RF Exposure Exhibit

FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0324325

RF Exposure Info

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   TUV Rheinland Of North America
   1279 Quarry Lane, Ste. A, Pleasanton, CA 95466                                             RF Exposure Exhibit
   Tel: (925) 249‐9123, Fax: (925) 249‐9124

                                      Maximum Permissible Exposure
     1.1 Maximum Permissible Exposure

            Test Methodology
  In this document, we try to prove the safety of radiation harmfulness to the human body for the product
  under test. The limit for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) specified in FCC 1.1310 and Industry
  Canada RSS ‐102 were followed. The Gain of the antenna used in this calculation is declared by the
  manufacturer, and the maximum total power input to the antenna is measured. Through the Friis
  transmission formula and the maximum gain of the antenna, we can calculate the distance, away from the
  product, where the limit of MPE is reached. Although the Friis transmission formula is a far field
  assumption, the calculated result of that is an over‐prediction for near field power density. We will take
  that as the worst case to specify the safety range.

            RF Exposure Limit
  According to FCC 1.1310 table 1: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
  environmental impact of human exposure to radio‐frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b)


  Frequency Range          Electric Field     Magnetic Field         Power Density       Average Time
  (MHz)                    Strength (V/m)     Strength (A/m)         (mW/cm2)            (minutes)
  (A)Limits For Occupational / Control Exposures
  0.3–3.0                  614                1.63                   *(100)              6

  3.0–30                   1842/f             4.89/f                 *(900/f2)           6
  30–300                   …                  …                      1.0                 6
  300 ‐ 1500               …                  …                      f/300               6
  1500 ‐ 100,000           …                  …                      5                   6
  (B)Limits For General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  0.3–1.34                 614                1.63                   *(100)              30

  1.34‐30                  824/f              2.19/f                 *(180/ f2)          30
  30–300                   27.5               0.037                  0.2                 30
  300 ‐ 1500               …                  …                      f/1500              30
  1500 ‐ 100,000           …                  …                      1.0                 30
F = Frequency in MHz
* = Plane‐wave equivalent power density

   Aruba Networks                   FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0324325, IC: 4675A‐APIN0324325               Page 1 of 4

 TUV Rheinland Of North America
 1279 Quarry Lane, Ste. A, Pleasanton, CA 95466                                          RF Exposure Exhibit
 Tel: (925) 249‐9123, Fax: (925) 249‐9124

Limits per RSS-102 issue 5 March 2015

           Table 4: RF Field Strength Limits for Devices Used by the General Public
                                 (Uncontrolled Environment)

  Frequency Range           Electric Field         Magnetic Field       Power Density Reference Period
       (MHz)                 (V/m rms)                (A/m rms)             (W/m2)          (minutes)
     0.003-10 21                  83                      90                    -        Instantaneous*
       0.1-10                      -                    0.73/ ƒ                 -              6**
       1.1-10                  87/ ƒ 0.5                   -                    -              6**
        10-20                    27.46                  0.0728                  2               6
        20-48                58.07/ ƒ 0.25           0.1540/ ƒ 0.25       8.944/ ƒ 0.5          6
       48-300                    22.06                 0.05852               1.291              6
     300-6000               3.142 ƒ 0.3417         0.008335 ƒ 0.3417    0.02619ƒ  0.6834
    6000-15000                   61.4                    0.163                 10               6
   15000-150000                  61.4                    0.163                 10         616000/ ƒ 1.2
   150000-300000              0.158 ƒ 0.5           4.21 x 10-4 ƒ 0.5              -5
                                                                         6.67 x 10 ƒ      616000/ ƒ 1.2
     Note: ƒ is frequency in MHz.
     *Based on nerve stimulation (NS).
     ** Based on specific absorption rate (SAR).

        EUT Operating Condition
The software provided by Manufacturer enabled the EUT to transmit data at lowest, middle and highest
channel individually.

The antenna of the product, under normal use condition, is at least 20cm away from the body of the user.
Warning statement to the user for keeping at least 20cm or more separation distance with the antenna
should be included in user’s manual. So, this device is classified as a Mobile Device.

        Test Results Antenna Gain
The highest directional antenna gain for 2.4 GHz band was +11.5dBi or 14.12(numeric).

The highest directional antenna gain for 5 GHz band was +12.0dBi or 15.84(numeric).

 Aruba Networks                   FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0324325, IC: 4675A‐APIN0324325            Page 2 of 4

 TUV Rheinland Of North America
 1279 Quarry Lane, Ste. A, Pleasanton, CA 95466                                    RF Exposure Exhibit
 Tel: (925) 249‐9123, Fax: (925) 249‐9124 Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure value at distance 20cm:

MPE calculation for simultaneous Operation of BLE with 2.4 GHz band or 5GHz band

    a)   Simultaneous operation of 2.4GHz, 5 GHz band and BLE

  Highest Power 2.4 GHz band              24.39dBm

  (From TUV Test Report 31560844.001)

  Highest power in 5 GHz band            24.76dBm

  (From TUV test report 31560848.001)

  BLE mode power                          3.81dBm

  Simultaneous operation power            0.576 watts


Calculations for this report are based on highest power measurement.

Limit for MPE (from FCC part 1.1310 table1) is 1.0 mW/cm2

Limit for MPE (From IC RSS‐102 Table 4) is 10W/m2 is same as 1.0 mW/ cm2

The highest measured total power is +27.60 dBm or 576mW

Using the Friss transmission formula, the EIRP is Pout*G, and R is 20cm.

Pd = (576*15.84) / (1600π) = 1.81 mW/cm2, which is above the limit.

    b)    Calculation of distance where Pd reaches 1mW/ cm2

Using formula R =     √    P* G/4π Pd

R = 26.19cm        26.19cms is the safe distance from the unit

 Aruba Networks                   FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0324325, IC: 4675A‐APIN0324325      Page 3 of 4

 TUV Rheinland Of North America
 1279 Quarry Lane, Ste. A, Pleasanton, CA 95466                                          RF Exposure Exhibit
 Tel: (925) 249‐9123, Fax: (925) 249‐9124

        Sample Calculation

The Friss transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G) / (4*π*R2)


                                  Pd = power density in mW/ cm2

                                  Pout = output power to antenna in mW

                                  G = gain of antenna in linear scale

                                  π ≈ 3.1416

                                  R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

Ref. : David K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Second Edition, Page 640, Eq. (11‐133).

 Aruba Networks                   FCC ID: Q9DAPIN0324325, IC: 4675A‐APIN0324325             Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 2015-07-14 11:47:32
Document Modified: 2015-07-14 11:47:32

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