

Test Report

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                                         FCC Part 22/24 Compliance Test Report

 Test Report no.:                    FCC_Cellular_RM-1135_04.docx              Date of Report:    15-Jun-2015
 Number of pages:                    17                                        Customer’s         Hu Dongji
                                                                               Contact person:

 Testing laboratory:                 TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory          Customer:          Microsoft
                                     Beijing Economic and                                         Beijing Economic and
                                     Technological Development Area                               Technological Development Area
                                     No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu                                        No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
                                     Beijing                                                      Beijing
                                     PRC China 100176                                             PRC China 100176
                                     Tel. +86 10 8711 8888                                        Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                     Fax. +86 10 8711 4550                                        Fax. +86 10 8711 4550
 FCC listing no.:                    975940
 IC recognition no.:                 661AH-1

 Tested devices/                     Phone RM-1135 / Dummy battery SD-4

 FCC ID:                             PYARM-1135                                IC:                -

 Supplement reports:                 -

 Testing has been                    CFR 47, FCC rules Parts 22/24, TIA-603-C-2004 and IC standards, RSS-GEN (Issue 4,
 carried out in                      November 2014), RSS-133 (Issue 6, January 2013), RSS-132 (Issue 3, January 2013).
 accordance with:                    Deviations, modifications or clarifications (if any) to above mentioned documents are
                                     written in each section under "Test method and limit".

 Documentation:                      The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject to
                                     written approval of the testing laboratory. The documentation of the testing performed on the
                                     tested devices is archived for 15 years at TCC Microsoft.

 Test Results:                       The EUT complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters subject to the test.
                                     The test results relate only to devices specified in this document

 Date and signature                                                                    Digitally signed by Emma Ma
 for the contents:                                                                     DN: cn=Emma Ma, o=Microsoft, ou=TCC RCL,
                                                                                       email=emma.1.ma@microsoft.com, c=CN
                                                                                       Date: 2015.06.15 14:55:13 +08'00'
                                                                       Ma Emma, Specialist, EMC

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                               1 (17)                      Beijing Economic and
                                                                                                  Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                           No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                         Beijing
                                                                                                  PRC China 100176
                                                                                                  Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                                  Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

1.            Summary for FCC Part 22/24 Compliance Test Report
 Date of receipt                                   02-Jun-2014
 Testing completed                                 10-Jun-2015
 The customer's contact person                     Hu Dongji
 Test Plan referred to                             T:\Projects\RM-1135\TestPlan\RS_testplan_RM-1135.xlsm
 Notes                                             -
 Document name                                     FCC_Cellular_RM-1135_04.docx

1.1.          EUT and Accessory Information
The EUT is a mobile phone with following features:
GSMThe EUT is tested with maximum rated TX power.

Devices under tests
          Product                        Type                   SN                    HW        MV             SW                  DUT
           Phone                        RM-1135           004402741722643            0240        -           10.02.14             55006
        Dummy battery                    SD-4                  03618                   -         -               -                54236

1.2.          Summary of Test Results
 GSM 1900:
                                           Section in RSS-GEN
         Section in CFR 47                                                         Name of the test                               Result
                                                or RSS-133
   §2.1046(a)                             6.4                       Conducted RF output power                                 NP
   §24.232(b)                             6.4                       Radiated RF output power                                  NP
   N/A                                    6.4                       Peak to average power ratio                               PASSED
   §2.1049(h)                             6.6                       99 % occupied bandwidth                                   PASSED
   §24.238(a)                             6.5                       Band edge compliance                                      PASSED
   §24.238(a), §2.1051                    6.5                       Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                   NP
   §24.238(a), §2.1053                    6.5                       Spurious radiated emissions                               NP
   §2.1055(a)                             6.3                       Frequency stability, temperature variation                PASSED
   §2.1055(d)                             6.3                       Frequency stability, voltage variation                    PASSED

