PZWDWUL07_12a_SA181226C13A_BV Japan_SP1-QUBi_FCC SAR_Report_1 of 2.pdf


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 FCC SAR Test Report                                                                               se

                                 FCC SAR Test Report
Report No.                :    smterzzectoa
Applicant                 :     penso wave mcorroraten
Addross                   :     1, Yoshilke, Kusagl, Agucho, Chita:gun, Alchl,470—2287 Japan
Product                   :     RFID Module
reeio                     :     rewowuker
Brand                     :     penso
Mode No.                  :    owuter
Standards                 :    Foo at CFR Par 2 (2.1009), ieE Cos1:2008, ieE sia 1sae:z013
                               Kos sesese Dot varro4, Kos sesess nor vorrer
                               . koaarase oot vos
Sample Received Date      .:   Jan.24, 2019
Date of Testing           :.   Feb. 14, 2010
Lab Addross               1:   o. 472. th LingChiaPauVin Kow it, New Taipe Giy,Tavan, 0.
Test Location             5    Nos Mn ¥a n , on on VI, uol ShanDlt, Taoyuan Gy 2209 aivan(R0.0)

GERTIRCATION: The above equipmenthave been ested by Bureau Verttas ConsumerProducts Services (HK.)
Ltd, Taoyuan Branch — Lin Kou Laboratories, an found complance wih therequirement of the above standards
"The test record. data evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) confquratons represented herein are true and
accurate accounts o the measurements ofthe semple‘s SAR characterstes under t condtons speciied in this
reporit should not be reproduced except in ful, wihoutthe writen approvalo our aboreloy.The clent should not
use tto laim product cerifeation, approvalor endorsement by TAF or any govermment agencies

                               Line. V\)nn]                                     €099m,
  Propared By :                                                              h
                                                                             > (TAF \
                        Teva Wary rSpecorst                                  ;he/@%g
  Approved By :        taadr» toa                                            thow
                                                                             w    c"
                    Goden Li7 Assitant Manager                                  reo recrared : ruooss
  Th nEm   Eomm      me to
                  aneds     oprenen
                         t en   o ennuenatets
                                         on ment m  nob
                                                 Sn ce  oo ;
                                                       prevse  en mss
                                                              eeman       ies Mn
                                                                    aninewe     nomad
  Ee vase o reaciine o e Cl o wancama e o ton on aet n on n o ny aorn ons mev im
  Pndfi e onl mt Wemant Peatt it hnsd hn ut vane ce co l carn Parre ovand in
  U on lrtler en oronmanta ue onaonn cmd w reponspova fecronbartom on
  WERPeR wbnentety tivenB mar en oo Aocra ut n o ieb roneartoe ocme oreaned
  Eemronc o h cnpation t b es se mm w h crnmeana h rnt coure Tiee pnote use ho inaiany a
  reinwvnatiatosioie hi o decen e ronmmc snconc P irotcin
ReporFomatvenn 200                                                               Fagete        rams
Reporte omterzzecim                                                              s Om          recmumore
Ratearce io: otzecos

 FGC SAR Test Report                                                                Sm

                                   Table of Contents
Release ContolRecord                                                                       a
1.. Summary of Maximum SAR Valve.                                                          a
2.. everilonoEqulpment Under Test                                                          s
3.. SAR Measurement System .                                                               e
    21. Defntonef SpeceAbsornlon Rale (GAR)                                                s
    32. sren0pasisrsysem                                                                   s
           321. Resot                                                                      7
           322. rotes                                                                      s
           323. Doi Acausion Recroncs (DAB)                                                a
           324. Phamions                                                                   e
           325. Deveetlder                                                                to
           226. SyemValdalon Deses                                                        o
           327 Tesue Smwlatng Uaues .                                                     1
    33. SWtGzstemVentcaten                                                                1
    34— SAMeasurement Procedice                                                           is
           341. es & zooScan Pocedire                     —                               is
           542. Voume Scan Procee                                                         is
           243. Pover DiMontarno                                                          is
           244. Spatal Poak SAR Evavaton                                                  is
           545. SAR Aremged tod                                                           is
    SAMeasuromont Evaliation
    41— EUT Contouraionand Seting                                                         y
    42. EUT fesing Poston                                                                 y
           421_ Body Eonure Conttons                                                      #
    43. Temseventcaton                                                                    i
    44 SystemNaldaton                                                                     is
    45. Sistem Ventcaton                                                                  18
    45. Wounum OuputPone:                                                                 is
            451. Mamim Target Condacied Pover                                             is
            482 Measured Conduced Pover Resut                                             is
    47. SR Testnp Resuts                                                                  is
            «2. 5hh testReductonGonademions                                 .             is
            472 SA ResutsfoBady Eposire Condiion(Tes SenaralonDance in mm                 10
            413. BAMeaswementVarabity                                                     2o
            474 Smitaneous Mutiband Tansmiadion Evaiuaton                                 2o
5.. Gallbation of TestEqulpmont                   .
 3. Messurement Uncortainty
 7. Informationof the Tesing Laboralorie
 AppendixA. SAR Plots of System Veriication
 Appondix . SAR Plts of SAR Measurement
 Appondix G, Callbraton Cordicate for Probe and Dipole
 Appentix . Photagraphs of EUand Sotup

 Resonrematvencn s00                                                    ragons   zom
 Reeano erzccin                                                         isOe     rev m.zore
 Retrerce No: torzecon

FGC SAR Test Report
                                     Release Control Record
   ‘ReportNo.                               Reasonforchange               Date lesued!
   stirzzsorsn          inarndemne                                        ree 2200

Rapenramaivencn se                                            ragene       sam
repoano snrerzeccron                                          imues Oue    rev m.z0r0
Rutwarce No: torzecot

 FCG SAR Test Report

1. Summary of Maximum SAR Value

1. The SAR ortera(Head & Body: SAR—1q 1.6 Wikp, and Extremity: SAR—10g 4. Wik) for general population
   J uncontraled exposure is specifed in FCC 47 CFR part 2 (2.1003) and ANGEEE Cos.1—1002

 Reputromavensn 00                                                           ragens       Torm
 Resorto. sererzascton                                                       Ised Dae     rerc2s,2010
 rotvance No: eorzecon

