14_G5L TestRpt


Test Report

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FVOO0

                               RADIO TEST REPORT
 The device described below is tested by Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd. to determine the maximum emission
 levels emanating from the device, the severe levels which the device can endure and E.U.T.‘s performance criterion. The
 test results, data evaluation, test procedures, and equipment of configurations shown in this report were made in
 accordance with the procedures in ANSI C63.10(2013).

 Applicant                     : Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd.

 Address                       :_4F., No.89, Minshan St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan

 Manufacturer /Factory         : Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd.

 Address                       :_Hsinmin Industrial, Changan Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China

 E.U.T.                        : Wireless Mouse

 Brand Name                    : Acrox, onn

 Model No.                     :_GS5L, ONC18H0001, ONA18H0028, ONA18H0029, ONA18H0030
                                 (For model difference refer to section 1)

 FCC ID                        :_PRDMU6GT7

 Measurement Standard          : _FCC PART 15.249:; 2017
 Date of Receiver              :_March 23, 2018
 Date of Test                  : March 27, 2018 to March 31, 2018

 Date of Report                :_March 31, 2018

 This Test Report is Issued Under the Authority of :
                      Prepared by

                        P  1
                 Alina duo / Engineer

 This test report is for the customer shown above and their specific product only. This report applies to above tested
 sample only and shall not be reproduced in part without written approval of Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.

                     TEL: +86—769—22022444     FAX: +86—769—22022799 Web: www.ntc—c.com
          Address: Building D, Gaosheng Science & Technology Park, Zhouxi Longxi Road, Nancheng District,
                                         Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

                                                           Table of Contents
1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 4
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST .................................................................... 4
   1.2 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S) / GRANT (S) ................................................................................................ 6
   1.3 TEST METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 6
   1.4 EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................ 6
   1.5 SUPPORT DEVICE ............................................................................................................................ 6
   1.6 TEST FACILITY AND LOCATION.......................................................................................................... 7
   1.7 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 8
2. SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION .................................................................................... 9
   2.1 EUT CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 9
   2.2 SPECIAL ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................... 9
   2.3 DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES ......................................................................................................... 9
   2.4 EUT EXERCISE ................................................................................................................................ 9
3. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST .................................................................................... 10
   3.1 TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................... 10
   3.2 TEST CONDITION ........................................................................................................................... 10
   3.3 MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 10
4. RADIATED EMISSION TEST ........................................................................................... 11
   4.1 TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................... 11
   4.2 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 12
   4.3 LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................. 13
   4.4 MEASUREMENT RESULTS                            ..................................................................................................... 14
5. 20DB BANDWIDTH.......................................................................................................... 18
   5.1 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 18
   5.2 TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................... 18
   5.3 MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 18
6. BAND EDGE .................................................................................................................... 21
   6.1 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 21
   6.2 LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................. 21
   6.3 MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 21
7. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................. 22
   7.1 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 24
   7.2 MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 24
8. TEST EQUIPMENT LIST.................................................................................................. 25

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

                     Revision History of This Test Report

  Report Number                          Description        Issued Date

 NTC1803306FV00                          Initial Issue      2018-03-31

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00


    1.1 Product Description for Equipment under Test

         Product Name             : Wireless Mouse

         Main model number        : G5L

         Additional Model         : ONC18HO001, ONA18HO028, ONA18HO029,
         number                     ONA18HO030

         Brand Name               : Acrox, onn

         Power Supply             : 2*DC 1.5V AAA battery

         Adapter                  : N/A

         Test voltage             : 2*DC 1.5V AAA battery

         Model Difference         : These models have the same circuit schematic,
         Description                 construction, PCB Layout and critical components.
                                     Their difference in model number, brand name and
                                     color due to trading purpose.

         Hardware version         : V01

         Software version         : V01

         Note                     : All the tests performed on model G5L.

         Technical Specification:
         2.4G Function:
                                  : 2404~2478MHz
         Modulation Type          : GFSK
         Number of
                                  : 20
         Antenna Type             : PCB

         Antenna Gain             : -1.0 dBi (Declaration by manufacturer)

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FVOO0
FCC ID: PRDMUG7                                                            NTC
                                                                            Testing Center

                                         Channel List:
              Channel               1        2           3    4       5
              Frequency(MHz)      2404      2414     2478    2408   2454
              Channel               6        1           8    9      10
              Frequency(MHz)      2406      2456     2410    2405   2474
              Channel              1         12       13      14     15
              Frequency(MHz)      2425      2450     2470    2458   2477
              Channel              16        17       18      19     20
              Frequency(MHz)      2452      2460     2435    2466   2441

Note: The Lowest, middle, and the Highest frequency of channel were selected to perform
      the test. The frequency selected see below:

      The Lowest frequency: 2404MHz
      The middle frequency: 2441MHz
      The Highest frequency: 2478MHz

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

    1.2 Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)
        This submittal(s) (test report) is intended for FCC ID: PRDMU67 filing to comply with
        Section 15.249 of the FCC Part 15 (2017), Subpart C Rule.