 GSM 850:
                                           Section in RSS-GEN
         Section in CFR 47                                                         Name of the test                               Result
                                                or RSS-132
   §2.1046(a), 22.913(a)                  4.4                       Conducted RF output power                                 NP
   §22.913(a)                             4.4                       Radiated RF output power                                  NP
   N/A                                    5.4                       Peak to average power ratio                               PASSED
   §2.1049(h)                             6.6                       99 % occupied bandwidth                                   PASSED
   §22.917(a)                             4.5                       Band edge compliance                                      PASSED
   §22.917(a), §2.1051                    4.5                       Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                   NP
   §22.917(a), §2.1053                    4.5                       Spurious radiated emissions                               NP
   §2.1055(a)                             4.3                       Frequency stability, temperature variation                PASSED
   §2.1055(d)                             4.3                       Frequency stability, voltage variation                    PASSED

PASSED                               The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
FAILED                               The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard.
NP                                   The test was not performed by the TCC Microsoft Laboratory.

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                             TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                             2 (17)                     Beijing Economic and
                                                                                               Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                        No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                      Beijing
                                                                                               PRC China 100176
                                                                                               Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                               Fax. +86 10 8711 4550


1.     Summary for FCC Part 22/24 Compliance Test Report .......................................... 2
1.1.      EUT and Accessory Information ...........................................................................................................2
1.2.      Summary of Test Results .....................................................................................................................2
2. Peak to average power ratio
(FCC N/A, RSS-133 6.4, RSS-132 5.4) ............................................................................. 4
2.1.      Test Setup ............................................................................................................................................4
2.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................4
2.3.      GSM 1900 Test results .........................................................................................................................5
2.4.      GSM 850 Test results ...........................................................................................................................5
3. 99 % occupied bandwidth
(FCC §2.1049(h), RSS-133 6.6, RSS-132 6.6) .................................................................. 6
3.1.      Test Setup ............................................................................................................................................6
3.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................6
3.3.      GSM 1900 Test results .........................................................................................................................7
3.4.      GSM 850 Test results ...........................................................................................................................7
4. Band edge compliance
(FCC §24.238(a), §22.917(a), RSS-133 6.5, RSS-132 4.5) ............................................... 8
4.1.      Test Setup ............................................................................................................................................8
4.2.      Test method and limit ...........................................................................................................................8
4.3.      GSM 1900 Test results .........................................................................................................................9
4.4.      GSM 850 Test results .........................................................................................................................10
5. Frequency stability, temperature variation
(FCC §2.1055(a), RSS-133 6.3) ....................................................................................... 11
5.1.      Test Setup ..........................................................................................................................................11
5.2.      Test method and limit .........................................................................................................................11
5.3.      GSM 1900 Test results .......................................................................................................................12
5.4.      GSM 850 Test results .........................................................................................................................12
6. Frequency stability, voltage variation
(FCC §2.1055(d), RSS-133 6.3, RSS-132 4.3) ................................................................ 13
6.1.      Test Setup ..........................................................................................................................................13
6.2.      Test method and limit .........................................................................................................................13
6.3.      GSM 1900 Test results .......................................................................................................................14
6.4.      GSM 850 Test results .........................................................................................................................14
7.     Test Equipment ........................................................................................................ 15
7.1.      Conducted measurements .................................................................................................................15
7.2.      Radiated measurements ....................................................................................................................15

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                                  TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                        3 (17)                               Beijing Economic and
                                                                                                                    Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                                             No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                           Beijing
                                                                                                                    PRC China 100176
                                                                                                                    Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                                                    Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

2.            Peak to average power ratio
              (FCC N/A, RSS-133 6.4, RSS-132 5.4)

   EUT with DUT number                    RM-1135, DUT 55006
   Accessories with DUT numbers           SD-4, DUT 54236

   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]           Nominal
   Results                                PASSED
   Remarks                                Test was done in RF2 system.
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /           23/51/99.5
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                   10-Jun-2015
   Measured by                            Gao Sherina

2.1.          Test Setup


                                          Power              Attenuator         EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

2.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to applicable FCC rule parts and IC standards.