 FGC SAR Test Report

2. Description of Equipment Under Test
esripe      Z                         rovene                                                 _
reo       %                           ravormior
lrnaname.                             oenso
flodeiNime _                     — joeuter
                                      bor ts — corzs
 luninicntosaions                     rsx
    ueenc Irease mtrtosecton a6 1 otthis repot
1,_The EUT is authorizesfor use in specite Endproduct, Prease referto beow for more detais

         RF Tag Handy Scanner                    penso                           srr—qum
2. The above EUT nfomationis decia red by manfectrer and for more detaiedfetures descripton please
   reterstothe manifactrers specifeatons or Users Manal

List of Accessor
                   comm              paco
lstio              iwodelName        ieeser
  mt               Pover Rating      Eeove ssm                                               m
                   Iype              t

 Repenromatvesn 200                                                               rasens     som
 rerono cxrsrzeccion                                                              ies Oe     renanaore
 toerce No: torzecot

 FGC SAR Test Report
3. SAR Measurement System
3.1 Definition of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
SAR is refated to e rateat which energyis absorbed per unt mass in an object exposed t a racio feld. The SAR
distibution in a bicteicat bodyis compleated and is usualy caried outby expormentaltechriques or numencal
modeling. The standard recommends Iimis: for tro trs of groups, occupationalcontaled and. general
populationncontroled, based on a person‘s awareness and ablity o exercise conrol over is orher exposure n
general occupationalicontroled exposure is are higher than the Imis for general populaton‘uncontraled
The SAR detniion is the time dervative (ate) ofthe incremental energy (0R) absoibed by (desipated in) an
incremental mass (dn) contaned in a volume element(d) of a given densiy (2) The equation descriptonis as
                                                sany sw
                                                #m) —Rlend
SAFt is expressed in unts ofWatls perKlogram (Wkg)
$00t mensirement son be reltnt tthe alelicaltelis thtroue by
\Where: is the conductiviy ofthetssue, is the mass densitofth issue and Eis the RMS electrcalfld strength.
3.25PEAG DASY52 System
DASYS2 system consiss of high precision rabot, probe aligrment sensor, phanlem, robot controler, contraled
measurement serverans near—fels probe. The robotincludes sx axes that can movet he precison postlon ofthe
DAGYS® software defined. The DASYG2 software can detne the area that is detected by the probe. The robot is
commected to contraled box. Contraled measurement serveris comnected to the contraled robot box, The DAE
Includes ampifer, signal muliplexingAD converter, offet measurementand surface detection. I is connecied to
tne Electo—optcal coupier(EC0). The ECO performs the conversion formthe apteaio dital eleciic signaof the
DAE and tansters datatothe PC
 Reronremavensn oo                                                                Paaone        sous
 Roano. snverzincimn                                                              mss Oe        reaasc2008
 Retwerce o. iorsecot

 FGG SAR Test Report

        3        i

          sz                                                                  bentrgione w

          uyc                                                           e


                                   Fig.1 SPEAG DASYS2 System Sotup

324.   Robot
The DASYS2 systems use the high precsion rabots rom Sigubll SA (France). Forthe 6—axis contralersystem, the
obot contraler version of CS8c rom Sigubl is used. The Sigubl robot seies have many fatures that are important
tor our appliaton:
 + Hgh precision (repeatabiity ©0.038mm)
 + High relabity (ndustral design)
 + Jetfree straignt movemnents
 + Low ELF nteference (thclosed metalls constructon shilds against motor controlfelds)

                                        F32 srERG DaSYse Sysiom
Rerenrarmatvemen 0                                                                 rapore       Tomm
Resine csmmcz                                                                      lsurs Oe     ns mczore
Rrtvenceno. toree00t

 FGC SAR Test Report

322. Probes
Te SAR measurement is condusted with the dosimetic prove. The probe is specialy designed and caliraled for
use in lquid with high permitvit. The dosmetrc probe has specia calbralonin Keuid atiferent fequency
                     Simmelizaldesn wih tirgular core Bulln aniing sponet
                     stale charges. FEEK endosure materal (esstart to omanic
                     schenis 29. 0088)
                     io e oo Gre
                     Lineany. 20208
                     £03 db in ht (olten woind moe s
                     £05 4B i fswwe materl taton nomallooobe as)
                     oit 100 mt
                     Lneai 202 08 {rase tpicay 1 i)
                     Overi it 27 mm h: 20 m
     5               Te dnc t Em fgg ieCldce
                     TeEAeis            ma) cmertonn
    cast             sw
  Construetion|      en
                     Sanating              mapar onPEencpiwermaial
                                    sponmiauiectanee  aaae aaare
                     Innount t oomiesmine o. Botes
  +                  "Iimosoe
  s                  (oomit06 n+o2
                     102        olonronlm nomapose m
                      205 di tvematetal (omion romalto robe asi)
  Dymanic Range       Suitle io 00ns
                      Choaly 02 09
                      Overiengh 337 im Te B mnd
  ©imensions                                 12 o)
                      ‘e dameter 30 mm (Bosyds
                      Oarce hom prob t to       cotes: 20 om
  mern                Bexo
                      Smmetrsar geagn win Fanguer core Britm opten for for
     60               futace celeton syctom
  Constrveton         EIRZ  Stating squneartccnges REEX encioswre materal
                      (resiten io ogenc aovents. a9..00BE)
   rrogeney           Tohto2 3 Gie Linsany 20300
   Techig             202 08 n TSt (oiitonwound prove ai)
   ts                 +0 d in TSt (oten nomato robe m
   GyramieRange       5 ty io 100 mWe Lnsorly 20209
     NN LC            Grert erai 357 im (Tp: 16 mm)
   bimensions         Te cleneter 68 mm (Body 12 mm)
                      Dataree fom provet toipae centors 27 mm

  23 Data Acquisiion Electronics (DAE)
   woser          es pree
                  Sarel ansifar muleisr ND ceneuer ma sonra ope
   mt              Srat opteat
                  Seval          lnk for communicaton
                          opteal fnk              Nn withwih 0/ DASY entesied
                  aystem (lily emote contoted) Ts sieprobe touch detecor
                  formecharieaautoce defecionand emargancy robotntop
                       °o msou m ie Seresotion ana me range sennge anv.
                  SV (uth auto zero)
   injutmasCurent <som
   pimsisions     50x c0x6% im
 Rarotramaivenn sos                                                             rageno        vorm
 reser o seretazccro                                                            mes oue       ren as20e
 Rwerce No: soraecon

