Test Report


Test Report

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 Prüfbericht-Nr.:                    50266114 001                                   Auftrags-Nr.:               238103157                   Seite 1 von 33
 Test Report No.:                                                                   Order No.:                                               Page 1 of 33

 Kunden-Referenz-Nr.:                N/A                                            Auftragsdatum:              March 19, 2019
 Client Reference No.:                                                              Order date:
 Auftraggeber:                      Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd., 4F., No.89, Minshan St. TW-114 Neihu Dist., Taipei City
 Client:                            Taiwan,R.O.C.
 Prüfgegenstand:                     2.4GHz dongle
 Test item:
 Bezeichnung / Typ-Nr.: NS-PWM3R,NS-PWM3R-C,NS-PWM3,NS-PWN3-C,NS-PWM3B,NS-PWN3B-C
 Identification / Type No.:
 Auftrags-Inhalt:                    FCC Part 15C/ISED RSS-247 Test report
 Order content:

 Test specification:
                                     FCC 47CFR Part 15: Subpart C Section 15.247(DTS)
                                     RSS-247 ISSUE 2 FEB 2017

 Wareneingangsdatum: 06/12/2019
 Date of receipt:
 Prüfmuster-Nr.:                    A000935550-002
 Test sample No.:                   A000935550-001
 Prüfzeitraum:                      14-Jun-2019 - 24-Jun-2019
 Testing period:
 Ort der Prüfung:                    EMC/RF Laboratory Taipei
 Place of testing:
 Prüflaboratorium:                   TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd.
 Testing laboratory:
 Prüfergebnis*:                      Pass
 Test result*:

 geprüft von / tested by:                                                           kontrolliert von / reviewed by:

 02-Jul-2019         Mars Y.J. Lin/Project Engineer                                 02-Jul-2019          Arvin Ho/Vice General Manager
 Datum             Name / Stellung                        Unterschrift              Datum               Name / Stellung                     Unterschrift
 Date              Name / Position                        Signature                 Date                Name / Position                     Signature
 Sonstiges / Other:

 Zustand des Prüfgegenstandes bei Anlieferung:                                      Prüfmuster vollständig und unbeschädigt
 Condition of the test item at delivery:                                            Test item complete and undamaged
* Legende:   1 = sehr gut             2 = gut              3 = befriedigend                                  4 = ausreichend         5 = mangelhaft
             P(ass) = entspricht o.g. Prüfgrundlage(n)     F(ail) = entspricht nicht o.g. Prüfgrundlage(n)   N/A = nicht anwendbar   N/T = nicht getestet
 Legend:     1 = very good          2 = good               3 = satisfactory                                  4 = sufficient          5 = poor
             P(ass) = passed a.m. test specification(s)    F(ail) = failed a.m. test specification(s)        N/A = not applicable    N/T = not tested

     Dieser Prüfbericht bezieht sich nur auf das o.g. Prüfmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Prüfstelle nicht
       auszugsweise vervielfältigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines Prüfzeichens.
This test report only relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not permitted to be
                           duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any test mark.

                          TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. 11F., No. 758, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Taipei 105, Taiwan, R.O.C.


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                            TEST SUMMARY
    RESULT:        Passed
    RESULT:        Passed
    RESULT:        Passed
    RESULT:        Passed
        100KHZ BANDWIDTH
    RESULT:        Passed
    RESULT:        Passed
    RESULT:        Passed
    RESULT:        Passed


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  1.           GENERAL REMARKS ............................................................................................... 5
  1.1          COMPLEMENTARY MATERIALS ................................................................................. 5
  1.2 DECISION RULE OF CONFORMITY .................................................................................. 5

  2.           TEST SITES ............................................................................................................ 6
  2.1          TEST LABORATORY ................................................................................................ 6
  2.2          TEST FACILITY........................................................................................................ 6
  2.3          LIST OF TEST AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS...................................................... 7
  2.4          TRACEABILITY ........................................................................................................ 8
  2.5          CALIBRATION ......................................................................................................... 8
  2.6          MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................. 8

  3.           GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION ........................................................................... 9
  3.1          PRODUCT FUNCTION AND INTENDED USE ................................................................. 9
  3.2          SYSTEM DETAILS AND RATINGS ............................................................................... 9
  3.3          INDEPENDENT OPERATION MODES ......................................................................... 10
  3.4          NOISE GENERATING AND NOISE SUPPRESSING PARTS ............................................ 10
  3.5          SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................... 10

