75932207 Report 02 Issue 2.pdf

FCC ID: Q639555N

RF Exposure Info

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Report On
RF Exposure Assessment of the
Iridium Core 9523N

FCC ID: Q639523N
IC: 4629A-9523N

Document 75932207 Report 02 Issue 2   November 2015

                  TÜV SÜD Product Service, Octagon House, Concorde Way, Segensworth North,
                              Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO15 5RL
                            Tel: +44 (0) 1489 558100. Website: www.tuv-sud.co.uk

REPORT ON                          RF Exposure Assessment of the
                                   Iridium Core 9523N

                                   Document 75932207 Report 02 Issue 2

                                   November 2015

PREPARED FOR                       Iridium Satellite LLC
                                   1750 Tysons Boulevard
                                   Suite 1400
                                   VA 22102
                                   United States

                                   Ryan Henley
                                   Project Manager

                                   Mark Jenkins
                                   Authorised Signatory

DATED                                13 November 2015

     This report has been up-issued to Issue 2 to correct the manufacturer and model names.

Document 75932207 Report 02 Issue 2                                                          Page 1 of 13


Section                                                                                                                                        Page No

1         REPORT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1       Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2       Regional Requirements ................................................................................................................. 5
1.3       Product Information ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1     Technical Description .................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2     Supported Features ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.3     Antennas ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4       Brief Summary of Results .............................................................................................................. 7
2         TEST DETAILS ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.1       Rationale for Assessment of the RF Exposure ........................................................................... 10
2.2       Test Result Details....................................................................................................................... 11
3         DISCLAIMERS AND COPYRIGHT............................................................................................ 12
3.1       Disclaimers and Copyright ........................................................................................................... 13

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                                         SECTION 1

                                      REPORT SUMMARY

                                RF Exposure Assessment of the
                                     Iridium Core 9523N

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        The information contained in this report is intended to show verification of the RF Exposure
        Assessment of Iridium Core 9523N to the requirements of the applied test specifications.

        Objective                           To perform RF Exposure Assessment to determine the
                                            Equipment Under Test's (EUT’s) compliance of the applied
        Applicant                           Iridium Satellite LLC

        Manufacturer                        Iridium Satellite LLC

        Manufacturing Description           Voice and data satellite transceiver module

        Model Number(s)                     9523N

        Test Specification/Issue/Date       EN 62311:2008
                                            CFR 47 Pt1.1310
                                            Health Canada Safety Code 6
                                            ARPANSA Radiation Protection Series No.3

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        The table below shows the regional requirements that are referenced in this test report. A full list
        of the requirements is shown in Annex A.

         Report Reference                                  Regional Requirement
         EU                                                EN 62311:2008
         FCC                                               CFR 47 Pt1.1310
         IC                                                Health Canada Safety Code 6
         AUS                                               ARPANSA Radiation Protection Series No.3

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1.3.1   Technical Description

        The Equipment under test was an Iridium Core 9523N. A full technical description can be found
        in the manufacturer’s documentation.

        All reported calculations were carried out on the relevant information supplied for the Iridium Core
        9523N voice and data satellite transceiver module to demonstrate compliance with the applied
        test specification(s). The sample assessed was found to comply with the requirements of the
        applied rules.

1.3.2   Supported Features

        The following radio access technologies and frequency bands are supported by the equipment
        under test.

         Radio Access Technology                          Iridium
         Frequency Band                                   1616 MHz to 1626.5 MHz

1.3.3   Antennas

        The following antennas are supported by the equipment under test.

         No.    Model                                     Gain (dBi)
         1      Passive External                          3.0

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        The wireless device described within this report has been shown to be capable of compliance
        with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields for both General
        Public and Occupational. The calculations shown in this report were made in accordance the
        procedures specified in the applied test specification(s).