FGC SAR Test Report

324 Phantoms
  Model             Tan sam
                    The shei coresponds to e spealcaions of be Speac
                    AntropomeghicMamequn (GAW) shanion datved in I€E
                    1528 and C 622001 t anatlos ho dosinetrc avaluaton olt
 ‘Gonstricton .     and rubthand shone usage as l as bady mounted usage at
                    tnafatparton regon A corerprevens eaporaionott avic
                    Reference marings on hophantem alow heconslate sof
                    a pedated shantom potions and meassrement ards y
                    teasting twee punls win therbot
                    Vinzasie:ginss Ferrenforced Ve—G5
                    2102 m (6 02 mm at or on
                    Lengiv 1000 m
                    Wt 800 mm
                    Height agutabl en
                    aporor 25 ies

 won                 Eo
                     Prarian for complance teing af nndrad and boty—mounies
                     virlessdovics in ra requency ange of 0 ic t GHtz EL1
                     is tity compatile win thIEC 622002 standardand al inoun
                     Hssuesimtatng lauid. ELl has beon optmized reguring is
                     perfomance and can be inegrtes io carsiandat phartam
 Constuction         tabies. A cover prevents asaporaton of ie lquss Referance
                     matings on the phantom alon intalatonot h comolts setup,
                     Incuting al pedefoed phaniom pontios and measurement
                     aris,by teacingthee pars. The phantanis conpattle win
                     allSPEAG dosimatic pobes and dooies
 Materal             Vinfastec ies herrentorced VE—GC)
 Shollthickness      20 02 mm tbotomplte)
 Dimenst              Hajer x: 600 mn
                      Mor is 400 mm
 Fillng Volume.       ssoroe soites

Reporramai¥enonsoo                                                               Fage        vorme
egon o. san msora                                                                isues oae   Fet.2,2000
Rotwerca No: 1eorzecoe

 FCC SAR Test Report

328 Device Holder
  more               Newicg Daves
                     Inconbinaion whTun SA Pnanian ar Eus me Nowirg
                     Devie enablesheretaton ofhe mounted ransmiter cevc in
                     sphercalcoinate. Rotaten post is the ear aponng nobt
  Construction       Tranomiter devces can be easly and accuatly pestoned
                     accardng t. EEE, FGG or otver specatons The devce
                     haltercan belockd o poslonngat tferent phaniom sectons
                      tethead.ront head, tat
  matenal            rom
  mox                Taplos Enersone i
                     Sinple but afecive ara eapyTouseaerain for Fowning
                     Devie thatfacitates th tsing oflngerdevces accouing to
 Gonstmicton         1€0 622002(09 lstopn cameras uts) s Ighwweghtand is
                     easiy on the ueper patoftheMouning Devie in plsce of the

  materal            POM Acrcgiss,roam

3286 System Validation Dipoles
 [mas                Ssem
                     Smmenciapoe win iEaun: Enatesmesswrenentof es
 Construeton         bant mpedance wih NLA, Maichadfor use nour fat prartoms
                     Mied wih tmove snulaingsoutons
 (rroaueney          ohke o seco ie
  Retom Loss         > 2oct

  Pover Capablity    > 1cow (t< 1t » 40W (> 1Ge)

 Teretrematvanan soo                                                            regeno     morre
 repenno »seimiszccion                                                          imues Oe   Fe0.20,2015
 PRetwerceo: sorze00t

                                                                                woaveion con ounminn
                                                                               veropeiaivis onvedin
 *    atiow       mustee
                 aigs                                                          w09 commniwnsvedns

                                                                 jnakue wromiou o pue w woussosse
sumatape usn uenenrero 3y out o oud pasvon svom spniy Buzemurs ensoy aujo saedoid arparap out v
upueddy 1oo easee as ui poulap ave seniedoid auseiam own‘sprblButeinwus anssy fpog aut 104 v xpuedd
100 seasse aan pue ‘acst 3921 u posyep are spinby Buienis anssy prou ayy jo savedoid ow oul.

    vosed Thon 101 wl pmor 10 sua                      Tonisod peot zo) wihex pmontio ovota

                               1 iaier u pois ave seejo coveime aut pue woiseud ous ur sonby Buienwrs
ansen au jo sonren siioreuwou aus. w t vewmt s comuns dot inbaut or woweyd iey autjo saueo on
woi uy priby sw ‘Sursar yys Apog 04 un 51 uews ies1 ecejis dot priw us or woweud outjo(aira) wod
scueieje weo oys woiy widipriby aus ‘Buiserus peeu 104. w s1 isea is jo uidap e opnby Susenius anssu
snoauatowo tim poiy ag isnu woweud aws ‘woueud n spru vornauier pay au jo woweinseou yy5 104
                                                                    sembn Buieimurganssi1       zt

l                                                                          wodesisel uvs 501


FGC SAR Test Report

                              Table.1 Targets of         wlating Liquid
    mas               :                            mes             mt         7
       ie                 e                        e            condictiny
       zs                     as              wa—me                 see    smsess
       5                      is              sei—me                $      se ts
       &                      is              witee                 se     en
       ts                     s               wines                 es     es
       ow                     s               e                     es     5>
       fes                    .               se                    is     it
       ic                     ino             Everas                tas    se
       ies                    oo              wo—iee                10     55
       s                      Fra             weosice               14     s4
       s                      5s              se                    15     se
       mss                    w               Gasi                  es     ficks
       ts                     w               srims                 ie     eses
       3t                     3e              wozies                B      Hese
       5s                     se              sn                    ies    ies
       5s                     352             en                    ie     fls
       se                     5ee             esn                   ie     hss
       sn                     n               sn                    sar    ies —
       ES                     55              si                    5      suces
       ®s                     as              stews                 sa——1— se
       &                      5i              5155.                 es     be t
       s                      55              s                     ts     to—hs
       a                      5o              m                     is     e
       oe                     n               stizes                es     se
       Ts                     n               ks                    e      fls
       it                     s1              meews
                                              es                    is
                                                                    is     ies
       iss                    5.              mes,                  is     fls
       i6                     en              s2oel                 ie     is
       3                      5.              sica.                 iss    es
       w                      47              mss                   hi     2e s
       s                      ie
                              he              fercds                55     use
       wo                     ies             iess                  5      en
       35                                     fessss                i2     ns
       5s                     is              essm                  5i     ues
       55                     is              fer=me                o      suzes
       sn                     ho
                              ies             fessme                26     Bio—ts

fmtrenatessass                                                               m     ~rom
Rate: ourmecmm                                                               on Oe mss re
Retwerce o moszecot

