Technical Description


Operational Description

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                            Technical Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a 2.4GHz Pure Transmitting Controller for RC Robot operated at 2415-
2465MHz with 1MHz Channel Spacing. The EUT is powered by 3 X 1.5V AAA batteries. After switch on the
EUT and paired with RC Robot, the RC Robot can be controlled to move forward, backward, turn right/left
by the controller. For the Infrared portion, it is for follow me function.

The brief circuit description is listed as below:

    1)     U24 acts as MCU (GPCE2P064A_DIES).
    2)     X1 is 32.768kHz crystal oscillator providing clock for U24.
    3)     U2 acts as 2.4GHz RF Module Circuit (ITR245L).
    4)     Y1 is 16MHz crystal oscillator providing clock for U2.
    5)     U4 acts as Voltage Regulator (G5125).
    6)     U3 acts as Voltage Regulator (LC1218C 3.3V).

 Antenna Type: Internal antenna
 Antenna Gain: 0dBi
 Nominal rated field strength: 91.8dBμV/m at 3m
 Maximum allowed field strength of production tolerance: +/- 3dB

Low Power High Performance 2.4 GHz GFSK Transceiver
Features                                      Pin Assignments

„ 2400-2483.5 MHz ISM band operation
„ Support 250kbps,1Mbps and 2 Mbps air
  data rate
„ Programmable output power
„ Low power consumption
„ Tolerate +/- 60ppm 16 MHz crystal
„ Variable payload length from 1 to 32bytes
„ Automatic packet processing
„ 6 data pipes for 1:6 star networks
„ 2.3V to 3.6V power supply
„ 3-pin SPI interface with maximum 6 MHz
  clock rate
„ Compact size

„   Wireless PC peripherals
„   Wireless mice and keyboards
„   Wireless gamepads
„   Wireless audio
„   VOIP and wireless headsets

Block Diagram


Table of Contents

1        General Description ................................................................................................................. 3
2        Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 4
3        Pin Information ....................................................................................................................... 5
4        State Control ........................................................................................................................... 6
     4.1     State Control Diagram ............................................................................................................... 6
     4.2     Power Down Mode.................................................................................................................... 7
     4.3     Standby-I Mode ......................................................................................................................... 7
     4.4     Standby-II Mode........................................................................................................................ 7
     4.5     TX Mode ................................................................................................................................... 7
     4.6     RX Mode ................................................................................................................................... 8
5        Packet Processing .................................................................................................................... 8
     5.1 Packet Format ............................................................................................................................ 8
        5.1.1 Preamble........................................................................................................................... 9
        5.1.2 Address............................................................................................................................. 9
        5.1.3 Packet Control .................................................................................................................. 9
        5.1.4 Payload ........................................................................................................................... 10
        5.1.5 CRC ................................................................................................................................ 10
     5.2 Packet Handling ...................................................................................................................... 10
6        Data and Control Interface .................................................................................................... 11
     6.1 TX/RX FIFO ........................................................................................................................... 11
     6.2 Interrupt ................................................................................................................................... 11
     6.3 SPI Interface ............................................................................................................................ 12
        6.3.1  SPI Command ................................................................................................................ 12
        6.3.2  SPI Timing ..................................................................................................................... 13
7        Register Map ......................................................................................................................... 14
     7.1     Register Bank 0 ....................................................................................................................... 14
     7.2     Register Bank 1 ....................................................................................................................... 15
8        Electrical Specifications ......................................................................................................... 16
9        Typical Application Schematic............................................................................................... 18
10       Dimension…………................................................................................................................ 19
11       Order Information ................................................................................................................. 20
12       Update History……. .............................................................................................................. 21

