RF exposure 8 of 8

FCC ID: PY7-43153F

RF Exposure Info

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                               ISSUED BY UL VS LTD
 DATE OF ISSUE: 10/0ct/2017                        CERTIFICATE NUMBER : 11903941JD01E                                        CAL{”';%/fT\I(§N

                                                                                                                         Page 1 of 10
BASINGSTOKE, HAMPSHIRE                                                                                         APPROVED SIGNATORY
                                                                                                                  \\)\N}     3
RG23 8BG, UK
TEL: +44 (0) 1256 312000
FAX: +44 (0) 1256 312001
                                                                                                                        Naseer Mirza
Email: LST.UK.Calibration@ul.com

Customer :
47173 Benicia Street
Fremont, CA 94538, USA

Equipment Details:

Description:                        Dipole Validation Kit                     Date of Receipt:                      29/Sep/2017

Manufacturer:                       Speag

Type/Model Number:                  D260O00V2

Serial Number:                      1006

Calibration Date:                   05/Oct/2017

Calibrated By:                      Chanthu Thevarajah
                                    Laboratory Engineer

Signature:                            /”/:Zf//'

All Calibration have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: Lab Temperature (22+3) °C and humidity < 70%

  This certificate is issued in accordance with the laboratory accreditation requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. It provides
    traceability of measurement to the SI system of units and/or to units of measurement realised at the National Physical Laboratory or other
  recognised national metrology institutes. This certificate may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval of the
                                                            issuing laboratory.
    Use of the UKAS mark demonstrates that compliance with the requirements of BS/EN/ISO/IEC 17025 has been independently assessed.

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                        CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                            NUMBER :
               ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                        11903941JD01E

                       UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                      Page 2 of 10

The calibration methods and procedures used were as detailed in:
    1.   IEC 62209—1:2005;: Procedure to determinge the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand—held devices used in close
         proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)
    2.    IEC 62209—2:2010: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used
         in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)
    3.   IEEE 1528: 2013: |EEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Average Specific Absorption Rate
         (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communication Devices: Measurement Techniques
    4.   FCC KDB Publication Number: "KDB865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
         SPEAG DASY4/ DASYS System Handbook

The measuring equipment used to perform the calibration, documented in this certificate has been calibrated in
accordance with the manufacturers‘ recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.

UL No.        Instrument                 Manufacturer            Type No.         Serial No.     Date Last Calibrated    lc:'::e.rval

A2546         eS   Acgiisition
                                         sPpEAG                  DaAE4            1435           10 Feb 2017             12
A2587         Probe                      SPEAG                   ES3DV3           3341           14 Aug 2017             12

A2767         Dipole                     SPEAG                   D2600V2          1109           13 Feb 2017             12

PREO151451    Power Monitoring Kit       Art—Fi                  ART 100850—01    0001           Cal as part of System   12

PREO151441    Power Sensor               Rhode & Schwarz         NRP3S            102481         16 Nov 2016             12
M1015         Network Analyser           Agilent Technologies    8753ES           US39172406     26 Sept 2016            12

PRE0151154    Network Analyser           Rhode & Schwarz         ZNDS8            100151         22 Nov 2016             12

PRE0151877    Calibration Kit            Rhode & Schwarz         2135             102947—Bt      02 Dec 2016             12

M1908         Signal Generator           Rhode & Schwarz         SMIQ 03B         1125.555.03    08 Nov 2016             12

                     7 OF CALIBRATION                                                                             Ttuene.
                                                                                                                   NUMBER :
                              ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                11903941JD01E
                      UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                               Page 3 of 10

SAR System Specification
 Robot System Positioner:                             Staubli Unimation Corp. Robot Model: TX6OL
 Robot Serial Number:                                 F14/5T5ZA1/A/O1

 DASY Version:                                        DASY 52 (v52.8.8.1258)

 Phantom:                                             Flat section of SAM Twin Phantom

 Distance Dipole Centre:                              10 mm (with spacer)

