9575A user manual part3

FCC ID: Q639575N

Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                           While in Emergency Mode the
                                              Entering Emergency
                                              Mode in 20 seconds.    After selecting Enter Emergency Mode                         T         SOS            dedicated SOS LED will illuminate
                                              Deploy antenna and
                                              make sure it is        the countdown screen appears. You will                                                and SOS icon on the phone screen
                                              oriented towards the                                                                       Registered
                                              sky.                   have 20 seconds to press the right soft                                               will appear. The SOS LED will change
                                                                     key labeled Cancel to stop Emergency                         15:40        09-JUL-13   colors from red to green depending
                                                                     Mode if initiated accidentally. This                         Menu            Cancel
                                                                                                                                                           upon the transmission status and
                                                                     feature is designed to help reduce                                                    an audible tone will also occur (if
                                                                     false notifications to your designated                                                programmed) when the Emergency
                                                                     emergency contacts.                                                                   Mode message is being sent.
                                                                                                                                                           Emergency Mode can be cancelled
                                                                                                                                                           by pressing the right soft key, labeled
14: GPS & Location Based Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                       14: GPS & Location Based Services
                                              T       SOS            Once in Emergency Mode the phone                                                      Cancel.
                                                                     will initiate a call and/or message to
                                                                     your designated contacts. The phone
                                                                                                                                                           If you decide to cancel Emergency
                                              15:40     09-JUL-13    call (if programmed) will occur in
                                              Menu          Cancel                                                                                         Mode, the phone will prompt you with
                                                                     speakerphone mode and will retry if the                          Cancel Emergency
                                                                                                                                                           a message asking you if “Are you sure
                                                                     attempted call is unsuccessful.                                   Are you sure you
                                                                                                                                         want to exit
                                                                                                                                      emergency mode?      you want to exit emergency mode?”
                                                                                                                                                           If you select “No” by pressing the right
                                                                                                                                  Yes                 No   soft key, labeled No, Emergency
                                                                                                                                                           Mode will not be cancelled. If you
                                    Additionally, the phone (if programmed) will send an SMS message to                                                    select “Yes” by pressing the left soft
                                    your designated contact every five minutes in the following format:                                                    key labeled “Yes”, Emergency Mode
                                                                                                                                                           will be cancelled. If Emergency Mode
                                    EMERGENCY/Lat+38.950116(stdv 0075)/Lon-077.250050(stdv 0075)/Alt+964
                                                                                                                                                           is canceled, a cancellation message will
                                    ft(stdv 0075)/GPS sats 04/2012-06-15 15:37UTC/Batt 86%/Lang en/Iridium user
                                                                                                                                                           be sent to your designated contact.
                                    This message contains the following information:
                                    • EMERGENCY notification                                                       Note: if you do not cancel Emergency Mode, your phone will continue to
                                    • The Latitude and standard deviation for accuracy                             remain in Emergency Mode even after you turn off and on the phone. If
                                                                                                                   you attempt to turn off power while in Emergency Mode, you will receive
                                    • The Longitude and standard deviation for accuracy                            a countdown warning timer that power down will commence and then
                                    • The Altitude and standard deviation for accuracy                             a notification that the phone is sending a power down notification to
                                                                                                                   emergency contacts. You will be provided the option prior to this screen
                                    • The number of GPS satellites that were visible to the phone to assist with
                                                                                                                   to immediately turn off the phone or you can wait for confirmation that
                                      gauging accuracy. If number of GPS satellites is generally greater than
                                                                                                                   the power down notification was successfully sent and then the phone
                                      4, the accuracy is generally good. If “NO GPS AVAIL” is displayed, the
                                                                                                                   will automatically power down.
                                      location provided is an approximate location based on Iridium location
                                      that is only an approximate location within an accuracy of ~90 miles.
                                    • The date (year – month – day) and time (UTC)                                 Emergency Actions
                                    • The % of phone battery charge remaining                                      In the Emergency Options menu, Emergency Actions will allow you
                                                                                                                   to determine the types of call and/or message actions that will occur
                                    • The language of the phone menu setting to give some indication of the        when Emergency Mode is initiated. The default setting is Message
                                      language of the user (ex. “en” is English)                                   and Call, which means that a message and call will be initiated to your
                                    • Iridium User                                                                 programmed contacts in the event that Emergency Mode is started
                                                                                                                   by pressing the red SOS button on the top of the phone or by selecting
                                                                                                                   Emergency Mode from the menu.

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                                                                        To change the default setting to either
                                                    Emergency Actions   Message Only or Call Only, use the
                                                                                                                                                             To program a new Message Recipient,
                                                     Message and Call
                                                     Message Only
                                                                        2-way Navi-key, highlight the preferred
                                                                                                                                                             use the 2-way Navi-key and highlight
                                                     Call Only

                                                                        option and press the left option key,                                                the listing that you would like to Edit
                                                                        labeled Select.                                                                      or Delete. Press the left option key,
                                                   Select        Back
                                                                                                                                    Options           Back
                                                                                                                                                             labeled Options.
                                                                        Note: If the GPS Settings Lock is
                                                                        enabled, you will be prompted for
                                                                        the GPS Settings Lock PIN when
                                                                        attempting to change this setting.
                                    Emergency Beep
14: GPS & Location Based Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                          14: GPS & Location Based Services
                                                                                                                     Note: If the GPS Settings Lock is enabled, you will be prompted for the
                                                                        In the Emergency Options menu, if            GPS Settings Lock PIN when attempting to change this setting.
                                                                        Emergency Beep is enabled, the handset
                                                     Emergency Beep
                                                     Enabled            will beep three (3) times every five (5)
                                                                        minutes to enable responders to hear                                                 Next, use the 2-way Navi-key to
                                                                        where the handset is located. The default                   Edit
                                                                                                                                          Recipient          highlight the desired option to
                                                   Select        Back
                                                                        setting is Disabled. To change the default                  Delete
                                                                                                                                    Delete All
                                                                                                                                                             Edit, Delete, or Delete All. If Edit
                                                                        setting to Enabled, use the 2-way Navi-                                              is selected, the phone will allow
                                                                        key to highlight Enabled and press the                                               you to Edit or enter a new message
                                                                        left option key, labeled Select.
                                                                                                                                    Select            Back
                                                                                                                                                             recipient. If Delete is selected, it will
                                                                                                                                                             delete the previously highlighted
                                                                        Note: If the GPS Settings Lock is                                                    Message Recipient listing. If Delete
                                                                        enabled, you will be prompted for                                                    All is selected, all Message Recipient
                                                                        the GPS Settings Lock PIN when                                                       listings will be deleted.
                                                                        attempting to change this setting.
                                                                                                                                                             Once the desired action is highlighted
                                    Message Recipient                                                                                                        using the 2-way Navi-key, press the
                                                                                                                                                             left option key, labeled Select.
                                    In the Emergency Options menu, Message Recipient will allow you
                                    to program up to three (3) contacts that will receive Emergency Mode
                                    notifications via messaging. In order for this feature to operate, “Message                                              Next, if Edit is selected, the Select
                                    and Call” or “Message Only” needs to be selected in Emergency Actions.                                Recipient          Recipient screen will appear providing
                                                                                                                                    Enter Number
                                                                                                                                    Enter Email              the options to Enter Number, Enter
                                    The default setting for Message Recipient is “empty”, meaning that                              My Phonebook #1
                                                                                                                                    My Phonebook #2          Email, or select an existing address
                                                                                                                                    My Phonebook #3
                                    recipients need to be added in order to notify a designated contact                                                      from your Phonebook.
                                    in the event of an emergency. Additionally you may configure the                                Select            Back

                                    Message Recipient to contact GEOS service by selecting “GEOS Service”,                                                   • To Enter Number, press the left
                                    the last menu option under “Emergency Options”. Details on GEOS                                                            option key, labeled Select, and
                                    Service can be found in the written materials found in your phone box                                                      enter the number.
                                    or on Iridium.com.
                                                                                                                                                             • To Enter Email, use the 2-way Navi-
                                    It is recommended that message recipients are stored as email addresses.                                                   key to highlight Enter Email and
                                    If using mobile carrier SMS numbers, not all wireless carriers have                                                        press the left option key, labeled
                                    interoperability arrangements and therefore these numbers should                                                           Select.
                                    be tested prior to relying upon them for emergencies. Email addresses
                                    should also be tested.

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                                                                              • To select an existing address, use the   Message Options
                                                                                2-way Navi-key to highlight the My
                                                                                                                         In the Location Options menu, Message Options will allow you to
                                                          Phonebook             Phonebook listing and press the left
                                                   Ada Adams                                                             program settings for Regular Updates of location and also use of a Quick
                                                   Bob Smith                    soft key, labeled Select.
                                                   Cat Steven
                                                   Davy Jones                                                            GPS list feature.
                                                   Eddy Fisher

                                                                              Once the My Phonebook listing is
                                                   Select             Back    selected, you will need to use the 2-way
                                                                              Navi-key to highlight which address to                     Location Options
                                                                                                                                        GPS Options
                                                                              use and then press the left option key,                   Emergency Options
                                                                                                                                        Message Options     To program Message Options, press
                                                                              labeled Select.                                           Format
                                                                                                                                        Current Location    the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                                                              Once your recipient has been added, it                    Select       Back
14: GPS & Location Based Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                      14: GPS & Location Based Services
                                                                              will appear in your Message Recipient

                                    Call Recipient
                                    In the Emergency Options menu, Call Recipient will allow you to
                                    program one (1) contact that will receive an Emergency Mode phone call.              In the Message Options menu, Regular Update will allow you to
                                    In order for this feature to operate, “Message and Call” or “Phone Only”             program one (1) recipient to receive regularly scheduled messages from
                                    needs to be selected in Emergency Actions.                                           you with your location. Once the recipient is programmed and a message
                                                                                                                         frequency is selected, your designated contact will receive Regular
                                    The default setting for Message Recipient is blank, meaning that a call
                                                                                                                         Updates from you automatically.
                                    recipient needs to be added in order to notify a designated contact in the
                                    event of an emergency. Additionally you may configure the Call Recipient             Quick GPS will allow you to send one (1) single location update to up to
                                    to contact GEOS service by selecting “GEOS Service”, the last menu option            five (5) recipients programmed in your phone via messaging. To initiate a
                                    under “Emergency Options”. Details on GEOS Service can be found in your              Quick GPS, press the Convenience Key located on the right side of your
                                    phone box or on Iridium.com.                                                         phone, obtain an updated location, select “Share” with the left soft key,
                                                                                                                         and select Quick GPS with the left soft key.
                                                                              To program a new Call Recipient, type
                                                      Call Recipient
                                                                              in the desired number and press the left
                                                                              soft key, labeled Save.                                    Message Options
                                                                                                                                        Regular Updates
                                                                                                                                        Quick GPS List
                                                                                                                                                            To program the Regular Updates from
                                                                                                                                                            the Message Options screen, select
                                                   Save               Clear
                                                                                                                                                            Regular Updates with the left soft
                                                                                                                                        Select       Back   key, labeled Select. Once selected,
                                                                                                                                                            Update Frequency and Update
                                                                                                                                                            Recipient will appear.

                                    Note: a + sign is automatically added at the beginning of the dialing
                                    string to automatically insert the international access code, therefore 00
                                    is not required. The call recipient number must include the country code
                                    and number (ex. +12125551212) or emergency number (ex. +911). Note
                                    that Iridium only supports 911 in the US and 000 in Australia and these
                                    numbers will not work in other geographies.

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                                                                       • To modify the Update Frequency,                                             to highlight which address to use
                                                    Regular Updates      press the left soft key, labeled Select.                                    and then press the left soft key,
                                                   Update Frequency
                                                   Update Recipient      The default setting is No Update,                                           labeled Select.
                                                                         meaning that no update message will                                       Once your recipient has been added, it
                                                                         be sent. The options are: No update,                                      will appear in your Update Recipient
                                                  Select        Back
                                                                         Startup only, 2 minutes, 5 minutes,                                       listing.
                                                                         10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour,
                                                                         4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 18 hours,
                                                                         1 day, 3 days, 1 week.
                                                                       • To modify the default setting, use the     Quick GPS List
                                                                         2-way Navi-key, highlight the desired
14: GPS & Location Based Services

                                                                                                                                                                                              14: GPS & Location Based Services
                                                                         option and press the left soft key,
                                                                         labeled Select.
                                                                       • To modify the Update Recipient,
                                                                                                                                Message Options
                                                                                                                               Regular Updates
                                                                                                                                                   To program the Quick GPS List
                                                                         use the 2-way Navi-key to highlight
                                                                                                                               Quick GPS List
                                                                                                                                                   from the Message Options screen,
                                                                         Update Recipient and press the left                                       use the 2-way Navi-key and select
                                                                         soft key, labeled Select.                                                 Quick GPS List with the left soft key,
                                                                                                                               Select       Back
                                                                                                                                                   labeled Select. Once selected, five (5)
                                                                       After selecting Update Recipient,                                           empty listings will appear. To add a
                                                                       you will see one empty listing for                                          new recipient, highlight the empty
                                                                       programming. Press the left soft                                            listing that you would like to change
                                                                       key, labeled Options in order to Edit,                                      and press the left soft key, labeled
                                                                       Delete, or Delete All of the Update                                         Select. To Enter Number, Enter
                                                                       Recipient listing. Next, if Edit is                                         Email, or select an existing address
                                                                       selected, the Select Recipient screen                                       from your phonebook, follow the
                                                                       will appear providing the options to                                        same instructions as programming an
                                                                       Enter Number, Enter Email, or select an                                     Update Recipient as described above.
                                                                       existing address from your Phonebook.

                                                                       • To Enter Number, press the left soft
                                                        Recipient        key, labeled Select, and enter the                                        The format of your GPS location
                                                  Enter Number
                                                  Enter Email
                                                  My Phonebook #1
                                                                         number.                                                Location Options   information can be modified.
                                                  My Phonebook #2                                                              GPS Options
                                                  My Phonebook #3
                                                                       • To Enter Email, use the 2-way Navi-                   Emergency Options
                                                                                                                               Message Options     The handset provides two (2) options
                                                  Select        Back
                                                                         key to highlight Enter Email and                      Format
                                                                                                                               Current Location
                                                                                                                                                   for position:
                                                                         press the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                                                                                                               Select       Back   • Decimal degrees
                                                                       • To select an existing address, use the
                                                                         2-way Navi-key to highlight the My                                        • Deg Min Sec (default setting)
                                                                         Phonebook listing and press the left
                                                                         soft key, labeled Select. Once the My
                                                                         Phonebook listing is selected, you
                                                                         will need to use the 2-way Navi-key

        174                         9575A User Manual                                                                                                                    9575A User Manual   175

                                    Position Format                                                                                                          From the Altitude screen, to modify
                                                                                                                                                             the setting for Altitude format, use
                                                                                                                                                             the 2-way Navi-Key to highlight and
                                                                          From the Format screen, to modify the                                              the preferred format and then use the
                                                   Position               setting for position format, press the                                             left soft key, labeled Select.
                                                                          left soft key, labeled Select.                             Select           Back

