test report


Test Report

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             m=                  .            .    a                                       Re p 0 rtNo .:ERI—FC C—0136
              )jE I ectr omagnet ic resear ch instit ute                                   page          A1 of 20

                        E MITEST REP OR T
Test repor t no.                            :    ERLFECC—0136

Type of equipment : MP3 Player

Model no.                               :        iFP—180T

Appl icant .                        :            ReignCom Co., Itd.

Test standar ds                 :                FCC Part15 Subpart B (Class B)

Test Pr ocedur e and It ems :
    —      AC Powerline Conducted Emissions Measumrment : ANSIC63.4—1992

    —      Radiated Emissions Me a surement                                      :   ANSI C638.4—1992

Test resul t : Compl ied

This equipment has been tested to comply with the re quire ments of FCC
Rule s and Re gula tio ns Part 15 Subpa rt B Uninte ntio na l Ra d ia to 1s.
The re sults m this re po rt a pply o nly to the sample te ste d .
This test report sha l no t be reprmduced except m full, Witho ut the wriitte n
appro valof ERILa b 0 ra to 1y.

Dat e of test: 2002.8. 8 ~9                                      Issued date: 2002. 8. 9

Tested by :                4                                 Appr oved by:      ('\P ¥T &

                     GWEON, HUR                                                      SANG — KYU, IFE

           This lLabor atory   is               registered by KOLAS,   KOREA.

           This test r epor t have been perf or med in accor dance with Its ter ms of registr ation.

          TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage: www.eri.re.kr
        This fest report shall not be r epr oduced except in f ul l , Without the wr itten appr oval .

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                     ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                           Page      :2 of 20

  1. Client information

  2. Laboratory information

  3. Test system configuration

       3.1     Operation environment
       3.2     Measurement uncertainty
       3.3     Sample calculation

  4.     Description of E.U.T.

        4.1    Product description
        4.2    Peripherals
        4.3    Used cables
        4.4    E.U.T. test configuration
        4.5    Operating conditions

  5.     Test results

        5.1 Conducted emission
          5.1.1 Measurement procedure
          5.1.2 Used equipments
          5.1.3 Measurement uncertainty
          5.1.4 Test data
          5.1.7 Result

       TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
  This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                      ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                            Page      :3 of 20

        5.2 Radiated emission
          5.2.1 Measurement procedure
          5.2.2 Used equipments
          5.2.3 Measurement uncertainty
          5.2.4 Test data(up&download mode)
          5.2.5 Test data(play mode)
          5.2.6 Test data(FM tuner mode)
          5.2.7 Result

  6.     Photographs

            Conducted emission test
            Radiated emission test
            EUT(Front, Rear, Inner)

1. Client information

Applicant                    : ReignCom Co., Ltd.

                             : 8F Posgen VentureTower, 1586-7 Seocho-dong,
                               Seocho- gu, Seoul, Korea

Telephone Number             : +81-2-3019-1723
Facsimile Number             : +81-2-3019-1746
Contact person               : Mun, Hyo Jae

Manufacturer                 : ReignCom Co., Ltd.

                             : 8F Posgen VentureTower, 1586-7 Seocho-dong,
Address                        Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Telephone Number             : +81-2-3019-1723
Facsimile Number             : +81-2-3019-1746

       TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
   This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                           ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                                 Page      :4 of 20

2. Laboratory information


The open area test site and EMC facilities are used for these testing.
This facility was accredited by KOLAS, EK of Korea, MIC, FCC.


Telephone Number : 82- 31- 336- 1186
Facsimile Number : 82- 31- 336 -1184

KOLAS No.           : 111
EK                  : J
MIC                 : KR0030
FCC Filing No. : 302567

          TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
        This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

E   R I                                      .               .       .         Re portNo :ERLFC C—0186
              El ectr omagneticr esear ch institute                            pig.            5 of20

                    uictel ~—3
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                                                                          N & Fa

 +44,8 0                                          col 45)

               410    ,__              __,M
               1%            9 3lm
               45                      aga

      TEL: 82 31 386 1186 FAX: 82 31 336 1184 homepage: wnwenvre.kr
    This test report shall not be r eproduced except in full, Without the wr iten appr oval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                         ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                               Page      :6 of 20


3.1     Operation environment

                               Temperature                   Humidity                Pressure
10m Chamber              :         21.0°C                       52 %                      -
Shielded room        :             24.0°C                       58 %                  998hPa

3.2 Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, specfially in field
of EMC.
The factors contributing to uncertainties are test receiver, Cable
loss, antenna factor calibration, Antenna directivity, antenna factor
variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna
Frequency interpolation, measurement distance variation,
site imperfection, mismatch, and system repeatability.