 FGC SAR Test Report

The foloving tablegves the recipesfor tssue smulting Kauids
                              Tabie—3.2 Recipes of Tissue Simulating Liquid
                            ocse        wee         w                 KS          me       2#
                                                                   i¥                    hoxjltiee
                               : 2s      or         m                   §         :          o
                               —         of         e                   &                    —
                               E         02         i                   §                    :
                             ns           7         se          &       c                    :
                             iss          %         as          4       §                    —
                             io           f         o           —        :                     —
                             ms           —         o           :       $                    :
                             ms           :         o           z        :
                             ns           %         o           4        :
                             s            —         o           §        ,                   >
                             o            §         oi          5        A                   §
                             is           7            :        m        f
                              so                    oz          &     zs
                                  |                  &          —     iz
                               .         oz         se         es        7
                               %         oz         os         is       .%                   §
                               &         oz         as         17                            $
                             as                     as          7        —
                             is           :         o           §        —                   —
                             Sio          §         o           ,        %                   s
                             ies           :        s            :       z                   5
                             jes                    as           :       z                   f
                             Too                    o2           f     >                     ;
                             Sro          =—/       ol           :
                             5i           :         on           h        5                  :
                             on           r         w            h        3                  4
                             Te           -         o            7        —                  s
                                —         :           Z          ;     mz                   mz

 Rrotremmvensnses                                                             en       nar
 ragarno.:ceteremscion                                                        es tae   e0.20,2018
 Riteerce No: iosmecot

 FGC SAR Test Report

3.39AR System Verification
The system chack verfes hatth system operates within ts specifeatons.!tis performed  obefore every SAR
messurement. The system check uses normal SAR measurements in the fat sectonofthe phantom witha matched
dipole at a specifed dstance. The system verficaton sotupis shoun as below

                                       Fig33 System Vertication Setup

‘The valdation dipol is placed beneaththe fat phantem wih the speciic spacer n place. The distance spacer is
touh the phantom surface wih a light pressureat thereference marking and be oriented paralelto the long side of
the phantom, The spectum analyzer measures the foward poser at the Iecalion of the system check dipole
comnector The signat generator is adiusted fothe desred forward poser (250 mW i used for 700 MiHz t 3 Gite,
 100 mW is used for 3. GHiz to 6 GHz) at e dipole comnector and the pover meter is read at thatlevel. Aler
connecting the cable tthe cipol,the signal generatoris readiusted fr the same reading atpower meter
Aler system check tesing, the SAR resut wil be normalited to 1}W forward input power and compared wththe
reference SAR value derved om valdation dipole cortfcatereport The deviaton of system check should be wihin

 Reronremavemen so0                                                                 raseno        more
 resarne snuerzzccrma                                                               s ban         res m 2000
 Raternce No: mornecne

 FCC SAR Tost Report

3.4SAR Measurement Procedure
Accerdingtothe SAR testtanderd,the recommended procedure for assessing the peak spata:average SAR value
consistsotte foloning steps:
) Power reforence measurement
(¥) Area sean
) Zoom sean
() Power oi measuremont
‘The SAR measurement procedines fr each of st condtions are asfotows:
) Make EUT to ransit masimum output power
(5): Measure conducted output power through RF cable
) Place the EUT in the speciteposton of phantom
(¢) Perforn SAR testng stepson the DASY system
) Record the SAR vave
34. Area & Zoom Sean Procedure
FirstArea Scan is used t acate te approximate locaton(s) f the acal poak SAR value(s). The measurement grs
witin an Area Scan is deined by t grd extent gd siep size and grid offet. Next, n order to deterninethe EM
feld dstbution in a the—dimensional spatal extension, Zoom Scan is requied. The Zcom Scan is performed
araund the highest E—feld valueto dermine the averaged SAR.distbuton over 10 g. According to KDB desee
ot,the resolitonfor/rea and Zoom scan is pecifed in the table below
                                         <12mm            <12mm             < 10rm
                                         <S am             <=S mm           <=4A mm
                                         «S im             <=4 mm           <3 am
                                         >=30 m            >=28 mn          >=25 mm
When zsom scan is requred and report SAR is 1.4 Wkg,the 2oom sean resoluton of Ax/ By (:3GH: <= 8 mm,
3—4GHz: <« 7 mm, 4.6GH: 5 mm) may be applie

342. Volume Scan Procedure
"The volume scani used for assess overlpping SAR distrbutionforantennas transmittng in iferent frequency
bands,Itis equvalent o an oversized zoom sean used in standalone measurements. The measurement voume wil
be used to encloseal the simutancous tansmiting antemnas. For anternas vansmiting simutancouslyin diferent
frequency bands, the volume scan is measured searately in each frequency band. in order to sum corecty to
computethe 19 aggregete SAR., the EUT remain in the sametest pastion foall measurements and ll volume scan
use the same spatil resoluton and gid spacing. When all volume scan were completed, the sotware. SEMCAD
pestpracessor can combine and subsequenty supermose these measurement data to calculating he mutiband SAR

Resenrematveamn s00                                                             raens        reeres
Resorno satmzancizn                                                             nnurs dae.   For 2200
Petwere No: toresc0t

