SAR report 4

FCC ID: PY307300073

RF Exposure Info

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Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5200 MHz

      Impedance, ransformed to fand paint                                        «s3 n—22n
      Retum Loss                                                                   31108
Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5500 MHz

      impecance, wranstormec to fead puint                |                      se 1n—04n
      Retum Loss                                                                   20105

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5800 MHz

      impedance. anstormes to feed point                                         sean+ s an
      Retum Loss                                                                   20108

General Antenna Parameters and Design

      Electrcal Delay (one directon)                      |                         1202 ns
After long tarm use wih 40 W radiated pawer, onl a sight warming of the dlpole near ne feedpoint can be measured
The dipole is made of stndard somrigd coaxial cable. The center conductor of e faeding ins is drecty connected to the
second arm ofthe dipole. The anterna is tharefore shortciouted for DC—signals.
No excessive force must be applles to the dipole arms, because they might band or the scldared comnections near the
feedoint may be damaged

Additional EUT Data
      Manutactured by                                                               seeao
      Manutactured on                                                           August 28, 2003

Ceriicale No: DSGHzV2—1000FobtG                       PagoS o7

DASY4 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                                   Date/Time: 10.02.2006 21:06:10

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole SGHz; Type: DSGHz; Serial: DSGHzV2 — SN:1006
Communication System: CW—5GHz, Frequency: 5800 MHz Frequency: 5500 MHz Frequency: 5200 MHz;
Duty Cyele: 1:1
Medium: MSL 5800 MHz;
Medium parameters used: f= 5800 MHz: 0 = 5.88 mho/m; s, = 47.8; = 1000 ke/m‘ Medium parameters
used: f= 5500 MHz        5 mhoim; £, = 48 4; p= 1000 kg/m‘ Medium parameters used: {= 5200 MHz; 0 =
5.11 mho/m; e, = 49.1;   1000 kg/m®
Phantom section Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY4 (High Precision Assessment)
DASY4 Configuration:
   *    Brobe: ENBDV4— SN3S03; ConnFIA9, 463, 469)Conete.28, 4.78,4.78)ConvBQ$.18, 5.18,5.18); Calibatad:10.3 2008

   +.   SeniorSurfice: 2mm (Machanical Surfice Detetion)

   *    Eectrnics: DAB4 Sn60); Calltaed: 15122008

   +.   Phantom: Flat Phastom $ (baeld: Type: QDOOOPSOAA
   +.   Measicemeat SWDASY4, V46 BuilG7, Postprocessing SW. SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 160

d=10mm, Pin=250mW, {=5200 MHz/Zoom Scan (8x8x8), dist=2mm (8x8x8)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=4.3mm, dy=4.3mm, de—3mm
Reference Value=77.8 V/m; Power Drift =—0.025 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 65.4 Wikg
SAR(I p) = 184 mWig; SAR(IOg)= 5.16 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured)= 37.8 mW/g
d=L0mm, Pin=250mW, f=5500 MH#/Zoom Scan (8x8x8), dist=2mm (8x8x8)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=4.3mm, dy=4.3mm, dz=3mm
Reference Value— 73.9 Vim; Power Drift = 0.003 dB
Pesk SAR (extrapolated) = 72.9 Wike
SAR(L g) = 18.8 mWig; SAR(LO g 5.26 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured) — 30.6 mW/g
d=10mm, Pin=250mW, f=5800 MHz/Zoom Scan (8x8x8), dist
Measurement grid: dx=4.3mm, dy=4.3mm, de=3mm
Reference Value=69.5 Vim; Power Drift =—0.024 dB
Pesk SAR (extrapolated) = 70.0 Wike
SARCL g) = 17.5 mWigs SAR(IO g) 4.4 mWig
Maximum value ofSAR (measured

Ceriicate No: DSCHzV2—1008_Fobo6                       Page of7

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                10 ree soos asorae
         m sn        i ure

                                                                     ont tariers



         tro                                                         Cht tarkers
         ton                                                         weomase an
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                                                                     aeznuien on
                                                                     sancon ou—

Gorticate No: DsGrtz¥2—1006_Feeos    Page? of

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                 Schwaizerscher Kabrierdlennt
Schmid & Partner                                                                          Service suisse aitalonnage
  Engingering AG                                                                          Sevilo avieznre ditarature
Zoughausstrasse 4, 8004 Rurich, Sizerland                                                 Suiss CalbvationService