Based on NIS 80,81, The measurement uncertainty level with a 95%
confidence level were applied.

        TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
      This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                         ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                               Page      :7 of 20

3.3     Sample calculation

 Conducted emission

The field strength is calculated by adding the LISN factor, cable loss
from the measured reading.
The sample calculation is as follows :

FS = MR + LF + CL
     MR = Meter Reading
     LF = LISN Factor
    CL = Cable Loss

If MR is 30dB, LISN Factor 1dB, CL 1dB
The result (MR) is
30 + 1 + 1 = 32dBuV

Radiated emission

The field strength is calculated by adding the antenna Factor, cable loss
and, Antenna pad subtracting the amplifier gain from the measured
The sample calculation is as follows :

FS = MR + AF + CL + AT -AG

    MR = Meter Reading
    AF = Antenna Factor
   CL = Cable Loss
   AT = Antenna Pad
   AG=Amplifier Gain

If MR is 30dB, AF 12dB, CL 5dB, AP 10dB, AG 35dB
The result (MR) is

30 + 12 + 5 + 10 –35 = 22dBuV/m

        TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
      This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

E R l                               .                  mm              Repornye nz00—0080
             El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instif ut                   page             s orzo

4. Descr iption of a.u

4.1    Product deser iption

Drcotpocsst:             mrerraym
Model No.s               weasor
SeriaiNumber:            wa
ReciicaiRatiog           ne asy
Gene mDesoriptivn : This ED; w mo nt UndorT i) i the MP3 player

4.2     Per ipher al s

   mnmes       Memmctns        wMessiimeas                             emifumner
    Tow re         aps:       mesooeane                                 maer
 REMe stapur ie dnCC | whonnasos                                         nemome
    Monier   Smangae shctones
                     ake           ie                                     wa
     Fa:            ie            cuam                                 emanme
      Heyboart           machanesce pa               smuoms               rorosse
       Moum                    wa                    mosius                 wa
      Euphone                  wa                      wa                   wa

4.3    Used cabl es

 Cablebpe          .
                 thiek     Teagis
                          [TP5X,        .
                                    meaite   Consecter      Comecton
                                                              Rol           Connectisn
  Euphone         No        10          vs     Piack         Euphone                —
    us            Yos       10          us      us           womze                  —

        denmmanemeimun: voenomy wwsestmo: xorrk
        TR nn un aie ao nE eM0Cc be w one 1 k hemange . ns n
      hiui uport snali not on r aptogvean excest in full. whhout tnawr en aopoval

      ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                                ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                                            Page      :9 of 20

      4.4          E.U.T Test configuration

Shield room enclosure                                                                 Main power source

                                          AC/DC ADAPTOR

   PRINTER                MONITOR              NOTE PC                                EUT


                                            Mouse                                  Earphone

      4.5 Operating conditions

      Operating : upload, download mode & play mode

             -     The system was configured in typical fashion (as a customer would
                   normally use it) for testing.
             -     The EUT exercise program used during radiated and conducted
                   testing was designed to exercise the various system components
                   in a manner similar to typical use.

                   TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
                 This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                             ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                                   Page      :10 of 20


5.1      Conducted emission

5.1.1        Measurement procedure

The measurements were performed in a shielded room.
EUT was placed on a non-metallic table height of 0.8m above the
reference ground plane.
The rear of tabletop was located 0.4m to the vertical conducted
All other surfaces of tabletop was at least 0.8m from any other
grounded conducting surface.
I/O cables and AC cables that were connected to the peripherals
were bundled in center.
They were folded back and forth forming a bundle 0.3m to 0.4m
long and were hanged at a 0.4m height to the ground plane.
Each EUT power lead, except ground (safety) lead, were
individually connected through a LISN to input power source.
Both lines of power cord, hot and neutral, were measured.

