Test Report BTLE


Test Report

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                                      FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report

 Test Report no.:                 FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                Date of Report:    17-Nov-2015
 Number of pages:                 28                                         Customer’s         Juha Paukku
                                                                             Contact person:

 Testing laboratory:              TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory           Customer:          Microsoft
                                  P.O. Box 403                                                  P.O. Box 403
                                  Visiokatu 3                                                   Visiokatu 4
                                  FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND                                    FIN-33720 TAMPERE, FINLAND
                                  Tel. +358 71 800 8000                                         Tel. +358 (0) 7180 46800
                                  Fax. +358 71 804 6880                                         Fax. +358 (0) 7180 46880
 FCC listing no.:                 94436
 IC recognition no.:              661AK-1

 Tested devices/                  Phone RM-1152 / Charger AC-18E / Battery BV-T3G (LG) / Headset WH-
 accessories:                     108 / Dummy battery SD-134

 FCC ID:                          PYARM-1152                                 IC:

 Supplement reports:              -

 Testing has been                 47 CFR 15C, ANSI C63.10 (2013), RSS-247 (Issue 1) and RSS-Gen (Issue 4). Deviations,
 carried out in                   modifications or clarifications (if any) to above mentioned documents are written in
 accordance with:                 each section under "Test method and limit".

 Documentation:                   The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject to
                                  written approval of the testing laboratory. The documentation of the testing performed on the
                                  tested devices is archived for 15 years at TCC Microsoft.

 Test Results:                    The EUT complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters subject to the test.
                                  The test results relate only to devices specified in this document

 Date and signature
 for the contents:                                                                  Hannu Söderholm
                                                                                    11:46:15 +02'00'
                                                               Hannu Soderholm, Engineer, EMC

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                             1 (28)                      P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                     FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                       Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                Fax. +358 71 804 6880

1.            Summary for FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report
 Date of receipt                                    21-Oct-2015
 Testing completed                                  25-Oct-2015
 The customer's contact person                      Juha Paukku
 Test Plan referred to                              T:\Projects\RM-1152\TestPlan\Test_plan_EMC_FCC_RM-1152.xlsx
 Notes                                              -
 Document name                                      T:\Projects\RM-1152\EMC\FCC final Reports\FCC15C_BTLE_RM-

1.1.          EUT and Accessory Information

     Product               Type                           SN                      HW    MV              SW                           DUT
      Phone              RM-1152                    004402742963899              1540    -    01078.10006.15421.42000               400052
     Charger              AC-18E              4090493521750501701;0675695          -     -               -                          400050
     Battery            BV-T3G (LG)           4955405343010304094;0670783         1.0    -               -                          400051
     Headset              WH-108                           -                      4.0   4.0              -                          42927
     Dummy                SD-134                        2301637                   v.1    -               -                          400053

EUT antenna gain
       Gain [dBi]                                2400-2483.5 MHz
       Antenna 1                                        0
       Antenna 2                                        -

1.2.          Summary of Test Results
 Bluetooth Low Energy:
                                            Section in RSS-GEN
        Section in CFR 47                                                           Name of the test                              Result
                                                  or RSS-247
   15.247(b)(1)                            5.4 (4)                   Conducted peak output power                            PASSED
   15.247(d), 15.205(b)                    5.5                       Band edge compliance of RF emissions                   PASSED
   15.247(d)                               5.5                       Spurious RF conducted emissions                        PASSED
   15.247(d), 15.209                       5.5                       Spurious radiated emissions                            PASSED
   15.207                                  8.8                       AC powerline conducted emissions                       PASSED
   15.247(a)(2)                            5.2 (1)                   6 dB bandwidth                                         PASSED
   15.247(e)                               5.2 (2)                   Power spectral density                                 PASSED

PASSED                                The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
FAILED                                The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard.
NP                                    The test was not performed by the TCC Microsoft Laboratory.

