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Test Report

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                                                          TEST REPORT
                                              Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

                  Testing laboratory                                                               Applicant
 CETECOM ICT Services GmbH                                                      Philips Medizin Systeme Böblingen GmbH
 Untertuerkheimer Strasse 6 – 10                                                Hewlett-Packard-Strasse 2
 66117 Saarbruecken / Germany                                                   71034 Böblingen / GERMANY
 Phone:    + 49 681 5 98 - 0                                                    Phone:    +49 7031 463-1879
 Fax:      + 49 681 5 98 - 9075                                                 Fax:      +49 7031 463-2944
 Internet:                                               Contact: Hansjörg Geywitz
 e-mail:                                                      e-mail:
 Accredited Testing Laboratory:
 The testing laboratory (area of testing) is accredited
 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) by the
 Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)                                                     Manufacturer
 The accreditation is valid for the scope of testing                            Philips Medizin Systeme Böblingen GmbH
 procedures as stated in the accreditation certificate with                     Hewlett-Packard-Strasse 2
 the registration number: D-PL-12076-01-00                                      71034 Böblingen / GERMANY

                                                               Test standard/s
 47 CFR Part 95                Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I
                               Subpart H—Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS); Part 95 - Personal radio
 RSS - 210 Issue 8             Spectrum Management and Telecommunications - Radio Standards Specification
                               Low-power Licence-exempt Radiocommunication Devices (All Frequency Bands):
                               Category I Equipment
 For further applied test standards please refer to section 3 of this test report.

                                                                         Test Item
 Kind of test item:           Patient Monitoring
 Model name:                  Avalon CL Wide Range Pod 866487
 FCC ID:                      PQC-OBRWRPBV1
 IC:                          3549C-OBRWRPBV1
                              608 MHz – 614 MHz
 Frequency:                   Lowest Channel 3 (608.375 MHz) /
                              Highest Channel 38 (613.625 MHz)
 Technology tested:           proprietary
 Antenna:                     Integrated antenna
 Power supply:                3.3 V DC by Li-Ion battery
 Temperature range:           -20°C to +55°C

This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the electronic signatures,
the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

 Test report authorized:                                                      Test performed:
                                                                                                       cn=Christoph Schneider, o=CETECOM ICT
                               cn=Marco Bertolino, o=CETECOM ICT
                                                                                                       Services GmbH, ou=SND-120402,
                               Services GmbH, ou=BTL-150828,
                     , c=DE
                               2016.05.09 15:05:47 +02'00'
                                                                                                       2016.05.09 11:33:46 +02'00'

 Marco Bertolino                                                              Christoph Schneider
 Lab Manager                                                                  Testing Manager
 Radio Communications & EMC                                                   Radio Communications & EMC

                                                     Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

1      Table of contents

1    Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................2
2    General information .......................................................................................................................................3
     2.1       Notes and disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................3
     2.2       Application details ...............................................................................................................................3
3    Test standard/s ...............................................................................................................................................3
4    Test environment ............................................................................................................................................4
5    Test item ..........................................................................................................................................................4
     5.1       General description .............................................................................................................................4
     5.2       Additional information ........................................................................................................................4
6    Test laboratories sub-contracted .................................................................................................................4
7    Description of the test setup .........................................................................................................................5
     7.1       Shielded semi anechoic chamber ......................................................................................................6
     7.2       Shielded fully anechoic chamber ......................................................................................................7
     7.3       Conducted measurements normal and extreme conditions ...........................................................8
8    Measurement uncertainty ..............................................................................................................................9
9    Sequence of testing .....................................................................................................................................10
     9.1       Sequence of testing radiated spurious 9 kHz to 30 MHz ...............................................................10
     9.2       Sequence of testing radiated spurious 30 MHz to 1 GHz ..............................................................11
     9.3       Sequence of testing radiated spurious 1 GHz to 12.75 GHz .........................................................12
10      Summary of measurement results ..........................................................................................................13
11      RF measurements .....................................................................................................................................14
     11.1         Additional comments ....................................................................................................................14
12      Measurement results ................................................................................................................................15
     12.1         Radiated field strength ..................................................................................................................15
     12.2         Frequency stability ........................................................................................................................16
     12.3         Occupied bandwidth ......................................................................................................................18
     12.4         Field strength of spurious radiation ............................................................................................21
     12.5         Receiver spurious emissions (radiated) ......................................................................................29
13      Observations .............................................................................................................................................32
Annex A           Document history ..........................................................................................................................32
Annex B           Further information ........................................................................................................................32
Annex C           Accreditation Certificate ...............................................................................................................33

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                                     Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

