Test Report


Test Report

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                                         FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.231
                                        Industry Canada, RSS-210 and RSS-GEN
                                                      Test Report


                                          433.9 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
                                                 FCC ID: PQTDORM45
                                                  IC: 10735A-DORM45

                                         Customer Name:                  Dorman Products, Inc.

                                            Customer P.O:                4200008878

                                           Date of Report:               June 26, 2019

                                           Test Report No:               R-2992P

                                           Test Start Date:              January 17, 2019

                                         Test Finish Date:               January 30, 2019

                                         Test Technician:                M. Nowak

                                        Lead Technician:                 A. Warwick

                                              Approved By:               D. Rybicki

                                   Report Prepared By:                   P. Harris

Our letters, procedures and reports are for the exclusive use of the customer to whom they are addressed and their communication or
the use of the name of Retlif Testing Laboratories must receive our prior written approval. Our letters, procedures and reports apply only
to the sample tested and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar products. The letters, procedures
and reports and the name of Retlif Testing Laboratories or insignia are not to be used under any circumstances in advertising to the
general public. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Retlif Testing Laboratories.

                                                      Table of Contents

Certification and Signatures ..................................................................................................3
Revision History .................................................................................................................... 4
Requirements and Test Results ............................................................................................ 8
General Requirements FCC and IC .................................................................................... 14
Open Area Test Site ...........................................................................................................15
Equipment Lists .................................................................................................................. 16
Test Data ............................................................................................................................ 17

                                                                                       Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                                     Report No. R-2992P

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                                               Certification and Signatures

We certify that this report is a true representation of the results obtained from the tests of
the equipment stated. We further certify that the measurements shown in this report were
made in accordance with the procedures indicated and vouch for the qualifications of all
Retlif Testing Laboratories personnel taking them.

Colleen T. Reitz
Chief of Documentation Innovation and Compliance

David M. Rybicki
Laboratory Supervisor

Non-Warranty Provision
The testing services have been performed, findings obtained and reports prepared in accordance with generally accepted laboratory
principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all others, either expressed or implied.

This test report contains only findings and results arrived at after employing the specific test procedures and standards listed herein. It is
not intended to constitute a recommendation, endorsement or certification of the product or material tested. This report must not be used
by the client to claim product endorsement by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB).

                                                                                          Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                                        Report No. R-2992P

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                                   Revision History

Revisions to this document are listed below; the latest revised document supersedes all
previous issues of this document.

Revision          Date                 Pages Affected
-                 June 26, 2019        Original Release

                                                          Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                 Report No. R-2992P

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                                    Technical Information

               Report Number:         R-2992P
                     Customer:        Dorman Products, Inc.
                      Address:        3400 East Walnut Street
                                      Colmar, PA 18915
                 Manufacturer:        Dorman Products, Inc.
       Manufacturer Address:          3400 East Walnut Street
                                      Colmar, PA 18915
                  Test Sample:        433.9 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
              Model Numbers:          99450, 99451, 99452, 99453
                        FCC ID:       PQTDORM45
                              IC:     10735A-DORM45
                          Type:       Security / Remote Control Transmitter
        Power Requirements:           3 VDC Derived from a CR2032 Battery
     Frequency of Operation:          433.9 MHz
             Equipment Class:         DSC
               Equipment Use:         Portable, 2.5 cm

Test Specification:
FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.231
Radio Standards Specification, RSS-210, Issue 9, August, 2016
Test Procedure:
ANSI C63.10:2013
RSS-GEN, Issue 5, March 2019, Amendment 1
Test Site:
ANSI C63.4:2014
Test Facility:
Retlif Testing Laboratories
3131 Detwiler Road
Harleysville, PA 19438
FCC Accreditation Designation Number: US2321
ISED Test Site Registration Number: 2047B

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                                      Tests Performed
The test methods performed on the 433.9 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter are shown below:

                     Industry     Industry
                      Canada       Canada                   Test Method                 Test Results
Part 15, Subpart C
                     RSS-210      RSS-GEN
    15.231(b)        A1.1.2(1)      N/A               Field Strength of Emissions        Complied
                                                 Occupied Bandwidth and Duty Cycle       Complied
   15.231(b)(2)      A1.1.2(2)       4.5
   15.231(b)(3)      A1.1.2(3)      N/A          Field Strength of Spurious Emissions    Complied
    15.231(c)         A1.1.3        N/A                 Bandwidth of Emission            Complied

   All test methods listed above are included in Retlif Testing Laboratories ANSI National
   Accreditation Board (ANAB), ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of Accreditation.