Aecredtesby he Sniss Faderl Offce o Metlacy onAccrsstaton                    Accrestation No: SCS 108
T Swise Accredittion Sorvice is one ofth signatoies to the EA
Mutlaterl Agresment for the receqtn of callationcrtfates
Clom             Sporksn (Alden \                                            cortitcats No: DAE4—778_SepO7

ICAL BRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                                  I
Otjess                         DAE4 — $D 000 D04 BG — SN: 778

Gattraton procecures)          OA CAL—O8.12
                               Callbration procedure for the data acquisiion electronics (DAE)

Calteaton date                 September17, 2007

Contiion ltcaltrtes tem        In Tolerance

Th calttion coriats documents the racsutlty o netond siendards, wien realze ho ptynlcal uns of measiremrs (5h
‘The measemanis ané the urcaraintes wiconfdercn prosabily aregvan on thefoloving pages and are pao the cartcals
Alcalbeatons nae bean conductd n tnocosed apeatarfaoity: errormontlemperaare (2 2 3)!Gand haviy =70%
Caltraton Ecupment used (NTE ictrcatiraton)
Primay Sndarts              ns                       al ate (Cattrtedby,Contate No)           Screcated Cattration
TiPrecens CatirateeYype 702 onGoosons                12058 (tled AG. No: ston                 oaor
Ketney NMuttmeter Typeanot  |sucosicars              ox.0508 (tea AG, o serm)                 oaor
Seccrdan Sandves                s                 ts Date (nnouse)                            Sermtted Check
Cattrabrronyi1                  se uie oo RB 1008 25Jundi(SPEAGInrouse o)                     innowmcheJunes

                                Name                            Furcion                        Sqotre
Catoritby:                     Doninave Staton                  Techcin                      ,b

Aooroves br:                    Fn oo                           Rx0 Dieior                        2 U
                                                                                               Jesuas: Soptomnr 17 2007
|Thiscattritoncertcate shanetbe reprvond excentiul ilhoutwitten asprovl o th aberaty.

Ceriicate No: DAEA—776_Sepo7                            Page 1 or$

Calibration Laboratory of                                                    Schwelzorschor Kallerdinat
Schmid & Partner                                                         g Bervice suliso eétalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                             Survio sviezero l tanture
Zoughausstrasse 3, 904 zurich Swtzerland                                 5. amiss CalirationSorvice

Accrudtes by te Sss Fderl Offen of Marelogyand Accrdlaton                 Accreatationin: SCS 108
‘Tre Siss Acerootation Servie is one of the ignataris tthe EA
IatralAgreomentfo th recugnitono calbration cartficates

DAE                      data acquisition electronics
Connector angle          information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                         coordinate system.

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
  * DC Voftage Measurement: Galibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
     comparison with a calibrated instrumenttraceable to national standards. The figure given
        corresponds to the full scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range.
   *    Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
        mechanically by a tool inserted. Uncertainty is not required.
   *    The following parameters contain technical information as a result from the performance
        test and require no uncertainty.
   «DC Voltage Measurement Lincanity: Verification of the Linearity at +10% and —10% of the
        nominal calibration veltage. Influence of offeet voltage is included in this measurement
   *    Common mode sensitiviy : Influenceof a positive or negative common made valtage on the
        differential measurement.
   +    Channel separation: Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an input
   «    AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Yalues on the internal AD converter
        corresponding to zero input voltage     >
   *    input Offset Measurement; Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
        zero vollage measurements.
   *    input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset current,
        not considering the input resistance.
    *   input resistance: DAE input resistance at the connector, during internal auto—zeroing and
        during measurement
   +    Low Battery Alarm Vollage: Typical value for information. Below this voltege, a battery
        alarm signal is generated
   +    Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Gantfeats No: DAEL—778_Sepor                            Page2 of5

DC Voltage Measurement
   ATD — Convertar Resolution norminal
       High Renge           se =             auy         fullrenge=     100...:300 mV:
      Low Range         1.s8 =         6tnv          fulrange=     —1.   «3my
   DASY measuremant parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 sec

