Test Report


Test Report

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                                                   LS4550 Combi Master
                                                      Model: LS4550
                                                   FCC ID: PQG-LS4550


                                                     Lyngsoe Systems Ltd.
                                                     101 Simona Dr., Unit 2
                                                        Bolton, Ontario
                                                       Canada L7E 4E8

                                     In Accordance With
                         Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
                        Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)
             Low Power Transmitter & Momentarily Operation (125 kHz & 433.92 MHz)

                                      UltraTech's File No.: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E

    This Test report is Issued under the Authority of
    Tri M. Luu
    Vice President of Engineering
    UltraTech Group of Labs

    Date: February 20, 2019

    Report Prepared by: Dan Huynh                                        Tested by: Hung Trinh

                                                                         Test Dates:
    Issued Date: February 20, 2019                                       March 16 - 26, 2018
                                                                         February 7, 2019
   The results in this Test Report apply only to the sample(s) tested, and the sample tested is randomly selected.
   This report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by any agency of the US Government.
   This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without a written approval from UltraTech

                                            3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4
                                                Tel.: (905) 829-1570        Fax.: (905) 829-8050
                         Website: www.ultratech-labs.com, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Email: tri@ultratech-labs.com

                                                                                                                         Korea KCC-RRA

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
EXHIBIT 1.            INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1
  1.1.     SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
  1.2.     RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) ........................................................................................................................ 1
  1.3.     NORMATIVE REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 1
EXHIBIT 2.            PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................... 2
  2.1.     CLIENT INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................. 2
  2.2.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 2
  2.3.     EUT’S TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................................................... 3
  2.4.     ASSOCIATED ANTENNA DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................ 4
  2.5.     LIST OF EUT’S PORTS ............................................................................................................................................... 4
  2.6.     ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 4
  2.7.     TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 5
EXHIBIT 3.            EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS AND CONFIGURATIONS DURING TESTS .............................................. 6
  3.1.     CLIMATE TEST CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.2.     OPERATIONAL TEST CONDITIONS & ARRANGEMENT FOR TESTS ..................................................................... 6
EXHIBIT 4.            SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 7
  4.1.     LOCATION OF TESTS ................................................................................................................................................ 7
  4.2.     APPLICABILITY & SUMMARY OF EMC EMISSION TEST RESULTS ....................................................................... 7
  4.3.     MODIFICATIONS INCORPORATED IN THE EUT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES ................................................ 7
EXHIBIT 5.            TEST DATA ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
  5.1.     POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS [§15.207(a)] .............................................................................................. 8
  5.2.     TRANSMITTER RADIATED EMISSIONS [47 CFR §§ 15.231(e), 15.209 & 15.205] ................................................. 11
  5.3.     20 dB BANDWIDTH [47 CFR §§ 15.215(c) & 15.231(c)] ........................................................................................... 18
  5.4.     RF EXPOSURE REQUIRMENTS [§§ 15.247(i), 1.1310 & 2.1091] ............................................................................ 21
  5.5.     TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ........................................................................................................................................... 23
EXHIBIT 6.            MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................ 24
  6.1.     LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY.......................................................................... 24
  6.2.     RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................... 24

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                                                        File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 1 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550


1.1.      SCOPE

 Reference:                      FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 and 15.231
 Title:                          Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 47, Telecommunication - Part 15
 Purpose of Test:                Equipment Certification for FCC Parts 15C and 15.231(e)
 Test Procedures:                 ANSI C63.4
                                  ANSI C63.10
 Environmental                   Commercial, industrial or business environment




 Publication               Year                          Title
 FCC 47 CFR 15             2018                          Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 – Telecommunication, Part
                                                         15 - Radio Frequency Devices
 ANSI C63.4                2014                          American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of
                                                         Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic
                                                         Equipment in the Range of 9 KHz to 40 GHz
 ANSI C63.10               2013                          American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing
                                                         of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 2 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550



 Name:                           Lyngsoe Systems Ltd.
 Address:                        101 Simona Dr., Unit 2
                                 Bolton, Ontario
                                 Canada L7E 4E8
 Contact Person:                 Donald Ferguson
                                 Phone #: 905-501-1533
                                 Fax #: 905-501-1538
                                 Email Address: dfe@lyngsoesystems.com

 Name:                           Lyngsoe Systems Ltd.
 Address:                        101 Simona Dr., Unit 2
                                 Bolton, Ontario
                                 Canada L7E 4E8
 Contact Person:                 Donald Ferguson
                                 Phone #: 905-501-1533
                                 Fax #: 905-501-1538
                                 Email Address: dfe@lyngsoesystems.com


The following information (with the exception of the Date of Receipt) has been supplied by the applicant.