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                                 General Test Requirements
1.    The measurement procedures of ANSI C63.10:2013 were utilized as specified in
      FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.31(a)(3) and IC RSS-GEN Section 4.1.
2.    All radiated emissions measurements were performed on an Open Area Test Site
      (OATS), listed with the FCC and IC, in accordance with FCC Section 15.31(d) and
      IC Section 4.2.
3.    The level of the fundamental field strength was recorded with a new battery installed
      in the EUT, in accordance with FCC Section 15.231(e) and IC Section 4.3(e).
4.    All measurements were performed at the specified 3 meter test distance as required
      by FCC Section 15.31(f) and IC Section 7.25.
5.    The EUT was rotated throughout 360 degrees for all radiated emissions
      measurements as specified in FCC Section 15.31(f)(5) and IC Section 4.3(h).
6.    All readily accessible EUT controls were adjusted in such a manner as to maximize
      the level of emissions in accordance with FCC Section 15.31(g) and IC Section
7.    Appropriate accessories were attached to all EUT ports during the performance of
      radiated emissions measurements as required by FCC Section 15.31(i) and IC
      Section 4.3(d).
8.    The EUT operated at a discrete frequency of 433.9 MHz. Testing was performed
      with the device operating in accordance with FCC Section 15.31(m) and IC Section
9.    The frequency spectrum was investigated from the lowest frequency generated in
      the device up to the 10th harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency in
      accordance with FCC Section 15.33(a)(1) and IC Section 4.9.
10.   All measurements were taken with a peak detector function as specified in FCC
      Section 15.35(a) and IC Section 4.4. The duty cycle, calculated in accordance with
      FCC Section 15.35(c) and IC Section 4.5, was applied to the peak readings in order
      to obtain the average value of emissions. The peak value of emissions was verified
      to meet the 20 dB requirement of FCC Section 15.35(b) and IC Section 7.2.1.

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                             Requirements and Test Results

FCC Section 15.231(a) - Periodic operation in the band 40.66 - 40.7 MHz and above 70
The provisions of this Section are restricted to periodic operation within the band 40.66-
40.7 MHz and above 70 MHz. Except as shown in Paragraph (e) of this Section, the
intentional radiator is restricted to the transmissions of a control signal such as those used
with alarm systems, door openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, voice,
video and the radio control of toys are not permitted. Data is permitted to be sent with a
control signal.

IC RSS-210, A1.1 - Momentarily Operated Devices
The frequency bands and field strength limits in Tables 4 and 5 are only for the
transmission of a control signal such as that used with alarm systems, door openers,
remote switches, etc.       Radio control of toys or model aircrafts, and continuous
transmissions such as voice or video are not permitted except as provided in A1.1.5. Data
is permitted to be sent with a control signal.

      Results:
       The device was operated at a frequency of 433.9 MHz and is for the transmission of
       a control signal used for remote keyless vehicle entry.
FCC Sections 15.231(a)(1)-(5)
Periodic operation in the band 40.66 - 40.7 MHz and above 70 MHz
The following conditions were met in order to comply with the provisions for momentary
IC RSS-210, A1.1.1(a)-(d) - Types of Momentary Signals
The following conditions were met in order to comply with the provisions for momentary
FCC 15.231(a)(1): A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will
automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
IC A1.1.1(a): A manually operated transmitter shall employ a push-to-operate switch and
be under manual control at all transmission times. When released, the transmitter shall
cease transmission (holdover time of up to 5 seconds of operation).
      Results:
       The device is a manually operated, push to operate transmitter under manual
       control. The device ceased transmission within 5 seconds of deactivation. This was
       verified by a spectrum analyzer and manual deactivation of the transmitter in
       accordance with C63.10, 2013, Paragraph 7.4.

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Requirements and Test Results (con’t)
FCC 15.231(a)(2): A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5
seconds after activation.
IC A1.1.1(b): A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission with 5 seconds
after activation, (i.e. maximum 5 seconds of operation).
      Results:
       Transmission is not automatically activated.
FCC 15.231(a)(3): Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not
permitted. However, polling or supervision transmissions, including data, to determine
system integrity of transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the
total duration of transmissions does not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each
transmitter. There is no limit on the number of individual transmissions, provided the total
transmission time does not exceed two seconds per hour.
IC A1.1.1(c): Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted,
except as provided in A1.1.5. However, polling or supervision transmissions, to determine
system integrity of transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the
total duration of transmissions does not exceed 2 seconds per hour for each transmitter.
      Results:
       The transmitter does not perform periodic transmissions.

FCC 15.231(a)(4): Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes
during emergencies involving fire, security and safety of life, when activated to signal an
alarm, may operate during the pendency of the alarm condition.

IC A1.1.1(d): Intentional radiators employed for radio control purposes during emergencies
involving fire, security of goods (e.g. burglar alarms), and safety-of-life, when activated to
signal an alarm, may operate during the interval of the alarm condition.

      Results:
       This device is not employed for radio control purposes during emergencies involving
       fire, security and safety for life.

FCC 15.231(a)(5): Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the
transmission duration limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, provided such
transmission are under the control of a professional installer and do not exceed ten
seconds after a manually operated switch is released or a transmitter is activated
automatically. Such set-up information may include data.

      Results:
       The device is not employed for security systems.

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   Requirements and Test Results (con’t)

   FCC Section 15.231(b) - Field Strength of Emissions
   In addition to the provisions of Section 15.205, the field strength of emissions from
   intentional radiators operated under this Section shall not exceed the limits specified in
   Table 1.

   IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(1) - Field Strengths and Frequency Bands
   The field strength of emissions from momentarily operated intentional radiators shall not
   exceed the limits specified in Table 1:

                        Table 1 - Test Limits, Field Strength of Emissions
                            Field Strength of Fundamental
                                                             Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
 Fundamental Frequency       microvolts/meter @3 meters
                                                                  microvolts/meter @3 meters
        (MHz)                        (watts, e.i.r.p.)
                                                                     Quasi Peak or Average
                                Quasi Peak or Average
       40.66 to 40.70                    2,250                             225
          70 to 130                 1,250 (470 nW)                         125
         130 to 174                 1,250 to 3,750**                   125 to 375**
         174 to 260                  3,750 (4.2 µW)                        375
         260 to 470                3,750 to 12,500**                  375 to 1,250**
         Above 470                  12,500 (47 µW)                        1,250
**Linear Interpolations
For 130-174 MHz: FS (microvolts/m) = (56.82 x F) - 6,136
For 260-470 MHz: FS (microvolts/m) = (41.67 x F) - 7,083
The maximum permitted unwanted emission level is 20 dB below the maximum permitted fundamental
   The Fundamental and Harmonic Emissions limits for a device operating at 433.9 MHz are
   listed in Table 2.

                        Table 2 - Fundamental and Harmonic Limits
     Frequency of Operation           Fundamental                            Harmonics
             MHz                         µV/m                                  µV/m
             433.9                      10958.3                               1095.83

         Results:
          The Fundamental and Harmonics field strengths did not exceed the limits specified in
          Table 2 at a test distance of 3 meters, taken with an Average Detector. See Table 3
          for the Fundamental and Harmonic emissions test results.

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Requirements and Test Results (con’t)

                  Table 3 - Fundamental and Harmonics Test Results
       Fundamental Frequency     Maximum Fundamental Maximum Harmonics
               MHz                        µV/m                      µV/m
              433.9                      12022.7                   242.67

FCC Section 15.231(b)(2) - Duty Cycle Determination-Pulsed Operation
Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of the Section shall demonstrate
compliance with the limits on the field strength emissions, as shown in Table 1, based on
the average value of the measured emissions. As an alternative, compliance with the limits
in the Table 1 may be based on the use of measurement instrumentation with a CISPR
quasi-peak detector. The specific method of measurement employed shall be specified int
eh application for equipment authorization. If average emission measurements are
employed, the provisions in Section 15.35 for averaging pulsed emissions and for limiting
peak emissions apply. Further, compliance with the provisions of Section 15.205 shall be
demonstrated using the measurement instrumentation specified in that Section.
IC RSS-GEN, Paragraph 4.5, Pulsed Operation
When the field strength (or envelope power) is not constant or when it is in pulses, and an
average detector is specified to be used, the value of field strength or power shall be
determined by averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals within
the pulse train, as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds. In cases where
the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the average value (of field strength or output power)
shall be determined during a 0.1 second interval during which the field strength or power is
at its maximum value.

The unit’s RF output was directly coupled to the input of the spectrum analyzer. The
analyzer was set for a frequency span of 0 Hz. The sweep time was then adjusted in order
to display one full pulse train. The transmitter on time was then summed and compared to
the time for one full cycle in order to obtain the duty cycle. (See plots for additional
      Results:
       The emissions did not exceed the limits specified in Table 1. See below for the
       exact method of calculating the average field strength.

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Requirements and Test Results (con’t)

                  Transmitter On Time =   47.10   milliseconds (maximum per cycle)
              Transmitter Cycle Time =    22.51   milliseconds (100 ms maximum)
               Transmitter Duty Cycle =   47.79   %

  61          x   191.7              µs (Pulse 1) = 11.69 milliseconds
  25              408.3              µs (Pulse 2) = 10.21 milliseconds
  1               608.3              µs (Pulse 3) =    0.61   milliseconds
                     11.69 + 10.21 + 0.61         = 22.51 milliseconds
                          Duty Cycle (22.51/47.10) = 47.79 %
        Correction Factor =20 log    (0.4779)     = - 6.41 dB

FCC Section 15.231(b)(3) - Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions specified in Table 1 are based on
the fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be
attenuated to the average (or, alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in Table 1 or
to the general limits shown in Section 15.209, whichever limit permits a higher field

IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(3) - Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions
The limits on the field strength of unwanted emissions in Table 4 of RSS-210 are based on
the fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Unwanted emissions shall be
attenuated to the limits shown in Table 2 of RSS-210 or to the limits shown in Table 4 of
RSS-210, whichever is less stringent.

      Results:
       No spurious emissions were observed within 20 dB of the specified limit.

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FCC Section 15.231(c) - Bandwidth of Emissions
The bandwidth of the emissions shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for
devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900
MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the frequency. Bandwidth is determined
at the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

IC RSS-210, A1.1.3 - Bandwidth of Momentary Signals
For the purpose of Section A1.1, the 99% bandwidth shall be no wider than 0.25% of the
center frequency for devices operating between 70-900 MHz. For devices operating above
900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency.

