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Test Report

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                                               A «4 3 4  TEST REPORT
                                                     #[O1Xl(page) : ( 1 )/( &(Total) 33 )
        MXA          &
         Y3¥ «s                                                                ICRT—TR—E190531—0A
          Report No.

                     7|#3                                                        IRIVER LIMITED
   Al¥It               Name
    Client           & &
                                               Iriverhouse, 5, Bangbae—ro 18—gil, Seocho—gu Seoul, South Korea

                                                                       NCT OFFICIAL FANLIGHT
     Sample description

      Type designation

             3 4
                                                                                    DC 4.5 V

                                                                    Mar. 21, 2019 ~ Mar. 25, 2019
         Date of test

      Ade EeS
                                                          FCC Part 15 Subpart C §15.247 / IC RSS—247
     Test Method/Item

                                                                           Refer to 3. Test Summary
        Test Results
                                * S Xt                                                  714419
             s ol               Tested by                                               Technical Manager                           \
                 C                                                         i    ~

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                                Name             Hong—Kyu, Lee (Signature)              Name               Jun—Hui, Lee   (Signat

      o 9| 44At 220| XI3¢t AJ20] CS Al##2} O|01, &= O|e|9| A#2 a#UC.
         This is certified that the above mentioned products have been tested for the sample
         provided by customer and forbid the use except for original purpose.
      o 9| 44AE $3 91871 7(kotas)PI¥2t Zeto| glgUct.
         The above test report is not related to accreditation by Korea Laboratory Accreditation scheme.
      o 9 44AE #AISlA ofo|M|@o] 91 gole #A1 3 Ii¥Bo| dxI€lUCH
         No part of this document may be duplicated or reproduced by any means without the express written permission
         of the ICR.

                                                          2019. 04. 01                                     %3
                          FASA OfOIME CEOIA4 (0f3
                                The head of INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION REGISTRAR                          G I|

                                                                               E H4A9 T9 SQI8 c4B 42 ICR &HIOJXIOIA ?Fs#UC
                                                                                              87]5 d®A C#8 #ase74d 12
                                                            112, Hwanggeum3—ro 7beon—gil, Yangchon—eup, Gimpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea
ICRT—QP—22—02 Rev.6

                                                                     페이지(page) : ( 2 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

1. Applicant & Manufacturer & Test Laboratory Information .......................................................................................... 4
    1.1 Applicant information ............................................................................................................................................ 4
       1.2 Manufacturer Information .................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.3 Test Laboratory Information ................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Equipment under Test(EUT) Information ..................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1 General Information .............................................................................................................................................. 5
       2.2 Additional Information .......................................................................................................................................... 5
       2.3 Mode of operation during the test ...................................................................................................................... 5
    2.4 Modifications of EUT ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3. Test Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
    3.1 Test standards and results .................................................................................................................................. 6
       3.2 Purpose of the test ............................................................................................................................................... 6
       3.3 Test Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 6
       3.4 Configuration of Test System.............................................................................................................................. 6
    3.5 Antenna requirement ............................................................................................................................................ 7
4. Used equipment on test .................................................................................................................................................. 8
5. 6 ㏈ Bandwidth & 99 % Bandwidth .............................................................................................................................. 9
    5.1 Operating environment ........................................................................................................................................ 9
       5.2 Measurement method .......................................................................................................................................... 9
       5.3 Test setup .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
    5.4 Test data .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
6. Maximum Conducted Output Power & e.i.r.p. ........................................................................................................... 14
    6.1 Operating environment ...................................................................................................................................... 14
       6.2 Measurement method ........................................................................................................................................ 14
       6.3 Test setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
    6.4 Test data .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
7. Power Spectral Density ................................................................................................................................................. 18
    7.1 Operating environment ...................................................................................................................................... 18
       7.2 Measurement method ........................................................................................................................................ 18
       7.3 Test setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
    7.4 Test data .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
8. Conducted Spurious Emission ..................................................................................................................................... 21
    8.1 Operating environment ...................................................................................................................................... 21
       8.2 Measurement method ........................................................................................................................................ 21
       8.3 Test setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
    8.4 Test data .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
9. Radiated Spurious Emission ........................................................................................................................................ 27
    9.1 Operating environment ...................................................................................................................................... 27
       9.2 Measurement method ........................................................................................................................................ 27
       9.3 Test setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
       9.4 Test data .............................................................................................................................................................. 29

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                                                                      Report No.           ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                               페이지(page) : ( 3 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

                                    Revision History
      Issued Report No.   Issued Date                    Revisions               Effect Section

    ICRT-TR-E190531-0A    01-Apr-2019                    Initial Issue                All

