.
                                                              l ROCK, JAZZ, CLASSIC, U BASS, METAL, XTRMEQ, XTR3D, NORMAL

                                                                                       I 4 Detailed Operation I
Detailed Operation

              5      After press the < MENU>
                     button to finish EQ.
                     Press the <+/-> button to check.
                                                                       Select <ROCK>

            Refer to MENU setup for setting the Xtrm EQ and Xtrm 3D.

Detailed Operation                                                          Detailed Operation
Program Mode Program Mode allows you to program a list of songs to play.    Program Mode

              1      Program Mode
                     When stopped (no songs are playing)                                     3      Select Program list
                                                                                                    After press the <MENU or (+/-)> button.
                     press the <MENU> button.

              2      Add and Change to Program list
                     Press the <+/-> button.
                                                                                             4      Select add and Change to song
                                                                                                    Press the <MENU> button.

                                                                           After selecting a folder to save,then press the <MENU> button to save all files in the folder.
                                                                           Sub folders are not added.

                                                                                                                                    I 4 Detailed Operation I
Detailed Operation                                                     Detailed Operation
Program Mode                                                           Program Mode
                                                                                             Cancel Program Mode
                  1   Program Playback
                      After programming, press <PLAY/STOP>
                                                                        Press and Hold
                                                                                         1   When stopped (no songs are playing)
                                                                                             press and Hold the < - > button.
                      button to play the tracks in sequential order.
                                                                                              - Program playback is cancelled and
                                                                                                normal playback is started.

 Press and Hold
                  1   To remove files from the program list
                      Press and Hold the <MENU> button after
                      selecting the file to be deleted using the
                      <MENU> button.
                         The program list is automatically changed.

Menu setup

       GENERAL                            DISPLAY                    TIMER           Control               MODE        SOUND
        RESUME                             Back-light                SleepPowerOff    FastSkip             MODE        Xtreme EQ
        LANGUAGE                           LCD Control               StopPowerOff     FF / RWScanSpee      IntroMode   Xtreme 3D
        LOAD DEFAULT                       Screen Saver              SetTime          VoiceRecordingMode   IntroMode   DBESetting
                                           Scroll Speed              SetAlarm         VoiceAutoDetection   Name        3DEQSetting
                                           Tag Information                                                             SoundBalance
                                           Play Time Info                                                              EQLimit


Menu setup                                                                                     Menu setup

                                                                                                                                                     5 Menu setup
Switching between Menus                                                                        Entering sub menu
                  Menu                                                                                          MAIN menu
 Long Click
              1   MENU button or the,
                  <    /  > button to display the
                                                                                                            1   Press the <MENU> button to display
                                                                                                                the main menu system.
                  main menu system.
                   The MENU system is composed of 6main
                   menus with sub-menus.

                  Switching between Menus
              2   <     /    > button to
                                                                       <>SELECT     <>SELECT

                  display the main menu system.
                    : Moves to the previous Menu
                                                                     화면설정         타이머                       2   Press the <MENU> button to display
                                                                                                                the main Sub menu system.
                                                          <>SELECT     <>SELECT     <>SELECT
                    : Moves to the next Menu

                                                      기능설정           모드설정         음향설정

Entering sub menu                                          Exiting from sub menu
             Specific features                                           Press the PLAY / STOP button
         3   <MENU> button to view andchange                         1   to return Main MENU
                                                                         atthe sub-menu setting.
             settings for the Specific features feature.

             Specific features
         4   <+ / -> used to change
             settings in each feature.
                                                                         Exiting from main menu
                                                                     2   Press the PLAY / STOP button
                                                                         again to exit the Main Menu.

