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SAR Report                                                                  Type: RM-1135
Appendix D for FCC_RM-1135_04
Applicant: Microsoft                                        Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                           Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                                    Service suisse d‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                                    Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                        Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                            Accreditation No.: SCS 108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreementfor the recognition of calibration certificates

Client     _: TCCMicrosoftB                                                       i           ‘CertificateNo:EX3—3839_Sep14 _                     _


 Calibration procedure(s)
                                      Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

 Calibration date:                    Septembe}‘ 15,201 4. :—

 This calibration certificate documentsthe traceability to national standards, which realizethe physical units of measurements (S1).
 The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate.

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature (22 + 3)°C and humnidity < 70%.

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

 Primary Standards                   ID                                 Cal Date (Certificate No.)                      Scheduled Calibration
 Power meter E4419B                  GB41203874                         03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01911)                       Apr—15
 Power sensor E4412A                 MY41498087                         03—Apr—14 (No.217—01911)                        Apr—15
 Reference 3 dB Aftenuator           SN: $5054 (3c)                     03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01915)                       Apr—15
 Reference 20 dB Aftenuator          SN: S5277 (20%)                    03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01919)                       Apr—15
 Reference 30 dB Aftenuator          SN: $5129 (30b)                    03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01920)                       Apr—15
 Reference Probe ES3DV2              SN: 3013                           30—Dec—13 (No. ES3—8013_Dec13)                  Dec—14
 DAE4                                SN: 660                            13—Dec—13 (No. DAE4—660_Dec13)                  Dec—14

 Secondary Standards                 1D                                 Check Date (in house)                           Scheduled Check
 RF generator HP 8648C               US3642U01700                       4—Aug—99 (in house check Apr—13)                In house check: Apr—16
 Network Analyzer HP 8753E           US37300585                         18—Oct—01 (in house check Oct—13)               In house check: Oct—14

                                        Name                                 _Eunction                      _             Signature _
 Calibrated by:                         Israe EI—Néduq                         LabomtoryTécr:finrii:'ia‘nm       ~   0                   2 7            CC

 Approved by:                          K i Pokovie       _              O _ Technical Mané'gef                       /g/                  g

                                                                                                                          Issued: September 15, 2014
 This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sep14                                        Page 1 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3839                                                                                                          September 15, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3839
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                Sensor X                         Sensor Y                    Sensor Z             Une (k=2)
 Norm (uV/(V/im))*                                 0.48                            0.44                        0.44               £10.1%
 DCP (mv)"                                         98.7                            98.6                        100.0

Modulation Calibration Parameters
 uiD           Communication System Name                                   A           B             C          D          VR         Unc®
                                                                           dB        dByuV                     dB          mV         (k=2)
 0             Cw                                                 x        0.0            0.0       1.0        0.00       1364        #3.0%
                                                                  Y        0.0            0.0       1.0                   129.1
                                                                  Z        0.0            0.0       1.0                   146.1

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

* The uncertainties of NormX,Y,Z do not affect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6).
  Numerical linearization parameter: uncertainty not required.
© Uncertainty is determined using the max. deviation from linear response applying rectangular distribution and is expressed for the square of the
field value.

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sepi14                                    Page 4 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3839                                                                                                          September 15, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3839

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                       Relative          Conductivity                                                                 Depth °         Unct.
     f(MHz)*         Permittivity®          (S/m)"              ConvFX      ConvFY        ConvFZ         Aipha®        |__(mm)        (k=2)

        835               41.5                0.90               8.88         8.88           8.88         0.39         0.92         #12.0 %
        1750              40.1                 1.37              7.62         7.62           7.62         0.76         0.56         +12.0 %
        1900              40.0                 140               7.39         7.39           7.39         0.67         0.62         £12.0 %
       5200               36.0                4.66               5.06         5.06           5.06         0.35          1.80        £13.1 %
       5300               35.9                4.76               4.82         4.82           4.82         0.35          1.80        £13.1 %
       5500               35.6                4.96               4.58         4.58           4.58         0.35          1.80        *13.1 %
       5600               35.5                5.07               4.47         4.A7           4.A7         0.35          1.80        *13.1%
       5800               35.3                5.27               4.52         4.52           4.52         0.40          1.80        *13.1%

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and 0) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and 0) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
© Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distancelargerthan half the probe tip
diameterfrom the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sep14                                     Page 5 of 11

EX3DV4~ SN:3839                                                                                                         September 15, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3839

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                        Relative         Conductivity                                                                Depth ©          Unet.
     f(MHz)©         |_Permittivity"        (S/m)"           ConvFX        ConvFY¥        |_ConvEZ      Alpha®        _({mm)          (k=2)

        835               55.2                0.97             8.84           8.84          8.84          0.34         0.96        *12.0 %
       1750               53.4                149              7.44           7.44          744           0.50         0.75        £12.0 %
       1900               53.3                1.52             7.03           7.03          7.03          0.24         1.07        £*12.0 %
       5200               49.0                5.30             4.28           4.28          4.28          0.40         1.90         £13.1 %
       5300               48.9                5.42             4.09           4.09          4.09          0.40         1.90         £13.1 %
       5500               48.6                5.65             3.90           3.90          3.90          0.45         1.90         £13.1 %
       5600               48.5                5.77             3.76           3.76          3.76          0.45         1.90         #13.1%
       5800               48.2                6.00             4.09           4.09          4.09          0.50         1.90         *13.1 %

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to * 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters(s and 0) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and a) is restricted to x 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
© Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance largerthan half the probe tip
diamater from the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sep14                                     Page 6 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3839                                                                                          September 15, 2014

                                             Frequency Response of E—Field
          Frequency response (normalized)        {TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)


                                            Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sep14                                     Page 7 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3839                                                                                                                                          September 15, 2014

                                                 Conversion Factor Assessment
                      f= 835 MHz,WGLS RQ (H_convF)                                                       f= 1900 MHz,WGLS R22 (H_convF)
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                                               Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                                       Error (¢, 8), f= 900 MHz

                                          —1.0      —0.8     —0.6      —0.4       —0.2    00      02             04        0.6       08         1.0
                                               Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sep14                                                      Page 10 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3839                                              September 15, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3839

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arrangement                                                Triangular
 Connector Angle (°)                                                      2.6
 Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                    enabled
 Optical Surface Detection Mode                                      disabled
 Probe Overall Length                                                 337 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                                   10 mm
 Tip Length                                                             9 mm
 Tip Diameter                                                         2.5 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                        1.4 mm

Certificate No: EX3—3839_Sep14               Page 11 of 11

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                         Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                                  Service suisse détalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                                  Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                      Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                            Accreditation No.: SCS 108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one ofthe signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

Client      TGCMicrosoft Beijing                                                               Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14

Object                                EX3DV4 — SN:3574

Calibration procedure(s)              QA CAL—01.v9, OA CAL—23.v5, QA CAL—25.v6
                                      Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

Calibration date:                     September 24, 2014

This calibration certificate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1).
The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate.

All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature (22 * 3)°C and humidity < 70%.

Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

 Primary Standards                   ID                                Cal Date (Certificate No.)                     Scheduled Calibration
 Power meter E44198                  GB41293874                        03—Apr—14 (No, 217—01911)                      Apr—15
 Power sensor E4412A                 MY41498087                        03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01911)                      Apr—15
 Reference 3 dB Attenuator           SN: $5054 (3c)                    03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01915)                      Apr—15
 Reference 20 dB Attenuator          SN: S5277 (20%)                   03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01919)                      Apr—15
 Reference 30 dB Attenuator          SN: $5129 (30b)                    03—Apr—14 (No. 217—01920)                     Apr—15
 Reference Probe ESSDV2              SN: 3013                           30—Dec—13 (No. ES3—3013_Dac13)                Dec—14
 DAE4                                SN: 660                            13—Dec—13 (No. DAE4—660_Dect3)                Dec—14

 Secondary Standards                 ID                                 Check Date (in house)                         Scheduled Check
 RF generator HP 8648C               US3642U01700                       4—Aug—99 (in house check Apr—13)              In house check: Apr—16
 Network Analyzer HP 8753E           US37300585                         18—Oct—01 (in house check Oct—13)             In house check: Oct—14

                                          Name                                 Function                                   Signature        ,
 Calibrated by:                        Jeton Kastrati                          Laboratory Technician                              (~

                                                                                                                      A                M
Approved by:                           Katia Pokovie                          Technical Manager
                                                                                                                  e       avite        2       f}

                                                                                                                          Issued: September 25, 2014
This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14                                        Page 1 of 11

EXSDV4— SN:3574                                                                                                          September 24, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3BDV4 — SN:3574
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                Sensor X                         Sensor Y                    Sensor Z             Une (k=2)
  Norm (pV/(V/m)z)A                                0.42                            0.46                         0.53               * 10.1 %
  DCP (mV)"                                        99.7                            95.2                         96.3

Modulation Calibration Parameters
  UID          Communication System Name                                    A             B          C          D          VR          Une®
                                                                           dB        dBv/uV                    dB          mV          (k=2)
 0             CW                                                 x        0.0            0.0       1.0        0.00       131.8       28.3 %
                                                                  Y        0.0            0.0       1.0                   129.8
                                                                  Z        0.0            0.0       1.0                   137.5

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

* The uncertainties of NormX,Y,Z do not affect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6).
© Numerical linearization parameter: uncertainty not required.
  Uncertainty is determined using the max. deviation from linear response applying reclangular distribution and is expressed for the square of the
field value.

Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14                                     Page 4 of 11

 XSDV4— SN:3574                                                                                                          September 24, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EXSDV4 — SN:3574

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                        Relative         Conductivity                                                                Depth ©          Unet.
     f(MHz)®         Permittivity"           (§/m)"          ConvFX        ConvFY|        ConvFZ        Aipha®         _{mm)          (k=2)

        750               41.9                0.89             10.39         10.39          10.39         0.63         0.69         £12.0 %
        835               41.5                0.90             10.12         10.12          10.12         0.80         0.58         *12.0 %
       1750               40.1                1.37             8.19           8.19          8.19          0.43         0.90         £12.0 %
       1900               40.0                1.40             7.83           7.83          7.83          0.44         0.84         +*12.0 %

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only appliesfor DASY v4.4 and higher(see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to £ 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, thevalidity of tissue parameters (s and a) can berelaxed to x 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and a) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
© Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than & 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
diameter from the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14                                     Page 5 of 11

EXGDV4— SN:3574                                                                                                           September 24, 2014

   ASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EXSDV4 — SN:3574

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
               Relative  Conductivity                                                                                 Depth ©          Unet.
     f(MHz)©         Permittivity"           (S/m)"          ConvFX         ConvFY         ConvFZ        Aipha®         (mm)           (k22)

        750               55.5                0.96              9.68          9.68           9.68          0.27         1.15        £12.0 %

        835               55.2                0.97              9.61          9.61           9.61          0.66         0.68        £12.0 %

        1750              53.4                 149              7.78          7.78           7.78          0.39         0.85        +12.0 %

        1900              53.3                 1.52             7.41          7.41           7.41          0.51         0.72         £12.0 %

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertaintyat calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to £ 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and a) can be relaxed to £ 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and 0) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
6 Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration, SPEAG warrants thatthe remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below * 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
diameter from the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14                                     Page 6 of 11

EXSDV4— SN:3574                                                                                                     September 24, 2014

                                                        Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                             (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

          Frequency response (normalized)


                                                       Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14                                                Page 7 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3574                                                                                                                                    September 24, 2014

                                               Conversion Factor Assessment
                      f= 835 MHz,WGLS RY (H_convF)                                                        f= 1900 MHz,WGLS R22 (H_convF)
            40 :                                                                 %                L

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                                                 2 fm]              .                                                               z fom)

                                              Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                                    Error (¢, 8), f = 900 MHz

                                       —1.0      —0.8    —0.6       —0.4   —02       00          02            04         06        08       1.0
                                              Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3574_Sep14                                              Page 10 of 11

EXSDV4— SN:3574                                              September 24, 2014

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EXMX3DV4 — SN:3574

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arrangement                                                Triangular
 Connector Angle (°)                                                     22.9
 Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                    enabled
 Optical Surface Detection Mode                                      disabled
 Probe Overall Length                                                 337 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                                   10 mm
 Tip Length                                                             9 mm
 Tip Diameter                                                         2.5 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                        1.4 mm

Certificate No: EX8—3574_Sep14               Page 11 of 11

Document Created: 2015-06-18 17:02:29
Document Modified: 2015-06-18 17:02:29

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