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                      Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                          페이지(page) : ( 4 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  1.      Applicant & Manufacturer & Test Laboratory Information
    1.1      Applicant information
   Applicant              IRIVER LIMITED
   Address                Iriverhouse, 5, Bangbae-ro 18-gil, Seocho-gu Seoul, South Korea
   Contact Person         Woo-Suk, Kim
   Telephone No.          +82-2-3019-7514
   Fax No.                +82-2-3019-7575
   E-mail                 kimmy.kim@iriver.com

    1.2      Manufacturer Information
   Manufacturer           IRIVER LIMITED
   Address                Iriverhouse, 5, Bangbae-ro 18-gil, Seocho-gu Seoul, South Korea

    1.3      Test Laboratory Information
   Conducted tests were performed at
   Laboratory             ICR Co., Ltd.
                          112, Hwanggeum 3-ro 7beon-gil, Hagun-ri, Yangchon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do,
   Address                Korea
   Telephone No.          +82-2-6351-9002
   Fax No.                +82-2-6351-9007
   RRA No.                KR0165
   KOLAS No.              KT652

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                            Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                           페이지(page) : ( 5 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  2.      Equipment under Test(EUT) Information
    2.1      General Information
   Product Name                 NCT OFFICIAL FANLIGHT
   Brand Name                   -
   Model Name                   SME-NCT-OFL01
   Additional Model Name        -
   FCC ID / ISED number         QDM-SME-NCT-OFL01 / 24856-SMENCTOFL01
   Hardware Version             -
   Software Version             -
   Power Supply                 DC 4.5 V

    2.2      Additional Information
   Equipment Class              DTS-Digital Transmission System
   Device Type                  Stand-alone
   Operating Frequency          2 402 ㎒ ~ 2 480 ㎒
   RF Output Power              -7.98 ㏈m
   Number of Channel            40
   Modulation Type              GFSK
   Antenna Type                 PCB Pattern Antenna
   Antenna Gain                 -2.96 ㏈i
   Antenna Operating Mode       Single Antenna Equipment with only one antenna
   List of Each Oscillator or
   Crystal Frequency            32 ㎒

    2.3      Mode of operation during the test
    - The EUT is continuous transmission mode during the test with set at Low Channel, Middle Channel, and
    High Channel. To get a maximum radiated emission levels from the EUT, the EUT was moved throughout the
    XY, YZ, XZ planes.

    2.4      Modifications of EUT
    - None

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                              Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                              페이지(page) : ( 6 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  3.      Test Summary
    3.1        Test standards and results
                           FCC Part 15 Subpart C & RSS-247 Issue 2 & RSS-GEN Issue 5

                      Clause                                    Test items            Applied       Results

                            RSS-247 5.2(a)        6 ㏈ Bandwidth & 99 %
    §15.247 (a) (2)                               Bandwidth                                          PASS
                            RSS-GEN 6.7
                                                  Maximum Conducted Output
    §15.247 (b) (3)         RSS-247 5.4(d)        Power & e.i.r.p.                                   PASS

    §15.247 (e)             RSS-247 5.2(b)        Power Spectral Density                             PASS

    §15.247 (d)             RSS-247 5.5           Conducted Spurious Emission                        PASS

    §15.247 (d)             RSS-247 5.5
    §15.209                 RSS-GEN 8.9           Radiated Spurious Emission                         PASS
    §15.205                 RSS-GEN 8.10
                                                                                                    N/A (See
    §15.207                 RSS-GEN 8.8           Power Line Conducted Emission                      Note)

    §15.203                         -             Antenna Requirement                                PASS

※ Note: This test is not performed because the EUT is operated by DC battery.

     3.2 Purpose of the test
    - To determine whether the equipment under test fulfills the requirements of the standards stated in FCC Part 15
       Subpart C Section 15.247 and IC RSS-247
    3.3        Test Methodology
     Both conducted and radiated testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10: 2013.
     Radiated testing was performed at a distance of 3 m from EUT to the antenna.

    3.4        Configuration of Test System
       3.4.1      Radiated emission test
     Preliminary radiated emissions test were conducted using the procedure in ANSI C63.10: 2013 to determine
     the worse operating conditions. Final radiated emission tests were conducted at 3 m Semi Anechoic Chamber.
     The turntable was rotated through 360 degrees and the EUT was tested by positioned three orthogonal planes
     to obtain the highest reading on the field strength meter. Once maximum reading was determined, the search
     antenna was raised and lowered in both vertical and horizontal polarization.