  4.           TEST SET-UP AND OPERATION MODES ................................................................... 11
  4.1          PRINCIPLE OF CONFIGURATION SELECTION ............................................................ 11
  4.2          TEST OPERATION AND TEST SOFTWARE................................................................. 11
  4.3          SPECIAL ACCESSORIES AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ............................................... 11
  4.4          COUNTERMEASURES TO ACHIEVE EMC COMPLIANCE.............................................. 12
  4.5          TEST SETUP DIAGRAM .......................................................................................... 12

  5.           TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 14
  5.1          TRANSMITTER REQUIREMENT & TEST SUITES ......................................................... 14
       5.1.1      Antenna Requirement ................................................................................................................ 14
       5.1.2      Peak Output Power .................................................................................................................... 15
       5.1.3      6dB Bandwidth and 99% Bandwidth .......................................................................................... 16
       5.1.4      Power Density ............................................................................................................................ 19
       5.1.5      Conducted spurious emissions and Frequency Band Edge measured in 100kHz
                  Bandwidth................................................................................................................................... 22
       5.1.6      Spurious Emission ..................................................................................................................... 26
  5.2          MAINS EMISSIONS................................................................................................. 27
       5.2.1      Mains Conducted Emissions ...................................................................................................... 27

  6.           SAFETY HUMAN EXPOSURE ................................................................................... 28


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  6.1          RADIO FREQUENCY EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE ......................................................... 28
       6.1.1      Electromagnetic Fields ............................................................................................................... 28

  7.           PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TEST SET-UP..................................................................... 29

  8.           LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... 33

  9.           LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS......................................................................................... 33


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  1. General Remarks

  1.1 Complementary Materials
  The following attachments are integral parts of this test report:

  Appendix P: Photo Documentation internal view
                (File Name: 50266114APPENDIX P)

  Appendix D: Test Result of Radiated Emissions
                (File Name: 50266114APPENDIX D)

  Test Specifications
  The following standards were applied.

  Table 1: Applied Standard and Test Levels

   FCC CFR47 Part 15: Subpart C Section 15.247
   RSS-247 Issue 2 Feb 2017
   RSS-Gen, Issue 5, April 2018
   ANSI C63.10:2013
   KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05

  1.2 Decision Rule of conformity
  The decision rule of conformity of this test report is following the requirements of the
  requested standard in the quotation, and agreed among testing laboratory and manufacturer
  (applicant) to exclude the consideration of Measurement Uncertainty, unless it is required by
  the specific standard


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  2. Test Sites

  2.1 Test Laboratory
  TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd.
  Taipei Testing Laboratories

  11F. No.758, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist.
  Taipei City 105
  Taiwan (R.O.C.)

  2.2 Test Facility
  TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd.

  11F. No.758, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist.
  Taipei City 105
  Taiwan (R.O.C.)

  FCC RegistrationNo.: 180491
  IC Canada Registration No.: 9465A
  TAF Accredited NCC Test Lab. No.:3567
  TAF ISO17025 Certification effective period: 6th-May-2019 to 05th-May-2022


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  2.3 List of Test and Measurement Instruments
  Table 2: List of Test and Measurement Equipment

      Kind of                                                       Last          Next
                      Manu-facturer      Type          S/N       Calibration   Calibration

   Test Software         Audix            e3           Ver.9        N/A           N/A
   EMI Test
                          R&S            ESR 7        101549     2018/11/12    2019/11/10

                          R&S           FSV 40        101514     2019/02/07    2020/02/07

   EXA Signal
                      KEYSIGHT          N9010A      MY52221334   2018/06/04    2019/07/03

   Preamplifier         Hewlett
                                         8447D      2944A06641   2018/08/31    2019/08/31
   (30MHz -1GHz)        Packard

   Preamplifier (18       EMC
                                      EMC184045SE     980652     2019/02/25    2020/02/25
   GHz -40 GHz)       Instruments

   Pre-Amplifier          EM
                                       EM01G18G       60649      2018/08/24    2019/08/24
   (1GHz~18GHz)       Electronics

   Bilog Antenna        TESEQ          CBL6111D       29804      2018/07/02    2019/07/02
   Horn Antenna                          3117         218931     2018/12/27    2019/12/27
   Horn Antenna         COM-
                                        AH-840        101029     2018/12/22    2019/12/22
   (18GHz~40GHz)       POWER
   Loop Antenna       Schwarzbeck      FMZB 1513     1513-076    2018/06/21    2019/07/21
   EMI Test
                          R&S            ESR 7        101549     2018/11/12    2019/11/10
   LISN                   R&S           ENV216        101262     2018/07/10    2019/07/10

   EXA Signal
                      KEYSIGHT          N9010A      MY53470241   2019/02/15    2020/02/15

                                                                                A TUVRheinland®

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  2.4 Traceability
  All measurement equipment calibrations are traceable to NML(Taiwan)/NIST(USA) or where calibration
  is performed outside Taiwan, to equivalent nationally recognized standards organizations.

