User Manual

FCC ID: PQN44041TX2701

Users Manual

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[AB Rush IS US eng 2004.1.5 5:33 PM          Page 1

                                                                 INSTRUCTIONS                                  ON/OFF
                                                            Vertical Tail Wing
                                                                       Horizontal                                                Indicator
                                                                       Tail Wing                                                   Light

                                                                                                      Charge Rod                  Charge
                    Charging    ON/OFF                                                                                            Button
                      Port       Switch
                                                       Wing                                             CONTROLLER/CHARGER

                                                      R/C RUSHTY
                                                                                       Propelier                   Contents:
                                                                                                                   1‘R/C —RushY Plane

                                         BATTERY INSTALLATION FOR YOUR CONTROLLER
        contRoLLen                          o_                                        IMPORTANT BATTERY INFORMATION
       1. Use a Phillips                    >                          * Battery installation should be performed by an adult.
            screwdriver to loosen                                      * Use only batteries recommended. Be careful to install the
            the screw in the battery                                     batteries with the correct polarity, as indicated.
            compartment door.
       2. Remove the battery                \\\\?\00                   * Do NOT mix old and new batteries.
            door.                                          24—         * Do NOT mix alkaline, standard, or rechargeable batteries.
       3. Insert six 1.5 Volt AA                      —+               * Do NOT attempt to charge non—rechargeable batteries.
             batteries (not included).                                 * Do NOT short circuit the supply terminals.
           . Replace battery

                                                                       * Exhausted batteries are to be removed, as they will
            compartment door and
            refasten the screw.                                          adversely affect the performance.
                                                                       * Caution: Plane contains a rechargeable cell. If fluid leaks
       IMPORTANT:                                                        from the plane, avoid contact with eyes and dispose of
       Be sure to insert the                                             the plane.
       batteries as indicated                                          * Only use charger supplied with this package.
       inside compartment with
       the correct polarity.                                           * Do NOT use any other source to charge your R/C RUSH*.

                                                      ATTACHING THE MAIN WING
           STEP 1
                                                                                                   Side View
       Align the MOUNTING PEGS on the
       underside of the MAIN WING with
       the ATTACHMENT HOLES on the
       upper surface of the PLANE BODY.
                                                                                                                         Attachment Holes

           STEP 2
        Push the MAIN WING down onto
        the PLANE BODY until you hear
        into place.           *

            {AR Rush IS US eng   2004.1.5   5:33 PM   Page 2

                                                        CHARGING YOUR R/C RUSH"" PLANE
                     STEP 1                                                                                ON/OFF
                   Make sure that the ON/OFF
                   switch on the PLANE                           ON/OFF
                   and the CONTROLLER/CHARGER
                    are "OFF".

                     STEP 2                                                                          Charge Rod                    —
                    Open the CHARGER DOOR on the                                        Charger                               o
                    CONTROLLER/CHARGER,                                                  poor ~~~——(fig                 @O "

                     STEP 3
                    Insert the CHARGE ROD into the
                    plane‘s CHARGING PORT.

                     STEP 4
                    Push and hold down the CHARGE                                                                                      Charge
                    BUTTON for 2 minutes. The
                    CHARGING INDICATOR LIGHT will
                    blink during charging.

                                    IMPORTANT: For your first flight, the charging process should be repeated twice before
                                   flying (for a total of 4 minutes). Subsequent flights only require a single 2: minute charge.

                     STEP 5                                                                                          Charge
                                                                                                       Charging       Rod
                    Carefully remove the plane from the                                                  Port
                    CHARGE ROD.

                     STEP 6
                    Close the CHARGER DOOR.

}AH Rush IS US eng    2004.1.5   5:33 PM     Page 3                 $

                                                        FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS
       IMPORTANT: Always launch the plane against the wind direction for best performance. Do not fly in winds greater than

         STEP 1
        Using the knob on the tip of the antenna,
        pull the antenna until it is fully extended.

         STEP 2                                                      STEP 3
       Turn the ON/OFF                                             While holding the plane
       SWITCH on the plane                                         in one hand, use your other
       to "ON".                                                    hand to set the CHARGER/
       NOTE: Engines will                                          CONTROLLER ON/OFF
       NOT start until                                             switch to the "ON" position.
       you turn ON the                                             NOTE: Engines will start.
       (See Step 3).

         STEP 4
        Immediately launch your R/C Rush**" at a
        45° angle against the wind for best take—off
        and flight results.

          STEP 5
        Use the LEFT/RIGHT
        TOGGLE to control your
        R/C Rush**.

                                               Left/Right                                     Left/Right

                                                TOGGLE LEFT to turn left.                     TOGGLE LEFT to turn right.


|AK Rush IS US eng          2004.1.5    5:33 PM        Page 4                             P

             Keep propelier clear from face, eyes, hair, and fingers. Point plane away from face when‘launching. DO NOT launch
             at people or animals. Use caution; make sure people around you know you are. playing with AirHogs®.
             Recommended for use in wide—open, grassy area. DO—NOT fly near—overhead wires, trees, :buildings, —or. other
             obstructions. DO :NOT fg in rain, electrical storms, snow, or. other adverse: weather: conditions. Fly on warm sunny
             days, with little wind. DO ‘NOT fly in temperatures below 45°F/7°C. Use.alkaline batteries only. Use:only the Charger
             and Controlier included ‘in this package.