 Frequency:                                           2600 MHz

Dielectric Property Measurements — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
 .        rg—     Frequency        Room Temp           __Liquid Temp                                Target     Measured           Uncertainty
Simulant Liquid     (MHz)        Siant       End       Sian         End         Parameters          Value         Value               (%)
     Head           2600        23.0 °C     22.0 °C   20.0°C       22.0°C             7             ?’fg)é)       317_576            “_fggfi

SAR Results — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid SAR Measured 250 mW input Power Normalised to 1.00 W                                                  U"Cf;§intv
     Head          SAR averaged over 1g                14.00 W/Kg                          55.73 W/Kq                   £17.57%
      c2          SAR averaged over 109                6.30 Wikg                           25.08 Wikg                   £17.32%

Antenna Parameters — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid               Parameter                                   Measured Level                         Uncc(e;)a)unty
     Head                     Impedance                                50.38 0 6.70 jQ                        + 0.28 O + 0.044 |Q
       2                      Return Loss                                     23.52                             __£ 1.27 dB

           CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                                   Te.
                                                                                                                        NUMBER :
                              ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                   11903941JD01E
                      UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                                  Page 4 of 10

Dielectric Property Measurements — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
 .        ts.%    Frequency       Room Temp               Liquid Temp                                 Target      Measured         Uncertainty
Simulant Liquid     (MHz)        Sien    End             sn        End             Parameters          value        value              (%)

                                     a          s           °            &             Er              52.50         51.39                +5%
     Body           2600        22.0°C      22.0°C      22.0°C       22.0°C            3                   716       519                  + 5%

SAR Results — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid       SAR Measured                   250 mW input Power               Normalised to 1.00 W               Unc?;;ie)zinty
     Bod           SAR averaged over 1g                  14.10 W/Kg                           56.13 W/Kg                   +18.06%
      0dy         SAR averaged over 10g                  6.28 WiKg                            25.00 W/Kg                   £17.44%

Antenna Parameters — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid               Parameter                                      Measured Level                         Unc?;a)\inty
                               Impedance                                 48.51 0O —2.73]Q                        + 0.28 0 + 0.044 jQ
                              Return Loss                                      30.37                                  + 1.27 dB

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                   cermricate
                            ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                      11903941JD01E
                      UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                  Page 5 of 10

 DASY Validation Scan for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)

 DUT: Dipole 2600 MHz; Type: D2600V2; Serial: D26OO0V2 — SN:1006

     — 0




                   0 dB =21.7 W/kg =13.36 dBW/kg

  Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 2600 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
  Medium: 2600 MHz HSL Medium parameters used: f = 2600 MHz; 0 = 1.971 $/im; &; = 37.058; p = 1000 kg/m3
| Phantom section: Flat Section
  DASY4 Configuration:
  — Probe: ES3DV3 — SN3341; ConvF(4.5, 4.5, 4.5); Calibrated: 14/08/2017;
  — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
  — Electronics: DAE4 Sn1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
  — Phantom: SAM (30deg probe tilt) with CRP v5.0; Type: QDOOOP40OCD; Serial: TP: xxx
 — ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
 Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW 2 2/Area Scan (81x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.200 mm, dy=1.200 mm
 Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 15.9 W/kg
 Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW 2 2/Zoom Scan (7x7x7) (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
 Reference Value = 91.28 V/im; Power Drift = 0.03 dB
 Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.9 W/kg
 SAR(1 g) = 14 Wi/ikg; SAR(10 g) = 6.3 Wikg
 Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 21.7 W/kg

            CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                            SENWGICO1®
                                                                                                                   NUMBER :
                                     ISSUEC BY UL VS LTD                                                     11903941JD01E
                                UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                   Page 6 of 10

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
® 10/10/2017 11737 P

 Trct             $11 Smith 200 mW/ Ref 1 U Cal Smo                                                                                1

                                                              se          ata.       hi                    Mm1 2.600000 GHz 50.380 a
                                                       yo4.                               "                                 46.704 0
                                                   e                                          :                              9.130 pF

                                                                                                  f           |
                                                                            M         j           \————=

 Ch1 Start 2.4 GHz                                            Pwr 10 d&m Bw 10 kHz                                       Stop 2.8 GHz

           CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                       cegtieicate
                                     SSUED BY UL VS LTD                                    11903941JD01E
                                UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248              Page 7 of 10

Return Loss Measurement Plot for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
       10/19/2017 1:16:46 PM
       1328 5170K92—100151—MV

Trei             511 dB Mag 5 dB/ Ref—20 dB Cal Smo                                                             1

(                                                                                 |    M1 2.600000 GHz —23.5163 dB
                                                                                       M2 2.576140 GHz —19.9975 dB
                                                                                      +M3 2.706820 GHz —20.0106 dB

Ch1 Start 2.4 GHz                                     Pwr —10 dBm Bw 10 kHz                           Stop 2.8 GHz

       CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                              SERSSIEAT
                                                                                                NUMBER :
                         [SSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                  11903941JD01E
                   UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                              Page 8 of 10

DASY Validation Scan for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)

DUT: Dipole 2600 MHz; Type: D2600V2; Serial: D2600V2 — SN:1006





                 0 dB =22.3 W/kg =13.48 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 2600 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medigm: 900,1750,1800,1900,2600 MHz MSL Medium parameters used: £= 28600 MHz; 0 = 2.189 $/m; &, = 51.388; p = 1000
Phantom section: Flat Section
DASY4 Configuration:                                 —
— Probe: ES3DV3 — SN3341; ConvF(4.32, 4.32, 4.32); Calibrated: 14/08/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 Sn1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (30deg probe tilt) with CRP v5.0; Type: QD0O0O0P40OCD; Serial: TP:>~xxx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW 2/A¥rea Scan (81x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.200 mm, dy=1.200 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 16.2 W/kg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW 2/Zoom Scan (7x7x7) (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 87.50 V/m; Power Drift = —0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 31.4 Wikg
SAR(1 g) = 14.1 Wikg; SAR(10 g) = 6.28 Wikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 22.3 W/kg

_ CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                    CERTIFICATE
                                                                                 NUMBER :
                                ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                            11903941JD01E

                           UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248       Page 9 of 10

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
® 10/5/2017 13141 PM

 Tre1         $11 Smith 200 mU/ Ref 1 U Cal Smo                                                     1
                                                                             M1 2.600000 GHz 48.509 O
                                                                                             42.725 0
                                                                                             22.463 pF



 Ch1 Start 24 GHz                                 Pwr 10 dBm Bw 10 kHz                    Stop 2.8 GHz

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                CERTIFICATE
                                                                                    NUMBER :
               ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                11903941JD01E

                           UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248         Page 10 of 10

Return Loss Measurement Plot for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
® 10/8/2017 130554 PM
 Trc1         S$11 dB Mag 5 dB/ Ref—20 dB Cal Smo                                                      1
                                                                              Mi 2.600000 GHz —30.3692 dB
                                                                              M2 2.557160 GHz —20.0078 dB
                                                                             +M3 2.704220 GHz —20.0105 dB

—20 dB

 Ch1 Start 2.4 GHz                                  Pwr —~10 dBm Bw 10 kHz                   Stop 2.8 GHz

Calibration Certificate Label:

                                      UL VS LTD — Tel:; +44 (0) 1256312000
                                 Certificate Number: 11903941JD01E
                                 Instrument ID: 1006

                                 Calibration Date: 05/Oct/2017
                                 Calibration Due Date:

                                      UL VS LTD — Tel:; +44 (0) 1256312006
                                 Certificate Number: 11903941JD01E

                                 Instrument ID: 1006

                                 Calibration Date: 05/Oct/2017
                                 Calibration Due Date:

                                      UL VS LTD — Tel: +44 (0) 1256312000
                                 Certificate Number: 11903941JD01E
                                 Instrument ID: 1006

                                 Calibration Date: 05/0Oct/2017
                                 Calibration Due Date:

~—— WweambxhieaterWir Te ETCO       ¢o~— ~ j
i       SFubCPt protlinh p dnc ein‘ :

