Test Report_20181012_v2 - 1807TW0111-U3-FCC UNII Test Report (Wi-Fi)_Part1

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515

Test Report

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                                       MRT Technology (Taiwan) Co., Ltd         Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3
                                       Phone: +886-3-3288388                    Report Version:       V01
                                       Web:    www.mrt-cert.com                 Issue Date:    08-30-2018

                         MEASUREMENT REPORT
             FCC PART 15.407 WLAN 802.11a/n/ac/ax

FCC ID:                         Q9DAPIN0514515

APPLICANT:                      Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company

 Application Type:              Certification

 Product:                       ACCESS POINT

 Model No.:                     APIN0514, APIN0515
 Brand Name:
 FCC Classification: Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII)

 FCC Rule Part(s):              Part15 Subpart E (Section 15.407)

 Test Procedure(s):             ANSI C63.10-2013, KDB 789033 D02v02r01,
                                KDB 662911 D01v02r01
 Test Date:                     June 19 ~ August 10, 2018

 Reviewed By:
                            ( Paddy Chen )
 Approved By:
                              (Chenz Ker)

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as
indicated in the measurementreport and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified
in KDB 789033 D02v02r01. Test results reported hereinrelate only to the item(s) tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Taiwan)
Co., Ltd.
 FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                                  Page Number: 1 of 444

                                                     Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

                              Revision History

   Report No.       Version      Description      Issue Date        Note

1807TW0111-U3       Rev. 01      Initial report   08-30-2018        Valid

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                                                                                                           Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

Description                                                                                                                               Page
§2.1033General Information .......................................................................................................... 6

1.     INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 7

      1.1.       Scope ........................................................................................................................... 7
      1.2.       MRT Test Location ....................................................................................................... 7

2.     PRODUCT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 8

      2.1.       Equipment Description.................................................................................................. 8
      2.2.       Product Specification Subjective to this Report ............................................................. 8
      2.3.       Working Frequencies for this report .............................................................................. 9
      2.4.       Description of Available Antennas ............................................................................... 10
      2.5.       Description of Antenna RF Port .................................................................................. 12
      2.6.       Test Mode .................................................................................................................. 12
      2.7.       Description of Test Software ....................................................................................... 13
      2.8.       Device Capabilities ..................................................................................................... 14
      2.9.       Test Configuration ...................................................................................................... 17
      2.10.      EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications ................................................................... 17
      2.11.      Labeling Requirements ............................................................................................... 17

3.     DESCRIPTION OF TEST ...................................................................................................... 18

      3.1.       Evaluation Procedure ................................................................................................. 18
      3.2.       AC Line Conducted Emissions ................................................................................... 18
      3.3.       Radiated Emissions .................................................................................................... 19

4.     ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 20

5.     TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATE ............................................................................ 21

6.     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ......................................................................................... 22

7.     TEST RESULT ...................................................................................................................... 23

      7.1.       Summary .................................................................................................................... 23
      7.2.       26dB Bandwidth Measurement ................................................................................... 24
      7.2.1. Test Limit .................................................................................................................... 24
      7.2.2. TestProcedure used .................................................................................................... 24
      7.2.3. TestSetting .................................................................................................................. 24
      7.2.4. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 24
      7.2.5. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 25
      7.3.       6dB Bandwidth Measurement ..................................................................................... 32
      7.3.1. Test Limit .................................................................................................................... 32
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    7.3.2. Test Procedure used ................................................................................................... 32
    7.3.3. TestSetting .................................................................................................................. 32
    7.3.4. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 32
    7.3.5. TestResult................................................................................................................... 33
    7.4.      Output Power Measurement ....................................................................................... 39
    7.4.1. Test Limit .................................................................................................................... 39
    7.4.2. Test Procedure Used .................................................................................................. 39
    7.4.3. Test Setting ................................................................................................................. 39
    7.4.4. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 39
    7.4.5. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 40
    7.5.      Transmit Power Control .............................................................................................. 45
    7.5.1. Test Limit .................................................................................................................... 45
    7.5.2. Test Procedure Used .................................................................................................. 45
    7.5.3. Test Setting ................................................................................................................. 45
    7.5.4. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 45
    7.5.5. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 45
    7.6.      Power Spectral Density Measurement ........................................................................ 46
    7.6.1. TestLimit ..................................................................................................................... 46
    7.6.2. Test Procedure Used .................................................................................................. 46
    7.6.3. Test Setting ................................................................................................................. 46
    7.6.4. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 47
    7.6.5. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 48
    7.7.      Frequency Stability Measurement............................................................................... 92
    7.7.1. TestLimit ..................................................................................................................... 92
    7.7.2. Test Procedure Used .................................................................................................. 92
    7.7.3. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 93
    7.7.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 94
    7.8.      Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement ................................................................ 95
    7.8.1. Test Limit .................................................................................................................... 95
    7.8.2. Test Procedure Used .................................................................................................. 95
    7.8.3. Test Setting ................................................................................................................. 95
    7.8.4. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 97
    7.8.5. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 99
    7.9.      Radiated Restricted Band Edge Measurement ......................................................... 227
    7.9.1. Test Limit .................................................................................................................. 227
    7.9.2. Test Procedure Used ................................................................................................ 228
    7.9.3. Test Setting ............................................................................................................... 228
    7.9.4. Test Setup ................................................................................................................ 229
    7.9.5. Test Result ................................................................................................................ 230
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     7.10.     AC Conducted Emissions Measurement................................................................... 438
     7.10.1. TestLimit ................................................................................................................... 438
     7.10.2. Test Procedure ......................................................................................................... 438
     7.10.3. Test Setup ................................................................................................................ 439
     7.10.4. Test Result ................................................................................................................ 440