 FCC SAR Test Report
343 Power Drift Monitoring
All SAR testng is under the EUT instal ful charged battery and transmit maximum oulput power. in DASY
measurement software, the poverreference measurementand power dit measurementprocedures are used for
moritointhe power it of EUT during SAR test Both hese procedures measure tfldat a specifed reference
postion before and ate the SAR tesing, The software wil calculate the feld iference in 48. !fthe powerdit more
than 5%, the SAR vil be retested
34.4 Spatlt Peak SAR Evaluation
The procecire for spata! peak SAR evaluation has been implemented according to the test standard. t can be
condicted for 13 and 109. as wellas for user—specifmasses. The DASY sottware includes all numenical procedures
necessary o evaluatethe spatal peok SAR value
Te base fothe evaluation is a ‘cube" measurement.The measured volume mustinclude the 19 and 103 cutes
with the highest averaged SAR values. For that purpose,the center of he measured volume is algned to the
interpolated peak SAR value of a previously perfomed area scan
"The entre evaluation ofthe spatal pek values is peformed within tpostprocessing engine (SEMCAD), The
system alvays gives the maximum values for the 19 and 109 cubes. The algorthm to fndthe cube with highast
averaged SAR is dvided nto thefolowing stages:
(a) Extracton of the measured data(grd and values)from the Zoom Scan
(6). Caleataiono he SAvalseat every measurement poitbased on allstored data(AD values end
     measurement parameters)
(e) Generation ofa Nghresohtion mesh wihin the measured voume
() Inerpoltion of l measured values form the measurementard tthe high—resoluton ard
(). Extraporation af the entre 3—0 fld cistibatontthe phantom surface overthe distance tm sensor to
) Caleutaton f the averaged SAR within masses of 19 and 109
345. SAR Avoraged Methods
in OASY, tinterpolaton and extrapslation are both based on the modifed Quaciate Shepards method. The
interolaton scheme combines a feast—square fited fnction method and a welghted average method which are he
wo basictypes of computationalintorpolaon and approximation
Extrapolation routnes arused to obtain SAR values between he lowest measurement points and heimerphantom
surace. The extrapolaton ditance i determined by the surface detectiondstance and the probe sensor offet. The
uncertainy increases wih the extrapolation distance. To keepthe uncertinty within 1% for the 1 a and 10 g cubes,
the extrapoltion cistance should not be argerthan 5 mm
 Repmtomavener on                                                                   ragews         mam
 nesone omerzmecton                                                                 ismOe          Fip m, 2010
 Rateence No: sorzecor

 FGG SAR Test Report

4. SAR Measurement Evaluation
4.1 EUT Confiquration and Setting
«Considerations Related to UKF RFID for Setup and Testing»
in general various vendor specifc externatst sftware and chipset based internal test modes are yplealy used
for SAR measurement, These chipset based tet mode utlties are goneraly hardware and manufacturer
deperdent,and ofteinclude substantal lexibjiy to reconfigure orreprogram a device. AUNF RFID device must
be confiqired to transmt continuousty at the requred data rate, channelbandwilh and signal modilation, using
the highest ransmission duty factor supported by thetest mod oolsfor GAR measurement. The tostrequencies
estabished using test made must correspond t the actval channel requencies
This device has instaled UHF RFID engineerig testing sftware which can provide contnuous ransmiting RF
sinal. During UHF RFID SAR testng,thidevice was operated t ransni contnuouslyatthe maximum
transmission duty with specifed tansmission mode. operatin requency,loxest data rete and maxinum output
4.2EUT Testing Position

4211 Body Exposure Conditions
The EUT has performed GAR testing on Lt Side, Right Side, and Top Side positons, in tese postions, the
separation istance between EUT and phantom is 0 mm

"The measuring resutlfoUssue simultig Kavid are shoun as below
     3      use                                 ie                              mentessntems
   e      sTs 3   Ti                         dn3                               magle tham on
                                                                                 n     m     m
 mwsn| me sns                        m        1er                               mon 18      25
 Faci fin |~bosy omaze               5e       1os9                              sion—|—an—|—on—|
 m im beat eare                      Aa       tom                               sise  ons   <%
The dielectnc propertiesofthe issue smulatng Ravid must be measured wihin 24 hoursbefore the SAR testing and
within £5%ofthe trget values. Liguldtemperature curingthe SAR testng mustbe within 22 °C

 Resonramatvesen s00                                                               rapono        wome
 Ropeato. sarzencim                                                                ind Om        $.20,2000
 Retmesce No: ourze008

 FCC SAR Test Report
4.4System Validation
The SAR measurement system was valdated accordingto procedures in KDB 865664 DO1. The valdation stats
in tabuited summary is as below
                      zz                                   nsm
                      leeasnront.                      B nee Fom
Ee                  Ecrmnmeza                          Pass Pass Pase

4.5System Vorification
The messuing resut forsystem veifcaton is tabuated as below
                                      z                ema
 mnael        my         m          Ts                   mommers               ts         se         s
Comparing tothe reference SAR value provided ty SPEAG, the vaidation data should be witin ts specifcation of
10%. The resutindicates he system check can meet the varaion citerin and the plats can be refered to Appendx
Aot this report

4.6Maximum Output Power
461. Maximum Target Conducted Power
‘The maximum conduted average power(Unt: Bm ncluding tune—up tolerance is shoun as below.
           wox                      cramen                 Eecuney in                         Fome
                                       i                       sys                             zs
           ato                        zs                       sez                             a
            4                         Eo                       tz                              Eo

482. Measured Conducted Power Result
‘The measuring conducted average posver(Unt: imis shoun as below
           Tom                      ‘orama                 Fegurs m                    Annperone
                                       7                      wave                        pra
           rio                        x                       se                          z7
            $                         ic                      se                          za7e

 Reponramaivenen00                                                                resen         reorss
 menno sererzmccian                                                               ismes Ome     ren .200
 Retweres No: serseoo

 FGC SAR Tost Report

4.7SAR Tosting Results
47.A SAR Test Reduction Considerations
<KDB 447498 D01, General RF Exposure Guidance>
Testing of ther required channels wlhin the operating mode ofa frequency band s not requred when the repoted
SAR forthe mi€—band orhighest outputpower channelis
(1) 208 Whg or2.0 Whka, for 1—g or 10respectvelyuen the transmission band is s 100 MHz
(2) 06 Why or1.5 Wha for 1—g or 10.a respectvel, when the ransmission band i betwsen 100 Mz and 200
(8) 504 Whg or 10 Wikg.for 1—g or 10—g respectivel, when the ransmission band is 2 200 Mz

When SAR is not measured atthe maximum power level alowed for production unts,the measured SAR wil be
scaledtothe maximum tune—uptlerance Iimito determine complance. The scaing factorfo thetune—up power is
defined as maxmum tune—up ini(mW) / measured condlucted power (miW) The reported SAR would be calcuated
8y measured SAR x tune—up power scalng factor
‘Tne SAFR has been measured wih ighest ransmission dulyfectr supported by th testmode tolsfor WLAN andlo:
Bluetootn. When the transmision duty factr could not achieve 100%. the reported SAR wil be scaled to 100%
transmission dutyfactor to determine complance at the maximum tune—up power. The scaing factor forthe duty
factoris detned as 100% ansmission duty cycle (%), The reported SAR would be calculated by measured SAR x
tune—up power sealing factorx uty cycle scalng factor.