2     General information

2.1   Notes and disclaimer
The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in this test report. CETECOM ICT
Services GmbH does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test
results with regard to other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item.
The test report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report
requires the prior written approval of CETECOM ICT Services GmbH.
The testing service provided by CETECOM ICT Services GmbH has been rendered under the current "General
Terms and Conditions for CETECOM ICT Services GmbH".
CETECOM ICT Services GmbH will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from false, inaccurate,
inappropriate or incomplete product information provided by the customer.
Under no circumstances does the CETECOM ICT Services GmbH test report include any endorsement or
warranty regarding the functionality, quality or performance of any other product or service provided.
Under no circumstances does the CETECOM ICT Services GmbH test report include or imply any product or
service warranties from CETECOM ICT Services GmbH, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness for purpose, or non-infringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed by CETECOM ICT
Services GmbH.
All rights and remedies regarding vendor’s products and services for which CETECOM ICT Services GmbH has
prepared this test report shall be provided by the party offering such products or services and not by CETECOM
ICT Services GmbH.
In no case this test report can be considered as a Letter of Approval.

This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwritten signature. For verification of the electronic
signatures, the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

This test report replaces the test report with the number 1-9797/15-01-03-C and dated 2016-05-02

2.2   Application details
Date of receipt of order:                2015-07-03
Date of receipt of test item:            2015-09-30
Start of test:                           2015-09-30
End of test:                             2015-10-08
Person(s) present during the test:       -/-

3     Test standard/s
 Test standard            Date                 Test standard description
 47 CFR Part 95           2010-10              Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I
                                               Subpart H—Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS); Part
                                               95 - Personal radio services
 RSS - 210 Issue 8        2010-12              Spectrum Management and Telecommunications - Radio
                                               Standards Specification
                                               Low-power Licence-exempt Radiocommunication Devices (All
                                               Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment

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                                     Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

4      Test environment

                                   Tnom    +22 °C during room temperature tests
Temperature                  :     Tmax    +55 °C during high temperature tests
                                   Tmin     -20 °C during low temperature tests
Relative humidity content    :             55 %
Barometric pressure          :             not relevant for this kind of testing
                                   Vnom    3.3 V DC by Li-Ion battery
Power supply                 :     Vmax    3.8 V
                                   Vmin    2.8 V

5      Test item

5.1    General description

Kind of test item            :   Patient Monitoring
Type identification          :   Avalon CL Wide Range Pod 866487
PMN                          :   Avalon CL Wide Range Pod
HVIN                         :   866487
FVIN                         :   866487
HMN                          :   n.a.
                                 Rad.     DE3100121
S/N serial number            :
                                 Cond.    -/-
HW hardware status           :   1
SW software status           :   A.01.02
                                 608 MHz – 614 MHz
Frequency band               :   Lowest Channel 3 (608.375 MHz)
                                 Highest Channel 38 (613.625 MHz)
Type of radio transmission :
Use of frequency spectrum :
Type of modulation         :     GFSK
Number of channels           :   36
Antenna                      :   Integrated antenna
Power supply                 :   3.25 V to 3.35 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Temperature range            :   -20°C to +55°C

5.2    Additional information
The content of the following annexes is defined in the QA. It may be that not all of the listed annexes are
necessary for this report, thus some values in between may be missing.

Test setup- and EUT-photos are included in test report:           1-9797/15-01-01_AnnexA

6      Test laboratories sub-contracted

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                                            Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

7           Description of the test setup
Typically, the calibrations of the test apparatus are commissioned to and performed by an accredited calibration
laboratory. The calibration intervals are determined in accordance with the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. In addition to
the external calibrations, the laboratory executes comparison measurements with other calibrated test systems
or effective verifications. Weekly chamber inspections and range calibrations are performed. Where possible, RF
generating and signaling equipment as well as measuring receivers and analyzers are connected to an external
high-precision 10 MHz reference (GPS-based or rubidium frequency standard).

In order to simplify the identification of the equipment used at some special tests, some items of test equipment
and ancillaries can be provided with an identifier or number in the equipment list below (Lab/Item).

Agenda: Kind of Calibration

    k        calibration / calibrated                            EK      limited calibration
    ne       not required (k, ev, izw, zw not required)          zw      cyclical maintenance (external cyclical
    ev       periodic self verification                          izw     internal cyclical maintenance
    Ve       long-term stability recognized                      g       blocked for accredited testing
    vlkI!    Attention: extended calibration interval
    NK!      Attention: not calibrated                           *)      next calibration ordered / currently in progress

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                                             Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

7.1   Shielded semi anechoic chamber
The radiated measurements are performed in vertical and horizontal plane in the frequency range from 9 kHz to
1 GHz in semi-anechoic chambers. The EUT is positioned on a non-conductive support with a height of 0.80 m
above a conductive ground plane that covers the whole chamber. The receiving antennas are confirmed with
specifications ANSI C63. These antennas can be moved over the height range between 1.0 m and 4.0 m in order
to search for maximum field strength emitted from EUT. The measurement distances between EUT and receiving
antennas are indicated in the test setups for the various frequency ranges. For each measurement, the EUT is
rotated in all three axes until the maximum field strength is received. The wanted and unwanted emissions are
received by spectrum analyzers where the detector modes and resolution bandwidths over various frequency
ranges are set according to requirement ANSI C63.