8.   CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................... 444

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                                                                        Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

§2.1033General Information
Applicant:                       Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
Applicant Address:               6280 America Center Drive, San Jose, CA 95002
Manufacturer:                    Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
Manufacturer Address:            6280 America Center Drive, San Jose, CA 95002
Test Site:                       MRT Technology (Taiwan) Co., Ltd
Test Site Address:               No. 38, Fuxing Second Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan
FCC Registration No.:            153292
                                 APIN0514: Conducted Sample S/N: CS18640017
                                 Radiated Sample S/N: CS1864005
Test Device Serial No.:
                                 APIN0515: Conducted Sample S/N: CQK85T001C
                                 Radiated Sample S/N: CQK85T0003

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at MRT Laboratory located in Fuxing Rd., Taoyuan, Taiwan
( R.O.C )
MRT facility is a FCC registered (Reg. No. 153292) test facility with the site description report
  on file and is designated by the FCC as an Accredited Test Film.
 MRT facility is an IC registered (MRT Reg. No. 21723-1) test laboratory with the site
  description on file at Industry Canada.
 MRT Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by the American Association for Laboratory
  Accreditation (TAF) under the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Program
  (TAF Cert. No. 3261) in EMC, Telecommunications and Radio testing for FCC, Industry
  Taiwan, EU and TELEC Rules.

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                                                                          Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

1.1. Scope
Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices
includingintentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and
regulations of the FederalCommunications Commission and the Industry Canada Certification and
Engineering Bureau.

1.2. MRT Test Location
The map below shows the location of the MRT LABORATORY, its proximity to the Taoyuan City.
These measurement tests were conducted at the MRT Technology (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Facility
located at No.38, Fuxing 2nd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33377, Taiwan (R.O.C).

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                                                                           Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

2.1. Equipment Description

Product Name:            ACCESS POINT
Model No.:               APIN0514, APIN0515

Brand Name:
Wi-Fi Specification:     802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax
Bluetooth Specification: v4.2 single mode
Zigbee Specification:    802.15.4
Software Version:        F.0.8
Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 50 °C
Power Type:              AC Adapter or POE input
Operating Environment: Indoor Use
Note: The difference between models is that EUT use different antenna and appearance, APIN0514
use some external antennas, but APIN0515 use internal antenna, other hardware and software are
the same. Besides, each model has its own power parameter value.

2.2. Product Specification Subjective to this Report
Frequency Range:         For 802.11a/n-HT20/ac-VHT20/ax-HE20:
                         5180~5240MHz, 5745~5825MHz
                         For 802.11n-HT40/ac-VHT40/ax-HE40:
                         5190~5230MHz, 5755~5795MHz
                         For 802.11ac-VHT80/ax-HE80:
                         5210MHz, 5775MHz
Type of Modulation:      802.11a/n/ac: OFDM
Data Rate:               802.11a: 6/9/12/18/24/36/48/54Mbps
                         802.11n: up to 600Mbps
                         802.11ac: up to 1733.2Mbps
                         802.11ax: up to 4804Mbps
Note: For other features of this EUT, test report will be issued separately.

