User Manual


Users Manual

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   Published August 2018
   Software Version 1.00

ZaxNet Remote Control. Reinvented


PR6BFI........................................................................................................................................................ 4

HOME SCREEN ........................................................................................................................................ 6
 ALTERNATE HOME SCREEN ...................................................................................................................................... 6
 HOME SCREEN OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 7

MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................................................. 8
 ENTERING AND NAVIGATING THE MAIN MENU ....................................................................................................... 8
 EXITING THE MAIN MENU ........................................................................................................................................ 8
 REMOTE GAIN ADJUST ............................................................................................................................................. 8
    Adjusting the TRX transmitter gain remotely ................................................................................................... 8
 UNIT CODE SELECT ................................................................................................................................................. 8
 REMOTE FREQUENCY ADJUST .................................................................................................................................. 9
    Adjusting the TRX transmitter frequency remotely ......................................................................................... 9
 REMOTE POWER MODE ADJUST ............................................................................................................................. 10
 PLAYBACK CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................ 11
    Playing back from the transport page .............................................................................................................. 11
 TIME CODE ROUTING............................................................................................................................................ 11
 TIME CODE FRAME RATE SELECT............................................................................................................................ 11
 IFB AUDIO ADJUST ................................................................................................................................................ 11
 PR6BFI LOCK PAGE ............................................................................................................................................... 12

EXTENDED MENU .................................................................................................................................13
 ENTERING AND NAVIGATING THE EXTENDED MENU ............................................................................................. 13
 EXITING THE EXTENDED MENU ............................................................................................................................. 13
 1K NOTCH FILTER ................................................................................................................................................. 13
 RECORD FORMAT .................................................................................................................................................. 13
 IFB TRANSMIT POWER ........................................................................................................................................... 13
 IFB MODE .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
 IFB VOTING ENABLE .............................................................................................................................................. 14
 ZAXNET RECEIVE FREQUENCY SET ........................................................................................................................ 14
 ZAXNET TRANSMIT FREQUENCY SET ..................................................................................................................... 14
 TRANSMITTER REMOTE ROLL ENABLE .................................................................................................................... 15
 POWER ROLL......................................................................................................................................................... 15
 IFB DROPOUT COMPENSATOR .............................................................................................................................. 15
 POWER-UP MODE ................................................................................................................................................. 15
 SD CARD FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 16
 TC JAM MODE SELECT ........................................................................................................................................... 16
 TIME CODE SOURCE .............................................................................................................................................. 16
 MUTE TIME CODE TRANSMISSION UNTIL JAMMED .................................................................................................. 17
 GROUP ID SELECT ................................................................................................................................................. 17
 AUDIO INPUT SELECT ............................................................................................................................................ 17
 MINIMUM FREQUENCY ........................................................................................................................................... 17
 MAXIMUM FREQUENCY .......................................................................................................................................... 18
 ALLOW IFB REMOTE CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 18
 ERX SOFTWARE UPDATE....................................................................................................................................... 18
 AUTOMATIC RECORD ON BOOT UP ...................................................................................................................... 18
 INPUT PHASE INVERT ............................................................................................................................................. 19
 HOME SCREEN TIME CODE DISPLAY....................................................................................................................... 19
 BACKLIGHT TIMER ................................................................................................................................................. 19


   ENCRYPTION MENU HIDE ...................................................................................................................................... 19
   ENCRYPTION CODE SET ........................................................................................................................................ 20

FIRMWARE ..............................................................................................................................................22

WIRING DIAGRAMS ..............................................................................................................................23
 12 VOLT DC POWER ............................................................................................................................................. 23

PRODUCT SUPPORT.............................................................................................................................24

SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................25

ZAXCOM WARRANTY POLICY AND LIMITATIONS .....................................................................26


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                      PR6BFI Layout