                                                  Select           Back

                                                                                                                     Current Location
14: GPS & Location Based Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                           14: GPS & Location Based Services
                                                                                                                                                             This screen is reached via the Location
                                                                                                                                       Current Location      Options menu or by pressing the
                                                                                                                                     Lon:                    side Convenience Key which is
                                                        Position                                                                     Alt:
                                                    Decimal Degree                                                                   Age of Fix:             programmed to pull up Current
                                                    Deg Min Sec
                                                                          From the Position screen, to modify                        Updating...
                                                                                                                                                             Location (to modify this setting, see
                                                                          the setting for position format, use the                   Select           Back   Chapter 13). When Current Location is
                                                                          2-way Navi-Key to highlight and the                                                displayed:
                                                  Select           Back
                                                                          preferred format and then use the left
                                                                          soft key, labeled Select.                                                          • If GPS is enabled, your phone’s
                                                                                                                                                               location will appear on the screen.
                                                                                                                                                               The first fix will take longer (up to
                                                                                                                                                               2 minutes) and subsequent position
                                                                                                                                                               updates will appear in less than
                                                                                                                                                               30 seconds.

                                    Altitude Format                                                                                                          • If GPS and the GPS Settings Lock are
                                                                                                                                                               disabled, you will be asked if you want
                                                                                                                                                               to enable GPS; if so, the screen will be
                                                                                                                                                               loaded with blank position data and
                                                   Position                                                                                                    with the message “Acquiring location”
                                                                          From the Format screen, to modify the                                                in place of “Age of fix”.
                                                                          setting for Altitude format, press the
                                                                          left soft key, labeled Select.                                                     • If you choose not to enable GPS,
                                                  Select           Back                                                                                        or if GPS is disabled and the GPS
                                                                                                                                                               Settings Lock is on, then a “No
                                                                                                                                                               location information available”
                                                                                                                                                               message will be displayed

                                                                                                                     If location is available, it will be displayed in the configured format including
                                                                                                                     Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Age of fix, and number of GPS satellites. The
                                                                                                                     screen will update automatically as frequently as your designated setting.

                                                                                                                     From this screen, you have the option to Share your location with other
                                                                                                                     people by sending it in a message. To Share, press the left soft key,
                                                                                                                     labeled Share.

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                                                                       If Share is selected, the Share Location
                                                                       Options will appear. The available
                                                                                                                  15: Using the Security Menu
                                                   Enter Number
                                                   Enter Email
                                                                       options are:                               Important: Do not change the PIN/PUK/SIM settings unless you have your
                                                   My Phonebook #1
                                                   My Phonebook #2
                                                   My Phonebook #3     • Quick GPS – to send your location        original settings available. Your phone and/or SIM card may be disabled if
                                                                         to your preconfigured list of up         you don’t know the correct code and enter it incorrectly three times. If a
                                                   Select       Back
                                                                         to five (5) contacts (see Quick GPS      PIN becomes blocked, you must enter a Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) to
                                                                         List section for programming             restore the SIM to service which is obtained from your service provider.
                                                                       • New message – to append your             Locating the Security Menu
                                                                         location to a new message, allowing
                                                                         you to add additional text and then
14: GPS & Location Based Services

                                                                         address the message to a new or                         T
                                                                                                                                                       Starting from the Main Screen:
                                                                         existing contact.

                                    To Share your location, use the 2-way Navi-key to select your desired                        16:28    14-May-13
                                                                                                                                 Menu           Help
                                    Share method and press the left soft key, labeled Select. This feature
                                    will pre-populate a Web link to your location that will be sent to your                                            1. Press the left soft key, labeled Menu.
                                    designated recipient(s). These recipients will be able to click this Web
                                    link that is viewable on a smartphone, tablet, or computer’s Internet
                                    browser. This information is not stored by Iridium and is subject to
                                    Iridium’s Privacy Policy posted on Iridium.com and Google Maps’s Terms
                                    of Service posted on the mapping page. Standard messaging rates
                                    apply for use of this service and no additional fees will be charged for

                                                                                                                                                                                                      15: Using the Security Menu
                                                                                                                                 Call History
                                    use of the mapping feature.                                                                  Setup
                                                                                                                                                       2. The Main Menu is displayed. Use
                                                                                                                                                          the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                    Online Portal Integration with 3rd Parties                                                                            Security is highlighted.
                                                                                                                                 Select         Back
                                    Your 9575A also supports integration with 3rd party online portals using
                                                                                                                                                       3. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                    short burst data (SBD). These 3rd party online portals provide the ability
                                    to track your phone’s location online, see location history, two-way
                                    message, set-up geofences, and coordinate scheduled check-ins. This
                                    capability is helpful if you are managing a fleet of phones and need to
                                    monitor workflow and/or safety with a solution that provides more robust
                                    capabilities than standard messaging. For more information about 3rd
                                    party online portal integration, contact your service provider or visit
                                    http://www.iridiumextreme.com/how-to-buy/partnerportals.php for
                                    available Portal Partners.

                                    Your Service Provider or designated portal provider will be able to advise
                                    you on the appropriate service package required to enable this capability.
                                    This service must be provisioned separately. Registration of the device
                                    can be managed from the “Location Options” section of the menu under
                                    “Portal Options” to “Register” or obtain “Portal Status” of the phone and
                                    information on your designated provider.

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                              About the Security Menu
                                                                                                                              Phone Lock

                                                                     You can perform the following                         Enable phone lock
                                                                                                                           Disable phone lock
                                                                                                                                                   5. The Enable phone lock option is
                                                                     functions using the Security menu:                                               highlighted. If not, use the 2-way
                                             Security                                                                                                 Navi-key to scroll until it is.
                                             Phone Lock
                                             Sim lock                • Lock and unlock the phone
                                             Change PINs                                                                   Select          Back

                                                                     • Enable and disable the SIM lock
                                                                                                                                                   6. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                            Select            Back   • Change PIN and block PIN codes

                                                                                                                               Enter PIN           7. The Enter PIN screen appears. Using
                                                                                                                           Phone PIN
                                                                                                                            ****                      the keypad enter the PIN number.
                              Locking and Unlocking Your Phone
                              This capability helps prevent unwanted use of your phone.                                    Select          Clear

                                                                                                                                                   8. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                                                     Starting from the Main Menu:
                                                                                                                                                   The Phone lock capability takes effect
                                             Call History            1. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll                                           when you turn OFF your 9575A. Each
                                                                        until Security is highlighted.                                             time you restart the phone, you
                                                                                                                                                   are prompted to enter your Phone
                                                                     Note: Scroll one down from Setup to
15: Using the Security Menu

                                                                                                                                                                                                  15: Using the Security Menu
                                                                                                                                                   PIN. Once you do, the phone is fully
                                            Select            Back   view the Security option.                                                     operational.
                                                                     2. Press the left soft key, labeled

                                                                                                             Enable or Disable the SIM lock
                                                                                                             When you activate the SIM lock capability, your phone requests your SIM
                                                                                                             PIN whenever your phone is powered on. To change this setting, you
                                                  Security                                                   need to enter the SIM PIN code that your service provider gave you.
                                            Phone lock
                                            Sim lock
                                                                     3. The Phone lock option is
                                            Change PINs
                                                                        highlighted. If not, use the 2-way
                                                                        Navi-key to scroll until it is.                                            Starting from the Main Menu:
                                            Select            Back                                                                  Menu
                                                                                                                            Call History
                                                                                                                                                   1. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                     4. Press the left soft key, labeled                    Security
                                                                                                                                                      Security is highlighted.
                                                                                                                                                   Note: Scroll one down from Setup to
                                                                                                                           Select          Back    view the Security option.
                                                                                                                                                   2. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