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2.3. Working Frequencies for this report
   Channel       Frequency        Channel   Frequency   Channel         Frequency
      36         5180 MHz           40      5200 MHz      44            5220 MHz
      48         5240 MHz          149      5745 MHz     153            5765 MHz
     157         5785 MHz          161      5805 MHz     165            5825 MHz

   Channel       Frequency        Channel   Frequency   Channel         Frequency
      38         5190 MHz           46      5230 MHz     151            5755 MHz
     159         5795 MHz           --         --         --                --

   Channel       Frequency        Channel   Frequency   Channel         Frequency
      42         5210 MHz          155      5775 MHz      --                --

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                                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

2.4. Description of Available Antennas
Model No.: APIN0514
 Antenna        Directionality    Frequency          Model No.   Max Peak    BF Gain     CDD Directional Gain
    No.                                Band                        Gain       (dBi)                   (dBi)
                                       (GHz)                       (dBi)                 For Power            For PSD
Wi-Fi External Antenna List (2.4GHz 2*2 MIMO, 5GHz 4*4 MIMO)
                                        2.4                        4.0         3.01             4.0              7.01
     1              Omni                             AP-ANT-40
                                        5                          5.0         6.02             5.0             11.02
                                        2.4                        3.0         3.01             3.0              6.01
     2              Omni                             AP-ANT-19
                                        5                          6.0         6.02             6.0             12.02
                                        2.4                        3.8         3.01             3.8              6.81
     3              Omni                         AP-ANT-1W
                                        5                          5.8         6.02             5.8             11.82
                                        2.4                        2.3         3.01             2.3              5.31
     4              Omni                         AP-ANT-13B
                                        5                          4.0         6.02             4.0             10.02
                                        2.4                        2.0         3.01             2.0              5.01
     5              Omni                         AP-ANT-20W
                                        5                          2.0         6.02             2.0              8.02
                                        2.4                        4.5         0.00             4.5              4.50
 6 (Note 3)      Directional                         AP-ANT-45
                                        5                          5.5         3.01             5.5              8.51
                                        2.4                        8.5         0.00             8.5              8.5
 7 (Note 3)      Directional                         AP-ANT-48
                                        5                          8.5         3.01             8.5             11.51
Bluetooth & ZigBee Internal Antenna
              PCB                              2.4                                     4.9

Model No.: APIN0515
  Directionality        Frequency Band                Max          BF Gain              CDD Directional
                               (GHz)            Peak Gain            (dBi)                    Gain (dBi)
                                                      (dBi)                         For Power           For PSD
Wi-Fi Internal Antenna List (2.4GHz 2*2 MIMO, 5GHz 4*4 MIMO)
         Omni                    2.4                  3.77           3.01              3.77                   6.78
         Omni                    5                    4.55           5.97              4.55               10.52
Bluetooth & ZigBee Internal Antenna
         PCB                     2.4                                         3.5

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                                                                                  Report No.: 1807TWO111—U3

1.   The EUT supports Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) mode, and CDD signals are correlated.
     For CDD transmissions, directional gain is calculated as follows, Nayy = 2, Nsg = 1.

     If all antennas have the same gain, Gayy, Directional gain = Gayr + Array Gain, where Array Gain is as

     +   For power spectral density (PSD) measurements on all devices,
         Array Gain = 10 log (Nayt/ Nss) dB = 3.01;
     +   For power measurements on IEEE 802.11 devices,
         Array Gain = 0 dB for Nayr S 4;
2.   The EUT also supports Beam Forming mode, and the Beam Forming support 802.11n/ac/ax, not include

     802.11@/b/g. Directional gain = Gayr + BF Gain, BF Gain was declared by the applicant.
3.   Two antennas have Cross—Polarized design, the detail see the antenna specification.
4.   For model APINO514, the antenna list shown as below table was selected to test.

Antenna List                                                    Conducted Testing           Radiated Testing

Omni Antenna 1# (Max 2.4GHz Omni ANT)                           N/A                         Yes

Omni Antenna 2# (Max 5GHz Omni ANT)                             N/A                         Yes

Omni Antenna 5# (Min 2.48&5GHz Omni ANT)                        Yes                         Yes

                                                                (High Power Setting)

Directional Antenna 7# (Max 2.4&5GHz Directional ANT)           N/A                         Yes

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                                                                        Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

2.5. Description of Antenna RF Port
                                       Antenna RF Port
            --             2.4GHz RF Port                        5GHz RF Port
 Software Control Port    Ant 0       Ant 1       Ant 0         Ant 1         Ant 2       Ant 3


2.6. Test Mode
Test Mode           Mode 1: Transmit by 802.11a (6Mbps)
                    Mode 2: Transmit by 802.11ac-VHT20 (MCS0)
                    Mode 3: Transmit by 802.11ac-VHT40 (MCS0)
                    Mode 4: Transmit by 802.11ac-VHT80 (MCS0)
                    Mode 5: Transmit by 802.11ax-HE20 (MCS0)
                    Mode 6: Transmit by 802.11ax-HE40 (MCS0)
                    Mode 7: Transmit by 802.11ax-HE80 (MCS0)

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                                                                         Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

2.7. Description of Test Software
The test utility software used during testing was “accessMTool”, and the version was “v3.0.0.7”.
Power Parameter Value:
   Test Mode         Test                            Power Parameter Value
                  Frequency                          APIN0514                            APIN0515
                     (MHz)     Omni Antenna Omni Antenna Directional Antenna
                               (AP-ANT-20W)      (AP-ANT-19)         (AP-ANT-48)
                     5180             70               70                 62                 68
                     5220             75               70                 62                 68
                     5240             75               70                 62                 67
                     5745             75               73                 72                 75
                     5785             75               73                 72                 74
                     5825             75               73                 72                 75
                     5180             75               72                 67                 69
                     5220             75               72                 67                 69
                     5240             75               72                 67                 67
                     5745             75               73                 72                 74
                     5785             75               73                 72                 74
                     5825             75               73                 72                 74
                     5190             67               66                 57                 58
                     5230             76               66                 57                 72
                     5755             75               73                 72                 75
                     5795             75               73                 72                 75
                     5210             65               64                 57                 63
                     5775             75               73                 68                 75
                     5180             74               69                 66                 67
                     5220             74               69                 66                 68
                     5240             74               69                 66                 67
                     5745             73               72                 72                 73
                     5785             73               72                 72                 74
                     5825             73               73                 72                 74
                     5190             64               60                 54                 60
                     5230             75               60                 54                 72
                     5755             74               72                 72                 74
                     5795             74               73                 72                 74
                     5210             69               66                 61                 64
                     5775             72               72                 65                 75

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                                                                      Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

2.8. Device Capabilities
This device contains the following capabilities:
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi and BT v4.2 single mode and Zigbee devices
Note: 5GHz (NII) operation is possible in 20MHz, 40MHz and 80MHz channel bandwidths. The
maximum achievable duty cycles for all modes were determined based on measurements performed
on a spectrum analyzer in zero-span mode with RBW = 8MHz, VBW = 50MHz per the guidance of
Section B)2)b) of KDB 789033 D02v02r01. The RBW and VBW were both greater than 50/T, where
T is the minimum transmission duration, and the number of sweep points across T was greater than
100. The duty cycles are as follows:
         Model No.                          Test Mode                      Duty Cycle
                                              802.11a                        98.43%
                                         802.11ac-VHT20                      98.47%
                                         802.11ac-VHT40                      96.88%
         APIN0514                        802.11ac-VHT80                      94.10%
                                          802.11ax-HE20                      97.89%
                                          802.11ax-HE40                      96.18%
                                          802.11ax-HE80                      92.59%
                                              802.11a                        94.76%
                                         802.11ac-VHT20                      97.96%
                                         802.11ac-VHT40                      96.90%
         APIN0515                        802.11ac-VHT80                      93.85%
                                          802.11ax-HE20                      97.50%
                                          802.11ax-HE40                      95.89%
                                          802.11ax-HE80                      92.59%

                       Duty Cycle (T = Transmission Duration) - APIN0514
             802.11a (T = 2.060ms)                        802.11ac-VHT20 (T = 1.927ms)

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        802.11ac-VHT40 (T = 950.7us)   802.11ac-VHT80 (T = 459.2us)

        802.11ax-HE20 (T = 1.485ms)    802.11ax-HE40 (T = 771.3us)

         802.11ax-HE80 (T = 400.0us)

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                    Duty Cycle (T = Transmission Duration) - APIN0515
            802.11a (T = 2.060ms)                    802.11ac-VHT20 (T = 1.920ms)

        802.11ac-VHT40 (T = 950.0us)                 802.11ac-VHT80 (T = 458.0us)

        802.11ax-HE20 (T = 1.482ms)                  802.11ax-HE40 (T = 770.1us)

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         802.11ax-HE80 (T = 400.0us)

2.9. Test Configuration
The ACCESS POINTwas tested per the guidance of KDB 789033 D02v02r01.ANSI C63.10-2013
was used to reference the appropriate EUT setup for radiated spurious emissions testingand AC line
conducted testing.

2.10. EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
No EMI suppression device(s) were added and/or no modifications were made during testing.

2.11. Labeling Requirements
Per 2.1074 & 15.19; Docket 95-19
The label shall be permanently affixed at a conspicuous location on the device; instruction manual or
pamphletsupplied to the user and be readily visible to the purchaser at the time of purchase.
However, when the deviceis so small wherein placement of the label with specified statement is not
practical, only the FCC ID must be displayed on the device per Section 15.19(a)(5). Please see
attachment for FCC ID label andlabel location.

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                                                                           Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

3.1. Evaluation Procedure
The measurement procedures described in the American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed
WirelessDevices (ANSI C63.10-2013), and the guidance provided in KDB 789033 D02v02r01 were
used in themeasurement of the ACCESS POINT.
Deviation from measurement procedure…………………………….....................................None

3.2. AC Line Conducted Emissions
The line-conducted facility is located inside an8'x4'x4' shielded enclosure. A 1m x 2m wooden table
80cm high is placed 40cm away from the vertical wall and 80cm away from the sidewall of the
shielded room. Two 10kHz-30MHz, 50Ω/50uH Line-Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISNs) are
bonded to the shielded room floor. Power to the LISNs is filtered by external high-current
high-insertion loss power line filters. These filters attenuate ambient signal noise from entering the
measurement lines. These filters are also bonded to the shielded enclosure.
The EUT is powered from one LISN and the support equipment is powered from the second LISN.
All interconnecting cables more than 1 meter were shortened to a 1 meter length by non-inductive
bundling (serpentine fashion) and draped over the back edge of the test table. All cables were at
least 40cm above the horizontal reference ground-plane. Power cables for support equipment were
routed down to the second LISN while ensuring that that cables were not draped over the second
Sufficient time for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to
warm up to their normal operating condition. The RF output of the LISN was connected to the
receiver and exploratory measurements were made to determine the frequencies producing the
maximum emission from the EUT. The receiver was scanned from 150kHz to 30MHz. The detector
function was set to peak mode for exploratory measurements while the bandwidth of the analyzer
was set to 9kHz. The EUT, support equipment, and interconnecting cables were arranged and
manipulated to maximize each emission. Each emission was also maximized by varying: power lines,
the mode of operation or data exchange speed, or support equipment whichever determined the
worst-case emission. Once the worst case emissions have been identified, the one EUT cable
configuration/arrangement and mode of operation that produced these emissions are used for final
measurements on the same test site. The analyzer is set to CISPR quasi-peak and average
detectors with a 9kHz resolution bandwidth for final measurements.
An extension cord was used to connect to a single LISN which powered by EUT. The extension cord
was calibrated with LISN, the impedance and insertion loss are compliance with the requirements as
stated in ANSI C63.10-2013.

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                                                                            Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

3.3. Radiated Emissions
The radiated test facilities consisted of an indoor 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber used for final
measurements and exploratory measurements, when necessary. The measurement area is
contained within the semi-anechoic chamber which is shielded from any ambient interference. For
measurements above 1GHz absorbers are arranged on the floor between the turn table and the
antenna mast in such a way so as to maximize the reduction of reflections. For measurements below
1GHz, the absorbers are removed. A MF Model 210SS turntable is used for radiated measurement.
It is a continuously rotatable, remotecontrolled, metallic turntable and 2 meters (6.56 ft.) in diameter.
The turn table is flush with the raised floor of the chamber in order to maintain its function as a
ground plane. An80cm high PVC support structure is placed on top of the turntable.
For all measurements, the spectrum was scanned through all EUT azimuths and from 1 to 4 meter
receive antenna height using a broadband antenna from 30MHz up to the upper frequency shown in
15.33(b)(1) depending on the highest frequency generated or used in the device or on which the
device operates or tunes. For frequencies above 1GHz, linearly polarized double ridge horn
antennas were used. For frequencies below 30MHz, a calibrated loop antenna was used. When
exploratory measurements were necessary, they were performed at 1 meter test distance inside the
semi-anechoic chamber using broadband antennas, broadband amplifiers, and spectrum analyzers
to determine the frequencies and modes producing the maximum emissions. Sufficient time for the
EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to warm up to their
normal operating condition. The test set-up for frequencies below 1GHz was placed on top of the 0.8
meter high, 1 x 1.5 meter table; and test set-up for frequencies 1-40GHz was placed on top of the 1.5
meter high, 1 x 1.5 meter table. The EUT, support equipment, and interconnecting cables were
arranged and manipulated tomaximize each emission. Appropriate precaution was taken to ensure
that all emissions from the EUT were maximized and investigated. The system configuration, clock
speed, mode of operation or video resolution, if applicable, turntable azimuth, and receive antenna
height was noted for each frequency found.
Final measurements were made in the semi-anechoic chamber using calibrated, linearly polarized
broadband and horn antennas. The test setup was configured to the setup that produced the worst
case emissions. The spectrum analyzer was set to investigate all frequencies required for testing to
compare the highest radiated disturbances with respect to the specified limits. The turntable
containing the EUT was rotated through 360 degrees and the height of the receive antenna was
varied 1 to 4 meters and stopped at the azimuth and height producing the maximum emission. Each
emission was maximized by changing the orientation of the EUT through three orthogonal planes
and changing the polarity of the receive antenna, whichever produced the worst-case emissions.
According to 3dB Beam-Width of horn antenna, the horn antenna should be always directed to the
EUT when rising height.

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                                                                         Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

Excerpt from §15.203 of the FCC Rules/Regulations:
“An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by theresponsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached
antenna or of an antennathat uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered
sufficient to comply with theprovisions of this section.”

For APIN0515
    The antenna of the ACCESS POINT is permanently attached.
    There are no provisions for connection to an external antenna.

For APIN0514
    The antenna of the ACCESS POINT uses a reversed SMA connector.

The unit complies with the requirement of §15.203.

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                                                                         Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

Conducted Emissions

Instrument                 Manufacturer     Type No.    Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EMI Test Receiver          R&S              ESR3        MRTTWA00045 1 year              2019/03/17
Two-Line V-Network         R&S              ENV216      MRTTWA00019 1 year              2019/03/23
Two-Line V-Network         R&S              ENV216      MRTTWA00020 1 year              2019/03/23
Temperature/Humidity Meter TFA              35.1078.10.IT MRTTWA00033 1 year            2019/06/08

Radiated Emissions

Instrument                 Manufacturer     Type No.    Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
Signal Analyzer            R&S              FSV40       MRTTWA00007 1 year              2019/03/02
EMI Test Receiver          R&S              ESR3        MRTTWA00009 1 year              2019/03/16
Broadband Preamplifier     SCHWARZBECK BBV 9718         MRTTWA00005 1 year              2019/04/06
Broadband Amplifier        SCHWARZBECK BBV 9721         MRTTWA00006 1 year              2019/04/06
Acitve Loop Antenna        SCHWARZBECK FMZB 1519B       MRTTWA00002 1 year              2019/04/06
Broadband TRILOG
                           SCHWARZBECK VULB 9162        MRTTWA00001 1 year              2019/04/06
Broadband Hornantenna      SCHWARZBECK BBHA 9120D       MRTTWA00003 1 year              2019/04/06
Breitband Hornantenna      SCHWARZBECK BBHA 9170        MRTTWA00004 1 year              2019/04/06
Temperature/Humidity Meter TFA              35.1078.10.IT MRTTWA00033 1 year            2019/06/08

Conducted Test Equipment

Instrument                 Manufacturer     Type No.    Asset No.         Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
                                                                          1 year        2018/07/10
EXA Signal Analyzer        KEYSIGHT         N9010A      MRTTWA00012
                                                                          1 year        2019/07/10
X-Series USB Peak and
                           KEYSIGHT         U2021XA     MRTTWA00014 1 year              2019/03/18
Average Power Sensor
X-Series USB Peak and
                           KEYSIGHT         U2021XA     MRTTWA00015 1 year              2019/03/18
Average Power Sensor
Programmable Temperature
                           TEN BILLION      TTH-B3UP    MRTTWA00036 1 year              2019/05/11
& Humidity Chamber
Temperature/Humidity Meter TFA              35.1078.10.IT MRTTWA00033 1 year            2019/06/08

Software                          Version                           Function
e3                                V 8.3.5                           EMI Test Software

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                                                                        Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

Where relevant, the following test uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the
EUT as specified in CISPR 16-4-2. This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed
at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k = 2.

AC Conducted Emission Measurement - SR2
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
     150kHz~30MHz: 3.46dB
Radiated Emission Measurement - AC1
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
     9kHz ~ 1GHz: 4.18dB
     1GHz ~ 40GHz: 4.76dB
Output Power - SR1
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
Power Spectrum Density - SR1
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):
Occupied Bandwidth - SR1
     Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95% (U=2Uc(y)):

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                                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

7.       TEST RESULT
7.1. Summary
Product Name:                      ACCESS POINT
FCC ID:                            Q9DAPIN0514515

         FCC              Test Description               Test Limit              Test         Test       Reference
      Section(s)                                                               Condition      Result
15.407(a)            26dB Bandwidth             N/A                                           Pass       Section 7.2
15.407(e)            6dB Bandwidth              ≥ 500kHz                                      Pass       Section 7.3
15.407(a)(1)(ii),    Maximum Conducted
                                                ≤ 30 dBm                                      Pass       Section 7.4
(3)                  Output Power
15.407(h)(1)         Transmit Power Control     ≤ 24 dBm                                       N/A       Section 7.5
15.407(a)(1)(ii),    Peak Power Spectral        ≤ 17 dBm/MHz UNII-1
                                                                                              Pass       Section 7.6
(3), (5)             Density                    ≤ 30 dBm/500kHz UNII-3
15.407(g)            Frequency Stability        ± 20 ppm                                      Pass       Section 7.7
                     Undesirable Emissions      Refer to Section 7.8                          Pass
                     General Field Strength     Emissions in                                              Section
15.205, 15.209                                                                 Radiated
                     Limits(Restricted Bands    restrictedbands must                                      7.8 & 7.9
15.407(b)(5),                                                                                 Pass
                     andRadiated Emission       meet theradiated limits
(6), (7)
                     Limits)                    detailed in15.209
                     AC Conducted
                                                                                  Line                    Section
15.207               Emissions                  < FCC 15.207 limits                           Pass
                                                                              Conducted                     7.10
                     150kHz - 30MHz
1)     The analyzer plots shown in this section were all taken with a correction table loaded into the
       analyzer.The correction table was used to account for the losses of the cables and attenuators used as
       part ofthe system to connect the EUT to the analyzer at all frequencies of interest.
2)     Test Items “26dB Bandwidth” & “6dB Bandwidth” have been assessed MIMO transmission, and showed
       the worst test data in this report.

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                                                                     Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

7.2. 26dB Bandwidth Measurement

7.2.1.Test Limit


7.2.2.TestProcedure used

KDB 789033 D02v02r01 - Section C.1


1. The analyzers’ automatic bandwidth measurement capability was used to perform the 26dB
    bandwidth measurement. The “X” dB bandwidth parameter was set to X = 26. The automatic
    bandwidth measurement function also has the capability of simultaneously measuring the 99%

    occupied bandwidth. The bandwidth measurement was not influenced by any intermediated
    power nulls in the fundamental emission.
2. RBW = approximately 1% of the emission bandwidth.

3. VBW ≥ 3×RBW.
4. Detector = Peak.
5. Trace mode = max hold.

7.2.4.Test Setup

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                                                                       Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

7.2.5.Test Result

Product             ACCESS POINT                         Temperature           24°C
Test Engineer       Kevin Ker                            Relative Humidity     59%
Test Site           SR2                                  Test Date             2018/06/27
Model No.           APIN0514                             Test Item             26dB Bandwidth

     Test Mode         Data Rate/ Channel No.   Frequency      26dB Bandwidth      99% Bandwidth
                         MCS                      (MHz)            (MHz)              (MHz)
Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
      802.11a               6Mbps     36          5180               21.56              17.78
      802.11a               6Mbps     44          5220               21.28              17.78
      802.11a               6Mbps     48          5240               21.34              17.79
      802.11a               6Mbps    149          5745               21.68              17.84
      802.11a               6Mbps    157          5785               22.02              17.83
      802.11a               6Mbps    165          5825               21.42              17.82
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0      36          5180               21.45              17.81
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0      44          5220               21.27              17.82
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0      48          5240               21.40              17.79
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0     149          5745               21.45              17.87
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0     157          5785               21.82              17.85
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0     165          5825               21.50              17.87
  802.11ac-VHT40            MCS0      38          5190               39.45              36.27
  802.11ac-VHT40            MCS0      46          5230               39.37              36.25
  802.11ac-VHT40            MCS0     151          5755               39.23              36.33
  802.11ac-VHT40            MCS0     159          5795               39.87              36.31
  802.11ac-VHT80            MCS0      42          5210               80.49              75.58
  802.11ac-VHT80            MCS0     155          5775               81.01              75.79
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0      36          5180               20.97              19.08
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0      44          5220               21.27              19.00
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0      48          5240               21.39              19.07
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0     149          5745               22.47              19.07
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0     157          5785               21.47              19.07
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0     165          5825               21.16              19.06

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                                                                  Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

     Test Mode         Data Rate/ Channel No.   Frequency   26dB Bandwidth    99% Bandwidth
                         MCS                      (MHz)         (MHz)            (MHz)
Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
   802.11ax-HE40            MCS0      38          5190          39.67              37.55
   802.11ax-HE40            MCS0      46          5230          39.70              37.55
   802.11ax-HE40            MCS0     151          5755          39.80              37.62
   802.11ax-HE40            MCS0     159          5795          39.81              37.62
   802.11ax-HE80            MCS0      42          5210          81.20              76.88
   802.11ax-HE80            MCS0     155          5775          81.41              77.09

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                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

              802.11a 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
           Channel 36 (5180MHz)                             Channel 44 (5220MHz)

           Channel 48 (5240MHz)                            Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)                           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

          802.11ac-VHT20 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
            Channel 36 (5180MHz)                           Channel 44 (5220MHz)

            Channel 48 (5240MHz)                           Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)                           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

          802.11ac-VHT40 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
            Channel 38 (5190MHz)                           Channel 46 (5230MHz)

           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                           Channel 159 (5795MHz)

          802.11ac-VHT80 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
            Channel 42 (5210MHz)                           Channel 155 (5775MHz)

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                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

          802.11ax-HE20 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
            Channel 36 (5180MHz)                           Channel 44 (5220MHz)

            Channel 48 (5240MHz)                          Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)                          Channel 165 (5825MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                 Page Number: 30 of 444

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

          802.11ax-HE40 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
            Channel 38 (5190MHz)                           Channel 46 (5230MHz)

           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                          Channel 159 (5795MHz)

          802.11ax-HE80 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
            Channel 42 (5210MHz)                          Channel 155 (5775MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                 Page Number: 31 of 444

                                                                        Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

7.3. 6dB Bandwidth Measurement

7.3.1.Test Limit

The minimum 6dBbandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

7.3.2.Test Procedure used

KDB 789033 D02v02r01 - Section C.2


1. Set center frequency to the nominal EUT channel center frequency.
2. RBW = 100 kHz.
3. VBW≧ 3 × RBW.

4. Detector = Peak.
5. Trace mode = max hold.
6. Sweep = auto couple.

7. Allow the trace to stabilize.
8. Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated
    with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6

    dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

7.3.4.Test Setup

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                                                                      Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3


Product             ACCESS POINT                        Temperature           24°C
Test Engineer       Kevin Ker                           Relative Humidity     59%
Test Site           SR2                                 Test Date             2018/06/27
Model No.           APIN0514                            Test Item             6dB Bandwidth

     Test Mode         Data Rate/ Channel   Frequency   6dB Bandwidth          Limit       Result
                         MCS        No.       (MHz)         (MHz)             (MHz)
Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
      802.11a               6Mbps   149       5745           16.37             ≥ 0.5       Pass
      802.11a               6Mbps   157       5785           16.37             ≥ 0.5       Pass
      802.11a               6Mbps   165       5825           16.37             ≥ 0.5       Pass
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0    149       5745           17.62             ≥ 0.5       Pass
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0    157       5785           17.62             ≥ 0.5       Pass
  802.11ac-VHT20            MCS0    165       5825           17.64             ≥ 0.5       Pass
  802.11ac-VHT40            MCS0    151       5755           36.39             ≥ 0.5       Pass
  802.11ac-VHT40            MCS0    159       5795           36.39             ≥ 0.5       Pass
  802.11ac-VHT80            MCS0    155       5775           75.78             ≥ 0.5       Pass
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0    149       5745           18.98             ≥ 0.5       Pass
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0    157       5785           18.98             ≥ 0.5       Pass
   802.11ax-HE20            MCS0    165       5825           18.99             ≥ 0.5       Pass
   802.11ax-HE40            MCS0    151       5755           37.61             ≥ 0.5       Pass
   802.11ax-HE40            MCS0    159       5795           37.59             ≥ 0.5       Pass
   802.11ax-HE80            MCS0    155       5775           76.05             ≥ 0.5       Pass

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                                                                       Report No.: 1807TW0111-U3

                         802.11a 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                              Channel 157 (5785MHz)

           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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Document Created: 2018-10-13 12:35:15
Document Modified: 2018-10-13 12:35:15

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