Limits for Peak to average power ratio measurements
                                          Peak to average power ratio [dB]
                                                        ≤ 13

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                           TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                 4 (17)               Beijing Economic and
                                                                             Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                      No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                    Beijing
                                                                             PRC China 100176
                                                                             Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                             Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

2.3.           GSM 1900 Test results

   Operation mode (TX on)            Channel / fC [MHz]   Peak to average power ratio [dB]      Result
                    GSM                 661 / 1880.0                    7.66                  PASSED


Date: 10.JUN.2015   07:26:15

2.4.           GSM 850 Test results

   Operation mode (TX on)            Channel / fC [MHz]   Peak to average power ratio [dB]      Result
                    GSM                  190 / 836.6                    11.95                 PASSED


Date: 10.JUN.2015   07:28:33

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                      TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                        5 (17)                   Beijing Economic and
                                                                                        Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                 No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                               Beijing
                                                                                        PRC China 100176
                                                                                        Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                        Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

3.            99 % occupied bandwidth
              (FCC §2.1049(h), RSS-133 6.6, RSS-132 6.6)

   EUT with DUT number                    RM-1135, DUT 55006
   Accessories with DUT numbers           SD-4, DUT 54236
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]           Nominal
   Results                                PASSED
   Remarks                                Test was done in RF2 system.
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /           23/51/99.5
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                   10-Jun-2015
   Measured by                            Gao Sherina

3.1.          Test Setup


                                          Power              Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

3.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to applicable FCC rule parts and IC standards.

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                        TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                 6 (17)            Beijing Economic and
                                                                          Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                   No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                 Beijing
                                                                          PRC China 100176
                                                                          Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                          Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

3.3.           GSM 1900 Test results

   Operation mode (TX on)            99% Occupied bandwidth [kHz]
                    GSM                         244.6

GSM, Channel 661 / 1880.0 MHz

Date: 10.JUN.2015   07:15:36

3.4.           GSM 850 Test results

   Operation mode (TX on)            99% Occupied bandwidth [kHz]
                    GSM                         244.6

GSM, Channel 190 / 836.6 MHz

Date: 10.JUN.2015   07:19:27

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                   TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                     7 (17)   Beijing Economic and
                                                                     Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                              No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                            Beijing
                                                                     PRC China 100176
                                                                     Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                     Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

4.            Band edge compliance
              (FCC §24.238(a), §22.917(a), RSS-133 6.5, RSS-132 4.5)

   EUT with DUT number                         RM-1135, DUT 55006
   Accessories with DUT numbers
                                               SD-4, DUT 54236
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]                Nominal
   Results                                     PASSED
   Remarks                                     Test was done in RF2 system.
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /                23/51/99.5
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                        10-Jun-2015
   Measured by                                 Gao Sherina

4.1.          Test Setup


                                               Power              Attenuator      EUT
     Radio                      20dB
   simulator                 attenuator

4.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to applicable FCC rule parts and IC standards.

Limits for band edge compliance measurements

         Operation band                    Frequency range [MHz]                      Limit [dBm]
             GSM 1900                     Below 1850 and above 1910                          -13
              GSM 850                      Below 824 and above 849                           -13

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                             TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                      8 (17)            Beijing Economic and
                                                                               Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                        No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                      Beijing
                                                                               PRC China 100176
                                                                               Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                               Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

4.3.                       GSM 1900 Test results
Channel 512 / 1850.2 MHz

                                                                                             FCC Band Edge



            Limit in dBm

                                                      1.849975050 GHz
                           -20                           -26.579 dBm




                             1849        1849.5               1850                  1850.5                   1851

                                                      Frequency in MHz

RMS (RBW: 3 kHz, VBW: 3 kHz, Max hold)
   Operation mode (TX on)               Frequency [MHz]    Level [dBm]         Result
                             GSM           1849.975            -26.58          PASSED

Channel 810 / 1909.8 MHz





            Limit in dBm

                            -10                                                              FCC Band Edge
                                                          1.910016966 GHz
                           -20                              -26.782 dBm




                             1909        1909.5                1910                 1910.5                   1911

                                                      Frequency in MHz

RMS (RBW: 3 kHz, VBW: 3 kHz, Max hold)
   Operation mode (TX on)               Frequency [MHz]    Level [dBm]         Result
                             GSM           1910.017            -26.78          PASSED