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                  Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                           페이지(page) : ( 7 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

    3.5       Antenna requirement
    According to §15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
    furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.
    The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional
    radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this Section.
    The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a
    standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.
    And according to §15.247(b)(4), the conducted output power limit specified in paragraph (b) of this section is
    based on the use of antennas with directional gains that do not exceed 6 dBi.
    Except as shown in paragraph (c) of this section, if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi
    are used, the conducted output power from the intentional radiator shall be reduced below the stated values in
    paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section, as appropriate, by the amount in dB that the directional
    gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

      3.5.1     Result: Pass
    The transmitter has a PCB Pattern antenna. The directional gain of the antenna is -2.96 ㏈i.

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                   Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                                 페이지(page) : ( 8 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  4.      Used equipment on test
              Description            Model Name                Serial Number          Manufacturer         Last Cal. (cycle)
               analyzer                 FSW85                     100864             Rohde & Schwarz   2019. 03. 04 (1Y)

               analyzer                  FSV40                    101455             Rohde & Schwarz   2018 .07. 10 (1Y)

           Signal Generator            SMB100A                    180607             Rohde & Schwarz   2019. 03. 04 (1Y)
           Wideband Power
               Sensor                  NRP-Z81                    103673             Rohde & Schwarz   2019. 03. 05 (1Y)

           Open Switch and
           Control Platform             OSP150                    101000             Rohde & Schwarz   2019. 03. 05 (1Y)

            Test Chamber            MHK-408NKDA                  1060908                TERCHY         2019. 03. 04 (1Y)

          DC Power Supply             XDL 35-5P                 J00385373               Sorensen       2019. 03. 05 (1Y)
          DC Power Supply                6603D                    672483                Topward        2019. 03. 05 (1Y)
             Loop Antenna              HFH2-Z2                    100506             Rohde & Schwarz   2017. 06. 19 (2Y)
            BROADBAND                 VULB9162                     120               SCHWARZBECK           2018. 11. 23 (2Y)
           RF Pre Amplifier              SCU08                    100747             Rohde & Schwarz   2018. 04. 17 (1Y)
           WAVEGUIDE                     HF907                    102556             Rohde & Schwarz   2017. 07. 05 (2Y)
          HORN ANTENNA
           RF Pre Amplifier              SCU18                    102342             Rohde & Schwarz   2018. 04. 17 (1Y)
             Horn Antenna           LB-42-10-C-KF              J202024625              AINFO Inc.      2018. 04. 20 (2Y)
           RF Pre Amplifier           35-8P-1                     771846                 MITEQ         2019. 03. 04 (1Y)

             Horn Antenna           LB-28-10-C-KF              J202024627              AINFO Inc.      2018. 04. 20 (2Y)
           RF Pre Amplifier            45-6P                      779919                 MITEQ         2019. 03. 04 (1Y)

          EMI Test Receiver              ESR26                    101461             Rohde & Schwarz   2018. 04. 17 (1Y)
          EMI Test Receiver              ESR3                     102119             Rohde & Schwarz   2018. 04. 17 (1Y)
                  LISN                  ENV216                    102194             Rohde & Schwarz   2018. 04. 16 (1Y)
                                                                                        HUBER &
               RF Cable             MULTIFLEX_86                     -                  SUHNER                     -

           Chamber Cable                mwx221                       -                  Junkosha                   -
※ All test equipment used is calibration on a regular basis.

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                           Report No.      ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                          페이지(page) : ( 9 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  5.      6 ㏈ Bandwidth & 99 % Bandwidth

    5.1     Operating environment
   Temperature                                : 23 ℃
   Relative humidity                          : 46 %

    5.2     Measurement method
   Standard                                    : §15.247 (a) (2) / RSS-247 (5.2 a) & RSS-Gen (6.7)

    5.3     Test setup
  The antenna output of the EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The resolution bandwidth is set to 100
  ㎑, and peak detection was used. The 6 ㏈ bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum over which the power is
  higher than the peak power minus 6 ㏈.

          Spectrum Analyzer                                                                EUT

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                Report No.    ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                         페이지(page) : ( 10 )/( 총(Total) 33 )
    5.4       Test data
   Test date                                  : 21. Mar. 2019
   Operating mode                             : Transmit mode
   Test Result                                : Pass

      5.4.1      Measured Results
                            Channel             6 ㏈ Bandwidth                   Occupied
    Modulation Type       (Frequency)               (㎑)                       Bandwidth (㎑)              Limit (㎑)

                          0 (2 402 ㎒)                  710.3                     1 068.0
      Bluetooth LE        19 (2 440 ㎒)                 719.3                     1 072.4                at least 500
                          39 (2 480 ㎒)                 716.3                     1 072.4

