User Manual-2

FCC ID: PY318300421

Users Manual

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                                                        Set Up Your Mobile Hotspot
                                                        1 Insert the battery.
                                                                             FPO                                                                                   FPO
        AT&T Unite Express 2

                                                                                                                                                            Network indicator
                                                        2 Install the back cover.                                                                                Alert indicator
                                                        The battery is precharged. When you need
                                                        to recharge it, connect the USB cable to the                      Signal
                                                        mobile hotspot and then plug into:
                                                        • A wall socket, using the wall charger (fastest                  Number of                                        Wi-Fi network
                                                          option)                                                         connected
                                                                                                                             devices                           FPO         name
                                                        • The USB port on your laptop                                                                                      and password
                                                        Note: The mobile hotspot comes with a preinstalled SIM card.
     Let’s Get Started
                                                        Activate Your Account                                              Press the Navigation button                      to scroll
                                                                                                                           through the screens.
                                                        1 On a computer that is connected to the
                                                          Internet, go to in the                           Connect to the Internet
                                                          device’s browser.
                                                        2 Under Activate Account select mobile                             Turn on your mobile hotspot
                                                          hotspot and follow the prompts to create                         1 Press and hold the Power button for 2
                                                          an account.                                                         seconds.
                                                        By Phone                                                              Note: The screen displays the hotspot’s Wi-Fi network
                                                                                                                              name and password.
                                                        • Call 866-707-5550 to activate your account.
                                                                                                                           On your laptop or other wireless device
                                                        Your Account Passcode
                                                                                                                           2 Open your Wi-Fi/network connection
                                                        • Your mobile hotspot will be assigned a
                                                          wireless phone number.
AT&T Eco Rating 2.0 only applies to the NETGEAR         • The last four digits of your wireless                            3 Find your mobile hotspot’s Wi-Fi network
Mobile Hotspot, model AC797. For limited factors          number will be your account passcode.                               name (ATT-WIFI-XXXX) and connect.
evaluated visit Wireless              • You will need this passcode to manage your                       4 Enter your mobile hotspot’s Wi-Fi password.
Emergency Alerts is a registered Trademark and            account.                                                         5 Launch your Internet browser.
Service Mark of CTIA.
                                                        • For security, we recommend that you
                                                                                                                           Note: The screen goes dark to save power. Press and release
NETGEAR and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks               change this to a secure passcode not
                                                                                                                           the Power button to wake the screen.
of NETGEAR, Inc. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. 4G           related to the wireless number assigned to
LTE not avail. everywhere. Contains <battery type>        this device.
battery - recycle or dispose of properly. 2018 AT&T     Note: To begin using service, please be sure to add sufficient
Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the   money to cover the plan you selected. If you do not add money
AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein     to your account within 26 days of activation, your account will
are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All       be canceled.
other marks are the property of their respective

Printed in USA                        201-24043-01

Manage Your Account                                Advanced Settings — In Your                        Advanced Settings — In Your
                                                   Browser                                            Browser
Check your balance, buy a data package,
add money, and more                                Change advanced settings such as the Wi-Fi         Change advanced settings such as the Wi-Fi
• Visit or dial                  network name and password, the                     network name and password, the
  866-707-5550.                                    maximum number of devices, and more, via the       maximum number of devices, and more, via the
                                                   AT&T Wi-Fi Manager web interface.                  AT&T Wi-Fi Manager web interface.
• For additional information visit                            1 Connect a Wi-Fi device to your mobile hotspot.   1 Connect a Wi-Fi device to your mobile hotspot.
                                                   2 Type http://attwifimanager in the connected      2 Type http://attwifimanager in the connected
Renew your plan                                       device’s browser.                                  device’s browser.
• Your plan automatically renews on your rate      3 Login is attadmin.                               3 Login is attadmin.
   plan renewal date. To ensure continuous
   service, be sure to have enough money in your                              Account information     Advanced Connection Options
   account to cover your rate plan charge.
• If you need more data before your rate                                                              Guest Wi-Fi
   plan renewal date, you can purchase a data
   package.                                                                                           You can give guests one-time access to your
                                                   Menu                                               mobile hotspot by setting up a Guest Wi-Fi
Add money to your account                                                   FPO                       network:
• Auto Refill is an easy option that keeps your                                                       1 On your laptop (or other Wi-Fi device), type
  account active while keeping you in charge.                                                            http://attwifimanager in the browser bar.
  You can use a credit or debit card and choose                                                       2 Log in as administrator. Default login is
  the amount you want to refill.                                                                         attadmin.
• Use a credit/debit card for a one-time refill.
                                                                                                      3 Select Wi-Fi from the left-side menu.
• To load funds from a GoPhoneRefill Card, visit   Wi-Fi Passwords or call                                                                           4 Select Options.
  800-901-9878. Refill cards are available at      Hide password                                      5 Check the box next to Enable secondary Wi‑Fi
  retail locations nationwide.                                                                           network.
                                                   1 On your Wi-Fi device, type
                                                      http://attwifimanager in the browser bar.          The Submit button displays near the bottom
Network Indicators                                 2 Log in as administrator.
                                                                                                         of the screen after you make a selection.
                                                      Default login is attadmin.                      6 Click Submit.
Your 4G LTE wireless device will display one
of the following network indicators to let you     3 Select Wi-Fi on the left-side menu.              Block device access
know which of AT&T’s wireless networks you are     4 Select Options.
connected to.                                      5 In the Main section next to Broadcast Network    To prevent a device from reconnecting to the
                                                      Name, click the radio button next to Hide.      mobile hotspot, add it to the hotspot’s blocked
        Connected to AT&T’s 4G LTE network.        6 Click Submit.
                                                                                                      1 On your laptop (or other Wi-Fi device), type
        Conntected to AT&T’s HSPA+network.         Change Wi-Fi network name and password                http://attwifimanager in the browser.
                                                   1 On your Wi-Fi device, type                       2 Log in as administrator. Default login is
                                                      http://attwifimanager in the browser bar.          attadmin.
                                                   2 Log in as administrator.                            A list of devices connected to the main Wi-
           FPO                                                                                           Fi and guest Wi-Fi networks displays on the
                                                      Default login is attadmin.
                                                   3 Select Wi-Fi on the left-side menu.                 home screen.
                                                   4 In the Wi-Fi Info section, click Edit.           3 Click on the device you want to block.
                                                   5 In the Main section, type your new Wi-Fi         4 Follow the displayed instructions to block the
                                                      network name and password.                         device.
                                                   6 Click Submit.


Document Created: 2018-08-16 10:27:39
Document Modified: 2018-08-16 10:27:39

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