         Required Compliance Boundary (m)
         Occupational                                 General Population
         0.07                                         0.16

                                                                Table 1 – Compliance Boundary Results

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         Regional        Calculated RF exposure level at compliance boundary of 0.07 m
         Requirement                 2
                         S Field (W/m )                  E Field (V/m)                   H Field (A/m)
                         Result           Limit          Result           Limit          Result          Limit
         ICNIRP          19.6962          40.4005        86.1701          120.5993       0.2286          0.3200
         FCC*            1.9696           5.0000         N/A              N/A            N/A             N/A
         RSS             19.6962          25.9489        86.1701          98.9091        0.2286          0.2624
         ARPANSA         19.6962          40.4005        86.1701          123.4133       0.2286          0.3272
        * Requirement and Result in mW/cm2
                                                                               Table 2 – Occupational Results

        The calculations show that the EUT complies with the occupational exposure levels described in
        the EN 62311:2008, CFR 47 Pt1.1310, Health Canada Safety Code 6 and ARPANSA Radiation
        Protection Series No.3 at the point of investigation, 0.07 m.

         Regional        Calculated RF exposure level at compliance boundary of 0.16 m
         Requirement                 2
                         S Field (W/m )                  E Field (V/m)                   H Field (A/m)
                         Result           Limit          Result           Limit          Result          Limit
         ICNIRP          3.7700           8.0801         37.6994          55.2747        0.1000          0.1463
         FCC*            0.3770           1.0000         N/A              N/A            N/A             N/A
         RSS             3.7700           4.0812         37.6994          39.2223        0.1000          0.1040
         ARPANSA         3.7700           8.0801         37.6994          55.0737        0.1000          0.1463
        * Requirement and Result in mW/cm2
                                                                         Table 3 – General Population Results

        The calculations show that the EUT complies with the occupational exposure levels described in
        the EN 62311:2008, CFR 47 Pt1.1310, Health Canada Safety Code 6 and ARPANSA Radiation
        Protection Series No.3 at the point of investigation, 0.16 m.

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                                       SECTION 2

                                      TEST DETAILS

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        The aim of the assessment report is to evaluate the compliance boundary for a set of given input
        power(s) according to the basic restrictions (directly or indirectly via compliance with reference
        levels) related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
        The chosen assessment method to establish the compliance boundary in the far-field region is
        the reference method as defined in the relevant specifications.

        The RF exposure assessment is based upon the following criteria:

        The Iridium Core 9523N voice and data satellite transceiver module operates with the following
        transmitters active on the antenna ports shown in Section 1.3.3. For each transmitter, the Radio
        Access Technology (RAT), EIRP inclusive of antenna gain and duty cycle, gain of the antenna
        and lowest frequency of operation are shown as they contribute to the calculation of S Field, E
        field and H field values according to the following formulas.

        The power flux (S Field):

               PG ( ,  )
                4r 2
        The electric field strength (E Field):

                 30 PG ( ,  )
        The magnetic field strength (H Field):

         H 
                  o


        P = Average Power (W)
        G = Antenna Gain (dBi)
        r = Distance (cm) or (m)
        o = 377

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        The frequencies shown in the tables below have been chosen based on the lowest possible
        frequency that the EUT can transmit.

         Antenna Tx    Ant   RAT        EIRP    Duty Cycle   Gain    Frequency   RF Exposure Level at compliance
         Port    No.   No.              (W)     (%)          (dBi)   (MHz)       boundary of 0.07 m
                                                                                 S Field      E Field    H Field
         1       1     1     Iridium    1.213   9.2          3.0     1616.0208   19.6962      86.1701    0.2286

                                                         Table 4 – Occupational Transmitter Summary

         Antenna Tx    Ant   RAT        EIRP    Duty Cycle   Gain    Frequency   RF Exposure Level at compliance
         Port    No.   No.              (W)     (%)          (dBi)   (MHz)       boundary of 0.16 m
                                                                                 S Field      E Field    H Field
         1       1     1     Iridium    1.213   9.2          3.0     1616.0208   3.7700       37.6994    0.1000

                                                 Table 5 – General Population Transmitter Summary

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                                       SECTION 3

                               DISCLAIMERS AND COPYRIGHT

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                         This report relates only to the actual item/items tested.