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                            TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                               9 (17)                  Beijing Economic and
                                                                                              Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                       No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                     Beijing
                                                                                              PRC China 100176
                                                                                              Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                              Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

4.4.                       GSM 850 Test results
Channel 128 / 824.2 MHz

                            40                                                                                    FCC Band Edge




            Limit in dBm

                            -10                                       823.983034 MHz
                                                                        -24.001 dBm




                              823   823.2   823.4    823.6    823.8          824        824.2     824.4   824.6     824.8         825

                                                                 Frequency in MHz

RMS (RBW: 3 kHz, VBW: 3 kHz, Max hold)
   Operation mode (TX on)                     Frequency [MHz]            Level [dBm]            Result
                             GSM                    823.983                  -24.00             PASSED

Channel 251 / 848.8 MHz





            Limit in dBm

                            -10                                        849.020958 MHz                             FCC Band Edge
                                                                         -24.344 dBm




                              848   848.2   848.4    848.6    848.8          849        849.2     849.4   849.6     849.8         850

                                                                 Frequency in MHz

RMS (RBW: 3 kHz, VBW: 3 kHz, Max hold)
   Operation mode (TX on)                     Frequency [MHz]            Level [dBm]            Result
                             GSM                    849.021                  -24.34             PASSED

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                                                TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                                            10 (17)                        Beijing Economic and
                                                                                                                  Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                                           No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                                         Beijing
                                                                                                                  PRC China 100176
                                                                                                                  Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                                                  Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

5.            Frequency stability, temperature variation
              (FCC §2.1055(a), RSS-133 6.3)

   EUT with DUT number                       RM-1135, DUT 55006
   Accessories with DUT numbers
                                             SD-4, DUT 54236
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]              Nominal
   Results                                   PASSED
   Remarks                                   Test was done in RF2 system.
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /              23/51/99.5
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                      10-Jun-2015
   Measured by                               Gao Sherina

5.1.          Test Setup

       Radio                    Attenuator                                 EUT

                                                                     Climate chamber

5.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to applicable FCC rule parts and IC standards as follows:

The climate chamber temperature is set to the maximum value and the temperature is allowed to
The EUT is placed in the chamber.
The EUT is set in idle mode for 15 minutes.
The EUT is set to transmit.
The transmit frequency error was measured immediately.
The steps c ‐ e were repeated for each temperature.Limits for frequency stability, temperature variation
                                                Frequency deviation [ppm]
                                                           +\- 2.5

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                 TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                    11 (17)                 Beijing Economic and
                                                                                   Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                            No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                          Beijing
                                                                                   PRC China 100176
                                                                                   Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                   Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

5.3.          GSM 1900 Test results
GSM, Channel 661 / 1880.0 MHz
   Temperature [oC]            Frequency [MHz]   Deviation [Hz]    Deviation [ppm]   Result
              50                     1880.00       -41.71000             -0.0222     PASSED
              40                     1880.00       -41.13000             -0.0219     PASSED
              30                     1880.00       -42.36000             -0.0225     PASSED
              20                     1880.00       -36.03000             -0.0192     PASSED
              10                     1880.00       -39.13000             -0.0208     PASSED
               0                     1880.00       -32.93000             -0.0175     PASSED
             -10                     1880.00       -29.90000             -0.0159     PASSED
             -20                     1880.00       -23.12000             -0.0123     PASSED
             -30                     1880.00       -15.43000             -0.0082     PASSED

5.4.          GSM 850 Test results
GSM, Channel 190 / 836.6 MHz
   Temperature [oC]            Frequency [MHz]   Deviation [Hz]    Deviation [ppm]   Result
              50                     836.60        -22.41000             -0.0268     PASSED
              40                     836.60        -21.57000             -0.0258     PASSED
              30                     836.60        -19.76000             -0.0236     PASSED
              20                     836.60        -18.08000             -0.0216     PASSED
              10                     836.60        -15.17000             -0.0181     PASSED
               0                     836.60        -15.43000             -0.0184     PASSED
             -10                     836.60        -15.24000             -0.0182     PASSED
             -20                     836.60        -13.62000             -0.0163     PASSED
             -30                     836.60        -10.59000             -0.0127     PASSED