     Calibration Factors                 x                          ¥                      &

     High Range                404.715 20.1% (KeZ)      408.620 £0.1% (ce2)      40.006 £0.1% (k2)

     Low Rango                  3.99539 £0.7% (k22)     .96328 £0.7%(ke2)        397102 £0.7% (ke2)

Connector Angle

   [ Gonnoster Angle to be used in DASY system                                           s00°a4

Centfcate No: DAEC—778Sen07                           Page 8 of 5


1. DC Voltage Linearity
     High Range                                Input (uy)           Reading (V)            Error (%)
     Channel X    + input                        200000               1ososn.s              00
     Channel X    + Input                         20000               2000441               ose
     Ghannel X___— lnput                          20000              2000255                ao1
     Ghannel Y    +Input                         200000               2000003              000
     Ghannel Y    +nput                           20000               2000s.07             oce
     Ghannel ¥    Input                           20000              2000841               oc
     Channel 2    +Input                         200000               2000003              000
     Channel Z    +Input                          20000               20002 a9             ao1
     Channel Z    Input                           20000              2000525               oc3
     Low Range                                 Input (a¥)           Reading (x¥)           Eror (%)
     Ghannel X      _ _+ Input                     2000                1oee                aso
     Channet x      + Input                         200                tooar               26
     ChannelX       —input                          200               20056                028
     Channel Y      + Input                        2000                 2000 1             0.00

     Ghannel Y      ___+input                       200                 19015              o43
     Ghannel Y      _ — Input                       200                 20077              oso
     Ghannel Z      + nout                         2000                  2000              000
     Ghannel 2      ___+input                       200                  1ez               os0
     Channel 2      ___—Input                       200                 .201 30            oso

2. Common mode sensitivity
   DASY messsrement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 see: Measuring time: 3 see
                    Common mode                     High Range                         Low Range
                       Input Voltage (m¥)            Average Reading (xy)          Average Rending (x¥)
    Channel x                           200                    s00                       sa2
                                       —200                    7ar                       ss0
    Channaty                            200                    240                       28e
                                       200                      204                      125
    Channelz                             200                   o83                      1o.80
                                       — 20                    BB                        as0

3. Channel separation
   DMSY measurement parametars: Auto Zero Time: 3 ses: Measuring tme: 3 see
                   Input Vottage (m¥)__| ChannelX (g) Channet Y (¥)                    ChannetZ{a¥)
    Ghannol x                    200                      —                257              0.18
    GhannelY                     200                  on                    —               406
    Channol 2                    200                  160                  108               —

Corlicate No: DAE4—778_8e907                              Page 4 of $

4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
    DASY maasuremant paramalars: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 see

                                                  High Range (LS8)              Low Range (LSB)
     channel x                                          1eoss                        1oae
     Channel Y                                          16150                        16200
     channel z                                          16405                        1107

5. Input Offset Measurement
    DASY maasuramant paramalor: Auto Zero Tima: 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 see
    inout oun
                       Average (pV)      min. Offeat (p¥) max. Offset (uV)           5* m‘“""
     ChannelX              an                  425                ost                   ose
     Channel Y             ass                 224                ons                   o0
     Channel 2             12«                 243                oss                   ost

6. Input Offset Current
    Norminal input crautry offsal current an all channels: <25(%

7. Input Resistance
                                                Zeroing (MOhm)                 Measuring (MOhm)
     Channel x                                       o.z000                          aour
     Channal Y                                       0,2000                         207
     Channel 2                                       cisas                          mas

8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (vertied during pre test
     Typical values                              Alarm Level (VDC)
     Supply (+ Vee)                                       +              «79
     Supply ( Vee)                                                       s

9. Power Consumption (vedfed during pre tes)
    Typical values                        Switched off ma) Stand by (ma)          Transmitting (ma)
     Supply (+ Ves)                               reo                s                   ria
     Supply ( Vee)                               —o01                #                    3

Cerifcato No: DAE4—778.8e507                            Page S ot$

Calibration Laboratory of                                                              5. SetweizerischerNattrierdanst
Schmid & Partner                                                                          Senven suisse dtalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                       5. suviie asime sttwates
Zoughavestasse 438004 Zuch, Swizerrd                                                   S.— suies Catbraton Senice
 Aoveites ty the SomiFoseraOffes of Nevony ars ccredtain                     Accredtatio No: SCS 108
 ‘Ta Swise dcrediation Senvce is one oftha signtoris io the EA
 Muttateral Agreementfo the recogriton of alratin corifeates