 Brand Name:                                       Lyngsoe Systems Ltd.
 Product Name:                                     LS4550 Combi Master
 Model Name or Number:                             LS4550
 Serial Number:                                    Test sample
 Type of Equipment:                                RFID Device
 Input Power Supply Type:                          24V DC, from external certified AC adapter
 Primary User Functions of EUT:                    Fully automated RFID data collection, no user interaction after
                                                   installation. Automatic tracking of active and passive RFID transponders.

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 3 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550


                                                 Transmitter (Exciter Board EXB45)
 Equipment Type:                                         Base station
 Intended Operating Environment:                         Commercial, light industry & heavy industry
 Power Supply Requirement:                               24V DC, from external certified AC adapter
 RF Output Power Rating:                                 125 kHz Tx: 98.31 dBµV/m peak (98.24dBµV/m average) at 10m
                                                         433.92 MHz Tx: 89.44 dBµV/m peak (70.54 dBµV/m average) at
                                                                          3m distance
 Operating Frequency Range:                              125 kHz & 433.92 MHz
                                                         Note: other non-LS transmitters are:
                                                         Digi CC IMX6UL 2.4 and 5.4GHz (FCC ID: MCQ-CCIMX6UL IC:
                                                         Impinj R420 915MHz (FCC ID: TWYIPJREV and IC:6324A-
 Duty Cycle:                                             9.50 % (for 433.92 MHz transmitter)
 Modulation Type:                                        OOK (LF) & FSK (UHF)
 Oscillator Frequencies:                                 LS board with transmitters:
                                                                  EXB45 clocks 13.56MHz & 20MHz;
                                                         Other LS boards (no transmitters):
                                                                  RDB45 clocks 32.768kHz, 4.9152MHz, 25MHz
                                                         SUP45 clock 16MHz
 Antenna Connector Type:                                 Integral
 Antenna Description:                                    Manufacturer: Lyngsoe Systems
                                                         Type: Two loops 40 x 40cm, 16 turns each for 125 kHz;
                                                                PCB loop Antenna for 433.92 MHz
                                                         Model: N/A
                                                         Frequency Range: 125 kHz; 433.92 MHz
                                                         Gain: Not applicable for near field operation @ 125 kHz;
                                                               -17.2 dBi @ 433.92 MHz
                                                  Receiver (Reader Board RDB45)
 Equipment Type:                                         Base Station (fixed use)
 Power Supply Requirement:                               24V DC, from external certified AC adapter
 Operating Frequency Range:                              433.92 MHz
 RF Output Impedance:                                    50 Ω
 Antenna Connector Type:                                 MCX

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 4 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

 Manufacturer                   Antenna Type                                Model                    Frequency Range
 Lyngsoe                     Inductive Loops – two              500439Rev0-0,                       125kHz                      N/A
                             pcs, used for the EXB45            500804Rev0-0
 Lyngsoe                     PCB Antenna – on the               N/A                                 434MHz                      -17.2 dBi
                             EXB45 transmitter
 Linx Technologies           Whip, Center-Fed                   ANT433OEMLNG001v2                   434MHz                      1.2 dBi
 Inc.                        Double – two pcs, used
                             for the RDB45 receiver
 Laird                       Patches, left and right            S9028PCLJ36RTNB,                    902-928MHz                  9 dBic
                             polarization – two pcs,            S9028PCRJ36RTNB
                             used for the Impinj
                             passive reader
 Ethertronics/AVX            PCB Antenna – used for             1001932PT-AA10L0100                 2.400–2.485GHz &            2.5 dBi &
                             the Digi computer with                                                 5.150–5.825 GHz             4.4 dBi
                             dual band wifi modem


 Port                                              Number of                                        Cable Type
                EUT’s Port Description                                     Connector Type
 Number                                            Identical Ports                                  (Shielded/Non-shielded)
 1              Power Input 24Vdc                  2                       Molex 3 pins             Included in the external AC
                                                                                                    adapter, shielded
 2              LF Sync IN/OUT                     2                       RJ45                     Patch cable, shielded, max 100m


The EUT was tested while connected to the following representative configuration of ancillary equipment
necessary to exercise the ports during tests:

 Ancillary Equipment # 1
 Description:                            AC/DC Adapter
 Brand name:                             XP Power
 Model Name or Number:                   VEC50US24
 Serial Number:                          N/A
 Connected to EUT’s Port:                Power Input

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 5 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550


                                                AC Power-line Conducted Emissions

                                                            Radiated Emissions

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 6 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550


The climate conditions of the test environment are as follows:

 Temperature:                   21 to 23 oC
 Humidity:                      45 to 58%
 Pressure:                      102 kPa
 Power input source:            24V DC, from external certified AC adapter


 Operating Modes:                         Each channel frequency transmits continuously for emissions measurements.
 Special Test Software:                   Special software provided by the Applicant to operate the EUT at each channel
                                          frequency continuously and in the range of typical modes of operation.
 Special Hardware Used:                   N/A
 Transmitter Test Antenna:                Tx antenna is integral, Rx antenna connector terminated to 50 Ω load as
                                          described with the test results.