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                     TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                        12 (17)                 Beijing Economic and
                                                                                       Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Beijing
                                                                                       PRC China 100176
                                                                                       Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                       Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

6.            Frequency stability, voltage variation
              (FCC §2.1055(d), RSS-133 6.3, RSS-132 4.3)

   EUT with DUT number                       RM-1135, DUT 55006
   Accessories with DUT numbers              SD-4, DUT 54236
   Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]              Nominal
   Results                                   PASSED
   Remarks                                   Test was done in RF1 system.
   Temp [oC] / Humidity [%RH] /
   Air Pressure [kPa]
   Date of measurements                      03-Jun-2015
   Measured by                               Gao Sherina

6.1.          Test Setup

              Radio                  Attenuator                EUT              Variable
            simulator                                                         power supply

6.2.          Test method and limit
The measurement is made according to applicable FCC rule parts and IC standards as follows:

The EUT battery was replaced with an adjustable power supply. The frequency stability was measured at
nominal voltage and at the battery cut‐off point.
Limits for frequency stability, voltage variation measurements
                                                  Frequency deviation [ppm]
                                                           +\- 2.5

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                              TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                    13 (17)              Beijing Economic and
                                                                                Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                         No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                       Beijing
                                                                                PRC China 100176
                                                                                Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

6.3.          GSM 1900 Test results
GSM 1900,
        Voltage level [V]            Frequency [MHz]   Deviation [Hz]   Deviation [ppm]    Result
              Max / 4.3                  1880.00         -40.87000          -0.0217       PASSED
   Battery cut-off point / 3.3           1880.00         -41.33000          -0.022        PASSED
           Nominal / 3.9                 1880.00         -40.29000          -0.0214       PASSED

6.4.          GSM 850 Test results
GSM 850,
        Voltage level [V]            Frequency [MHz]   Deviation [Hz]   Deviation [ppm]    Result
              Max / 4.3                  836.60          -21.95000          -0.0262       PASSED
   Battery cut-off point / 3.3           836.60          -18.53000          -0.0221       PASSED
           Nominal / 3.9                 836.60          -18.66000          -0.0223       PASSED

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                    TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                      14 (17)                  Beijing Economic and
                                                                                      Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                               No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                             Beijing
                                                                                      PRC China 100176
                                                                                      Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                      Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