 Caitraton ate
 Gondlionatth caitied on

 Ti calteaton crifeae docurmnts t taceanyto maieraslandarieunch reatcaheotyuica un ofmeansornct (50
 ‘The messuremants on e neeviteurn conidance posabty we gvenon t faloving sages and we part ofthe cartiats
 Alcalivatonshave been cerductas in t sotes anordryfclty: onvronmenttemperauee (22 2 3]°C ane humisty «20%.
 Coltraton Envimentaad (WATEertzalto eatiriton)
 PrmayStantents                 oe                   Cl bats (cterai ty.Centicate No )         sctecuies Cartraton
 Poverate Ei1198                coemsaire            linett (VETAS, o. 2rr—ooer0)              Weras
 Poversomsorssrzn               wrovwsserr           ramegr (meras, o 2rm—ooer0)               weros
 Poversomsor ezA                wvevessosr           mauaelmeras, io2i7—0er0)                  waros
 Retwence 958 Atoruator         on seose n           dAor es ho. arrcorie)                     heace
 Aetience 2009 Atersotr         on seons on..        rowaror(wietas mo 2tro00rh                waros
 Roterence 1008 Atersate        snseran gon          naugor (etas, Ne arrour0)                 Auson
 Ratwence Probe E92042          en aore              dcdan07 (SPEAGho. £33.9013.Jerd)          dont
 maee                           suose                zoA0c0r (sreao,No pxcasapror)             Apros
 secondtor sendants            |ox                   Chesk Dat (nhouse)                        Scheduled Check
 i gerenicn soiso               Usseituoi700         eAup80(S°CAG, nhowecreck Novd.            Inhaunecreck Novor
 nemor anaimerhe areoe          |ussrzsoses          18Oe(GPEAG, in house sheek DetO®)         intouseenectcOct7

 Cotvai bp


 ‘Ths ulivaton certicale sha no b rerrscad srcestinA wihout riten appronof h abonlor:
Conifats No: ET9—1787_Augtr                             Page 1 of 9

Calibration Laboratory of                                                       Schwaizarischar Katprersionst
Schmic & Pariner                                                                Bervce auisse italonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                Servico avizero i frokra
‘Zeoghaussracee 43, 1004 turet,Sutzsrand                                        Suiss Calbraton Senvce

Acsrusted byts SnFodorOe of Matcloy d Accradtaien                            Aecmiation No: SCS 108
‘To Swiss Acormataton Semnce is one o tha signtoniastotne CA
Mtlaeral Agreamentfor threcountiono calbraton coritcaten

TSL                      tissue      simulating liquid
NORMcy.z                 sensitivity in free space
ConF                     sensitivity in TSL / NORMizy,z
DP                       diode compression point
Polarization o           » rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8           8 rotation around an axis thatis in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                         measurement center), Le., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Sid 1528—2008, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Hoad from Wireless
        Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
    b) IEC 62209—1, ‘Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
        devices used in close proximity to the ear(frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)*,
        February 2008
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * NORMxy,z: Assessed for E—feld polarization 3 = 0 (f s 200 MHz in TEM—cell; > 1800 MHz:
     R22 waveguide}. NORMi.y.z: are only intermediate values, i.., the uncertainties of
        NORMx yz does not effect the E*—feld uncertainty inside TSL (see below Convi~).
    *   NORMIMxy,a = NORMxy,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart), This
        Hinearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
        the frequency response is included in therstated uncertainty of ConvF,
    *   DGPxy.z: DCP are numerical linearization paramaters assessed based on the data of
        power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
    *   ConvF and Boundary Effect Paremsters: Assessed in flat prantom using E—field (or
        Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) andinside waveguide using analytical feld
        distributions based on power measurements for t > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
        assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
        typical uncertainty velues are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
        improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds to
        NORkxy,z * ConvE whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for Conv, A
        frequency dependent ConyF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending
      the validity from * 50 MHz to £ 100 MHz
    * Sphorical isotropy (3D doviation from isatropy): in a field of low gradients realized using a
        flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
    * Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurament center
        from the probe tip (on probe axis). No tolerance required.