 Transmitter Test Signals
 Frequency Band(s):                        125 kHz and 433.92 MHz
 Test Frequency(ies):                      125 kHz and 433.92 MHz
 RF Power Output:                          125 kHz Tx: 98.31 dBµV/m peak (98.24dBµV/m average) at 10m distance

                                           433.92 MHz Tx: 89.44 dBµV/m peak (70.54 dBµV/m average) at 3m distance

 Normal Test Modulation:                   OOK and FSK

 Modulating Signal Source:                 Internal

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 7 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550



All of the measurements described in this report were performed at Ultratech Group of Labs located in the city of
Oakville, Province of Ontario, Canada.

      AC Power Line Conducted Emissions were performed in UltraTech's shielded room, 24'(L) by 16'(W) by 8'(H).

      Radiated Emissions were performed at the Ultratech's 3-10 TDK Semi-Anechoic Chamber situated in the
       Town of Oakville, province of Ontario. This test site been calibrated in accordance with ANSI C63.4, and
       found to be in compliance with the requirements of Sec. 2.948 of the FCC Rules. The descriptions and site
       measurement data of the Oakville 3-10 TDK Semi-Anechoic Chamber has been filed with ANAB File No.: AT-


    FCC Section(s)          Test Requirements                                                                 Compliance (Yes/No)
    15.203                  Antenna Requirement                                                               Yes*
    15.207(a)               AC Powerline Conducted Emissions                                                  Yes
    15.231(e)               Transmitter Radiated Emissions - Fundamental, Harmonic                            Yes
    15.209                  and Spurious Emissions
    15.231(c)               20 dB Bandwidth                                                                   Yes
    15.231(d)      Frequency Tolerance for Devices Operating within the                                       N/A
                   Frequency Band 40.66-40.70 MHz
* The EUT complies with the requirement; it employs integral antenna.



ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 8 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

EXHIBIT 5.           TEST DATA
5.1.       POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS [§15.207(a)]

5.1.1.    Limit(s)

The equipment shall meet the limits of the following table:

  Frequency of emission              Conducted Limits (dBV)
             (MHz)                 Quasi-peak                 Average
 0.15–0.5 ..............……...   66 to 56* .............    56 to 46*
 0.5–5 ...................……... 56 ....................... 46
 5-30 ……………………..                60 ...……………..              50
*Decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency

5.1.2.    Method of Measurements

ANSI C63.4

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 9 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                           FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

5.1.3.    Test Data

                                              Plot Power Line Conducted Emissions
                                              Line Voltage: 120 VAC 60 Hz; Line Tested: Hot

  Current Graph

              dBuV                                                                                                  Line Tested: Hotline
                                                         FCC 15; Class B Conducted, Quasi-Peak

                50                                           FCC 15; Class B Conducted, Average





                                                              1                                              10

              2/7/2019 10:49:08 AM                                                                    (Start = 0.15, Stop = 30.00) MHz

  Current List

  Frequency          Peak QP   QP-QP Limit            Avg Avg-Avg Limit            Trace Name
  MHz                dBuV dBuV dB                     dBuV dB

  0.166              63.1    57.1     -8.1            32.6        -22.6            Hotline
  0.420              50.3    42.7     -14.7           31.2        -16.3            Hotline
  1.437              50.7    37.7     -18.3           25.8        -20.2            Hotline
  1.753              51.1    41.8     -14.2           26.0        -20.0            Hotline
  2.272              51.5    41.9     -14.1           25.8        -20.2            Hotline
  2.783              49.6    39.9     -16.1           25.5        -20.5            Hotline
  3.153              50.0    41.0     -15.0           26.3        -19.7            Hotline

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 10 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                           FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                              Plot Power Line Conducted Emissions
                                            Line Voltage: 120 VAC 60 Hz; Line Tested: Neutral

  Current Graph

              dBuV                                                                                                  Line Tested: Neutral
                                                          FCC 15; Class B Conducted, Quasi-Peak
                 50                                          FCC 15; Class B Conducted, Average

                                                              1                                              10

              2/7/2019 10:23:33 AM                                                                    (Start = 0.15, Stop = 30.00) MHz

  Current List

  Frequency        Peak QP   QP-QP Limit              Avg Avg-Avg Limit           Trace Name
  MHz              dBuV dBuV dB                       dBuV dB

  0.153            64.3     57.4    -8.4              32.6     -23.3              Neutral
  0.219            58.4     51.9    -11.0             30.7     -22.1              Neutral
  0.350            52.1     44.2    -14.8             26.0     -23.0              Neutral
  0.383            51.7     45.3    -12.9             27.6     -20.6              Neutral
  1.750            51.0     41.8    -14.2             26.3     -19.7              Neutral
  2.298            51.6     42.1    -13.9             25.7     -20.3              Neutral
  3.068            49.8     40.8    -15.2             26.2     -19.8              Neutral
  4.306            48.3     36.8    -19.2             25.3     -20.7              Neutral

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 11 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

5.2.         TRANSMITTER RADIATED EMISSIONS [47 CFR §§ 15.231(e), 15.209 & 15.205]

5.2.1.       Limit(s)

47 CFR 15.231

(e) Intentional radiators may operate at a periodic rate exceeding that specified in paragraph (a) of this section
    and may be employed for any type of operation, including operation prohibited in paragraph (a) of this section,
    provided the intentional radiator complies with the provisions of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section,
    except the field strength table in paragraph (b) of this section is replaced by the following:

              Fundamental                 Field strength of fundamental                     Field strength of spurious emission
            frequency (MHz)                     (microvolts/meter)                                   (microvolts/meter)
       40.66-40.70                  1,000                                                 100
       70-130                       500                                                   50
       130-174                      500 to 1,5001                                         50 to 1501
       174-260                      1,500                                                 150
       260-470                      1,500 to 5,000                                        150 to 5001
       Above 470                    5,000                                                 500

         Linear interpolations.

(b)(1) The above field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters. The tighter limits apply at the band

(b)(2) Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this Section shall demonstrate compliance with the
       limits on the field strength of emissions, as shown in the above table, based on the average value of the
       measured emissions. As an alternative, compliance with the limits in the above table may be based on the
       use of measurement instrumentation with a CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method of
       measurement employed shall be specified in the application for equipment authorization. If average
       emission measurements are employed, the provisions in Section 15.35 for averaging pulsed emissions and
       for limiting peak emissions apply. Further, compliance with the provisions of Section 15.205 shall be
       demonstrated using the measurement instrumentation specified in that section.

(b)(3) The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the above table are based on the fundamental
       frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated to the average (or,
       alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the general limits shown in Section 15.209,
       whichever limit permits a higher field strength.

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 12 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                         47 CFR 15.205(a) Restricted Bands of Operation
                      MHz                           MHz                    MHz                                         GHz
             0.090–0.110                              16.42–16.423          399.9–410                                      4.5–5.15
               0.495–0.505                      16.69475–16.69525            608–614                                      5.35–5.46
             2.1735–2.1905                      16.80425–16.80475           960–1240                                      7.25–7.75
             4.125–4.128                                25.5–25.67         1300–1427                                      8.025–8.5
             4.17725–4.17775                            37.5–38.25       1435–1626.5                                         9.0–9.2
             4.20725–4.20775                                73–74.6    1645.5–1646.5                                         9.3–9.5
             6.215–6.218                                  74.8–75.2        1660–1710                                      10.6–12.7
             6.26775–6.26825                            108–121.94     1718.8–1722.2                                     13.25–13.4
             6.31175–6.31225                               123–138         2200–2300                                     14.47–14.5
             8.291–8.294                              149.9–150.05         2310–2390                                     15.35–16.2
             8.362–8.366                      156.52475–156.52525        2483.5–2500                                      17.7–21.4
             8.37625–8.38675                           156.7–156.9         2690–2900                                    22.01–23.12
             8.41425–8.41475                      162.0125–167.17          3260–3267                                      23.6–24.0
             12.29–12.293                             167.72–173.2         3332–3339                                      31.2–31.8
             12.51975–12.52025                             240–285       3345.8–3358                                     36.43–36.5
             12.57675–12.57725                           322–335.4         3600–4400                                              (2)
             Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490–0.510 MHz.
             Above 38.6

                                         47 CFR 15.209(a) General Field Strength Limits
                                                                                  Measurement distance
                Frequency (MHz)            Field strength (microvolts/meter)
             0.009–0.490                   2400/F(kHz)                                                 300
             0.490–1.705                   24000/F(kHz)                                                 30
             1.705–30.0                    30                                                           30
             30–88                         100 **                                                        3
             88–216                        150 **                                                        3
             216–960                       200 **                                                        3
             Above 960                     500                                                           3
             ** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating
             under this section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54–72 MHz, 76– 88 MHz, 174–216
             MHz or 470–806 MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other
             sections of this part, e.g., §§ 15.231 and 15.241.

