

Test Report

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                                     FCC Part 22/24/27 Compliance Test Report

Test Report no.:                FCC_Cellular_RM-                        Date of Report:      31-Oct-2015
Number of pages:                30                                      Customer’s           Jari Rontu
                                                                        Contact person:

Testing laboratory:             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory        Customer:            Microsoft
                                P.O.Box 403                                                  P.O.Box(86)
                                Visiokatu 3                                                  Joensuunkatu 7E
                                FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND                                   FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND
                                Tel. +358 71 800 8000                                        Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                                Fax. +358 71 804 6880                                        Fax. +358 71 80 44122
FCC listing no.:                94436
IC recognition no.:             661AK-1

Tested devices/                 Phone RM-1104 / Battery BV-T5E / AC charger AC-100E / Headset WH-
accessories:                    308

FCC ID:                         PYASTT                                  IC:                  661X-STT

Supplement reports:             -

Testing has been                CFR 47, FCC rules Parts 22/24/27, TIA-603-C-2004 and IC standards, RSS-GEN (Issue 4,
carried out in                  November 2014), RSS-133 (Issue 6, January 2013), RSS-139 (Issue 2, February 2009),
accordance with:                RSS-132 (Issue 3, January 2013), RSS-199 (Issue 2, October 2014), RSS-130 (Issue 1,
                                October 2013). Deviations, modifications or clarifications (if any) to above mentioned
                                documents are written in each section under "Test method and limit".

Documentation:                  The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject to
                                written approval of the testing laboratory. The documentation of the testing performed on the
                                tested devices is archived for 15 years at TCC Microsoft.

Test Results:                   The EUT complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters subject to the test.
                                The test results relate only to devices specified in this document

Date and signature                                                               Digitally signed by Timo Raiskio
for the contents:                                                                DN: cn=Timo Raiskio, o, ou,
                                                                                 email=timo.raiskio@microsoft.com, c=FI
                                                                                 Date: 2015.10.31 15:53:27 +02'00'

                                                            Timo Raiskio, System Manager, EMC

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                            1 (30)                      P.O.Box 403
                                                                                               Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                              FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                      Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 804 6880

1.            Summary for FCC Part 22/24/27 Compliance Test Report
Date of receipt                                01-Jul-2015
Testing completed                              21-Sep-2015
The customer's contact person                  Jari Rontu
Test Plan referred to                          T:\Projects\RM-1104\TestPlan\RS_TestPlan_RM-
Notes                                          LTE conducted output power results can be found in chapter 5.
Document name                                  T:\Projects\RM-1104\EMC\FCC_Cellular_RM-1104_24_ant1.docx

1.1.          EUT and Accessory Information
The EUT is a mobile phone with following features:
The EUT is tested with maximum rated TX power.

Devices under tests
 Product            Type                         SN                     HW    MV              SW                         DUT
  Phone            RM-1104                 004402742178365             2012    -    01065.00000.15264.47000             400026
 Battery           BV-T5E            4181575182S10605121;0670775        V6     -               -                        400028
AC charger         AC-100E           40904951255803017590675758         0.3    -               -                        400013
 Headset           WH-308                         -                      -     -               -                        400014

1.2.          Summary of Test Results
 GSM 850:
                                        Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                      Name of the test                          Result
                                             or RSS-132
 §2.1046(a), 22.913(a)                 4.4                   Conducted RF output power                               NP
 §22.913(a)                            4.4                   Radiated RF output power                                PASSED
 N/A                                   5.4                   Peak to average power ratio                             NP
 §2.1049(h)                            6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                 NP
 §22.917(a)                            4.5                   Band edge compliance                                    NP
 §22.917(a), §2.1051                   4.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                 NP
 §22.917(a), §2.1053                   4.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                             PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                            4.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation              NP
 §2.1055(d)                            4.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                  NP

 GSM 1900:
                                        Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                      Name of the test                          Result
                                             or RSS-133
 §2.1046(a)                            6.4                   Conducted RF output power                               NP
 §24.232(b)                            6.4                   Radiated RF output power                                PASSED
 N/A                                   6.4                   Peak to average power ratio                             NP
 §2.1049(h)                            6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                 NP
 §24.238(a)                            6.5                   Band edge compliance                                    NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1051                   6.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                 NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1053                   6.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                             PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                            6.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation              NP
 §2.1055(d)                            6.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                  NP

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                        TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                       2 (30)                      P.O.Box 403
                                                                                          Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                         FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                 Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                          Fax. +358 71 804 6880

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-133
 §2.1046(a)                          6.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §24.232(b)                          6.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 6.4                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §24.238(a)                          6.5                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1051                 6.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1053                 6.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-139
 §2.1046(a)                          6.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §27.50(d)(2)                        6.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 6.4                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §27.53(g)                           6.5                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §27.53(g), §2.1051                  6.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1053                 6.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-132
 §2.1046(a), 22.913(a)               4.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §22.913(a)                          4.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 5.4                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §22.917(a)                          4.5                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §22.917(a), §2.1051                 4.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §22.917(a), §2.1053                 4.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                          4.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                          4.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-133
 §2.1046(a)                          6.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §24.232(b)                          6.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 6.4                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §24.238(a)                          6.5                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1051                 6.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §24.238(a), §2.1053                 6.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                     TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                    3 (30)                      P.O.Box 403
                                                                                       Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                      FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                       Fax. +358 71 804 6880

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-139
 §2.1046(a)                          6.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §27.50(d)(4)                        6.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 6.4                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §27.53(h)                           6.5                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §27.53(h), §2.1051                  6.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §27.53(h), §2.1053                  6.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                          6.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-132
 §2.1046(a), 22.913(a)               4.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §22.913(a)                          4.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 5.4                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §22.917(a)                          4.5                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §22.917(a), §2.1051                 4.5                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §22.917(a), §2.1053                 4.5                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                          4.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                          4.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                            or RSS-199
 §2.1046(a)                          4.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §27.50(h)(2)                        4.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 N/A                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §27.53(l)                           4.5(b)                Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §2.1051                             4.5(b)                Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §27.53(l), §2.1053                  4.5(b)                Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §27.54                              4.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §27.54                              4.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

                                      Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                 Name of the test                            Result
                                           or RSS-130
 §2.1046(a)                          4.4                   Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §27.50(c)10                         4.4                   Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                 N/A                   Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                          6.6                   99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §27.53(f)                           4.6                   Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §27.53(f)                           4.6                   Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §27.53(f)                           4.6                   Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §27.54                              4.3                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §27.54                              4.3                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                     TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                    4 (30)                      P.O.Box 403
                                                                                       Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                      FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                       Fax. +358 71 804 6880