       180                    9575A User Manual                                                                                                                            9575A User Manual     181

                                                                                                              Using the Change PIN Menu
                                            Phone Lock                                                        Change the Phone PIN Code
                                            SIM lock
                                            Change PINs
                                                                     3. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll
                                                                        until SIM lock is highlighted.        This capability allows you to modify the default PIN associated with your
                                            Select           Back
                                                                                                                                                     Starting from the Main Menu:
                                                                     4. Press the left soft key, labeled                             Menu
                                                                        Select.                                              Call History
                                                                                                                                                     1. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                                                                                                        Security is highlighted.
                                                                                                                            Select            Back

                                                                                                                                                     2. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                                  SIM Lock
                                             Enable SIM lock
                                             Disable SIM lock
                                                                     5. Use the 2-way Navi-key until the
                                                                        action you prefer is highlighted.
                                             Select          Back

                                                                                                                             Phone lock
                                                                                                                             Sim lock
                                                                                                                             Change PINs             3. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                                                                                                        Change PINs highlighted.
15: Using the Security Menu

                                                                                                                                                                                                    15: Using the Security Menu
                                                                                                                             Select           Back

                                                Enter PIN
                                            Phone PIN
                                                                     6. The Enter PIN screen appears. Using                                          4. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.
                                             ****                       the keypad enter the PIN number.

                                            Select           Clear

                                                                     7. Press the left soft key, labeled
                                                                     The message SIM lock disabled or
                                                                     SIM lock enabled briefly appears,                            Change PIN

                                                                     then returns to the SIM Lock menu.
                                                                                                                             Phone PIN
                                                                                                                             SIM PIN
                                                                                                                                                     5. The Change PIN menu appears.
                                                                                                                             SIM PIN 2
                                                                                                                             Call barring PIN           Phone PIN is highlighted.

                                                                                                                             Select           Back

                                                                                                                                                     6. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

       182                    9575A User Manual                                                                                                                              9575A User Manual     183

                                                                                                                 Change the SIM PIN Code
                                                 Change PIN                                                      This capability allows you to modify the default PIN associated with your
                                             Old PIN
                                                                      7. Enter your current PIN in the Old PIN   SIM card.
                                             New PIN
                                                                         field (the default PIN is 1234). Use
                                             Verify PIN
                                                                         the 2-way Navi-key to move to the                                              Starting from the Main Menu:
                                             OK              Clear
                                                                         next field and enter your new PIN                              Menu
                                                                         into the New PIN field. Move to the                    Call History
                                                                                                                                                        1. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                         Verify PIN field and enter the new                     Security
                                                                                                                                                           Security is highlighted.
                                                                         PIN again.                                                                     Note: Scroll one down from Setup to
                                                                                                                                Select           Back   view the Security option.
                                                                                                                                                        2. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

                                                 Change PIN
                                             Old PIN
                                             New PIN
                                             Verify PIN
                                            OK               Clear

                                                                      8. When all fields are complete, press                          Security

                                                                         the left soft key, labeled OK.                         Phone lock
                                                                                                                                Sim lock
                                                                                                                                Change PINs
                                                                                                                                                        3. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                                                                                                           Change PINs is highlighted.
15: Using the Security Menu

                                                                                                                                                                                                       15: Using the Security Menu
                                                                                                                                Select           Back

                                                                                                                                                        4. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

                                                    Change PIN

                                               PIN changed OK
                                                                      9. The screen displays PIN changed
                                                                         OK then returns to the Change PIN
                                             Yes                 No

                                                                                                                                     Change PIN
                                                                                                                                Phone PIN
                                                                                                                                SIM PIN
                                                                                                                                SIM PIN 2               5. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                                                                                Call barring PIN
                                                                                                                                                           SIM PIN is highlighted.
                                                                                                                                Select           Back

                                                                                                                                                        6. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

       184                    9575A User Manual                                                                                                                                 9575A User Manual     185

                              Change the SIM Card PIN2 Code
                              Your SIM card PIN2 code is used to access fixed dialing settings. This four-             Change PIN
                                                                                                                   Old PIN
                              to eight-digit code is issued to you when you subscribe to the capability.                                    7. Enter your current PIN in the Old PIN
                                                                                                                   New PIN
                                                                                                                                               field (the default PIN is 1111). Use the
                                                                                                                   Verify PIN
                                                                     Starting from the Main Menu:                                              2-way Navi-key to move to the next
                                                                                                                   OK              Clear

                                                                                                                                               field and enter your new PIN into the
                                              Call History           1. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until                                 New PIN field. Move to the Verify
                                                                        Security is highlighted.                                               PIN field and enter the new PIN
                                                                     Note: Scroll one down from Setup to                                       again.
                                             Select           Back   view the Security option.
                                                                     2. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

                                                                                                                       Change PIN
                                                                                                                   Old PIN
                                                                                                                   New PIN
                                                                                                                   Verify PIN
                                                                                                                   OK              Clear

                                                                                                                                            8. When all fields are complete, press
                                             Phone lock
                                             Sim lock                                                                                          the left soft key, labeled OK.
                                             Change PINs             3. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                        Change PINs is highlighted.
15: Using the Security Menu

                                                                                                                                                                                           15: Using the Security Menu
                                             Select           Back

                                                                     4. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

                                                                                                                          Change PIN

                                                                                                                     PIN changed OK
                                                                                                                                            9. The screen displays PIN changed
                                                                                                                                               OK then returns to the Change PIN
                                                                                                                   Yes                 No      menu.

                                                  Change PIN
                                             Phone PIN
                                             SIM PIN
                                             SIM PIN 2
                                             Call barring PIN
                                                                     5. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                        SIM PIN 2 is highlighted.
                                             Select           Back

                                                                     6. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

       186                    9575A User Manual                                                                                                                     9575A User Manual     187

                              Call Barring PIN
                              Call Barring may be enabled for incoming and/or outgoing calls in
                              the Setup, Call Options menu. When you enable Call Barring, you are
                              prompted for a PIN. The Call Barring PIN may be changed as follows.                      Change PIN
                                                                                                                   Old PIN

                                                                                                                   New PIN
                                                                                                                                            7. Enter your current PIN in the Old
                                                                                                                                               PIN field. Use the 2-way Navi-key
                                                                     Starting from the Main Menu:                  Verify PIN
                                                                                                                                               to move to the next field and enter
                                                                                                                   OK              Clear
                                             Call History            1. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until                                 your new PIN into the New PIN field.
                                                                        Security is highlighted.                                               Move to the Verify PIN field and
                                                                                                                                               enter the new PIN again.
                                                                     Note: Scroll one down from Setup to
                                            Select            Back   view the Security option.
                                                                     2. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

                                                                                                                       Change PIN
                                                                                                                   Old PIN
                                                                                                                   New PIN
                                                                                                                   Verify PIN
                                                                                                                   OK              Clear

                                             Phone lock
                                                                                                                                            8. When all fields are complete, press
                                             Sim lock
                                             Change PINs
                                                                     3. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until                                 the left soft key, labeled OK.
15: Using the Security Menu

                                                                                                                                                                                       15: Using the Security Menu
                                                                        Change PINs is highlighted.
                                            Select            Back

                                                                     4. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

                                                                                                                          Change PIN

                                                                                                                     PIN changed OK
                                                                                                                                            9. The screen displays PIN changed
                                                                                                                                               OK then returns to the Change PIN
                                                                                                                   Yes                 No      menu.

                                                  Change PIN
                                             Phone PIN
                                             SIM PIN
                                             SIM PIN 2
                                             Call barring PIN
                                                                     5. Use the 2-way Navi-key to scroll until
                                                                        Call barring PIN is highlighted.
                                             Select           Back

                                                                     6. Press the left soft key, labeled Select.

       188                    9575A User Manual                                                                                                                   9575A User Manual   189

                                          16: Troubleshooting
                                          Problem                 Solution
                                          Phone won’t power       • Did you press and hold the power button
                                          on.                       for a minimum of three seconds to turn the
                                                                    phone’s power on?
                                                                  • Check the battery. Is it charged, properly
                                                                    fitted, and are the contacts clean and dry?
                                          You can’t make calls.   • Check the antenna. Is it fully extended
                                                                    and correctly angled? Do you have a clear
                                                                    unobstructed view of the sky?
                                                                  • Did you enter the number in international
                                                                    format? All calls made from the Iridium
                                                                    satellite system must be in international
                                                                    format. See “Placing a Call” on page 40.
                                                                  • Check the signal strength indicator. If the
                                                                    signal is weak, ensure that you have a clear
                                                                    line of sight to the sky and there are no
                                                                    buildings, trees, or other objects interfering.
                                                                  • Is Restricted displayed? Check the Call
                                                                    Barring setting.
                                                                  • Has a new SIM card been inserted? Check
                                                                    that no new restrictions have been imposed.
                                                                  • Check to see if your fixed dialing list is
                                                                    enabled. If so, you can only make calls to
                                                                    numbers or prefixes that are on the list.
                                          You can’t receive       • Check to see that your phone is powered on.
                                          calls.                  • Check the antenna. Is it fully extended
                                                                    and correctly angled? Do you have a clear
                                                                    unobstructed view of the sky?
16: Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                           16: Troubleshooting
                                                                  • Check the signal strength indicator. If the
                                                                    signal is weak, ensure that you have a clear
                                                                    line of sight to the sky and there are no
                                                                    buildings, trees, or other objects around.
                                                                  • Check the Call Forwarding and Call Barring
                                                                  • Check the Ringer setting. If it is off, there is no
                                                                    audible ringer.
                                                                  • Check to see if your fixed dialing list is enabled.

     190              9575A User Manual                                                              9575A User Manual    191

                      You can’t make           • Have you included the relevant codes? Enter      The battery drains     • Are you in an area of variable coverage? This
                      international calls.       00 or + followed by the appropriate country      faster than normal.      uses extra battery power.
                                                 code and the phone number.
                                                                                                                         • Is your antenna fully extended and correctly
                      Your phone will not      • Have you inserted a new SIM card? Enter the                               angled? Do you have a clear unobstructed
                      unlock.                    new PIN code the default PIN is 1111).                                    view of the sky? This helps use less battery
                                               • Enter the default phone unlock code: 1234                                 power.
                                               • Have you forgotten the unlock code?                                     • Is it a new battery? A new battery needs two
                      Your PIN is blocked.     • Enter the PIN unblocking code or contact                                  to three charge/discharge cycles to attain
                                                 your service provider. See “Using the Security                            normal performance
                                                 Menu” on page 179 for more information.
                                                                                                                         • Is it an old battery? Battery performance
                      Your PIN2 is blocked.    • Enter the PIN2 unblocking code or contact                                 declines after several years of use. Replace
                                                 your service provider. See “Using the Security                            the battery.
                                                 Menu” on page 179 for more information.
                      Your SIM card will not • Is the SIM card inserted the correct way?                                 • Is it a battery that hasn’t been completely
                      work.                                                                                                discharged? Allow the battery to fully
                                             • Is the card visibly damaged or scratched?                                   discharge (until the phone turns itself off)
                                               Return the card to your service provider.                                   and then charge the battery overnight.
                                               • Check the SIM and card contacts. If they are
                                                 dirty, clean them with an antistatic cloth.                             • Are you using your phone in extreme
                                                                                                                           temperatures? At extreme hot or cold
                      You can’t cancel Call    Wait until you are in an area with good network                             temperatures, battery performance is
                      Forwarding or Call       coverage and try again.                                                     significantly reduced.
                                                                                                  You find your phone    You may notice this during long calls or
                      The message              There is not enough memory available to store      becoming warm          during charging. The heat is produced by the
                      indicator is flashing.   another message. Use the messages menu to          during use.            electronic components within your phone and
                                               delete one or more messages.                                              is quite normal.
                      The battery won’t        • Check the charger. Is it properly connected?     Phone is not           Remove the battery from the phone and then
                      charge.                    Are its contacts clean and dry?                  responding to user     reattach it to cycle power and reset.
                                               • Check the battery contacts. Are they clean       controls including
                                                 and dry?                                         the power keys.
                                               • Check the battery temperature. If it is warm,    Your SIM card is      Check Card or Insert Card
                                                 let it cool before charging.                     inserted in the phone Check that the SIM card has been inserted
16: Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                                                              16: Troubleshooting
                                                                                                  but the display says:
                                               • Is it an old battery? Battery performance                              correctly. The contacts of the SIM card may be
                                                 declines after several years of use. Replace     Check Card or         dirty. Turn the phone off, remove the SIM card
                                                 the battery.                                     Insert Card or        and rub the contacts with a clean cloth. Replace
                                                                                                  Blocked               the card in the phone.
                                               • Make sure you have an Iridium approved
                                                 battery installed. If you see ? on the display                          Blocked
                                                 near the charging icon, you cannot charge
                                                 this battery.                                                           Enter the PIN unblocking key or contact your
                                                                                                                         service provider. See “Call Barring PIN” on page
                                                                                                                         188 for additional information.

     192              9575A User Manual                                                                                                                  9575A User Manual   193

                                                                                                                                                                          17: Certification & Compliance Info
                       Your phone is           • Power on the phone.                               Phone states     • Ensure you are in an area with an open view
                       displaying an                                                               “Searching for     of the sky
                       unknown foreign         1. Press the red key three times                    Network”
                       language and you                                                                             • Extend the antenna and point upright
                       would like to restore   2. Press the left soft key.                                            towards the sky directly above in order to
                       it to its original                                                                             receive a signal
                                               3. Scroll down six times.
                                                                                                                    • If your phone was powered on inside of a
                                               4. Press the left soft key again.                                      building or area with an obstructed view of
                                                                                                                      the sky just prior to attempting a call outside,
                                               5. Scroll down four times
                                                                                                                      the phone may be temporarily in a power
                                               6. Press the left soft key and then press it a                         saving mode to conserve battery life. You
                                                  second time. The English option is at the                           may either wait for it to automatically exit
                                                  top so press the left soft key a final time to                      the power saving mode within a minute or
                                                  confirm change back to English.                                     two on its scheduled interval or just simply
                                                                                                                      turn off your phone and turn it on again to
                                                                                                                      accelerate the registration process.
16: Troubleshooting

     194              9575A User Manual                                                                                                              9575A User Manual   195

                                                          17: Certification and Compliance
17: Certification & Compliance Info

                                                                                                                                      17: Certification & Compliance Info
                                                          Export Compliance
                                                          The 9575A is controlled by the export laws and regulations of the United
                                                          States of America. The U.S. Government may restrict the export or
                                                          re-export of this phone to certain individuals and/or destinations. For
                                                          further information, contact the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of
                                                          Industry and Security or visit www.bis.doc.gov

                                                          Standards Compliance Information
                                                          The 9575A is designed to comply with the standards for Radio Emissions
                                                          Compliance, Electromagnetic Compatibility, and AC Safety in the United
                                                          States, European Union, Canada and Mexico.

                                                          FCC Compliance
                                                          The 9575A is certified under 47 CFR Part 25 as FCC ID: Q639575. It also
                                                          complies with Part 15 of the FCC Regulations. Operation is subject to
                                                          the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. Any
                                                          unauthorized antennas, modifications or attachments could damage the
                                                          9575A and may violate FCC regulations and void your authority to operate
                                                          the phone.

                                                          EU Regulatory Conformity
                                                          The 9575A complies with the essential requirements and other relevant
                                                          provisions of the EU Directive 1999/5/EC.

                                                          Canada Regulatory Conformity
                                                          The 9575A complies with Industry Canada RSS-170. Certification Number
                                                          IC 4629A-9575.

         196                          9575A User Manual                                                          9575A User Manual   197

                                                          18: Limited Warranty, Product and
17: Certification & Compliance Info

                                                              Satellite Service Terms, Warranty
                                                              Support, and Software License
                                                          This Limited Warranty applies only to the Iridium branded 9575A
                                                          (including hardware, software and firmware but excluding leather case)
                                                          and the Accessories listed in Chapter 3 of this User Manual (collectively,
                                                          “Product”) sold by Iridium or its authorized resellers and distributors
                                                          (collectively, “Service Providers”). This Limited Warranty extends only to
                                                          the first purchaser of the Product and is not assignable or transferable.

                                                                                                                                           18: Warranty, Service and Support
                                                          Subject to the Exclusions contained below, Iridium warrants to you that
                                                          the Product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under
                                                          normal usage for a period of one year from your date of purchase. You are
                                                          required to provide proof of purchase as a condition of receiving warranty
                                                          service as more fully described in “Warranty Claim Process” on page 205.

                                                          Any replacement products or parts may contain new and used materials
                                                          equivalent to new in performance and reliability. Any replacement
                                                          product or part will also have functionality at least equal to that of the
                                                          product or part being replaced. Replacement products and parts are
                                                          warranted to be free from defects in material or workmanship under
                                                          normal usage for the remainder of the applicable warranty period of the
                                                          original Product for which a replacement product or part is provided
                                                          under this Limited Warranty. A returned Product for which a replacement
                                                          has been provided shall become Iridium’s property.

                                                          If Iridium receives, during the warranty period and in accordance with
                                                          the instructions set out in this Limited Warranty, notice of a defect in the
                                                          Product covered by this Limited Warranty, Iridium will repair or replace
                                                          the Product or refund the purchase price of the Product, at Iridium’s sole
                                                          option. Iridium shall have no obligation to repair, replace, or refund unless
                                                          the defective Product is returned in accordance with the instructions set
                                                          out in this Limited Warranty and within the warranty period.

                                                          IRIDIUM DOES AND MAY CONTINUE, AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION, TO
                                                          SUBCONTRACT TO AND ENGAGE A THIRD PARTY TO PROVIDE THE
                                                          WARRANTY SERVICES PROVIDED FOR IN THIS USER MANUAL.

                                                          If you acquired this Product and Accessories in Australia or in
                                                          New Zealand, this Product and Accessories come with guarantees that

         198                          9575A User Manual                                                              9575A User Manual    199

                                    cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law or similar                antenna supplied with your Product), accessories or software or other
                                    legislation in New Zealand. Notwithstanding other express terms and            ancillary or peripheral equipment are excluded from coverage.
                                    other limitations of this Limited Warranty (which other express terms
                                    and other limitations are negated by this paragraph, but only to the           Unauthorized Service or Modifications. Defects or damage resulting
                                    extend inconsistent with this paragraph, and will not be applied to limit      from any service, testing, adjustment, integration, installation, operation,
                                    consumer rights under such guarantees), where such guarantees operate,         maintenance, service, alteration, modification or integration with any
                                    consumers are entitled to a replacement or a refund for a major failure        non-Iridium product in any manner other than in accordance with
                                    of this Product and Accessories and for compensation for any other             Product user documentation and instructions and/or by someone other
                                    reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. Where such guarantees operate,          than Iridium or a Service Provider are excluded from coverage.
                                    consumers are also entitled to have this Product and Accessories repaired
                                    or replaced if this Product and Accessories fail to be of acceptable quality   Altered Products. Products that have been tampered with, altered, have
                                    and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Please follow the          non-Iridium housings or parts, or have had the serial numbers or date
18: Warranty, Service and Support

                                                                                                                                                                                                   18: Warranty, Service and Support
                                    instructions as to use and report problems promptly: problems caused           tags removed, altered or obliterated are excluded from coverage.
                                    by use that is abnormal or contrary to instructions will generally not be
                                                                                                                   Communication Services. Defects, damages or failure of the Product
                                    covered. You should contact your Product and Accessories provider in
                                                                                                                   due to any non-Iridium communication service or signal or use of a
                                    relation to problems with the Product and Accessories and Iridium will
                                                                                                                   non-Iridium branded communication service or signal are excluded from
                                    assist your Product and Accessories provider to resolve them, including
                                    replacement where required.
                                                                                                                   Software Embodied in Physical Media. No warranty is made that any
                                    Exclusions                                                                     software will meet your requirements or will work in combination with
                                    This Limited Warranty does not apply in the following circumstances:           any hardware or software applications provided by third parties, that the
                                                                                                                   operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free, or that all
                                    Normal wear and tear. Periodic maintenance, repair or replacement of           defects in the software will be corrected.
                                    parts due to normal wear and tear are excluded from coverage.
                                                                                                                   Privacy and Data Security. Privacy and data security are important
                                    Batteries. Only batteries whose fully charged capacity falls below 80%         to everyone. Some features of your Product may affect your privacy
                                    of rated capacity and batteries that leak are covered by this Limited          or data security. Therefore, it is important to monitor access to your
                                    Warranty. Batteries that are charged by other than an Iridium-approved         Product and not to leave it where others might have unmonitored access.
                                    battery charger; having seals that are broken or show evidence of              Lock your satellite phone’s keypad when not in use. Erase all personal
                                    tampering; are used in equipment other than the Product; or are charged        information or data before disposing of the satellite phone or recycling
                                    and stored at temperatures greater than 60 degrees centigrade, are not         it. See Chapter 8 of this User Manual for instructions on how to delete all
                                    covered by this Limited Warranty.                                              personal information. The satellite phone uses network-based positioning
                                                                                                                   technology, which may be used to obtain a user’s approximate location
                                    Abuse and Misuse. Defects or damage that result from improper                  and thereby affect a user’s privacy.
                                    operation or storage, misuse or abuse, accident or neglect; exposure
                                    to open, uncovered connectors including contact with liquid, water,
                                    rain, extreme humidity or heavy perspiration, sand, dirt or the like,          Limitations of Warranty/Local Laws
                                    extreme heat or spills of food; use of the Product for abnormal purposes;      IRIDIUM MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES, CONDITIONS
                                    stretching coil cords or breaking coil cord modular tabs; breakage or          OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
                                    damage to antennas or scratches or other damage to plastic surfaces or         WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS,
                                    other externally exposed parts caused by your use; or other acts which         GUARANTEES, CONDITIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY
                                    are not the fault of Iridium, are excluded from coverage.                      AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT,
                                                                                                                   SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INTERFERENCE, ACCURACY OF
                                    Use of Non-Iridium Products and Accessories. Defects or damage that            INFORMATIONAL CONTENT, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF
                                    result from the use of non-Iridium branded products (other than the            DEALING, LAW, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE, USE, OR RELATED TO
                                                                                                                   THE PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF ANY PRODUCTS,

