

Test Report

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                                      FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report

Test Report no.:                FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11                   Date of Report:       22-Sep-2015
Number of pages:                34                                      Customer’s            Jari Rontu
                                                                        Contact person:

Testing laboratory:             TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory           Customer:             Microsoft
                                P.O.Box(86)                                                   P.O.Box(86)
                                Joensuunkatu 7E                                               Joensuunkatu 7E
                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND                                       FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000                                      Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                Fax. +358 71 80 44122                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122
FCC listing no.:                533467
IC recognition no.:             661V-1

Tested devices/                 Phone RM-1104 / Dummy Battery SD-244R / Headset WH-308

FCC ID:                         PYASTT                                  IC:                   661X-STT

Supplement reports:             -

Testing has been                CFR 47, FCC rules Part 15 Subpart C, ANSI C63.4 (2014), DTS procedures KDB 558074,
carried out in                  IC standards, RSS-210 (Issue 8, December 2010). Deviations, modifications or
accordance with:                clarifications (if any) to above mentioned documents are written in each section under
                                "Test method and limit".

Documentation:                  The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject to
                                written approval of the testing laboratory. The documentation of the testing performed on the
                                tested devices is archived for 15 years at TCC Microsoft.

Test Results:                   The EUT complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters subject to the test.
                                The test results relate only to devices specified in this document

Date and signature                                                             Hannu
for the contents:                                                              Söderholm
                                                                               12:59:48 +03'00'
                                                             Hannu Söderholm, Engineer, EMC

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                            TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                            1 (34)                      P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                               Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                     FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                      Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 80 44122

1.            Summary for FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report
Date of receipt                                    15-Jun-2015
Testing completed                                  20-Aug-2015
The customer's contact person                      Jari Rontu
Test Plan referred to                              T:\Projects\RM-1104\TestPlan\RS_TestPlan_RM-
Notes                                              -
Document name                                      T:\Projects\RM-1104\EMC\FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx

1.1.          EUT and Accessory Information
The EUT is a mobile phone with following features:
The EUT is tested with maximum rated TX power.

Devices under tests
  Product                 Type                       SN                       HW     MV              SW                            DUT
   Phone                 RM-1104           004402742178886ö059X034            2012    -    01062.00000.15233.39000                100007
Dummy Battery            SD-244R                      -                        V.1    -               -                           100021
  Headset                WH-308                    51251B1                      -     -               -                           100029

1.2.          Summary of Test Results
                                           Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                             Name of the test                             Result
                                                or RSS-210
 15.247(b)(1)                             A8.4(4)                   Conducted peak output power                                  PASSED
 15.247(d), 15.205(b)                     A8.5                      Band edge compliance of RF emissions
 15.247(d)                                A8.5                      Spurious RF conducted emissions
 15.247(d), 15.209                        A8.5                      Spurious radiated emissions
 15.207                                   7.2.4                     AC powerline conducted emissions
 15.247(a)(2)                             A8.2(a)                   6dB(bandwidth)
 15.247(e)                                A8.2(b)                   Power spectral density                                       PASSED

PASSED                                The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
FAILED                                The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard.
NP                                    The test was not performed by the TCC Microsoft Laboratory.

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                              TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                              2 (34)                      P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                 Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                       FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                        Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                 Fax. +358 71 80 44122


1. Summary for FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report .............................................. 2
1.1.      EUT and Accessory Information ...........................................................................................................2
1.2.      Summary of Test Results .....................................................................................................................2
2. Conducted peak output power
(FCC §15.247(b)(1), RSS-210 A8.4(4)) .............................................................................. 4
2.1.      Test Setup ............................................................................................................................................4
2.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................4
2.3.      Power results summary ........................................................................................................................5
2.4.      WLAN Test results ................................................................................................................................6
3. Power spectral density
(FCC §15.247(e), RSS-210 A8.2(b))................................................................................. 19
3.1.      Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.      Test method and limit ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.      WLAN Test results ............................................................................................................................. 20
4. Test Equipment ......................................................................................................... 33
4.1.      Conducted measurements ................................................................................................................ 33
4.2.      Radiated measurements ................................................................................................................... 33

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                 TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                        3 (34)                               P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                    Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                          FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                           Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 80 44122

2.            Conducted peak output power
              (FCC §15.247(b)(1), RSS-210 A8.4(4))

 EUT with DUT number                      RM-1104, DUT 100007
 Accessories with DUT numbers             SD-244R, DUT 100021 ; WH-308, DUT 100029
 Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]             Nominal
 Results                                  PASSED
 Remarks                                  -
 Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                          20 / 45 / 101.2
 Air Pressure [kPa]
 Date of measurements                     02-Jul-2015
 Measured by                              Jari Keto

2.1.          Test Setup


                                           Power                 Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

2.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to DTS procedures KDB 558074 and IC standard RSS-210.

Limits for conducted peak output power measurements
           Frequency range [MHz]                        Limit [W]                        Limit [dBm]
                  2400 – 2483.5
                                                             <= 1                             <= 30
                   5725 - 5850

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                           TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                     4 (34)            P.O.Box(86)
                                                                              Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                    FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                     Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                              Fax. +358 71 80 44122

2.3.          Power results summary
 Channel / fC [MHz]                   Mode    Modulation      Data rate       Level [dBm]
         1 / 2412              802.11g MIMO     BPSK           9 Mbps            25.39
         6 / 2437              802.11g MIMO     BPSK           9 Mbps            25.24
        11 / 2462              802.11g MIMO     BPSK           9 Mbps            25.28
         1 / 2412              802.11g MIMO    16QAM           24 Mbps           26.27
         6 / 2437              802.11g MIMO    16QAM           24 Mbps           25.96
        11 / 2462              802.11g MIMO    16QAM           24 Mbps           26.03
        1-5 / 2422             802.11n MIMO     BPSK       13.5 / 15.0 Mbps      24.5
        4-8 / 2437             802.11n MIMO     BPSK       13.5 / 15.0 Mbps      24.11
       7-11 / 2452             802.11n MIMO     BPSK       13.5 / 15.0 Mbps      24.47
        1-5 / 2422             802.11n MIMO     QPSK       40.5 / 45.0 Mbps      23.75
        4-8 / 2437             802.11n MIMO     QPSK       40.5 / 45.0 Mbps      23.38
       7-11 / 2452             802.11n MIMO     QPSK       40.5 / 45.0 Mbps      23.71

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                       5 (34)                     P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

2.4.           WLAN Test results

2.4.1       802.11g MIMO mode, BPSK modulation, 9 Mbps data rate

                                                      Antenna                Antenna
                                                                 Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /              Sum           Main    Aux     Gain                   Gain      Limit
                                                                   Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]              [dBm]         [dBm]   [dBm]    Main                    DG      [dBm]
                                                                 Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                       [dBi]                  [dBi]
    1 / 2412             25.39        22.99   21.66      2           0.3        2         30               30          PASSED
    6 / 2437             25.24        22.88   21.46      2           0.3        2         30               30          PASSED
   11 / 2462             25.28        22.81   21.64      2           0.3        2         30               30          PASSED

Main ( 1 / 2412 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015   12:22:32

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                    TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                         6 (34)                 P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                       Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                             FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                       Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1 / 2412 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   36.9 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

       30    Offset    16.9 dB
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.412 GHz                                 3 MHz/                Span 30 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              20 MHz       Power         21.66 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               12:07:22

Main ( 6 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        12:25:40

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         7 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 6 / 2437 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.1 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.1 dB
       20                                                                                   A
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.437 GHz                                 3 MHz/                Span 30 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              20 MHz       Power         21.46 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               12:10:29

Main ( 11 / 2462 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        12:28:34

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         8 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 11 / 2462 )
                                                              * RBW 1 MHz
                                                              * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref    37.2 dBm                  * Att    30 dB          SWT 2.5 ms

              Offset    17.2 dB
        20                                                                                        A
        10                                                                                        SGL

1 PK
        -10                                                                                       LVL

        -20 SWP        100 of     100



        -50                                                                                       3DB

        Center 2.462 GHz                                  3 MHz/                    Span 30 MHz

         Tx Channel
         Bandwidth                              20 MHz        Power             21.64 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015                12:13:23

2.4.2            802.11g MIMO mode, 16QAM modulation, 24 Mbps data rate

                                                                                 Antenna                            Antenna
                                                                                                        Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /                      Sum                  Main              Aux       Gain                               Gain      Limit
                                                                                                          Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]                      [dBm]                [dBm]             [dBm]      Main                                DG      [dBm]
                                                                                                        Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                                                  [dBi]                              [dBi]
       1 / 2412                   26.27                  23.86          22.55         2                    0.3         2         30               30          PASSED
       6 / 2437                   25.96                  23.5           22.32         2                    0.3         2         30               30          PASSED
   11 / 2462                      26.03                  23.46          22.54         2                    0.3         2         30               30          PASSED

Main ( 1 / 2412 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015         12:38:40

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                           TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                               9 (34)                  P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                              Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                                    FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                                     Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                              Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1 / 2412 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   36.9 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

       30    Offset    16.9 dB
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.412 GHz                                 3 MHz/                Span 30 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              20 MHz       Power         22.55 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               12:23:29

Main ( 6 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        12:41:36

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         10 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 6 / 2437 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.1 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.1 dB
       20                                                                                   A
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.437 GHz                                 3 MHz/                Span 30 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              20 MHz       Power         22.32 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               12:26:25

Main ( 11 / 2462 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        12:44:31

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         11 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 11 / 2462 )
                                                             * RBW 1 MHz
                                                             * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.2 dBm                  * Att    30 dB         SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.2 dB
       20                                                                                        A
       10                                                                                        SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                       LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                       3DB

       Center 2.462 GHz                                  3 MHz/                    Span 30 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              20 MHz        Power             22.54 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               12:29:20

2.4.3           802.11n MIMO mode, BPSK modulation, 13.5 / 15.0 Mbps data rate

                                                                                Antenna                            Antenna
                                                                                                       Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /                     Sum                  Main              Aux       Gain                               Gain      Limit
                                                                                                         Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]                     [dBm]                [dBm]             [dBm]      Main                                DG      [dBm]
                                                                                                       Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                                                 [dBi]                              [dBi]
   1-5 / 2422                    24.5                   22.02          20.87         2                     0.3        2         30               30          PASSED
   4-8 / 2437                    24.11                  21.52          20.64         2                     0.3        2         30               30          PASSED
       7-11 /
                                 24.47                  21.93          20.95         2                     0.3        2         30               30          PASSED

Main ( 1-5 / 2422 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        13:48:29

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                          TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                              12 (34)                 P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                             Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                                   FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                                    Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                             Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1-5 / 2422 )
                                                           * RBW 1 MHz
                                                           * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37 dBm                   * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

       30    Offset    17 dB
       20                                                                                  A
       10                                                                                  SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                 LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of    100



       -50                                                                                 3DB

       Center 2.422 GHz                                6 MHz/                Span 60 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                             40 MHz       Power         20.87 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               13:33:18

Main ( 4-8 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       13:52:02

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                        13 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 4-8 / 2437 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.1 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.1 dB
       20                                                                                   A
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.437 GHz                                 6 MHz/                Span 60 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              40 MHz       Power         20.64 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               13:36:50

Main ( 7-11 / 2452 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        13:55:34

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         14 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 7-11 / 2452 )
                                                             * RBW 1 MHz
                                                             * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.3 dBm                  * Att    30 dB         SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.3 dB
       20                                                                                        A
       10                                                                                        SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                       LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                       3DB

       Center 2.452 GHz                                  6 MHz/                    Span 60 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              40 MHz        Power             20.95 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               13:40:23

2.4.4           802.11n MIMO mode, QPSK modulation, 40.5 / 45.0 Mbps data rate

                                                                                Antenna                            Antenna
                                                                                                       Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /                     Sum                  Main              Aux       Gain                               Gain      Limit
                                                                                                         Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]                     [dBm]                [dBm]             [dBm]      Main                                DG      [dBm]
                                                                                                       Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                                                 [dBi]                              [dBi]
   1-5 / 2422                    23.75                  21.36          20.01         2                     0.3        2         30               30          PASSED
   4-8 / 2437                    23.38                  20.92          19.73         2                     0.3        2         30               30          PASSED
       7-11 /
                                 23.71                  21.28          20.04         2                     0.3        2         30               30          PASSED

Main ( 1-5 / 2422 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        14:39:03

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                          TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                              15 (34)                 P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                             Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                                   FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                                    Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                             Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1-5 / 2422 )
                                                           * RBW 1 MHz
                                                           * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37 dBm                   * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

       30    Offset    17 dB
       20                                                                                  A
       10                                                                                  SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                 LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of    100



       -50                                                                                 3DB

       Center 2.422 GHz                                6 MHz/                Span 60 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                             40 MHz       Power         20.01 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               14:23:50

Main ( 4-8 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       14:42:40

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                        16 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 4-8 / 2437 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.1 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.1 dB
       20                                                                                   A
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.437 GHz                                 6 MHz/                Span 60 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              40 MHz       Power         19.73 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               14:27:28

Main ( 7-11 / 2452 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        14:46:16

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         17 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 7-11 / 2452 )
                                                            * RBW 1 MHz
                                                            * VBW 3 MHz
       Ref   37.3 dBm                  * Att    30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms

             Offset    17.3 dB
       20                                                                                   A
       10                                                                                   SGL

1 PK
       -10                                                                                  LVL

       -20 SWP        100 of     100



       -50                                                                                  3DB

       Center 2.452 GHz                                 6 MHz/                Span 60 MHz

        Tx Channel
        Bandwidth                              40 MHz       Power         20.04 dBm

Date: 2.JUL.2015               14:31:03

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         18 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

3.            Power spectral density
              (FCC §15.247(e), RSS-210 A8.2(b))

 EUT with DUT number                      RM-1104, DUT 100007
 Accessories with DUT numbers             SD-244R, DUT 100021 ; WH-308, DUT 100029
 Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]             Nominal
 Results                                  PASSED
 Remarks                                  -
 Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                          20 / 45 / 101.2
 Air Pressure [kPa]
 Date of measurements                     02-Jul-2015
 Measured by                              Jari Keto

3.1.          Test Setup


                                           Power                 Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

3.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to DTS procedures KDB 558074 and IC standard RSS-210.

Limits for power spectral density measurements
                                                Limit [dBm] @ 3 kHz
                                                        <= 8

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                           TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                     19 (34)           P.O.Box(86)
                                                                              Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                    FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                     Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                              Fax. +358 71 80 44122

3.3.           WLAN Test results

3.3.1       802.11g MIMO mode, BPSK modulation, 9 Mbps data rate

                                                        Antenna                Antenna
                                                                   Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /              Sum           Main     Aux      Gain                   Gain      Limit
                                                                     Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]              [dBm]         [dBm]    [dBm]     Main                    DG      [dBm]
                                                                   Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                         [dBi]                  [dBi]
    1 / 2412            -10.06         -12     -14.48      2            0.3       2          8                8          PASSED
    6 / 2437            -10.82        -13.07   -14.75      2            0.3       2          8                8          PASSED
   11 / 2462            -10.65        -13.03   -14.4       2            0.3       2          8                8          PASSED

Main ( 1 / 2412 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015   12:23:55

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                           20 (34)                P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1 / 2412 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz                -14.48 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 3.4 s              2.416980000 GHz

       20    Offset    16.9 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.412 GHz                           3 MHz/                          Span 30 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           12:09:21

Main ( 6 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       12:26:52

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                           TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                             21 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                              Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                    FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                     Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                              Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 6 / 2437 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz             -14.75 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 3.4 s           2.431420000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.1 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.437 GHz                           3 MHz/                       Span 30 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           12:12:17

Main ( 11 / 2462 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       12:29:46

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                        TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                          22 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                           Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                 FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                  Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                           Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 11 / 2462 )
                                                      * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      * VBW   10 kHz             -14.40 dBm
       Ref     20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 3.4 s           2.459840000 GHz

        20    Offset    17.2 dB

1 PK




              SWP       10 of      10





        Center 2.462 GHz                           3 MHz/                       Span 30 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015            12:15:12

3.3.2           802.11g MIMO mode, 16QAM modulation, 24 Mbps data rate

                                                                              Antenna                           Antenna
                                                                                                    Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /                   Sum              Main              Aux           Gain                              Gain      Limit
                                                                                                      Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]                   [dBm]            [dBm]             [dBm]          Main                               DG      [dBm]
                                                                                                    Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                                               [dBi]                             [dBi]
       1 / 2412                 -7.26            -9.32           -11.5              2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED
       6 / 2437                 -7.79            -9.9           -11.94              2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED
   11 / 2462                    -7.63            -9.92           -11.5              2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED

Main ( 1 / 2412 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015        12:39:53

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                           23 (34)                 P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1 / 2412 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz             -11.50 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 3.4 s           2.418840000 GHz

       20    Offset    16.9 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.412 GHz                           3 MHz/                       Span 30 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           12:25:18

Main ( 6 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       12:42:48

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                        TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                          24 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                           Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                 FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                  Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                           Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 6 / 2437 )
                                                      * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      * VBW   10 kHz             -11.94 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att    30 dB        SWT 3.4 s           2.431600000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.1 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.437 GHz                            3 MHz/                       Span 30 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           12:28:14

Main ( 11 / 2462 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       12:45:44

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                         TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                           25 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                            Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                  FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                   Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                            Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 11 / 2462 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz             -11.50 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 3.4 s           2.464460000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.2 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.462 GHz                           3 MHz/                       Span 30 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           12:31:10

3.3.3          802.11n MIMO mode, BPSK modulation, 13.5 / 15.0 Mbps data rate

                                                                             Antenna                           Antenna
                                                                                                   Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /                  Sum              Main                Aux         Gain                              Gain      Limit
                                                                                                     Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]                  [dBm]            [dBm]               [dBm]        Main                               DG      [dBm]
                                                                                                   Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                                              [dBi]                             [dBi]
   1-5 / 2422               -12.38           -14.43              -16.61            2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED
   4-8 / 2437               -13.43           -16.11              -16.79            2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED
       7-11 /
                               -12.8         -15.28              -16.42            2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED

Main ( 1-5 / 2422 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       13:49:45

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                          26 (34)                 P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1-5 / 2422 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz             -16.61 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 6.8 s           2.429800000 GHz

       20    Offset    17 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.422 GHz                           6 MHz/                       Span 60 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           13:35:45

Main ( 4-8 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       13:53:18

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                        TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                          27 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                           Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                 FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                  Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                           Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 4-8 / 2437 )
                                                         * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                         * VBW   10 kHz             -16.79 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att       30 dB        SWT 6.8 s           2.429200000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.1 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.437 GHz                               6 MHz/                       Span 60 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           13:39:17

Main ( 7-11 / 2452 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       13:56:51

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                            TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                              28 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                               Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                     FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                      Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 7-11 / 2452 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz             -16.42 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 6.8 s           2.464480000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.3 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.452 GHz                           6 MHz/                       Span 60 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           13:42:51

3.3.4          802.11n MIMO mode, QPSK modulation, 40.5 / 45.0 Mbps data rate

                                                                             Antenna                           Antenna
                                                                                                   Antenna                                Limit
  Channel /                  Sum              Main              Aux           Gain                              Gain      Limit
                                                                                                     Gain                               adjusted         Result
  fC [MHz]                  [dBm]            [dBm]             [dBm]          Main                               DG      [dBm]
                                                                                                   Aux [dBi]                             [dBm]
                                                                              [dBi]                             [dBi]
   1-5 / 2422               -12.58           -14.94            -16.34              2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED
   4-8 / 2437               -13.11           -15.68            -16.61              2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED
       7-11 /
                               -12.7         -15.89            -15.54              2                   0.3        2          8                8          PASSED

Main ( 1-5 / 2422 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       14:40:19

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                      TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                          29 (34)                 P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                                         Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                               FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                                Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 1-5 / 2422 )
                                                     * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                     * VBW   10 kHz             -16.34 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 6.8 s           2.429560000 GHz

       20    Offset    17 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of      10





       Center 2.422 GHz                           6 MHz/                       Span 60 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           14:26:18

Main ( 4-8 / 2437 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       14:43:57

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                        TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                          30 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                           Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                 FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                  Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                           Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 4-8 / 2437 )
                                                         * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                         * VBW   10 kHz             -16.61 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm                  * Att   30 dB        SWT 6.8 s           2.423200000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.1 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of          10





       Center 2.437 GHz                               6 MHz/                       Span 60 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           14:29:57

Main ( 7-11 / 2452 )

Date: 2.JUL.2015       14:47:32

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                            TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                              31 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                               Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                     FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                      Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Aux ( 7-11 / 2452 )
                                                    * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                    * VBW   10 kHz             -15.54 dBm
       Ref    20 dBm             * Att   30 dB        SWT 6.8 s           2.464480000 GHz

       20    Offset    17.3 dB

1 PK




             SWP       10 of     10





       Center 2.452 GHz                          6 MHz/                       Span 60 MHz

Date: 2.JUL.2015           14:33:31

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                       TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                                         32 (34)   P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                                          Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                                FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                 Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 80 44122

4.            Test Equipment
4.1.          Conducted measurements
 Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type            Manufacturer              Used in
 6039                      USB Interface                  5541765         Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6044                      V-network                      ESH3-Z6         R&S                       -
 2059                      V-network                      ESH3-Z6         R&S                       -
 1759                      LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5         R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2097                      Pulse Limiter                  ESH3-Z2         R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 1999                      Receiver                       ESIB26          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2180                      Communication Tester           CMU200          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2390                      Directional Coupler            DC2600          AR                        -
 -                         RF immunity / Emission         EMC32           R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2060                      LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5         R&S                       15C, 15B
 1759                      LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5         R&S                       15C, 15B
 2039                      Power Supply                   PL330QMD        Thurlby                   15C, 15B
 6036                      Data Logger                    175-H2          Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2359                      Temperature Test Chamber       VT4002          Vötsch                    22/24/27
 2352                      Spectrum Analyzer              FSP-30          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C
 6109                      Communication Tester           CMU200          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C
 6246                      Power Supply                   66332A          HP                        22/24/27, 15C
 1992                      Signal Generator               83630B          Agilent                   15C, 15B
 6098                      Signal Generator               8648C           Agilent                   -
 6046                      Attenuator 10dB                8493C           Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
 6047                      Attenuator 20dB                8493C           Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
 6045                      Power splitter                 11667B          Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
 6247                      Communication Tester           CBT             R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6052                      Communication Tester           CMU200          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6248                      Power Supply                   6632B           -                         22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6106                      Spectrum Analyzer              FSP-30          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6113                      Signal Generator               SMF100A         R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6202                      Temperature Test Chamber       VT4002          Vötsch                    22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6122                      Power Splitter                 11667B          Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6134                      Attenuator 10dB                BW-S10-2W263+   Mini-Circuits             22/24/27, 15C
 6136                      Attenuator 20dB                BW-S20-2W263+   Mini-Circuits             22/24/27, 15C
 6103                      Bluetooth tester               CBT             R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6250                      Power Supply                   6651A           Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6108                      Communication Tester           CMU200          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6105                      Spectrum Analyzer              FSV-30          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6251                      Temperature Test Chamber       VT4002          Vötsch                    22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6243                      Power Splitter                 1167B           Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6245                      Attenuator 10dB                BW-S10-2W263+   Mini-Circuits             22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6244                      Attenuator 20dB                BW-S20-2W263+   Mini-Circuits             22/24/27, 15C 15B

4.2.          Radiated measurements
 Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type            Manufacturer              Used in
 2388                      Bluetooth Tester               CBT             R&S                       15B
 10479                     Communication Tester           CMW500          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2347                      Communication Tester           CMU200          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2009                      Signal Generator               SMP 22          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2348                      Controller                     G-1000DXC       Yaesu                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2349                      Computer Controller            g-1000DXC       Yaesu                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2116                      Controller                     EMCO 2090       ETS                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2109                      Power Supply                   PL330QMD        Thurlby                   22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2353                      Receiver                       ESIB26          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6115                      Open switch and control unit   OSP 130         R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6116                      Open switch and control unit   OSP 150         R&S                       22/24/27, 15C 15B
FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                              TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                       33 (34)            P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                 Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                       FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                        Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                 Fax. +358 71 80 44122

 Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type                       Manufacturer               Used in
 6117                      Open switch and control unit   OSP 150                    R&S                        22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6131                      Notch Filter                   WRCT902.4-0.4/40-8SS       Wainwright                 22/24/27, 15C 15B
 6130                      Notch Filter                   WRCD1880-1.1.25/50-        Wainwright                 22/24/27
 6159                      Band Reject Filter             WRCD1747.8-0.4/40-         Wainwright                 22/24/27,15C, 15B
 6158                      Band Reject Filter             WRCT836.6-0.4/40-8SS       Wainwright                 22/24/27,15C, 15B
 6197                      Band Reject Filter             WRCJV2531/2539-            Wainwright                 22/24/27,15C, 15B
 2231                      Band Reject Filter             WRCG1947/1953-             Wainwright                 22/24/27,15C, 15B
 2391                      Band Reject Filter             WRCG1729.4/1735.4-         Wainwright                 27
 2386                      Band Reject Filter             WRCG1764.4/1770.4-         Wainwright                 22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2385                      Band Reject Filter             WRCG1744.4/1750.4-         Wainwright                 22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2357                      Band Reject Filter             WRCG2400/2483-             Wainwright                 15C
 2188                      Preamplifier                   AFS4-00100300-20-23P-      Miteq                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6195                      High Pass Filter               -                          Wainwright                 22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2364                      Band Reject Filter             WRCG1877/1883 -            Wainwright                 24
 2361                      Anechoic Chamber               3 m Semi / Full Anechoic   Euroshield                 22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6212                      Antenna Array system           -                          TCC                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 -                         RF immunity / Emission         EMC32                      R&S                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6089                      Antenna                        HFH2-Z2                    R&S                        15C, 15B
 2027                      CDN                            M2 (modified) DC1          MEB                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2028                      CDN                            M3 (modified) DC2          MEB                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2176                      CDN                            CDN 801-M3                 Lüthi                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2135                      CDN                            CDN 801-M3                 Lüthi                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 2029                      Power Supply                   PL330                      Thurlby                    22/24/27, 15C
 6038                      Data Logger                    Testo 580                  Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6037                      Data Logger                    175-H2                     Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 6039                      USB Interface                  5541765                    Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B

                                          END OF REPORT

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                          TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                        34 (34)                       P.O.Box(86)
                                                                                             Joensuunkatu 7E
FCC15CWLAN_RM-1104_11.docx                                                                   FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                    Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                                                                             Fax. +358 71 80 44122

Document Created: 2015-09-22 12:59:49
Document Modified: 2015-09-22 12:59:49

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