15_G5L UserMan


Users Manual

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Federal Communication Commission
Interference Statement
This equisment has been tested and found to comply with the Iimits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FGC Rules. These linits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a
residentia nstalltion. This equipment generates, uses and can radlate radlo
frequency energy ane, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the
Instructions, may cause harmfulInterference to radlo communications.
However, there i no guarantee that interference will nat occurin a paricular
instalation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to racio or
television reception, which can be determined by fuming the equipment off                                        onn
and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the
following measures:
— Reorient orrelocate the recelving antenna.
+ Increase the separation hetween the equipment and recuiver.                                                 Wireless Mouse
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on creuitdifferent from that to which
  the receiver is connecte.
— Consult the dealeroan experienced radiarTV technician for help.
This device complieswith Part 15 of the FCC Rules, Operationi subject to the
following two condtions: D This device may not cause harmfulInterference,
an[Z) this device must accent any interference recived, ncluding interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Radlation Exposure Statement:
The product comply with the FCC portable RF exposure limit set forth for an                               Model: ONC18H0001
uncontralled ervironment and are safe for intended operation as descrited in
this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved If the product
can be keit as faras possible from the user boly or set the device to lower
output power if such function is available.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the                                       PRODUCT GUIDE
party responsiblefor complance could void the user‘s authority to operate
this equipment.
BATTERY WARNING STATEMENT                            Wal—Mart Storesnc..
Do not mik old and new batteries.                    Bentornile, AR 7276
Do not malkalin, standard [Carbon—zinc},             Hotline: 1—800—925—6278            CAUTION: To use this product propery, ease read the use‘ guide before nstalaton
or rechargealle (ri—ead, n—mh, tc) batteries.
                                                                       veorecsors                                                                               veorecsors
                                                                                    (Setup the Connection between the Receiver and the Mouse)
                                                                                     1. Insert the batteriesinto the mouse, then follow the steps below.
1. Leftbutton               4. Forward                  7. Battery cover             2. In the meantime, to oen the mouse under the cover, take the nano
2. Right button             5. Backward                 8. Connect button              receiver out.
3. Scrolling wheel          6. Nano receiver            9. OFF/ON switch
Press this button to view the next page In your Interet browser.
Press this button to view the previous page in your Intemet browser.
Step 1: Take the battery cover off.
Step 2: Insert the batteries as shown inside the battery compartment.
Step 3: Replace the cover.
                                                                                     4. If the mouse does not work, please put it into palring mode.
®Waring:                                                                             5. Pairing: Re—plug the receiver into the USB port on your computer,
*Please insert the battery with the correct position accoring to the instruction     then press the connect button on the mouse. If the mouse does not
 labeled on the mouse,                                                               work after 10 secontls, pair them again. (The receiver has auto pairing
                                                                                     function}.                               2

Document Created: 2018-04-02 11:20:21
Document Modified: 2018-04-02 11:20:21

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