Certfeate No: ET3—1787_Augor                           Page 20(9

   ET3DVé SN:1787                                                              August 28, 2007

                      Probe ET3DVG6

                               Manufactured:                   May 28, 2003
                               Last calibrated:                May 31, 2006
                               Recalibrated:                   August 28, 2007

                                   Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                    (Note: non—compattle with DASY2 system!)

Certfcale No: ET3—1787_Augor                  Page s ota

   ET3DVS SN:1787                                                                 August 28, 2007

    DASY — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1787

   Sensitivity in Free Space®                                          Diode Compression®
            NormX                 163 £10.%          uVifVim®          DoP x          82 my
            Norm¥                 1.68 £10.1%        uVi(Viny‘         eP Y           s6 mV
            NormZ                 208 sr01%          uVi(Vimy®         DCP Z          21 my

   Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
   Please sePage 8.

   Boundary Effect
   Tst                  900 Mitz        Typical SAR gradient: 5% por mm

            Sensor Center to Phantom Surfzce Disiance                  3.7 mm 47 mm
            Sanc, D)           Without Correction Aigorthm                  47   20
            SM8.. MM]          with Correction Algorthm                     or   o0
   Tst                  1810 Mz         Typical SAR gradient: 10 % per mm

            Sensor Genterto Phantom Surtace Distance                   3.7 mm 427 mm
            SAR%DM)            Without Correcton Algorthm                   is   70
            San.. Dhl          wit Corraction Algarithm                     o2   o«

   Sensor Offsct
            Probe Ti to Sensor Genter                              2.7 mm

    The reported uncertalnly of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
    measurement mulliplied by the eoverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    corresponds to a coverage probablity of approximately 95%.

   * TreuncenaintatNemCY2 do otalet hn £"fac uncerainy nT9L (sou Page 6
   * Numerea inazaten paainate ureetany retroqures

Gerifoate No: ET3—!787 Auso7                     Page 4or3

   ET3DVG SN:1787                                                              August 28, 2007

                               Frequency Response of E—Field
                                  (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)


                      o         seo       1e00
                                                              2000 250


                                      —s—rew              —o— aze

                           Uncertainty of Frequency Response oE—fld: 1 6.3% (ke2)

Cortfcale No: ET3—1707_Augor                     PageS of$

   ET3DVG SN:1787                                                                     August 28, 2007

                                Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

             £= soo MHz, Tem ift10EXX                            1= sa0o miz, wo Rz2

        ‘+x <e—y <e—2 <o—te:

        as                                                                             es
        as                                                                             ~e—30 ie
     g 3                                                                               ~#— 100 Wlz
     $ *                                                                               —>—s00 ie
     e                                                                                 —=— 1800 itc
     a 34                                                                              ——2soitte
             o         so           120        180         mo         sc0        a«o

                              Uncertainty of Axial sotropy Assessment: £ 0.5% (ke2)

Certfeate No: T3—1787_Augor                    Page Sero

   ET3DVG SN:1787                                                                              August 28, 2007

                                             Dynamic Range f(SARpeaa)
                                                  (Waveguide R22, = 1800 MHz)



          InputSignal fivl





                               nooot       acor      cor         on           1      10       100
                                                           SaR imiticn)
                                       * —8~ rot companeated             —#—compantated   ‘

                              eoo           snn            an             1          10             100
                                                           SAR {mWlon]

                                            Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment£ 0.8% (k=2)

CenticuteNo: E13—1707Augor                                  Page 7 oro

   ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                           August 28, 2007

                               Conversion Factor Assessment

             1= 900 MHz, WGLS R9 (head)                              1= 1810 Mite, WOLS RZ2 (head)
           as                                                      wo
           so 4                                                    250