                             ISSUED BY UL VS LTD
  DATE OF ISSUE: 30/Nov/2017                CERTIFICATE NUMBER : 11903932JD01F

PAVILION A                                                                                                               Fage Wollle
BASINGSTOKE, HAMPSHIRE                                                                                         APPROVED SIGNATORY
RG23 8BG, UK                                                                                                      tParze:——
TEL: +44 (0) 1256 312000
FAX: +44 (0) 1256 312001
                                                                                                                         Naseer Mirza
Email: LST.UK.Calibration@ul.com

Customer :
47173 Benicia Street
Fremont, CA 94538, USA

Equipment Details:

Description:                         Dipole Validation Kit                    Date of Receipt:                      20/Nov/2017

Manufacturer:                       Speag

Type/Model Number:                   D5GHzv2

Serial Number:                       1168

Calibration Date:                    23/Nov/2017

Calibrated By:                       Chanthu Thevarajah
                                     Laboratory Engineer

Signature:                             // _

All Calibration have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: Lab Temperature (22+3) °C and humidity <70%

  This certificate is issued in accordance with the laboratory accreditation requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. It provides
    traceability of measurement to the SI system of units and/or to units of measurement realised at the National Physical Laboratory or other
   recognised national metrology institutes. This certificate may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval of the
                                                                  issuing laboratory.
     Use of the UKAS mark demonstrates that compliance with the requirements of BS/EN/ISO/IEC 17025 has been independently assessed,

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                      CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                           NUMBER :
               ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                      11903932JD01F

                       UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                    Page 2 of 16

The calibration methods and procedures used were as detailed in:
    1.   IEC 62209—1:2005: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand—held devices used in close
         proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)
    2.   IEC 62209—2:2010: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used
         in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)
    3.   IEEE 1528: 2013: IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Average Specific Absorption Rate
         (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communication Devices: Measurement Techniques
         FCC KDB Publication Number: "KDB865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
         SPEAG DASY4/ DASYS System Handbook

The measuring equipment used to perform the calibration, documented in this certificate has been calibrated in
accordance with the manufacturers‘ recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.

UL No.        Instrument                 Manufacturer           Type No.         Serial No.    Date Last Calibrated     I?)?;rval

A2546         es_                        sPEAG                  DAE4             1435          10 Feb 2017              12
A2545         Probe                      SPEAG                  ES3DV4           3395          04 May 2017              12

AMB77         Dipole                     SPEAG                  DS5GHzV2         1016           16 Feb 2017             12

PREO151451    Power Monitoring Kit       Art—Fi                 ART 100850—01    0001          Cal as part of System    12

M1855         Power Sensor               Rhode & Schwarz        NRP—Z251         103246        08 Nov 2017              12

M1015         Network Analyser           Agilent Technologies   8753ES           US39172406     10 Oct 2017             12

PREO151154    Network Analyser           Rhode & Schwarz        ZND8             100151        22 Nov 2016             | 24

PREO151877    Calibration Kit            Rhode & Schwarz        2135             102947—Bt      02 Dec 2016             12

M1838         Signal Generator           Rhode & Schwarz        SMEO6            831377/005     30 Mars 2017            12

          CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                                             CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                                  NUMBER :
                               ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                              11903932JD01F

                       UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                                             Page 3 of 16

SAR System Specification
 Robot System Positioner:                                 Staubli Unimation Corp. Robot Model: TXSOL
 Robot Serial Number:                                     F14/5T5ZA1/A/01
 DASY Version:                                            DASY 52 (v52.8.8.1258)
 Phantom:                                                 Flat section of SAM Twin Phantom
 Distance Dipole Centre:                                  10 mm {with spacer)

Frequency: 5250 MHz

Dielectric Property Measurements — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
 M            es   Frequency        Room Temp                 Liquid Temp                                       Target         Measured              Uncertainty
pmuiant Pauot        fure         Start.      End          Sian          End           hoke>                        Value        Value                   (%)
                                       ®          ®            e        E...                  Er                    35.9         36.445                 +5%
      Head           5250        21.0 °C     21.0 °C       21.0°C       21.0°C                7                     4 71         4 578                  T 5%

