User Manual


Users Manual

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                                    Digital Repeater Instruction Manual

Open—package Inspection                                                        Indicators Introductions

Please exercise care when opening the shipping box. Confirm that all items      Indicator| Color| Functional description
noted in the table have been included and are in good condition. If not then     TX              green      Always on, the repeater is transmitting signals
please contact your dealer.                                                      RX              green      Always on, the repeater is receiving signals
                                                                                 LNK             green      Always on, the link is successful
   Item                                               No.                        ERROR           red        On or flashes, error occured

                                                                                 DC              green      Always on, DC power supply equipment
   AC power supply line

                                                                                 POWER           green      TS B transmit
   USB data line

                                                                                 A,. B           green Digital time slot one receive signal, A light on.
   User manual

                                                                                                            Digital time slot two, B light on. Analog doesn‘t light.
   Warranty Card

                                                                               Repeater Display Instruction
                                                                               The display consists of a two—digit numeric display that provides the
                                                                               following information:
                                                                               a. Selected channel number
Product Introduction                                                           b. Display of current menu option or function parameters related to key
Front panel introduction                                                          operation.
                                                                               c. Error code display
                                                                               Front Panel Mic Connector
                                                                               The front panel microphone connector consists of a RJ—45. It provides the
                                                                               interface for a local handheld microphone with PTT to be connected directly
                                                                               to the repeater for local operation.

                                                                               Key function detailed description
                                 Front view                                    Button| Name| Menu guide function                             Parameter editor function
                                                                                                   1.short press back to last or root menu
                                                                                                                                             Clear or cancel current
                                                                                           C       2.long press back to standby mode
                                                                                                                                             parameter value
                                                                                                     and lock the keyboard
                                                                                          Left     1.Up level menu
                                                                                                                                     Value decrease

                                                                                                   2.Shortcut menu: decrease channel
                                                                                           f       1. Next level menu
                                                                                                                                      Value increase
                                                                                         Right     2. Shortcut menu, increase channel
                                                                                          OK       |Ent            t1      |                 Confirm and save current
                                                                                                       nter next        level menu           parameter value
                                                                                           F1      Function key 1 (software defines)         |Figure 1

                                                                                          F2       |Function key 2 (software defines)        |Figure 2

                                                                                               1.Function key 3 (software defines) |p;

                                                                                         F3NV_ 2.Shortcuts menu: volume down       Figure 3
                        Large view for front panel                               29      |Fa/v+    1.Function key 4 (software defines) Figure 4
                                                                                                   2.Shortcuts menu: volume up

Back panel introduction                                                         Rear panel EXT—I/O port definition

                                                                                                      19 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 25
                                                                                                    100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013
                                                                                                        10 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 09
                                   Rear view

                                                                                Pin No.| Definition            Function Declaration
                                                                                 Pin1     —13v                 Power

                                                                                 Pin2     O_CLKX               CLKR output signal, opt coupler, LVTTL_3.3V

                                                                                 Ping     UART3_RX             UART3_RX serial port
                                                                                 Pin4     I0_PTTI              PTTR input signal, opt coupler, LVTTL_3.3V

                                                                                 Pin§     SELO_IN/SELO_OUT     Expanding I0—0 LVTTL_3.3V
                            Outside interface picture                                                            20.
                                                                                 Pin6     DG                   Digital

                                                                                 Pin?     AG                   Analog

                                                                                 Pin8     EXT__IO_UF_OUT       Extend AF output

                                                                                 Ping     EXT__IO_UF_IN        Extend MIC input

                                                                                 Pin10    +13v                 12V_OUT 500mA_max

                                                                                 Pin11    I0_DX                DATAR peripheral equipment audio date (output)

                                                                                 Pin12    I0_FSX               FSR sync output

                Power supply interface and switch picture                        Pin13    I0_CLKR              CLKR input signal opt coupler, LVTTL_3.3V

Rear panel port introduction                                                     Pin14    SEL1_IN/SEL1_OUT|    Expending IO—1 LVTTL_3.3V
Port name|   Function Declaration                                                Pin1is   bG                   Digital
  USB        Connects. to PC, us.ed for.program.ming and softwar<=T update.      Pinntg   AG                   Analog
             External interface, including the signal connected with
 EXT—1/O     outside and control the Pin, use as specific expanding function.    Pin1i7   NDET OUT             Expanding port noise level (0—3V) (output)
             Qutside look structure define the interface.                                     —                       —         —                 —
  R1         Connection to PSTN or analog PBX for inbound and outbound           Pin18    NDECT_IN             Expanding port noise level (0—3V) (input)
             phone calls.                                                        Pin1g    UART3_TX             UART3_TX serial port transmit
 ANT/RX      Connect with antenna when duplexer installed, connect with          Pin20    0 PTTO               PTT output signal opt coupler, LVTTL_3.3V
             transmit antenna when duplexer uninstalled.                                   =                                                       _
 AUX/ITX     connect with transmit antenna when duplexer is uninstalled.         Pin21    I0_DR                DATAR peripheral equipment voice data

Repeater operation                                                                     mm
1. Turn on! off repeater                                                           ‘0 Ifiifim O| 4 @ e
Toggle the power switch on the repeaters back panel to turn on. The                f
speaker will provide an audible indication and the two—digit front panel
display will light.
2.Audio / Data Transmit
When the RX port of the repeater receives an uplink signal from a device,
the repeater will transmit it via its TX port if it meets the programmed
signaling parameter of color code (CC) in DMR.

3.RX / TX Indicators
1). When the repeater is operational, the TX / RX indicators and A/ B slot
    indicators will light. If "A" is illuminated then slot#1 is in use. "B"        (=                                                                    im
    indicates that slot #2 is being used.                                     Please refer to "R—80 digital repeater software operation instruction
2). If neither A or B light then operation is analog.                         manual" to set up channels in receiving and transmitting frequency,
                                                                              power, colour code and monitor, PTT and so on.
4. Panel key board and display

                                                                              7. Two way radio calling
                                                                              1).Repeater Telephone System Configuration
                                                                              @Find "telephone system" in R—80 programme software, configuration
                                                                                as below:

                                                                                       riep Eo4   pogamninoD Viexto   Heots
                                                                                       ~eHU|@®@                  0| «e o
                                Key and Display                                    Navigatin br         a   3|   mere Sntensetms

5. Key warning tone
1). Key warning tones indicate modifications of working parameters or                                                 eC               ol
                                                                                                                      outendcote       COd ertunier03)
    optional menu keys. A single beep will be heard.                                                                  wewine _ torinntess)
2). Tones indicate error or invalid operation. Two beeps will be heard.                                               mtaitunée [ iomenstess:
                                                                                                                                   k           ie
6. Programming software operation
1). Connect the repeater to the PC using a USB cable.
2). Open the previously install repeater programming software; power on
    the repeater.
3). Select the channel parameters; you will see the following window.

                                                                              a).Call System: Per the required telephone use case, define the parameters
                                                                                 necessary for telephone operation. Settings are available for off,
                                                                                  inbound only, outbound only, or inbound / outbound.

    b).Inbound Code: defines the numeric values (0 to 9) used to access the                                        075526000000, firstly, press the PTT button, input 222# on keyboard,
       repeater via phone line from the outside.                                                                   then release PTT, after a few seconds you can have a call with
    c).Outbound Code: defines the numeric values (0 to 9) used to access the                                       075526000000
       external phone line from the repeater.                                                                    & A handsets answer an incoming phone call via the repeater using the
    d).Hang up Code: the numeric values (0 to 9) used to terminate the phone                                       call in password (111).
       line after a call                                                                                           If the other side uses the phone to call the handsets (repeater) after
    e).Default Number: This is the default numeric value (0 to 9) for the repeater                                 answering, you will need to input the call password +#({111#) then you
                                                                                                                   can proceed with the call.
                                                                                                                 @ Handsets (repeater) hang up the phone, (the hang up password is 333
    @Note: The Telephone System only functions on a digital channel. Inbound                                       etc):
      calls use the ALL CALL group.
                                                                                                                   When the call is over, if the other side does not hang up, the repeater will
           Fiep E94 pogrmmino® en Mept                                                                             hang up itself, the operation is: press the PTT, then input: hang up
           — eg|@=o«e®    O   oure
                                                                                                                   password +# (333#).
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    2). Two—way Radio Configuration — Telephone System
    The repeater is compatible with most DMR radios on the market.
    3). Answer and make a phone call
    O handset makes a phone call (for example: call out password is: 222)
    a).Dial any number: press the PTT button, input: call out password+ * +
       phone number + #.
      For example, call 26000000, press the PTT button, input 222+
      26000000 on keyboard at the same time, then release PTT button, you
      can see the radios send the phone call from the display, you have a call
       if other side answers.
    b).Dial embedded number: press PTT buttons on two way radios, input
      call out password+ #, for example, the embedded number is

1                                                                                                                                                                                           12

 Panel basic operation
 1.Power—on State
 When the repeater is powered on and is idle, the display will show the
 current selected channel number.

                                                                                                                      (Password authentication)
                                                                                          3).Press W before B@ will remove the password number you input.
                                                                                          4).In any menu press B@@ , the device will enter password lock state and
                                                                                             go idle.
                                                                                          5).If there are no button presses for 30 seconds or more, the repeater will
                                                                                             enter the password lock and idle state.
 2.Menu function
 Panel function operation include: channel switching, monitor volume
                                                                                          4.Channel switching
 adjustment, monitor switch (P1), transmit power regulation (P2),
                                                                                          Channel switching function is in the shortcuts menu function, directly press
 password (P3), channel switching and volume adjustment are in shortcut
                                                                                          H or K to change the current channel, if the menu has a password lock,
 menu, others are general function, operation mode is different, the
                                                                                          you need the password authentication, the channel number will display

                       T CL                                                      _
 operation process is below:
                                                                                          "01—99", when you press IBN or IBI, digital display illuminates, when
                                                                                          changing to target channel, then press M to confirm, repeater will change
                                                                                          to target channel, press R@i®to return to the idle state, and display the current
                                                                                          work channel number.
                      Password       ___[PL Nonitor         P2 Power |&———|   P3 Change
                  4uthentification         Switch   [®~|   Regulation          Password

                        ‘                shortcut

 If the repeater does not open for password entry, press "OK" to bypass

 3.Password authentication
                                                                                          5.Volume adjustment
                                                                                          Volume adjustment function, press @@or             , changing speaker volume,
     1). If the current state is menu lock, press "OK" or shortcuts function
       button enter password authentication, the display will show BB to enter
                                                                                          the volume can be U1 to U8 level, U1 is the lowest, U8 is the highest, when
       password. The password consist of "1" "2" "3" "4" in any random order,             you press @@or@S, the digital display will illuminate, when you adjust to
    six figures, corresponding button is MMIMEE®S .                                       target volume level, and press M to confirm, the device monitor volume
 2).After input of the password, press IG®@ , if the password is correct it will          will be set to this new target volume level. The following picture shows a
                                                                                          volume setting of U8. It becomes effective when mM is pressed. Once
       enter the menu "P1" or performs shortcuts, or warning will occur. .
                                                                                          pressed, the repeater returns to its idle state.

13                                                                                                                                                                      14

                                                                              1).The digital display shows the current RF power level from L1 to L9. The
                                                                                 levels correspond as L1 = 5W and L9 = 45 W. The figure shows a setting
                                                                                 of L6 or 30 Watts.
                                                                              2).Press IMN or IMI to decrease or increase the power level,
                                                                                alternately displays new level "L1 to L9" and responding power value.
                                                                              3).Press M to confirm, the value will be
                                                                                 saved , and becomes effective, press BM to cancel the operation.
                                {(Volume adjustment)                          4).Press BWR to cancel the operation.
     6.Monitor switch
     1).In the idle state, pressI@@ to enter monitor switch menu, digital
        display "P1", and then pressII®® " to enter menu option, press G@,
        then enter monitor switch set up.
     2).Digital display "ON" or "OF", respectively represent on or turn off
        monitor switch.
     3).Press BM to confirm, the value will be saved and become effective,
        press BW to cancel the operation.
                                                                                                              (Power Level 6)

                                                                              8.Password Change
                                                                              In the P2 interface, press @® to enter password changing menu interface,
                                                                              the display shows P3, you need verify old password before you change
                                                                              password, after the verification of the password, you can change the
                                                                              password, and the default factory password is "1 1 1 1 1 1";

                                  {Monitor open)
     4).Press W again back to P1 menu interface.

     7.Power regulation
     In the P1 interface, press l to enter power regulation menu option,
     digital display "P2", press B@I back to P1 interface, press M to enter
     power regulation set up operation interface, the process like below:                                      (P3 Interface)
                                                                              1).Pressi@@ password authentication, the display shows @M§ , for the
                                                                                detailed process please refer to the "Password Authentication"
                                                                              2).After the password authentication a tone will mean you are correct, and
                                                                                then you can start to set your new password.
                                                                              3)Press any combination of RAMEAGS, set new six figures password,
                                                                               and then press to confirm.

                                   (P2 interface)

15                                                                                                                                                         16

     4). Repeat the process, when the two passwords are the same, the                   Troubleshooting guide
         repeater will emit a tone to indicate the entry is correct. The display will
         revert back to P3 indicating that the new password is in effect. If a          Description        Reason                                Solution
         warning tone is heard then the entry has failed in setting up the new                             1.The power cord is in poor contact   1.Re—plug the power cord
                                                                                                           2.The power cord is broken.           2.Replace the power cord
         password. Please input the new password again.                                 Boot problem       3.The fuse of power supply loose      3.Replace the fuse
     5).Press BM to cancel the operation and press RW@@R again to return to the                              or break.                           4.Replace the switching power
                                                                                                           4.Switching power supply failure        supply
         idle state.
                                                                                        software           Control line is broken                Replace the control line.
                                                                                        fails to connect
                                                                                                           1.Frequency of transmission and       1.Inspect channel parameter: the
                                                                                        Failed to set up                                           repeater high frequency transmits,
                                                                                        a call              reception, color code of
                                                                                                            transmission and reception,            low frequency receives: repeater
                                                                                                             retuned code, are different from      transmits frequency is
                                                                                                            the handsets.                          corresponding to the handsets‘
                                                                                                           2.Channel parameter beyond the          receive parts, repeater‘s receive
                                                                                                             diplexer working bandwidth,           frequency is corresponding to the
                             (Be prompted for the password)                                                  equipment trouble light will be       handsets‘ transmit frequency, the
                                                                                                             light, the speaker will warning       colour code and retuned code is
                                                                                                            alarm, the fault code is 12;           the same with handsets.
                                                                                                           3.Receive module failed, the fault    2.Change the channel parameter in
                                                                                                            code is 30, 31,32.                     the frequency of diplexer work
                                                                                                           4.Stimulus module failed, the fault     range or change the channel
                                                                                                            code is 20,21,22.                      parameter frequency of the
                                                                                                           5.Control panel failed, the fault       diplexer.
                                                                                                            code is 40,41,42.                    3.Replace the receive module
                                                                                                                                                 4.Replace the stimulus module
                                                                                                                                                 5.Replace the control panel.
                                                                                                           1.Antenna is damaged or feeder        1.Examine the antenna.
                                                                                                              has water in it.                   2.Replace the antenna.
                                                                                                           2.Antenna is in poor connection       3.Find out the frequency disrupted
                                                                                        become shorter
                                                                                                           3.Frequency disruption                  or change.
                                                                                                           4.Repeater transmit power             4.Replace the power amplifier
                                                                                                             decrease                              module.
                                                                                                           5.Receive module sensitivity          5.Replace the receive module.

                                                                                        Indicator light no 1.Flat cable broken.                  1.Replace the flat cable.
                                                                                        display, speaker 2.The display board broken              2.Replace the display board.
                                                                                        no sound.


FCC Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. Verification of harmful interference by this equipment to radio or
television reception can be determined by turning it off and then on. The user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:

    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a different circuit to that of the receiver's outlet.

    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

    This device may not cause harmful interference.

    This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Operational Instructions and Training Guidelines
To ensure optimal performance and compliance with the occupational/controlled environment RF energy exposure
limits in the above standards and guidelines, users should transmit not more than 50% of the time and always adhere to
the following procedures:
   Antenna gain must not exceed 0dBi.
   The antenna must be installed complying with the requirements of manufacturer or supplier, and it must be at least

70cm away from human body.

ISEDC Statement

This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Compliance license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

    This device may not cause harmful interference.

    This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement

ISEDC Radiation Exposure Statement:

This device must be restricted to work related operations in an Occupational/Controlled RF exposure Environment.

This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 70cm between the radiator & your body.

ISEDC exposition aux radiations:

Ce dispositif doit être limité aux opérations liées au travail dans un environnement d'exposition RF

Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 70cm de distance entre le radiateur et votre corps.

Document Created: 2019-07-27 15:08:19
Document Modified: 2019-07-27 15:08:19

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC