Test Report


Test Report

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                                      DATE: 28 April 2015

                   I.T.L. (PRODUCT TESTING) LTD.
                             FCC Radio Test Report
                                        AeroScout Ltd.

                                        Equipment under test:

                 TAG1200 Bi-Directional WiFi Module


                         Tested by:       _____________________________
                                                I. Siboni

                         Approved by:     _____________________________
                                                D. Shidlowsky

        This report must not be reproduced, except in full, without the written
                     permission of I.T.L. (Product Testing) Ltd.
                       This report relates only to items tested.

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FCC ACC M Ver 1.2 28 February 2011

                                      Measurement/Technical Report for
                                             AeroScout Ltd.
                                     TAG1200 Bi-Directional WiFi Module

                                           FCC ID: Q3HTAG1200
                                            IC: 5115A-TAG1200

                                                28 April 2015

                This report concerns:             Original Grant:
                                                  Class I Change:
                                                  Class II Change:     X

                Equipment type:                   Bi-directional WiFi module transmitter

                Limits used:                      47CFR15 Section 15.247

                Measurement procedure used is ANSI C63.4-2009.

                Application for Certification            Applicant for this device:
                prepared by:                             (different from "prepared by")
                    R. Pinchuck                          Reuven Amsalem
                    ITL (Product Testing) Ltd.           3 Pekeris St., Einstein Entrance
                    1Bat Sheva Street                    Rechovot 76702
                    Lod 7116002                          Israel
                    Israel                               Tel: +972-8-936-9393
                    e-mail Rpinchuck@itl.co.il           Fax: +972-8-936-5977
                                                         e-mail: reuven.amsalem@aeroscout.com

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                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

         1.       GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
                     1.1 Administrative Information.................................................................................4
                     1.2 List of Accreditations .........................................................................................5
                     1.3 Product Description ...........................................................................................6
                     1.4 Test Methodology..............................................................................................6
                     1.5 Test Facility .......................................................................................................6
                     1.6 Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................................6
         2.       SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
                     2.1 Justification........................................................................................................7
                     2.2 EUT Exercise Software .....................................................................................7
                     2.3 Special Accessories ..........................................................................................7
                     2.4 Equipment Modifications ...................................................................................7
                     2.5 Configuration of Tested System ........................................................................8
         3.       INTERMODULATION TEST SET-UP PHOTOS----------------------------------------------------- 9
         5.       INTERMODULATION RADIATED ---------------------------------------------------------------------10
                      5.1 Test procedure ................................................................................................10
                      5.2 Test Results.....................................................................................................10
                      5.3 Test Instrumentation Used; Radiated Measurements Intermodulation...........13
         6.       R.F EXPOSURE/SAFETY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
         7.       APPENDIX A - CORRECTION FACTORS ----------------------------------------------------------16
                     7.1 Correction factors for CABLE .........................................................................16
                     7.2 Correction factors for CABLE .........................................................................17
                     7.3 Correction factors for CABLE .........................................................................18
                     8.4 Correction factors for Bilog ANTENNA ..........................................................19
                     7.5 Correction factors for Horn ANTENNA...........................................................20
                     7.6 Correction factors for LOG PERIODIC ANTENNA ........................................21
                     7.8 Correction factors for ACTIVE LOOP ANTENNA ...........................................23
         8.       COMPARISON INDUSTRY CANADA REQUIREMENTS WITH FCC ------------------------24

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                                 1. General Information

           1.1           Administrative Information
          Manufacturer:                          AeroScout Ltd.

          Manufacturer's Address:                3 Pekeris St.
                                                 Einstein Entrance
                                                 4th Floor
                                                 Rechovot 76702
                                                 Tel: +972-8-9369393
                                                 Fax: +972-8-9365977

          Manufacturer's Representative:         Leonid Genusin

          Equipment Under Test (E.U.T):          TAG1200 Bi-Directional WiFi Module

           Equipment Model No.:                  TAG1200

           Equipment Serial No.:                 Not designated

          Date of Receipt of E.U.T:              02.12.2014

          Start of Test:                         02.12.2014

          End of Test:                           02.12.2014
          Test Laboratory Location:              I.T.L (Product Testing) Ltd.
                                                 1 Batsheva St.,
                                                 ISRAEL 7120101

          Test Specifications:                   FCC Part 15, Subpart C
                                                 RSS-210, Issue 8, 2010

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       1.2      List of Accreditations
 The EMC laboratory of I.T.L. is accredited by the following bodies:
       1. The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
           (U.S.A.), Certificate No. 1152.01.
       2. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (U.S.A.),
           FCC Designation Number US1004.
       3. The Israel Ministry of the Environment (Israel),
           Registration No. 1104/01.
       4. The Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information
           Technology Equipment (VCCI) (Japan),
           Registration Numbers: C-1350, R-1285.
       5. Industry Canada (Canada), IC File No.: 46405-4025;
           Site No. IC 4025A-1.

I.T.L. Product Testing Ltd. is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
(A2LA) and the results shown in this test report have been determined in accordance with I.T.L.'s
terms of accreditation unless stated otherwise in the report.

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           1.3       Product Description
              The TAG1200 is a Wi-Fi module which designed to use for real time location
              The module can be installed inside variety of equipment, such as medical
              devices, containers, manufacturing equipment and vehicles. The module reports
              its location to AeroScout Visibility system via Wi-Fi infrastructure. This enables
              tagged items to be accurately located in real-time and in any environment – from
              crowded indoor locations such as hospital floors to open outdoor spaces such as
              parking lots.

           1.4      Test Methodology
              Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures
              in ANSI C63.4: 2009 and RSS, Gen Issue 4. Radiated testing was performed at
              an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters.

           1.5       Test Facility
              Both conducted and radiated emissions tests were performed at I.T.L.’s testing
              facility in Lod, Israel. I.T.L.’s EMC Laboratory is accredited by A2LA,
              certificate No. 1152.01 and its FCC Designation Number is US1004.

           1.6           Measurement Uncertainty

                Radiated Emission
                Radiated Emission (CISPR 11, EN 55011, CISPR 22, EN 55022, ANSI C63.4)
                for open site 30-1000MHz:
                Expanded Uncertainty (95% Confidence, K=2):
                ± 5.2 dB
                Note: See ITL Procedure No. PM 198.

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                        2. System Test Configuration
  2.1           Justification
                The EUT was originally authorized for single modular approval under
                FCC ID: Q3HTAG1200, IC: 5115A-TAG1200.
                Grant Notes state that “the antenna (s) used for this transmitter …. must not
                transmit simultaneously with any other antenna or transmitter.”
                AeroScout LTD is requesting FCC/IC certification of another product, the Fall
                Monitor under FCC ID: Q3HFM, IC: 5115A-FM.
                This device contains the EUT (2.4 GHZ modular approved transmitter) and an
                additional 916 MHz transmitter which incorporates 2 diversity printed antennas.
                A C2PC is requested to:
                1) Allow simultaneous transmission of both the 2.4 GHz and 916 MHz
                    transmitter in the Fall Monitor;
                2) Add limited modular approval of the EUT in the new host, the Fall Monitor;
                3) Change the allowable separation distance between the antenna and all
                    persons from 20cm to 1cm.

                Intermodulation testing was performed and RF exposure was calculated.

  2.2           EUT Exercise Software
                No special exercise software was used.

  2.3           Special Accessories
                No special accessories were needed to achieve compliance.

  2.4           Equipment Modifications
                No modifications were necessary in order to achieve compliance.

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           2.5           Configuration of Tested System

                                     Figure 1. Configuration of Tested System

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           3. Intermodulation Test Set-Up Photos

                                     Figure 6. Intermodulation Radiated Test

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                         5. Intermodulation Radiated
  5.1           Test procedure
                The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges
                (916; 2405-2483.5 MHz) must be attenuated below the radiated limit.
                (a) The E.U.T. operation mode and test set-up are as described in
                    Section 2.5.
                    A preliminary measurement to characterize the E.U.T was
                    performed inside the shielded room at a distance of 3 meters,
                    using peak detection mode and broadband antennas. The
                    preliminary measurements produced a list of the highest
                    emissions. The E.U.T was then transferred to the open site,
                    and placed on a remote-controlled turntable. The E.U.T was
                    placed on a non-metallic table, 0.8 meters above the ground.
                    The configuration tested is shown in Figure 1.