7.            Test Equipment
7.1.          Conducted measurements
  Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type                  Manufacturer              Used in
  -                         BT / WLAN Antenna              SPA 2400/75/9/0/V     Huber-Suhner              15C, 15B
  -                         BT / WLAN Antenna              SPA 2400/75/9/0/V     Huber-Suhner              15C, 15B
  -                         RF Emission Software           EMC32 Test Software   R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCHW0020                DC Power supply                Hp6632B               HP                        22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCPT0040                Receiver                       ESCS30                R&S                       15C,15B
  BJPCPT0069                LISN 50 µH                     ESH3-Z5               R&S                       15C,15B
  BJPCTC0323                Signal Generator               SMR 27                R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCPT0073                Signal Generator               SMR 20                R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCPT0191                Pulse Limiter                  ESH3-Z2               R&S                       15C,15B
  BJPCPT0208                UPS                            PULSAR RX10           Merlin gerin              15C.15B
  BJPCTC0001                DIGITAL CAMERA                 PC1015                CANON                     15C.15R
  BJPCTC0017                Communication Tester           CMU200                R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0062                AC Power source                6812B                 Hp                        15C.15B
  BJPCTC0067                Bluetooth Tester               CBT                   R&S                       22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0082                Humidity and Temperature       175-H2                Testo                     15B,15C
  BJPCTC0088                Absolut pressure meter         testo 511             Testo                     22/24/27, 15B,15C
  BJPCTC0089                Tempreture Test chamber        VT4002                Votsch                    22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0090                FSP spectrum analyzer          FSP30                 R&S                       22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0094                GPIB-RS232 convertor           GPIB-RS232            NI                        22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0112                Power Splitter                 11667B                Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0115                Communication Tester           CMU200                R&S                       22/24/27, 15B, 15C
  BJPCTC0127                AC Power source                SOYI-500VA            SOYI                      15B 15C
  BJPCTC0128                Communication antenna          JXTXLB-10180          A-INFOMW                  22/24/27 15B 15C
  BJPCTC0129                Communication antenna          JXTXLB-10180          A-INFOMW                  22/24/27 15B 15C
  BJPCTC0131                Communication tester           CMW500                R&S                       22/24/27 15B 15C
  BJPCTC0136                Communication antenna          JXTXLB-880-NF         A-INFOMW                  15B 15C
  BJPCTC0306                Power Splitter                 11667B                Agilent                   22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0305                GPIB converter                 GPIB-RS232            NI                        22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0304                Spectrum Analyser              FSV30                 R&S                       22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0309                GPIB-RS232 convertor           RS232                 NI                        22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0307                Dual channel battery/charger   2306                  KEITHLEY                  22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0308                Dual channel battery/charger   2306                  KEITHLEY                  22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0352                Signal Generator 20GHz         MG3692B               Anritsu                   22/24/27, 15C
  BJBDATC0169               Tempreture Test chamber        VT4002                Votsch                    22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0334                Communication Tester           CMU200                R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0342                Communication Tester           CMU200                R&S                        15B, 15C
  BJPCTC0343                Power Spliter                  1167A                 Agilent                   EN300328
  BJPCTC0344                Power Spliter                  1167A                 Agilent                   EN300328
  BJPCTC0345                Power Spliter                  1167A                 Agilent                   EN300328
  BJPCTC0346                Attenuator                     8496A                 Agilent                   EN300328
  BJPCTC0347                Directional Coupler            4226-20               Narda                     EN300328
  BJPCTC0348                Signal generator               E4438C                Agilent                   EN300328
  BJPCTC0336                Signal Generator               SMP22                 R&S                       22/24/27, 15C
  BJPCTC0357                Signal Generator               SMB100A               R&S                       -

7.2.          Radiated measurements
  Eq. No                    Equipment                      Type                  Manufacturer              Used in
  -                         BT / WLAN Antenna              SPA 2400/75/9/0/V     Huber-Suhner              15C, 15B
  -                         BT / WLAN Antenna              SPA 2400/75/9/0/V     Huber-Suhner              15C, 15B
  -                         RF Emission Software           EMC32 Test Software   R&S                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                                     TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                                           15 (17)              Beijing Economic and
                                                                                       Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                              Beijing
                                                                                       PRC China 100176
                                                                                       Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                       Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

  Eq. No                    Equipment                     Type                       Manufacturer                Used in
  BJPCPT0072                Receiver                      ESI B26                    R&S                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCPT0150                High Pass Filter              WHKS1200-10SS              Wainwright                  22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCPT0151                Band Reject Filter            WRCD1880/2000-0.2/40-      Wainwright                  24, 15B
  BJPCPT0154                Band Reject Filter            WRCT2402/2480-             Wainwright                  15C, 15B
  BJPCPT0166                Antenna                       VUBA 9117                  Swarzbeck                   22/24/27
  BJPCPT0208                UPS                           PULSAR RX10                Merlin gerin                15C.15B
  BJPCTC0001                DIGITAL CAMERA                PC1015                     CANON                       15C.15R
  BJPCTC0007                Antenna                       HL562                      R&S                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0029                Antenna                       HF906                      R&S                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0034                Band Reject Filter            WRCT 800/880-0.2/40-       Wainwright                  22, 15B
  BJPCTC0049                Preamplifier                  Blma 0118-1A-Bt            Bonn                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0055                Communication Tester          CMU200                     R&S                         22/24/27,15C,15B
  BJPCTC0058                Bluetooth Tester              CBT                        R&S                         15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0062                AC Power source               6812B                      Hp                          15C.15B
  BJPCTC0064                Band Reject Filter            WRCG1877/1883-             Wainwright                  24, 15B
  BJPCTC0071                Multi-Device Controller       2090                       EMCO                        22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0072                Anechoic Chamber              3 m Semi / Full Anechoic   ETS                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0073                MAST                          Model-TR/POL               ETS                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0074                MAST                          Model 2070-2               ETS                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0075                Turntable                     Model 2188                 ETS-EMCO                    22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0081                Humidity and Temperature      175-H2                     Testo                       15B, 15C
  BJPCTC0088                Absolut pressure meter        testo 511                  Testo                       22/24/27, 15B,15C
  BJPCTC0115                Communication Tester          CMU200                     R&S                         22/24/27, 15B, 15C
  BJPCTC0124                Attenuator                    SA18N200W-40               Fairview Microwave          -
  BJPCTC0125                Loop Antenna                  HFH2-Z2                    R&S                         15C
  BJPCTC0126                Tripod                        FHU-Z                      R&S                         15C
  BJPCTC0128                Communication antenna         JXTXLB-10180               A-INFOMW                    22/24/27 15B 15C
  BJPCTC0129                Communication antenna         JXTXLB-10180               A-INFOMW                    22/24/27 15B 15C
  BJPCTC0131                Communication tester          CMW500                     R&S                         22/24/27 15B 15C
  BJPCTC0133                Open Swith and contril unit   OSP 150                    R&S                         15B,15C
  BJPCTC0134                Open Swith and contril unit   OSP 150                    R&S                         15B,15C
  BJPCTC0135                Open Swith and contril unit   OSP 130                    R&S                         15B,15C
  BJPCTC0136                Communication antenna         JXTXLB-880-NF              A-INFOMW                    15B 15C
  BJPCTC0171                Broad-band Horn Antenna       BBHA9120 D                 SCHWARZBECK                 22/24/27, 15C, 15B
                                                                                     MESS -
  BJPCTC0310                Horn Antenna                  QSH20SMA                   Q-par                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0311                Horn Antenna                  QSH18SMA                   Q-par                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0312                Relay Switch Unit             -                          -                           22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0313                High Pass Filter              WHKX1.0/15G-12SS           Wainwright                  22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0314                High Pass Filter              WHKX8.0/18G-88SS           Wainwright                  22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0315                High Pass Filter              WHKX3.0/18G-12SS           Wainwright                  22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0316                Preamplifier                  AMT-5F-18002550-25-        -                           22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0317                Preamplifier                  AMF-6D-02001800-29-        -                           22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0350                Preamplifier                  AMF-4D-01000800-30-        Miteq                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0324                Preamplifier                  AFS4-00100300-20-23P-      Miteq                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0329                Relay Switch Unit             -                          -                           22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0334                Communication Tester          CMU200                     R&S                         22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0342                Communication Tester          CMU200                     R&S                          15B, 15C

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/ Template Version 15.0                                       16 (17)                        Beijing Economic and
                                                                                             Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                                      No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                                    Beijing
                                                                                             PRC China 100176
                                                                                             Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                                             Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

  Eq. No                    Equipment      Type                  Manufacturer                Used in
  BJPCTC0349                Preamplifier   AMF-4D-01000800-30-   Miteg                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0350                Preamplifier   AMF-4D-01000800-30-   Miteg                       22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0351                Preamplifier   AFS4-00101800         -                           22/24/27, 15C, 15B
  BJPCTC0113                Receiver       ESI B26               R&S                         22/24/27, 15B, 15C

FCC Part 22 Compliance Test Report                                       TCC Microsoft Beijing Laboratory
/ Template Version 15.0                        17 (17)                   Beijing Economic and
                                                                         Technological Development Area
FCC_Cellular_RM‐1135_04                                                  No.5 Donghuan Zhonglu
Copyright © TCC Microsoft                                                Beijing
                                                                         PRC China 100176
                                                                         Tel. +86 10 8711 8888
                                                                         Fax. +86 10 8711 4550

Document Created: 2015-06-15 14:55:13
Document Modified: 2015-06-15 14:55:13

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