    1.3 Test Methodology

        Both AC mains line-conducted and radiated emission measurements were performed
        according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10 (2013). Radiated emission measurement
        was performed in semi-anechoic chamber and conducted emission measurement
        was performed in shield room. For radiated emission measurement, preliminary scans
        were performed in the semi-anechoic chamber only to determine the worst case
        modes. All radiated tests were performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters.

    1.4 Equipment Modifications

        Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

    1.5 Support Device


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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

    1.6 Test Facility and Location

           Listed by CNAS, August 14, 2015
           The certificate is valid until August 13, 2018
           The Laboratory has been assessed and proved to be in compliance with
           The Certificate Registration Number is L5795.

           Listed by A2LA, November 01, 2017
           The certificate is valid until December 31, 2019
           The Laboratory has been assessed and proved to be in compliance with ISO17025
           The Certificate Registration Number is 4429.01

           Listed by FCC, November 06, 2017
           The Designation Number is CN1214
           Test Firm Registration Number: 907417

           Listed by Industry Canada, June 08, 2017
           The Certificate Registration Number. Is 46405-9743

           Dongguan NTC Co., Ltd.
           (Full Name: Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.)

           Building D, Gaosheng Science and Technology Park, Hongtu Road,
           Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
           (Full Name: Building D, Gaosheng Science & Technology Park,
           Zhouxi Longxi Road, Nancheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

    1.7 Summary of Test Results

            FCC Rules             Description Of Test     Uncertainty           Result
                                  AC Power Conducted
        §15.207(a)                                           ±1.06dB        Not Applicable
        §15.249(a)/ 15.209         Radiated Emissions        ±3.70dB          Compliant
        §15.249(d)/ 15.205               Band Edge           ±1.70dB          Compliant

        §15.215(c)                   20dB Bandwidth        ±1.42 x10-4%       Compliant

        §15.203                   Antenna Requirement           ---           Compliant

        Note: 1. The EUT has been tested as an independent unit. And Continual transmitting
                   in maximum power (The new battery be used during test)
              2. Due to this EUT is powered by battery only, the AC Power Conducted
                 Emission is not applicable.
             3. The EUT powered by battery and operating multiple positions, so the EUT
                 shall be performed two or three orthogonal planes. The worst plane is Z.

                     X Plane                    Y Plane                   Z Plane

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

  2. System Test Configuration

     2.1 EUT Configuration

        The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to
        meet the Commissions requirement and operating in a manner which intends to
        maximize its emission characteristics in a continuous normal application.

    2.2 Special Accessories

         Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

    2.3 Description of test modes

        The EUT has been tested under operating condition. The Lowest, middle and highest
        frequencies were chosen for testing.

    2.4 EUT Exercise

        The EUT was operated in the engineering mode to fix the Tx frequency that was for
        the purpose of the measurements.

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

   3. Conducted Emissions Test

    3.1 Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)

    3.2 Test Condition

         Test Requirement: FCC Part 15.207

         Frequency Range: 150KHz ~ 30MHz

         Detector: RBW 9KHz, VBW 30KHz

         Operation Mode: TX

    3.3 Measurement Results

         Not Applicable.

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

  4. Radiated Emission Test

     4.1 Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)

        4.1.1 Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 30MHz

              Turntable                      3m

                                         0.8 m

               Ground Plane                         Coaxial Cable

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

        4.1.2 Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency above 1GHz


 Turntable                      4m

                             1.5m                                    Amplifier   Analyzer

4.2 Measurement Procedure

a. Blow 1GHz, the EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the
   ground at a 3 meter semi- anechoic chamber room.
b. For the radiated emission test above 1GHz:
   The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 1.5 meters above the ground at a 3
   meter full anechoic chamber room. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the
   position of the highest radiation. Place the measurement antenna away from each area of
   the EUT determined to be a source of emissions at the specified measurement distance,
   while keeping the measurement antenna aimed at the source of emissions at each
   frequency of significant emissions, with polarization oriented for maximum response. The
   measurement antenna may have to be higher or lower than the EUT, depending on the
   radiation pattern of the emission and staying aimed at the emission source for receiving
   the maximum signal. The final measurement antenna elevation shall be that which
   maximizes the emissions. The measurement antenna elevation for maximum emissions
   shall be restricted to a range of heights of from 1 m to 4 m above the ground or reference
   ground plane.
c. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was
   mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
d. The height of antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to
   determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical
   polarizations of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
e. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the
   antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned
   from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading. The test-receiver system
   was set to peak detect function and specified bandwidth with maximum hold mode.
f. A Quasi-peak measurement was then made for that frequency point for below 1GHz test.
   PK and AV for above 1GHz emission test.
     During the radiated emission test, the spectrum analyzer was set with the following