      Results:
       The bandwidth was measured and found to be 38.83 kHz, 0.0009% of the center

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                          General Requirements FCC and IC

                                  RF Exposure Limits

The following power measurement was calculated from field strength measurements as
outlined in Paragraph 4.2 of RSS-102, Issue 5:

      TP = (FS x D)2      FS = 0.0120227 (Peak)
            30 x G         D=3M
                           G = 1.0
                          TP = 43.3 microwatts

In accordance with Paragraph 2.5.1 of RSS-102, Issue 5, this device is exempt from SAR
evaluation since the TP is less than 200 milliwatts and the device is portable.

                  Spectrum Analyzer Desensitization Considerations
Due to the nature of the emissions being measured, care was taken to ensure that the
resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was adequate to provide accurate
measurements. The following formula was utilized:
         minimum bandwidth = 1/{minimum pulse width (in seconds) x 1.5} = Hz
Setting pulse desensitization equal to zero and utilizing the minimum observed pulse width
of 191.7 µs yields a minimum required bandwidth of 3477.66 Hz.             FCC specified
bandwidths of 100 kHz and 1 MHz were utilized below and above 1GHz, respectively.

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                                  Open Area Test Site

For testing radiated measurements from 1 GHz to 40 GHz, a test site must satisfy either
option in Section 5.5 of ANSI C63.4:2014.

First Option: Section 5.5.1 a) 1) of ANSI C63.4:2014, requires compliance with the site
validation criterion called out in CISPR 16-1-4: 2010-04, which is the site validation by
means of SVSWR measurements.

Second Option: Section 5.5.1 a) 2) of ANSI C63.4:2014, alternative site validation without
SVSWR measurements – test site shall have a minimum area of the ground plane covered
with RF absorbing material as specified in this clause and as shown in Figure 6 of ANSI

The Open Area Test Site used within this test program utilized the second option, with the
RF Absorber placed directly on the ground plane. The RF Absorber had a maximum
thickness of 30 cm and a minimum rated attenuation of 20 dB at all frequencies from 1 GHz
to 18 GHz.

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                                                   Equipment Lists

                      FCC Section 15.231(b) - Field Strength of Emissions
                  IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(1) - Field Strength and Frequency Bands
EN      Manufacturer     Description                  Range                 Model No.        Cal Date       Due Date

713D    MICRO-COAX       CABLE, COAXIAL               3 FT.                 UFB311A1-0360-   10/5/2018      10/31/2019
8016    ETS / EMCO       ANTENNA, LOG PERIODIC        200 MHz - 1 GHz       3146             2/7/2018       8/31/2019
8017    ETS / EMCO       ANTENNA, DOUBLE              1 - 18 GHz            3115             9/26/2017      3/31/2019
                         RIDGED GUIDE
8300    RETLIF           OPEN AREA TEST SITE,         3/10 Meter OATS       RPA              3/28/2018      3/31/2020
8300C   UNKNOWN          CABLE, COAXIAL               3/10 METER            3 METER CABLE    10/30/2018     10/31/2019
8317    AGILENT / HP     PRE-AMPLIFIER                1 - 26.5 GHz, 30 dB   8449B            5/16/2018      5/31/2019
8398    ETS / EMCO       ANTENNA, BICONICAL           20 - 200 MHz          3104C            2/13/2018      8/31/2019
8644    AGILENT / HP     ANALYZER, SPECTRUM           100 Hz - 22 GHz       85662A           9/18/2018      9/30/2019
8644A   AGILENT / HP     ANALYZER, SPECTRUM           100 Hz - 22.5 GHz     8566B            9/18/2018      9/30/2019
8644B   AGILENT / HP     ANALYZER, RF                 20 Hz - 2 GHz         85685A           9/28/2018      9/30/2019

        FCC Section 15.231(b)(2) - Duty Cycle Determination - Pulsed Operation
               IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(2), RSS-GEN, 4.5 - Pulsed Operation
EN      Manufacturer      Description                 Range                 Model No.        Cal Date       Due Date

8410A   ETS / EMCO        Field Probe, 6 cm Loop      790 MHz               7405-901         No Calibration Required
8575    RIGOL             ANALYZER, SPECTRUM          9 kHz - 1.5 GHz       DSA815-TG        1/19/2018      1/31/2019

                FCC Section 15.231(b)(3) - Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
                 IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(3) - Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions
EN      Manufacturer       Description                Range                 Model No.        Cal Date       Due Date

8016    ETS / EMCO         ANTENNA, LOG PERIODIC      200 MHz - 1 GHz       3146             2/7/2018       8/31/2019
8300    RETLIF             OPEN AREA TEST SITE,       3/10 Meter OATS       RPA              3/28/2018      3/31/2020
8300C   UNKNOWN            CABLE, COAXIAL             3/10 METER            3 METER CABLE    10/30/2018     10/31/2019
8322    ETS / EMCO         ANTENNA, LOOP              10 KHz - 30 MHz       6512             4/18/2018      4/30/2020
8398    ETS / EMCO         ANTENNA, BICONICAL         20 - 200 MHz          3104C            2/13/2018      8/31/2019
8411    SONOMA             PRE-AMPLIFIER              9 KHz - 1 GHz         310N             9/14/2018      9/30/2019
8644    AGILENT / HP       ANALYZER, SPECTRUM         100 Hz - 22 GHz       85662A           9/18/2018      9/30/2019
8644A   AGILENT / HP       ANALYZER, SPECTRUM         100 Hz - 22.5 GHz     8566B            9/18/2018      9/30/2019
8644B   AGILENT / HP       ANALYZER, RF               20 Hz - 2 GHz         85685A           9/28/2018      9/30/2019
8644C   AGILENT / HP       ANALYZER, QUASI-PEAK       100 Hz - 22 GHz       85650A           9/24/2018      9/30/2019

