theory of operation


Operational Description

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                    iory or oreration srzoo)
Phase Locked Loap(PL L. andVotage Contvued Osclor(¥.CO)
 The oscifaingfeqsenc ofV.C O.(Q10) iss as chamel fequency + 21.0) Mite in
reecvingand (¢hannel fqueney) Mits in trensmitin, andthe chanodspocig is 25
Press Chamel Selstr Stch antseect thechanl namber you vant which willbe
inteatedon LCD dalay. Enterthn eletd chaanl t th mirocompnie (01)
‘The countr nurberto be comveyed to the progamniile counter wilbe varsnited
wit thesyncronized aerayitom. The countc numbeen t he progamimble
ouner willb rched unilthenestnurmber is enord
‘Thcouter narber wlb calculted n thefolowingfommut:

wimvrecemio                    N = ChannelPeequensy+21.6 itz)
wnenteansirme                      Chamel Erequency (Mits)

‘Th oseitaing froquency oFV.CO in ampliie at AMP (0102) and evered o the
progaiaablecountr.The propramniblecounter dividethe VCO oscifatns
Fequeney with he"N" vateewtich isthe counte nunter
The osilaincicuiinside ofUL wl bea enorilaton 045 Mz The ol
ccilatngflequeny o4 5 Mte l bedivided and becomest threfirence Requency
‘The PL L compaesthe oveiting Requency ofV C divideatthe prognmnable
couteand threirene iequenc, ancontlshe osilatingequero in sabiiy
throuh a ow pasAiter(C3)anavoltcecontolla eapectorciode (DV1)
The osilaine tequensy ofV.C0.isanalifed t AMP (49)and to b applndt he
recevingsecton ockorthetanumiting secton ec)

1 mansurmme® m
"Th chinclfenvencysia i amnlifed at AmoliferOS,06 & 08,and dives RF—
POWER Module1C8,In RF;POWER Moduls thechonne!sgnai sbjec t the
aitomatis povercontol ind amplifed o 25 W in h highpower madeand 1 Win the
"This the ampliied poweroutut s frilyfed o Amema: conmectois pasing though
Ancons Fiter
 Antoia iMeris povided t reecspous Aecuenciesadacentto hechane
ol fequeneyand hamoni equercs, respectvely
2 avtownncrowee controt arc)
Asigut which is proporionalto heR:outpat poverofRF.POWER Module,
deested and esitedbyDetecor baDs
 The DC utpoperionat the RE—outost powei amnlfed by anplifes 020. 021
& 013.014,and ppled t Contel Creai Q12
‘Theconbolieitntlsthe power suply valasstoRE.POWER Madate and the
vlags o Driver Cheuit 5 thusconvelingt antern otpotpower
18 netionas a pover outputsvtchwchsclas iter 28 W or 1 W
3 mopuraton
 An audio signl devlopei a micopne i e o the Autio Amplir C3 and
 The amoltude ftieautisipnai ited to h vlve whichsives he Maximum
devation y LD C CieitIC3,Theamifedautio ignenters ModuLtor DVI rough
aroltofiter which imis th ccunied banddh, The modabtor usevotage conuel
eapactorandmodulites he VC0,Fequency who auto znc
a receiver @oo
‘Thsignlinduce on anatonns e anlifed by RF Ampe Obandal undesile
Frsqueny component uid the band are clininated n pssin though the vesuge
‘Th ampliia REsignt is ced witthelocl fenuencysignaseothe
the fist MiarCievi.02, ho developing fissiznlof2L 6Me Te P sgnlis
thenamplfd i the sP Anplited Crout 08

‘Undesiaerequercy signlsinclutinatinecntchanno Gequencios, ts ausa in
convesion procesaeremoved byonesuges of ol iter i
‘The 21.6 Mits Sgnalamalifd i i waye apled t h 2" micrleut and mived
wit e secon locaasailtorReency of 21. 148 MBte, gevented in the ensul
oscilaorcimuit1C2 t ceacea2" t sgralora5s Kite
‘The ds$ Kite t signl i amplfe in th2 B amalforcievt 1C2
Adiscetimarerence signlsincluded n tT ignl n als removed it th connic
‘has processed IFsignt is dtcind wth dcrimiatorIFT T¥ and denodulatedimo
s sourici o)
(Isa FMresaive, exessivenose wlb hoat n signalcondiion)
A nise anplifer 12 anplifes is componentin theouputs deeloped n the
disemintocirout 8 and recfieriades D1 ecy thmtfi outputto ccatea
 The DC consetsignl uns teeleasonie siich 07 o, s ht the nosescamotbe
amplifed.Thosnoiseswil.b uporssed t nosgnal condifon
n tatherhand.tnoiss wlbredicad when sinatntrs trough h atcons
"Thnthe DC cototsigal erated ow th nissignlalso redices and the looronic
swich On of allowingth audio signlt enirth acio ampiifer
6: aupio rower auruen
Avolume contelrasitorVRS adists autosunal Jeveandthe auciopoweramalfer
1C5 anpliiesthadjuteaucis ignl t sficint pwerleveeapble o drivingthe
spostec                ;

7 on tx swtcung
Nomall,th uanseciveis nRX indbmode o aichttrnsceveto TX mode,a
PT.T.awichpovided on the micraphone is pushed, When a tansnitoperaion is
avalbl, h nesocomputdeelopa TX erablignaand h sgnali addedwith
the ut on ignl in the Losie Ceut UI and theresalant outpa un onTRX
Swich017 and i6
«: vournor reout.ktor circum
"o assustbleopention ots tmnsceiverif tbtey volase vades(10.8—156 V)
ottgereuultos are rovided
1C100 is se o sabilic tin volage farthe PLL cievit menver ceand
traninit uitand 1C1 fot V.C0 Oscilitercreit

Document Created: 2001-12-11 14:06:36
Document Modified: 2001-12-11 14:06:36

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