5.1.2 Used equipment
 Equipment              Model           Serial No.        Makers                           Used
 Test receiver          ESCS30             100022            R&S           03. 3. 25         ⅹ

                        ESH3-Z5         827246/008           R&S           03. 3. 12         ⅹ
                        ESH3-Z5          831887/018          R&S           03. 3. 12         ⅹ
 Shield room       8 × 6 × 3.3m/H             -             shield             -             ⅹ

5.1.3        Measurement uncertainty

Conducted emission measurement                              : ± 2.4 (K=2)

         TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
      This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

                                                                     Reporite anz00—0100
E R I El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instit ut e                      Page      anerco

5.1 .4   Test dat atup&down! cad mode)

                     vaso                  ons        iss         se          seo
                     aase                  w          2«          sn          sa
                     se                    as         sea         as          ms
                     sn                    wa         sas         sea         asa
                     aase                  mss        zo          sea         w2
     se              ome                   as         as          seo         o
     uts             Ti                    m          as          seo         o
                     rin                   zs         2o          seo         o
                     zs                    mss        m           sn          o
                     zie                   m          En          seo         o

     sz               sto                  aa         as          sn          soo
     ons              Te                   ma         as          soo         soo
                     15 450                ma         2s          soo         soo

5.1.5    Result


      se« mmen meramun: vomemens cmmestno: xorek
      fee sa m ie tine: ra ie ai 99e 1 ine hemeoge waa coie
    hiui uport snali not on r aptogvean excest in full. whhout tnawr en aopoval

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                         ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                               Page      :12 of 20

5.2     Radiated emission

5.2.1 Measurement procedure

A pretest was performed at 3m distance in an semi-anechoic
chamber for searching correct frequency.
The final test was done at a 10m open area test site with a quasi-
peak detector.
EUT was placed on a non-metallic table height of 0.8m above the
reference ground plane.
Cables connected to EUT were fixed to cause maximum emission.
Test was made with the antenna positioned in both the horizontal
and vertical planes of polarization.
The measurement antenna was varied in height above the
conducting ground plane to obtain the maximum signal strength.

5.2.2 Used equipment

      Equipment              Model No.          Serial No.         Makers                      Used
                                                                                 Cal Date
                                ESMI            826210/007          R&S           03. 3. 8
      Test receiver
                               ESCS30           830986/015          R&S           03. 3.18      ⅹ
  Biconnical antenna          VHA9103              1950         Schwarzbeck       03. 4. 17     ⅹ
 Log-Periodic antenna       UHALP9108-A1           0393         Schwarzbeck       03. 4. 17     ⅹ
     Antenna Mast              MA240               N/A              HD                -         ⅹ
      Turn Table               DT430S              N/A              HD                -         ⅹ
                            10m chamber              -            Daetong             -
         Test site
                             3m chamber              -            Daetong             -         ⅹ

5.2.3      Measurement uncertainty

Radiated Emission measurement

30-300MHz +3.96dB / -4.04dB
300-1000MHz +3.04dB / -3.00dB

        TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
      This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                          ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                                Page      :13 of 20

5.2.4       Test Data(up&download mode)

Frequency       Tested     ANT      Meter        Total     Results     Margine         Limits
  Range       Frequency     Pol.   Reading        Loss
                                     [A]           [B]      [A+B]
  [MHz]          [MHz]             [dBuV/m]       [dB]    [dBuV/m]                   [dBuV/m]
                 51.60       V       16.2        13.00      29.20        10.80
                 84.00       V       17.1         9.50      26.60        13.40
  30 - 88                                                                               40

                 99.50       H       23.6        11.22      34.82        8.78
                130.60       H       16.5        16.06      32.56        11.04
                188.60       H       13.6        18.90      32.50        11.10
  88-216                                                                               43.5
                199.40       H       17.6        19.05      36.65        6.95

