Test Report

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                     EMC RESEARCH INSTITUTE

               EMI TEST REPORT
                Emission of electromagnetic disturbance

Test Report No.         : ERI-FCC04-0055

Equipment               : Multi-Codec Jukebox(MP3 Player)

Name of basic model : H10

Family model            : Refer to page 4

Family ID               : QDMH10

Manufacturer            : AV CHASEWAY MFG.FTY.

Applicant               : ReignCom Limited.

Tested date             : 2004. 11. 2

Issued date             : 2004. 11. 15

Test results            : PASS

Test Standards          : FCC Part 15 Subpart B (Class B)

                          /Digital devices & peripherals

Test Procedure and Items:

- AC Power line Conducted emissions measurement :      ANSI C63.4-1992
- Radiated emissions measurement                   :   ANSI C63.4-1992

Tested by: YOUNG-SIK, KIM                   Approved by: SANG-KYU, LEE

The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written
approval of ERI Laboratory.

                       EMC Research Institute                 File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                           Page 2 of 2



  3.1 Identification of the EUT
  3.2 Additional information about the EUT
  3.3 Peripheral equipment

  4.1 Operating environment
  4.2 Test set-up and test procedures
  4.3 Operation Conditions
  4.4 Test instrument
  4.5 Test results (Test mode: Up & download mode)

  5.1 Operating environment
  5.2 Test set-up
  5.3 Test conditions
  5.4 Test instrument
  5.5 Test results (Test mode: Up & Download mode)
  5.6 Test results (Test mode: Play & Record mode)
  5.7 Test results (Test mode: FM Tuner mode)


                    E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                             Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                       EMC Research Institute                    File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                              Page 3 of 3


The EUT has been tested by request of :
Company                      : ReignCom Limited.
Address                      : 8F Posgen VentureTower, 1586-7 Seocho-dong,
                              Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
Name of contact              : H.J. Mun
Telephone                    : +82-2-3019-1723
Facsimile                    : +82-2-3019-1746


The 10m full-anechoic chamber and/or EMC facilities are used for these testing.
These facilities were accredited by KOLAS, EK, MIC of Korea and FCC of USA.

Telephone No.                : +82-31-336-1186~7
Facsimile No.                : +82-31-336-1184

Registered No.
KOLAS                        : 111
EK                           :J
MIC                          : KR0030
FCC Filing No.               : 302567


3.1 Identification of the EUT

Type of equipment            : Multi-Codec Jukebox(MP3 Player)
Model name                   : H10
Brand name                   :-
Manufacturer                 : AV CHASEWAY MFG.FTY.
Address                      : Langang Village, Chongguang Town, Baoan District,
                              Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Telephone                    : +86-755-708-4671
Facsimile                    : +86-755-708-5490
Country of origin            : CHINA
Rating                       : 120V, 60Hz

                    E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                             Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                      EMC Research Institute                  File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                           Page 4 of 4

3.2 Additional information about the EUT
Class B,
Family Models List:
   Basic Model             Variant Model     Differential point     Memory size, LCD

                               H101          LCD, Memory size         4GB, Color LCD

                              H101A          LCD, Memory size         4GB, Color LCD

                               H103          LCD, Memory size         5GB, Color LCD

                              H103A          LCD, Memory size         4GB, Color LCD

                               H105          LCD, Memory size         6GB, Color LCD

                              H105A          LCD, Memory size         6GB, Color LCD

                               H107          LCD, Memory size         8GB, Color LCD

        H10                   H107A          LCD, Memory size         8GB, Color LCD
       (5GB)                  H101B          LCD, Memory size         4GB, Mono LCD

                              H101C          LCD, Memory size         4GB, Mono LCD

                              H103B          LCD, Memory size         5GB, Mono LCD

                              H103C          LCD, Memory size         5GB, Mono LCD

                              H105B          LCD, Memory size         6GB, Mono LCD

                              H105C          LCD, Memory size         6GB, Mono LCD

                              H107B          LCD, Memory size         8GB, Mono LCD

                              H107C          LCD, Memory size         8GB, Mono LCD

3.3 Peripheral equipment
Defined as equipment needed for correct operation of the EUT.

   Description              Model No.            Serial No.            Manufacture
                                                                  SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,
  AC/DC adaptor        SEA60NZ-16.0X            03502395C
                              P5010            464307211682          FUJITSU LIMITED
                                                                  Dongguan Qiaozi Santai
  AC/DC adaptor            SW10-S050-10               -
                                                                        Co., Ltd.
      Mouse                      -                    -                      -
                                 -                    -                      -
      Cradle                     -                    -                      -

      Printer              DeskJet 930C         CN13V1B1SZ                  HP

     Keyboard               SDM4510UH           4M1030902                Samsung

                  E R I,    66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                            Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                        EMC Research Institute                      File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                                 Page 5 of 5

: Frequency range 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz

4.1 Operating environment

Temperature                   : 22.0 ℃
Relative Humidity             : 34.0 %

4.2 Test set-up and test procedures

                                                                                        AC Main

                      LISN                            LISN

                 AC/DC adaptor                    AC/DC adaptor

                      Cradle                       computer            Printer


        Earphone                      Mouse          Keyboard

The mains terminal disturbance voltage was measured with the equipment under
test(EUT) in a shield room. The EUT was connected to an artificial mains
network(LISN) placed on the floor. The EUT was placed on non-metallic table 0.4m
above the metallic, grounded floor. The distance to other metallic surface was at
least 0.8m.
Amplitude measurements were performed with a quasi-peak detector and an
average detector.

4.3 Operation Conditions

Up & Download mode

4.4 Test instrument

Instrument             Model No          Serial No.       Makers                     Used
 Test receiver           ESCS30          830986-015          R&S     2005. 04. 08      ⅹ

                        ESH3-Z5           100029             R&S     2004. 11. 11      ⅹ
                        ESH3-Z5          831887/018          R&S     2005. 03. 19      ⅹ

 Shield room         8 × 6 × 3.3m/H           -                 -          -           ⅹ

                     E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                              Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                    EMC Research Institute                      File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                             Page 6 of 6

4.5 Test results (Up & Download mode)

Date of test: Nov 02, 2004.
An overview sweep performed with peak detector & average detector are included
in the report as test reports.

Frequency   Tested LISN         Meter
                                                  Limits                 Margin
  Range      Freq.             Reading
                             QP      AV      QP            AV       QP        AV
  [MHz]     [MHz]              [dBuV]           [dBuV]                   [dBuV]
            0.156        N   50.2   44.4    65.7       55.7        15.5      11.3

            0.276        N   41.5   40.1    60.9       50.9        19.4      10.8

 0.15-30    0.390        N   39.9   37.4    58.0       48.0        18.1      10.6

            0.507        N   40.6   38.2    56.0       46.0        15.4       7.8

            0.585        N   40.1   38.0    56.0       46.0        15.9       8.0

            1.398        N   41.7   39.5    56.0       46.0        14.3       6.5

            2.916        N   41.7   37.8    56.0       46.0        14.3       8.2

            2.991        N   42.9   37.5    56.0       46.0        13.1       8.5

            3.030        N   41.6   37.7    56.0       46.0        14.4       8.3

            7.800        N   26.6   12.8    60.0       46.0        33.4      33.2

* <5 : mean less than 5dB
* Other frequency keep over 20dB margin.

                E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                         Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

   EMC Research Institute                 File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                       Page 7 of 7

                    [Live line]

E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
         Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

   EMC Research Institute                 File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                       Page 8 of 8

                  [Neutral line]

E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
         Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                     EMC Research Institute                 File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                         Page 9 of 9

    : 30MHz – 1000MHz

5.1 Operating environment

Temperature                : 22.0 ℃
Relative Humidity          : 34.0 %

5.2 Test set-up

The frequency range investigated was 30 MHz to 1000 MHz.
All readings are quasi-peak unless stated otherwise.
The half-wave dipole antenna was tuned to the frequency found during
Preliminary radiated measurements. The EUT, support equipment and
Interconnecting cables were re-configured to the set-up to the producing
the Maximum emission for the frequency and were placed on top of a 0.8 meter
High non-metallic 1 X 1.5 meter table. The EUT, support equipment,
and interconnecting cables were re-arranged and manipulated to maximize each
EME emission.
The turntable containing the system was rotated the antenna height was varied 1 to
4 meters
and stopped at the azimuth or height producing the maximum emission.
And this device(EUT) was tested in 3 orthogonal planes.
The antenna measured both horizontal and vertical polarization.

          10m semi-anechoic chamber


                    <General test set-up for radiated emissions>

5.3 Operation Conditions

Up & Download mode, Play & Record mode, FM Tuner mode

                  E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                           Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                         EMC Research Institute                     File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                               Page 10 of 10

5.4 Test instrument

 Instrument             Model No.       Serial No.          Makers                      Used
  Test receiver          ESCS30              100021           R&S        2005. 02.06     ⅹ
                         VHA9103           91031950        Schwarzbeck   2005. 02.04     ⅹ
                        UHALP9108A           0392          Schwarzbeck   2005. 02.04     ⅹ
 Antenna Mast             MA240               N/A              HD             -          ⅹ

   Turn Table            DT430S               N/A              HD             -          ⅹ

5.5 Test results (Test mode: Up & Download mode)

Date of test: Nov 02, 2004.

 Freq       Reading         Ant       AF              CL       Result      Limit       Margin
(MHz)     (dBuV/m)                   (dB)           (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)         (dB)
120.04          23.15        H       13.55          2.10       38.80       43.50        4.70
155.55          20.00        V       15.70          2.40       38.10       43.50        5.40
160.28          21.25        H       15.81          2.50       39.56       43.50        3.94
216.98          21.03        H       17.50          2.80       41.33       46.00        4.67
239.93          21.26        H       17.92          3.10       42.28       46.00        3.72
287.85          18.90        H       19.70          3.50       42.10       46.00        3.90
300.00          23.46        H       15.24          3.50       42.20       46.00        3.80
* Receiving Antenna Mode : Horizontal, Vertical
* <5 : mean less than 5dB
Note : Reading = Test Receiver meter, P= Polarization Æ POL H = Horizontal POL
V = Vertical A = Angle, AF = Antenna Factor   CL = Cable Loss Result = Field
Strength( AF + CL+ Reading)

Result: Pass

The measured emissions level of the EUT have found the below of the specified limit.

                   E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                            Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                    EMC Research Institute                File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                     Page 11 of 11

5.6 Test results (Test mode: Play & Record mode)

Date of test: Nov 02, 2004.

 Freq      Reading       Ant     AF         CL       Result      Limit     Margin
(MHz)    (dBuV/m)               (dB)       (dB)    (dBuV/m)       (dB)       (dB)
120.04      13.55        H     13.55       2.10       34.85      43.50       8.65
155.55      19.30        V     15.70       2.40       37.40      43.50       6.10
240.00      10.98        H     17.92       3.10       32.00      46.00      14.00
312.25      20.00        H     15.40       3.10       39.10      46.00       6.90
433.00      19.37        H     16.66       4.20       40.20      46.00       5.77
450.00      19.16        V     16.74       4.20       40.10      46.00       5.90
* Receiving Antenna Mode : Horizontal, Vertical
* <5 : mean less than 5dB
Note : Reading = Test Receiver meter, P= Polarization Æ POL H = Horizontal POL
V = Vertical A = Angle, AF = Antenna Factor   CL = Cable Loss Result = Field
Strength( AF + CL+ Reading)

Result: Pass

The measured emissions level of the EUT have found the below of the specified limit.

                E R I,   66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                         Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

                         EMC Research Institute                        File No. ERI-FCC04-0055
                                                                                  Page 12 of 12

5.7 Test results < Test mode: FM tuner mode >
Date of test: Nov 02, 2004.
                                                Meter Reading
         T.              Tested                                     Limits            Margins
     Frequency         Frequency           H                V                   H                V
       [MHz]             [MHz]         [dBuV/m]         [dBuV/m]             [dBuV/m]      [dBuV/m]
                         98.4             13.2                  -   43.5       46.8               -
                         196.6            17.9                  -   43.5       34.1               -
                         294.8            16.6                  -   46.0       35.4               -
                         393.0              -                   -   46.0       56.0               -
                         491.2              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         589.4              -              20.2     46.0        -               35.8
                         687.6              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         785.8              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         884.0              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         982.0              -                   -   54.0       56.0               -
                         108.9           15.44                  -   43.5      44.56               -
                         217.6           16.39                  -   46.0      35.61               -
                         326.3              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         435.0              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
        98.0             543.7              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         652.4              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         761.1              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         869.8              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         978.5              -                   -   54.0        -                 -
                         118.9              -             18.89     43.5        -               41.11
                         237.6            19.7            15.32     46.0       32.3             36.68
                         356.3              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         474.0              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         593.7              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         712.4              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         831.1              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                         949.8              -                   -   46.0        -                 -
                           -                -                   -     -         -                 -
                           -                -                   -     -         -                 -
                           -                -                   -     -         -                 -
                           -                -                   -     -         -                 -
*   Meter reading: Loss include
*   Margins: [Limits] – [Meter reading]
*   Receiving Antenna Mode: Horizontal, Vertical
*   10m chamber
*   <5 : mean less than 5dB

Result: Pass

The measured emissions level of the EUT have found the below of the specified limit.

                      E R I,    66-6, Jeil-Ri, Yangji-Myun, Yongin-City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
                                Tel: +82-31-336-1186~7               Fax: +82-31-336-1184

Document Created: 2004-11-16 21:04:16
Document Modified: 2004-11-16 21:04:16

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