                                          Section in RSS-GEN
       Section in CFR 47                                                         Name of the test                            Result
                                                or RSS-130
 §2.1046(a)                              4.4                       Conducted RF output power                              NP
 §27.50(c)(10)                           4.4                       Radiated RF output power                               PASSED
 N/A                                     N/A                       Peak to average power ratio                            NP
 §2.1049(h)                              6.6                       99 % occupied bandwidth                                NP
 §27.53(g)                               4.6                       Band edge compliance                                   NP
 §27.53(g), §2.1051                      4.6                       Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                NP
 §27.53(g), §2.1051                      4.6                       Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
 §2.1055(a)                              4.3 (a)                   Frequency stability, temperature variation             NP
 §2.1055(d)                              4.3 (a)                   Frequency stability, voltage variation                 NP

PASSED                               The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
FAILED                               The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard.
NP                                   The test was not performed by the TCC Microsoft Laboratory.

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                             5 (30)                     P.O.Box 403
                                                                                               Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                              FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                      Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 804 6880


1.     Summary for FCC Part 22/24/27 Compliance Test Report ...................................... 2
1.1.      EUT and Accessory Information ...........................................................................................................2
1.2.      Summary of Test Results .....................................................................................................................2
2. Radiated RF output power, Antenna 1
(FCC §22.913(a), §27.50(c)(10), §27.50(c)10, §27.50(h)(2), §27.50(d)(4), §27.50(d)(2),
§24.232(b), RSS-132 4.4, RSS-133 6.4, RSS-139 6.4, RSS-199 4.4, RSS-130 4.4) ......... 8
2.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................8
2.3.      GSM 850 test results ..........................................................................................................................10
2.4.      GSM 850 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results ..............................................................................................10
2.5.      GSM 1900 test results ........................................................................................................................10
2.6.      GSM 1900 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results ............................................................................................10
2.7.      WCDMA2 test results .........................................................................................................................10
2.8.      WCDMA4 test results .........................................................................................................................11
2.9.      WCDMA5 test results .........................................................................................................................11
2.10.         LTE2 test results .............................................................................................................................11
2.11.         LTE4 test results .............................................................................................................................12
2.12.         LTE5 test results .............................................................................................................................12
2.13.         LTE7 test results .............................................................................................................................13
2.14.         LTE12 test results ...........................................................................................................................14
2.15.         LTE17 test results ...........................................................................................................................15
3. Spurious radiated emissions, Antenna 1
(FCC §24.238(a), §24.238(a), §2.1053, §27.53(g), §2.1051, §27.53(f), §27.53(l),
§2.1053, §22.917(a), §2.1053, §27.53(h), §2.1053, §2.1053, RSS-133 6.5, RSS-139 6.5,
RSS-132 4.5, RSS-199 4.5(b), RSS-130 4.6) ................................................................... 16
3.2.      Test method and limit .........................................................................................................................16
3.3.      GSM 850 test results ..........................................................................................................................18
3.4.      GSM 850 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results ..............................................................................................18
3.5.      GSM 1900 test results ........................................................................................................................18
3.6.      GSM 1900 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results ............................................................................................18
3.7.      WCDMA2 test results .........................................................................................................................19
3.8.      WCDMA4 test results .........................................................................................................................19
3.9.      WCDMA5 test results .........................................................................................................................20
3.10.         LTE2 test results .............................................................................................................................20
3.11.         LTE4 test results .............................................................................................................................21
3.12.         LTE5 test results .............................................................................................................................21
3.13.         LTE7 test results .............................................................................................................................22
3.14.         LTE12 test results ...........................................................................................................................22

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                                TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                       6 (30)                              P.O.Box 403
                                                                                                                  Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                                                 FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                         Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                                  Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.15.         LTE17 test results ...........................................................................................................................23
4.     Test Equipment ......................................................................................................... 24
4.1.      Conducted measurements .................................................................................................................24
4.2.      Radiated measurements ....................................................................................................................25
5.     Appendix ................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.      Conducted LTE RF output power values measured by the customer ................................................26

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                                TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                      7 (30)                               P.O.Box 403
                                                                                                                  Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                                                 FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                         Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                                  Fax. +358 71 804 6880

2.            Radiated RF output power, Antenna 1
              (FCC §22.913(a), §27.50(c)(10), §27.50(c)10, §27.50(h)(2), §27.50(d)(4), §27.50(d)(2),
              §24.232(b), RSS-132 4.4, RSS-133 6.4, RSS-139 6.4, RSS-199 4.4, RSS-130 4.4)

 EUT with DUT number                      RM-1104, DUT 400026
 Accessories with DUT numbers             BV-T5E, DUT 400028
 Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]             Nominal
 Results                                  PASSED
 Remarks                                  -
 Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                          20 / 47 / 101.1
 Air Pressure [kPa]
 Date of measurements                     21-Sep-2015
 Measured by                              Timo Raiskio

2.1.1      Test setup


              Tower / table

2.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to TIA-603-C-2004 as follows:

The measurement is performed in the Anechoic Chamber with absorbers on the floor and
measuring antenna at fixed height using 2-axis EUT position system. The turntable is rotated
360 degrees and this is repeated for both horizontal and vertical receive antenna polarizations.

The EUT is placed on a nonconductive plate at 170 cm height.

The substitution method is used. The measurement results are obtained as described below:


Where PSUBST TX is signal generator level. PMEAS is measured power level from the EUT. PSUBST RX is
measured power level in substitute measurement. LSUBST CABLE is the loss of the cable between the signal
generator and the substitution antenna and GSUBST TX ANT is substitution antenna gain.

The RF power levels were measured in conducted manner with all CBWs. The CBW with highest power
was selected for radiated tests.