                245.30       H       12.2        20.20      32.40        13.60
                298.70       H       12.4        22.53      34.93        11.07
                321.00       H       17.6        17.29      34.89        11.11
                465.00       H       14.3        20.84      35.14        10.86
                500.00       H       16.8        21.64      38.44        7.56
 216-960                                                                               46.0

960-above                                                                              54.0

        TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
    This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

ERI Electromagnetic research institute                                       ReportNo.:ERI -FCC-0136
                                                                             Page      :14 of 20

5.2.5       Test data(play mode)

Frequency       Tested     ANT      Meter        Total     Results     Margine        Limits
  Range       Frequency     Pol.   Reading        Loss
                                     [A]           [B]      [A+B]
  [MHz]          [MHz]             [dBuV/m]       [dB]    [dBuV/m]                 [dBuV/m]

  30 - 88                                                                              40

                112.60       H        3.1        13.69      16.79        26.81
                207.50       H        3.5        19.09      22.59        21.01
                209.60       H        2.1        19.09      21.19        22.41
  88-216                                                                              43.5

                364.10       H        1.9        18.11      20.01        25.99
                623.80       H        2.6        24.08      26.68        19.32

 216-960                                                                              46.0

960-above                                                                             54.0

        TEL: 82 31 336 1186 FAX : 82 31 336 1184 homepage : www.eri.re.kr
    This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, Without the written approval.

                                                                            Reporite anz00—0100
m z — El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instit ut e                             Page      asor2o

5.2.5   Test DatafF Miuner mode)

LEC                [Memrbacer                                          LSoue1
[eeues [reues Comiren. o ”uumfifig”uu nuufififinasoen
                   8.                 U                                ””Emfi”un”unu”nuC
         [t M                                                    h                    d
             We        52              is                        is1      tia         @6
            wes        ss              is                        m        i           tS
            Ene        zi              as                        Eu       >           zs
            soze                       az                                             zs
            aro                        as                                             zs
            seoe                       2o                                             as
            sara                       m7                                             zs
            mss                        Euc
            se                         as
            weo                        s1
  se        wer                        reu
            ara                        is
            sesn                       is
            zes                        za

            se                         =>
            ssze                       es
            Tess                       a7
            seos                       as
            sre                        s
                                       a[a) 2| a) #] —| ) 5| 6

  Tsd       usr                        is
            zera                       is
            ssex                       zo
            zies                       zs
            seas                       E
            mee                        ®
            seos                       o
            mss                        s

5.2.6   Result


     sesmem veneramins vornonomeonunecmo:—xperk
     TR nn un aie ao nE eM0Cc be w one 1 k hemange . ns n
   hiui uport snali not on r aptogvean excest in full. whhout tnawr en aopoval

ERI                                 L                   wan               Reporte amec.oss
           El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instif ut                        page          as or20


Conducte d emission


    see. ekan vavoumem. vounemary. xunesioo, xore
    TEL s s1 ade 1186 nc 52 91 306 1 104 homeoge: im ens
   is teut raport snat not on r epreavcen excent in tull. whrout tmawi nten aopt ovel

                                                                           Reporite anz00—0100
E R I El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instit ut e                            Page      ater2d

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E R I El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instit ut e                            Page      agor20

Eit q uipme at undertesd

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                                                                          Reporite anz00—0100
E R I El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instit ut e                           Page      aser20


    see. ekan vavoumem. vounemary. xunesioo, xore
    TEL s s1 ade 1186 nc 52 91 306 1 104 homeoge: im ens
   is teut raport snat not on r epreavcen excent in tull. whrout tmawi nten aopt ovel

ERI                                L                   wan               Reporte amsec.oss
          El ectr omagnet ic r esear ch instif ut                        page          120 or 20


   see. ekan vavoumem. vounemary. xunesioo, xore
   TEL s s1 ahe 1186 nc 52 91 306 1 104. homeoge
  is teut raport snat not on r epreavcen excent in tull. whrout tmawi nten aopt ovel

Document Created: 2019-06-12 19:08:49
Document Modified: 2019-06-12 19:08:49

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