        200                         9575A User Manual                                                                                                                         9575A User Manual   201

                                    SERVICES.                                                                    AND/OR THE IRIDIUM SATELLITE SERVICES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT
18: Warranty, Service and Support

                                                                                                                                                                                                18: Warranty, Service and Support
                                                                                                                 THESE DAMAGES MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW AND REGARDLESS
                                    This Product is covered by a U.S.A. warranty. This Limited Warranty          OF WHETHER IRIDIUM WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF SUCH
                                    is applicable in all countries and is enforceable in any country or region   DAMAGES. IRIDIUM IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM MADE BY A THIRD
                                    where Iridium or its Service Provider offer warranty service for the         PARTY OR MADE BY YOU FOR A THIRD PARTY.
                                    Product. Outside of the U.S.A., any different warranty terms, liabilities
                                    and/or legal requirements of the country in which the Product is sold        USERS OF THE IRIDIUM SATELLITE PHONE SERVICES AND RELATED
                                    are specifically disclaimed by Iridium. Warranty service availability and    EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THOSE USING THE
                                    response times may vary from country to country and may be subject to        SERVICE AND THE PRODUCT IN ANY MANNER IN CONJUNCTION
                                    registration requirements in the country of purchase. Your Iridium Service   WITH EMERGENCY 911 (U.S.), EMERGENCY TRIPLE ZERO (000)/ 112
                                    Provider can provide details.                                                (AUSTRALIA) OR ANY OTHER DISTRESS CALLING OR EMERGENCY
                                                                                                                 SERVICES, BOTH PUBLIC OR PRIVATELY OPERATED, ACKNOWLEDGE
                                    This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have     AND AGREE AS A CONDITION OF THE PROVISION OF SERVICE AND
                                    other rights that may vary from state to state/country to country. Some      PRODUCT BY IRIDIUM THAT THEY WILL MAKE NO CLAIM, WHETHER IN
                                    states/countries do not allow or acknowledge the existence, limitation       CONTRACT, INDEMNITY, TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY AGAINST
                                    or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on        IRIDIUM FOR BODILY INJURY, LOSS OF LIFE, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR
                                    the length of an implied warranty, so some limitations or exclusions of      FOR ANY OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER, OR FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,
                                    this Limited Warranty may not apply to you. You are advised to consult       INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, BY REASON
                                    applicable state/country laws for a full determination of your rights.       OF ANY UNAVAILABILITY, DELAY, FAULTINESS OR FAILURES OF THE
                                                                                                                 IRIDIUM FACILITIES OR SERVICE, PRODUCT, OR EQUIPMENT OR FOR
                                    Conditions of Use and Limitations of Liability.                              INACCURACIES OR FAILURES WITH REGARD TO ANY USER INFORMATION
                                                                                                                 PROVIDED. THIS IS A WAIVER AND RELEASE AND DISCLAIMER OF
                                    This Limited Warranty is your sole and exclusive remedy. These terms and
                                                                                                                 LIABILITY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW
                                    conditions supersede any prior agreements or representations, including
                                                                                                                 AND APPLIES REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF ANY LIABILITY, INCLUDING
                                    those made in Iridium sales literature or advice given to you by or on
                                                                                                                 WITHOUT LIMITATIONS, TO WRONGFUL CONDUCT, OMISSION OR FAULT
                                    behalf of Iridium in connection with your purchase.
                                                                                                                 OF EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OF IRIDIUM.
                                    ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW,
                                                                                                                 By your use of the Product and Iridium Satellite Services you consent
                                                                                                                 to Iridium’s disclosure of user information, including, but not limited
                                                                                                                 to name, address, telephone number and location information,
                                                                                                                 including, where available, the geographic coordinates of equipment, to
                                                                                                                 governmental and quasi-governmental agencies where Iridium deems
                                                                                                                 it necessary in its sole discretion to respond to an exigent circumstance.
                                    OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT
                                                                                                                 These governmental and quasi-governmental agencies shall be deemed
                                    SHALL IRIDIUM BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR
                                                                                                                 “users” for all purposes of this Limited Warranty.

        202                         9575A User Manual                                                                                                                      9575A User Manual   203

                                    You are permitted to use the Product only as described and specified in        Device on the Iridium system; (iii) modify the Product or any Product
                                    this Limited Warranty. By using the Product, you are indicating that without   component, reverse-engineer the Product or any Product component
                                    limitation you agree to comply with the terms of this Limited Warranty,        or attempt to do so; or (iv) violate any applicable laws or regulations
                                    including without limitation this section describing permitted use of the      (collectively “Unauthorized Use”), you agree to defend, indemnify and
                                    Product (the “Conditions of Use”). If you fail to comply with this Limited     hold Iridium and your Service Provider harmless with respect to any
                                    Warranty and the Conditions of Use, Iridium may void certain protections       claims or actions by governmental entities or other third parties related
                                    offered under the Limited Warranty and Iridium reserves the right to           to your Unauthorized Use and to pay all costs, damages, fines and other
                                    terminate your right to use the Product on the Iridium system. If you do not   amounts incurred by us, or on our behalf, in the defense of any such
                                    accept the terms of this Limited Warranty, do not use the Product on the       claims or actions. Further, we specifically disallow any liability and will not
                                    Iridium system.                                                                credit back airtime charges related to any Unauthorized Use.

                                    You are permitted to use the Product only in connection with service on        In addition to Iridium’s express reservation of other remedies available to
18: Warranty, Service and Support

                                                                                                                                                                                                      18: Warranty, Service and Support
                                    the Iridium system using airtime purchased from your Service Provider.         us, we reserve the right to discontinue providing Iridium Satellite Services
                                    You are required to comply with this Limited Warranty and the Conditions       to you and/or to disable your Product’s access to the Iridium system. If
                                    of Use and Limitations of Liability, as well as all terms and conditions       Iridium reasonably believes that you are in engaged in any Unauthorized
                                    that are provided separately by your Service Provider, as such terms and       Use, we may seek equitable relief to prevent such Unauthorized Use
                                    conditions may change from time to time. Iridium or your Service Provider      without having to wait to see if damage to the Iridium system occurs.
                                    may also establish additional terms and conditions from time to time. In
                                    the event any Iridium term or condition conflicts with any Service Provider    Warranty Claim Process
                                    term or condition, the Iridium term or condition shall govern. Service
                                    provider will be provided with notice of any new terms and conditions or       Should your Product require service within the warranty period or for
                                    any changes in these terms and conditions. All terms and conditions will       warranty questions, repairs or for the return of the Product, please
                                    be effective as of your receipt of the notices of new or modified terms and    contact your Service Provider or any other Service Provider in your
                                    conditions, and your continued use of the Product after such receipt shall     country. Do not contact Iridium. For warranty claims, you will be
                                    constitute your acceptance of such new or modified terms.                      required to provide the following proof of purchase documentation:
                                                                                                                   your dated bill of sale or delivery receipt (including your name, address
                                    You may not use the Product in connection with any third-party devices,        and telephone number; the name and address of the Service Provider
                                    including but not limited to computers, cameras, batteries, GPS devices,       who sold you the Product; the model number and International
                                    recorders or other devices which alter the information sent or received        Mobile Identification Number (IMEI); and the sale price of the Product),
                                    by the Product, except to the extent that Iridium has tested those devices     together with a written description of the problem. You are responsible
                                    and confirmed that their use will have no adverse effect on the Iridium        for shipping the Product to the authorized warranty service center
                                    system. All devices approved by Iridium will be advertised and labeled         designated by your Service Provider with freight and insurance prepaid.
                                    as being approved by Iridium and you may use only “Iridium Certified           Product that is repaired or replaced under this Limited Warranty shall
                                    Devices” with this Product and with the Iridium system.                        be shipped to your Service Provider who will work with you to arrange
                                                                                                                   transfer of the product. In certain states/countries, including Australia and
                                    You may not modify the Product or any component of the Product. You            New Zealand, the law requires that manufacturers or sellers incur costs
                                    may not reverse-engineer, or attempt to reverse-engineer, the Product,         relating to the warranty return and replacement of any products. In those
                                    any component of any Product or the manner in which the Product                jurisdictions, Iridium and/or the Service Provider will pay the costs of
                                    connects to, sends information to, receives information from, or otherwise     return and/or replacement, as required.
                                    interacts with the Iridium system.
                                                                                                                   Refer to www.iridium.com for a list of Service Providers or contact your
                                    You are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in         Service Provider for warranty information.
                                    your use of the Product. To the extent that you: (i) violate this Limited
                                    Warranty, the terms and conditions applicable to the Iridium system or
                                    other agreements between you and Iridium, or between you and your
                                    Service Provider; (ii) utilize a product other than an Iridium-Approved

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                                    SOFTWARE LICENSE                                                                reasonable security measures to protect such trade secrets.
                                    The following terms govern your access and use of the Iridium or             To the extent required by law, and at your written request, Iridium
                                    Iridium-supplied software (“Software”) contained on the Product you          shall provide you with the interface information needed to achieve
                                    purchased.                                                                   interoperability between the Software and another independently
                                                                                                                 created program, on payment of Iridium’s applicable fee, if any. You
                                    License. Conditioned upon compliance with the terms and conditions           shall observe strict obligations of confidentiality with respect to such
                                    of this Limited Warranty, Iridium grants to you a nonexclusive and           information and shall use such information in compliance with any
                                    nontransferable license to use for your internal purposes the Software       applicable terms and conditions upon which Iridium makes such
                                    and the Documentation. “Documentation” means written information             information available.
                                    (whether contained in user or technical manuals, training materials,
                                    specifications or otherwise) pertaining to the Software and made             Software, Upgrades and Additional Copies. “Software” shall include
                                    available by Iridium with the Software in any manner. You shall use the      computer programs, including firmware, as provided to you by Iridium
18: Warranty, Service and Support

                                                                                                                                                                                                    18: Warranty, Service and Support
                                    Software solely as embedded in (or, if downloaded, as provided via           or a Service Provider, and any upgrades, updates, bug fixes or modified
                                    download), for execution on, and for communication via the Iridium           versions thereto (collectively, “Upgrades”) or backup copies of any of
                                    system.                                                                      the foregoing. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THE
                                                                                                                 AGREEMENT: (1) UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY IRIDIUM, YOU HAVE NO LICENSE
                                    No other licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise.         OR RIGHT TO MAKE OR USE ANY ADDITIONAL COPIES OR UPGRADES.
                                                                                                                 IRIDIUM MAY MAKE SOFTWARE AVAILABLE BASED ON ADDITIONAL
                                    General Limitations. This is a license, not a transfer of title, to the      TERMS; (2) USE OF UPGRADES IS LIMITED TO IRIDIUM EQUIPMENT FOR
                                    Software and Documentation, and Iridium retains ownership of all copies      WHICH YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL END USER PURCHASER OR OTHERWISE
                                    of the Software and Documentation. You acknowledge that the Software         HOLD A VALID LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE WHICH IS BEING
                                    and Documentation contain trade secrets of Iridium or its suppliers or       UPGRADED; AND (3) THE MAKING AND USE OF ADDITIONAL COPIES IS
                                    licensors, including but not limited to the specific internal design and     LIMITED TO NECESSARY BACKUP PURPOSES ONLY.
                                    structure of individual programs and associated interface information.
                                    Except as otherwise expressly provided, you shall have no right, and you     Proprietary Notices. You agree to maintain and reproduce all copyright
                                    specifically agree not to:                                                   and other proprietary notices on all copies, in any form, of the Software
                                    (i) transfer, assign or sublicense your license rights to any other person   in the same form and manner that such copyright and other proprietary
                                        or entity (other than in compliance with any Iridium relicensing/        notices are included on the Software. Except as expressly authorized, you
                                        transfer policy then in force), or use the Software on unauthorized      shall not make any copies or duplicates of any Software without the prior
                                        or secondhand Iridium equipment, and you acknowledge that any            written permission of Iridium.
                                        attempted transfer, assignment, sublicense or use shall be void;
                                                                                                                 Term and Termination. The license granted herein shall remain effective
                                    (ii) make error corrections to or otherwise modify or adapt the Software     until terminated. You may terminate the license at any time by destroying
                                         or create derivative works based upon the Software, or permit third     all copies of Software and any Documentation. Your rights under the
                                         parties to do the same;                                                 license will terminate immediately without notice from Iridium if you fail
                                    (iii) reverse engineer or decompile, decrypt, disassemble or otherwise       to comply with any provision of the license and Limited Warranty. Upon
                                          reduce the Software to human-readable form, except to the extent       termination, you shall destroy all copies of Software and Documentation
                                          otherwise expressly permitted under applicable law notwithstanding     in your possession or control. All of your confidentiality obligations and
                                          this restriction;                                                      all limitations of liability and disclaimers and restrictions of warranty shall
                                                                                                                 survive termination.
                                    (iv) use or permit the Software to be on a service bureau or time sharing
                                         basis or otherwise, without the express written authorization of        Export, Re-Export, Transfer and Use Controls. The Software,
                                         Iridium; or                                                             Documentation and technology or direct products thereof (hereafter
                                    (v) disclose, provide, or otherwise make available trade secrets contained   referred to as Software and Technology), supplied by Iridium are subject
                                        within the Software and Documentation in any form to any third party     to export controls under the laws and regulations of the United States
                                        without the prior written consent of Iridium. You shall implement        (U.S.). You shall comply with such laws and regulations governing export,

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                                    re-export, transfer and use of Iridium Software and Technology and will
                                    obtain all required U.S. and local authorizations, permits, or licenses.
                                    Iridium and you each agree to provide the other information, support
                                    documents, and assistance as may reasonably be required by the other in
                                    connection with securing authorizations or licenses.

                                    U.S. Government End User Purchasers. The Software and
                                    Documentation qualify as “commercial items,” as that term is defined
                                    at Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) (48 C.F.R.) 2.101, consisting of
                                    “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software
                                    documentation” as such terms are used in FAR 12.212. Consistent with
                                    FAR 12.212 and DoD FAR Supp. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, and
18: Warranty, Service and Support

                                    notwithstanding any other FAR or other contractual clause to the contrary
                                    in any agreement into which this Limited Warranty may be incorporated,
                                    you may provide to Government end user or Government end user will
                                    acquire, as applicable, the Software and Documentation with only those
                                    rights set forth in this Limited Warranty. Use of either the Software or
                                    Documentation or both constitutes agreement by the Government that
                                    the Software and Documentation are “commercial computer software”
                                    and “commercial computer software documentation,” and constitutes
                                    acceptance of the rights and restrictions herein.

                                    © 2017 Iridium Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. (version H3UG1701)
        208                         9575A User Manual

Document Created: 2017-07-13 16:50:50
Document Modified: 2017-07-13 16:50:50

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