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                            TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                              2 (28)                    P.O. Box 403
                                                                                               Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                    FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                      Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 804 6880


1. Summary for FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report ............................................. 2
1.1.      EUT and Accessory Information ...........................................................................................................2
1.2.      Summary of Test Results .....................................................................................................................2
2. Conducted peak output power ................................................................................. 4
2.1.      Test Setup ............................................................................................................................................4
2.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................4
2.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy Test results .......................................................................................................5
3. Band edge compliance of RF emissions ................................................................. 7
3.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................7
3.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 1 and 2 .........................................................8
3.4.      Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 3 ................................................................ 10
4. Spurious RF conducted emissions ........................................................................ 12
4.1.      Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.      Test method and limit ........................................................................................................................ 12
4.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy Test results .................................................................................................... 13
5. Spurious radiated emissions .................................................................................. 15
5.2.      Test method and limit ........................................................................................................................ 16
5.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 1 and 2 ...................................................... 17
5.4.      Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 3 ................................................................ 18
6. AC powerline conducted emissions ...................................................................... 19
6.1.      Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 19
6.2.      Test method and limit ........................................................................................................................ 19
6.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy Test results .................................................................................................... 20
7. 6 dB bandwidth ........................................................................................................ 21
7.1.      Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2.      Test method and limit ........................................................................................................................ 21
7.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy Test results .................................................................................................... 22
8. Power spectral density ............................................................................................ 24
8.1.      Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 24
8.2.      Test method and limit ........................................................................................................................ 24
8.3.      Bluetooth Low Energy Test results .................................................................................................... 25
9. Test Equipment ........................................................................................................ 27
9.1.      Conducted measurements ................................................................................................................ 27
9.2.      Radiated measurements ................................................................................................................... 28

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                                 TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                        3 (28)                               P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                                    Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                                         FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

2.            Conducted peak output power

   EUT with DUT number                     RM-1152, DUT 400052
   Accessories with DUT numbers            SD-134, DUT 400053

   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]            Nominal
   Results                                 PASSED
   Remarks                                 RF Cond 2
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /            23 / 38 / 101
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                    25-Oct-2015
   Measured by                             Hannu Soderholm

2.1.          Test Setup


                                           Power                Attenuator             EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

2.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-247.

Limits for conducted peak output power measurements
                                                                                                        IC only
     Frequency range [MHz]                Limit [W]                   Limit [dBm]
                                                                                                    Limit [dBm eirp]
            2400 – 2483.5                    1                               30                            36

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                 TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                    4 (28)                   P.O. Box 403
                                                                                    Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                         FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

2.3.           Bluetooth Low Energy Test results

   Channel / fC [MHz]           P [dBm]       P [mW]   Result
            0 / 2402                  -3.11   0.489    PASSED
           20 / 2442                  -1.69   0.678    PASSED
           39 / 2480                  -3.96   0.402    PASSED

Channel 0 / 2402 MHz

Date: 25.OCT.2015   10:06:31

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz

Date: 25.OCT.2015   10:09:50

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                      TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                         5 (28)   P.O. Box 403
                                                                         Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                              FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                         Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz

Date: 25.OCT.2015   10:28:47

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report            TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0               6 (28)   P.O. Box 403
                                               Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                    FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                      Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                               Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.            Band edge compliance of RF emissions
   EUT with DUT number                      RM-1152, DUT 400049
                                            BV-T3G (LG), DUT 400051 ; AC-18E, DUT 400050 ; WH-108, DUT
   Accessories with DUT numbers
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]             115 / 60
   Results                                  PASSED
   Remarks                                  -
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                            21 / 40 / 100.4
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                     09-Nov-2015
   Measured by                              Hannu Söderholm

3.1.1      Test setup


              Tower / table

3.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-247 as follows:

The measurement is made with absorbers on the floor, measuring antenna at fixed height in horizontal and
vertical polarizations, EUT set in three orthogonal positions on the turn table and turn table rotated 0…360

The measurement results are obtained as described below:

E [dBµV/m] = URX + ATOT

Where URX is receiver reading and ATOT is total correction factor including cable loss,
antenna factor and preamplifier gain (ATOT = LCABLES + AF - GPREAMP ).