Measurement distance: tri-log antenna 10 meter

FS = UR + CL + AF
(FS-field strength; UR-voltage at the receiver; CL-loss of the cable; AF-antenna factor)

Example calculation:
FS [dBµV/m] = 12.35 [dBµV/m] + 1.90 [dB] + 16.80 [dB/m] = 31.05 [dBµV/m] (35.69 µV/m)

Equipment table:

       Lab /                                                                     INV. No     Kind of     Last        Next
No.            Equipment              Type           Manufacturer   Serial No.
       Item                                                                      Cetecom     Calibration Calibration Calibration
1         A    Switch-Unit            3488A          HP             2719A14505   300000368   ev
2         A    RF-Filter-section      85420E         HP             3427A00162   300002214   ne
3         A    EMI Test Receiver      ESCI 3         R&S            100083       300003312   k           26.01.2015 26.01.2016
4         A    Antenna Tower          Model 2175     ETS-Lindgren   64762        300003745   izw
5        A                            Model 2090     ETS-Lindgren   64672        300003746   izw
               Turntable Interface-
6        A                            Model 105637   ETS-Lindgren   44583        300003747   izw
               TRILOG Broadband
7        A     Test-Antenna 30        VULB9163       Schwarzbeck    295          300003787   k           22.04.2014   22.04.2016
               MHz - 3 GHz

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                                                Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

7.2   Shielded fully anechoic chamber

Measurement distance: horn antenna 3 meter; loop antenna 3 meter / 1 meter

FS = UR + CA + AF
(FS-field strength; UR-voltage at the receiver; CA-loss of the signal path; AF-antenna factor)

Example calculation:
FS [dBµV/m] = 40.0 [dBµV/m] + (-35.8) [dB] + 32.9 [dB/m] = 37.1 [dBµV/m] (71.61 µV/m)

OP = AV + D - G + CA
(OP-radiated output power; AV-analyzer value; D-free field attenuation of measurement distance;
G-antenna gain+amplifier gain; CA-loss signal path)

Example calculation:
OP [dBm] = -39.0 [dBm] + 57.0 [dB] - 12.0 [dBi] + (-36.0) [dB] = -30 [dBm] (1 µW)

Equipment table:

       Lab /                                                                                 INV. No     Kind of     Last        Next
No.            Equipment               Type                Manufacturer       Serial No.
       Item                                                                                  Cetecom     Calibration Calibration Calibration
1        A     Waveguide Horn          3115                EMCO               8812-3088      300001032   vlKI!       20.05.2015   20.05.2017
               Antenna 1-18.0GHz
2        A     Anechoic chamber        FAC 3/5m            MWB / TDK          87400/02       300000996   ev
3        A     Switch / Control Unit   3488A               HP                 *              300000199   ne
               Active Loop Antenna
4        A                             6502                EMCO/2             8905-2342      300000256   k           24.06.2015   24.06.2017
               10 kHz to 30 MHz
5        A     Amplifier                                   Parzich GMBH       928979         300003143   ne
6        A     Highpass Filter         WHKX7.0/18G-8SS     Wainwright         18             300003789   ne
               MXE EMI Receiver
7        A                             N9038A              Agilent Technologies MY51210197   300004405   k           06.03.2015   06.03.2016
               20 Hz to 26,5 GHz
               4U RF Switch
8        A                             L4491A              Agilent Technologies MY50000037   300004509   ne

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                                              Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

7.3   Conducted measurements normal and extreme conditions

OP = AV + CA
(OP-output power; AV-analyzer value; CA-loss signal path)

Example calculation:
OP [dBm] = 6.0 [dBm] + 11.7 [dB] = 17.7 [dBm] (58.88 mW)

Equipment table:

      Lab /                                                                            INV. No     Kind of     Last        Next
No.           Equipment             Type              Manufacturer        Serial No.
      Item                                                                             Cetecom     Calibration Calibration Calibration
              DC Power Supply 0
1     A                             1108-32           Heiden Elektronik   001802       300001383   Ve          29.01.2014   29.01.2017
              – 32V
              Temperature Test
2     A                             VT 4002           Heraeus Voetsch     521/83761    300002326   ev          03.09.2015   03.09.2017
              EMI Test Receiver 9
3     A       kHz - 3 GHz incl.     ESPI3             R&S                 101713       300004059   k           23.01.2015   23.01.2016
                                    ST18/SMAm/SMAm/                       Batch no.
4     A       RF-Cable                              Huber & Suhner                     400001182   ev
                                    48                                    600918

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                                Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

8   Measurement uncertainty

                          Test case                                      Uncertainty
Maximum field strength                                     ± 3 dB
Frequency stability                                        ± 10 Hz
Occupied bandwidth                                         ± 100 kHz (depends on the used RBW)
Spurious emissions radiated below 30 MHz                   ± 3 dB
Spurious emissions radiated 30 MHz to 1 GHz                ± 3 dB
Spurious emissions radiated 1 GHz to 12.75 GHz             ± 3.7 dB