           1. INC Key
              • Increases the parameters of a menu item.
              • From the home screen will change the transport commands of the corresponding transmitter.
           2. LCD Display
           3. Menu Key
              • Press it to access the menu and to advance to the next menu item.
              • Hold while powering up to access the Extended Menu.
           4. DEC / Stop Key
              • Decreases the parameters of the menu items.
              • From the home screen will change the transport commands of the corresponding transmitter.
           5. Micro SD Card Slot
              To insert a Micro SD card, turn the card so the finger contacts are facing up towards the LCD screen
              and down toward the slot. Insert the card into the slot and press it down until you hear a slight click.
              To remove it, press the card in until you hear the same click again.
           6. Power Switch
           7. Antenna Connector - ZaxNet


Zaxcom PR6BFI       PR6BFI Layout


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                       Home Screen

Home Screen                         ZaxNet         Recorder       ZaxNet TRX
                                    Frequency       Status          Status

                                   2.404            STOP STOP

                                                Input Audio Meter
                                                   Meter    Indications
                                                           -20, -10, 0 dBFS
      Displays the ZaxNet transmit / receive frequency that the PR6BFI is operating on.

     Recorder Status
      Displays the transport status of the internal audio recorder. When a valid time code signal is being received
      this will flash “JAM”. When a formatted card is inserted the approximate record time left on the card will also

     ZaxNet TRX Transport Status
      Displays the transmit commands being sent to the transmitters. When in RX mode this will become the status
      of the internal recorder.
        • REC - TRX record commands will be sent.
        • - - - - - Is displayed when the PR6BFI is not sending any commands.
        • STOP - TRX recording / playback is stopped.
        • PLAY - TRX playback commands will be sent.
      Please note that this is the order of the commands as they appear in the PR6BFI. So for example to go from
      REC to PLAY the DEC key will need to be presses 3 times and to go from PLAY to STOP the INC key will be
      pressed once.

     Input Audio Meter
      Displays the audio modulation of the inputted signal.
        • When the record format is set to MONO one meter will be displayed.
        • When in receive mode the meter will display the received audio.

     Alternate Home Screen
      If the HOME TC DISPLAY menu is set to ON then the frequency will be replaced with the timecode and the
      record status is moved to the lower left corner.

                                         01:02:34:01 - - - -
                                         STOP                     I I I
                                           Home Screen with time code


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                     Home Screen
     Home Screen Operations
      From the home screen pressing the INC or DEC key will cycle through the TRX control commands in order. If a
      formatted card is inserted the internal recorder will follow this sequence. For example if you send a record
      command to the TRX the internal recorder will go into record as well.

      The PR6BFI will boot up to “- - - -“ mode where no command is being sent. Press INC and REC will be displayed
      and a record command will be sent to the TRX and will put the internal recorder into record mode. To stop,
      press the DEC key twice. The PR6BFI will cycle through “- - - -“ then to STOP. Playback would be one more
      press of the DEC key.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                               Main Menu
Main Menu
    Entering and Navigating the Main Menu
      • Press the MENU key to enter the menu.
      • To advance to the next menu press the MENU key.

    Exiting the Main Menu
      To exit the menu at any time press and hold the MENU key for 1.5 seconds.

    Remote Gain Adjust
    This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to TX (transmit)

       GROUP 01 UNIT001

      The remote gain menu adjusts the gain, via ZaxNet, of the TRX transmitter that has the same group and unit
      code displayed if “ALL” is selected for the unit code each TRX transmitter in that group will be adjusted
      simultaneously. If the TRX is not in range of the ZaxNet signal, the gain command will have to be repeated once
      the transmitter comes back into range.
      Adjusting the TRX transmitter gain remotely
        • Press the INC key to increase the gain. The display will show”++” in the top right hand corner as the gain is
          being adjusted.
        • Press the DEC key decrease the gain. The display will show”- -” in the top right hand corner as the gain is
          being adjusted.
        • Each key press will alter the gain by 2dB.