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2 Abbreviations
 ACK              Acknowledgement
 ARC               Auto Retransmission Count
 ARD               Auto Retransmission Delay
 CD               Carrier Detection
 CE               Chip Enable
 CRC              Cyclic Redundancy Check
 CSN              Chip Select Not
 DPL              Dynamic Payload Length
 FIFO             First-In-First-Out
 GFSK             Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
 GHz              Gigahertz
 LNA              Low Noise Amplifier
 IRQ              Interrupt Request
 ISM              Industrial-Scientific-Medical
 LSB              Least Significant Bit
 MAX_RT           Maximum Retransmit
 Mbps             Megabit per second
 MCU              Microcontroller Unit
 MHz              Megahertz
 MISO             Master In Slave Out
 MOSI             Master Out Slave In
 MSB              Most Significant Bit
 PA               Power Amplifier
 PID              Packet Identity Bits
 PLD              Payload
 PRX              Primary RX
 PTX              Primary TX
 PWD_DWN          Power Down
 PWD_UP           Power Up
 RF_CH            Radio Frequency Channel
 RSSI             Received Signal Strength Indicator
 RX               Receive
 RX_DR            Receive Data Ready
 SCK              SPI Clock
 SPI              Serial Peripheral Interface
 TDD              Time Division Duplex
 TX               Transmit
 TX_DS            Transmit Data Sent
 XTAL             Crystal

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3 Pin Information

     PIN Name Pin Function Description
     1      ANT_I     Antenna         Antenna connect to main PCB

     2      VDD       Power           Power

     3           I    CSN             Chip select signal

     4       I        SCK             SPI clock

     5          I/O   DATA            Data in/out

     6      GND       GND             System ground

     7      ANT       Antenna         Connect to external antenna

   Table 1 ITR245L pin functions

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4 State Control
4.1     State Control Diagram

„     Pin signal: VDD, CE                                                  ITR245RC has built-in state machines
„     SPI register: PWR_UP, PRIM_RX,                                       control the state transition between different
      EN_AA, NO_ACK, ARC, ARD                                              modes.
„     System information: Time out, ACK
      received, ARD elapsed, ARC_CNT, TX                                   When auto acknowledge feature is disabled,
      FIFO empty, ACK packet transmitted,                                  state transition will be fully controlled by
      Packet received                                                      MCU.


                                                            Power Down

                                               Start up time 1.5ms

                                                                                                   TX FIFO not empty
                                                                                                CE=1 for more than 15us
                    Time out or ACK received
                                                                                            ARD elapsed and ARC_CNT<ARC
                                                                                                    TX setting 130us

                                                                 TX finished
                                                                                    TX FIFO not empty
             RX                                                                          CE=1
                                                                                     TX setting 130us

                                                                                                   TX FIFO empty
                                                              Standby-II                               CE=1

                                                              RX setting 130us

                         Figure 3 PTX (PRIM_RX=0) state control diagram

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                         Figure 4 PRX (PRIM_RX=1) state control diagram

4.2    Power Down Mode                               4.4    Standby-II Mode

In power down mode ITR245RC is in                    In standby-II mode more clock buffers are
sleep mode with minimal current consumption.         active than in standby-I mode and much more
SPI interface is still active in this mode, and      current is used. Standby-II occurs when CE is
all register values are available by SPI.            held high on a PTX device with empty TX
Power down mode is entered by setting the            FIFO. If a new packet is uploaded to the TX
PWR_UP bit in the CONFIG register to low.            FIFO in this mode, the device will
                                                     automatically enter TX mode and the packet is
4.3    Standby-I Mode

By setting the PWR_UP bit in the CONFIG              4.5    TX Mode
register to 1 and de-asserting CE to 0, the
device enters standby-I mode. Standby-I mode         „     PTX device (PRIM_RX=0)
is used to minimize average current
consumption while maintaining short start-up         The TX mode is an active mode where the
time. In this mode, part of the crystal oscillator   PTX device transmits a packet. To enter this
is active. This is also the mode which the           mode from power down mode, the PTX device
ITR245RC3 returns to from TX or RX mode              must have the PWR_UP bit set high,
when                                                 PRIM_RX bit set low, a payload in the TX
CE is set low.                                       FIFO, and a high pulse on the CE for more
                                                     than                                  10µs.