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                                     Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

9     Sequence of testing

9.1   Sequence of testing radiated spurious 9 kHz to 30 MHz
    The equipment is set up to simulate normal operation mode as described in the user manual or defined
      by the manufacturer.
    If the EUT is a tabletop system, a 2-axis positioner with 1.5 m height is used.
    If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed directly on the turn table.
    Auxiliary equipment and cables are positioned to simulate normal operation conditions as described in
      ANSI C 63.4.
    The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
    Measurement distance is 3 m (see ANSI C 63.4) – see test details.
    EUT is set into operation.

    The turntable rotates from 0° to 315° using 45° steps.
    The antenna height is 1.5 m.
    At each turntable position the analyzer sweeps with positive-peak detector to find the maximum of all

Final measurement
     Identified emissions during the premeasurement are maximized by the software by rotating the turntable
       from 0° to 360°. In case of the 2-axis positioner is used the elevation axis is also rotated from 0° to 360°.
     The final measurement is done in the position (turntable and elevation) causing the highest emissions
       with quasi-peak (as described in ANSI C 63.4).
     Final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, turntable position, correction factor, margin to the
       limit and limit will be recorded. A plot with the graph of the premeasurement and the limit is stored.

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                                    Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

9.2   Sequence of testing radiated spurious 30 MHz to 1 GHz
    The equipment is set up to simulate normal operation mode as described in the user manual or defined
      by the manufacturer.
    If the EUT is a tabletop system, a table with 0.8 m height is used, which is placed on the ground plane.
    If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed on the ground plane with insulation between both.
    Auxiliary equipment and cables are positioned to simulate normal operation conditions as described in
      ANSI C 63.4.
    The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
    Measurement distance is 10 m or 3 m (see ANSI C 63.4) – see test details.
    EUT is set into operation.

    The turntable rotates from 0° to 315° using 45° steps.
    The antenna is polarized vertical and horizontal.
    The antenna height changes from 1 m to 3 m.
    At each turntable position, antenna polarization and height the analyzer sweeps three times in peak to
      find the maximum of all emissions.

Final measurement
     The final measurement is performed for at least six highest peaks according to the requirements of the
       ANSI C63.4.
     Based on antenna and turntable positions at which the peak values are measured the software maximize
       the peaks by changing turntable position ± 45° and antenna height between 1 and 4 m.
     The final measurement is done with quasi-peak detector (as described in ANSI C 63.4).
     Final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, antenna height, antenna polarization, turntable angle,
       correction factor, margin to the limit and limit are recorded. A plot with the graph of the premeasurement
       with marked maximum final results and the limit is stored.

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                                    Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

9.3   Sequence of testing radiated spurious 1 GHz to 12.75 GHz
    The equipment is set up to simulate normal operation mode as described in the user manual or defined
      by the manufacturer.
    If the EUT is a tabletop system, a 2-axis positioner with 1.5 m height is used.
    If the EUT is a floor standing device, it is placed directly on the turn table.
    Auxiliary equipment and cables are positioned to simulate normal operation conditions as described in
      ANSI C 63.4.
    The AC power port of the EUT (if available) is connected to a power outlet below the turntable.
    Measurement distance is 3 m (see ANSI C 63.4) – see test details.
    EUT is set into operation.

    The turntable rotates from 0° to 315° using 45° steps.
    The antenna is polarized vertical and horizontal.
    The antenna height is 1.5 m.
    At each turntable position and antenna polarization the analyzer sweeps with positive peak detector to
      find the maximum of all emissions.

Final measurement
     The final measurement is performed for at least six highest peaks according to the requirements of the
       ANSI C63.4.
     Based on antenna and turntable positions at which the peak values are measured the software maximizes
       the peaks by rotating the turntable from 0° to 360°. This measurement is repeated for different EUT-table
       positions (0° to 150° in 30°-steps) and for both antenna polarizations.
     The final measurement is done in the position (turntable, EUT-table and antenna polarization) causing
       the highest emissions with Peak and RMS detector (as described in ANSI C 63.4).
     Final levels, frequency, measuring time, bandwidth, turntable position, EUT-table position, antenna
       polarization, correction factor, margin to the limit and limit are recorded. A plot with the graph of the
       premeasurement with marked maximum final results and the limit is stored.

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                                           Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

10      Summary of measurement results

         ☒             No deviations from the technical specifications were ascertained
         ☐             There were deviations from the technical specifications ascertained
                       This test report is only a partial test report.
         ☐             The content and verdict of the performed test cases are listed below.