Limits for band edge compliance of RF emissions measurements (3 m measurement distance)
        Frequency range [MHz]                           Limit
     Below 2390 and above 2483.5       54 dBuV/m (avg) and 74 dBuV/m (pk)
                 2390 - 2400                        -20 dBc (pk)

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                   7 (28)                   P.O. Box 403
                                                                                   Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                        FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                   Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.3.                     Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 1 and 2

Channel 0 / 2402 MHz



            Limit in d BµV/m

                                                                                      FCC B T B E -20 dB c
                               80          FCC B T B E P K                                       2.40000 0000 GHz
                                                                                                   61.441d B µV/m

                               60      2.38780
                                                     BE AV
                                        42.968 dB µV/m
                                                  2.38996 9940 GHz
                               40                   29.469 dB µV/m

                                2385                   2390                2395                       2400                      2405

                                                                     Frequency in MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                               E [dBµV/m]         E [µV/m]              URX [dBµV]             ATOT [dB]              Results

                               2388                      42.97           140.734                  52.68                 -9.71              PASSED
                               2400                      61.44          1180.457                  71.15                 -9.71              PASSED

Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                               E [dBµV/m]         E [µV/m]              URX [dBµV]             ATOT [dB]              Results

                               2390                      29.47           29.747                   39.18                 -9.71              PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                      8 (28)                             P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                                Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                                     FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                       Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                                Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz



            Limit in d BµV/m

                               80                                                                      FCC B T B E P K

                                                                                  2.48356 7134 GHz
                               60                                                  48.476 dB µV/m      FCC B T B E A V
                                                                                  2.48356 7134 GHz
                                                                                   33.275 dB µV/m

                                2460   2465      2470      2475            2480            2485      2490             2495

                                                           Frequency in MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                        E [dBµV/m]      E [µV/m]                 URX [dBµV]           ATOT [dB]            Results

                               2484             48.48             265.338                 57.71               -9.23             PASSED

Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                        E [dBµV/m]      E [µV/m]                 URX [dBµV]           ATOT [dB]            Results

                               2484             33.28             46.105                  42.51               -9.23             PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                  TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                               9 (28)                         P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                     Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                          FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                            Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                     Fax. +358 71 804 6880

3.4.                     Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 3

Channel 0 / 2402 MHz



            Limit in d BµV/m

                                                                                 FCC B T B E -20 dB c
                               80           FCC B T B E P K                                 2.40000 0000 GHz
                                                                                             63.134 d B µV/m

                               60     2.38732FCC
                                                    T BE AV
                                       42.698 dB µV/m
                                2.38628 2565 GHz
                               40 29.847 dB µV/m

                                2385                    2390             2395                    2400                      2405

                                                                   Frequency in MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                                E [dBµV/m]      E [µV/m]           URX [dBµV]             ATOT [dB]              Results

                               2387                        42.7        136.427               52.41                 -9.71              PASSED
                               2400                       63.13       1434.498               72.84                 -9.71              PASSED

Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                                E [dBµV/m]      E [µV/m]           URX [dBµV]             ATOT [dB]              Results

                               2386                       29.85        31.071               39.56                  -9.71              PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                        TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                    10 (28)                         P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                           Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                                FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                  Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                           Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz



            Limit in d BµV/m

                               80                                                                      FCC B T B E P K

                                                                                  2.48356 7134 GHz
                               60                                                  50.431d B µV/m
                                                                                                       FCC B T B E A V
                                                                                  2.48356 7134 GHz
                                                                                   34.260 dB µV/m

                                2460   2465      2470      2475            2480            2485      2490             2495

                                                           Frequency in MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                        E [dBµV/m]      E [µV/m]                 URX [dBµV]           ATOT [dB]            Results

                               2484             50.43             332.315                 59.66               -9.23             PASSED

Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
       Frequency [MHz]                        E [dBµV/m]      E [µV/m]                 URX [dBµV]           ATOT [dB]            Results

                               2484             34.26             51.642                  43.49               -9.23             PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                  TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                              11 (28)                         P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                     Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                          FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                            Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                     Fax. +358 71 804 6880

4.            Spurious RF conducted emissions

   EUT with DUT number                            RM-1152, DUT 400052
   Accessories with DUT numbers                   SD-134, DUT 400053

   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]                   Nominal
   Results                                        PASSED
   Remarks                                        RF Cond 2
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /                   23 / 38 / 101
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                           25-Oct-2015
   Measured by                                    Hannu Soderholm

4.1.          Test Setup


                                                  Power                Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

4.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according ANSI C63.10 and RSS-247.