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The PTX device stays in TX mode until it                  high, PRIM_RX bit set high and the CE pin
finishes transmitting the current packet. If CE           set high. Or PRX device can enter this mode
= 0 it returns to standby-I mode. If CE = 1, the          from TX mode after transmitting an
next action is determined by the status of the            acknowledge packet when EN_AA=1 and
TX FIFO. If the TX FIFO is not empty the                  NO_ACK=0 in received packet.
PTX device remains in TX mode, transmitting
the next packet. If the TX FIFO is empty the              In this mode the receiver demodulates the
PTX device goes into standby-II mode. It is               signals from the RF channel, constantly
important to never stay in TX mode for more               presenting the demodulated data to the packet
than 4ms at one time.                                     processing engine. The packet processing
                                                          engine continuously searches for a valid
If the auto retransmit is enabled (EN_AA=1)               packet. If a valid packet is found (by a
and     auto     acknowledge     is  required             matching address and a valid CRC) the
(NO_ACK=0), the PTX device will enter TX                  payload of the packet is presented in a vacant
mode from standby-I mode when ARD                         slot in the RX FIFO. If the RX FIFO is full,
elapsed and number of retried is less than                the received packet is discarded.
                                                          The PRX device remains in RX mode until the
„     PRX device (PRIM_RX=1)                              MCU configures it to standby-I mode or
                                                          power down mode.
The PRX device will enter TX mode from RX
mode only when EN_AA=1 and NO_ACK=0                       In RX mode a carrier detection (CD) signal is
in received packet to transmit acknowledge                available. The CD is set to high when a RF
packet with pending payload in TX FIFO.                   signal is detected inside the receiving
                                                          frequency channel. The internal CD signal is
                                                          filtered before presented to CD register. The
4.6    RX Mode                                            RF signal must be present for at least 128 µs
                                                          before the CD is set high.
„     PRX device (PRIM_RX=1)
                                                          „      PTX device (PRIM_RX=0)
The RX mode is an active mode where the
ITR242C radio is configured to be a receiver.             The PTX device will enter RX mode from TX
To enter this mode from standby-I mode, the               mode only when EN_AA=1 and NO_ACK=0
PRX device must have the PWR_UP bit set                   to    receive      acknowledge      packet.

5 Packet Processing
5.1    Packet Format
The packet format has a preamble, address, packet control, payload and CRC field.

Preamble1byte      Address3~5byte      Packet Control 9/0bit       Payload0~32byte    CRC2/1byte

                   PayloadLength6bit                           PID2bit           NO_ACK1bit
                                       Figure 5 Packet Format

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5.1.1    Preamble                                    No other data pipe can receive data until a
                                                     complete packet is received by a data pipe that
The preamble is a bit sequence used to detect 0      has detected its address. When multiple PTX
and 1 levels in the receiver. The preamble is        devices are transmitting to a PRX, the ARD
one byte long and is either 01010101 or              can be used to skew the auto retransmission so
10101010. If the first bit in the address is 1 the   that they only block each other once.
preamble is automatically set to 10101010 and
if the first bit is 0 the preamble is
automatically set to 01010101. This is done to       5.1.3   Packet Control
ensure there are enough transitions in the
preamble to stabilize the receiver.                  When Dynamic Payload Length function is
                                                     enabled, the packet control field contains a 6
                                                     bit payload length field, a 2 bit PID (Packet
5.1.2    Address                                     Identity) field and, a 1 bit NO_ACK flag.