 TC Identifier                         Description                           Verdict             Date           Remark
                                      47 CFR Part 2
                                    47 CFR Part 95 H
  RF-Testing                                                                See table!         2016-05-09           -/-
                                    RSS Gen Issue 4
                                 RSS 210 Issue 8 Annexe 4

                                                       Temperature        Power Source
     Specification               Test Case                                                       C   NC NA NP Remark
                                                        Conditions          Voltages
      FCC 47 CFR
        § 2.1046
     § 95.1111(a)(3)
                               Radiated field
      § 95.1115(a)                                        Nominal             Nominal           ☒    ☐      ☐   ☐         -/-
  RSS 210 Issue 8

     FCC 47 CFR
       § 2.1055                                           Nominal             Extreme           ☒    ☐      ☐   ☐
     § 95.1115(e)            Frequency stability                                                                          -/-
                                                          Extreme             Nominal           ☒    ☐      ☐   ☐
 RSS Gen Issue 4
     FCC 47 CFR
     § 2.1049 (1)           Occupied bandwidth            Nominal             Nominal           ☒    ☐      ☐   ☐         -/-
 RSS Gen Issue 4

     FCC 47 CFR             strength of spurious
       § 2.1053                  radiation
     § 95.1115(b)                                         Nominal             Nominal           ☒    ☐      ☐   ☐         -/-

 RSS Gen Issue 4           Transmitter unwanted

     FCC 47 CFR
                             Receiver spurious
      § 15.209                                            Nominal             Nominal           ☒    ☐      ☐   ☐         -/-
                            emissions (radiated)
 RSS Gen Issue 4
Note: C = Compliant; NC = Not compliant; NA = not applicable; NP = not performed

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                                    Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

11    RF measurements

11.1 Additional comments

Reference documents:            Referenced Testprotocol
                                B3-P35440-AVCL-WIDE-FCC-OBR-TP Revision A.00.00

Special test descriptions:      None

Duty cycle correction factor:
(FCC 47 CFR 15.35 (c))
                                Maximum transmission length: 38.4 ms
                                Duty cycle correction factor: 20*log(0.384) = -8.31 dB

Configuration descriptions:     Tested channels:
                                CH 3 – 608.375 MHz
                                CH 20 – 610.925 MHz
                                CH 38 – 613.625 MHz

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                                  Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

12    Measurement results

12.1 Radiated field strength

                                         Measurement parameter
               Detector:                              Quasi peak
               Sweep time:                            Auto
               Resolution bandwidth:                  120kHz
               Video bandwidth:                       Auto
               Span:                                  > EBW
               Trace-Mode:                            Max. hold
               Test setup                             See sub clause 7.2 A
               Measurement uncertainty                See sub clause 8


                        FCC                                                     IC
                   CFR § 2.1046
                 CFR § 95.1115 (a)                                       RSS 210 - Issue 8
                CFR § 95.1111 (a)(3)
                                          Radiated field strength

                                  200 mV/m @ 3 m (106 dBµV/m @ 3 m)


               Frequency                                       Radiated field strength

           608.375 MHz                           85.96 dBµV/m @ 3m (19.7 mV/m; -9.3 dBm e.r.p.)

           610.925 MHz                           85.95 dBµV/m @ 3m (19.7 mV/m; -9.3 dBm e.r.p.)

           613.625 MHz                           87.00 dBµV/m @ 3m (22.4 mV/m; -8.2 dBm e.r.p.)

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                                  Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

12.2 Frequency stability

                                         Measurement parameter
               Detector:                                Peak
               Sweep time:                              Auto
               Resolution bandwidth:                    10 Hz
               Video bandwidth:                         30 Hz
               Span:                                    500 Hz
               Trace-Mode:                              Max. hold
               Test setup                               See sub clause 7.3 A
               Measurement uncertainty                  See sub clause 8


                         FCC                                                     IC
                    CFR § 2.1055
                                                                         RSS - Gen Issue 4
                  CFR § 95.1115 (e)
     Manufacturers of wireless medical telemetry devices are responsible for ensuring frequency stability
      such that an emission is maintained within the band of operation under all of the manufacturer’s
                                            specified conditions.

Results: low channel

           Temperature                        Frequency (MHz)                    Emission within band
              -20 °C                             608.374035                               Yes
              -10 °C                             608.373818                               Yes
                0 °C                             608.373986                               Yes
               10 °C                             608.374308                               Yes
          20 °C (V nom)                          608.374593                               Yes
               30 °C                             608.374782                               Yes
               40 °C                             608.374846                               Yes
               55 °C                             608.374780                               Yes
                85 %                             608.374355                               Yes
               115 %                             608.374633                               Yes

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                          Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Results: middle channel

          Temperature              Frequency (MHz)             Emission within band
              -20 °C                 610.924015                        Yes
              -10 °C                 610.923813                        Yes
                0 °C                 610.923983                        Yes
               10 °C                 610.924307                        Yes
          20 °C (V nom)              610.924595                        Yes
               30 °C                 610.924821                        Yes
               40 °C                 610.924854                        Yes
               55 °C                 610.924800                        Yes
              85 %                   610.924379                        Yes
             115 %                   610.924700                        Yes