    Unit Code Select
        UNIT CODE = ALL

      Each TRX transmitter can be assigned a specific unit code. That unit code allows for that specific transmitter to
      be controlled individually from the PR6BFI. This menu allows for the unit code to be changed so an individual
      transmitter can be controlled. If “ALL” is selected multiple transmitters, in the same group, can be adjusted at
      the same time. The unit code can be set to any number from 1 to 200 or “ALL” can be selected - to control all
      transmitters at the same time.
      Please note that if the unit code is changed pressing the MENU key will navigate back to the remote gain menu.
      If no changes are made to the unit code pressing the MENU key will advance to the next menu item.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                           Main Menu
    Remote Frequency Adjust
    This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to TX (transmit)

        REMOTE CH 548.0
        UNIT CODE = 1

      The remote frequency adjust menu is where the frequency of the transmitter that is being controlled is changed
      from. If the unit code is set to ALL “WARNING” will be displayed and the frequencies cannot be changed. This is
      because if ALL is selected all transmitters will be re-tuned to the same frequency.
      Adjusting the TRX transmitter frequency remotely
        •   In the unit code menu set the unit code for the transmitter to be adjusted.
        •   Press the INC key to increase the frequency.
        •   Press the DEC key to decrease the frequency.
        •   Pressing the INC or DEC key will change the frequency by .1 MHz
        •   Pressing and holding INC or DEC the key will change the frequency by 1MHz.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                             Main Menu
    Remote Power Mode Adjust
    This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to TX (transmit)

       0: POWER = ON

       The remote power mode menu allows for the RF power setting of the TRX transmitters to be adjusted.
       The TRX transmitters have three selectable power settings:
        • NORMAL - The transmitters are at full transmitting power.
        • WAKE - If a TRX transmitter is set to REMOTE STANDBY it will power up to a non-transmitting low power
          mode and will use approximately 25% of the power of normal operations. A wake command will bring that
          transmitter to full power.
          To use wake mode set the TRX transmitters BOOT UP MODE to REMOTE STANDBY. Then when the
          transmitter powers up, it will remain in standby mode until it receives the wake command to bring it to
          full power. Once the TRX is awoken the only way for it to go back into standby mode is by a power cycle.
        • LOW 2 - Low 2 disables the RF power amplifier, RF board and microphone pre-amp on the TRX
          transmitter. In LOW 2 mode the transmitter will save approximately 50% of the power of normal
          operations. A transmitter can be put into or taken out of LOW 2 as often as desired when selected in this
          0: POWER=ON – Normal operation - the TRX will be fully powered ON
          1: POWER=ON – Normal operation (same as 0) filler to prevent accidental power setting adjustment.
          2: POWER=ON – Normal operation (same as 0) filler to prevent accidental power setting adjustment.
          3: POWER=ON – Normal operation (same as 0) filler to prevent accidental power setting adjustment.
          4: POWER=ON – Normal operation (same as 0) filler to prevent accidental power setting adjustment.
          5: POWER=WAKE – Selected to wake a transmitter to full power mode from remote standby mode.
          6: POWER=LOW2 – Selected to put a transmitter into and out of low power mode. A transmitter can come
          in and out of LOW 2 mode as needed. When in LOW 2 mode “LOW 2” will be displayed on the
          transmitter’s home screen. Please note LOW 2 will not disable recording but audio will be muted. Once
          the TRX power is set to Low 2 the PR6BFI can be powered down. Then when the PR6BFI is powered up all
          transmitters being controlled will automatically come up to full power since the PR6BFI will always boot
          up to the 0 Power setting.
          Please note if the TRX transmitter is not in range of the ZaxNet signal, the power setting command will have
          to be repeated once the transmitter comes back into range.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                            Main Menu
    Playback Control
      PLAY 01:02:34:01
     Recorded files can be played back from this page.
     The top line displays the current mode of the recorder: REC, PLAY or STOP followed by the time code.
     The bottom line contains the current segment number and the audio level.
     Playing back from the transport page
      •   Pressing the INC key while stopped will play the segment that is displayed.
      •   Pressing the INC key while playing back will jump ahead approximately 2 minutes.
      •   Press and holding the INC key will advance to the next segment.
      •   Pressing the DEC key while playing back will stop the playback.
      •   Holding the DEC key while playing back will take you to the start of that segment.
      •   Pressing the DEC key while stopped will jump back a segment.