       This report must not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written permission of
                                      TÜV SÜD Product Service

                                   © 2015 TÜV SÜD Product Service

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                                        ANNEX A

                                 REGIONAL REQUIREMENTS

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         Frequency Range (MHz)   Power Density (W/m )      Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         0.065 - 1               -                         610/f                           1.6/f
         1 - 10                  -                         610/f                           1.6/f
         10 - 400                10                        61                              0.162
         400 - 2000              f/40                      3*f^0.5                         0.00796*f^0.5
         2000 - 300000           50                        137                             0.363

                                                           Table A.1 – EN 62311:2008 Occupational Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   Power Density (W/m )      Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         0.003 - 0.15            -                         87                              5
         0.15 - 1                -                         87/f                            0.73/f
         1 - 10                  -                         87/f^0.5                        0.73/f
         10 - 400                2                         27                              0.071
         400 - 2000              f/200                     1.375*f^0.5                     0.00364*f^0.5
         2000 - 300000           10                        61                              0.162

                                                     Table A.2 – EN 62311:2008 General Population Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   S Field (mW/cm )          Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         0 - 0.3                 -                         -                               -
         0.3 - 3                 100                       614                             1.63
         3 - 30                  900/f^2                   1842/f                          4.89/f
         30 - 300                1                         61.4                            0.163
         300 - 1500              f/300                     -                               -
         1500 - 100000           5                         -                               -

                                                         Table A.3 – CFR 47 Pt1.1310 Occupational Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   S Field (mW/cm )          Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         0 - 0.3                 -                         -                               -
         0.3 - 3                 100                       614                             1.63
         3 - 30                  180/f^2                   824/f                           2.19/f
         30 - 300                0.2                       27.5                            0.073
         300 - 1500              f/1500                    -                               -
         1500 - 100000           1                         -                               -

                                                    Table A.4 – CFR 47 Pt1.1310 General Population Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   Power Density (W/m )      Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         10 - 20                 10                        61.4                            0.163
         20 - 48                 44.72/f^0.5               129.8/f^0.25                    0.3444/f^0.25
         48 - 100                6.455                     49.33                           0.1309
         100 - 6000              0.6455*f^0.5              15.60*f^0.25                    0.04138*f^0.25
         6000 - 150000           50                        137                             0.364

                                          Table A.5 – Health Canada Safety Code 6 Occupational Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   Power Density (W/m )      Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         10 - 20                 2                         27.46                           0.0728
         20 - 48                 8.944/f^0.5               58.07/f^0.25                    0.1540/f^0.25
         48 - 300                1.291                     22.06                           0.05852
         300 - 6000              0.02619*f^0.6834          3.142*f^0.3417                  0.008335*f^0.3417
         6000 - 15000            10                        61.4                            0.163

                                  Table A.6 – Health Canada Safety Code 6 General Population Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   Power Density (W/m )      Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         0.1 - 1                 -                         614                             1.63/f

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         1 - 10                  1000/f^2               614                             1.63/f
         10 - 400                10                     61.4                            0.163
         400 - 2000              f/40                   3.07*f^0.5                      0.00814*f^0.5
         2000 - 300000           50                     137                             0.364

                         Table A.7 – ARPANSA Radiation Protection Series No.3 Occupational Limits
         Frequency Range (MHz)   Power Density (W/m )   Electric Field Strength (V/m)   Magnetic Field Strength (A/m)
         0.1 - 0.15              -                      86.8                            4.86
         0.15 - 1                -                      86.8                            0.729/f
         1 - 10                  -                      86.8/f^0.5                      0.729/f
         10 - 400                2                      27.4                            0.0729
         400 - 2000              f/200                  1.37*f^0.5                      0.00364*f^0.5
         2000 - 300000           10                     61.4                            0.163

                  Table A.8 – ARPANSA Radiation Protection Series No.3 General Population Limits

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Document Created: 2019-03-26 04:12:38
Document Modified: 2019-03-26 04:12:38

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