Results: high channel

          Temperature              Frequency (MHz)             Emission within band
              -20 °C                 613.623989                        Yes
              -10 °C                 613.623809                        Yes
                0 °C                 613.623997                        Yes
               10 °C                 613.624294                        Yes
          20 °C (V nom)              613.624601                        Yes
               30 °C                 613.624813                        Yes
               40 °C                 613.624849                        Yes
               55 °C                 613.624800                        Yes
              85 %                   613.624389                        Yes
             115 %                   613.624723                        Yes

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                                        Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

12.3 Occupied bandwidth

                                             Measurement parameter
                 Detector:                                Peak
                 Sweep time:                              Auto
                 Resolution bandwidth:                    1 % – 5 % of the occupied bandwidth
                 Video bandwidth:                         ≥ 3x RBW
                 Trace-Mode:                              Max. hold
                 Analyser function:                       99 % power function
                 Test setup                               See sub clause 7.3 A
                 Measurement uncertainty                  See sub clause 8


                           FCC                                                      IC
                   47 CFR § 2.1049 (1)                                     RSS - Gen Issue 4

          When an occupied bandwidth value is not specified in the applicable RSS, the transmitted signal
            bandwidth to be reported is to be its 99% emission bandwidth, as calculated or measured.

                                                    Not limited


                                      Frequency                       99% Bandwidth

                                  608.375 MHz                           29.2 kHz

                                  610.925 MHz                           29.0 kHz

                                  613.625 MHz                           29.2 kHz

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                                               Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plots of the measurements

Plot 1: low channel
                                                                              * RBW   300     Hz    Marker      1   [T1    ]
                                                                               VBW    1   kHz                         -16.41     dBm
                        Ref     0   dBm             Att       20   dB          SWT    1.15      s         608.362000000          MHz

                         0                                                                          OBW    29.200000000          kHz
                                                                                                    Temp    1   [T1    OBW]
                                                                                                                      -33.99     dBm   A
                                                          1                                               608.360000000          MHz
                 1 PK
                                                                                                    Temp    2   [T1    OBW]
                         -20                                                                                          -33.26     dBm
                                                                                                          608.389200000          MHz

                         -30                             T1                                   T2








                        Center      608.375   MHz                       10   kHz/                                   Span   100   kHz

                 Date: 8.OCT.2015             07:57:21

Plot 2: middle channel
                                                                              * RBW   300     Hz    Marker      1   [T1    ]
                                                                               VBW    1   kHz                         -18.91     dBm
                        Ref     0   dBm             Att       20   dB          SWT    1.15      s         610.937200000          MHz

                         0                                                                          OBW    29.000000000          kHz
                                                                                                    Temp    1   [T1    OBW]
                                                                                                                      -36.15     dBm   A
                                                                                                          610.910000000          MHz
                 1 PK                                                                     1         Temp    2   [T1    OBW]
                         -20                                                                                          -32.50     dBm
                                                                                                          610.939000000          MHz

                         -30                                                                  T2








                        Center      610.925   MHz                       10   kHz/                                   Span   100   kHz

                 Date: 8.OCT.2015             07:58:55

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                                              Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 3: high channel
                                                                             * RBW   300    Hz     Marker      1   [T1    ]
                                                                              VBW    1   kHz                         -16.33     dBm
                        Ref    0   dBm             Att       20   dB          SWT    1.15      s         613.612200000          MHz

                        0                                                                          OBW    29.200000000          kHz
                                                                                                   Temp    1   [T1    OBW]
                                                                                                                     -33.13     dBm   A
                                                         1                                               613.610000000          MHz
                 1 PK
                                                                                                   Temp    2   [T1    OBW]
                        -20                                                                                          -34.13     dBm
                                                                                                         613.639200000          MHz

                        -30                             T1








                        Center     613.625   MHz                       10   kHz/                                   Span   100   kHz

                 Date: 8.OCT.2015            08:00:11

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                                    Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

12.4 Field strength of spurious radiation


                                           Measurement parameter
               Detector:                                     Peak
               Sweep time:                                   Auto
                                                             f < 1 GHz : 100 kHz
               Resolution bandwidth:
                                                             f  1GHz : 1 MHz
                                                             f < 1 GHz : 100 kHz
               Video bandwidth:
                                                             f  1GHz : 1 MHz
               Span:                                         -/-
               Trace-Mode:                                   Max. hold
               Test setup                                    See sub clause 7.2 A
               Measurement uncertainty                       See sub clause 8


                          FCC                                                         IC

                   47 CFR § 2.1053
                                                                               RSS - Gen Issue 4
                 47 CFR § 95.1115 (b)

     Out-of band emissions below 960 MHz are limited to 200 microvolts/meter, as measured at a distance
                of 3 meters, using measuring instrumentation with a CISPR quasi-peak detector.
     Out-of-band emissions above 960 MHz are limited to 500 microvolts/meter as measured at a distance
  of 3 meters, using measuring equipment with an averaging detector and a 1 MHz measurement bandwidth.