                          FCC Section 15.231(c) - Bandwidth of Emission
                       IC RSS-210, A1.1.3 - Bandwidth of Momentary Signals
EN      Manufacturer      Description                 Range                 Model No.        Cal Date       Due Date

8410A   ETS / EMCO        Field Probe, 6 cm Loop      790 MHz               7405-901         No Calibration Required
8575    RIGOL             ANALYZER, SPECTRUM          9 kHz - 1.5 GHz       DSA815-TG        1/19/2018      1/31/2019

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    FCC Section 15.231(b) - Field Strength of Emissions
IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(1) - Field Strength and Frequency Bands
                          Test Data

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Test Method:          FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Field Strength of Emissions, Paragraph 15.231(b)
                      IC RSS-210, A1.1.2 (1) Field Strengths and Frequency Bands
Customer:             Dorman Products, Inc.                                 Job No.: R-2992P-1
Test Sample:          433.9 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
Model No.:            PQTDORM45
Operating Mode:       Continuously transmitting a RF signal at 433.9 MHz
Technician:           M. Nowak                                                 Date: 01/24/2019 – 01/30/2019
Notes:      Detector: Peak, Unless otherwise specified                 Test Distance: 3 Meters
                Antenna           EUT            Meter        Correction    Corrected     Converted     Peak
Test Freq.
               Pol./Height     Orientation      Reading         Factor       Reading       Reading       Limit
   MHz        (V/H)/Meters       X/Y/Z           dBµV             dB         dBµV/m          uV/m       uV/m
  433.90        V / 1.48         X / 81.1         62.0           19.6          81.6        12022.7     109583
  433.90        V / 1.68        Y / 258.1         58.6           19.6          78.2        8128.31         |
  433.90        V / 2.35         Z / 65.8         47.7           19.6          67.3         2317.4         |
  433.90        H / 1.38        X / 173.6         50.6           19.6          70.2        3235.94         |
  433.90        H / 2.26        Y / 158.9         55.0           19.6          74.6        5370.32         |
  433.90        H / 1.00        Z / 334.8         61.1           19.6          80.7        10839.3     109583

 *867.80        V / 1.00       X / 180.0        19.8          27.1          46.9         221.31        10958
 *867.80        V / 1.00       Y / 180.0        19.8          27.1          46.9         221.31          |
 *867.80        V / 1.00       Z / 180.0        19.8          27.1          46.9         221.31          |
 *867.80        H / 1.00       X / 180.0        19.8          27.1          46.9         221.31          |
 *867.80        H / 1.00       Y / 180.0        19.8          27.1          46.9         221.31          |
 *867.80        H / 1.00       Z / 180.0        19.8          27.1          46.9         221.31        10958

 1301.70        V / 1.67       X / 67.7         47.0          -1.6          46.4         186.21         5000
 1301.70        V / 1.75       Y / 78.4         39.5          -1.6          37.9         78.53            |
 1301.70        V / 1.00       Z / 123.8        39.6          -1.6          38.0         79.44            |
 1301.70        H / 1.79        X / 9.9         39.1          -1.6          37.5         74.99            |
 1301.70        H / 1.00       Y / 182.8        43.4          -1.6          41.8         123.03           |
 1301.70        H / 1.67       Z / 346.4        46.0          -1.6          44.4         165.96         5000

 1735.60        V / 1.69       X / 117.5        37.5             0.0        37.5          74.99        10958
*1735.60        V / 1.00       Y / 180.0        31.7             0.0        31.7          38.46          |
*1735.60        V / 1.00       Z / 180.0        31.7             0.0        31.7          38.46          |
*1735.60        H / 1.00       X / 180.0        31.7             0.0        31.7          38.46          |
*1735.60        H / 1.00       Y / 180.0        31.7             0.0        31.7          38.46          |
*1735.60        H / 1.00       Z / 180.0        31.7             0.0        31.7          38.46        10958

*2169.50        V / 1.00       X / 180.0        35.0             3.2        38.2          81.29        10958
*2169.50        V / 1.00       Y / 180.0        35.0             3.2        38.2          81.29          |
*2169.50        V / 1.00       Z / 180.0        35.0             3.2        38.2          81.29          |
*2169.50        H / 1.00       X / 180.0        35.0             3.2        38.2          81.29          |
*2169.50        H / 1.00       Y / 180.0        35.0             3.2        38.2          81.29          |
*2169.50        H / 1.00       Z / 180.0        35.0             3.2        38.2          81.29        10958