This is the address for the receiver. An address     „ Payload length
ensures that the packet is detected by the target    The payload length field is only used if the
receiver. The address field can be configured        Dynamic Payload Length function is enabled.
to be 3, 4, or 5 bytes long by the AW register.
                                                     „ PID
The PRX device can open up to six data pipes         The 2 bit PID field is used to detect whether
to support up to six PTX devices with unique         the received packet is new or retransmitted.
addresses. All six PTX device addresses are          PID prevents the PRX device from presenting
searched simultaneously. In PRX side, the data       the same payload more than once to the MCU.
pipes are enabled with the bits in the               The PID field is incremented at the TX side
EN_RXADDR register. By default only data             for each new packet received through the SPI.
pipe 0 and 1 are enabled.                            The PID and CRC fields are used by the PRX
                                                     device to determine whether a packet is old or
Each data pipe address is configured in the          new. When several data packets are lost on the
RX_ADDR_PX registers.                                link, the PID fields may become equal to the
                                                     last received PID. If a packet has the same PID
Each pipe can have up to 5 bytes configurable        as the previous packet, ITR242C compares the
address. Data pipe 0 has a unique 5 byte             CRC sums from both packets. If the CRC
address. Data pipes 1-5 share the 4 most             sums are also equal, the last received packet is
significant address bytes. The LSB byte must         considered a copy of the previously received
be unique for all 6 pipes.                           packet and discarded.

                                                     „ NO_ACK
To ensure that the ACK packet from the PRX
is transmitted to the correct PTX, the PRX           The NO_ACK flag is only used when the auto
takes the data pipe address where it received        acknowledgement feature is used. Setting the
the packet and uses it as the TX address when        flag high, tells the receiver that the packet is
transmitting the ACK packet.                         not to be auto acknowledged.

On the PRX, the RX_ADDR_Pn, defined as               The PTX can set the NO_ACK flag bit in the
the pipe address, must be unique. On the PTX         Packet Control Field with the command:
the TX_ADDR must be the same as the                  W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK. However, the
RX_ADDR_P0 on the PTX, and as the pipe               function must first be enabled in the
address for the designated pipe on the PRX.          FEATURE      register  by   setting    the

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EN_DYN_ACK bit. When you use this option,           5.1.5    CRC
the PTX goes directly to standby-I mode after
transmitting the packet and the PRX does not        The CRC is the error detection mechanism in
transmit an ACK packet when it receives the         the packet. The number of bytes in the CRC is
packet.                                             set by the CRCO bit in the CONFIG register.
                                                    It may be either 1 or 2 bytes and is calculated
5.1.4   Payload                                     over the address, Packet Control Field, and
The payload is the user defined content of the
packet. It can be 0 to 32 bytes wide, and it is     The polynomial for 1 byte CRC is X8 + X2 +
transmitted on-air as it is uploaded                X + 1. Initial value is 0xFF.
(unmodified) to the device.                         The polynomial for 2 byte CRC is X16 + X12 +
                                                    X5 + 1. Initial value is 0xFFFF.
The ITR242C provides two alternatives for
handling payload lengths, static and dynamic        No packet is accepted by receiver side if the
payload length. The static payload length of        CRC fails.
each of six data pipes can be individually set.

The default alternative is static payload length.   5.2     Packet Handling
With static payload length all packets between
a transmitter and a receiver have the same          ITR242C uses burst mode           for   payload
length. Static payload length is set by the         transmission and receive.
RX_PW_Px registers. The payload length on
the transmitter side is set by the number of        The transmitter fetches payload from TX FIFO,
bytes clocked into the TX_FIFO and must             automatically assembles it into packet and
equal the value in the RX_PW_Px register on         transmits the packet in a very short burst
the receiver side. Each pipe has its own            period with 1Mbps or 2Mbps air data rate.
payload length.
                                                    After transmission, if the PTX packet has the
Dynamic Payload Length (DPL) is an                  NO_ACK flag set, ITR242C sets TX_DS and
alternative to static payload length. DPL           gives an active low interrupt IRQ to MCU. If
enables the transmitter to send packets with        the PTX is ACK packet, the PTX needs
variable payload length to the receiver. This       receive ACK from the PRX and then asserts
means for a system with different payload           the TX_DS IRQ.
lengths it is not necessary to scale the packet
length to the longest payload.                      The receiver automatically validates and
                                                    disassembles received packet, if there is a
With DPL feature the ITR242C can decode the         valid packet within the new payload, it will
payload length of the received packet               write the payload into RX FIFO, set RX_DR
automatically instead of using the RX_PW_Px         and give an active low interrupt IRQ to MCU.
registers. The MCU can read the length of the
received payload by using the command:              When      auto    acknowledge     is enabled
R_RX_PL_WID.                                        (EN_AA=1),       the    PTX      device   will
                                                    automatically wait for acknowledge packet
In order to enable DPL the EN_DPL bit in the        after transmission, and re-transmit original
FEATURE register must be set. In RX mode            packet with the delay of ARD until an
the DYNPD register has to be set. A PTX that        acknowledge packet is received or the number
transmits to a PRX with DPL enabled must            of re-transmission exceeds a threshold ARC. If
have the DPL_P0 bit in DYNPD set.                   the later one happens, ITR242C will set
                                                    MAX_RT and give an active low interrupt

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IRQ to MCU. Two packet loss counters              accessible through the SPI by using dedicated
(ARC_CNT and PLOS_CNT) are incremented            SPI commands. A TX FIFO in PRX can store
each time a packet is lost. The ARC_CNT           payload for ACK packets to three different
counts the number of retransmissions for the      PTX devices. If the TX FIFO contains more
current transaction. The PLOS_CNT counts          than one payload to a pipe, payloads are
the total number of retransmissions since the     handled using the first in first out principle.
last channel change. ARC_CNT is reset by          The TX FIFO in a PRX is blocked if all
initiating a new transaction. PLOS_CNT is         pending payloads are addressed to pipes where
reset by writing to the RF_CH register. It is     the link to the PTX is lost. In this case, the
possible to use the information in the            MCU can flush the TX FIFO by using the
OBSERVE_TX register to make an overall            FLUSH_TX command.
assessment of the channel quality.
                                                  The RX FIFO in PRX may contain payload
The PTX device will retransmit if its RX FIFO     from up to three different PTX devices.
is full but received ACK frame has payload.       .
                                                  A TX FIFO in PTX can have up to three
As an alternative for PTX device to auto          payloads stored.
retransmit it is possible to manually set the
ITR242C to retransmit a packet a number of        The TX FIFO can be written to by three
times. This is done by the REUSE_TX_PL            commands,      W_TX_PAYLOAD           and
command.                                          W_TX_PAYLOAD_NO_ACK in PTX mode
                                                  and W_ACK_PAYLOAD in PRX mode. All
When auto acknowledge is enabled, the PRX         three commands give access to the TX_PLD
device will automatically check the NO_ACK        register.
field in received packet, and if NO_ACK=0, it
will automatically send an acknowledge            The RX FIFO can be read by the command
packet to PTX device. If EN_ACK_PAY is set,       R_RX_PAYLOAD in both PTX and PRX
and the acknowledge packet can also include       mode. This command gives access to the
pending payload in TX FIFO.                       RX_PLD register.