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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

       Frequency Band
                                 Level         Resolution Bandwidth       Video Bandwidth
          30 to 1000             QP                  120 kHz                  300 kHz
                                Peak                  1 MHz                    3 MHz
            Above 1000
                               Average                1 MHz                    10 Hz

4.3 Limit

             Frequency range      Distance Meters    Field Strengths Limit (15.209)
                   MHz                                            V/m
             0.009 ~ 0.490              300                   2400/F(kHz)
             0.490 ~ 1.705               30                   24000/F(kHz)
             1.705 ~ 30                  30                         30
                30 ~ 88                   3                        100
                88 ~ 216                  3                        150
               216 ~ 960                  3                        200
                Above 960                 3                        500
             Frequency range      Distance Meters    Field Strengths Limit (15.249)
                   MHz                                  mV/m                V/m
                                                  (Field strength of (Field strength of
                                                    fundamental)        Harmonics)
                902 ~ 928                 3               50                 500
              2400 ~ 2483.5               3               50                 500
               5725 ~ 5875                3               50                 500
             24000 ~ 2425000              3              250                2500
       Remark:(1) Emission level (dB)V = 20 log Emission level V/m
              (2) The smaller limit shall apply at the cross point between two
                  frequency bands.
              (3) As shown in 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000MHz, the
                  field strength limits are based on average detector, however,
                  the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the
                  maximum permitted average limits, specified above by more
                  than 20dB under any condition of modulation.
              (4) The frequency range scanned is from the lowest radio
                  frequency signal generated in the device which is greater than
                  9 kHz to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental
                  frequency or 40 GHz, whichever is lower.
              (5) Sample of data calculate:
                  Level=Reading + Factor; Margin= Level-Limit
                  Where        CF=Cable attenuation factor in dB
                                AF= Antenna factor in dB
                               AG=Amplifier Gain in dB
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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

 4.4 Measurement Results

    Please refer to following the test plots of the worst case: GFSK(Middle channel).

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

        Note: Below 30MHz, the emissions are lower than 20dB below the allowable limit.
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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

        Note: Below 30MHz, the emissions are lower than 20dB below the allowable limit.
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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

     Frequency Range:          1-25GHz                Test Date :            March 31, 2018
     Test Result:              PASS                   Temperature :          21 ℃
     Measured Distance:        3m                     Humidity :             55 %
     Test By:                  Sance
                          Reading            Emission Level      Limit 3m                         Margin
  Freq.    Ant.Pol.                  Factor
                        Level(dBuV)              (dBuV)         (dBuV/m)                           (dB)
 (MHz)      (H/V)                    (dB/m)
                        PK      AV             PK      AV      PK        AV                     PK      AV
                                 Operation Mode: TX Mode (Low)
  2404       V        71.29    40.25  0.14    71.43     ---  114.00 94.00                      -42.57   ---
  4808       V        49.35    33.74  6.33    55.68   40.07   74.00     54.00                  -18.32 -13.93
  7212       V        45.27    29.07 10.44    55.71   39.51   74.00     54.00                  -18.29 -14.49
  2404       H        76.1      45.03    0.14       76.24      ---      114.00     94.00       -37.76   ---
  4808       H        48.84     33.36     6.33      55.17     39.69      74.00     54.00       -18.83 -14.31
  7212       H        46.63     31.31    10.44      57.07     41.75      74.00     54.00       -16.93 -12.25
                                   Operation Mode: TX Mode (Mid)
  2441       V        71.28     43.7    0.24   71.52    ---    114.00              94.00       -42.48   ---
  4882       V        47.98     33.42   6.60   54.58   40.02    74.00              54.00       -19.42 -13.98
  7323       V        46.22     31.34 10.55    56.77   41.89    74.00              54.00       -17.23 -12.11
  2441       H        71.42     44.16    0.24       71.66      ---      114.00     94.00       -42.34   ---
  4882       H        47.77     32.97     6.60      54.37     39.57      74.00     54.00       -19.63 -14.43
  7323       H        45.58     31.33    10.55      56.13     41.88      74.00     54.00       -17.87 -12.12
                                  Operation Mode: TX Mode (High)
  2478       V        69.83     43.38   0.34   70.17    ---   114.00               94.00       -43.83   ---
  4956       V        47.54     32.32   6.88   54.42   39.20   74.00               54.00       -19.58 -14.8
  7434       V        45.95      31.4  10.59   56.54   41.99   74.00               54.00       -17.46 -12.01
  2478       H        68.72     43.28    0.34       69.06      ---      114.00     94.00       -44.94   ---
  4956       H        47.54     35.19     6.88      54.42     42.07      74.00     54.00       -19.58 -11.93
  7434       H        46.38     31.47    10.59      56.97     42.06      74.00     54.00       -17.03 -11.94