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                               TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                     8 (30)               P.O.Box 403
                                                                                 Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                        Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                 Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Limits for radiated RF output power measurements
       Frequency range [MHz]             Limit [W]            Limit [dBm]
                 824 - 849                7 ERP                  38.5
               1850 - 1910                2 EiRP                  33
               1710 - 1755                1 EiRP                  30
             2502.5 - 2567.5              2 EiRP                  33
                 699 - 712                2 ERP                   33
                 704 - 716                3 ERP                  34.8

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                               TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                              9 (30)      P.O.Box 403
                                                                 Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                        Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                 Fax. +358 71 804 6880

2.3.          GSM 850 test results

RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]    ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

       128 / 824.2                      27.43      0.554          -4.9        32.33           VERTICAL             PASSED
       190 / 836.6                      28.84      0.766         -2.79        31.63           VERTICAL             PASSED
       251 / 848.8                      27.59      0.574         -3.22        30.81           VERTICAL             PASSED

2.4.          GSM 850 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results

RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

       128 / 824.2                     24.93       0.311        -7.35       32.28          HORIZONTAL              PASSED
       190 / 836.6                     25.55       0.359        -6.08       31.63           VERTICAL               PASSED
       251 / 848.8                     24.28       0.268        -6.53       30.81           VERTICAL               PASSED

2.5.          GSM 1900 test results

RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

      512 / 1850.2                     30.6        1.148        -12.17       42.77         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
       661 / 1880                      30.28       1.066        -12.48       42.76         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      810 / 1909.8                     30.29       1.068        -12.62       42.91         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.6.          GSM 1900 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results

RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

      512 / 1850.2                     27.11       0.514        -15.66       42.77         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
       661 / 1880                      27.29       0.535        -15.47       42.76         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      810 / 1909.8                     27.59       0.574        -15.32       42.91         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.7.          WCDMA2 test results

RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

     9262 / 1852.4                     23.89       0.245         -18.9       42.79         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      9400 / 1880                      22.98       0.199        -19.78       42.76         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     9538 / 1907.6                     21.7        0.148        -21.15       42.85         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                      TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                       10 (30)                   P.O.Box 403
                                                                                        Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                       FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                               Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                        Fax. +358 71 804 6880

2.8.          WCDMA4 test results

RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

     1312 / 1712.4                     23.76       0.238        -18.04       41.8         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     1412 / 1732.4                     23.85       0.242        -18.04       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     1513 / 1752.6                     23.8         0.24        -18.09       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.9.          WCDMA5 test results

RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

       4132 / 826.4                    19.14       0.082       -13.34       32.48          VERTICAL               PASSED
        4175 / 835                     18.94       0.078       -12.99       31.93          VERTICAL               PASSED
       4233 / 846.6                    17.86       0.061       -12.42       30.28         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.10.         LTE2 test results

FDD, CBW 3MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

      0 / 1851.5                       24.05       0.254        -18.72       42.77        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     18900 / 1880                      23.41       0.219        -19.35       42.76        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    18900 / 1908.5                     22.18       0.165         -20.7       42.88        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 1860                       24.29       0.269        -18.51       42.8         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      18900 / 1880                     23.59       0.228        -19.17       42.76        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      18900 / 1900                     22.75       0.188        -20.08       42.83        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 1.4MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

      0 / 1850.7                       23.96       0.249        -18.81       42.77        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     18900 / 1880                      23.36       0.217         -19.4       42.76        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    18900 / 1909.3                     22.9        0.195        -19.99       42.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

         0 / 1860                      24.29       0.269        -18.51       42.8         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
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/ Template Version 15.0                                       11 (30)                  P.O.Box 403
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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                       Fax. +358 71 804 6880

      18900 / 1880                     23.4        0.219        -19.36       42.76        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      18900 / 1900                     22.54        0.18        -20.29       42.83        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.11.         LTE4 test results

FDD, CBW 3MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

      0 / 1711.5                       23.49       0.223         -18.3       41.79        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    20175 / 1732.5                     24.1        0.257        -17.79       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    20175 / 1753.5                     24.57       0.286        -17.31       41.88        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

       0 / 1720                        23.89       0.245          -18        41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    20175 / 1732.5                     24.29       0.268         -17.6       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     20175 / 1745                      24.13       0.259        -17.77       41.9         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

    19975 / 1712.5                     23.59       0.229        -18.21        41.8        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    20175 / 1732.5                     24.14        0.26        -17.75       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    20375 / 1752.5                     24.6        0.288        -17.29       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

       0 / 1720                        23.62        0.23        -18.27       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    20175 / 1732.5                     23.77       0.238        -18.12       41.89        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     20175 / 1745                      24.09       0.257        -17.81        41.9        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.12.         LTE5 test results

FDD, CBW 3MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

       0 / 825.5                       19.6        0.091       -12.76       32.36          VERTICAL               PASSED
     20525 / 836.5                     19.26       0.084       -12.38       31.64          VERTICAL               PASSED
     20525 / 847.5                     18.54       0.072       -11.81       30.35         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

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/ Template Version 15.0                                       12 (30)                  P.O.Box 403
                                                                                       Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                      FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                       Fax. +358 71 804 6880

FDD, CBW 10MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]    ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

         0 / 829                        19.64      0.092        -12.58        32.22           VERTICAL             PASSED
      20525 / 836.5                     19.76      0.095        -11.88        31.64           VERTICAL             PASSED
       20525 / 844                      18.52      0.071        -12.48         31             VERTICAL             PASSED

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

     20425 / 826.5                     19.5        0.089       -12.97       32.47           VERTICAL               PASSED
     20525 / 836.5                     19.01       0.08        -12.63       31.64           VERTICAL               PASSED
     20625 / 846.5                     18.07       0.064       -12.21       30.28          HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 10MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

        0 / 829                        19.82       0.096       -12.41       32.23          HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     20525 / 836.5                     19.83       0.096       -11.81       31.64           VERTICAL               PASSED
      20525 / 844                      18.75       0.075       -12.25        31             VERTICAL               PASSED

2.13.         LTE7 test results

FDD, CBW 15MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

      0 / 2507.5                       25.89       0.388        -20.76       46.65         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     21100 / 2535                       27         0.501        -19.95       46.95         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    21100 / 2562.5                     26.12       0.409        -20.83       46.95         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 15MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, Peak detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

      0 / 2507.5                       28.66       0.734        -17.99       46.65         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     21100 / 2535                      29.9        0.977        -17.05       46.95         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
    21100 / 2562.5                     28.1        0.646        -18.85       46.95         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

        0 / 2510                       26.36       0.432        -20.38       46.74         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2535                     26.72        0.47        -20.23       46.95         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2560                     25.89       0.388        -21.13       47.02         HORIZONTAL              PASSED

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/ Template Version 15.0                                       13 (30)                   P.O.Box 403
                                                                                        Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                       FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                               Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                        Fax. +358 71 804 6880

