RF Exposure 2GHz


RF Exposure Info

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                                             Title: Test of Aruba Networks AP60 802.11a/b/g
                                                    Access Point
                                               To: FCC 47 CFR Part 15.247,15.407,IC RSS-210
                                          Serial #: TUVR24-A4 REV E
                                       Issue Date: 3rd September 2004
                                            Page: 20 of 102 Maximum Permissible Exposure

FCC, Part 15 Subpart C §15.247(b)(5)
Industry Canada RSS-210 §14

Calculations for Maximum Permissible Exposure Levels

E = √(30 * P * G) / d


S = E2 / 3770

E = field strength in volts/meter
P = power in watts
G = numeric antenna gain
d = distance in meters
S = power density in milliwatts / square centimeter

Combining and rearranging the terms to express the distance as a function of the variables,

d = √(30 * P * G) / (3770 * S)

Rearrange to milliwatts and centimeters
P(mw) = P(watts) / 1000
d(cm) = d(m) * 100

d = 100 * √(30 * (P / 1000) * G) / (3770 * S)
d = 0.282 * √(P * G / S)

d = distance in centimetres
P = Power in mW
G = Numeric Antenna Gain
S = Power Density in centimetres2

Substituting the logarithmic form of power and gain using:

P(mW) = 10 ^ (P(dBm)/10) and

                                               Title: Test of Aruba Networks AP60 802.11a/b/g
                                                      Access Point
                                                 To: FCC 47 CFR Part 15.247,15.407,IC RSS-210
                                            Serial #: TUVR24-A4 REV E
                                         Issue Date: 3rd September 2004
                                              Page: 21 of 102

G(numeric) = 10 ^ (G(dBi) /10)


d = 0.282 * 10 ^ ((P + G / 20) √ S


d = MPE distance in centimetres
P = Power in dBm
G = Antenna Gain in dBi
S = Power Density Limit in mW / centimetres2 (Limit S = 1mW / cm2 from §1.310 Table 1)

Maximum output power observed from power measurements – +19.7dBm

    Power          Maximum Measured          Antenna          MPE
 Density Limit     Output Power (dBm)         Gain          Distance
  (mW / cm2)                                  (dBi)           (cm)
      1                    +19.7               12             38.5


Maximum Permissible Exposure Limits
§15.247 (b)(5) Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner
that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency levels in excess of the Commission’s
guidelines. See §1.1307 (b)(1) of this chapter.

Limit S = 1mW / cm2 from 1.310 Table 1

Note: for mobile or fixed location transmitters the minimum separation distance is 20cm, even if
calculations indicate the MPE distance to be less.

METHOD                                                    TEST EQUIPMENT USED
Measurements were made per work instruction WI-01         Bar 1, RVA 01, K-CBL 8, K-CBL 10, S-Anlr 1
‘Measuring RF Output Power’

Laboratory Measurement Uncertainty for Power Measurements
Measurement uncertainty (dB)                                  ±1.33

Document Created: 2004-09-09 13:54:28
Document Modified: 2004-09-09 13:54:28

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