      5.4.2      Measured Graph (6 ㏈ Bandwidth)

                                                     Low CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

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                                  Mid CH

                                  High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                   페이지(page) : ( 12 )/( 총(Total) 33 )
         5.4.3   Measured Graph (99 % Bandwidth)

                                               Low CH

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                                  Mid CH

                                  High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                          페이지(page) : ( 14 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  6.      Maximum Conducted Output Power & e.i.r.p.
    6.1     Operating environment
   Temperature                                 : 23 ℃
   Relative humidity                           : 46 %

    6.2     Measurement method
   Standard                                    : §15.247 (b) (3) / RSS-247 (5.4 d)

    6.3     Test setup
  The maximum peak output power was measured with the spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna output of
  the EUT. The spectrum analyzer’s internal channel power integration function is used to integrate the power over
  a bandwidth greater than or equal to the 99 % bandwidth. The EUT was operating in transmit mode at the
  appropriate center frequency.
  And e.i.r.p. is added antenna maximum gain with the Maximum Conducted Output Power.

          Spectrum Analyzer                                                                  EUT

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                  Report No.    ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                        페이지(page) : ( 15 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

    6.4       Test data
    Test date                                : 21. Mar. 2019
    Operating mode                           : Transmit mode
    Test Result                              : Pass

      6.4.1       Measured Results
                                      Maximum Conducted Output Power                      e.i.r.p.
     Modulation           Channel
       Type             (Frequency)   Measured value                         Measured value
                                          (㏈m)                  Limit            (㏈m)                 Limit

                       0 (2 402 ㎒)         -5.02                                 -7.98
                                                               30 ㏈m                                 36 ㏈m
    Bluetooth LE       19 (2 440 ㎒)        -5.54                                 -8.50
                                                               (1 Watt)                              (4 Watt)
                       39 (2 480 ㎒)        -6.07                                 -9.03
※ Antenna Gain : -2.96 ㏈i

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                Report No.    ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                 페이지(page) : ( 16 )/( 총(Total) 33 )
      6.4.2     Measured Graph

                                             Low CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                   Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                      페이지(page) : ( 17 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

                                  Mid CH

                                  High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                         페이지(page) : ( 18 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  7.      Power Spectral Density
    7.1     Operating environment
   Temperature                                : 23 ℃
   Relative humidity                          : 46 %

    7.2     Measurement method
   Standard                                   : §15.247 (e) / RSS-247 (5.2 b)

    7.3     Test setup
  The antenna output of the EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The resolution bandwidth is set to 3 ㎑,
  the video bandwidth is set to 3 times the resolution bandwidth.

          Spectrum Analyzer                                                              EUT

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                              Report No.    ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                      페이지(page) : ( 19 )/( 총(Total) 33 )
    7.4    Test data
   Test date                               : 21. Mar. 2019
   Operating mode                          : Transmit mode
   Test Result                             : Pass

      7.4.1      Measured Results
                                                            Highest signal level
       Modulation Type       Channel (Frequency)                                          Limit (㏈m/3㎑)
                                  0 (2 402 ㎒)                       -20.51
          Bluetooth LE            19 (2 440 ㎒)                      -21.05                       8
                                  39 (2 480 ㎒)                      -21.61

      7.4.2      Measured Graph

                                                  Low CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

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                                  Mid CH

                                  High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                        페이지(page) : ( 21 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

  8.      Conducted Spurious Emission
    8.1     Operating environment
   Temperature                                 : 23 ℃
   Relative humidity                           : 46 %

    8.2     Measurement method
   Standard                                    : §15.247 (d) / RSS-247 (5.5)

    8.3     Test setup
  The antenna output of the EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The resolution and video bandwidth is
  set to 100 ㎑, and peak detection was used.

          Spectrum Analyzer                                                             EUT

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                             Report No.    ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                           페이지(page) : ( 22 )/( 총(Total) 33 )
    8.4       Test data
   Test date                                    : 21. Mar. 2019
   Operating mode                               : Transmit mode
   Test Result                                  : Pass

      8.4.1         Measured Results

     Signal level (㏈ m)

                                                       Low CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                             Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                      페이지(page) : ( 23 )/( 총(Total) 33 )

                                  Mid CH

                                  High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                        페이지(page) : ( 24 )/( 총(Total) 33 )       Unwanted Emissions In Non-Restricted Frequency Bands

                                                    Low CH

                                                    Mid CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                          Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

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                                  High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                        Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                  페이지(page) : ( 26 )/( 총(Total) 33 )       Band Edge

                                              Low CH

                                              High CH

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                    Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

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  9.      Radiated Spurious Emission
    9.1     Operating environment
   Temperature                               : 25 ℃
   Relative humidity                         : 48 %

    9.2     Measurement method
   Standard                  :§15.247 (d), §15.209, §15.205 / RSS-247 (5.5), RSS-GEN (5.5), RSS-GEN (8.10)

    9.3     Test setup
  The radiated emissions measurements were performed on the 3 m, Semi-Anechoic Camber. The EUT was placed
  on a non-conductive turntable above the ground plane.