    Time Code Routing
     The time code routing menu sets the function of the BNC time code connector.
       • OUTPUT - ThePR6BFI will output time code on the BNC connector.
       • INPUT - The PR6BFI will receive time code on the BNC connector.

    Time Code Frame Rate Select
      TIMECODE 23.98
      GEN 01:02:34:01

     The time code frame-rate that will be recorded and transmitted over ZaxNet is set from this menu.
     The PR6BFI will lock to and transmit all standard time code frame rates.
       • 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97DF, 29.97DF, 30 DF, 30 NDF

    IFB Audio Adjust
      IFB TX MIX:

     The IFB audio mix sets what audio will be transmitted from the PR6BFI via ZaxNet.
       • RIGHT ONLY - Right inputted audio only will be transmitted.
       • LEFT ONLY - Left inputted audio only will be transmitted.
       • LEFT AND RIGHT - Both Left and right audio will be summed to mono and transmitted.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                              Main Menu

    PR6BFI Lock Page
      LOCK 5                              Countdown clock starting at 5 seconds

     LOCKED 01:02:34:01                    After the transmitter locks

     This page enables a lock function to prevent any accidental key presses.
     When stopping on this page a countdown clock will begin. After 5 seconds the keys will lock and the
     display will indicated that it is LOCKED followed by the time code.
     If you exit this screen before the 5 seconds is up the PR6BFI will not lock.
     To unlock the PR6BFI
      • Simultaneously press the MENU and INC keys.
      • Powering down the unit will clear the lock.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                      Extended Menu
Extended Menu
    Entering and Navigating the Extended Menu
      •   Press and hold the MENU key while powering up the unit.
      •   Pressing the MENU key will advance to the next menu item.
    Exiting the Extended Menu
      • Hold down the MENU key to get back to the extended menu home page then press the INC key.
      • Cycle the power

    1K Notch Filter
          1K NOTCH FILTER
     The 1K notch filter is used to eliminate the 1 Kilohertz tone from being outputted to an ERX receiver.
     This menu enables/disables the 1 Kilohertz notch filter.

    Record Format
          RECORD FORMAT:

     This menu adjusts the record format of the internal recorder. Please note that any changes to the record format
     will require the PR6BFI to be rebooted.
      • US MONO - The PR6BFI will record both inputs summed to mono.
      • STEREO -The PR6BFI will record both inputs independently.
      • US MONO-R -This setting is not applicable on the IFB-200

    IFB Transmit Power
     This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to TX (transmit)

          IFB TX POWER: 5

     The IFB transmit power of the PR6BFI ZaxNet transmitter is set from this menu.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                       Extended Menu
     IFB Mode
        IFB MODE: TX

       This menu sets if the PR6BFI will transmit ZaxNet or receive ZaxNet. Please note that is the PR6BFI is set to
       receive the TRX transmitter control items in the main menu will not be available.
         • OFF - The ZaxNet transceiver is turned off and the PR6BFI will not transmit or receive ZaxNet.
         • RX - The PR6BFI will receive ZaxNet IFB audio and time code.
         • TX - The PR6BFI will send ZaxNet commands, IFB audio and time code.

     IFB Voting Enable
     This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to RX (receive).

        IFB VOTING
        NORMAL (OFF)

       This menu enables / disables the IFB Voting function when the PR6BFI is being used to receive ZaxNet.
       The purpose of IFB voting is to allow the PR6BFI to choose, and switch to, the stronger signal from two
       different ZaxNet transmitters. IFB voting allows a second IFB transmitter to be placed at a different location
       then the ZaxNet receiver will choose the stronger of the two signals to listen to.
       Please note that when using IFB voting the second ZaxNet transmitting frequency must be set to exactly
       2MHz higher than the first ZaxNet transmitter.