                                                                       Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method:           FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Field Strength of Emissions, Paragraph 15.231(b)
                       IC RSS-210, A1.1.2 (1) Field Strengths and Frequency Bands
Customer:              Dorman Products, Inc.                                 Job No.: R-2992P-1
Test Sample:           433.90 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
Model No.:             PQTDORM45
Operating Mode:        Continuously transmitting a RF signal at 433.9 MHz
Technician:            M. Nowak                                                 Date: 01/24/2019 – 01/30/2019
Notes:      Detector: Peak, unless otherwise specified                  Test Distance: 3 Meters
                Antenna            EUT            Meter        Correction    Corrected     Converted    Peak
Test Freq.
               Pol./Height      Orientation      Reading         Factor       Reading       Reading      Limit
   MHz        (V/H)-Meters       X/Y/Z            dBµV            dB          dBµV/m          uV/m      uV/m
 *2603.40        V / 1.00        X / 180.0         34.8           5.3           40.1         101.16     10958
 *2603.40        V / 1.00        Y / 180.0         34.8           5.3           40.1         101.16        |
 *2603.40        V / 1.00        Z / 180.0         34.8           5.3           40.1         101.16        |
 *2603.40       H / 1.00         X / 180.0         34.8           5.3           40.1         101.16        |
 *2603.40       H / 1.00         Y / 180.0         34.8           5.3           40.1         101.16        |
 *2603.40       H / 1.00         Z / 180.0         34.8           5.3           40.1         101.16     10958

*3037.30         V / 1.00         X / 180.0        34.3        7.9           42.2         128.83       10958
*3037.30         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0        34.3        7.9           42.2         128.83         |
*3037.30         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0        34.3        7.9           42.2         128.83         |
*3037.30         H / 1.00         X / 180.0        34.3        7.9           42.2         128.83         |
*3037.30         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0        34.3        7.9           42.2         128.83         |
*3037.30         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0        34.3        7.9           42.2         128.83       10958

*3471.20         V / 1.00         X / 180.0        33.1        10.7          43.8         154.89       10958
*3471.20         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0        33.1        10.7          43.8         154.89         |
*3471.20         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0        33.1        10.7          43.8         154.89         |
*3471.20         H / 1.00         X / 180.0        33.1        10.7          43.8         154.89         |
*3471.20         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0        33.1        10.7          43.8         154.89         |
*3471.20         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0        33.1        10.7          43.8         154.89       10958

*3905.10         V / 1.00         X / 180.0        33.3        13.9          47.2         229.09        5000
*3905.10         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0        33.3        13.9          47.2         229.09          |
*3905.10         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0        33.3        13.9          47.2         229.09          |
*3905.10         H / 1.00         X / 180.0        33.3        13.9          47.2         229.09          |
*3905.10         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0        33.3        13.9          47.2         229.09          |
*3905.10         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0        33.3        13.9          47.2         229.09        5000

*4339.00         V / 1.00         X / 180.0        33.2        14.5          47.7         242.67        5000
*4339.00         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0        33.2        14.5          47.7         242.67          |
*4339.00         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0        33.2        14.5          47.7         242.67          |
*4339.00         H / 1.00         X / 180.0        33.2        14.5          47.7         242.67          |
*4339.00         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0        33.2        14.5          47.7         242.67          |
 *4339.00        H / 1.00         Z / 180.0        33.2        14.5          47.7         242.67        5000
The frequency range was scanned from 30 MHz to 4.339 GHz.
Emissions from the EUT do not exceed the specified limits.
NOTE: * Indicates minimum system sensitivity.


                                                                       Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                 Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method:           FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Field Strength of Emissions, Paragraph 15.231(b)
                       IC RSS-210, A1.1.2 (1) Field Strengths and Frequency Bands
Customer:              Dorman Products, Inc.                                 Job No.: R-2992P-1
Test Sample:           433.90 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
Model No.:             PQTDORM45
Operating Mode:        Continuously transmitting a RF signal at 433.9 MHz
Technician:            M. Nowak                                                 Date: 01/24/2019 – 01/30/2019
Notes:      Average values calculated from Peak readings        Duty Cycle: 47.8 % Correction: -6.41 dB
                Antenna            EUT             Peak       Duty Cycle     Corrected    Converted      Avg.
Test Freq.
               Pol./Height      Orientation      Reading       Correction     Reading      Reading       Limit
   MHz        (V/H)-Meters       X/Y/Z           dBµV/m            dB         dBµV/m        uV/m         uV/m
  433.90         V / 1.48        X / 81.1          81.6           -6.41        75.19       5747.78      10958.3
  433.90         V / 1.68        Y / 258.1         78.2           -6.41        71.79       3885.98         |
  433.90         V / 2.35         Z / 65.8         67.3           -6.41        60.89       1107.9          |
  433.90        H / 1.38         X / 173.6         70.2           -6.41        63.79       1547.04         |
  433.90        H / 2.26         Y / 158.9         74.6           -6.41        68.19       2567.44         |
  433.90        H / 1.00         Z / 334.8         80.7           -6.41        74.29       5182.04      10958.3

 *867.80        V / 1.00        X / 180.0       46.9               -        46.90         221.31       1095.8
 *867.80        V / 1.00        Y / 180.0       46.9               -        46.90         221.31          |
 *867.80        V / 1.00        Z / 180.0       46.9               -        46.90         221.31          |
 *867.80        H / 1.00        X / 180.0       46.9               -        46.90         221.31          |
 *867.80        H / 1.00        Y / 180.0       46.9               -        46.90         221.31          |
 *867.80        H / 1.00        Z / 180.0       46.9               -        46.90         221.31       1095.8

 1301.70        V / 1.67        X / 67.7        46.4          -6.41         38.99          89.03         500
 1301.70        V / 1.75        Y / 78.4        37.9          -6.41         31.49          37.55          |
 1301.70        V / 1.00        Z / 123.8       38.0          -6.41         31.59          37.98          |
 1301.70        H / 1.79         X / 9.9        37.5          -6.41         31.09          35.86          |
 1301.70        H / 1.00        Y / 182.8       41.8          -6.41         35.39          58.82          |
 1301.70        H / 1.67        Z / 346.4       44.4          -6.41         37.99          79.35         500

 1735.60        V / 1.69        X / 117.5       37.5          -6.41         31.09          35.86       1095.8
*1735.60        V / 1.00        Y / 180.0       31.7            -           31.70          38.46          |
*1735.60        V / 1.00        Z / 180.0       31.7            -           31.70          38.46          |
*1735.60        H / 1.00        X / 180.0       31.7            -           31.70          38.46          |
*1735.60        H / 1.00        Y / 180.0       31.7            -           31.70          38.46          |
*1735.60        H / 1.00        Z / 180.0       31.7            -           31.70          38.46       1095.8

*2169.50        V / 1.00        X / 180.0       38.2               -        38.20          81.29       1095.8
*2169.50        V / 1.00        Y / 180.0       38.2               -        38.20          81.29          |
*2169.50        V / 1.00        Z / 180.0       38.2               -        38.20          81.29          |
*2169.50        H / 1.00        X / 180.0       38.2               -        38.20          81.29          |
*2169.50        H / 1.00        Y / 180.0       38.2               -        38.20          81.29          |
*2169.50        H / 1.00        Z / 180.0       38.2               -        38.20          81.29       1095.8


                                                                       Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method:         FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Field Strength of Emissions, Paragraph 15.231(b)
                     IC RSS-210, A1.1.2 (1) Field Strengths and Frequency Bands
Customer:            Dorman Products, Inc.                                 Job No.: R-2992P-1
Test Sample:         433.90 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
Model No.:           PQTDORM45
Operating Mode:      Continuously transmitting a RF signal at 433.9 MHz
Technician:          M. Nowak                                                 Date: 01/24/2019 – 01/30/2019
Notes:      Average values calculated from Peak readings      Duty Cycle: 47.8 % Correction: -6.41 dB
                Antenna           EUT            Peak       Duty Cycle     Corrected    Converted      Avg.
Test Freq.
               Pol./Height     Orientation     Reading       Correction     Reading      Reading       Limit
  MHz         (V/H)-Meters      X/Y/Z          dBµV/m            dB         dBµV/m        uV/m         uV/m
 *2603.40         V / 1.00         X / 180.0         40.1          -       40.10         101.16       1095.8
 *2603.40         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0         40.1          -       40.10         101.16          |
 *2603.40         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0         40.1          -       40.10         101.16          |
 *2603.40         H / 1.00         X / 180.0         40.1          -       40.10         101.16          |
 *2603.40         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0         40.1          -       40.10         101.16          |
 *2603.40         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0         40.1          -       40.10         101.16       1095.8

 *3037.30         V / 1.00         X / 180.0         42.2          -       42.20         128.83       1095.8
 *3037.30         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0         42.2          -       42.20         128.83          |
 *3037.30         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0         42.2          -       42.20         128.83          |
 *3037.30         H / 1.00         X / 180.0         42.2          -       42.20         128.83          |
 *3037.30         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0         42.2          -       42.20         128.83          |
 *3037.30         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0         42.2          -       42.20         128.83       1095.8

 *3471.20         V / 1.00         X / 180.0         43.8          -       43.80         154.89       1095.8
 *3471.20         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0         43.8          -       43.80         154.89          |
 *3471.20         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0         43.8          -       43.80         154.89          |
 *3471.20         H / 1.00         X / 180.0         43.8          -       43.80         154.89          |
 *3471.20         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0         43.8          -       43.80         154.89          |
 *3471.20         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0         43.8          -       43.80         154.89       1095.8

 *3905.10         V / 1.00         X / 180.0         47.2          -       47.20         229.09        500
 *3905.10         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0         47.2          -       47.20         229.09         |
 *3905.10         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0         47.2          -       47.20         229.09         |
 *3905.10         H / 1.00         X / 180.0         47.2          -       47.20         229.09         |
 *3905.10         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0         47.2          -       47.20         229.09         |
 *3905.10         H / 1.00         Z / 180.0         47.2          -       47.20         229.09        500

 *4339.00         V / 1.00         X / 180.0         47.7          -       47.70         242.67        500
 *4339.00         V / 1.00         Y / 180.0         47.7          -       47.70         242.67         |
 *4339.00         V / 1.00         Z / 180.0         47.7          -       47.70         242.67         |
 *4339.00         H / 1.00         X / 180.0         47.7          -       47.70         242.67         |
 *4339.00         H / 1.00         Y / 180.0         47.7          -       47.70         242.67         |
 *4339.00          H / 1.00        Z / 180.0           47.7        -       47.70         242.67        500
The frequency range was scanned from 30 MHz to 4.339 GHz.
Emissions from the EUT do exceed the specified limits.
NOTE: * Indicates minimum system sensitivity.


                                                                       Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                               Report No. R-2992P

                                                   Page 21 of 34

FCC Section 15.231(b)(2) - Duty Cycle Determination - Pulsed Operation
       IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(2), RSS-GEN, 4.5 - Pulsed Operation
                               Test Data


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                                                      Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method: FCC Part 15.231(b), Duty Cycle Determination
Notes: Pulse width on time = 191.7 µS


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                                                                      Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method: FCC Part 15.231(b), Duty Cycle Determination
Notes: Measurement of cycle time = 47.1 ms


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Test Method: FCC Part 15.231(b), Duty Cycle Determination
Notes: Pulse width on time = 408.3 µS


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                                                                      Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method: FCC Part 15.231(b), Duty Cycle Determination
Notes: Pulse width on time = 608.3 µS


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                                                                      Report No. R-2992P

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Test Method: FCC Part 15.231(b), Duty Cycle Determination
Notes: Number of Pulses = 61 @ 0.1917 ms; 25 @ 0.4083 ms; 1 @ 0.6083 ms


                                                                     Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                           Report No. R-2992P

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FCC Section 15.231(b)(3) - Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
 IC RSS-210, A1.1.2(3) - Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions
                            Test Data


                                           Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                   Report No. R-2992P

                         Page 28 of 34

Test             FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Field Strength of Spurious Emissions, Section 15.231(b).
                 IC RSS-210, A1.1.2 (3) Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions
Customer:        Dorman Products, Inc                                                      Job No.:                R-2992P-1
Test Sample:     433.90 MHz Remote Keyless Transmitter
Model No.:       PQTDORM45
                 Continuously transmitting a RF signal at 433.9 MHz
Technician:      M. Nowak                                                                                 Date:    01/24/2019
Notes: Test Distance: 3 Meters, Detector: Quasi-Peak from 30 MHz to 1 GHz
  Transmit         Test         Antenna           EUT            Meter          Correction    Corrected      Converted          Limit
 Frequency      Frequency      Pol /Height     Orientation      Reading          Factor        Reading        Reading       At 3 Meters
    MHz           MHz          (V/H) / (m)      Degrees          dBuV              dB          dBuV/m             uV/m           uV/m
   433.90         30.00             -              -               -                -            -                  -           100.00
      |             |               -              -               -                -            -                  -              |
      |          *36.00         H / 1.00         180.0           10.3             12..0         22.3              13.04            |
      |             |               -              -               -                -            -                  -              |
      |           88.00             -              -               -                -            -                  -           100.00
      |           88.00             -              -               -                -            -                  -           150.00
      |             |               -              -               -                -            -                  -              |
      |          *110.00        H / 1.00         180.0            7.7             13.9          21.6              12.03            |
      |             |               -              -               -                -            -                  -              |
      |          *195.00        H / 1.00         180.0            3.0             19.9          22.9              13.97            |
      |             |               -              -               -                -            -                  -              |
      |          *215.00        H / 1.00         180.0            3.3             13.1          16.4              6.61             |
      |             |               -              -               -                -            -                  -              |
      |          216.00             -              -               -                -            -                  -           150.00
      |          216.00             -              -               -                -            -                  -           200.00
      |                                            -                                                                               |
      |          *605.00         H / 1.00        180.0            0.2             22.6          22.8              13.81            |
      |             |                -             -               -               -             -                  -              |
      |          960.00              -             -               -               -             -                  -           200.00
      |          960.00              -             -               -               -             -                  -           500.00
      |             |                -             -                                                                               |
      |          *995.00         H / 1.00        180.0            -2.2            29.6          27.4              23.45            |
      |             |                -             -                -              -             -                  -              |
   433.90        1000.00             -             -                -              -             -                  -           500.00

The frequency range was scanned from 9 kHz to 1.0 GHz.
The emissions observed from the EUT do not exceed the specified limits.
The six highest readings relative to the limit are presented.
*Noise Floor Measurements, minimum sensitivity of the measurement system.


                                                                                          Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                                 Report No. R-2992P

                                                             Page 29 of 34

   FCC Section 15.231(c) - Bandwidth of Emission
IC RSS-210, A1.1.3 - Bandwidth of Momentary Signals
                      Test Data


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                                            Report No. R-2992P

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20 dB Bandwidth, 38.83 kHz


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40 dB Bandwidth, 403.3 kHz


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FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.231(a)(1), Timing Requirements
       IC RSS-210 A1.1.1(a), Types Of Momentary Signals
                            Test Data


                                            Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                    Report No. R-2992P

                          Page 33 of 34

Test Method: FCC Part 15.231(a)(1), Transmitter Deactivation Time
Notes: The transmitter was verified to cease transmitting within 5 seconds of manual deactivation.


                                                                              Retlif Testing Laboratories

                                                                                         Report No. R-2992P

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Document Created: 2019-07-11 15:19:38
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 15:19:38

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