P1638-REGA-077 v0.1 9555N Operating Description

FCC ID: Q639555N

Operational Description

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                                                                                           Subject: 9555N Operating Description

                                                     Commercially Confidential

To:                        BABT
Prepared by:               Jonathan Jones
Subject:                   9555N Operating Description

1 Introduction

This document describes the operation of the Iridium 9555N for the purpose of regulatory approvals.

2 Overview

The 9555N is a satellite phone for operation with the Iridium satellite network. The 9555N enables voice
and data communication via the Iridium network. For data communications the 9555N is connected to a
PC via a USB cable, which is connected to the 9555N. A full description of the 9555N functionality is
given in the user manual Error! Reference source not found..

3 Transmitter characteristics

The transmitter characteristics of the 9555N are given in Table 1.

              Parameter                              Value                             Comments

 Transmit band                              1616 – 1626MHz

 Transmitter channel spacing                41.667kHz

 Bottom transmit channel centre             1616.020833MHz

 Top transmit channel centre                1625.979167MHz

 Modulation type                            DE-QPSK,                 Traffic channel
                                            40% RRC filtering

 Modulation rate                            25ksps                   Traffic channel

07 August 2018                                                                                         P1638-REGA-077 v0.1
© Cambridge Consultants Ltd 2018                  Commercially Confidential                                     Page 1 of 2

                                                                                                     Subject: 9555N Operating Description

                                                      Commercially Confidential

                Parameter                             Value                                  Comments

    Transmit power (Max)                     38.2dBm ± 0.5dB1            Transmit power at the input to the integral antenna.
                                                                         (37.0dBm ± 0.5dB at the external TNC antenna
                                                                         connector on the docking cradle2)

    Transmit power (Min)                     30.2dBm ± 0.5dB             Transmit power at the input to the integral antenna.
                                                                         (29.0dBm ± 0.5dB at the external TNC antenna
                                                                         connector on the docking cradle)

    Transmit power level steps               1dB, 8 steps                Power level 0: 38.2dBm, Power level 8: 30.2dBm

    Antenna gain                             3.0dBi

    Duplex type                              TDMA

    Transmitter duty cyle                    9.2%                        One 8.28ms transmit slot in a 90ms frame.

                                   Table 1 - 9555N Transmitter Parameters (from [2], [3], [4])

4 Referenced documents
         Reference no. Document                                                                         Version               Issued
                reference                                                                             and/or date               by

    [1] P1638-UDOC-003                              Iridium 9555N User Guide                         April 2018              Iridium
                                                    9555 Manual EN with N Updates- April             H2UG1801
                                                    2018_final[1]_engineer updates only....pdf

    [2] P1638-RS-005                                9555N Transceiver Requirements                   V0.8                    CC

    [3] P0947-S-012                                 9555N Transceiver Manufacturing Test             V0.8                    CC

    [4] P1638-WM-126                                9555N handset SAR test pre-check results         V0.1                    CC

                                                Table 2 - Referenced documents

    See sections 8.8 and 8.9 in the 9555N Manufacturing Test Specification [3]
    Confirmed in results in [4].

07 August 2018                                                                                                   P1638-REGA-077 v0.1
© Cambridge Consultants Ltd 2018                      Commercially Confidential                                           Page 2 of 2

Document Created: 2018-08-07 18:29:47
Document Modified: 2018-08-07 18:29:47

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