Menu operation - Menu                                       Menu operation - Menu

                                                                                                                                           5 Menu setup
GENERAL                                                     GENERAL
                                                                LANGUAGE (Language)
                                                            2   Supports40languages
                                                                Song title and ID3 tag information for the MP3 files is
                                                                dependent on the version of the PC operating system
                                                                that was used to create it.
                                                                (For example, if an MP3 file is created in a English version of Windows,
                                                                the language setting should be English for the proper title display)

    RESUME (Resume)                                             Load Default Value(Load Default Value)
1   ON :  Playback resumes from the previous location       3   InitializeMenustotheoriginalfactorysettings.
          in a song when the player is stopped or powered       Buttonoperationorderisasbelow.
          off.                                                  <MENU>button (select default menu)
    OFF : Playback begins from the first track after the        < > button (selectYES)
          player is stopped or powered off.                     <PLAY/STOP> button (selectYES:Initialization)

Menu operation - Menu                                      Menu operation - Menu
DISPLAY(Display)                                           DISPLAY(Display)
                                                               LCDContrast (LCD Contrast)
                                                           2   You can adjust the time that the Backlight stay son.
                                                               SEC:Backlight stay son from 0 to 30 seconds.
                                                               MINUTE:Backlight stay son from 0 to 30 minutes.
                                                               Press the NAVI / MENU button to set SEC / MINUTE.

    Back-Light (Back-Light)                                    Screen Saver (Screen Saver )
1   You can adjust the time that the Backlight stay son.   3   ??
    SEC:Backlight stay son from 0 to 30 seconds.
    MINUTE:Backlight stay son from 0 to 30 minutes.
    Press the NAVI / MENU button to set SEC / MINUTE.

Menu operation - Menu                                     Menu operation - Menu

                                                                                                            5 Menu setup
DISPLAY(Display)                                          DISPLAY(Display)
    ScrollSpeed (Scroll Speed)                                Time (Time)
4   Adjustscrollspeedby1x/2x/4x/Vertical/Horizontal.      6   NORMAL : display elapsed time.
     - Vertical : Thescrollgoesupanddown.                     REMAIN : display remaining time.
     - Horizontal    : Thescrollgoesfromtheleftto             Note:Time display may not be accurate for
                                                              files encoded in Variable Bit Rate formats.

    Tag Information (Tag Information)
5   ON : DisplaytrackwithID3taginformation
    OFF : Displaytrackwithfilename
     - File name will be displayed by default for songs
       with no ID3i nformation.

Menu operation - Menu                                       Menu operation - Menu
TIMER (Timer)                                               TIMER (Timer)
                                                                Stop Power Off (Stop Power Off)
                                                            2   Automatically turns power off at stop mode.
                                                                (Time range can be set from 1 to 60 minutes by one
                                                                minute increments.)

    Sleep Power Off (Sleep Power Off)
1                                                               SetTime (Set Time)
    Automatically turns power off after a fixed
    time.(Time range can be set from 1to U setheI           3   Push the NAVI / MENU switch towardI
    180 minutes by one minute increments.)                      < / or + / -> to select the item and toward
    < / or+ / -> I(VOL + or VOL -)buttontoadjusttime.           VOL + or VOL - to set the clock.
    Set BEEP ON / OFF by pressing the NAVI / MENUbutton.
     - Once powered off, the sleep timer will reset to 0.

Menu operation - Menu                                        Menu operation - Menu

                                                                                                                5 Menu setup
TIMER (Timer)                                                CONTROL (Control)
    SetAlarm (Set Alarm)
4   Set the working time of alarm.

    SUN ~ SAT      : Alarm rings in the same time of the
                     set day repeatedly.
    ALL            : Alarm rings in the set time everyday.

                                                                 Fast Skip
                                                             1   OFF    : Fast SkipFast Skip
                                                                 10     : Skip 10 tracks at time.
                                                                 DIRECTORY : Skip top revious or next folder.


      — 3. . I RW Scan Speed                  ; Joice Recording Mode
                                              You can adjust recording quality when recording Voice.
           2x/4x/6x.                          AGC ON       _: When recording voice, the recording level is
                                                            Automatically controlled and the sound from a
                                                            long distance Is normally recorded.
                                              AGC OFF      _: AGC Control not activated.

Menu operation - Menu                                                     Menu operation - Menu

                                                                                                  5 Menu setup
CONTROL (Control)                                                         CONTROL (Control)
    Voice Auto Detection                                                      Play Back Speed
4   The voice recording mode will automatically pause                     5
    During silence. This is useful for recording over a long
    Period of time to save memory.
    OFF : Voice Auto Detection is disabled.
    Voice Auto Detection(firstslider) : Set the relative level Of sound
    needed to activate the recorder.(Level1-10).
    Recordpausetime(secondslider) : Set the number of seconds of
    silence to record before pausing.(1-10Sec)

Menu Setup                               Menu Setup
Mode                                     Mode
                                             Intro Mode
                                         2   Intro           : Plays the beginning10 seconds of each track.
                                             Intro Highlight : Plays 10 seconds from 1minute
                                                               into each track in sequential order.


    Mode (Repeat / Shuffle)                  STUDY MODE
1                                        3   While playing, short slide of the < / >I
                                             (orVOL +, VOL -) lever will skip the current
                                             track set time ahead.
                                             OFF:Study Mode is disabled.
                                             The range is1~ 60 seconds.

Menu operation - Menu

                                                          5 Menu setup
Mode                                           Note ...
           Use with         Usewith
            character       character entry

           Use with         Store
           character        character / exit

           Use with other   Cursor movement

Menu operation - Menu                              Menu operation - Menu
Sound                                              Sound
                 <>SELECT                              How to set Xtreme EQ
                                                                     1. Select the

                                                                     2. Adjust the level

    Xtreme EQ
1   You can adjust the sound to your preference.
    There are 5band frequency steps, set from
    -15dBto+15dBby 3dB step.
                                                                     3. Toexit Xtreme EQ

Menu operation - Menu                                                     Menu operation - Menu

                                                                                                                                                           5 Menu setup
Sound                                                                     Sound
    Xtreme 3D
2   You can adjust the level of 3D sound
                                                                          4   Set EQ to User EQ to use 3D EQ.
    (minimum, Natural, and Maximum).                                          You can adjust the sound to your preference.
    You can extend 3D sound                                                   There are 5 band frequency steps, set from -15dB
    By selecting Bass Boost or 3D EQ. You can also

    DBE Setting                                                               Sound Balance
3   You can select the Bass Center Bandl evel from Band 1 to 4.           5   Balance your sound to the right or left or keep it in the center according
    You can also set the Bass Boost gain from 0 dB to 15dB by 3dB step.       to your preference.When Sound Balance bar is moved to L(Left,20),the
    DBE(Dynamic Bass Enhancement)enhances                                     sound outputs at the left earphone.When the lever is moved to R
    Low & Middle frequencies and only operates when                           (Right,20)the sound outputs at the right earphone.The default value is 0
    using Xtreme 3D.                                                          and the sound outputs the same level at both earphones.


                                                               ‘ §5_ _ _alect
         : Limit the control of equalizer frequency   N:
                                                                 You can select various EQ modes.
           to prevent distortion of sound.                       Press NAVI/MENU button after selecting EQ by
                                                                 using k        Opg;   (or VOL +,VOL —)switch.
          though distortion of sound may occur.

Menu operation - Menu

                                                              5 Menu setup
Sound                                              Note ...
    Beep Volume
8   Set beep volume ON / OFF or level.
    Set to "0"for OFF.

    Sound Fade in
9   When activated,volume increases gradually at
    playback mode to prevent sudden loudness.

onal Information |

     202 _ __._._ _ Please read before using for your safety.                                                                     __ __ _ _ Please read before using for your safety.

       _ _ ... place objects inside                _Jlace heavy objects            l2._. _..., from harsh                 . _. ___ ontact with water and             _ _ ____ use water or chemicals       _ _ .. Lclean with chemical or
        .l __ ... . other than CD s.             __..ce.                           _..... _ ments including humid,            _._. _ _ uids and dry                  __ _.san the player. Clean the        ~~—~ng—>>   it. It damages the

       e        :ause a damage to your                :ause a damage to your                  1 smoky areas.                        diately with a soft cloth             ce with a soft cloth.                        and scraps paint.
            jer because of improper usage.       , er because of improper usage.          .. sause a damage to your                      ntact occur.               e       :ause a damage to your         e      :ause a damage to your
                                                                                    oJ   rer because of improper usage.   0            :ause a damage to your            , er because of improper usage.       , er because of improper usage.
                                                                                                                              |   _‘er because of improper usage.

Additional Information - Handling Precautions for Safety                                                         Additional Information - Handling Precautions for Safety

                                                                                                                                                                                       6 Additional Information
Product Please read before using for your safety.                                                                Product Please read before using for your safety.
  Do not use excessive force           Keep out of direct sunlight          Do not drop or subject the             Keep the player away from            Do not disassemble or modify
  on the buttons or attempt to         and extreme heat and cold.           device to impact.                      strong magnets.                      the product.
  disassemble the device.               It can cause a damage to your        It can cause a damage to your          It can cause a damage to your
   It can cause a damage to your        player because of improper usage.    player because of improper usage.      player because of improper usage.
   player because of improper usage.

Additional Information - Handling Precautions for Safety                                              Additional Information - Handling Precautions for Safety
Others Please read before using for your safety.                                                      Others Please read before using for your safety.

  Do not use headphones /               Reduce volume while      Do not use headphone /                 Reduce volume or stop using          Do not use at high volume for        Keep headphones / earphones
  earphones while cycling,              walking, especially at   earphones at high volume.              the player if you experience a       continuous listening.                cords under control at all times
  driving, or operating any             pedestrian crosswalk.     Hearing experts advise against        ringing in your ears.                 Hearing experts advise against      Cords may get caught on a
  motorized vehicle.                                              listening to continuous, loud and      Hearing experts advise against       listening to continuous, loud and   variety of objects and cause
    It is dangerous and is illegal in                             extended play.                         listening to continuous, loud and    extended play.                      damage or injury.
    some areas.                                                                                          extended play.

Additional Information                                                                     Additional Information

                                                                                                                                                                                            6 Additional Information
Troubleshooting                                                                            Troubleshooting
        Trouble                                     Solution                                         Trouble                                    Solution

                         Check whether the rechargeable batteries are not charged or the      Failed download of    Check the connection between your computer and the player to
       No Power.
                         batteries are drained.                                                    MP3 file.        ensure that the cable is secure.

                         Check whether VOLUMEis set to "0".
No sound or distortion   Check whether the plug is dirty.                                       Batteries do not    Fully charged rechargeable battery will not accept additional charge.
  during playback.       Corrupted MP3 or WMA files may make a static noise and                     charge.         Is the USB casbel correctly plugged in?
                         the sound may cut off. Listen to your files on the PC to
                         see if they are corrupted.

Characters in LCD are
     corrupted.          MENU     General     Language (Refer to ??page)

Additional Information                                                                                    Additional Information
Specifications                                                                                            Specifications
    Category                Item                             Specifications                                 Category                Item                       Specifications
                     Frequency range    20 Hz ~ 20 KHz                                                                  Dimension          27(W) x 13.2(D) x 62.5(H) mm
      Audio          Headphone Output   (L)18 mW + (R)18 mW (16 Ohm) max. Volume                                         Weight            65 g (Battery included)
                                        (L) 9 mW + (R) 9 mW (32 Ohm) max. Volume                                         Battery
                    S/N ratio           90 dB(MP3)                                                               Operational Temperature   -5 …C ~ 40 …C
      FILE          File Type           MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 3, WMA, ASF
    SUPPORT         Bit Rate            8 Kbps ~ 320 Kbps
               Tag Info                 ID3 VI, ID3 V2 2.0, ID3 V2 3.0, ID 3 V2 4.0
                LCD                     Full Graphic 4 Line with Backlight
              Language                  40 Language
                                             36:00            36:00           36:00          36:00
           Voice Recording              (8kbps, 128 MB) (8kbps, 128 MB) (8kbps, 128 MB) (8kbps, 128 MB)
                                        Approx. 40 hours (128 kbps, MP3, Volume : 20, EQ Normal,
            Max. Playtime               LCD: OFF, Alkaline AA 2400mAh)







 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.

-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

Document Created: 2004-06-17 17:08:01
Document Modified: 2004-06-17 17:08:01

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC