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Aruba AP-205H Wireless Access Point
Installation Guide

The Aruba AP-205H access point is a high-performance dual radio wireless and       Console Port                                                                         Push Button                                                                          Pre-Installation Network Requirements
wired access point for hospitality and branch deployments.
                                                                                   The IAP-205H access point is equipped with a serial console port at the              The push button located on the right side of the AP can be used to reset the AP to   After WLAN planning is complete and the appropriate products and their
This device combines high-performance wireless mobility with Gigabit wired         back(Figure 2). The port allows connecting the AP to a serial terminal or a          factory default settings or turn off/on the LED display.                             placement have been determined, the Aruba controller(s) must be installed and
local access to deliver secure network access to dormitories, hotel rooms,         laptop for direct local management. The 4-pin connector with removable dust                                                                                               initial setup performed before the Aruba APs are deployed.
                                                                                   cover is located on the back of the access point. An optional serial adapter cable      To reset the AP to factory default settings:
classrooms, medical clinics, and multi-tenant environments. MIMO (Multiple-
Input, Multiple-Output) technology enables the AP-205H to provide wireless 2.4     (AP-CBL-SER) compatible with the IAP-205H can be purchased separately.                   1. Power off the AP.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             AP Pre-Installation Checklist
GHz 802.11n and 5 GHz 802.11n/ac functionality, while simultaneously                                                                                                        2. Press and hold the push button using a small, narrow object, such as a
supporting existing 802.11a/b/g wireless services.                                            The rear panel of the AP-205H may become hot after extended use.                 paperclip.                                                                    Before installing your AP-205H access point, be sure that you have the following:
                                                                                                                                                                            3. Power-on the AP without releasing the push button. The system status               Pre-installed wall box
The AP-205H can be attached to a wall box using the bracket provided, or
converted into a desk-mounted remote access point for branch office                  !        Le panneau arrière du point d'accès AP-205H peut chauffer après
                                                                                                                                                                               LED will flash within 5 seconds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cat5E UTP cable with network access installed in the wall box
deployments using the AP-205H-MNTR desk mount kit (sold separately).                                                                                                        4. Release the push button.                                                          One of the following power sources:
                                                                                              une utilisation prolongée.
The AP-205H access point works in conjunction with an Aruba controller, while                                                                                               The system status LED will flash again within 15 seconds indicating that the           IEEE 802.3af-compliant Power over Ethernet (PoE) source

the IAP-205H variant uses a built-in virtual controller.                                                                                                                    reset is completed. The AP will now continue to boot with the factory default          Aruba AP AC-DC adapter kit (sold separately)

The Aruba AP-205H access point provides the following capabilities:                Figure 2 Rear                                                                            settings.                                                                            Aruba Controller provisioned on the network:
                                                                                                                                                                           To turn off/on the system status LED:                                                  Layer 2/3 network connectivity to your access point
   Dual wireless transceivers
   IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac operation as a wireless access point                                                                                                              During the normal operation of the AP, press the push button using a small,      One of the following network services:
   IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac operation as a wireless air monitor, spectrum analyzer                                                                                            narrow object, such as a paperclip. The system status LED will be turned off/        Aruba Discovery Protocol (ADP)
   Compatibility with IEEE 802.3af/at PoE                                                                                                                                  on immediately.                                                                      DNS server with an “A” record
   Central management configuration and upgrades through an Aruba                                                                                                                                                                                               DHCP Server with vendor-specific options
    Controller or Aruba Instant virtual controller                                                                                                                      Power Supply
   Supports PoE-in to E0 port (only)/PoE-out from E3 port (only)                                                                                                       The AP-205H has a single 48V DC power connector to support powering through          Summary of the Setup Process
   Support for selected USB peripherals                                                                                                                                an AC-to-DC power adapter. AP-AC-48V36 sold separately.
                                                                                                                                                                        The AP-205H supports both PoE-in and PoE-out functionality. The PoE-in (PoE-                      It is important that you verify the items listed under AP Pre-
          The Aruba AP-205H requires ArubaOS 6.4.3 or later.                                                                                                            PD) allows the E0 port to draw power from 802.3at (preferred) and 802.3af                         Installation Checklist before you attempt to set up and install an AP-
                                                                                                                                                                        (optional) sources.                                                                               205H.
                                                                                                                                                                        When operating in 802.3at mode, the PoE-out (PoE-PSE) functionality is enabled
                                                                                                                                                                        on port 3, allowing a maximum output of 10W. If a device attempts to exceed the      Complete each of tasks below in the order listed to setup your AP-205H access
Package Contents                                                                                                                                                        10W power limit, the E3 port is temporarily disabled. This port automatically        point.
                                                                                                                                                                        reactivates over time.
   AP-205H Access Point                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1.   Verify pre-installation connectivity.
   Single Gang Wall-box Mounting Bracket                                                                                                                               When operating in 802.3af mode, theAP-205H power to PoE-PSE and USB is
                                                                                                                                                                        disabled.                                                                            2.   Identify the specific installation location for each AP.
   2x #6-32 Machine Screw
   T8H Torx Security Screw                                                                   Hot-plug operation is not recommended for the console port.                                                                                                    3.   Install each AP.
                                                                                                                                                                        Table 2 Maximum Power Outputs                                                        4.   Verify post-installation connectivity.
   Installation Guide (this document)
                                                                                                                                                                        Power Source         Restrictions                             USB       PoE-PSE      5. Configure each AP.
          Inform your supplier if there are any incorrect, missing, or             Ethernet Ports
          damaged parts. If possible, retain the carton, including the             AP-205H access point is equipped with a total of four active Ethernet ports (E0-     DC (AP-AC-48V36) None                                         5W        15.4W                     Aruba Networks, Inc., in compliance with governmental
          original packing materials. Use these materials to repack and            E3).                                                                                                                                                                                   requirements, has designed the AP-205H access points so that
          return the unit to the supplier if needed.                                                                                                                    802.3at              USB disabled when PoE-PSE is on          5W        10W
                                                                                   The E0, located at the back of the AP (Figure 2) is 10/100/1000 Base-T (RJ-45)                                                                                                         only authorized network administrators can change the settings.
                                                                                   auto-sensing, MDI/MDX wired-network uplink connectivity port. It supports            802.3af              USB, PoE-PSE disabled                    N/A       N/A                       For more information about AP configuration, refer to the ArubaOS
                                                                                   IEEE 802.3af/802.3at Power over Ethernet (PoE), accepting 48VDC as a                                                                                                                   Quick Start Guide and ArubaOS User Guide.
Hardware Overview                                                                  standeard defined Powered Device (PD) from Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE),
                                                                                   such as a midspan injector or network infrastructure that supports PoE.                         If both POE and DC power are available, the AP will default to using
Figure 1 Front                                                                                                                                                                     DC.                                                                                    Access points are radio transmission devices and as such are
                                                                                   The E1-E3 ports, located at the bottom of the AP (Figure 3), are 10/100/1000
                                                                                   NBase-T (RJ-45) auto-sensing, MDI/MDX wired-network downlink connectivity                                                                                                              subject to governmental regulation. Network administrators
                                                                                   ports. They are used to provide secure network connectivity to wired devices.                                                                                                          responsible for the configuration and operation of access points
                                                                                   Only the E3 port supports PoE-out functionality, supplying a maximum power of        Before You Begin                                                                                  must comply with local broadcast regulations. Specifically, access
                                                                                   10W when the AP is operating in 802.3at PoE mode.                                                                                                                                      points must use channel assignments appropriate to the location in
                                                                                   Additionally, the IAP-205H access point has a Pass-Through (PT) port at the                                                                                                            which the access point will be used.
                                                                                                                                                                                   FCC Statement: Improper termination of access points
                                                                                   back (Figure 2) and an E0/PT port at the bottom (Figure 3). The E0/PT port acts
                                                                                   primarily as a Pass-Through (PT) port. Alternatively, the E0/PT port can serve as
                                                                                                                                                                                   installed in the United States configured to non-US model
                                                                                                                                                                                   controllers will be in violation of the FCC grant of equipment                 !       Les points d'accès sont des périphériques de transmission radio et
                                                                                   an E0 uplink port and accepts 802.3af/802.3at PoE power when the E0 and PT                      authorization. Any such willful or intentional violation may
                                                                                   ports at the back of the AP are physically bridged by an Ethernet cable.                                                                                                               sont, en tant que tels, soumis aux réglementations nationales. Les
                                                                                                                                                                                   result in a requirement by the FCC for immediate termination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          administrateurs réseau responsables de la configuration et de
                                                                                   AP-CBL-ETH10 sold separately with the AP-205H-MNTR desk mount kit.                              of operation and may be subject to forfeiture (47 CFR 1.80).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          l'exploitation des points d'accès doivent se conformer aux
                                                                                   Figure 3 Bottom                                                                          !      Déclaration FCC: l'arrêt incorrect des points d'accès installés
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          règlements locaux de diffusion. De façon plus précise, les points
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d'accès doivent employer des canaux adaptés à leur emplacement
LED                                                                                                                                                                                aux États-unis qui sont configurés sur des contrôleurs autres
The AP-205H is equipped with two LEDs indicating System Status and PSE.                                                                                                            que le modèle agréé aux États-unis est considéré comme
                                                                                                                                                                                   contrevenant à l'homologation fcc. toute violation délibérée ou
Table 1                                                                                                                                                                            intentionnelle de cette condition peut entraîner une injonction           Verifying Pre-Installation Connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                                   d'arrêt immédiat de son utilisation par la fcc et peut
LED                  Color/State      Meaning                                                                                                                                      déboucher sur la confiscation de l'équipement (47 cfr 1.80).              Before you install APs in a network environment, make sure that the APs are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             able to locate and connect to the controller after power on. In order to
System Status        Off              AP powered off, or LED switched to ‘off                                                                                                                                                                                successfully setup your network the following conditions must be met:
                                      mode’                                        Figure 4 Gigabit Ethernet Port Pin-Out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 When connected to the network, each AP is assigned a valid IP address
                     Amber- Solid     AP ready, restricted mode:                                                                                                                                                                                                 APs are able to locate the controller
                                       10/100Mbps uplink negotiated                                                                                                               EU Statement:
                                       Either radio in non-HT mode                                                                                                                Lower power radio LAN product operating in 2.4 GHz and 5                  Refer to the ArubaOS Quick Start Guide for instructions on locating and
                                       Virtual AP not enabled                                                                                                                     GHz bands. Please refer to the ArubaOS User Guide for details             connecting to the controller.
                                                                                                                                                                                   on restrictions.
                     Amber- Flashing AP in Air or Spectrum Monitor mode

                     Red              Error condition                                                                                                                              Produit réseau local radio basse puissance operant dans la                Identifying Specific Installation Locations
                                                                                                                                                                                   bande fréquence 2.4 GHz et 5 GHz. Merci de vous referrer au               When installing the AP-205H access point must be secured to an Aruba approved
                     Green - Flashing AP booting, not ready

                     Green - Solid    AP ready
                                                                                   USB Port
                                                                                   The AP-205H access point is equipped with a USB port that is compatible with
                                                                                                                                                                            !      ArubaOS User Guide pour les details des restrictions.                     wall or to a desk mount kit, which can be purchased separately. This AP should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             be oriented vertically, with Ethernet ports facing downward to facilitate
                                                                                   cellular modems and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) dongles. When active, the                        Low Power FunkLAN Produkt, das im 2.4 GHz und im 5 GHz                    maximum antenna gain. Use the AP placement map generated by Aruba’s RF
PSE                  Off              AP powered off, or PoE capability disabled   USB port can supply up to 5W (1A).                                                              Band arbeitet. Weitere Informationen bezlüglich                           Plan software application to determine the proper installation location(s). Each
                     Green - Solid    PoE power enabled
                                                                                                                                                                                   Einschränkungen finden Sie im ArubaOS User Guide.                         location should be as close as possible to the center of the intended coverage
                                                                                              The USB interface is disabled when the AP-205H is powered from                                                                                                 area and should be free from obstructions or obvious sources of interference.
                     Red              PoE power sourcing error or overload                    802.3af PoE.                                                                         Apparati Radio LAN a bassa Potenza, operanti a 2.4 GHz e 5                These RF absorbers/reflectors/interference sources will impact RF propagation
                                      condition                                                                                                                                    GHz. Fare riferimento alla ArubaOS User Guide per avere                   and should be accounted for during the planning phase and adjusted for in RF
                                                                                                                                                                                   informazioni detagliate sulle restrizioni.                                plan.

Identifying Known RF Absorbers/Reflectors/Interference                              6. Connect cables to the back of the AP.
Sources                                                                             7. Align the mounting slots on the back of the AP with the corresponding
                                                                                       mounting posts on the wall mount, as shown in Figure 8.
Identifying known RF absorbers, reflectors, and interference sources while in the
field during the installation phase is critical. Make sure that these sources are   8. Push the AP against the posts and downward until the posts engage the slots
taken into consideration when you attach an AP to its fixed location.                  at the top of the slots.
RF absorbers include:                                                               Figure 8 Attaching AP-205H to Bracket
   Cement/concrete—Old concrete has high levels of water dissipation, which

                                                                                                                                                                                      Aruba AP-205H Wireless
    dries out the concrete, allowing for potential RF propagation. New concrete
    has high levels of water concentration in the concrete, blocking RF signals.
   Natural Items—Fish tanks, water fountains, ponds, and trees
   Brick
RF reflectors include:
                                                                                                                                                                                           Access Point
   Metal Objects—Metal pans between floors, rebar, fire doors, air conditioning/                                                                                                                              Installation Guide
    heating ducts, mesh windows, blinds, chain link fences (depending on
    aperture size), refrigerators, racks, shelves, and filing cabinets.
   Do not place an AP between two air conditioning/heating ducts. Make sure
    that APs are placed below ducts to avoid RF disturbances.
RF interference sources include:
   Microwave ovens and other 2.4 or 5 GHz objects (such as cordless phones)
   Cordless headset such as those used in call centers or lunch rooms

                                                                                    9. Once the AP is fastened onto the wall mount, insert the T8H Torx Security
                                                                                                                                                                             Contacting Aruba Networks
Installing the AP                                                                       Screw into the hole located on the upper-right edge of the wall mount and
The AP-205H is designed to mount into a variety of electrical gang boxes.               tighten.                                                                               Web Support
1. Begin by removing the existing data wall plate (if applicable).                  10. If not using PoE, connect the AC-DC power adapter (sold separately) to the
                                                                                                                                                                               Main Site                                
                                                                                        DC power socket located on the bottom of the AP-205H.
Figure 5 Removing Wall Plate (US Single Gang Outlet Box Shown)                                                                                                                 Support Site                             

                                                                                    Verifying Post-Installation Connectivity                                                   Airheads Social Forums and Knowledge Base

                                                                                                                                                                               North American Telephone                           1-800-943-4526 (Toll Free)
                                                                                    The integrated LED on the AP can be used to verify that the AP is receiving                                                                   1-408-754-1200
                                                                                    power and initializing successfully (see Table 1). Refer to the ArubaOS Quick
                                                                                    Start Guide for further details on verifying post-installation network                     International Telephones                 
                                                                                                                                                                               Software Licensing Site                  

                                                                                                                                                                               Wireless Security Incident               
                                                                                    Configuring the AP-205H                                                                    Response Team (WSIRT)

                                                                                                                                                                               Support Email Addresses
                                                                                    AP Provisioning/Reprovisioning
                                                                                                                                                                               Americas and APAC                        
                                                                                    Provisioning parameters are unique to each AP. These local AP parameters are
                                                                                    initially configured on the controller which are then pushed out to the AP and
                                                                                    stored on the AP itself. Aruba recommends that provisioning settings be                    Americas and APAC Support Email          
                                                                                    configured via the ArubaOS Web UI only. Refer to the ArubaOS User Guide for
2. Remove any existing RJ45 connectors (typically snap-in) or cut/remove the                                                                                                   WSIRT Email                              
                                                                                    complete details.                                                                          Please email details of any security
   UTP cable.                                                                                                                                                                  problem found in an Aruba product.

3. Use a short Ethernet cable (sold separately) to connect the E0 port to an RJ45
                                                                                    AP Configuration
   connector or crimp an RJ45 plug (not supplied) on the cable and insert in the
   E0 port. Do the same for the PT port, if used.                                   Configuration parameters are network or controller specific and are configured
                                                                                    and stored on the controller. Network configuration settings are pushed out to           Copyright
4. Align the mounting holes of the AP-205H mounting bracket with mounting
   holes in you gang box, as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. For worldwide          the AP(s) but remain stored on the controller.                                           © 2015 Aruba Networks, Inc. AirWave®, Aruba Networks®, Aruba Mobility Management System®, Bluescanner,
                                                                                                                                                                             For Wireless That Works®, Mobile Edge Architecture, People Move. Networks Must Follow., RFProtect®, The All
   single gang outlet box, the mounting bracket has two sets of mounting holes      Configuration settings can be configured via the ArubaOS Web UI or ArubaOS               Wireless Workplace Is Now Open For Business, and The Mobile Edge Company® are trademarks of Aruba
                                                                                                                                                                             Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
   to meet the individual installation position requirement. See Figure 7 for       CLI. Refer to ArubaOS User Guide for details.
   details.                                                                                                                                                                  Open Source Code
   The applicable standards for the wall boxes are:                                 Product Specifications                                                                   Certain Aruba products include Open Source software code developed by third parties, including software code
                                                                                                                                                                             subject to the GNU General Public License ("GPL"), GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"), or other Open
    IEC 60670-1, GB17466, BS4662 and DIN49073 for Worldwide                                                                                                                 Source Licenses. The Open Source code used can be found at this site:
    ANSI/NEMA OS 1 and OS 2 for US                                                 Electrical                                                                     
5. Insert the two included machine screws and tighten them to secure the               Ethernet:                                                                            Legal Notice
   mounting bracket.                                                                     4x 10/100/1000 Base-T auto-sensing Ethernet RJ-45 interface (E0-E3)
                                                                                                                                                                             The use of Aruba Networks, Inc. switching platforms and software, by all individuals or corporations, to terminate
                                                                                         2x passive RJ-45 Pass-Through interface (E0/PT and PT)                             other vendors' VPN client devices constitutes complete acceptance of liability by that individual or corporation for
Figure 6 Bracket to Gang Box (US Single Gang Outlet Box Shown)                                                                                                               this action and indemnifies, in full, Aruba Networks, Inc. from any and all legal actions that might be taken against
                                                                                         MDI/MDX                                                                            it with respect to infringement of copyright on behalf of those vendors.

                                                                                         IEEE 802.3 (10Base-T), IEEE 802.3u (100Base-T). IEEE 802.3ab
                                                                                                                                                                             This hardware product is protected by an Aruba warranty. For details, see Aruba Networks standard warranty
                                                                                         Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af and 802.3at compliant), 48VDC                    terms and conditions.
                                                                                           (nominal) and 56VDC (maximum)/350mA (see Figure 4 for pin
                                                                                       Power:
                                                                                         48VDC power interface, supports powering through an AC-to-DC power
                                                                                         PoE support on Ethernet ports: 802.3af-compliant PoE sourcing device

                                                                                               If a power adapter other than the one provided by Aruba is used in US or
                                                                                               Canada, it should be NRTL Listed, with an output rated 48VDC, minimum
                                                                                               0.75A, marked “LPS” and “Class 2”, and suitable for plugging into a
                                                                                               standard power receptacle in the US and Canada.

Figure 7 Bracket to Gang Box (Worldwide Single Gang Outlet Box Shown)
                                                                                    For additional specifications on this product, please refer to the product data
                                                                                    sheet at

                                                                                       Operating:                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                          1344 Crossman Avenue
                                                                                         Temperature: 0° C to +50° C (+32° F to +122° F)
                                                                                                                                                                          Sunnyvale, California 94089
                                                                                         Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing                                              Phone: 408.227.4500
                                                                                                                                                                          Fax 408.227.4550
                                                                                       Storage and transportation:
                                                                                         -Temperature: -40° C to +70° C (-40° F to +158°)                                Aruba AP-205H Wireless Access Point | Installation Guide
                                                                                                                                                                          Part Number 0511743-04| March 2015
                                                                                    For additional specifications on this product, please refer to the data sheet. The
                                                                                    data sheet can be found at

Document Created: 2015-03-16 22:14:41
Document Modified: 2015-03-16 22:14:41

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