SAR Results — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid SAR Measured 100 mW input Power Normalised to 1.00 W                                                                   U"C‘(if/f;““ty
      Head          SAR averaged over 1g                    8.09 W/Kq                                  80.9 W/iKg                        + 18.75%
                   SAR averaged over 10g                    2.28 W/Kq                                  22.8 WiKg                         +18.63%

Antenna Parameters — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid                Parameter                                     Measured Level                                     Unc?;}smty
      Head                      Impedance                                 62.365 0 2.721j0                                   + 0.28 0 + 0.044 jQ
                               Return Loss                                           19.18                                        + 1.48 dB

Frequency: 5600 MHz

Dielectric Property Measurements — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
     Simulant      Frequency        Room Temp                   Liquid Temp             eamecis                     Target      Measured             Uncertainty
      Liquid         (MHz)        Start    End               Start        End                                        Value        Value                  (%)
                                      z             3              *             §                Er                 35.5         36.195                +5%
      Head           5600        21.0 °C     21.0 °C        21.0°C       21.0°C                    I                 5.07          5 01                 T 5%

SAR Results — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid        SAR Measured                     100 mW input Power                   Normalised to 1.00 W                      Uncc?‘;iiinty

      Head          SAR averaged over 1g                    8.72 WiKg                                  87.2 WiKg                         £18.75%
                    SAR averaged over 10g                   2.44 WiKg                                  24.4 WiKg                         +18.63%

Antenna Parameters — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid                 Parameter                                    Measured Level                                      Uncz(e(r)}):;unty
       Head                    Impedance                                    47.404 0 4.886j0                                 + 0.28 0 + 0.044 jQ
                               Return Loss                                        25.69                                            + 1.48 dB

        CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                                      CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                         NUMBER :
                              ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                      11903932JD01F

                       UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                                    Page 4 of 16

Frequency: 5750 MHz

Dielectric Propert y Measurements — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
  Simulant        Frequency        Room Temp                 Liquid Temp           Estame:.ste             Target     Measured         Uncertainty
   Liquid           (MHz)        Start    End             Start        End                                  Value       Value              (%)
                                     .           9            o             g             Er                35.4        35.945             +5%
    Head            5750        21.0 °C     21.0 °C       21.0°C      21.0°C               3                5579         5374              T 5%

SAR Results — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid       SAR Measured                    100 mW input Power                Normalised to 1.00 W                Unc?%a)linty

     Head          SAR averaged over 1g                   7.91 WiKg                            79.1 W/Kg                     +18.75%
                   SAR averaged over 10g                  2.21 WiKg                            22.1 WiKg                     +18.63%

Antenna Parameters — Head Simulating Liquid (HSL)
Simulant Liquid                Parameter                                   Measured Level                              Unc?;)e)llnty
     Head                      Impedance                              58.626 0 —3.403 jQ                            + 0.28 0 + 0.044 jQ
                              Return Loss                                       20.65                                    + 1.48 dB

                   §                                                                                  A |

                                   ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                   11903932JD01F
                            UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                                 Page 5 of 16

Frequency: 5250 MHz

Dielectric Property Measurements — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
 *        se i         Frequenc         Room Temp                Liquid Temp                             Target         Measured           Uncertainty
Simulant Liquid          (MHz) Y      gm          End          Sian         Ernd       Parameters            Value        Value                   (%)
     Body                 5250       22.0°C      21.0 °C      21.0°%C      21.0°C          g                 ggg         4;'3"314;                j 202

SAR Results — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid SAR Measured 100 mW input Power Normalised to 1.00 W                                                           U“C?o'}o?‘"‘y
     Bod                SAR averaged over 1g                   7.07 WiKg                         70.7 WiKg                      + 18.53%
       25              SAR averaged over 10g                   1.97 Wikg                         19.7 Wikg                      +18.61%

Antenna Parameters — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid                     Parameter                                   Measured Level                           Unc?%\inty
                                   Impedance                                  60.697 O 2.711jQ                        + 0.28 O + 0.044 jQ
                                   Return Loss                                      20.08                                  + 1.48 dB

Frequency: 5600 MHz

Dielectric Property Measurements — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
  9        s           Frequency       Room Temp                 Liquid Temp                                 Target     Measured           Uncertainty
[Simulant Liquid         (MHz)        Siar    End              Star        Ena          Parameters            value       value                (%)

                                          s           >            5               ®        Er                48.5        46.782                  +5%
     Body                5600        22.0°C      21.0 °C       21.0°C       21.0°C          o                 5 77         5 777                  T 5%

SAR Results — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid            SAR Measured                    100 mW input Power             Normalised to 1.00 W                 Unc&(e;/for;flnty

     Bod                SAR averaged over 1g                   7.56 W/Kq                         75.6 WiKg                      + 18.53%
           Y            SAR averaged over 10g                  2.08 W/Kq                         20.8 W/Kg                      +18.61%

Antenna Parameters — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid                     Parameter                                   Measured Level                            Unc?;r;\mty
     Body                           Impedance                                  46.92 0 4.017 jQ                       + 0,.28 O + 0.044 jQ
                                   Return Loss                                       25.70                                 + 1.48 dB

           CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                              CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                     NUMBER :
                 ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                              11903932JD01F

                       UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                              Page 6 of 16

Frequency: 5750 MHz

Dielectric Property Measurements — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
 f        y3      Frequency       Room Temp               Liquid Temp                                 Target     Measured       Uncertainty
Simulant Liquid     (MHz)        Sran    End            Sar         End         Parameters             value       value            (%)

     Body           5750        22.0 s °C   21.0 E °C       *
                                                        21.0°C          K
                                                                    21.0°C           Er
                                                                                     s                 48.3
                                                                                                       o           46.523
                                                                                                                    ces               +5%

SAR Results — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid SAR Measured 100 mW input Power Normalised to 1.00 W                                                  U“C%E/i";“”ty
     Bod           SAR averaged over 1g                 6.53 W/Kq                         65.3 W/KG                    +18.53%
           Y      SAR averaged over 10g                 1.82 Wikg                         18.2 Wikg_                   +18.61%

Antenna Parameters — Body Simulating Liquid (MSL)
Simulant Liquid               Parameter                                Measured Level                             Unc%;/tsmty

                              Impedance                              59.977 0 —2.829 10                        + 0.28 0 + 0.044j0
                              Return Loss                                    20.34                                 + 1.48 dB

       CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                    eEAMACATE
                                                                                                      NUMBER :
                           SSUED BY UL VS LTD _                                                      11903932JD01F
                     UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                  Page 7 of 16

DASY Validation Scan for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
DUT: D5GHzV2 — SN1168; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: SN1168





                   0 dB = 16.9 W/kg = 12.28 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 5250 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: 5GHz MSL Medium parameters used: f = 5250 MHz; 0 = 4.578 S$/m; &, = 36.445; p = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section
DASY5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3995; ConvF(5.38, 5.38, 5.38); Calibrated: 04/05/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 $n1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (30deg probe tilt) with CRP v5.0; Type: QDOOOP4OCD; Serial: TP:xxxx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW 2 2/Area Scan (101x121x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 12.4 Wikg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW 2 2/Zoom Scan 2 (9x8x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 53.68 V/m; Power Drift = —0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 33.8 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 8.09 W/ikg:; SAR(10 g) = 2.28 Wikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 16.9 W/kg

       CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                   Ceiced,
                           [SSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                     11903932JD01F
                     UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                 Page 8 of 16

DASY Validation Scan for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
DUT: D5GHzV2 — SN1168; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: SN1168





                  0 dB = 18.6 W/ikg = 12.70 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 5600 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: 5GHz MSL Medium parameters used: f = 5600 MHz; 0 = 5.011 S/m; s = 36.195; p = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section
DASYS5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3995; ConvF(5.02, 5.02, 5.02); Calibrated: 04/05/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 $n1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (30deg probe tilt) with CRP v5.0; Type: QDO0OP40CD; Serial: TP:>cxxx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Area Scan (101x121x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 13.2 Wikg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7) (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 53.28 V/im; Power Drift = 0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 38.9 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 8.72 Wikg; SAR(10 g) = 2.44 Wikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.6 Wikg

       CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                    ceatiricate
                           [SSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                       11903932JD01F
                     UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                  Page 9 of 16

DASY Validation Scan for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
DUT: D5GHzV2 — SN1168; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: SN1168





                   0 dB = 16.9 W/kg =12.28 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 5750 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: 5GHz MSL Medium parameters used: f= 5750 MHz; 0 = 5.214 S/im; &; = 35.945; p = 1000 kg/im*
Phantom section: Flat Section
DASY 5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3995; ConvF(5.3, 5.3, 5.3); Calibrated: 04/05/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 $n1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (30deg probe tilt) with CRP v5.0; Type: QDOOOP4OCD; Serial: TP:xxxx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Area Scan (101x121x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 11.8 W/kg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 49.29 V/im; Power Drift = 0.05 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 36.5 W/kg
SAR(1 g) =7.91 Wikg; SAR(10 g) = 2.21 Wikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 16.9 W/kg

            CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                  CERTIFICATE
                                                                                         NUMBER :
                  ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                  11903932JD01F

                                 UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248         Page 10 of 16

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
® 11/28/2017 11:0451 AM

 Trc1              S$11 Smith 200 mU/ Ref 1 U Cal Smo                                                         1
                                                                                   M1—5.250000 GHz   62.365   0
                                                                                                     j2721    0
                                                                                                     82.496   pH
                                                                                    M2 5.600000 GHz 47.404    0
                                                                                                     ja.s86   0
                                                                                                    128.852   pH
                                                                                   +M3 5.750000 GHz   58.626 Q
                                                                                                      43.403 a
                                                                                                       8.133 pF


 Ch1 Start 5 GHz                                        Pwr 10 dBm Bw 10 kHz                          Stop 6 GHz

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                cermeicate
                                SSUED BY UL VS LTD                                 11903932JD01F
                           UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248          Page 11 of 16

Return Loss Measurement Plot for Head Stimulating Liquid (HSL)
® 11/28/2017 11:05:52 AM
 Trcl         S11 dB Mag 5 dB/ Ref—20 dB Cal Smo                                                         1
                                                                               M1 5.250000 GHz —19.1765 dB
                                                                               Mz2 5.600000 GHz —25.6857 dB
                                                                             * M3 5.750000 GHz —20.6539 dB

—20 dB                                   ®f
                                                            \\\Mé/             F                         <%

 Ch1 Start 5 GHz                                   Pwr —10 d&m Bw 10 kHz                        Stop 6 GHz

       CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                 certiricate
                           ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                    11903932JD01F
                     UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                              Page 12 of 16

DASY Validation Scan for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
DUT: 5GHz Dipole SN:1016; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: SN 1016





                  0 dB = 14.8 W/kg = 11.70 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 5250 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: MSL 5G Medium parameters used: f= 5250 MHz; 0 = 5.312 S/m; &, = 47.8644; p = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section; Flat Section
DASYS5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3995; ConvF(4.97, 4.97, 4.97); Calibrated: 04/05/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 $n1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (20deg probe tilt) with CRP v4.0; Type: QDOOOP40CC; Serial: TP 3xxx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=100mW 2 2/Area Scan (71x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 15.3 W/kg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=100mW 2 2/Zoom Scan (7x7x12) (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm,
Reference Value = 40.03 V/m; Power Drift = —0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.5 Wi/kg
SAR(1 g) =7.07 Wikg; SAR(10 g) = 1.97 Wikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.8 W/kg

          CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                             cermeicate
                           ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                   11903932JD01F
                     UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                             Page 13 of 16

DASY Validation Scan for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
DUT: 5GHz Dipole SN:1168; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: SN 1168
      * m