 17.2 SAR Resultsfor Body Expasure Condtion (Test Separation Distance is 0 men)

                                            oas                          s
                                                                                    ho    ies ues

                                                       zo       2162         10e    0s    o7

     Sss )—
     RFD] RiguSae
     htP                $
                                                       2eo—|    Bree         190|
                                                                                    n  ts
                                                                                       omse ors
     e  is  t  es
     Se ies to e
               e ns  o
                 ces 1stse
                     oo t n
                          t                                                         in
                                                                                    t  iss
                                                                                       i m  t
     Snss                   i                                                       t t

FReson Fomatvenie 00                                                                Pagens     woze
Repuine omterezecian                                                                s Oue      ret200
Rateerce No: torztcor

 FCC SAR Test Report
47.3   SAR Measurement Variabiity
Accortingto KDB 885964 01, SAR measurement veriabity was ascessed for each frequency band, which is
determined by the SAR probe callyation poin and tissus—equivalent medum used fothe devico measarements:
When both head and body ssue—eauivalent madia are required for SAR measurements in a frequency band. he
varabily measurementprocedures should be applid to the tssue medium wthe hghest measired SAR, using
the highest measured SAR configuraton fothat Hssue—equivalent medum. Aternatively, if the hghest measured
SAF for both haad and bedy tssve—equivalent media are s 1.48 Wikg and the raio oftrese Nghest SAR values ..
largest dided by smalstvalue, is 5 1.10,the highest SAR confiuration forether heaor body issue—eguvalent
medium may be used to erform therepeated measurement, Thase addionalmeasurements are repeated ater h
complston of al measurements requiing the same head or body tissue.equvalent medium in a frequency band
"Thetestdevice should be returned to ambientcondions (normal room temperature) with the battery fuly charged
before t is r—mounted on the device hlderfotherepested measurement) to minmize any unexpected variatons
in the repested resuts
SA repeated measurement procedure
1, When the hghest measured SAR is = 0 20 Wig,repeated measurementis notrequred
2. Wihen the highest measured SAR s >= 0.20 Wrepeat that measurement ance
3. If trato o largest o smaliest SAR forthe oignaland frst repeated measurementsis > 1.20, owhen the
   orignal orrepeated measurement is »= 1.45 Whg,performa second repeated measurement
4. 1traio f largest o amallst SAR for he orginal, fist and second repeated measurements s > 1.20, and the
   arigialfrst or second repeated measurementis »= 1.5 Whg. perfom a thid repeated measuremont
                                               =           aa        =
                                                                    ww          o                     @
               m          a%                  tw
                                              in          wa        wa         wis       haa
                                                                                         on          h
              EleS                            m                     Es                   wl
    o        tise           7                 pem         tss       in         ns         y          x
4.4 Simultaneous MultLband Transmi          n Evaivation
There is no simutaneous ransmision configuraton n this device
Test Engineer: Wily Chang
 Resutramavaner soo                                                               Pasens       on
 Reporto. seremmcrm                                                               limed Ome    rsm on
 Iotueres No: teormicor

FCC SAR Test Report                                                                  w
5. Calibration of Test Equipment
   C                       Manifactirer       Motel         "su _      Emcmn       Sallintonal
 Spriom vaaton pae           srvc             poone         so      n 2o2ore         _i vear
 Gosmeineied Probe           sree             Ecov          see        n 2s tore     Te
 bara Acwuston Evavenes      se                siee         ss      n26 2016          Tew
 Svecum inaizer               mss              ssue        resoos   m23 2ore         1 vear
 E1 seres Newors Araiger     Zgren            ssone     mriseraset un oo aore        tve
 1GAnatong Sgal Generair     rgie             nevaim    msovsies w oszow              Tex
 Vacor SgraGonemir           Anase           mosrien    exorssoon: er 10 2010        1 vew
 PorerMeie                   Jeries          marssn       iereans   aur oo Sote      Tea
 roversenser                 jemso           wame         izorass—|  aucos 2ore       ce
 Tremones                     ve             ve—reon     Toormioot| har 25 2018      TYewr
 PoverAnpiter                  an             serce       ossssss seoto 2ore         Nrew
 Arenmor                      ms            mcon.as         w       Seo to.2ore      Tear
 DrecionaiGouper             Woren        ariongesor010 |_ieame® Sen 10.2018         tvear
 Tremoneter                   vee            yeacon      Tzoroses wus or 2ote        ow
 DiieareAssessnent it        se               oncss         mst     fus ce Pare       Te
 "Tun Sn prorion             srene         ooomrocd         ca           m              un

resunFomevenun sc0                                                     raero       drom
ere No.: snrerzascion                                                  liind tae   res .200
rewarc No: sorarco«

FGC SAR Test Report

6. Measurement Uncertainty

        (svedieusy            Tt
                              C          D99
                                         camee.    over              A
 wemwmenSpion                              y         w        3
 reveGmaie                      so       wes         :        [3                 ta        se        _|=
 htb                            @7      fesugin      a       ws      ie          m         is        |=
 pemerem                        se      mspe     i           s       ws          s         romies
 Sunin ts                        10|    reasate| s           i        i          os        os |+=
 tnm                            a1      moom     |_s         i        1          a7        2 |e
 cexenetcs                      625|    meaaie   [           i        1          on        on |=
 revelinimesnapons               as     resmpm   s           i        :          zo        z0 |+<|
 revuatinne                      os       jeea    :          i        :          m         s |=]|
 recuustee                       so     meaeese  s           i        i          se        sa |&
 ingateToe                       17|    marpie   s           1        i          m         is |s
  sesercasurs—tom                20|    mareee   |a          1        1          w          in |s
 it feiesGoumee—pdesos           20|    m|a                  i        i          w         i |e
 retseame inss iews              or     fewem    |_o         i         i         S         oz |e
 reverevores un nssm             25     mapie    |_o         i        i          i          omrs
 renpsee                         zo     esmm     o           :         :         iz         iz |=
 TostSimptRaties                  .
 TatSgerarone            |zszinss teon               i        i       :           m        is        [3
 esbeariey                 zsare7e ts                i        1        i          is       zs         |7
 Fove oatisse                so    fepi              o        i       i           2        zs        |+
 reuse                       as    nsm               s        m        i          se       se        |=
 Prantom sns Saup                   T
 o koi                       s1    mespar            os       1       1           as       is |+=
 incperon{nnsmnpemey         ssm   meee              o       m       on           it       a|=]
 nittinienay iesd            208    oc                1|     on      on           2s       a |a
 Tnitreminy  Crevaustemm     rer   Reamar            is      om      omm          o        e |=
 Gncireminartimen            se«     jees             i      ons     oz           "[or     ce(
 Carbined Siandat Uicotainy                                                    +mo |     »o7s
 Expande Unceranty then                                                            smox eran
                   Head SAR Uncerialny Buigefor Frequency Range of 300 Ne to 3 Gitz