     ZaxNet Receive Frequency Set
        RXFREQ: 2.403

                                              When the PR6BFI is receiving a ZaxNet signal:
        RXFREQ: 2.403 RX                      ZaxNet receive frequency and RX shows that ZaxNet is being received
        SIGNAL: 28                            ZaxNet signal strength meter
                                              Signal strength
       This menu is where the ZaxNet receive frequency of the PR6BFI is set. There are 72 selectable ZaxNet
       frequencies from 2.403GHz – 2.473GHz

     ZaxNet Transmit Frequency Set
        IFB TX CH: 2.420

       This is where the ZaxNet transmit frequency of the PR6BFI is set. The ZaxNet transmit frequency is the
       frequency that the PR6BFI will broadcast remote commands, time code and ZaxNet audio on. There are 72
       choices of frequencies from 2.403GHz – 2.473GHz.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                     Extended Menu
     Transmitter Remote Roll Enable

       The transmitter TP mode menu enables the TRX transmitters to follow the record and stop commands of the
       PR6BFI. If this is set to ON and if recording on the PR6BFI is triggered all TRX transmitters that are being
       controlled from the PR6BFI will begin to record.

     Power Roll
        POWER ROLL:

       Power roll allows a TRX transmitter to stay at lower transmit power setting to conserve battery power when
       not recording. Then when record the transmitter will increase its output power. Please note to use this feature
       the TRX transmitter will need to have power roll and it will need to be enabled in the TRX transmitter.
        • OFF – Power roll is disabled.
        • DIVA TRIGGER – When a Zaxcom recorder begins to record the ZaxNet information that is embedded in
          the time code will cause the transmitter to go to full transmit power. To use this feature the PR6BFI would
          need to be hard wired to the time code out.
        • RECORD TRIGGER – When the PR6BFI receives running time code, in a record run situation, the PR6BFI will
          send a command to the TRX transmitter to go to full power.

     IFB Dropout Compensator
     This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to RX (receive)


       The IFB dropout compensator menu enables /disables the ZaxNet IFB drop out compensator.
       When the drop out compensator is enabled, and if there is a brief drop out in the received ZaxNet audio, the
       drop out compensator will replace the drop out with a bit of the surrounding audio so the audio will match
       and there will be no audible drop out.

     Power-Up Mode
        POWER UP MODE:
       The power up mode menu sets what happens to the keys on the PR6BFI after boot-up.
        • LOCKED – After boot-up has completed, the PR6BFI will automatically go into lock mode and the keys will
          be locked to prevent accidental changes to the settings.
        • UNLOCKED – After boot-up the keys will remain unlocked. When in this mode the PR6BFI can always be
          locked by going in to the lock screen in the main menu and wait 5 seconds.
       To unlock the keys at any time - simultaneously press the MENU and INC keys.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                         Extended Menu
     SD Card Format
     This menu will only appear if a card was inserted prior to booting up

       PRESS UP KEY 5X

       The Micro SD card is erased and formatted from this menu. Please note that all cards need to be formatted
       prior to use and only cards formatted in the PR6BFI will work.
       Before formatting the card, you may want to name the transmitter– if so please see the transmitter naming
       section in this manual.
       Formatting an SD Card:
         1. With the power off, insert the memory card into the media slot with the card label to the back of the
            unit. Press the card all the way in until it “clicks”.
         2. Power up the PR6BFI while holding the menu key to enter the extended menu.
         3. Advance to this menu.
         4. Press the INC key 5 times.
         5. FORMATTING FAT 32 will be displayed.
         6. In a few minutes, depending on the size of the card either “SUCCESS” or “FORMAT FAILED ERROR” will be
         7. If “SUCCESS” appears power cycle the PR6BFI.
         8. If “FORMAT FAILED ERROR” try to re-format the card, if it fails again it is not advised to use that card.

     TC Jam Mode Select
       TC JAM MODE:

       If record run time code is being used this menu controls if the PR6BFI will automatically go into record when it
       receives a record run time code.
         • AUTO-JAM NORMAL– The PR6BFI will continuously jam time code and will not automatically go into
         • AUTO-LOAD REC RUN – The PR6BFI will start and stop recording when receiving record run time code.
           In auto-load the PR6BFI will go into record when detecting rolling time code. And will stop when the time
           code stops. If time code is lost the unit will not stop but will continue in whatever state it was in until the
           time code signal is restored.

     Time Code Source
        TC SOURCE:

       This menu selects how the PR6BFI will receive its time code.
        • IFB (RF) – The PR6BFI will receive time code via ZaxNet being broadcast from another ZaxNet transmitter.
        • BNC Connector – If BNC is selected and the TIME CODE CONNECTOR menu is set to “INPUT” the
          PR6BFI will receive time code via the BNC connector.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                      Extended Menu
     Mute Time Code Transmission Until Jammed
       JAMMED: OFF

      If mute time code is set to ON the ZaxNet transmitter will not broadcast time code over ZaxNet until it
      receives and jams its own internal time code generator. This prevents the ZaxNet from sending incorrect
      time code to another device.

     Group ID Select
       GROUP CODE = 1
      Group ID sets the PR6BFI ZaxNet transmitter to a “GROUP”.
      So for example a TRX transmitter set to Group 1 will be controlled by a ZaxNet transmitter set to Group 1 and
      a group 2 transmitter will be controlled by a Group 2 ZaxNet transmitter. This allows a group of transmitters to
      be controlled without affecting others. This will also help if two or more people on set are sending ZaxNet
      commands each person will be independent and won’t interfere with each other. Most users leave this set to
      1 on all of their Zaxcom products. Group codes can be set from 1 to 99.

     Audio Input Select

      The audio input select sets what audio the PR6BFI will input.
        • ANALOG – Used when inputting an analog audio signal.
        • DIGITAL L - Used when Inputting a digital signal on pins 1, 2, 3 on the TA5 connector.
        • DIGITAL R - Used when inputting a digital signal on pins 1, 4, 5 on the TA5 connector.

     Minimum Frequency
       MIN FREQ: 512.0
       (TVCHAN MIN 21)
      This menu sets the lowest UHF frequency that the PR6BFI will cycle to when remote controlling TRX
      transmitters. This eliminates having to cycle through frequencies that are out of the working frequency range
      of the TRX transmitters that are being controlled.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                          Extended Menu
     Maximum Frequency
        MAX FREQ: 698.0
        (TVCHAN MIN 51)

       This menu sets the highest UHF frequency that the PR6BFI will cycle to when remote controlling TRX
       transmitters. This eliminates having to cycle through frequencies that are out of the working frequency range
       of the TRX transmitters that are being controlled.

     Allow IFB Remote Control
     This menu will only appear if IFB mode is set to RX (receive)
         CONTROL:      ON

       IFB remote control allows the PR6BFI to receive record commands from another ZaxNet transmitter.

     ERX Software Update

       This menu is used to update the software on a Zaxcom ERX receiver.
       To Update the ERX Software
         1.   Format a micro SD card in the PR6BFI and with a computer delete the “” file.
         2.   Copy the ERX software onto the card and place the card in the PR6BFI.
         3.   Set up your ERX to receive software (see the ERX manual).
         4.   Power up the PR6BFI and advance to this menu.
         5.   Press the INC key.
         6.   The PR6BFI will begin to transmit the software and will continuously be resent until manually stopped.

      Automatic Record On Boot up

       Record after boot up will allow the PR6BFI to automatically go into record after it boots up.
         • ON - The PR6BFI will automatically start to record after it boots up.
         • OFF - The PR6BFI will wait for a manual record trigger to start recording.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                     Extended Menu
      Input Phase Invert

      If set to ON the phase of the channel 2 (Right) audio input on the TA5 connector will be inverted to correct for
      a phasing issue with the input cable.

     Home Screen Time Code Display

      This menu will determine if the PR6BFI will display its ZaxNet transmit frequency or time code on the home

                                         ON - The home screen will display the time code and the recorder status on
        01:02:03:01 STOP                 the top with the ZaxNet status and audio meters on the bottom. When
        RX                               recording the ZaxNet status will also flash the time remaining on the card.

                                         OFF - The home screen will display the ZaxNet transmit frequency, ZaxNet
         2.420       RX      STOP        status and recorder status on the top with the audio meters on the bottom.
                                         When recording the ZaxNet status will also flash the time remaining on the

     Backlight Timer
       ALWAYS ON
      The backlight menu sets the function of the backlight. Please note that the power draw of the backlight is very
      negligible and will not be putting a high demand on the battery
        • OFF - The backlight will remain off.
        • ALWAYS ON - The backlight will always stay on.
        • 1 - 29 seconds - The backlight will remain on after the last button push for the selected time.

     Encryption Menu Hide

      This menu allows for the encryption menu to be hidden preventing accidental changes.
        • HIDDEN -The encryption menu does not appear when cycling through the menu settings.
        • ON - The encryption menu will appear and can be changed.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                     Extended Menu
     Encryption Code Set
       ID1:000 ID0:000

      For normal un-encrypted operations all six numbers should be set to zero. If the encryption code is set to
      any number other than all zeroes, the transmitted audio will be encrypted and can only be listened to if
      the receiver has the matching encryption code entered. When a receiver is getting an audio signal, and
      the codes do not match, all that will be heard is white-noise or silence.
      These two sets of numbers are formed into a single six-digit encryption code which provides a total of
      16,777,216 possible combinations.
      To adjust the encryption code
        1. Momentarily press the MENU key to advance to the next character.
        2. To change the designated character, press the INC or DEC key.
        3. To exit this page, press and hold the MENU key for 1 second.


Zaxcom PR6BFI        Record Media


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                             Firmware
    Each PR6BFI is shipped with the latest firmware version installed. As newer firmware becomes available, it can
    be downloaded from the Zaxcom website:
    Newer version of beta software may be found on the Zaxcom forums:

    Each time the PR6BFI is powered up, the firmware version number is displayed briefly on the LCD screen.
    Pressing the DEC key during the boot up will slow down the screen to allow easier viewing of the information.


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                 Wiring Diagrams

Wiring Diagrams

     12 Volt DC power
        Uses a Switchcraft 760K

                                      DC Power
                                  +              CENTER PIN
                                  -                SLEEVE


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                                                          Support
Product Support

      Register your product with Zaxcom: 
      Download the latest Firmware from: 
      Download the latest User Manuals from:
      Submit Technical Questions at:     
      Submit information for Repair Services at:
      Join the Zaxcom User Forum at:     
      Join the Zaxcom Face Book User Group at:


Zaxcom PR6BFI                                                           Specifications

  IFB RF Transmitter
  RF Power Output: 100 mW
  RF Modulation: Digital Spread Spectrum
  RF Frequency Range: 2.403 to 2.473 GHz
  RF Frequency Step: 0.001 GHz (1 MHz)
  RF Bandwidth: 1 MHz
  Channel Separation: 1 MHz
  IFB Audio Transmitter
  Dynamic Range: 103 dB
  Distortion: 0.01%
  Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 12 kHz
  System Group Delay: 10 ms

  Timecode Reader / Generator
  Clock Accuracy: 1.54 PPM (1 frame out in 6 hours)
  Timecode Type: SMPTE
  Timecode Frame Rates: 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97NDF, 29.97DF, 30NDF, 30DF
  Weight: 1.0 oz
  Dimensions: 3.6″ x 3.23″ x .1”
  External Power: 8 to 18 VDC @ 180 mA
  Internal Power: N/A
  Display: Graphic LCD Panel
  All Specifications subject to change without notice


                          Zaxcom Warranty Policy and Limitations
Zaxcom Inc. values your business and always attempts to provide you with the very best service.
No limited warranty is provided by Zaxcom unless your PR6BFI (“Product”) was purchased from an authorized distributer or authorized reseller.
Distributers may sell Product to resellers who then sell Product to end users. Please see below for warranty information or obtaining service. No
warranty service is provided unless the Product is returned to Zaxcom Inc. or a Zaxcom dealer in the region where the Product was first shipped by

Warranty Policy
The Product carries a Standard Warranty Period of one (1) year.
NOTE: The warranty period commences from the date of delivery from the Zaxcom dealer or reseller to the end user.
There are no warranties which extend beyond the face of the Zaxcom limited warranty. Zaxcom disclaims all other warranties, express or implied,
regarding the Product, including any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In the United States,
some laws do not allow the exclusion of the implied warranties.

Troubleshooting & Repair Services
No Product should be returned to Zaxcom without first going through some basic troubleshooting steps with the dealer you purchased your gear from.
To return a product for repair service, go to the Zaxcom Repair Services page and fill in your information; there is no
need to call the factory for an RMA. Then send your item(s) securely packed (in the original packaging or a suitable substitute) to the address that was
returned on the Repair Services page. Insure the package, as we cannot be held responsible for what the shipper does.
Zaxcom will return the warranty repaired item(s) via two-day delivery within the United States at their discretion. If overnight service is required, a
FedEx or UPS account number must be provided to Zaxcom to cover the shipping charges.
*Please note a great resource to troubleshoot your gear is the Zaxcom Forum:

Warranty Limitations
Zaxcom’s limited warranty provides that, subject to the following limitations, each Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and
will conform to Zaxcom’s specification for the particular Product.

Limitation of Remedies
Your exclusive remedy for any defective Product is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective Product.
Zaxcom may elect which remedy or combination of remedies to provide in its sole discretion. Zaxcom shall have a reasonable time after determining
that a defective Product exists to repair or replace a defective Product. Zaxcom’s replacement Product under its limited warranty will be manufactured
from new and serviceable used parts. Zaxcom’s warranty applies to repaired or replaced Product for the balance of the applicable period of the original
warranty or thirty days from the date of shipment of a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is longer.

Limitation of Damages
Zaxcom’s entire liability for any defective Product shall, in no event, exceed the purchase price for the defective Product. This limitation applies even if
Zaxcom cannot or does not repair or replace any defective Product and your exclusive remedy fails of its essential purpose.

No Consequential or Other Damages
Zaxcom has no liability for general, consequential, incidental or special damages. These include loss of recorded data, the cost of recovery of lost data,
lost profits and the cost of the installation or removal of any Product, the installation of replacement Product, and any inspection, testing or redesign
caused by any defect or by the repair or replacement of Product arising from a defect in any Product.
In the United States, some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations above may not apply to
you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.

Your Use of the Product
Zaxcom will have no liability for any Product returned if Zaxcom determines that:
 • The Product was stolen.
 • The asserted defect:
 • Is not present,
 • Cannot reasonably be fixed because of damage occurring when the Product is in the possession of someone other than Zaxcom, or
 • Is attributable to misuse, improper installation, alteration, including removing or obliterating labels and opening or removing external covers
   (unless authorized to do so by Zaxcom or an authorized Service Center), accident or mishandling while in the possession of someone other than
 • The Product was not sold to you as new.

Additional Limitations on Warranty
Zaxcom’s warranty does not cover Product, which has been received improperly packaged, altered or physically abused.


Warning: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by Zaxcom Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the

RF Exposure:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. The user should maintain a safety
distance of 20 cm between the product and their body.

Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved
for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen
that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.

Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un gain
maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à
l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne
dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire à l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.

This radio transmitter has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain
and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the
maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.

2.4GHz Quarter Wave Whip Antenna, 2.2dBi gain, 50 Ohms

Le présent émetteur radio (PR6BFI) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et
ayant un gain admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le
gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.

2.4GHz Quarter Wave Whip Antenna, 2.2dBi gain, 50 Ohms

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device
may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux
deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.


Document Created: 2019-01-17 10:40:07
Document Modified: 2019-01-17 10:40:07

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