5.2.2.       Method of Measurements

ANSI C63.4 and/or ANSI C63.10

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 13 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

5.2.3.    Test Data 125 kHz Transmitter


 - The measuring receiver shall be tuned over the frequency range 10 kHz to 30 MHz
 - Test distance: 0.010 to 30MHz: 10m
 - All spurious emissions that are in excess of 20 dB below the specified limit shall be recorded.
 - The value measured at 10m shall be extrapolated as applicable to compare with limit and measurement
   distance specified in section 15.209(a).
 - Measurements were performed at 100m and 30m distances to determine the proper extrapolation factor.

         Maximum field strength level at 100m distance: 40.53 dBµV/m
         Maximum field strength level at 30m distance: 68.15 dBµV/m

         Extrapolation factor:
         Difference of measurement between 100 m & 30 m: E = 68.15 – 40.53 = 27.62 dB
         E = 20* log(100/30)x = 27.62 dB or x = 27.62 / (20*log(100/30)) = 2.64  (52.8 dB/decade)

 - Field strength limit of the fundamental 125 kHz at 300m distance is 20*log(2400/125) = 25.7 dBµV/m
 - For frequency 125 kHz, the measured E-Field at 10m (column 3) will be extrapolated to 300m E-Field Level
   (column 4) using the extrapolation factor of 52.8*log(10/300) = -77.99 dB

                           RF Peak              RF Average            Extrapolated           Antenna           § 15.209 (a)
     Frequency           Level @ 10m            Level @ 10m             RF Level              Plane               Limits              Margin
       (MHz)              (dBµV/m)               (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)               (H/V)             (dBµV/m)               (dB)

                                                         Fundamental Emissions
       0.125                 98.31                   98.24                 20.25                 V                  25.7               -5.45
       0.125                 89.76                   89.71                 11.72                 H                  25.7              -13.98
                                                    Harmonic/Spurious Emissions
 0.010 - 0.490                  *                       *                     *                H/V                    *                   *
 0.490 - 1.705                  *                       *                     *                H/V                    *                   *
  1.705 - 30.0        *                                 *                     *                H/V                    *                   *
* No emissions component detected.

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 14 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550 433.92 MHz Transmitter


 - The measuring receiver shall be tuned over the frequency range of 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of the
    highest fundamental frequency.
 - All spurious emissions that are in excess of 20 dB below the specified limit shall be recorded.
 - In the restricted band per §15.205: 15.209 (a) limits applied
 - Outside the restricted band per § 15.205: § 15.231 (e) limits or § 15.209 (a) applied, whichever allows
    higher field strength emission.
 - Section 15.231(e) field strength limit of the fundamental at 433.92 MHz = 20 log [(16.67 x 433.92) –
    2833.33] = 72.9 dBµV/m
 - Spurious emissions limit is 20 dB below fundamental limit.
 - Duty Cycle: measured maximum duty cycle is 9.50 %.
 - The peak-average correction factor = -20.45 dB. See Section for details.

                         Peak               Average            Antenna        § 15.231 (e)        § 15.209 (a)
  Frequency          E-Field @ 3m        E-Field @ 3m           Plane         Limits @ 3m         Limits @ 3m         Margin
    (MHz)              (dBµV/m)            (dBµV/m)             (H/V)           (dBµV/m)            (dBµV/m)           (dB)          Pass/Fail

                                                       Field strength of fundamental

     433.92               83.19                62.74               V               72.9                  --           -10.13           PASS
     433.92               89.44                68.99               H               72.9                  --            -3.88           PASS
                                                  Field strength of spurious emission
     867.84               57.04                36.59               V               52.9                46.0           -16.28           PASS
     867.84               62.09                41.64               H               52.9                46.0           -11.23           PASS
    3471.36               54.58                34.13               V               52.9                54.0           -19.87           PASS
    3471.36               56.11                35.66               H               52.9                54.0           -18.34           PASS
    3905.28               65.09                44.64               V               52.9                54.0            -9.36           PASS
    3905.28               63.95                43.50               H               52.9                54.0           -10.50           PASS
    4339.20               56.49                36.04               H               52.9                54.0           -17.96           PASS

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 15 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                           FCC ID: PQG-LS4550 Duty-Cycle Correction Factor
The duty cycle correction factor is the total “on time” divided by the period of the pulse train (or 100 ms).