                                        SPURIOUS EMISSIONS LEVEL
           Lowest channel                          Middle channel                       Highest channel
 Frequency   Detector       Level      Frequency     Detector       Level       Frequency   Detector      Level
               Peak     46.65 dBµV/m                  Peak      45.04 dBµV/m                 Peak      45.60 dBµV/m
 1217 MHz                               1223 MHz                                1227 MHz
               AVG*     38.34 dBµV/m                  AVG*      37.09 dBµV/m                 AVG*      37.29 dBµV/m
               Peak     54.87 dBµV/m                  Peak      55.53 dBµV/m                 Peak      56.01 dBµV/m
 2433 MHz                               2444 MHz                                2454 MHz
               AVG*     46.56 dBµV/m                  AVG*      47.22 dBµV/m                 AVG*      47.70 dBµV/m
               Peak     48.84 dBµV/m                  Peak      48.53 dBµV/m                 Peak      49.70 dBµV/m
 3042 MHz                               2355 MHz                                3068 MHz
               AVG*     40.53 dBµV/m                  AVG*      40.22 dBµV/m                 AVG*      41.39 dBµV/m
               Peak     56.74 dBµV/m                  Peak      57.39 dBµV/m                 Peak      56.37 dBµV/m
 5475 MHz                               5499 MHz                                5522 MHz
               AVG*     48.43 dBµV/m                  AVG*      49.08 dBµV/m                 AVG*      48.06 dBµV/m
* AVG values calculated using duty cycle correction factor (see 11.1)

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                                  Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plots of the measurements

Plot 1: 150 kHz – 30 MHz, low channel







                                                                               - Class - QPeak




               9kHz                100k                             1M   10M          30MHz
                                                  Frequency (MHz)

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                                                Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 2: 30 MHz – 1 GHz, low channel




       Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                        F CC _ 1 0 m_ B





                         30M         50 60     80 100M               200         300      400 500           8 0 0 1 ,0 5 G
                                                           F re q u e n c y in H z

   Frequency                   QuasiPeak       Limit     Margin                      Bandwidth   Height                Azimuth   Corr.
                                                                      Time                                    Pol
     (MHz)                     (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)     (dB)                         (kHz)      (cm)                  (deg)    (dB)
  30.621045                      10.21        30.00      19.79       1000.0           120.000       275.0      H          320    13.4
  39.695400                      10.61        30.00      19.39       1000.0           120.000       274.0      V           -5    14.0
  384.010800                     25.05        36.00      10.95       1000.0           120.000       100.0      V            1    16.6
  560.023800                     19.62        36.00      16.38       1000.0           120.000       200.0      V          -13    19.6
  872.497950                     20.78        36.00      15.22       1000.0           120.000       400.0      V          185    23.8
  999.275400                     21.59        44.00      22.41       1000.0           120.000       349.0      V          282    24.8

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                                   Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 3: 1 GHz – 12.75 GHz, low channel, antenna horizontal/vertical


                                                                                    - Class TX - Average






               1GHz                                                                10G        12.75GHz
                                                      Frequency (MHz)

Plot 4: 150 kHz – 30 MHz, middle channel







                                                                                         - Class - QPeak




               9kHz                 100k                                1M   10M                30MHz
                                                      Frequency (MHz)

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                                                Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 5: 30 MHz – 1 GHz, middle channel




       Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                        F CC _ 1 0 m_ B





                         30M         50 60     80 100M               200         300      400 500           8 0 0 1 ,0 5 G
                                                           F re q u e n c y in H z

   Frequency                   QuasiPeak       Limit     Margin                      Bandwidth   Height                Azimuth   Corr.
                                                                      Time                                    Pol
     (MHz)                     (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)     (dB)                         (kHz)      (cm)                  (deg)    (dB)
  35.024850                      10.60        30.00      19.40       1000.0           120.000       101.0      H          100    13.8
  39.539250                      10.54        30.00      19.46       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          100    14.0
  101.360850                      8.27        33.50      25.23       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V           81    12.0
  106.020750                      7.72        33.50      25.78       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          -10    11.5
  383.994750                     32.68        36.00       3.32       1000.0           120.000       98.0       V          190    16.6
  954.872250                     21.14        36.00      14.86       1000.0           120.000       170.0      H           80    24.3

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                                   Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 6: 1 GHz – 12.75 GHz, middle channel, antenna horizontal/vertical


                                                                                    - Class TX - Average






               1GHz                                                                10G        12.75GHz
                                                     Frequency (MHz)

Plot 7: 150 kHz – 30 MHz, high channel







                                                                                         - Class - QPeak




               9kHz                 100k                                1M   10M                30MHz
                                                      Frequency (MHz)

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                                               Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 8: 30 MHz – 1 GHz, high channel




       Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                       F CC _ 1 0 m_ B





                         30M        50 60     80 100M               200         300      400 500           8 0 0 1 ,0 5 G
                                                          F re q u e n c y in H z

   Frequency                   QuasiPeak      Limit     Margin                      Bandwidth   Height                Azimuth   Corr.
                                                                     Time                                    Pol
     (MHz)                     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dB)                         (kHz)      (cm)                  (deg)    (dB)
  40.245300                      10.88       30.00      19.12       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          170    14.0
  44.114850                      10.31       30.00      19.69       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          260    13.9
  46.316850                       9.91       30.00      20.09       1000.0           120.000       101.0      H          190    13.5
  383.982900                     24.47       36.00      11.53       1000.0           120.000       98.0       V          80     16.6
  830.071350                     20.03       36.00      15.97       1000.0           120.000       170.0      V          171    23.2
  891.933450                     20.96       36.00      15.04       1000.0           120.000       170.0      V          10     24.0

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                                   Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 9: 1 GHz – 12.75 GHz, high channel, antenna horizontal/vertical


                                                                         - Class TX - Average






              1GHz                                                      10G       12.75GHz
                                                      Frequency (MHz)

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                                  Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

12.5 Receiver spurious emissions (radiated)

                                         Measurement parameter
               Detector:                              Peak - Quasi Peak / Average
               Sweep time:                            Auto
                                                      F < 150 kHz: 200 Hz
               Video bandwidth:
                                                      F > 150 kHz: 9 kHz
                                                      F < 150 kHz: 1 kHz
               Resolution bandwidth:
                                                      F > 150 kHz: 100 kHz
               Span:                                  9 kHz to 30 MHz
               Trace-Mode:                            Max Hold
               Test setup                             See sub clause 7.2 A
               Measurement uncertainty                See sub clause 8


                         FCC                                                  IC

                SUBCLAUSE § 15.109                                     RSS-GEN Issue 4

                                   Receiver Spurious Emission (radiated)

          Frequency (MHz)                Field strength (µV/m)             Measurement distance (m)

              30 - 88                       100 (40 dBµV/m)                           3
              88 - 216                     150 (43.5 dBµV/m)                          3
             216 - 960                      200 (46 dBµV/m)                           3
             above 960                      500 (54 dBµV/m)                           3

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                                                Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plots of the measurements

Plot 2: 30 MHz – 1 GHz




       Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                        F CC _ 1 0 m_ B





                         30M         50 60     80 100M               200         300      400 500           8 0 0 1 ,0 5 G
                                                           F re q u e n c y in H z

  Frequency                    QuasiPeak       Limit     Margin                      Bandwidth   Height                Azimuth   Corr.
                                                                      Time                                    Pol
    (MHz)                      (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)     (dB)                         (kHz)      (cm)                  (deg)    (dB)
  32.573850                       9.93        30.00      20.07       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          170    13.6
  44.057550                      10.21        30.00      19.79       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          260    13.9
  98.664900                       7.29        33.50      26.21       1000.0           120.000       101.0      V          170    12.0
  383.995950                     33.39        36.00       2.61       1000.0           120.000       98.0       V          10     16.6
  573.444900                     16.73        36.00      19.27       1000.0           120.000       98.0       V          10     20.0
  953.834250                     21.18        36.00      14.82       1000.0           120.000       170.0      V          80     24.3

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                                   Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Plot 3: 1 GHz – 12.75 GHz, antenna horizontal/vertical




                                                                                 - Class - Average






               1GHz                                                        10G         12.75GHz
                                                         Frequency (MHz)

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                                   Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

13    Observations
No observations except those reported with the single test cases have been made.

Annex A         Document history

  Version                                 Applied changes                          Date of release

                                            Initial release                          2015-10-09

     A                                    Editorial changes                          2015-11-04

     B                                      PMN changed                              2016-02-18

     C                                e.r.p. power values added                      2016-05-02

     D                                  limit in 12.1 corrected                      2016-05-09

Annex B         Further information

AVG        -   Average
DUT        -   Device under test
EMC        -   Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN         -   European Standard
EUT        -   Equipment under test
ETSI       -   European Telecommunications Standard Institute
FCC        -   Federal Communication Commission
FCC ID     -   Company Identifier at FCC
HW         -   Hardware
IC         -   Industry Canada
Inv. No.   -   Inventory number
N/A        -   Not applicable
PP         -   Positive peak
QP         -   Quasi peak
S/N        -   Serial number
SW         -   Software
PMN            Product marketing name
HMN            Host marketing name
HVIN           Hardware version identification number
FVIN           Firmware version identification number

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                                          Test report no.: 1-9797/15-01-03-D

Annex C       Accreditation Certificate

              Front side of certificate                                 Back side of certificate


The current certificate including annex is may be received from CETECOM ICT Services on request.

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Document Created: 2016-05-09 15:05:47
Document Modified: 2016-05-09 15:05:47

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