                                                                ‘TROUBLE—SHOOTING .GUIDE
             PROBLEM                         CAUSE                                                                    SsOLUTION
         Plane                  1. Not enough charge.                     1. Please refer to the "Charging Your R/C Rush""" section for the proper
         crfish%s_l_OR                                                        charging process.
           it NOT fly.                                                                                                                      &
         w!         Y           2. Improper wing alignment.               2. Ensure that the MOUNTING PEGS under the MAIN WING are inserted into the
                                                                            ATTACHMENT HOLES on the PLANE BODY. You will hear a "CLICK" sound.
                                                                            Also make sure that the HORIZONTAL WING is parallel to the MAIN WING.

         Plane does              1. The ANTENNA is not fully              1. Make sure that the ANTENNA is fully extended.
         {‘J’L;fi?fifi?o              exiended.                              2. Check to ensure that the batteries were inserted with the correct polarities. If
                        '       2. The batteries in the                     they were inserted properly, and the problem persists, try installing new batteries.
                                   controlier are not working.

                                                                     FCC REQUIREMENT
             This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
         and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.                             .
             Wamlntg: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the
         N%TE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are
         designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radilate radio
         frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.           .         2.
         However, there is no guarantes that interference will not occur in a particular installation. if this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
         reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more: of the following
         o   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
         G   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
         &   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from thal to which the receiver is needed.
         t   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

        (~                                                                                                                                                                    R
                                                               WARRANTY (U.S.A.)
             _.      Spin Master Ltd. warrants to the original consumer purchaser, that this—productiis thoroughly tested and
             inspected before shipment.and is guaranteed to ‘be free of factory —defects in materials and workmanship for
             nintey (90) days ‘tunless specified in alternate warranties) from the date of purchase. —       .       |       .
                 In the event of sucha defect—within the —warranty period,—Spin —Master Ltd., at our sole option, will: repair or
             replace the productor provide you with another                          product of equal value, Repair or replacement shipment is
             free of charge. Shipping replacement may take                           to 6 weeks, depending on customer‘s location.
                in the event of a defect covered under this warranty, please call the foll—free number listed below." Many _
             problems can be solved in this manner. If necessary, you will: be instructed to return the defective part or unit,
             packed securely, postage prepaid and insured by the customer, tothe address below. Enclose your name,
             address, dated sales receipt, and a brief explanation of:the defect. There may be—an additional hand ling
             charge if you send the entire toy.                                      L         :     .      .       .
                , The warranty is—valid if:and only if the product has been operated in accordance with the instructions.
             This warranty does not cover worn —or defective batteries, damage resulting from neglect, unauthorized
              modification, accident, misuse, abuse, any action or omission which constitutes a ‘deviation from the:                                                 _
              instructions or from the useof accessories or parts not manufactured by Spin Master Ltd. If the product is
              returned without a :dated sales receipt the product is excluded:from coverage under this warranty. _ _
                  Spin—.Master Ltd.‘s liability for defects in material and workmanship —under this warranty shall be Iimited
              to repair or replacement, at. our sole option, and in no:event—shall ‘we be—responsible: for accidental, : >
              consequential, or contingent.damageséexcept in those states that do not‘allow this exclusion or —limitation) or
              refunds.‘ This warranty is exclusive, and is —made in lieu of or implied: warranty. This warranty is °
              valid only for products sold in‘the U.S.A. This warrantydgives you specific legal—rights and you may have other
                  rights, which vary from—state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental—or conseqquential
                  damages, so the above exclusions or limitations may not :apply to you.      v      S       —          s l
                      Spin Master Ltd. reserves the—right to improve the design of any product—without assuming any 6 bligation
                  to modify an¥ product previouslr manufactured.
                                If you have a.problem, please contact our Customer Care Centre below for help.
        \.                                                                                                                                                                   _/
        SPIN MASTER LTD.                                        Air Hogs ® is a registered trademark and R/C Rush TM is a
        CUSTOMER CARE CENTRE                                _   trademark of Spin        Master Ltd.
        450 Front Street West                                   © 2003 Spin Master Ltd. All rights reserved.
        Toronto, Ontario     MS5V 186 CANADA                    Conforms to safety standards ASTM F963—96a, EN71 Recq}_L,xlatow
        TOLL—FREE NUMBER 1—800—622—8339                         Requirements. Products and colors may vary. MADE IN     CHINA.
        (valid only in North America
        Hours: 8:00 A.M. — 5:00 P.M.                            Asst. #44041
        Eastern Time: Monday — Friday.                          U.S. English       REV 3

Document Created: 2004-02-10 11:49:20
Document Modified: 2004-02-10 11:49:20

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