                                           Computation of duty-cycle correction factor

                                                                                                                     Sub-Pulse “On Time”
             Sub-Pulse                           Duration (ms)                     Number of pulses
                   1                                  5.673                                    1                            5.673
                                                                               TOTAL ON TIME:                       5.673
  Duty cycle correction factor:          20*log (TON/Period) = 20*log (5.673ms/ 59.936 ms) = -20.45 dB

                                                  Plot Duty Cycle (Pulse Train)
                                                                                RBW 100 kHz            Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                               * VBW 300 kHz                     82.23 dBµV
                       Ref    120 dBµV                * Att    5 dB             SWT 300 ms                    91.346154 ms

                       120 Offset       28.5 dB                                                        Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                  -0.05     dB
                                                                                                              59.615385     ms   A
                                                                                                       Delta 3 [T1 ]
               1 AP                                                                                                0.06     dB
                       100                                                                                   119.711538     ms

                                                      1                    2                       3








                       Center 433.92 MHz                                30 ms/

              Date: 16.MAR.2018         13:02:47

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                               February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 16 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                                     Plot Duty Cycle (Period)
                                                                               RBW 100 kHz          Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz                     -0.02 dB
                      Ref     120 dBµV                * Att    5 dB            SWT 100 ms                  59.935897 ms

                        120 Offset      28.5 dB                                                     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              82.07 dBµV
                                                                                                            3.846154 ms        A

               1 AP


                          1                                                              2








                      Center 433.92 MHz                                 10 ms/

              Date: 16.MAR.2018         13:15:29

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 17 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                                     Plot Duty Cycle (Pulse)
                                                                               RBW 100 kHz          Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz                      0.00 dB
                       Ref    120 dBµV                * Att    5 dB            SWT 20 ms                    5.673077 ms

                        120 Offset      28.5 dB                                                     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              81.32 dBµV
                                                                                                            6.410256 µs        A

               1 AP
               CLRWR                                                                                                          TRG


                                           1                             2

                        70       TRG 70 dBµV






                       Center 433.92 MHz                                 2 ms/

              Date: 16.MAR.2018         13:27:15

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 18 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

5.3.      20 dB BANDWIDTH [47 CFR §§ 15.215(c) & 15.231(c)]

5.3.1.    Limit(s)

15.215(c) Emission bandwidth shall not be located in the restricted bands in 15.205 and the frequency bands 54-
72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz.

15.231 (c) The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices
operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be
no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB down from the
modulated carrier.

5.3.2.    Method of Measurements

The measurements were performed in accordance with Ultratech Test Procedures, File # ULTR P001-2004 and
ANSI C63.4

5.3.3.    Test Data

        Channel                                                                                     20 dB Bandwidth                    Limit
       Frequency                                                                                         (kHz)                         (kHz)
                            Command SM1, Modulation Constant to “1”                                        1.466                         --
         125 kHz
                            Command SM2, OOK Modulation with 600 Hz                                        3.692                         --
                            FSK modulated with programmed messages                                        42.788                     < 1084.8
       433.92 MHz
                            FSK modulated with a signal 101010…, 1 b/s                                    26.058                     < 1084.8

See the following plots for detail.

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                                     Page 19 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                                              FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                                   Plot 20 dB Bandwidth, Fc: 125 kHz
                                                   Command SM1, Modulation Constant to “1”

                                                                                              RBW 100 Hz   Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                              VBW 300 Hz              -0.05 dB
                                          Ref   10 dBm              * Att       10 dB         SWT 600 ms        1.466346154 kHz

                                          10                                                               Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                     -31.23 dBm
                                                                                                              124.358974359 kHz    A

                                   1 PK


                                                                            1                          2
                                          -30      D1 -31.09 dBm







                                          Center   125 kHz                              500 Hz/                     Span   5 kHz

                                  Date: 26.MAR.2018      12:03:33

                                                    Plot 20 dB Bandwidth, Fc: 125 kHz
                                                   Command SM2, OOK Modulation with 600 Hz

                                                                                              RBW 200 Hz   Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                              VBW 500 Hz               0.11 dB
                                          Ref   10 dBm              * Att       10 dB         SWT 200 ms        3.692307692 kHz

                                          10                                                               Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                     -33.32 dBm
                                                                                                              123.333333333 kHz    A

                                   1 PK


                                          -30                       1                                      2
                                                   D1 -33.29 dBm







                                          Center   125 kHz                              800 Hz/                     Span   8 kHz

                                  Date: 26.MAR.2018      13:34:03

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                                                  File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                                                February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                                      Page 20 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                                               FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