                    The E.U.T. was operated in transmission mode at CW signal.
                (b) The frequency range 30 MHz-7 GHz was scanned and the list
                    of the highest emissions was verified and updated accordingly.
                    The readings were maximized by adjusting the antenna height
                    between 1-4 meters, the turntable azimuth between 0-360°,
                    and the antenna polarization.
                    The emissions were measured at a distance of 3 meters.
                    In the frequency range 7-26.5 GHz, a spectrum analyzer
                    including a low noise amplifier was used. During average
                    measurements, the IF bandwidth was 1 MHz and the video
                    bandwidth was 10 Hz. During peak measurements, the IF
                    bandwidth was 1 MHz and the video bandwidth was 3 MHz.
                    The EUT was transmitting at the frequencies: 916 and 2442 MHz.

    5.2           Test Results

                JUDGEMENT:                Passed

                TEST PERSONNEL:

                Tester Signature: _________________       Date: 04.1.15
                Typed/Printed Name: I. Siboni

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                                         Specification: FCC Part 15, Subpart C

Antenna Polarization: Horizontal, Vertical                         Frequency range: 30 MHz to 1000 MHz
Antenna: 3 meters distance                                         Detectors: Peak, Quasi-peak

Frequency            Antenna                 Azimuth     Antenna       Peak         QP         Limit       Margin
                    Polarization                          Height       Amp         Amp
  (MHz)             Hor.    Ver.             (Degrees)     (cm)      (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)      (dB)
                      X                       258.4        147.6       39.2        33.9         46.5       -12.6
                                     X         75.1        149.6       39.0        33.9         46.5       -12.6
                      X                       123.1        137.1       36.2        31.1         46.5       -15.4
                                     X        214.9        135.7       35.7        31.1         46.5       -15.4
                        Figure 2 Intermodulation Radiated Results –Peak/Quasi Peak

                                         Specification: FCC Part 15, Subpart C

Antenna Polarization: Horizontal, Vertical                         Frequency range: 1 GHz to 26.5 GHz
Antenna: 3 meters distance                                         Detectors: Peak

      Frequency            Antenna             Azimuth      Antenna       Peak       Peak          Peak
                          Polarization                       Height       Amp        Limit        Margin
          (MHz)           Hor. Ver.            (Degrees)      (cm)      (dBµV/m)   (dBµV/m)        (dB)
                           X                     123.1       158.0        55.3       74.0          -18.7
                                         X       333.9       134.4        65.9       74.0          -8.1
                           X                      0.0        191.0        58.6       74.0          -15.4
                                         X        85.2       106.0        68.4       74.0          -5.6
                           X                     105.1       147.1        60.1       74.0          -13.9
                                         X       168.4       194.4        59.6       74.0          -14.4
                           X                      66.9       108.9        65.7       74.0          -8.3
                                         X       139.5       160.0        66.1       74.0          -7.9

                                Figure 3 Intermodulation Radiated Results – Peak

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                                     Specification: FCC Part 15, Subpart C

Antenna Polarization: Horizontal, Vertical                Frequency range: 1 GHz to 26.5 GHz
Antenna: 3 meters distance                                Detectors: Average

         Frequency            Antenna       Azimuth     Antenna      AVG      AVG        AVG
                             Polarization                Height      Amp      Limit     Margin
             (MHz)           Hor. Ver.      (Degrees)     (cm)     (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)     (dB)
                               X             123.1       158.0       41.9     54.0      -12.1
                                      X      333.9       134.4       41.8    54.0       -12.2
                               X              0.0        191.0       45.1    54.0        -8.9
                                      X       85.2       106.0       45.1    54.0        -8.9
                               X             105.1       147.1       45.5    54.0        -8.5
                                      X      168.4       194.4       45.7    54.0        -8.3
                               X              66.9       108.9       52.0    54.0        -2.0
                                      X      139.5       160.0       51.9    54.0        -2.1
                              Figure 4 Intermodulation Radiated Results – Average

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        5.3           Test Instrumentation Used; Radiated Measurements

 Instrument              Manufacturer          Model                         Calibration          Period
  Spectrum                                      8592L        3826A01204   February 28, 2014       1 year
  Analyzer                        HP

Log Biconical                                                   1250        May 22, 2014          2 years
  Antenna                      EMCO            3142

Horn Antenna                                                    29845      March 14, 2012         3 years
                                 ETS           3115

EMI Receiver                      R&S          ESBI7         100120       December 19, 2013       1 year

 Low Noise                                                       232       August 29, 2014        1 year
 Amplifier              Sophia Wireless      LNA 28-B
 Low Noise                 DBS              LNA-DBS-             013       August 22, 2014        1 year
 Amplifier              MICROWAVE           0411N313
Antenna Mast                                                                    N/A                N/A
                                 ETS          2070-2               -
  Turntable                                                                     N/A                N/A
                                 ETS           2087                -
Mast & Table                                                  9608-1456         N/A                N/A
                           ETS/EMCO            2090

                                          Figure 5 Test Equipment Used

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                                6. R.F Exposure/Safety
The TAG1200 is being used in the AeroScout Fall Monitor which also uses a 916 MHz
transmitter. Typical use of the Fall Monitor is as a monitor that sends off an alarm when a
patient attempts to get out of a wheelchair, bed or commode.
The typical placement of the Fall Monitor is on either a chair or a bed.
The typical distance between the E.U.T. and the user in the worst case application, is 10
                   Calculation of Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
                           Based on Section 1.1310 Requirements

(a) FCC limits at 916.00 MHz is:          f         mW
                                              0.610 2
                                        1500        cm

    Using table 1 of Section 1.1310 limit for general population/uncontrolled exposures,
    the above level is an average over 30 minutes.
(b) The power density produced by the E.U.T. is

                   Pt Gt
                   4R 2

         (c )     Top antenna
         Pt- Transmitted Power 95.5 dBuV/m (Peak) = 1.07 mW
         GT- Antenna Gain, -5dBi = 0.32 numeric – tests were performed radiated and
         take gain into account
         R- Distance from Transmitter using 1 cm worst case
         Duty Cycle = 0.1% - based on customer’s Duty Cycle Declaration
         SAVG - Equivalent averaged transmitted power is 1.07 x 0.001 = 0.00107 mW

         (d)     The average power density is:
             (0.00107)            mW
          S             0.000085 2
               4 (1) 2

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         (e)      Side antenna:
         Pt- Transmitted Power 99.6 dBuV/m (Peak) = 2.75 mW
         GT- Antenna Gain, -2.6dBi = 0.55 numeric – tests were performed radiated and
         take gain into account
         R- Distance from Transmitter using 1cm worst case
         Duty Cycle = 0.1% - based on customer’s Duty Cycle Declaration
         SAVG - Equivalent averaged transmitted power is 2.75 x 0.001 = 0.00275 mW

         (f)     The average power density is:
              (0.00275)           mW
          S              0.00022 2
                4 (1) 2

         (g) Combined intermodulated RF

         916 MHz Highest Average Transmited Power (using side antenna):
         Pt- Transmitted Power 99.6 dBuV/m (Peak) = 2.75 mW
         Duty Cycle = 0.1% - based on customer’s Duty Cycle Declaration
         SAVG - Equivalent averaged transmitted power is 2.75 x 0.001 = 0.00275 mW

         2.4 GHz Average Transmitted Power
         Pt- Transmitted Power 22.48 dBm (Peak) = 177.01 mW
         Duty Cycle = 0.1% - based on customer’s Duty Cycle Declaration
         GT – Antenna Gain, -2.0 dBi = 0.63
         SAVG - Equivalent averaged transmitted power is 177.01 x 0.001 = 0.17701 mW

         R- Distance from Transmitter using 1 cm worst case

                    (0.17701  0.63)  0.00275        mW
            S                                  0.009 2
                              4 (1) 2

         (h) This is below the FCC limit.

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           7.1             Correction factors for CABLE
                                                       from EMI receiver
                                                       to test antenna
                                                       at 3 meter range.
                                             Cable                    Cable
                              Frequency                Frequency
                                             Loss                     Loss
                                     (MHz)   (dB)         (MHz)        (dB)
                                     0.010    0.4         50.00       1.2
                                     0.015    0.2        100.00       0.7
                                     0.020    0.2        150.00       20.1
                                     0.030    0.3        200.00       2.3
                                     0.050    0.3        300.00       2.9
                                     0.075    0.3        500.00       3.8
                                     0.100    0.2        750.00       4.8
                                     0.150    0.2        1000.00      5.4
                                     0.200    0.3        1500.00      6.7
                                     0.500    0.4        2000.00      9.0
                                     1.00     0.4        2500.00      9.4
                                     1.50     0.5        3000.00      9.9
                                     2.00     0.5        3500.00      10.2
                                     5.00     0.6        4000.00      11.2
                                     10.00    0.8        4500.00      12.1
                                     15.00    0.9        5000.00      13.1
                                     20.00    0.8        5500.00      13.5
                                                         6000.00      14.5

                                1. The cable type is SPUMA400 RF-11N(X2) and 39m long
                                2. The cable is manufactured by Huber + Suhner

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           7.2            Correction factors for         CABLE
                                                           from EMI receiver
                                                           to test antenna
                                                           at 3 meter range.