                                                  The payload in TX FIFO in a PTX is NOT
                                                  removed if the MAX_RT IRQ is asserted.
6 Data and Control Interface
                                                  In the FIFO_STATUS register it is possible to
6.1    TX/RX FIFO                                 read if the TX and RX FIFO are full or empty.
                                                  The TX_REUSE bit is also available in the
The data FIFOs are used to store payload that     FIFO_STATUS register. TX_REUSE is set by
is to be transmitted (TX FIFO) or payload that    the SPI command REUSE_TX_PL, and is
is received and ready to be clocked out (RX       reset      by     the    SPI       command:
FIFO). The FIFO is accessible in both PTX         W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX.
mode and PRX mode.
                                                  6.2   Interrupt
There are three levels 32 bytes FIFO for both
TX and RX, supporting both acknowledge
                                                  In ITR242C there is an active low interrupt
mode or no acknowledge mode with up to six
                                                  (IRQ) pin, which is activated when TX_DS
                                                  IRQ, RX_DR IRQ or MAX_RT IRQ are set
„     TX three levels, 32 byte FIFO               high by the state machine in the STATUS
„     RX three levels, 32 byte FIFO               register. The IRQ pin resets when MCU writes
                                                  '1' to the IRQ source bit in the STATUS
Both FIFOs have a controller          and are     register. The IRQ mask in the CONFIG

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 register is used to select the IRQ sources that         to low transition on CSN.
 are allowed to assert the IRQ pin. By setting
 one of the MASK bits high, the corresponding            In parallel to the SPI command word applied
 IRQ source is disabled. By default all IRQ              on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is
 sources are enabled.                                    shifted serially out on the MISO pin.

 The 3 bit pipe information in the STATUS                The serial shifting SPI commands is in the
 register is updated during the IRQ pin high to          following format:
 low transition. If the STATUS register is read
 during an IRQ pin high to low transition, the           „    <Command word: MSB bit to LSB bit
 pipe information is unreliable.                              (one byte)>
                                                         „    <Data bytes: LSB byte to MSB byte,
                                                              MSB bit in each byte first> for all
 6.3     SPI Interface                                        registers at bank 0 and register 9 to
                                                              register 14 at bank 1
 6.3.1    SPI Command                                    „    <Data bytes: MSB byte to LSB byte,
                                                              MSB bit in each byte first> for register 0
                                                              to register 8 at bank 1
 The SPI commands are shown in Table 2.
 Every new command must be started by a high

                                       # Data
Command name           word                             Operation
                                       1 to 5           Read command and status registers. AAAAA =
R_REGISTER             000A AAAA                        5 bit Register Map Address
                                       LSB byte first
                                                        Write command and status registers. AAAAA = 5
                                       1 to 5           bit Register Map Address
W_REGISTER             001A AAAA
                                       LSB byte first   Executable in power down or standby modes only.
                                                        Read RX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A read operation
                                       1 to 32          always starts at byte 0. Payload is deleted from FIFO
R_RX_PAYLOAD           0110 0001
                                       LSB byte first   after it is read. Used in RX mode.

                                       1 to 32          Write TX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A write operation
W_TX_PAYLOAD           1010 0000                        always starts at byte 0 used in TX payload.
                                       LSB byte first
FLUSH_TX               1110 0001       0                Flush TX FIFO, used in TX mode
                                                        Flush RX FIFO, used in RX mode
                                                        Should not be executed during transmission of
FLUSH_RX               1110 0010       0                acknowledge, that is, acknowledge package will not
                                                        be completed.
                                                        Used for a PTX device
                                                        Reuse last transmitted payload. Packets are repeatedly
                                                        retransmitted as long as CE is high.
                                                        TX payload reuse is active until
REUSE_TX_PL            1110 0011       0
                                                        W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX
                                                        payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated
                                                        during package transmission

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                                                   This write command followed by data 0x73 activates
                                                   the following features:
                                                   • R_RX_PL_WID
                                                   • W_ACK_PAYLOAD
                                                   • W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK

                                                   A new ACTIVATE command with the same data
                                                   deactivates them again. This is executable in power
                                                   down or stand by modes only.

                                                   The R_RX_PL_WID, W_ACK_PAYLOAD, and
ACTIVATE          0101 0000       1
                                                   W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK features registers are
                                                   initially in a deactivated state; a write has no effect, a
                                                   read only results in zeros on MISO. To activate these
                                                   registers, use the ACTIVATE command followed by
                                                   data 0x73. Then they can be accessed as any other
                                                   register. Use the same command and data to
                                                   deactivate the registers again.