  2.5 Calibration
  Equipment requiring calibration is calibrated periodically in a suitably accredited Calibration Lab.
  Additionally all equipment is verified for proper performance on a regular schedule using in house
  standards or comparisons.

  2.6 Measurement Uncertainty
  The estimated combined standard uncertainty for radiated emissions and conducted emissions
  measurements .

  Table 3: Emission Measurement Uncertainty

                              Parameter                                    Uncertainty

   Radio Frequency                                                           +0.1 ppm

   RF power/RF Exposure(MPE), conducted                                      + 1.5 dB
   RF power density, conducted                                                +3 dB

   spurious emissions, conducted                                              +3 dB

   all emissions, radiated                                                    +6 dB
   Temperature                                                                 £1°C

   Humidity                                                                    +5%
   DC and low frequency voltages                                               13 %


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  3. General Product Information

  3.1 Product Function and Intended Use
  The EUT is a 2.4GHz Wireless dongle. It contains a 2.4GHz compatible module enabling the
  user to communicate data through a Wireless interface.
  For details refer to the User Guide, Data Sheet and Circuit Diagram.

  3.2 System Details and Ratings

  Table 4: Basic Information of EUT

    Item                          EUT information
    Kind of Equipment/Test Item   2.4GHz dongle
    Type Identification
    FCC ID                        PRDRX0O
    Canada ID                     6180A-MQI2
    Canada HVIN                   MQI2

  Table 5: Technical Specification of EUT

    Technical Specification       Value
    Operating Frequencies         2405MHz~2470MHz
    Channel Spacing               2 MHz
    Channel number                8
    Operation Voltage             1.5V (Battery)
    Modulation                    FSK
    Antenna gain                  1.65 dBi


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  3.3 Independent Operation Modes
  Basic operation modes are:
     A. Transmitting
        1. Low channel
        2. Middle channel
        3. High channel
     B. Receiving
     C. Standby
     D. Off

  3.4 Noise Generating and Noise Suppressing Parts
  Refer to the Circuit Diagram.

  3.5 Submitted Documents
  - Circuit Diagram
  - Instruction Manual
  - Rating Label
  - Technical Description


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  4. Test Set-up and Operation Modes

  4.1 Principle of Configuration Selection
  The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its maximum power level.
  The test modes were adapted accordingly in reference to the instructions for use.

  4.2 Test Operation and Test Software
  Setup for testing: Test samples are provided with a USB interface which makes it
  possible to control them through a test software on the laptop.
  This software was running on the laptop computer connected to the EUT. It
  was used to enable the operation modes listed in section 3.3 as appropriate.

  The samples were used as follows:
  Conducted: A000935550-001
  Radiation: A000935550-002
  Full test was applied on all test modes, but only worst case was shown

      Test Software          HID_Tool_1123_v1.01.exe

             Frequency list (MHz)
           2405                2440
           2413                2450
           2422                2460
           2430                2470

  4.3 Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment

  The product has been tested together with the following additional accessories:

       Description                Manufacturer           Model No.         Serial No.

     Notebook(EMC-06)                 Lenovo             TP00048A          PB-0F8B2


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  4.4 Countermeasures to achieve EMC Compliance
  The test sample which has been tested contained the noise suppression parts as
  described in the Constructional Data Form or the Technical Construction File. No
  additional measures were employed to achieve compliance.

  4.5 Test Setup Diagram
  Diagram of Measurement Configuration for Radiation Test

  Note: Measurements above 1 GHz are done with a table height of 1.5m


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  Diagram of Measurement Equipment Configuration for Mains Conduction
  Measurement (if applicable)

  Diagram of Measurement Equipment Configuration for Conducted Transmitter

                                    RF Cable
                   Test Receiver/
                   Power Meter                       EUT

                                          Laptop with test
                                          SW installed


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  5. Test Results

  5.1 Transmitter Requirement & Test Suites

  5.1.1 Antenna Requirement
  RESULT:                                                                                        Passed

  Test standard                 :        FCC Part 15.247(b)(4), Part 15.203 and RSS-
                                         Gen 6.8

  Requirement                   :        use of approved antennas only with directional gains that
                                         do not exceed 6 dBi

  According to the manufacturer declaration, the EUT has an antenna with a directional gain of 1.65 dBi.
  The antenna is a printed PCB trace with no possibility of replacement with a non-approved antenna by
  the end-user. Therefore, the EUT is considered to comply with this provision.

  Refer to EUT photo for details.


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  5.1.2 Peak Output Power
  RESULT:                                                                                 Passed

  Test standard               :       FCC Part 15.247(b)(3), RSS-247 5.4(d)
  Basic standard              :       ANSI C63.10:2013, KDB558074
  Limit                       :       1 Watt
  Kind of test site           :       Shielded room

  Test setup

  Test Channel                :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation Mode              :       A

  Ambient temperature         :       20-24 °C
  Relative humidity           :       50-65 %
  Atmospheric pressure        :       100-103 kPa

  Table 6: Test result of Peak Output Power

                          Channel             Output Power                    Limit
       Channel           Frequency
                           (MHz)          (dBm)              (W)              (W)
    Low Channel            2405           -5.33           0.00029              1
   Middle Channel          2430           -5.65           0.00027              1
    High Channel           2470           -6.26           0.00024              1

  Pmax: 0.2931 mW


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  5.1.3 6dB Bandwidth and 99% Bandwidth
  RESULT:                                                                                 Passed

  Test standard              :       FCC Part 15.247(a)(2), RSS-247 5.2(a)
                                     RSS-Gen (Issue 4)
  Basic standard             :       ANSI C63.10:2013, KDB558074
  Kind of test site          :       Shielded room

  Test setup
  Test Channel               :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation Mode             :       A

  Ambient temperature         :      20-24°C
  Relative humidity           :      50-65%
  Atmospheric pressure        :      100-103 kPa

  Table 7: Test result of 6dB Bandwidth

                                        6dB Bandwidth        Limit
       Channel           Frequency                                           Result
                                            (kHz)            (kHz)
     Low Channel            2405            1453.5           >500            Pass
     Mid Channel            2430            1333.7           >500            Pass
     High Channel           2470            1508.5           >500            Pass

  Table 8: Test result of 99% Bandwidth,

       Channel           Channel Frequency (MHz)            99% Bandwidth (kHz)
     Mid Channel                  2430                            2262.7


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  Test Plot of 6dB Bandwidth
  Low Channel

  Middle Channel


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  High Channel

  Test Plot of 99% Bandwidth
  Mid Channel


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  5.1.4 Power Density
  RESULT:                                                                               Passed

  Test standard               :       FCC Part 15.247(e) , RSS-247 5.2(b)
  Basic standard              :       ANSI C63.10:2013, KDB558074
  Kind of test site           :       Shielded room

  Test setup
  Test Channel                :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation Mode              :       A
  Ambient temperature          :      20-24°C
  Relative humidity            :      50-65%
  Atmospheric pressure         :      100-103 kPa

  Table 9: Test result of Power Density

                          Channel               Power Density               Limit
       Channel           Frequency
                           (MHz)                    (dBm)                   (dBm)
    Low Channel            2405                     -18.38                   8
   Middle Channel          2430                     -20.49                   8
    High Channel           2470                     -21.19                   8


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  Test Plot of Power Density
  Low Channel

  Middle Channel


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  High Channel


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  5.1.5 Conducted spurious emissions and Frequency Band Edge
  measured in 100kHz Bandwidth
  RESULT:                                                                                             Passed

  Test standard                 :        FCC part 15.247(d), RSS-247 5.5
  Basic standard                :        ANSI C63.10:2013, KDB558074
  Limit                         :        20dB (below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the
                                         band that contains the highest level of the desired power)
  Kind of test site             :        Shielded room

  Test setup

  Test Channel                  :        Low/ Middle/ High for Conducted Spurious Emissions
                                         Low/ High for Frequency Band Edge
  Operation Mode                :        A

  Ambient temperature            :       20-24°C
  Relative humidity              :       50-65%
  Atmospheric pressure           :       100-103 kPa

  All emissions are more than 20dB below fundamental, details refer to following test plot, and
  compliance is achieved as well.
  Due to the small size of the RF circuit and that there are no inductive components of significant size
  connected to the antenna port, 9kHz to 30MHz frequency range is not tested based on technical


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  Test Plot 100kHz Conducted Emissions
  Low Channel

  Middle Channel


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  High Channel


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  Test Plot 100kHz RBW of Band Edge
  Low Channel

  High Channel


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  5.1.6 Spurious Emission
  RESULT:                                                                                          Passed

  Test standard                 :       FCC part 15.247(d), FCC 15.205, FCC 15.209 and RSS-
                                        Gen 8.9

  Basic standard                :       ANSI C63.10: 2013
  Limits                        :       Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as
                                        defined in FCC 15.205(a) and RSS-Gen i5, 8.10 (Table 7),
                                        must comply with the radiated emission limits specified in
                                        FCC 15.209(a) and RSS-Gen 5, 8.9 (Table 5 and 6).

                                        Emission radiated outside the restricted and authorized
                                        frequency bands must either comply with the radiated
                                        emission limits specified for the restricted bands or in
                                        FCC15.247(d) and RSS-247 i2, 5.5

  Kind of test site             :       3m Semi-Anechoic Chamber

  Test setup
  Test Channel                  :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation mode                :       A, B

  Ambient temperature            :      20-24 °C
  Relative humidity              :      50-65 %
  Atmospheric pressure           :      100-103 kPa

  For details refer to Appendix D.

  Testing was carried out within frequency range 9kHz to the tenth harmonic. For details refer to
  Appendix D. The Radiated Emissions testing was performed in the X, Y and Z axis orientation. The
  worst-case Axis orientation is recorded in this test report.


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  5.2 Mains Emissions

  5.2.1 Mains Conducted Emissions

  RESULT:                                                                              Passed

  Test standard                :       FCC Part 15.207
                                       FCC Part 15.107
                                       RSS-Gen 8.8

  Limits                       :       Mains Conducted emissions as defined in
                                       above test standards must comply with the
                                       mains conducted emission limits specified
  Kind of test site            :       Shielded Room

  Test setup
  Test Channel                 :       Normal link
  Operation mode               :       Normal link

  Ambient temperature           :      20-24 °C
  Relative humidity             :      50-65 %
  Atmospheric pressure          :      100-103 kPa

  Remark: For details refer to Appendix D.


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  6. Safety Human exposure

  6.1 Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance

  6.1.1 Electromagnetic Fields
  RESULT:                                                                             Passed

  Test standard                          :        FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01
                                                  RSS-102 issue 5, Table 1

  Since maximum peak output power of the transmitter is 0.2931 mW < 10mW, hence the EUT is
  excluded from SAR evaluation according to FCC KDB publication 447498: Mobile Portable RF


  Maximum conducted peak power:                     0.2931 mW

  Antenna Gain:             1.65 db ->              x 1.46

  Maximum EIRP available                            0.428 mW

  Maximum Power available:                          0.428 mW
  (higher of EIRP or conducted)

  Since maximum output power of the transmitter is 0.428 mW < 4mW at 5mm, hence the EUT is
  excluded from SAR evaluation according to Table 1 in RSS-102


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  7. Photographs of the Test Set-Up
  Photograph 1: Set-up for Spurious Emissions (Front View)


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  Photograph 2: Set-up for Spurious Emissions (Back View 1)

  Photograph 3: Set-up for Spurious Emissions (Back View 2)


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  Photograph 4: Set-up for Conducted testing

  Photograph 5: Set-up for for Mains Conducted testing Back


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  Photograph 6: Set-up for for Mains Conducted testing Front


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  8. List of Tables
  Table 1: Applied Standard and Test Levels .................................................................................................. 5
  Table 2: List of Test and Measurement Equipment ...................................................................................... 7
  Table 3: Emission Measurement Uncertainty................................................................................................ 8
  Table 4: Basic Information of EUT ................................................................................................................ 9
  Table 5: Technical Specification of EUT ....................................................................................................... 9
  Table 6: Test result of Peak Output Power ................................................................................................. 15
  Table 7: Test result of 6dB Bandwidth ........................................................................................................ 16
  Table 8: Test result of 99% Bandwidth, ....................................................................................................... 16
  Table 9: Test result of Power Density ......................................................................................................... 19

  9. List of Photographs
  Photograph 1: Set-up for Spurious Emissions (Front View)........................................................................ 29
  Photograph 2: Set-up for Spurious Emissions (Back View 1) ..................................................................... 30
  Photograph 3: Set-up for Spurious Emissions (Back View 2) ..................................................................... 30
  Photograph 4: Set-up for Conducted testing ............................................................................................... 31
  Photograph 5: Set-up for for Mains Conducted testing Back ...................................................................... 31
  Photograph 6: Set-up for for Mains Conducted testing Front...................................................................... 32

Document Created: 2019-07-08 10:34:40
Document Modified: 2019-07-08 10:34:40

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