FDD, CBW 20MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, Peak detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 2510                       28.68       0.738        -18.06       46.74        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2535                     29.75       0.944         -17.2       46.95        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2560                     28.63       0.729        -18.39       47.02        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 10MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 2505                       25.31        0.34        -21.26       46.57        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2535                     26.45       0.442         -20.5       46.95        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2565                     25.22       0.332        -21.66       46.88        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 10MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, Peak detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 2505                       28.79       0.757        -17.78       46.57        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2535                     29.82        0.96        -17.13       46.95        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2565                     28.43       0.696        -18.45       46.88        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 2510                       25.98       0.396        -20.76       46.74        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2535                     26.62        0.46        -20.33       46.95        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2560                     25.65       0.367        -21.37       47.02        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 20MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, Peak detector
 Channel / fC [MHz]                  EIRP [dBm]   EIRP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 2510                       28.18       0.657        -18.56       46.74        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2535                     28.62       0.728        -18.33       46.95        HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      21100 / 2560                     27.53       0.566        -19.49       47.02        HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.14.         LTE12 test results

FDD, CBW 10MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]    ERP [W]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 704                        19.58       0.091       -11.14       30.72          VERTICAL               PASSED
     23095 / 707.5                     20.18       0.104        -9.97       30.15         HORIZONTAL              PASSED
      23095 / 711                      20.08       0.102       -10.55       30.63          VERTICAL               PASSED

FDD, CBW 3MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector

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/ Template Version 15.0                                       14 (30)                  P.O.Box 403
                                                                                       Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                      FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                       Fax. +358 71 804 6880

  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]   ERP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]    ATOT [dB]       Polarisation            Results

        0 / 700.5                      18.67      0.074       -11.79        30.46           VERTICAL             PASSED
      23095 / 707.5                     19.5      0.089       -11.18        30.68           VERTICAL             PASSED
      23095 / 714.5                    19.89      0.098       -10.61        30.5            VERTICAL             PASSED

FDD, CBW 10MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]   ERP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

        0 / 704                        19.37      0.086      -10.56       29.93          HORIZONTAL              PASSED
     23095 / 707.5                     19.59      0.091      -11.09       30.68           VERTICAL               PASSED
      23095 / 711                      20.07      0.102      -10.23        30.3          HORIZONTAL              PASSED

2.15.         LTE17 test results

FDD, CBW 10MHz, QPSK, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]   ERP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

       23780 / 709                     19.86      0.097      -10.37       30.23          HORIZONTAL              PASSED
       23790 / 710                     20.04      0.101      -10.25       30.29          HORIZONTAL              PASSED
       23800 / 711                     20.05      0.101      -10.25        30.3          HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FDD, CBW 10MHz, 16QAM, 1RB mid, RMS detector
  Channel / fC [MHz]                 ERP [dBm]   ERP [W]   PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]        Polarisation            Results

       23780 / 709                     19.49      0.089      -10.74       30.23          HORIZONTAL              PASSED
       23790 / 710                     19.82      0.096      -10.85       30.67           VERTICAL               PASSED
       23800 / 711                     20.51      0.113       -9.79        30.3          HORIZONTAL              PASSED

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                    TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                     15 (30)                   P.O.Box 403
                                                                                      Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                     FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                             Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                      Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.            Spurious radiated emissions, Antenna 1
              (FCC §24.238(a), §24.238(a), §2.1053, §27.53(g), §2.1051, §27.53(f), §27.53(l), §2.1053,
              §22.917(a), §2.1053, §27.53(h), §2.1053, §2.1053, RSS-133 6.5, RSS-139 6.5, RSS-132 4.5,
              RSS-199 4.5(b), RSS-130 4.6)

 EUT with DUT number                    RM-1104, DUT 400026
                                        BV-T5E, DUT 400028 ; AC-100E, DUT 400013 ; WH-308, DUT
 Accessories with DUT numbers
 Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]           Nominal
 Results                                PASSED
 Remarks                                -
 Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                        20 / 48
 Air Pressure [kPa]
 Date of measurements                   12-Jul-2015
 Measured by                            Jari Jantunen

3.1.1      Test setup


              Tower / table
              controller                                                Filter
                                                                        bank         Receiver

3.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to TIA-603-C-2004 as follows:
The measurement is divided into the Preliminary Measurement and the Final Measurement.

The suspected frequencies are searched for in Preliminary Measurement with absorbers on the
floor and measuring antenna at fixed height using 2-axis EUT position system.

The Final Measurement is performed in the Semi-Anechoic Chamber with conducting metal
floor, if the Preliminary Measurement results are closer than 20 dB to the permissible value.

The EUT is placed at nonconductive plate at the turntable center.

For each suspected frequency, the turntable is rotated 360 degrees and antenna is scanned
from 1 to 4 m. This is repeated for both horizontal and vertical receive antenna polarizations.

The emissions less than 20 dB below the permissible value are reported.
The measurement is made up to 10th harmonic of the EUT highest TX channel.

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/ Template Version 15.0                                 16 (30)                  P.O.Box 403
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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                        Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                 Fax. +358 71 804 6880

The substitution method is used.

The measurement results are obtained as described below:


Where PSUBST TX is signal generator level, which produces the same receiver reading PMEAS in dBm as EUT.
GSUBST TX ANT is substitution antenna gain and LSUBST CABLE is the loss of the cable between the signal
generator and the substitution antenna.

Previous evaluations have shown, that the currently selected CBW/RB configurations represent the worst
case for this test. The evaluations are repeated every now and then to ensure, that the selections remain

Limits for spurious radiated emissions measurements
            Operation band            Frequency range [MHz]               Limit [dBm]
                    LTE2                     30 - 19100                       -13
                    LTE4                     30 - 17500                       -13
                    LTE5                      30 - 8500                       -13
                    LTE7                     30 - 25700                       -13
                   LTE12                      30 - 7200                       -13
                   LTE17                      30 - 7200             -13 (RBW = 100 kHz, ERP)
                 GSM 850                      30 - 8500                       -13
                GSM 1900                     30 - 19100                       -13
                WCDMA2                       30 - 19100                       -13
                WCDMA4                       30 - 17500                       -13
                WCDMA5                        30 - 8500                       -13

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/ Template Version 15.0                                   17 (30)            P.O.Box 403
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FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                            FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                    Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                             Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.3.          GSM 850 test results

Channel 190 / 836.6 MHz

Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1673.307                     -51.44    0.00718     -44.74        -6.7       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        1708.457                     -60.19    0.00096     -53.69        -6.5       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         2509.98                     -41.36    0.07311     -41.56        0.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         2509.98                     -44.96    0.03192     -45.26        0.3         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        3352.585                     -60.06    0.00099     -60.76        0.7         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        3354.589                      -59.5    0.00112      -60.1        0.6        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

3.4.          GSM 850 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results

Channel 190 / 836.6 MHz

Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

         1673.22                     -54.95     0.0032     -48.25        -6.7       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         2509.78                     -46.64    0.02168     -46.84        0.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

3.5.          GSM 1900 test results

Channel 661 / 1880.0 MHz

Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

         5640.2                      -52.19    0.00604     -60.39        8.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5664.248                     -52.86    0.00518     -60.96         8.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        7532.705                     -48.17    0.01524     -62.57        14.4        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        8197.956                     -47.07    0.01963     -62.57        15.5       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        9315.912                     -44.35    0.03673     -63.65        19.3        VERTICAL                 PASSED

3.6.          GSM 1900 E-GPRS (MSC9) test results

Channel 661 / 1880.0 MHz

Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        3758.978                     -56.47    0.00225     -60.97         4.5        VERTICAL                 PASSED
         5639.86                     -46.73    0.02123     -54.93         8.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED

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/ Template Version 15.0                                      18 (30)               P.O.Box 403
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FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                  FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.7.          WCDMA2 test results

Channel 9400 / 1880.0 MHz

FDD mode, Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1910.215                     -41.53    0.07031     -38.33        -3.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        1910.889                     -42.17    0.06067     -38.97        -3.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        3758.176                      -52.2    0.00603      -56.7        4.5        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         5634.85                     -51.39    0.00726     -59.29        7.9         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        5641.944                     -50.13    0.00971     -58.33         8.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5644.269                     -50.22    0.00951     -58.02        7.8         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        7518.257                     -48.67    0.01358     -62.67         14        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        9229.238                     -43.83     0.0414     -63.13        19.3        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        9344.309                     -43.36    0.04613     -61.96        18.6        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        9402.585                     -44.84    0.03281     -62.94        18.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       11287.515                     -44.92    0.03221     -63.72        18.8       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       13158.056                     -52.08    0.00619     -63.68        11.6        VERTICAL                 PASSED
       15042.144                     -51.34    0.00735     -65.74        14.4        VERTICAL                 PASSED
       16915.411                     -50.96    0.00802     -67.16        16.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED

3.8.          WCDMA4 test results

Channel 1412 / 1732.4 MHz

FDD mode, Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1713.236                     -39.86    0.10328     -35.26        -4.6       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        1755.261                     -39.75    0.10593     -35.35        -4.4       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2030.381                     -54.68     0.0034     -53.48        -1.2        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        2163.457                     -55.25    0.00299     -54.05        -1.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2721.162                     -52.07    0.00621     -55.27        3.2         VERTICAL                 PASSED
         2804.96                     -50.88    0.00817     -55.28        4.4         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        3462.816                     -53.69    0.00428     -57.39        3.7         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        5193.332                     -52.23    0.00598     -60.03         7.8       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        6926.213                     -47.16    0.01923     -58.36        11.2        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        8661.178                     -46.17    0.02415     -62.77        16.6       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       10393.779                     -45.95    0.02541     -63.95         18        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       12123.133                     -45.71    0.02685     -64.31        18.6        VERTICAL                 PASSED
       13858.058                     -51.56    0.00698     -63.56         12        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       15593.303                      -51.1    0.00776      -66.6        15.5       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       17331.916                     -49.07    0.01239     -67.07         18         VERTICAL                 PASSED

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/ Template Version 15.0                                      19 (30)               P.O.Box 403
                                                                                   Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                  FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.9.          WCDMA5 test results

Channel 4175 / 835.0 MHz

FDD mode, Peak detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

         822.039                     -43.77    0.04198     -76.07         32.3       VERTICAL                 PASSED
         847.921                     -46.74    0.02118     -77.54         30.8       VERTICAL                 PASSED
         848.748                     -46.98    0.02004     -77.78         30.8       VERTICAL                 PASSED
        1007.635                     -63.97     0.0004     -52.87        -11.1      HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        1678.517                     -59.11    0.00123     -52.51         -6.6       VERTICAL                 PASSED
        2501.022                     -54.62    0.00345     -54.62          0         VERTICAL                 PASSED
        2508.317                     -54.89    0.00324     -54.99         0.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2512.715                     -54.63    0.00344     -55.13         0.5       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        3332.886                     -59.22     0.0012     -59.92         0.7        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        4166.082                     -57.31    0.00186     -60.91         3.6       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5018.677                     -54.68     0.0034     -60.58         5.9       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5852.876                     -53.74    0.00423     -59.84         6.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        6689.399                     -50.95    0.00804     -59.05         8.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        7508.768                     -51.28    0.00745     -63.18         11.9      HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        8356.032                     -49.58    0.01102     -63.08        13.5        VERTICAL                 PASSED

3.10.         LTE2 test results

Channel 18900 / 1880.0 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, QPSK, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        3760.381                     -56.92    0.00203     -61.42        4.5        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5640.581                     -48.75    0.01334     -56.95        8.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        7514.649                     -59.55    0.00111     -73.65        14.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED

Channel 18900 / 1880.0 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        3760.301                     -57.88    0.00163     -62.38         4.5       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5640.701                      -59.1    0.00123      -67.3         8.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         7519.78                     -59.98     0.001      -73.98         14        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

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/ Template Version 15.0                                      20 (30)               P.O.Box 403
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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.11.         LTE4 test results

Channel 20175 / 1732.5 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, QPSK, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        3465.421                     -57.66    0.00171     -61.66          4        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5197.881                     -62.58    0.00055     -70.28         7.7       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         6925.01                     -58.69    0.00135     -69.89        11.2        VERTICAL                 PASSED
         8672.42                     -57.21     0.0019     -74.31        17.1        VERTICAL                 PASSED
       10396.062                     -55.92    0.00256     -73.92         18         VERTICAL                 PASSED

Channel 20175 / 1732.5 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        3465.381                     -58.31    0.00148     -62.31         4         HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         5197.72                     -63.01    0.0005      -70.71        7.7        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        6924.729                      -58.5    0.00141      -69.7        11.2        VERTICAL                 PASSED
         8672.46                     -57.21     0.0019     -74.31        17.1        VERTICAL                 PASSED
       10395.902                     -55.91    0.00256     -73.91         18         VERTICAL                 PASSED

3.12.         LTE5 test results

Channel 20525 / 836.5 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, QPSK, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

         858.78                      -61.75    0.00067     -93.05        31.3       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         1663.2                      -78.62     1E-05      -71.72        -6.9       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2509.921                     -72.26     6E-05      -72.46        0.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        3350.228                     -78.45     1E-05      -79.05        0.6        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

Channel 20525 / 836.5 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

         857.597                     -61.89    0.00065     -92.99        31.1       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        1665.004                     -78.31     1E-05      -71.41        -6.9       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         2519.3                      -73.72     4E-05      -74.22        0.5        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        3355.479                     -78.41     1E-05      -79.01        0.6        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

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/ Template Version 15.0                                      21 (30)               P.O.Box 403
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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.13.         LTE7 test results

Channel 21100 / 2535.0 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, QPSK, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        2554.013                     -51.83    0.00656     -53.03        1.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        5070.461                     -58.93    0.00128     -67.43        8.5        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        7598.367                     -59.77    0.00105     -73.97        14.2       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       10139.299                     -56.79    0.00209     -73.29        16.5       HORIZONTAL                PASSED

Channel 21100 / 2535.0 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        2553.973                     -53.32    0.00466     -54.52        1.2        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
         5070.22                     -60.07    0.00098     -68.57        8.5        HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        7612.916                     -59.77    0.00105     -73.67        13.9       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
       10146.794                     -56.89    0.00205     -73.29        16.4       HORIZONTAL                PASSED

3.14.         LTE12 test results

Channel 23095 / 707.5 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, QPSK, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1415.381                     -66.56    0.00022     -57.86        -8.7        VERTICAL                 PASSED
        2123.041                      -48.8    0.01318      -45.4        -3.4       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2839.639                     -71.65     7E-05      -74.25        2.6        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

Channel 23095 / 707.5 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1415.421                     -66.83    0.00021     -58.13        -8.7       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2123.121                     -48.48    0.01419     -45.08        -3.4       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2839.479                     -71.99     6E-05      -74.59        2.6        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.15.         LTE17 test results

Channel 23790 / 710 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, QPSK, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1420.381                     -69.93     0.0001     -61.23        -8.7       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2130.541                     -46.95    0.02018     -43.65        -3.3       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2847.675                     -71.66     7E-05      -74.26        2.6        HORIZONTAL                PASSED

Channel 23790 / 710 MHz

FDD, CBW 5MHz, 16QAM, 1 RB, RMS detector
  Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBm]   P [µW]    PMEAS [dBm]   ATOT [dB]     Polarisation              Results

        1420.421                     -71.13     8E-05      -62.43        -8.7       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2130.541                     -48.01    0.01581     -44.71        -3.3       HORIZONTAL                PASSED
        2845.471                     -71.31     7E-05      -74.31         3          VERTICAL                 PASSED

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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

4.            Test Equipment
4.1.          Conducted measurements
 Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type              Manufacturer              Used in
 TM38112                   Power supply                   6632A             Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C, 15E
 TM38114                   Power supply                   6632A             Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C, 15E
 TM210233                  Communication Tester           CMU200            R&S                       22/24/27
 TM30600                   Impulse limiter                ESH3-Z2           R&S                       15C, 15B
 TM26490                   LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5           R&S                       15C, 15B
 TM26491                   LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5           R&S                       15C, 15B
 TM37610                   Spectrum Analyzer              FSU26             R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15E
 TM23007                   Oscilloscope                   TDS684B           Tektronix                 15E
 TM22806                   Battery                        BAT 20/E          Fiskars                   15C, 15B
 TM22805                   UPS                            PS 20/1.2         Fiskars                   15C, 15B
 -                         Temperature and humidity       175-H2            Testo                     15C, 15B
 -                         Temperature and humidity       175-H2            Testo                     22/24/27, 15C
 -                         Air pressure and temperature   635-2             Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 -                         Air pressure sensor            0638-1835         Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 -                         Temperature test chamber       VT 4002           Vötsch                    22/24/27
 2001                      Bluetooth tester               CBT               R&S                       15C, 15B
 2009                      LISN 50 µH                     ENV216            R&S                       15C, 15B
 2010                      LISN 50 µH                     ENV216            R&S                       15C, 15B
 2012                      Power splitter                 11667B            Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
 2013                      Attenuator                     8493C             Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
 2014                      Attenuator                     8493C             Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
 2019                      Power splitter                 ZN2PD-9G-S+       Mini-Circuits             15E
 2020                      Power splitter                 ZN2PD-9G-S+       Mini-Circuits             15E
 2021                      Communication Tester           CMW500            R&S                       22/24/27
 2022                      Communication Tester           CMU200            R&S                       22/24/27
 2023                      Spectrum Analyzer              ESMI-RF           R&S                       15B/15C
 2024                      Analyzer display unit          ESAI-D            R&S                       15B/15C
 2026                      Signal Generator               SMF 100A          R&S                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                      15E, 15B
 -                         Bluetooth tester               CBT               R&S                       15C, 15B
 -                         Communication Tester           CMU200            R&S                       22/24/27, 15B

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/ Template Version 15.0                                           24 (30)           P.O.Box 403
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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

4.2.          Radiated measurements
 Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type                      Manufacturer              Used in
 -                         Antenna                        BBHA 9120 D               Schwarzbeck               22/24/27, 15C
 TM38845                   Receiver                       ESIB 26                   R&S                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 -                         Antenna                        HL562                     R&S                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 -                         Turntable                      2188                      EMCO                      22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 -                         Turntable controller           2090                      EMCO                      22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 -                         RF system panel                OSP130                    R&S                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 -                         Mini mast                      2075-2                    ETS Lindgren              22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM38843                   Mini mast                      2075                      Emco                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM38842                   Antenna mast controller        2090                      Emco                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM30643                   LISN 50 µH                     LISN-5-20-2               FCC                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM30644                   LISN 50 µH                     LISN-5-20-2               FCC                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 -                         Temperature and humidity       175-H2                    Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 -                         Air pressure and temperature   635-2                     Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 -                         Air pressure sensor            0638-1835                 Testo                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM37523                   Preamplifier                   AMF-4D-10M-3G-25-20P      Miteq                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM37498                   Preamplifier                   AMF-5D-020180-26-10P      Miteq                     22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM30599                   Semi anechoic chamber          UNKNOWN                   TDK                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
 TM22638                   Power supply                   OL63743-901               -                         22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 TM38066                   High pass filter               WHKX3.0/18G-12SS          Wainwright                22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 2028                      High pass filter               WHKX 1.0/15G-12SS         Wainwright                22/24/27, 15C,15E,
 TM37545                   Tunable notch filter           800.0/960.0-0.2/40-8SSK   Wainwright                22
 TM26512                   Tunable notch filter           WRCD1850/1910-0.2/40-     Wainwright                24
 -                         Band reject filter             WRCG1877/1883-            Wainwright                24
 -                         Band reject filter             WRCG1729.4/1735.4-        Wainwright                27
 TM23892                   Controller                     G-1000SDX                 Yaesu                     22/24/27, 15C, 15E
 2001                      Bluetooth tester               CBT                       R&S                       15C, 15B
 2002                      Communication Tester           CMU200                    R&S                       22/24/27, 15B
 6023                      Antenna                        VUBA 9117                 Schwarzbeck               22/24/27
 2021                      Communication Tester           CMW500                    R&S                       22/24/27
 2025                      Antenna                        HFH2-Z2                   R&S                       15C
 2026                      Signal Generator               SMF 100A                  R&S                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15E, 15B
 2052                      Antenna                        BBHA 9120 D               Schwarzbeck               22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15B, 15E
 -                         Antenna                        QSH18S20                  Q-Par                     22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15B, 15E
 -                         Antenna                        QSH20S20                  Q-Par                     22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15B, 15E
 -                         Antenna                        QSH20S20                  Q-Par                     22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                              15B, 15E
 -                         Bluetooth tester               CBT                       R&S                       15C, 15B

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                          TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                           25 (30)                   P.O.Box 403
                                                                                            Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                           FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                   Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                            Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.            Appendix
5.1.          Conducted LTE RF output power values measured by the customer

5.1.1      Tolerance
     Tolerance [dB]

     Low             ‐0.5

     High             0.4

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/ Template Version 15.0                     26 (30)          P.O.Box 403
                                                             Visiokatu 3
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Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                    Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                             Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.1.2       LTE 2
SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch18607 /     Ch18900 /    Ch19193 /  Ch18607 /     Ch18900 /       Ch19193 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1850.7 MHz     1880 MHz    1909.3 MHz 1850.7 MHz     1880 MHz       1909.3 MHz

     LTE2            QPSK                1          2         23.1           22.9        22.9
   1.4 MHz          16QAM                1          2         22.7           22.5        22.2

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch18615 /     Ch18900 /    Ch19185 /  Ch18615 /     Ch18900 /       Ch19185 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1851.5 MHz     1880 MHz    1908.5 MHz 1851.5 MHz     1880 MHz       1908.5 MHz

     LTE2            QPSK                1          7         23.2           23.0        23.0
    3 MHz           16QAM                1          7         22.3           22.1        22.2

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch18625 /     Ch18900 /    Ch19175 /  Ch18625 /     Ch18900 /       Ch19175 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1852.5 MHz     1880 MHz    1907.5 MHz 1852.5 MHz     1880 MHz       1907.5 MHz

     LTE2            QPSK                1          12        23.2           22.8        22.7
    5 MHz           16QAM                1          12        22.7           21.9        21.9

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                Ch18650 /      Ch18900 /   Ch19150 /   Ch18650 /     Ch18900 /       Ch19150 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1855 MHz       1880 MHz    1905 MHz    1855 MHz      1880 MHz        1905 MHz

     LTE2            QPSK                1          24        23.0           22.9        22.8
   10 MHz           16QAM                1          24        22.0           21.9        22.0

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch18675 /     Ch18900 /    Ch19125 /  Ch18675 /     Ch18900 /       Ch19125 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1857.5 MHz     1880 MHz    1902.5 MHz 1857.5 MHz     1880 MHz       1902.5 MHz

     LTE2            QPSK                1          36        23.1           23.1        22.9
   15 MHz           16QAM                1          36        22.6           22.5        22.2

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                Ch18700 /      Ch18900 /   Ch19100 /   Ch18700 /     Ch18900 /       Ch19100 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1860 MHz       1880 MHz    1900 MHz    1860 MHz      1880 MHz        1900 MHz

     LTE2            QPSK                1          49        23.1           23.0        23.1
   20 MHz           16QAM                1          49        22.2           22.3        22.5

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                  TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                 27 (30)                     P.O.Box 403
                                                                                                    Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                                   FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.1.3       LTE 4
SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch19957 /     Ch20175 /  Ch20393 /  Ch19957 /  Ch20175 /            Ch20393 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1710.7 MHz    1732.5 MHz 1754.3 MHz 1710.7 MHz 1732.5 MHz           1754.3 MHz

     LTE4            QPSK                1          2         23.0           23.0       22.9
   1.4 MHz          16QAM                1          2         21.9           22.1       22.0

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch19965 /     Ch20175 /  Ch20385 /  Ch19965 /  Ch20175 /            Ch20385 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1711.5 MHz    1732.5 MHz 1753.5 MHz 1711.5 MHz 1732.5 MHz           1753.5 MHz

     LTE4            QPSK                1          7         23.0           23.1       23.0
    3 MHz           16QAM                1          7         22.2           21.9       21.9

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch19975 /     Ch20175 /  Ch20375 /  Ch19975 /  Ch20175 /            Ch20375 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1712.5 MHz    1732.5 MHz 1752.5 MHz 1712.5 MHz 1732.5 MHz           1752.5 MHz

     LTE4            QPSK                1          12        22.9           22.9       22.8
    5 MHz           16QAM                1          12        22.2           22.5       22.4

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                Ch20000 /      Ch20175 /   Ch20350 /   Ch20000 /     Ch20175 /       Ch20350 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1715 MHz      1732.5 MHz   1750 MHz    1715 MHz     1732.5 MHz       1750 MHz

     LTE4            QPSK                1          24        23.0           22.9       22.8
   10 MHz           16QAM                1          24        22.4           22.3       22.1

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch20025 /     Ch20175 /  Ch20325 /  Ch20025 /  Ch20175 /            Ch20325 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1717.5 MHz    1732.5 MHz 1747.5 MHz 1717.5 MHz 1732.5 MHz           1747.5 MHz

     LTE4            QPSK                1          36        22.7           22.9       22.7
   15 MHz           16QAM                1          36        22.1           22.2       21.7

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                Ch20050 /      Ch20175 /   Ch20300 /   Ch20050 /     Ch20175 /       Ch20300 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            1720 MHz      1732.5 MHz   1745 MHz    1720 MHz     1732.5 MHz       1745 MHz

     LTE4            QPSK                1          49        22.9           22.8       22.8
   20 MHz           16QAM                1          49        21.7           21.8       21.8

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/ Template Version 15.0                                                 28 (30)                     P.O.Box 403
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FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                                   FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.1.4       LTE 5
SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch20407 /     Ch20525 /    Ch20643 /   Ch20407 /    Ch20525 /   Ch20643 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   824.7 MHz     836.5 MHz    848.3 MHz   824.7 MHz    836.5 MHz   848.3 MHz
     LTE5            QPSK                1          2         23.4           23.5        23.5
   1.4 MHz          16QAM                1          2         22.7           22.9        23.0

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch20415 /     Ch20525 /    Ch20635 /   Ch20415 /    Ch20525 /   Ch20635 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   825.5 MHz     836.5 MHz    847.5 MHz   825.5 MHz    836.5 MHz   847.5 MHz
     LTE5            QPSK                1          7         23.4           23.4        23.6
    3 MHz           16QAM                1          7         22.4           22.3        22.7

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch20425 /     Ch20525 /    Ch20625 /   Ch20425 /    Ch20525 /   Ch20625 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   826.5 MHz     836.5 MHz    846.5 MHz   826.5 MHz    836.5 MHz   846.5 MHz
     LTE5            QPSK                1          12        23.1           23.2        23.2
    5 MHz           16QAM                1          12        22.7           22.9        23.1

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch20450 /     Ch20525 /    Ch20600 /   Ch20450 /    Ch20525 /        Ch20600 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   829 MHz       836.5 MHz     844 MHz     829 MHz     836.5 MHz         844 MHz
     LTE5            QPSK                1          24        23.5           23.4        23.4
   10 MHz           16QAM                1          24        22.7           22.6        22.8

5.1.5       LTE 7
SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch20775 /     Ch21100 /    Ch21425 /  Ch20775 /     Ch21100 /       Ch21425 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            2502.5 MHz     2535 MHz    2567.5 MHz 2502.5 MHz     2535 MHz       2567.5 MHz

     LTE7            QPSK                1          12        23.9           24.1        24.2
    5 MHz           16QAM                1          12        23.4           23.3        23.5

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                Ch20800 /      Ch21100 /   Ch21400 /   Ch20800 /     Ch21100 /       Ch21400 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            2505 MHz       2535 MHz    2565 MHz    2505 MHz      2535 MHz        2565 MHz

     LTE7            QPSK                1          24        24.2           24.2        24.1
   10 MHz           16QAM                1          24        23.2           23.7        23.6

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                 Ch20825 /     Ch21100 /    Ch21375 /  Ch20825 /     Ch21100 /       Ch21375 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            2507.5 MHz     2535 MHz    2562.5 MHz 2507.5 MHz     2535 MHz       2562.5 MHz

     LTE7            QPSK                1          36        23.9           24.4        24.0
   15 MHz           16QAM                1          36        23.2           23.5        23.3

SN: 004402742178365                                                       Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB                Ch20850 /      Ch21100 /   Ch21350 /   Ch20850 /     Ch21100 /       Ch21350 /
 Band / BW       Modulation                       Offset
                                     Allocation            2510 MHz       2535 MHz    2560 MHz    2510 MHz      2535 MHz        2560 MHz

     LTE7            QPSK                1          49        24.0           24.0        23.9
   20 MHz           16QAM                1          49        23.4           23.2        23.1

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                  TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                 29 (30)                     P.O.Box 403
                                                                                                    Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                                   FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.1.6       LTE 12
SN: 004402742178365                                                      Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch23017 /    Ch23095 /    Ch23173 /   Ch23017 /    Ch23095 /   Ch23173 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   699.7 MHz    707.5 MHz    715.3 MHz   699.7 MHz    707.5 MHz   715.3 MHz
    LTE12            QPSK                1          2        23.1           23.2       23.2
   1.4 MHz          16QAM                1          2        22.8           22.4       22.1

SN: 004402742178365                                                      Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch23025 /    Ch23095 /    Ch23165 /   Ch23025 /    Ch23095 /   Ch23165 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   700.5 MHz    707.5 MHz    714.5 MHz   700.5 MHz    707.5 MHz   714.5 MHz
    LTE12            QPSK                1          7        23.1           23.3       23.4
    3 MHz           16QAM                1          7        22.2           22.4       22.9

SN: 004402742178365                                                      Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch23035 /    Ch23095 /    Ch23155 /   Ch23035 /    Ch23095 /   Ch23155 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   701.5 MHz    707.5 MHz    713.5 MHz   701.5 MHz    707.5 MHz   713.5 MHz
    LTE12            QPSK                1          12       22.9           23.1       23.2
    5 MHz           16QAM                1          12       22.7           22.7       22.5

SN: 004402742178365                                                      Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch23060 /    Ch23095 /    Ch23130 /   Ch23060 /    Ch23095 /        Ch23130 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   704 MHz      707.5 MHz    711 MHz      704 MHz     707.5 MHz         711 MHz
    LTE12            QPSK                1          24       23.1           23.3       23.4
   10 MHz           16QAM                1          24       22.5           22.6       22.8

5.1.7       LTE 17

SN: 004402742178365                                                      Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch23755 /     Ch23790 /   Ch23825 /   Ch23755 /    Ch23790 /   Ch23825 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   706.5 MHz     710 MHz     713.5 MHz   706.5 MHz     710 MHz    713.5 MHz
    LTE17            QPSK                1          12       22.7           23.1       23.0
    5 MHz           16QAM                1          12       22.2           22.2       22.3

SN: 004402742178365                                                      Nominal                             A-MPR active
                                         RB        RB      Ch23780 /     Ch23790 /   Ch23800 /   Ch23780 /    Ch23790 /        Ch23800 /
 Band / BW       Modulation
                                     Allocation   Offset   709 MHz       710 MHz      711 MHz     709 MHz      710 MHz          711 MHz
    LTE17            QPSK                1          24       23.1           23.2       23.1
   10 MHz           16QAM                1          24       22.2           22.8       22.7

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                 TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                30 (30)                     P.O.Box 403
                                                                                                   Visiokatu 3
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1104_24_ant1.docx                                                                  FIN‐33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Document Created: 2015-10-31 15:53:27
Document Modified: 2015-10-31 15:53:27

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