The reference level for the -20 dBc measurement was obtained as instructed in section 11.11.2 of ANSI
C63.10, using span of 1.5 times the OBW.

Limits for spurious RF conducted emissions measurements
                         Frequency range [MHz]                                      Limit [dBc]
                                      1 – 25000                                          -20

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                 TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                           12 (28)           P.O. Box 403
                                                                                    Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                         FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

4.3.                   Bluetooth Low Energy Test results
Channel 0 / 2402 MHz


                        10       2.402 G Hz
                                 -0.94 dB m

           PK in dBm

                                                                   11.796  13.248
                                                                           G HzG HzG Hz
                       -30                                             -37.67
                                                                  -38.45  -37.90
                                                                           d B md Bdm



                         0.001                  5            10                           15   20                 25

                                                              Frequency in GHz

Peak (RBW: 100 kHz, VBW: 300 kHz)
   Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBc]       Result
        12720.000                      -36.73       PASSED
        13248.000                      -36.96       PASSED
        11796.000                      -37.51       PASSED

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz


                        10       2.442 G Hz
                                 0.50 dB m


           PK in dBm


                                                                           GG Hz
                                                                               Hz G Hz
                       -30                                          -38.66-38.1
                                                                               B dB m



                         0.001                  5            10                           15   20                 25

                                                              Frequency in GHz

Peak (RBW: 100 kHz, VBW: 300 kHz)
   Frequency [MHz]                    P [dBc]       Result
        13500.000                      -38.62       PASSED
        12264.000                      -39.17       PASSED
        12672.000                      -39.24       PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                 TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                       13 (28)               P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                    Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                         FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                           Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                    Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz


                        10      2.480 G Hz
                                -1.82 dB m

           PK in dBm


                                                6.219 G Hz         12.04813.296
                                                                          G Hz G Hz
                       -30                     -38.46 d B m        -38.61-37.69
                                                                          dBm dBm



                        0.001                  5              10                      15   20                 25

                                                               Frequency in GHz

Peak (RBW: 100 kHz, VBW: 300 kHz)
   Frequency [MHz]                   P [dBc]        Result
        13296.000                     -35.87       PASSED
         6218.800                     -36.65       PASSED
        12048.000                     -36.79       PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                     14 (28)             P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                     FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                       Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.            Spurious radiated emissions
   EUT with DUT number                      RM-1152, DUT 400049
                                            BV-T3G (LG), DUT 400051 ; AC-18E, DUT 400050 ; WH-108, DUT
   Accessories with DUT numbers
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]             115 / 60
   Results                                  PASSED
   Remarks                                  -
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                            21 / 40 / 100.4
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                     09-Nov-2015
   Measured by                              Hannu Söderholm

5.1.1      Test setup


              Tower / table

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                           TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                  15 (28)              P.O. Box 403
                                                                              Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                   FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                     Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                              Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-247 as follows:

The measurement is divided into the Preliminary Measurement and the Final Measurement.

The suspected frequencies are searched for in Preliminary Measurement with absorbers on the
floor, measuring antenna at fixed height and EUT set in three orthogonal positions on the turn table.

The Final Measurement is performed in the Semi-Anechoic Chamber with conducting metal
floor, if the Preliminary Measurement results are closer than 20 dB to the permissible value.

For each suspected frequency, the turntable is rotated 360 degrees and antenna is scanned
from 1 to 4 m. This is repeated for both horizontal and vertical receive antenna polarizations.

The emissions less than 20 dB below the permissible value are reported.