       &*                                                      E 20
       & 20                                                    T
       &                                                       $ 150
       $#                                                      £
       A 10                                                    5$ 100
           as                                                        80
           as                           —                            oo
                o        m             a            s                     o         »              10         so
                               stmo                                                      stmem)
           oAvalyleal          ~s—Nesewevents                        —+~ Anabical       ~+—Meassrements

   t uies Vateimy thMal®         ou.   pernitiviy       Conduetity       Alpha   opth     Coné£ Uncerainty
   soo      +s0/2 100           Head 41516%             0.6728%           as2    2e2        658     £11.0% o)
   1810     @5072 100           Heas eab«5%             14025%            as0    2e1        518     £110% (c2)
   2000     5072 100            Head 4005%              14028%            ass     2as       480     £11.0%(c2)
   2aso     «8072100            Head saz«5%             1.80=8%           oar    dsn        50       an18%(e2)

   s0o0     25072100            Bosy   ssor5%           1.05«5%           ass     as>       610.        £11.0%(e2)
   1t0      +s0/a 100           Body   53848%           1622 5%           sar    ase        4680        £110%(e2)
   2000     +50/2 100           Bosy   53325%           15225%            aso     2eo       30          a110% o2
   saso     xso7a 100           Bosy   sa7is%           ros« s%           ass     2is       02          +118%(c2)

   5 avafiiy ota 109 itz onl anpis for DASY vt4and highe(sonPage 2. Th unceriinty s h AsS
   ofhe ComP unceriainy at atbeation frequency and h uncetainyforthe indicatadtsquency banc.

Cerificae No: ET3—1787_Aug07                     Puge Bofd

   ET3DVSN:1787                                                                   August 28, 2007

                             Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                        Error (6, 8), f = 900 MHz

                                                                                     Error (dB]

                              m1 oc—om0 m.oie—ar0 fnsat—a00 m020—020 m.a20000 |
                             |maseom momass mossom mossose mssn

                         Uncertainty of SphericalIsotragy Assessment: 2 2.6% (k=2)

Corteata No: ET3—1787Augor                  Page.oor0

Galibration Laboratory of                                                                Sotoreizeischur aibviordionct
Schmid & Pariner                                                                         Sonicn utenn tnionnagn
  Engineering AG                                                                         Santio avrareol trnurs
Roogtnssstanse d, 004 Zurich, Surtzerand                                                 Sudes Caltvation Servcn

Aecructod bythe Suis FedaralOenof Morologyand Rccactatcn                  resedtatontio: SCS 108
‘e Suss Acerediation Sevice is one of thsinatores to the EA
mottimurat Agroomnontto tharecupniton o calbraton conitcntes
cum:          (Sporton(Auden)                                            cannesane: EX3—3514]Febor                       s
CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                  Ts                             T
 Otjest                         Exsovs— shs5ta

 Calbretonrosmres)              OA CAL—O1 6 and OA CAL—14.8
                                Callbration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

 Caltratondate                  February 21, 2007

 Condtionat hi uittom           \InTalaranc®

 This envatoncartfatdoemants e trnceaitytoratee landares uioh reiznIh ymcn un of moonsromons (5)
 Tra maasuramariare hauiurtalntos wan cntenc pritaniyaregnen on tmfstomng pages and e saof h certcnt
 Alcatttarsrave beoncordicad in ie ced avormors cenviarment enpories (2 3)C ond baray= 708
 CaltratonEoment mes (WeTciicao caraen)
 Privasy Slandats               ne                  calats (Caitrat y, Cantcai o)            Scrmsues Catmaten
 Porermatces1                   canzmare            sapros (wetas, no. 2st.anser)            seor
 Poversemor Bt4tzA              messsoserr          s2008 (vetes, vo astoncer)               Aceur
 Povereno: E412A                mvssscoser          sapeos (ueran, uo asancor)               Apeur
 Relsence 3 08 Aloruato         on srom oo          10 008 (uetas, No 2rraocon)              Aner
 Raloance 20 48 Meramir         an stoas pos        aape0s (uetns, ho astasesn               Accar
 Ratoance 30 48 Atorcac:        on soies pos)       100908 (uemas, No arr—oce0)              wuger
 Refornce Prose ES30V2          usn                 Awlan.t (GPCAG,No, E833013 ror)          Jands
 oiee                           se oo               ar—linge 6760ho. DABESSt aun0#)..        Kn07
 Seoniay Suncorts               o«                  SteocBae (ntevast    _                   Schoiied Chock
 AFgerenio t sot0               ussmieuormo         420063 (GFERG, n home dhor0$)            Inhvectes hovt
 networs Areycerne sroue        ussrosss            190501 (GPEAD in ievaestect Ost90)       Intowesteck Oxtor
          f                     hame                           Functon        F               Sunstre
 Cattrad ty                     KataPicss                      Fuewa Marage               /7

 Approvedky                     Nei:                           Crarynsrsger          /\\
 Thiscaittin ontfcne shllno be merntices exceoti Lwirout itacsron! t he atoton:
Gerifente No: 92514Fesar                               Page 1 of0

Calibration Laboratory of                                                    .. Scbwoierschor Kalbertnat
Schmid & Pariner                                                                Survcesuissss#italonnage
  Engineerng AG                                                              O sevinensiszere ditarstore
Znughavnatrasan 43, 0004 2ricts Snzand                                       5. swos GatbrationServce

accresins ty th Suiss Faceral Ofte of Metlogyane Asrestaton                   Acersatatonn: SCS 108
‘ThnSwiss Acordtaion Savica s onofthe signatorin o he EA
Niutiatral Apresrinttor th recogrtton ofcalbratin corifexton

TSL                      tissue simulating liquid
NORhMxy.z                sensitivity in free space
ConF                     sensitivity in TSL / NORMx.y,2
DoP                      diode compression point
Polarization             ip rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8           3 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                         measurement center), .e., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Sid 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Datermining the Peak Spatial—
       Averaged Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
       Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
    b) CENELEC EN 50381, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
       related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3
        GHz), July 2001
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
    +   NORMxy.z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 ( < 900 Mz in TEM—call; £> 1800 MHz:
        R22 waveguide). NORMz.y.z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of
        NORMxy,z does not effect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF)
    +   NORM(Mxy,z = NORMsxy,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
        linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
        the frequency responseis includedin the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
    +   DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of
        power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
    +   Conv and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or
        Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field
        distributions based on power measurements for? > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
        assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
        typical uncertainty values are given. These paramaters are used in DASY4 software to
        improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitity in TSL corresponds to
        NORMxy.z * Convwhereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A
        frequency dependent ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending
        the valldity from + 50 MHz to : 100 MHz
    +   Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a
        flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
    +   Sensor Offset: Te sensor offset corresponds to the offeet of virtual measurementcenter
        from the probe tip (on probeaxis). No tolerance required

Cerifeats No: G—2514FebOr                              Page 2009

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                            February 21, 2007

                     Probe EX3DV3

                               Manufactured:                 December 15, 2002
                               Last calibrated:              February 17, 2006
                               Recalibrated:                 February 21, 2007

                                   Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                    (Note: non—compatie with DASY2 systam)

Geniicate No: Ex3—3514.Feodr                  Page s ote

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                               Fobruary 21, 2007

   DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV3 SN:3514

   Sensitivity in Free Space®                                         Diode CompressionB

            NormxX               0.660 + 10.1%      uVi(Vim)"         DoP X          95 mV
            NormY                0.690 £ 10.1%      nVi(Vim)"         por y          as my
            Normz                o.570 £ 10.1%      yVi(Vim)"         poP 2          96 mV

   Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
   Please see Page ¢.

   Boundary Effect

   Tst                  $200 Mite      Typical SAR gradient 25%per mm

            Sensor Genterto Prantom Surtace Distance                  20 mm 30 mm
            SAR., Pil          Wihout Correction Agorthm                   a7   os
            san. hi            wn Correcton Algortim                       oo   no

   Tst                  5000 Mite      Typical SAR gradient: 20 % per mm

            Sensor Centerto Pnantom Surtace Distance                  20 mm 30 mm
            BARi)              Wihout Gorrection Algorthm                  1r   as
            SAR Di             With Correcton Algorthm                     oo   ns

   Sensor Offset
            Probe Tip to Sensor Genter                            1.0 mm

   {Thereported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
    measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%.

   en anceinss MomXY.2 c n atic e E:d urcntatty nTS (we Page 0)
   ® Neinnwizaionperancteurcuiiy aotreured

Cerifcate No: Ex3—3514_Fesor                     Page 4 ota

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                                                          February 21, 2007

                                                        Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                            (TEM—Cellif110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                                              1«                                                     ushuw.

            Frequency response (normatized)

                                              ra i                              |

                                                   U      s         1000      1800      z000      2e        ano
                                                              —e—rem                 —o— n

                                                       Uncsrtainty of Frequoney Responseof E—feld: £ 6.3% (ke2)

Centicate No: Ex2.asta_rasor                                               Pase Sot

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                                  Fabruary 21, 2007

                                Receiving Pattern (¢), 3 = 0°

             1= 600 Miz, TEM                                           1 = 1800 ne, we Rze

         meek <ecy <e—r <o—rai

        10                                j
        as                                              {              }
        as                                    }                                           |~o—sonike
     & 25                                 ‘                   1                      |    [em— 100 mte
     $                                                                                    | + snontee
     $3;                                                                             *\ _ac nevo mite
     ® aa                                                                            | |—a—as00 hte
       48                                                                            |
        an                                         |                                 ||
        0                                 d
             a         so           128           160             2o       50       360

                              Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assossmont: £ 0.57% (ke2)

Contfcale No: Excasta_Febor                       Page 6 o9

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                                            Fabruary 21, 2007

                                           Dynamic Range f(SARpeaq)
                                                (Wavegulde R22, f= 1800 MHz)


                               1800 —LLUIHLLUIE
           Input Signal fav)





                                  on     noo      oo         on         1        10          100
                                                       san jmwloa?)
                                       ~4—nel companated            —6—consensated

           #ror (a8)

                                acor      sor          on           1           l1
                                                       Sar {mwien‘]

                                         Uncertainty of Linearity Assossments * 0.6% (k=2)

Coriicato No: Ex336t4_Fobd?                             Page 7ote

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                                    February 21, 2007

                               Conversion Factor Assessment

           1= 8200 MHic,WGLS R5s (body)                          1 = 500 Mz WGLS RSB (bodly)
          mo                                                     ao                                —
          roo                                    |               700                             —L—
          o                                                      so                     —
       &                                                       x
       & so                                                  & so
        i                                                      §
        f                                                      &
       &$ a»                                                 F8# xo
          mo                                 —                   200 1—
          100                   i—                               101    —
            o                                                      o
                o         10         2o         so                   o         10           2o           s
                               smm                                                  simml
           60— Anabtest ~o—Memuemnts                             —#—Anaiyteat —>—Neaswroments

   eqii; valihy fMiiel®         ts    rermitvity Conductvity       Alpha Depth       Gonit Uncertainty
   s200    «8072 100           Bosy doorsh           sa0es%         oss     170        431 +13.1%(c2)
   ss00    «s074 100           Bosy aseis%           seses%         ons     170.       400 £19.1%(
   seoo    #s072 100           Bmy ds25%             600k8%         o8s     170        416 a191%(c—2)

   e valcy of 100 itz ony applesfor DASY vt an tigherfee Page 2 Theunceriainy is the es
   of e Gorvt uncetsinty t c tvaton renverey anc i he unnertany torthinclctd roquency barc.

Corifcate No: EX3—3514_FebO                     Page Bot 0

   EX3DV3 SN:3514                                                           February 21, 2007

                               Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                         Error (6, 8), f = 200 MHz

                                                                                    Error (dB]

                                m 100—080 m.oso—a80moss—an0 mat—a20 ma200c0
                                momseme momo« ao«oso uosoom mos—ise

                           Uncertalnty of SphericaIsotropy Assessment £2.6% (k=2)

Gortfcats No: Ex3 3514_Fosor                 Page Soté

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                             Test Report No   : FA810917

Appendix D - Product Photo

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 01

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No : FA810917

Appendix E - Test Setup Photo

                  DELL D500 Notebook Bottom with 0cm Gap with Horizontal USB

                DELL D500 Notebook Bottom with 0cm Gap with Vertical USB Port

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                         Rev. 01

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No : FA810917

           Acer Aspire 3620 Notebook Bottom with 0cm Gap with Horizontal USB Port

             Acer Aspire 3620 Notebook Bottom with 0cm Gap with Vertical USB Port

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                         Rev. 01

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No : FA810917

             TOSHIBA A512 Notebook Bottom with 0cm Gap with Vertical USB Port

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                         Rev. 01

Document Created: 2008-01-11 21:58:12
Document Modified: 2008-01-11 21:58:12

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC