Test Report_20181018_v3 - 1807TW0111-U1-FCC DTS Test Report (Wi-Fi)_Part2

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515

Test Report

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                                                                Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                           802.11g AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                              Page Number: 48 of 396

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11n-HT20 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                Page Number: 49 of 396

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11n-HT40 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 03 (2422MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 09 (2452MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                Page Number: 50 of 396

                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11ax-HE20 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

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                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11ax-HE40 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 03 (2422MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 09 (2452MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                 Page Number: 52 of 396

                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

Product           ACCESS POINT                 Temperature             25°C
Test Engineer     Kevin Ker                    Relative Humidity       54%
Model No.         APIN0515

                              802.11b AVGPSD - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
            Channel 01 (2412MHz)                             Channel 06 (2437MHz)

            Channel 11 (2462MHz)

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                                                                Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                           802.11g AVGPSD - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                              Page Number: 54 of 396

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11n-HT20 AVGPSD - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                Page Number: 55 of 396

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11n-HT40 AVGPSD - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 03 (2422MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 09 (2452MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                Page Number: 56 of 396

                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11ax-HE20 AVGPSD - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

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                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11ax-HE40 AVGPSD - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 03 (2422MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 09 (2452MHz)

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                                                                Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                           802.11b AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                              Page Number: 59 of 396

                                                                Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                           802.11g AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                              Page Number: 60 of 396

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11n-HT20 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                Page Number: 61 of 396

                                                                   Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11n-HT40 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 03 (2422MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 09 (2452MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                Page Number: 62 of 396

                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11ax-HE20 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 01 (2412MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 11 (2462MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                 Page Number: 63 of 396

                                                                    Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11ax-HE40 AVGPSD - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
           Channel 03 (2422MHz)                          Channel 06 (2437MHz)

           Channel 09 (2452MHz)

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                 Page Number: 64 of 396

                                                                      Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

7.5. Conducted Band Edge and Out-of-Band Emissions

7.5.1.Test Limit

The limit for out-of-band spurious emissions at the band edge is 30dB below the fundamental

emission level, as determined from the in-band power measurement of the DTS channel performed

in a 100 kHz bandwidth per the PSD procedure.

7.5.2.Test Procedure Used

KDB 558074 D01v05 - Section 11.2 & Section 11.3

7.5.3.Test Settitng

Reference level measurement

1. Set instrument center frequency to DTS channel center frequency

2. Set the span to ≥ 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth

3. Set the RBW = 100 kHz

4. Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

5. Detector = peak

6. Sweep time = auto couple

7. Trace mode = max hold

8. Allow trace to fully stabilize

Emission level measurement

1. Start frequency was set to 30MHz and stop frequency was set to 25GHz (separated into two

    plots per channel)

2. RBW = 1.3MHz

3. VBW = 4MHz

4. Detector = Peak

5. Trace mode = max hold

6. Sweep time = auto couple

7. The trace was allowed to stabilize
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                                                                         Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

Test Notes

1. RBW was set to 1.3MHz rather than 100kHz in order to increase the measurement speed.

2. The display line shown in the following plots denotes the limit at 30dB below the fundamental

emission level measured in a 100kHz bandwidth. However, since the traces in the following plots are

measured with a 1.3MHz RBW, the display line may not necessarily appear to be 30dB below the

level of the fundamental in a 1.3MHz bandwidth.

3. For plots showing conducted spurious emissions near the limit, the frequencies were investigated

with a reduced RBW to ensure that no emissions were present.

7.5.4.Test Setup

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                       Page Number: 66 of 396

                                                                 Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

7.5.5.Test Result

Product             ACCESS POINT             Temperature         25°C
Test Engineer       Kevin Ker                Relative Humidity   54%
Test Site           SR2                      Test Date           2018/06/27
                                                                 Conducted Band Edge and
Mode No.            APIN0514                 Test Item
                                                                 Out-of-Band Emissions

    Test Mode          Data Rate   Channel No.     Frequency           Limit     Result
                          / MCS                      (MHz)          (dBc)
Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
     802.11b              1Mbps        01            2412               30        Pass
     802.11b              1Mbps        06            2437               30        Pass
     802.11b              1Mbps        11            2462               30        Pass
     802.11g              6Mbps        01            2412               30        Pass
     802.11g              6Mbps        06            2437               30        Pass
     802.11g              6Mbps        11            2462               30        Pass
  802.11n-HT20            MCS0         01            2412               30        Pass
  802.11n-HT20            MCS0         06            2437               30        Pass
  802.11n-HT20            MCS0         11            2462               30        Pass
  802.11n-HT40            MCS0         03            2422               30        Pass
  802.11n-HT40            MCS0         06            2437               30        Pass
  802.11n-HT40            MCS0         09            2452               30        Pass
  802.11ax-HE20           MCS0         01            2412               30        Pass
  802.11ax-HE20           MCS0         06            2437               30        Pass
  802.11ax-HE20           MCS0         11            2462               30        Pass
  802.11ax-HE40           MCS0         03            2422               30        Pass
  802.11ax-HE40           MCS0         06            2437               30        Pass
  802.11ax-HE40           MCS0         09            2452               30        Pass

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                              Page Number: 67 of 396

                                                                        Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11b Out-of-Band Emissions - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
                                      Channel 01 (2412MHz)
         100kHz PSD reference Level                                Low Band Edge

              Spurious Emission
                                                   Note: The Value of the Display Line is -18.79dBm

                                      Channel 06 (2437MHz)
         100kHz PSD reference Level                              Spurious Emission

Note: The Value of the Display Line is -19.60dBm

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                       Page Number: 68 of 396

                                                                       Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11b Out-of-Band Emissions - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
                                      Channel 11 (2462MHz)
         100kHz PSD reference Level                               High Band Edge

             Spurious Emission
                                                  Note: The Value of the Display Line is -18.34dBm

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                       Page Number: 69 of 396

                                                                        Report No.: 1807TW0111-U1

                         802.11g Out-of-Band Emissions - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
                                      Channel 01 (2412MHz)
         100kHz PSD reference Level                                Low Band Edge

              Spurious Emission
                                                   Note: The Value of the Display Line is -22.91dBm

                                      Channel 06 (2437MHz)
         100kHz PSD reference Level                              Spurious Emission

Note: The Value of the Display Line is -22.91dBm

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0514515                                                       Page Number: 70 of 396

Document Created: 2018-10-18 18:31:22
Document Modified: 2018-10-18 18:31:22

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