The measurement is made up to 10th harmonic of the EUT highest TX channel.
The measurement results are obtained as described below:

E [dBµV/m] = URX + ATOT

Where URX is receiver reading and ATOT is total correction factor including cable loss,
antenna factor and preamplifier gain (ATOT = LCABLES + AF - GPREAMP ).

Limits for spurious radiated emissions measurements (3 m measurement distance)
      Frequency range [MHz]           Limit [µV/m]         Limit [dBµV/m]             Detector

                 30 - 88                  100                    40                 Quasi peak
                88 – 216                  150                   43.5                Quasi peak
                216 – 960                 200                    46                 Quasi peak
               960 – 1000                 500                    54                 Quasi peak
               Above 1000                 500                    54                  Average
               Above 1000                5000                    74                   Peak

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                               16 (28)                   P.O. Box 403
                                                                                Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                     FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                       Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.3.          Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 1 and 2

Channel 0 / 2402 MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4824.7                      40.67   108.019      44.67           -4            74               33.31        PASSED
          7235.1                      46.08   201.372      44.28           1.8           95               49.15        PASSED
Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4824.7                      27.73   24.35        31.73           -4            54               26.25        PASSED
          7235.1                      32.77   43.501       30.97           1.8           ---               ---         PASSED

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz

Quasi peak (RBW: 100 kHz, VBW: 100 kHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          35.752                      15.94    6.266       38.74          -22.8          40               24.06        PASSED
          97.716                      15.09    5.682       44.79          -29.7          44               28.43        PASSED
           98.16                      15.89     6.23       45.59          -29.7          44               27.63        PASSED
Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4878.8                      40.55   106.537      44.55           -4            74               33.43        PASSED
          7320.9                      45.78   194.536      43.78            2            74                28.2        PASSED
Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4878.8                      27.83   24.632       31.83           -4            54               26.15        PASSED
          7320.9                      32.96   44.463       30.96            2            54               21.02        PASSED

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4924.3                      40.28   103.276      44.28           -4            74                33.7        PASSED
          7386.6                      46.09   201.604      43.79           2.3           74               27.89        PASSED
Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4924.3                       28     25.119        32             -4            54               25.98        PASSED
          7386.6                      33.14   45.394       30.84           2.3           54               20.84        PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                      TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                       17 (28)                    P.O. Box 403
                                                                                         Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                              FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 804 6880

5.4.          Bluetooth Low Energy test results, Orthogonal position 3
Channel 0 / 2402 MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4824.5                      40.12   101.391      44.12           -4            74               33.86        PASSED
          7235.5                      46.76   217.771      44.96           1.8           95               48.47        PASSED
Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4824.5                      27.71   24.294       31.71           -4            54               26.27        PASSED
          7235.5                      32.73   43.301       30.93           1.8           ---               ---         PASSED

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz

Quasi peak (RBW: 100 kHz, VBW: 100 kHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

           30.42                       17.6   7.586         38.2          -20.6          40                22.4        PASSED
          35.818                      16.48   6.668        39.28          -22.8          40               23.52        PASSED
         945.935                      32.67   43.003       47.67           -15           46               13.35        PASSED
Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4878.1                      40.95   111.558      44.95           -4            74               33.03        PASSED
          7319.8                      45.62   190.985      43.62            2            74               28.36        PASSED
Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4878.1                      27.73   24.35        31.73           -4            54               26.25        PASSED
          7319.8                      32.95   44.412       30.95            2            54               21.03        PASSED

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz

Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4922.2                      40.69   108.268      44.69           -4            74               33.29        PASSED
          7386.5                      46.49   211.106      44.19           2.3           74               27.49        PASSED
Average (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz)
  Frequency [MHz]              E [dBµV/m]     E [µV/m]   URX [dBµV]     ATOT [dB]   Limit [dBµV/m]       Margin         Results

          4922.2                      28.01   25.148       32.01           -4            54               25.97        PASSED
          7386.5                       33.2   45.709        30.9           2.3           54               20.78        PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                      TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                       18 (28)                    P.O. Box 403
                                                                                         Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                              FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                         Fax. +358 71 804 6880

6.            AC powerline conducted emissions

   EUT with DUT number                          RM-1152, DUT 400049
                                                AC-18E, DUT 400050 ; BV-T3G (LG), DUT 400051 ; WH-108, DUT
   Accessories with DUT numbers
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]                 115 / 60
   Results                                      PASSED
   Remarks                                      -
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
                                                20 / 41 / 101.5
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                         03-Nov-2015
   Measured by                                  Hannu Söderholm

6.1.          Test Setup

           Receiver                   Pulse                            LISN          EUT

6.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-GEN as follows:

The EUT is placed on a wooden table 80 cm above the reference groundplane.