                                                   This write command followed by data 0x53 toggles
                                                   the register bank, and the current register bank
                                                   number can be read out from REG7 [7]
                                                   Read RX-payload width for the top
R_RX_PL_WID       0110 0000                        R_RX_PAYLOAD in the RX FIFO.
                                                   Used in RX mode.
                                                   Write Payload to be transmitted together with ACK
                                                   packet on PIPE PPP. (PPP valid in the range from 000
                                  1 to 32          to 101). Maximum three ACK packet payloads can be
W_ACK_PAYLOAD     1010 1PPP                        pending. Payloads with same PPP are handled using
                                  LSB byte first
                                                   first in - first out principle. Write payload: 1– 32
                                                   bytes. A write operation always starts at byte 0.

W_TX_PAYLOAD_NO                   1 to 32          Used in TX mode. Disables AUTOACK on this
                  1011 0000                        specific packet.
ACK                               LSB byte first
                                                   No Operation. Might be used to read the STATUS
NOP               1111 1111       0                register
                                   Table 2 SPI command

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7 Register Map

 Address   Register      BIT       Recommend   R/W                   Description

    0      CONFIG                                       Operation Register
             DATAOUT_S         7        0      R/W

             MASK_RX_D         6        0      R/W

             MASK_TX_D         5        0      R/W

            MASK_MAX_          4        0      R/W

           EN_CRC              3        1      R/W      CRC Eanble
                                                        1: CRC enable,2byte
                                                        0: CRC disable,no CRC

                  N/A          2        0      R/W      Reserve
           PWR_UP              1        0      R/W      Chip enable
                                                        1: POWER_UP
                                                        0: POWER_DOWN

           PRIM_RX             0        0      R/W      RX/TX control
                                                        1: PRX
                                                        0: PTX

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    1            EN_AA                                    Auto ACK

           Reserved           7:6         0      R/W      Only 00 allowed
           ENAA_P5             5          0      R/W      Enable pipe5 auto ACK
           ENAA_P4             4          0      R/W      Enable pipe4 auto ACK
           ENAA_P3             3          0      R/W      Enable pipe3 auto ACK
           ENAA_P2             2          0      R/W      Enable pipe2 auto ACK
           ENAA_P1             1          0      R/W      Enable pipe1 auto ACK
           ENAA_P0             0          1      R/W      Enable pipe0 auto ACK
    2      EN_RXADDR                                      Receive channel enable
           Reserved           7:6         0      R/W      Only 00 allowed
           ERX_P5              5          0      R/W      Enable data pipe 5
           ERX_P4              4          0      R/W      Enable data pipe 4
           ERX_P3              3          0      R/W      Enable data pipe 3
           ERX_P2              2          0      R/W      Enable data pipe 2
           ERX_P1              1          0      R/W      Enable data pipe 1
           ERX_P0              0          1      R/W      Enable data pipe 0
    3      SETUP_AW                                       Address setting
           Reserved           7:2   0            R/W      Only 000000 allowed
                  AW          1:0         11     R/W      RX/TX Address width
                                                          01: 3 Byte
                                                          10: 4 Byte
                                                          11: 5 Byte

    4      SETUP_RETR                                     Auto transmission setting

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                       ARD                  7:4   0                R/W      Auto delay timing
                                                                            0000 :250µs
                                                                            0001 :500µs
                                                                            0010 :750µs
                                                                            1111: 4000µs

                       ARC                  3:0   11               R/W      Auto retry count

8 Electrical RF characteristic

Characteristic                 VCC = 3V±                                       Value                 Unit
                             5%, TA=25℃)
                                                            Min          Typical          Max
         ICC                        Sleep                                          2                 uA
                                Standby I                                       50                   uA

                 Standby Ⅱ                                               750                         uA
                 TX (0dBm)                                                      15              16   mA
                 TX (8dBm)                                                      23              25   mA
                 RX (2Mbps)                                                     15              16   mA

                 RX (1Mbps)                                                     14              15   mA

fOP                        Operation frequency              2400                          2483       MHz
PLLres           Phase lock loop step                                           1                    MHz
f XTAL                             Crystal                                      16                   MHz
         DR                        Bit rate                        1                             2   Mbps
∆f1M             Frequency Delta@1Mbps                                   160              250        KHz
∆f 2 M           Frequency Delt@2Mbps                                    320              500        KHz
FCH 1M           Channel space @1Mbps                                              1                 MHz

FCH 2 M          Channel space @2Mbps                                              2                 MHz
PRF              Typical power 1                                                   8                 dBm
PRF              Typical power 2                                                   0                 dBm
PRFC        Output power range                     -11                                      11    dBm
 Revision 1.20                Proprietary and Confidential                                Page 16 of 21

PBW 2        CW 20dB bandwidth(2Mbps)                             1.8         2.1   MHz
PBW1         CW 20dB bandwidth (1Mbps)                            0.9         1.1   MHz
RX max       Bit error rate <0.1%@RX max                          0                 dBm
RXSENS 2          RX sensistivity(0.1%BER)                        -85               dBm

RXSENS1           RX sensistivity(0.1%BER)                        -88               dBm

C / Ι CO     C / Ι CO @2Mbps                                      13                dBc

C / Ι1ST     C / Ι1ST @2Mbps                                      -8                dBc
C / Ι2 ND    C / Ι2 ND @2Mbps                                     -12               dBc
C / Ι 3 RD   C / Ι 3 RD @2Mbps                                    -20               dBc

C / Ι4TH     C / Ι4TH @2Mbps                                      -28               dBc
C / Ι CO     C / Ι CO @1Mbps                                      13                dBc
C / Ι1ST     C / Ι1ST @1Mbps                                       5                dBc

C / Ι2 ND    C / Ι2 ND @1Mbps                                     -10               dBc
C / Ι 3 RD   C / Ι 3 RD @1Mbps                                    -16               dBc
C / Ι4TH     C / Ι4TH @1Mbps                                      -24               dBc
VDD                        Supply voltage                   2.2    3       3.6        V
VSS                             GND                                0                  V
       VOH   High output                              VDD-0.3           VDD           V

       VOL   Low ouput                                VSS               VSS+0.3       V
       VIH   High input                                     2      3       3.6        V
       VIL   Low input                                VSS               VSS+0.3       V

TOP                   Operation temperature                 0               70        ℃
TSTG                     Storage Temperature                -20             85        ℃

 Revision 1.20                   Proprietary and Confidential            Page 17 of 21


9    Dimension

PCB SIZE: 14x 16mm
Pitch: 2.00 mm
Tolerence: 0.2mm

 Revision 1.20       Proprietary and Confidential   Page 18 of 21


10 Order Information .

XX      :L

YYYY : Customer code

Z        : T = TX , R = RX

Eg. ITR245L

Revision 1.20      Proprietary and Confidential   Page 19 of 21


11 Update History
Ver.         Date        Description
1.0          Jan,2014    New Release
1.1          Oct,2014    Update the dimension
1.11         Jan 2015    Update dimension
 1.20        AUG2015     New release for SOP8 version

 Revision 1.20          Proprietary and Confidential    Page 20 of 21


Zittec Technology Incorporation reserves the right to make changes to its products or
specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design orperformance and to supply
the best possible product. Zittec Technology does not assume any responsibility for use of any
circuitry described other than thecircuitry embodied in Zittec Semiconductor Technology product.
The company makes no representations that circuitry described herein is free from patent
infringement or otherrights, of Zittec Technology Incorporation

 Revision 1.20                    Proprietary and Confidential                      Page 21 of 21

Document Created: 2017-12-28 09:18:04
Document Modified: 2017-12-28 09:18:04

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