                                                Plot 20 dB Bandwidth, Fc: 433.92 MHz
                                                 FSK modulated with programmed messages

                                                                                        * RBW 1 kHz        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                        * VBW 3 kHz                  77.49 dBµV
                                          Ref   100 dBµV               Att   5 dB         SWT 100 ms          433.931217949 MHz

                                          100 Offset    28.5 dB                                            ndB [T1]   20.00 dB
                                                                                                           BW 42.788461538 kHz
                                                                                                           Temp 1 [T1 ndB]       A
                                                                                                                     57.73 dBµV
                                   1 PK                                                                       433.899326923 MHz
                                   VIEW                                                        1
                                          80                                                               Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                                     57.61 dBµV
                                                                                                              433.942115385 MHz

                                          60                       T1                                  T2







                                          Center   433.92 MHz                       10 kHz/                       Span    100 kHz

                                  Date: 16.MAR.2018     16:03:14

                                                Plot 20 dB Bandwidth, Fc: 433.92 MHz
                                                 FSK modulated with a signal 101010…, 1 b/s

                                                                                        * RBW 1 kHz        Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                        * VBW 3 kHz                    1.01 dB
                                          Ref   100 dBµV               Att   5 dB         SWT 60 ms            26.057692306 kHz

                                          100 Offset    28.5 dB                                            Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                     58.66 dBµV
                                                                                                              433.907788462 MHz     A

                                   1 PK


                                                                   1                                   2
                                          60       D1 59.6 dBµV







                                          Center   433.92 MHz                       6 kHz/                         Span    60 kHz

                                  Date: 16.MAR.2018     15:44:13

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                                                   File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                                                 February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 21 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                           FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

5.4.      RF EXPOSURE REQUIRMENTS [§§ 15.247(i), 1.1310 & 2.1091]

§ 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the environmental impact of human
exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b).

                                        Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

 Frequency range            Electric field strength            Magnetic field strength              Power density            Averaging time
      (MHz)                          (V/m)                             (A/m)                          (mW/cm2)                 (minutes)
                                      (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposures
 0.3-3.0                                              614                                 1.63                      *(100)                     6
 3.0-30                                            1842/f                                4.89/f               *(900/f )                        6
 30-300                                               61.4                               0.163                        1.0                      6
 300-1500                                                                                                            f/300                     6
 1500-100,000                                                                                                           5                      6
                                 (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
 0.3-1.34                                             614                                 1.63                      *(100)                    30
 1.34-30                                             824/f                               2.19/f               *(180/f )                       30
 30-300                                               27.5                               0.073                        0.2                     30
 300-1500                                                                                                           f/1500                    30
  1500-100,000                                                                                                        1.0                     30
f = frequency in MHz
* = Plane-wave equivalent power density

Note 1: Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their
employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over
their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient
through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for

Note 2: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be
exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of
the potential for exposure or can not exercise control over their exposure.

5.4.1.    Method of Measurements

Calculation Method of Power Density/RF Safety Distance:
        PG       EIRP
S             
       4  r 2 4  r 2

Where,               P: power input to the antenna in mW
                     EIRP: Equivalent (effective) isotropic radiated power.
                     S: power density mW/cm2
                     G: numeric gain of antenna relative to isotropic radiator
                     r: distance to centre of radiation in cm

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                              File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                    Page 22 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                              FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

5.4.2.     RF Evaluation

Pursuant to KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06, Section 7.2:

Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies when the sum of the MPE ratios for all simultaneously
transmitting antennas incorporated in a host device is ≤ 1.0, according to calculated/estimated, numerically
modeled, or measured field strengths or power density.

The following table addresses the co-location of all simultaneous transmitters within the EUT at a minimum
separation distance 35 cm

                                                                                   Evaluation        Power
                                  Frequency        EUT EIRP        EUT EIRP                                         FCC MPE Limit        MPE
         Transmitters                                                               Distance        Density                 2
                                    (MHz)           (dBm)            (mW)                                  2          (mW/cm )           Ratio
                                                                                      (cm)         (mW/cm )
 Transmitters on EXB45              0.125               --              --             35              --                --               --
 within EUT                         433.92            -5.79           0.264            35           0.00002             0.289          0.00007

 Impinj, Inc.
 Speedway Revolution
 UHF RFID Reader                    902.0               --            4000             35            0.260              0.601           0.432

 Digi International Inc              2402             10.6           11.482            35            0.001              1.000           0.001
 ConnectCore for i.MX6UL
 FCC ID: MCQ-                        2412             22.6           181.97            35            0.012              1.000           0.012
 IC: 1846A-CCIMX6UL                  5180             16.1           40.738            35            0.003              1.000           0.003
                             Sum of the MPE ratios for all simultaneously transmitting antennas incorporated within the EUT             0.445
Note: The worst-case configuration (maximum MPE ratio) for each radio module derived from the original radio MPE report was used in the
      computation. Refer to these reports for detail.

Conclusion: The sum of the MPE ratios is 0.445 < 1.0, thus the EUT is in compliance with the RF exposure

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                              File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                               February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 23 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550


 Test Instruments               Manufacturer                Model No.            Serial No.         Frequency Range            Cal. Due Date
 Semi-Anechoic                  TDK                         IC: 2049A-3          --                 --                         03 Mar 2020
 EMI Receiver                   Rohde & Schwarz             ESU40                100037             20Hz–40 GHz                09 May 2018*
 Loop Antenna                   EMCO                        6502                 9104-2611          10 kHz – 30 MHz            15 Dec 2019
 Biconilog                      EMCO                        3142                 9601-1005          26-2000 MHz                12 May 2018*
 RF Amplifier                   Com-Power                   PAM-0118A            551052             0.5 – 18 GHz               17 Jul 2018*
 Horn Antenna                   EMCO                        3155                 9701-5061          1 – 18 GHz                 30 Apr 2020
 High Pass Filter               Mini-Circuits               SHP-800              10425              Cut off 400 MHz            See Note 1
 Spectrum Analyzer              Hewlett Packard             HP 8593EM            3710A00223         9kHz - 22GHz               22 May 2019
 Attenuator                     Pasternack                  PE7010-20            9                  DC TO 2 GHz                13 Mar 2019
 LISN                           Schwarzbeck                 NSLK 8127            8127276            10kHz-30MHz                11 Dec 2019

 Note 1: Internal verification/calibration check
*Equipment used before calibration due date

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.209 & 15.231(e)                                                                                   Page 24 of 24
LS4550 Combi Master, Model: LS4550                                                                                         FCC ID: PQG-LS4550

The measurement uncertainties stated were calculated in accordance with the requirements of CISPR 16-4-2 @
IEC:2003 and JCGM 100:2008 (GUM 1995) – Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement.

         Line Conducted Emission Measurement Uncertainty
                                                                                                      Measured                Limit
         (9 kHz – 30 MHz):
 uc      Combined standard uncertainty:
                  m   2
         uc(y) =  ui (y)                                                                              + 1.44                + 1.8

 U       Expanded uncertainty U:
                                                                                                        + 2.89                + 3.6
         U = 2uc(y)

         Radiated Emission Measurement Uncertainty (10 kHz – 30 MHz):                                 Measured                Limit
 uc      Combined standard uncertainty:                                                                 + 1.30                + 2.6
         uc(y) =  mui2(y)

 U       Expanded uncertainty U:                                                                        + 2.60                + 5.2
         U = 2uc(y)

         Radiated Emission Measurement Uncertainty @ 3m, Horizontal                                   Measured                Limit
         (30-1000 MHz):                                                                                 (dB)                  (dB)
 uc     Combined standard uncertainty:
        uc(y) =  mui2(y)                                                                              + 2.15                + 2.6

 U      Expanded uncertainty U:
                                                                                                        + 4.30                + 5.2
        U = 2uc(y)

         Radiated Emission Measurement Uncertainty @ 3m, Vertical                                     Measured                Limit
         (30-1000 MHz):                                                                                 (dB)                  (dB)
 uc      Combined standard uncertainty:                                                                                       + 2.6
                  m   2
         uc(y) =  ui (y)                                                                              + 2.14

 U       Expanded uncertainty U:                                                                                              + 5.2
                                                                                                        + 4.29
         U = 2uc(y)

        Radiated Emission Measurement Uncertainty @ 3 m, Horizontal &                                 Measured                Limit
        Vertical (1 – 18 GHz):                                                                          (dB)                  (dB)
 uc     Combined standard uncertainty:                                                                                       Under
        uc(y) =  mui2(y)                                                                              + 1.52            consideration

 U      Expanded uncertainty U:                                                                                              Under
                                                                                                        + 3.04
        U = 2uc(y)                                                                                                        consideration

ULTRATECH GROUP OF LABS                                                                                             File #: 19LYI172_FCC15C231E
3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 6G4                                                                              February 20, 2019
Tel. #: 905-829-1570, Fax. #: 905-829-8050, Email: vic@ultratech-labs.com, Website: http://www.ultratech-labs.com

All test results contained in this engineering test report are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Document Created: 2019-02-20 11:17:51
Document Modified: 2019-02-20 11:17:51

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