  The frequency spectrum from 9 ㎑ to 26.5 ㎓ was scanned and maximum emission levels at each frequency
  recorded. The system was rotated 360°, and the antenna was varied in the height between 1.0 m and 4.0 m in
  order to determine the maximum emission levels. This procedure was performed for horizontal and vertical
  polarization of the receiving antenna.

          9.3.1       Below 30 ㎒

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                             Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

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         9.3.2        30 ㎒ to 1 ㎓

         9.3.3        Above 1 ㎓

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                      Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                                 페이지(page) : ( 29 )/( 총(Total) 33 )
     9.4        Test data
    Test date                                         : 25. Mar. 2019 ~ 25. Mar. 2019
    Operating mode                                    : Transmit mode
    Test Result                                       : Pass

       9.4.1         Test data for Restricted band
    Frequency         Reading         Detector       Ant. Pol.     Corr. Factor       Result         Limit         Margin

       (㎒)             (㏈㎶)                            (H/V)              (㏈)         (㏈㎶/m)        (㏈㎶/m)          (㏈)

                                                               Low CH

                       55.75            Peak             V                            45.73          73.98         -28.25
     2 330.79                                                            -10.02
                       43.96          Average            V                            33.94          53.98         -20.04

                                                               High CH

                       66.90            Peak             V                            57.25          73.98         -16.73
     2 483.57                                                            -9.65
                       36.71          Average            V                            27.06          53.98         -26.92

※ Ant. Pol. : Antenna Polarization
※ Corr. Factor. : Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain
※ Result = Reading + Corr. Factor
※ Margin = Result - Limit

       9.4.2         Test data for Spurious & Harmonic

       Measurement Results for below 30 ㎒
    Frequency         Reading         Detector       Ant. Pol.     Corr. Factor       Result         Limit         Margin
       (㎒)             (㏈㎶)                            (H/V)              (㏈)         (㏈㎶/m)        (㏈㎶/m)          (㏈)

                                                               Low CH

                                     It was not found any emissions peaks found from the EUT.

                                                               Mid CH

                                     It was not found any emissions peaks found from the EUT.

                                                               High CH

                                     It was not found any emissions peaks found from the EUT.

※ Ant. Pol. : Antenna Polarization
※ Corr. Factor. : Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain
※ Result = Reading + Corr. Factor
※ Margin = Result - Limit

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                             Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

                                        페이지(page) : ( 30 )/( 총(Total) 33 )       Measurement Results for below 1 ㎓

                                                    Low CH

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                                  Mid CH

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                                  High CH

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     Measurement Results for Above 1 ㎓
    Frequency        Reading         Detector       Ant. Pol.     Corr. Factor       Result        Limit         Margin
       (㎒)            (㏈㎶)                            (H/V)             (㏈)          (㏈㎶/m)       (㏈㎶/m)          (㏈)

                                                              Low CH

                      61.66           Peak              V                            59.44         73.98         -14.54
     4 804.00                                                           -2.22
                      50.01          Average            V                            47.79         53.98          -6.19

                      60.71           Peak              V                            62.42         73.98         -11.56
     7 206.00                                                           1.71
                      48.92          Average            V                            50.63         53.98          -3.35

                                                              Mid CH

                      59.69           Peak              H                            57.71         73.98         -16.27
     4 880.00                                                           -1.98
                      48.68          Average            H                            46.70         53.98          -7.28

                      58.62           Peak              H                            60.42         73.98         -13.56
     7 320.00                                                           1.80
                      48.04          Average            H                            49.84         53.98          -4.14

                                                              High CH

                      59.43           Peak              H                            57.69         73.98         -16.29
     4 960.00                                                           -1.74
                      49.56          Average            H                            47.82         53.98          -6.16

                      58.69           Peak              H                            60.58         73.98         -13.40
     7 440.00                                                           1.89
                      48.63          Average            H                            50.52         53.98          -3.46

※ Ant. Pol. : Antenna Polarization
※ Corr. Factor. : Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain
※ Result = Reading + Corr. Factor
※ Margin = Result - Limit

ICRT-QP-22-02 Rev.6                                                                           Report No.   ICRT-TR-E190531-0A

Document Created: 2019-04-11 14:57:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 14:57:04

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