The EUT is connected via LISN to a test power supply.

The measurement results are obtained as described below:

U [dBµV] = URX + ATOT

Where URX is receiver reading and ATOT is total correction factor including cable and pulse limiter

CISPR 22 Class B limits
            Frequency range [MHz]                    Quasi peak limit [dBµV]           Average limit [dBµV]
                      0.15 - 0.5                              66 - 56                            56 - 46
                        0.5 - 5                                   56                                46
                         5 - 30                                   60                                50

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                              TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                      19 (28)             P.O. Box 403
                                                                                 Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                      FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                        Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                 Fax. +358 71 804 6880

6.3.                   Bluetooth Low Energy Test results

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz



                                                                                                    Co nd E N55022B QP

                                                                                                    Co nd E N55022B A V
            Level in dBµV





                              150k   300 400 500     800 1M       2M       3M     4M 5M 6   8 10M            20M     30M

                                                              Frequency in Hz

     Frequency [MHz]                       QuasiPeak [dBμV]            Limit [dBμV]         Margin [dB]             Line          Results

                       0.725                       48.58                         56              7.42                 L1         PASSED
                        6.49                       44.46                         60             15.54                 L1         PASSED
                        6.83                       44.75                         60             15.25                 L1         PASSED
                       6.875                       44.97                         60             15.03                 L1         PASSED

      Frequency [MHz]                       Average [dBμV]           Limit [dBμV]           Margin [dB]            Line           Results

                            0.725                  37.47                    46                  8.53                 L1          PASSED
                              0.8                  39.31                    46                  6.69                 L1          PASSED
                             2.13                  29.25                    46                 16.75                 L1          PASSED
                              2.2                  28.86                    46                 17.14                 L1          PASSED
                            4.645                  30.45                    46                 15.55                 L1          PASSED

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                                  TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                20 (28)                       P.O. Box 403
                                                                                                     Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                          FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                            Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                                     Fax. +358 71 804 6880

7.            6 dB bandwidth

   EUT with DUT number                    RM-1152, DUT 400052
   Accessories with DUT numbers           SD-134, DUT 400053
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]           Nominal
   Results                                PASSED
   Remarks                                RF Cond 2
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /           23 / 38 / 101
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                   25-Oct-2015
   Measured by                            Hannu Soderholm

7.1.          Test Setup


                                          Power            Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

7.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-247.

Limits for 6 dB bandwidth measurements
                                                    Limit [kHz]
                                                      >= 500

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                     TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                               21 (28)           P.O. Box 403
                                                                        Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                             FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                               Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                        Fax. +358 71 804 6880

7.3.           Bluetooth Low Energy Test results

   Channel / fC [MHz]           6 dB bandwidth [kHz]   Result
            0 / 2402                   606.8           PASSED
           20 / 2442                   606.8           PASSED
           39 / 2480                   606.8           PASSED

Channel 0 / 2402 MHz

Date: 25.OCT.2015   10:05:50

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz

Date: 25.OCT.2015   10:09:16

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                   TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                     22 (28)   P.O. Box 403
                                                                      Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                           FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                             Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                      Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz

Date: 25.OCT.2015   10:28:14

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report             TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0               23 (28)   P.O. Box 403
                                                Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                     FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                       Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                Fax. +358 71 804 6880

8.            Power spectral density

   EUT with DUT number                    RM-1152, DUT 400052
   Accessories with DUT numbers           SD-134, DUT 400053
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]           Nominal
   Results                                PASSED
   Remarks                                RF Cond 2
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /           23 / 38 / 101
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                   25-Oct-2015
   Measured by                            Hannu Soderholm

8.1.          Test Setup


                                          Power            Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

8.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-247.

Limits for power spectral density measurements
                                                Limit [dBm] @ 3 kHz
                                                       <= 8

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                     TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                               24 (28)           P.O. Box 403
                                                                        Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                             FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                               Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                        Fax. +358 71 804 6880

8.3.                   Bluetooth Low Energy Test results

Peak (RBW: 3 kHz, VBW: 10 kHz, Max hold)
   Channel / fC [MHz]              P [dBm]     Result
           0 / 2402                -15.42    PASSED
          20 / 2442                -14.07    PASSED
          39 / 2480                -16.27    PASSED

Channel 0 / 2402 MHz



                                                      2.40190 8980 GHz
                        -10                              -15.422 dB m
           PK in dBm




                       2401.54 5             2401.8                  2402             2402.2          2402.45 5

                                                              Frequency in MHz

Channel 20 / 2442 MHz



                                                      2.44190 5339 GHz
                        -10                              -14.069 dB m
           PK in dBm




                       2441.54 5             2441.8                  2442             2442.2          2442.45 5

                                                              Frequency in MHz

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                            TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                     25 (28)            P.O. Box 403
                                                                                               Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                    FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                      Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                               Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Channel 39 / 2480 MHz



                                               2.47990 8980 GHz
                       -10                        -16.269 dB m
           PK in dBm




                       2479.54 5      2479.8                  2480             2480.2          2480.45 5

                                                       Frequency in MHz

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                     TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                              26 (28)            P.O. Box 403
                                                                                        Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                             FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                               Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                        Fax. +358 71 804 6880

9.            Test Equipment
The calibration dates for all test equipment are maintained in the equipment register. The register alerts
the test lab about expired calibrations. Therefore, tests are always done with calibrated equipment. The
dates are provided by request.

9.1.          Conducted measurements
  Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type          Manufacturer               Used in
  TM350089                  Power supply                   6632A         Agilent                    22/24/27, 15C, 15E
  TM350090                  Power supply                   6632A         Agilent                    22/24/27, 15C, 15E
  TM30600                   Impulse limiter                ESH3-Z2       R&S                        15C, 15B
  TM490017                  LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5       R&S                        15C, 15B
  TM490018                  LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5       R&S                        15C, 15B
  TM150128                  Spectrum Analyzer              FSU26         R&S                        22/24/27, 15C, 15E
  TM23007                   Oscilloscope                   TDS684B       Tektronix                  15E
  TM22806                   Battery                        BAT 20/E      Fiskars                    15C, 15B
  TM22805                   UPS                            PS 20/1.2     Fiskars                    15C, 15B
  -                         Temperature and humidity       175-H2        Testo                      15C, 15B
  -                         Temperature and humidity       175-H2        Testo                      22/24/27, 15C
  -                         Air pressure and temperature   635-2         Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  -                         Air pressure sensor            0638-1835     Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  -                         Temperature test chamber       VT 4002       Vötsch                     22/24/27
  2001                      Bluetooth tester               CBT           R&S                        15C, 15B
  2009                      LISN 50 µH                     ENV216        R&S                        15C, 15B
  2010                      LISN 50 µH                     ENV216        R&S                        15C, 15B
  2012                      Power splitter                 11667B        Agilent                    22/24/27, 15C
  2013                      Attenuator                     8493C         Agilent                    22/24/27, 15C
  2014                      Attenuator                     8493C         Agilent                    22/24/27, 15C
  2019                      Power splitter                 ZN2PD-9G-S+   Mini-Circuits              15E
  2020                      Power splitter                 ZN2PD-9G-S+   Mini-Circuits              15E
  TM210166                  Communication Tester           CMW500        R&S                        22/24/27
  TM210205                  Communication Tester           CMU200        R&S                        22/24/27
  2023                      Spectrum Analyzer              ESMI-RF       R&S                        15B/15C
  2024                      Analyzer display unit          ESAI-D        R&S                        15B/15C
  TM110070                  Signal Generator               SMF 100A      R&S                        22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                    15E, 15B
  TM220065                  Bluetooth tester               CBT           R&S                        15C, 15B
  TM210330                  Communication Tester           CMU200        R&S                        22/24/27, 15B
  TM150131                  Spectrum Analyzer              FSP30         R&S                        22/24/27, 15C, 15E
  TM210049                  Communication Tester           CMU200        R&S                        22/24/27

FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                              TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                        27 (28)           P.O. Box 403
                                                                                 Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                      FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                        Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                 Fax. +358 71 804 6880

9.2.          Radiated measurements
  Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type                      Manufacturer               Used in
  -                         Antenna                        BBHA 9120 D               Schwarzbeck                22/24/27, 15C
  TM38845                   Receiver                       ESIB 26                   R&S                        22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  -                         Antenna                        HL562                     R&S                        22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  -                         Turntable                      2188                      EMCO                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  -                         Turntable controller           2090                      EMCO                       22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  -                         RF system panel                OSP130                    R&S                        22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  -                         Mini mast                      2075-2                    ETS Lindgren               22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM38843                   Mini mast                      2075                      Emco                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM38842                   Antenna mast controller        2090                      Emco                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM30643                   LISN 50 µH                     LISN-5-20-2               FCC                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM30644                   LISN 50 µH                     LISN-5-20-2               FCC                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  -                         Temperature and humidity       175-H2                    Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  -                         Air pressure and temperature   635-2                     Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  -                         Air pressure sensor            0638-1835                 Testo                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM37523                   Preamplifier                   AMF-4D-10M-3G-25-20P      Miteq                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM37498                   Preamplifier                   AMF-5D-020180-26-10P      Miteq                      22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM30599                   Semi anechoic chamber          UNKNOWN                   TDK                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  TM22638                   Power supply                   OL63743-901               -                          22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  TM38066                   High pass filter               WHKX3.0/18G-12SS          Wainwright                 22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  2028                      High pass filter               WHKX 1.0/15G-12SS         Wainwright                 22/24/27, 15C,15E,
  TM37545                   Tunable notch filter           800.0/960.0-0.2/40-8SSK   Wainwright                 22
  TM26512                   Tunable notch filter           WRCD1850/1910-0.2/40-     Wainwright                 24
  -                         Band reject filter             WRCG1877/1883-            Wainwright                 24
  -                         Band reject filter             WRCG1729.4/1735.4-        Wainwright                 27
  TM23892                   Controller                     G-1000SDX                 Yaesu                      22/24/27, 15C, 15E
  2001                      Bluetooth tester               CBT                       R&S                        15C, 15B
  TM210203                  Communication Tester           CMU200                    R&S                        22/24/27, 15B
  6023                      Antenna                        VUBA 9117                 Schwarzbeck                22/24/27
  TM210166                  Communication Tester           CMW500                    R&S                        22/24/27
  2025                      Antenna                        HFH2-Z2                   R&S                        15C
  TM110070                  Signal Generator               SMF 100A                  R&S                        22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15E, 15B
  2052                      Antenna                        BBHA 9120 D               Schwarzbeck                22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15B, 15E
  -                         Antenna                        QSH18S20                  Q-Par                      22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15B, 15E
  -                         Antenna                        QSH20S20                  Q-Par                      22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15B, 15E
  -                         Antenna                        QSH20S20                  Q-Par                      22/24/27, 15C,
                                                                                                                15B, 15E
  TM220065                  Bluetooth tester               CBT                       R&S                        15C, 15B

                                            END OF REPORT
FCC Part 15C Compliance Test Report                                                          TCC Microsoft Tampere Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                           28 (28)                    P.O. Box 403
                                                                                             Visiokatu 3
FCC15C_BTLE_RM-1152_03.docx                                                                  FIN-33101 TAMPERE, FINLAND
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                    Tel. +358 71 800 8000
                                                                                             Fax. +358 71 804 6880

Document Created: 2015-11-17 11:46:15
Document Modified: 2015-11-17 11:46:15

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