                                      FREQUENCY CORRECTION
                                         (GHz)      (dB)
                                          1.0        1.2
                                          2.0        1.6
                                          3.0        2.0
                                          4.0        2.4
                                          5.0        3.0
                                          6.0        3.4
                                          7.0        3.8
                                          8.0        4.2
                                          9.0        4.6
                                          10.0       5.0
                                          12.0       5.8

                                1. The cable type is RG-8.
                                2. The overall length of the cable is 10 meters.

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           7.3             Correction factors for CABLE
                                                       from spectrum analyzer
                                                       to test antenna above 2.9 GHz

           FREQUENCY CORRECTION                       FREQUENCY        CORRECTION
                       FACTOR                                            FACTOR
              (GHz)      (dB)                              (GHz)           (dB)
               1.0        1.9                               14.0            9.1
               2.0        2.7                               15.0            9.5
               3.0        3.5                               16.0            9.9
               4.0        4.2                               17.0           10.2
               5.0        4.9                               18.0           10.4
               6.0        5.5                               19.0           10.7
               7.0        6.0                               20.0           10.9
               8.0        6.5                               21.0           11.2
               9.0        7.0                               22.0           11.6
               10.0       7.5                               23.0           11.9
               11.0       7.9                               24.0           12.3
               12.0       8.3                               25.0           12.6
               13.0       8.7                               26.0           13.0

                                1. The cable type is SUCOFLEX 104 E manufactured by SUHNER.
                                2. The cable is used for measurements above 2.9 GHz.
                                3. The overall length of the cable is 10 meters.

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                         8.4         Correction factors for     Bilog ANTENNA
                                                            Model: 3142
                                                            Antenna serial number: 1250
                                                            3 meter range

                       FREQUENCY                  AFE         FREQUENCY         AFE
                             (MHz)               (dB/m)           (MHz)        (dB/m)
                              30                   18.4            1100            25
                               40                 13.7             1200            24.9
                               50                 9.9              1300            26
                               60                 8.1              1400            26.1
                               70                 7.4              1500            27.1
                               80                 7.2              1600            27.2
                               90                 7.5              1700            28.3
                               100                8.5              1800            28.1
                               120                7.8              1900            28.5
                               140                8.5              2000            28.9
                               160                10.8
                               180                10.4
                               200                10.5
                               250                12.7
                               300                14.3
                               400                 17
                               500                18.6
                               600                19.6
                               700                21.1
                               800                21.4
                               900                23.5
                              1000                24.3

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           7.5           Correction factors for  Horn ANTENNA.
                                           Model: 3115
                                                   Antenna serial number: 6142
                                                   3 meter range

                                          Antenna                     Antenna
                       FREQUENCY           Factor        FREQUENCY     Factor
                             (MHz)        (dB/m)             (MHz)    (dB/m)
                              1000         23.9              10500         38.4
                              1500         25.4              11000         38.5
                              2000         27.3              11500         39.4
                              2500         28.5              12000         39.2
                              3000         30.4              12500         39.4
                              3500         31.6              13000         40.7
                              4000          33               14000         42.1
                              4500         32.7              15000         40.1
                              5000         34.1              16000         38.2
                              5500         34.5              17000         41.7
                              6000         34.9              17500         45.7
                              6500         35.1              18000         47.7
                              7000         35.9
                              7500         37.5
                              8000                37.6
                              8500                38.3
                              9000                38.5
                              9500                38.1
                             10000                38.6

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           7.6           Correction factors for   LOG PERIODIC ANTENNA
                                                    Type LPD 2010/A
                                                    at 3 and 10 meter ranges.

               Distance of 3 meters                           Distance of 10 meters

       FREQUENCY                      AFE                FREQUENCY            AFE
          (MHz)                      (dB/m)                 (MHz)            (dB/m)
          200.0                        9.1                  200.0              9.0
          250.0                       10.2                  250.0             10.1
          300.0                       12.5                  300.0             11.8
          400.0                       15.4                  400.0             15.3
          500.0                       16.1                  500.0             15.6
          600.0                       19.2                  600.0             18.7
          700.0                       19.4                  700.0             19.1
          800.0                       19.9                  800.0             20.2
          900.0                       21.2                  900.0             21.1
          1000.0                      23.5                  1000.0            23.2

           1. Antenna serial number is 1038.
           2. The above lists are located in file number 38M3O.ANT for a 3 meter range,
                   and file number 38M100.ANT for a 10 meter range.
           3. The files mentioned above are located on the disk marked "Radiated Emission
              Test EMI Receiver".

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   7.7           Correction factors for Double-Ridged Waveguide Horn
                                        Model: 3115, S/N 29845
                                               at 3 meter range.

                           FACTOR    Gain                     FACTOR    Gain
     (GHz)                  (dB 1/m) (dBi)         (GHz)       (dB 1/m) (dBi)
      1.0                     24.8    5.4           10.0         38.8   11.4
      1.5                     26.1    7.6           10.5         38.9   11.8
      2.0                     28.6    7.7           11.0         39.0   12.1
      2.5                     29.8    8.4           11.5         39.6   11.8
      3.0                     31.4    8.4           12.0         39.8   12.0
      3.5                     32.4    8.7           12.5         39.6   12.5
      4.0                     33.7    8.6           13.0         40.0   12.5
      4.5                     33.4    9.9           13.5         39.8   13.0
      5.0                     34.5    9.7           14.0         40.2   13.0
      5.5                     35.1    9.9           14.5         40.6   12.9
      6.0                     35.4   10.4           15.0         41.3   12.4
      6.5                     35.6   10.8           15.5         39.5   14.6
      7.0                     36.2   10.9           16.0         38.8   15.5
      7.5                     37.3   10.4           16.5         40.0   14.6
      8.0                     37.7   10.6           17.0         41.4   13.4
      8.5                     38.3   10.5           17.5         44.8   10.3
      9.0                     38.5   10.8           18.0         47.2    8.1
      9.5                     38.7   11.1

 Test Report E143013.02                      AeroScout Ltd.        Page 22 of 24
 FCC ACC M Ver 1.2 28 February 2011

           7.8           Correction factors for     ACTIVE LOOP ANTENNA
                                              Model 6502
                                              S/N 9506-2950

                                                  Magnetic           Electric
                                 FREQUENCY        Antenna            Antenna
                                                   Factor             Factor
                                     (MHz)           (dB)              (dB)
                                      .009          -35.1              16.4
                                      .010          -35.7              15.8
                                      .020          -38.5              13.0
                                      .050          -39.6              11.9
                                      .075          -39.8              11.8
                                      .100          -40.0              11.6
                                      .150          -40.0              11.5
                                      .250          -40.0              11.6
                                      .500          -40.0              11.5
                                      .750          -40.1              11.5
                                     1.000          -39.9              11.7
                                     2.000          -39.5              12.0
                                     3.000          -39.4              12.1
                                     4.000          -39.7              11.9
                                     5.000          -39.7              11.8
                                     10.000         40.2               11.3
                                     15.000         -40.7              10.8
                                     20.000         -40.5              11.0
                                     25.000         -41.3              10.2
                                     30.000         42.3                9.2

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FCC ACC M Ver 1.2 28 February 2011

                    8. Comparison Industry Canada
                        Requirements With FCC
                      AeroScout TAG-1200 Bi-Directional WiFi Module
                                   M/N: TAG-12000
                       IC: 5115A-TAG1200 FCC ID: Q3HTAG1200

Test                                 FCC                          IC
          Radiated                  15.209                       RSS 210 Issue 8
           Emission                                               Clause 2.5
          Max power /               15.247(b)(3)                 RSS 210 Issue 8
           Peak power                                             A8.4(4)
          6dB BW                    15.247(a)2                   RSS 210 Issue 8 A8.2a
          Power                     15.247(e)                    RSS 210 Issue 8 A8.2b
          Spurious                  15.205(c)                    RSS 210 Issue 8 2.5
           radiated                                               RSS Gen 7.2.2
           emission in                                            (Table 1)
           the restricted
          Band edge                 15.247(d)                    RSS 210 Issue 8 A8.5

          RF Exposure               1.1307(b)(1)                 RSS 102 4.4

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FCC ACC M Ver 1.2 28 February 2011

Document Created: 2015-05-07 14:00:59
Document Modified: 2015-05-07 14:00:59

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