Tesnromavessr son                                                          Face          mam
resaine.comermecion                                                        iemued tai    £.20,2010
Retuence No: toizecon

FGC SAR Test Report

                                    m                             on
     §        S                      &n                           in      _
MesmummontSpstem         "._                 ons                  m
 raveGatvae                          ase      ES           i       i           i            as        sss   _| e
 hurterey                            i7      fuaweie      |_a     o7          o7            is         is   |e
 rempecrinny                         zs      resepw       is      |or         _|or           2s       2         |+=
 Buai the                            20      mweie        |_a         1        1             12       iz    |=
 To                                  47|     messpier     i           i        i             27       2         |e
 omtating                            a26     maom         o           i        i            air       on        |e
 reveiniansmacons                    as      mrpie        |_          i        i             zo       2o        |=
 mecataoen                           os        feew        :          i        :            es        s         |=
 resesetes                           00|     Reaga        w           i        :             so       se        |=
 mscc ten                             17|    Resear       s           i        :             is        is       |<
 Wimercommetm                        5t      Resac)       o( CC                                       |=]
 it inGodtve— ht                     so      fetsin     [#            1        6             iz       iz        «
 bivereamteowrn aws                  o4      reseaie[                 i        i             m        sz |e
 Paseressarsme Recertrmeim           a7     rearew   |_o              i        i             m        fomies
 respecsney                          i0      mare«   o                :        i             2        2    |+
 Toitinderasiny                    2sa7im toen            1   i                :             2s       ie      [3s|
 cneraemss                         aser27m torw           1014                 i             ze       2s       2
 raveditainmsenen                     s0   Remesir        s   i                i             m        2      |+=|
 ronetarm                             o0   rewai|         s   i                :             se       se      |+
 riistonardsoun _
 rvwn ty (@ape m Ticoes              ss      reaegae      |           1            i         as       s         |=
 rewrem                                                                                                  _
 Inconssn Commmucn                   im      Rees         |[      o           on              iz      mss
 Gnit esctemeen                      2e       fees         i      am          |Con           zs       2  |a
 Tnstrersniy ersease rarand          197|    Feanpw       _|      oz          |_aze          |_os     o |=|
 Gnitrersnay uen                     sor      e=           1      o2          |oze           ar       se |
 Conbived suntan Uicenmiy                     —                                         J rnrs      anox
 icenen                                                                                    uzs ns
                       Head SAR Uncerainy Budgetfor Freuency Range o3 Git o 6 Gite

Teretremavensn soo                                                                     ranme        mom
resorno :onterzzcermn                                                                  lames ome    se s,2018
Petwarce No: iorzecn

FCC SAR Test Report

                                 Ww                              a        a
                                   im                            (a.     im
[moosomnantsystem                           N                 sisl
 reietatoim                        so       fees   1              i   1              so      so       [«
 hn                                47|     Respa  w              ws ws               is      is       |e
 renineciony                        20|    mm     is             wos iss             se      s        |=
 Buair t                            10|    reaar  o               1   i              es      os       |=
 Lree                              47|     mooie|_o               i   i              2z      2        |e
 oessrins                          a28     mm     _i              i   i              o       on       |e
 revelinentncons                   as      fetuaie      |_        i       :          zo      zo    |=
 reveatirmees                      os e                 :         :       :          oa      s        |=
 seoveetes                         20|R|                w         i       i          se      se       |=
 nguntne                            i7     fetonia      is        i       1          n       10       |=
 Cmmz                              30|     Resaie       s         i       [z                  i       |=
 i irte:Gottve—iuion               30|     Revair       w         :       i          oz [     ar      [#
 roteremeinowen tsems              or       marsie      a|_2              1          se      Come
 rotereamenyuenecert m             zs       retraie     o   1             1          iz      i  |s
 mm                                zo       meareie     o   :             i          i2      iz |+
 Tt Saript raied
 TeiGirieratsors                 asarin      es         1         1       :          a        iz      [z
|oneeisetw                       zssr27%     toow       1         1       i          ze       zs       |2
 rowoi lisszent                     so      fewesir     |         1        i         2s       2       |+
 FroSare                            se      resete|     m         i        1         so       se      [
 munvess@mmmem                      ;)      uage         o           :     :         it       it      |=
 lovoresmomsmebmuey                is       meee         o       or      on          iz       m ~|el
 TnitGsenytomeen                   2s        feea         1      on      |on         2s       a   s
 Gnsrerioey Cevner iwn             1e       Resepir      :s      oz      oz          o3       comie
 Gnaremnaytiemenn                  zer       e=           :      oz      oze         o7       se(
 Conined Suntar Wicemminy                                                         anax      amox
 Expanie Uncaratig t                                                              rma%      mo%
                    Boy SAR Uncentainty Budgetfor Frequency Range of 300 to 3 Gite

RenFomavensn se                                                                Fase         >
repoine.smerzcor                                                               limes Oe     s2,2018
notuence No: irzecon

FGC SAR Test Report

                                                             a        5.      ho        m
                                                             im      ww       es Wny
                                                                              lrelp1   bvot
 fenmmsnen                              Et                                      s
 restatam                          ass        Tems          1      1       1        es   ss |«
 natrer                            27|      feswpie       s       o7      or         is  is   |=
 remoreasiony                      se       msga          _       or      or         so  fomie
 Gunithe                           z0|      maser         s        1       i         i2   i2  |=
 leom                              a7       remow         is       1       i         a   Fomies
C                                  ozs      mease         |_       1       i        on   on |=
 mss revose                        as       masie|_@               i       i         zo  Eomies
 resnatirress                      os         e             1      i       i         os  os   [«
 reousstes                         oo       mss           o        i        i        so  «o   |«
 inepstnte                          17|     Retuse        |_os     i       i         10   10|«
 i6tatienCours Nes                 30|      mm|_          s        i        i        iz   u   |e
 i6 intnGoses—Retsive              30|      magie         o        i       0| iz          iz |=]
 raterustoeletwicrtiemnn           oa       metenie       |_\o     1       1| is oz           |e
 FaPouanme Ruceorsmmron            s7       mmow          is       1               Oss   Fomie
 resguae                           40|      maas          s        i                 2   »    |=
 Tesimpt ied                                      f
 TelBretssg                     sesri7s       ts            1      1        1        s7   i   _|2
 oeteiaite rerwen               assrare tere                1      1        i        as   2    |7
 rereiteliemaemet                   so      mss|    _     s        i        1        zo   2s  |=
 rom Sarg                           se      se            _        1        :        se   se   |=
 Franomant saup
 Pn traniny @ope ons                ts       mumue         so       .       §        T    C    L.
incorsonen(Repezeteraes            2s        maee          o      ae      on         >    u    |e
|tnistrsre tewen                   zss        tm             1    ore     |_on zs         2   Je
 Gnsirimin(rrseametnemm)           ror       Rempie        oo     om      omm        es   es   [«
 vnememine,trwen                   se         e              :    on      oz         or   os  |+
 Combinessunsws uresrany                        2                                  ress |eenn
 Espanded Urcamainy td                                                             azon emrk
                     Body SR Uncentainty Budgetfor Freqvency Rangeo3 Gite t 6 Gite

Rerotramavesensoo                                                          ons         nom
Reserno sutermsctn                                                         hsms Oue    rit 222050
Rutmerce o. reerzeo0

 FGC SAR Test Report

7. Information of the Testing Laboratories
\e, Bureau Vertas Consumer Products Services (H.K Ltd., Tacyuan Branch, were founded in 1088 o provide our
best service in EMG, Redio, Telecom and Safety consultaion. Our Iaboratories are accredted and approved
accordngto ison17025

Ifyou have any comments, nease fel free to contact us at the folowing

 Tatwan Hwaa EMCIRETSafetyTelecom Lat:
 Add: No. 18 Hwa Ya 2nd R, Wen Hira VL. Kuel Shan Hsiang, Tacyuan Hsien 389, Tabran, R.0.C
 Tor se 2.318202
 Fax sa0.3.0z7—0002

 Talwan Linko EMCIRE Lab:
 Add: No: 47—2, 14thLing, Chia Pau V inkou Dit. New Tapel Gty 244, Taan, R.C.C
 Fax: sa0—2.2005—1o04
 Talwan HsinChu EMCIRE Lab:
 Add. E2, No.1, LiHsin 1Road. HsinchScience Park, Hlnchu Ciy S0070, Taman, R.O.C
 Tot ase—3.s09.5000
 Fax s00—2.500—5300

 Email senice adt@twbyreawertoscom
 Web Site: wany buresuvertas—adt.com

"The road map ofall ut labs can be found in our web site also


 Fesutremat¥enon soo                                                            reaere        mom
 repento <sererzzscio                                                           imued Oe      h. 28.2018
 Rateres No: sorztcon

 FGC SAR Test Report

Appendix A. SAR Plots of System Verification

"The plots for systemverifesionwlargest devtionfor each SAR system combinationare shoun as folows

 ReunFomavensnson                                                            uns Oue.     res mo0
 Ratuense No: toizecoe

Test Laborton: Burcas Vertis ADT SARMAC Tesing Lab               baeccoio00+
System Check_B900_190214
nu      ipole 900 MHHz; Type: DOOUV2;    SN: 3
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 900 MJ7:Duty Cyele:
Medium: BO7TION2_0214 Mediumparameters used: T= 900 MJlz; o = 1.044 $/m;       54.844; p=
1000 ka‘m}
Ambent Temperature £ 237 °C; Liquid Temper
DASY5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3898; ConF(10.19, 10.19, 10.19); Calibrated: 2018/0626
— Sensor—Surfice; 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Hlectranies: DAK4 $n905; Calibrated: 2018/0626
— Phantom: Twin SAM Phantom_1822; Type: QDOOOP4OCD:
— Measurement SW; DASY52, Version 52.10 (2); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

p 250mW/Area Sean (61x61x1): Interpolated grids      dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Ma mum value of SAR (iterpolated) 3.65 Wke
Pin=250mW/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement wid: d Smm, dy—Smm, de—Smum
Reference Value =57.15 V/m: Power Drif =—0.05
Peak SA(extrapolated) 4.37 Wike
SARQ g)=2.86 We SAR(TO a) 1.84 Whe
Masimum value of SAR (measured) 3.67 Whe






 FCC SAR Test Report
Appendix B. SAR Plots of SAR Measurement

"The SA plotsfor highest measured SAR in each exposure confuraion, wireloss mode and fequency band
combination, and measured SAR > 1.5 Why are shoun as folows

 Rerorramatvem 00                                                             us us        reo m aore
 Ruserne omerzasctmn
 Rateerce No: iorzeo0

TestLabootany: Burews Ves ADT SARMIAC Tosing Lab                  bae antouans
PO1 RFID_Left Side_Omm_Ch1

puT: 19024004
Communication System: RFID; Frequency: 902.75 MJ Iz:Duty Cycle:
Medium: BO7TION2,0214 Medium parameters used: F~ 903 Mitz; a = 1.047 $/m; s,= 54:822; p =
1000 ka‘m‘
Ambicms Temperet    ©237°C ; Lionid Tempereture 1 234 °C
DASYS Configuration:
—Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3898; Conv(10.19, 10.19, 10.19);Calibrated: 201806226
— Sensor—Surfice: 1 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
    estronies: DAE $n905; Calibrated: 2018/06/26
— Phantom: Twin SAMPhantom_1822; Type: QDOOOPIOCD;
— Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

— Aren Sean (101x141x1): Interpolated ori    500 mm, dy       500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (iterpolated) = 1.55 We
— ZoomSean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dyBmm. de=Smm
Reference Value —31.94 V/m; Power Drif = —0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.36 Wike
SARCI g) 0778 Wkgs SAR(IO g) = 0.478 We
Masimum value of SAR (measured) = 1.06 We
—ZoomSean (§x5x7)/Cube 1 Measurement grid; dx=mm, dy—Bnim. de—mm
Reference Value =31,04 V/m; Power L =—0.00 4B
Peak SAR(extrapolated) = 1.51 Wike
SAR(T a) = 0,683 WSARCIO a) = 0.408 Wike
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.10 Wke





Document Created: 2019-03-18 11:11:49
Document Modified: 2019-03-18 11:11:49

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC