Uniform spreading & TPC Declaration Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                         NETGEAR, Inc.
                             350 East Plumeria Drive, San Jose, California 95134, USA
                                        Tel: 408-890-3657 / Fax: 408-907-8097

             Uniform spreading & TPC Declaration Letter
                                                                                                   Date: 2013/12/24


To Whom it may concern,

Uniform Spreading Statement:

We, NETGEAR, Inc., declare that the EUT (Model Name: UPWL6031H5). Uniform Spreading is required across the
frequency ranges 5250 MHz to 5350 MHz and 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz. Channel plans (5250 MHz to 5350 MHz
and 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz) shall make use of 60 % of the spectrum available in the applicable sub-band(s).
Each of the Usable Channels will be used with approximately equal probability. RLAN band 5600 MHz to 5650
MHz omit these channels from the list of Usable Channels at initial power up or at initial installation.
In the other way, the software and associated drivers to support TPC are built into the device firmware.


Note: The registered grantee contact is not available, David Kay is signing for grantee contact. He/She can be
reached at email: David.Kay@Netgear.com.

FCC Grantee contact person information.
Applicant’s company name            :   NETGEAR, Inc.

Applicant’s company address         :   350 East Plumeria Drive, San Jose, California 95134, USA

Signature                           :                                       Signed for John Ramones

Name and Job Title                  :   John Ramones / Director of Product Design

E-Mail                              :   jramones@netgear.com

Tel.                                :   408-890-3657

                                                                                             Page No.      :5

Document Created: 2019-11-05 14:55:23
Document Modified: 2019-11-05 14:55:23

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