Note: (1) All Readings are Peak Value and AV.
      (2) Emission Level= Reading Level + Factor
       (3) Factor= Antenna Gain + Cable Loss – Amplifier Gain
      (4) Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “ ---” in the table above means the
          reading of emissions are attenuated more than 10dB below the permissible limits.
     (5) Measurement uncertainty : ±3.7dB.
     (6) Horn antenna used for the emission over 1000MHz.
     (7) Due to the highest Peak emission level below AVG limit, therefore, the AVG emission
         level is deemed to meet the requirements, no AVG result record.
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Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

    5. 20dB Bandwidth

     5.1 Measurement Procedure

         The 20dB bandwidth of the emission was contained within the frequency band
         designated which the EUT operated. The effects, if any, from frequency sweeping,
         frequency hopping, other modulation techniques and frequency stability over
         excepted variations in temperature and supply voltage were considered, FCC Rule

           The antenna port of the EUT was connected to the input of a spectrum analyzer.
         Analyzer RBW was chosen so that the display was a result of the hopping channel
         modulation. For each RF output channel investigated, the spectrum analyzer center
         frequency was set to the channel carrier. Use the spectrum 20dB down delta
         function to measure the bandwidth.

    5.2 Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)

                       EUT                 Spectrum Analyzer

    5.3 Measurement Results

        Refer to attached data chart.
         RBW:                     30KHz    VBW:                100KHz
         Spectrum Detector:       PK       Temperature :       22 ℃
         Test By:                 Sance    Humidity :          54 %
         Test Result:             PASS     Test Date :         March 29, 2018

              Channel frequency (MHz)                 20dB Down BW(kHz)

                         2404                                  2244
                         2441                                  2348
                         2478                                  2340

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

                                                          Lowest Channel
                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz             -29.62 dBm
                      Ref -10 dBm                   Att   15 dB            SWT 2.5 ms          2.404051282 GHz

                      -10                                                                 ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                                          BW   2.243589744   MHz
                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                    -49.33   dBm
               1 PK                                                   1                        2.402966346   GHz
                      -30                                                                 Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                    -49.71   dBm
                                                                                               2.405209936   GHz

                                               T1                                         T2







                      Center   2.404 GHz                          500 kHz/                         Span   5 MHz

               Date: 29.MAR.2018    14:57:19

                                                           Middle Channel
                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz             -30.33 dBm
                      Ref -10 dBm                   Att   15 dB            SWT 2.5 ms          2.441032051 GHz

                      -10                                                                 ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                                          BW   2.347756410   MHz
                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                    -50.62   dBm
               1 PK                                                                            2.439942308   GHz
                      -30                                                                 Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                    -49.91   dBm
                                                                                               2.442290064   GHz

                                               T1                                          T2







                      Center   2.441 GHz                          500 kHz/                         Span   5 MHz

               Date: 29.MAR.2018    14:58:49

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

                                                          Highest Channel
                                                                       * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                       * VBW 300 kHz             -30.31 dBm
                      Ref -10 dBm                   Att   15 dB           SWT 2.5 ms        2.478040064 GHz

                      -10                                                              ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                                       BW   2.339743590   MHz
                                                                                       Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                 -50.74   dBm
               1 PK                                                                         2.476950321   GHz
                      -30                                                              Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                 -49.97   dBm
                                                                                            2.479290064   GHz

                                               T1                                       T2







                      Center   2.478 GHz                          500 kHz/                      Span   5 MHz

               Date: 29.MAR.2018    15:00:14

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

 6. Band Edge

     6.1 Measurement Procedure

            Same as Radiated Emission Test.

     6.2 Limit

            Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics,
            shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the
            general radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

      6.3 Measurement Results

        Operation Mode:          TX Mode           Test Date :       March 31, 2018
        Temperature :            21 ℃              Humidity :        55 %
        Test Result:             PASS              Test By:          Sance
        Measured Distance:       3m

                             Reading                Emission Level      Limit 3m          Margin
    Freq.      Ant.Pol.                   Factor
                           Level(dBuV)                 (dBuV)          (dBuV/m)            (dB)
   (MHz)        (H/V)                     (dB/m)
                           PK      AV                PK       AV      PK       AV       PK      AV
 2382.692         H       63.25 36.62      0.07     63.32    36.69   74.00 54.00      -10.68 -17.31
 2382.692         V       55.13 36.75      0.07     55.20    36.82   74.00 54.00      -18.80 -17.18
 2493.462         H       56.83 36.45      0.38     57.21    36.83   74.00 54.00      -16.79 -17.17
 2493.462         V       55.11 36.46      0.38     55.49    36.84   74.00 54.00      -18.51 -17.16

   Note:       (1) Emission Level= Reading Level + Factor
               (2) Factor= Antenna Gain + Cable Loss – Amplifier Gain
               (3) Horn antenna used for the emission over 1000MHz.

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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

 Low channel


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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

 High channel


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Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

 7. Antenna requirement

   7.1 Measurement Procedure

     According to of FCC part 15C section 15.203:

     An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
     furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a
     permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the
     intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can
     be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is

     Systems operating in the 2400-2483.5MHz band that are used exclusively for fixed,
     point-to-point operations may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain greater
     than 6dBi provided the maximum peak output power of the intentional radiator is
     reduced by 1dB for every 3dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

    7.2 Measurement Results

     The antenna is PCB antenna and no consideration of replacement, and the best case
     gain of the antenna is -1.0 dBi. So, the antenna is consider meet the requirement.

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   Dongguan Nore Testing Center Co., Ltd.
   Report No.: NTC1803306FV00

      8. Test Equipment List

Description     Manufacturer     Model Number Serial       Characteristics   Calibration      Calibration
                                              Number                         Date             Due Date
Test Receiver   Rohde & Schwarz ESCI7         100837       9KHz~7GHz         Mar. 14, 2018 Mar. 13, 2019
Antenna         Schwarzbeck      VULB9162     9162-010     30MHz~7GHz        Mar. 15, 2018 Mar. 14, 2019
Cable           Huber+Suhner     CBL2-NN-1M 22390001       9KHz~7GHz         Mar. 14, 2018 Mar. 13, 2019
Cable           Huber+Suhner     CIL02        N/A          9KHz~7GHz         Mar. 14, 2018 Mar. 13, 2019
RF Cable        Huber+Suhner     SF-104       MY16559/4    9KHz~25GHz        Apr. 25, 2017 Apr. 25, 2018
Power Amplifier HP               HP 8447D     1145A00203 100KHz~1.3GHz Mar. 14, 2018 Mar. 13, 2019
Horn Antenna    Schwarzbeck      BBHA9170     9170-242     15GHz~40GHz       Mar. 14, 2018 Mar. 13, 2019
Horn Antenna    Com-Power        AH-118       071078       1GHz~18GHz        Mar. 15, 2018 Mar. 14, 2019
RF Cable        Huber+Suhner     SF-104       N/A          9KHz~40GHz        Apr. 25, 2017 Apr. 24, 2018
Loop antenna    Daze             ZA30900A     0708         9KHz~30MHz        Apr. 25, 2017 Apr. 24, 2018
                Rohde & Schwarz FSU26         200409/026   20Hz~26.5GHz      Apr. 25, 2017 Apr. 24, 2018
                Rohde & Schwarz FSV40         101003       10Hz~40GHz        April. 06, 2017 April. 05, 2018
Pre-Amplifier   EMCI             EMC 184045   980102       18GHz~40GHz       Nov. 04, 2017 Nov. 03, 2018
Pre-Amplifier   Agilent          8449B        3008A02964 1GHz~26.5GHz        Apr. 25, 2017 Apr. 24, 2018
L.I.S.N.        Rohde & Schwarz ENV 216       101317       9KHz~30MHz        Mar. 14, 2018 Mar. 13, 2019
antenna         TESCOM           SS402        N/A          9KHz-25GHz        N/A              N/A
Power Meter     Anritsu          ML2495A      1139001      100k-65GHz        Nov. 04, 2017 Nov. 03, 2018
Power Sensor    Anritsu          MA2411B      100345       300M-40GHz        Nov. 04, 2017 Nov. 03, 2018

   Note: The temporary antenna connector is soldered on the PCB board in order to perform
   conducted tests and this temporary antenna connector is listed in the equipment list.


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Document Created: 2019-07-08 21:19:11
Document Modified: 2019-07-08 21:19:11

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