                   0 dB = 16.2 W/kg = 12.10 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 5600 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: MSL 5G Medium parameters used: f= 5600 MHz; 0 = 5.777 S/m; &, = 46.782; p = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section
DASY 5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3995; ConvF(4.4, 4.4, 4.4); Calibrated: 04/05/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 Sn1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (20deg probe tilt) with CRP v4.0; Type: QDO0O0P4OCC; Serial: TP:3>xxx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=100mW 2/A¥rea Scan (71x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 17.1 Wikg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=100mW 2/Zoom Scan (7x7x12) (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm,
Reference Value = 39.49 V/m; Power Drift = —0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 33.7 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 7.56 Wi/kg:; SAR(10 g) = 2.08 W/ikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 16.2 W/ikg

       CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                quEER.
                          ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                    11903932JD01F
                    UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                               Page 14 of 16

DASY Validation Scan for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
DUT: 5GHz Dipole SN:1168; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: SN 1168





                  0 dB = 14.1 W/kg = 11.49 dBW/kg

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Frequency: 5750 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: MS 5G Medium parameters used: £ = 5750 MHz; 0 = 5.968 S/m; &; = 46.523; p = 1000 kg/m*
Phantom section: Flat Section
DASY 5 Configuration:
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3995; ConvF(4.59, 4.59, 4.59); Calibrated: 04/05/2017;
— Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE4 $n1435; Calibrated: 10/02/2017
— Phantom: SAM (20deg probe tilt) with CRP v4.0; Type: QDOOOP40CC; Serial: TP >xx
— ; SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=100mW 2 2 2/Area Scan (71x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 14.4 Wikg
Configuration/d=10mm, Pin=100mW 2 2 22Zoom Scan (7x7x12) (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm,
Reference Value = 36.07 V/m; Power Drift = —0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.2 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 6.53 W/ikg; SAR(10 g) = 1.82 W/ikg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.1 Wikg

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                                                                                    CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                                                        NUMBER :
               ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                                                                                                                    11903932JD01F

                           UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248                                                                             Page 15 of 16

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
® 11/28/2017 19:48:36 AM

 Trct         $11 Smith 200 mU/ Ref 1 U Cal Smo                                                                                                                              1
                                                                                                                                                 M1 5.250000 GHz  60.697    0
                                                                                                                                                                   j2.m11   o
                                                                                                                                                                  82.177    pH
                                        e                                                                                                        M2 5.600000 GHz 46.920     0
                                                                                                                                                                   j4.017   0
                                                                                                                                                                 114.176    pH
                                                                                                                                                 * M3 5.750000 GHz   59.977 Q
                                                                                                                                                                     42.829 o
                                                                                                                                                                      9.786 pF


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 Ch1 Start 5 GHz                                                          Pwr —10 dBm Bw 10 kHz                                                                      Stop 6 GHz

         CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION                                                   cesmacare
                                 ISSUED BY UL VS LTD                               11903932JD01F
                            UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 5248         Page 16 of 16

Return Loss Measurement Plot for Body Stimulating Liquid (MSL)
@) 11/28/2017 1947:03 AM

 Trcl          511 dB Mag 5 dB/ Ref—20 dB Cal Smo                                                       1
                                                                               M1 5.250000 GHz —20.0793 dB
                                                                               M2 5.600000 GHz —25.6953 dB
                                                                              +M3 5.750000 GHz —20,3426 dB

—20 d8                              ¥.

 Ch1 Start 5 GHz                                    Pwr —10 dBm Bw 10 kHz                       Stop 6 GHz

Calibration Certificate Label:

                                      UL VS LTD — Tel: +44 (0) 1256312000
                                 Certificate Number: 11903932JD01F

                                 Instrument ID: 1168

                M¥               Calibration Date: 23/Nov/2017

                                 Calibration Due Date:

                                      UL VS LTD — Tel: +44 (0) 1256312000
                                 Certificate Number: 11903932JD01F
                                 Instrument ID: 1168

                  UKAS |         Calibration Date: 23/Nov/2017

                                 Calibration Due Date:

                                      UL VS LTD — Tel: +44 (0) 1256312000
                                 Certificate Number: 11903932JD01F
                                 Instrument ID: 1168

               ~UKAS             Calibration Date: 23/Nov/2017

                                 Calibration Due Date:

Document Created: 2018-03-07 00:35:11
Document Modified: 2018-03-07 00:35:11

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