Test Report


Test Report

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 TOKIMN                                           me.ss—i1, Tinctu Toun, bin—kou Ietans,
                                                  Iaipes Conty, Insumm, 2.0.C.
 TAIWAN TOKIN EMC ENG, CORP.                      Tei:or—2e002133 max:or—zso900s
 6 M & 44 th & 6 4 fhak iA                        Imasl :stenctes ons. con.ew

 Datass is             rires Hize—on—3. en            Dave zoos—as—z Time: crsacias
      . Insuen

                                                                       dispn class—n

                       is                     2                        xo      m        s
                                      Peoueey (13t)
              to.9 Shseided room
              czepn crassep rawea0) neormaz
              co—ry pravs man ar—amecn

TOKIN                                      wo. 53—11, Rin—fu Toun, Lin—kou Hsiang,
Tanyan Tomtc mc. core,                     Taipei. country, Taiwon, m.o.c.
6 t 4 ce dlonk 6k Mink i                   rel:02—2e092133 rax:02—2e000003
                                           Emadil etemc@stenc. com. tw
Datad: 26          rilef: Di\pitecon—3. oni
                                            Date: 2002—05—21... Rime: ersadc13
site           wo.3 Shielded room
Condition      czspn chass—b Kim~407 neurrat
sur            cp—nw prave /n ar—«siceen
Power          120vee/cone
Memo           reao
                           over Limit     Read Probe: Cable
             Freq Level Limit      Line Level Pactor Loss Renork
             wie     apuy      ds   dbuy      asuy        as      as
  i      o.r8e     as.er    —onlre e6.37 as.or           o.40   0.20   or
  2      o.eze     ao.ee    —arlsr emuer aoles          .20     0.20   or
  a      o.erm     e7.9e    —a3.07 er.0s e7.se           o.20   0.20   or
  a      o.ae1     an.ea    —ar.ee se.e9 an.sa          .20     0.20   or
  s      2.077     arss     —e6.07 se.00 anas            o.40   0.40   or
  s     r8.986.    se.er    —a1.39 e0.00 en.ar          o.e0    0.70   or

 TOKIMN                                           me.ss—i1, Tinctu Toun, bin—kou Ietans,
                                                  Iaipes Conty, Insumm, 2.0.C.
 TAIWAN TOKIN EMC ENG, CORP.                      Tei:or—2e002133 max:or—zso900s
 6 M & 44 th & 6 4 fhak iA                        Imasl :stenctes ons. con.ew

 Datass e               rires Hize—on—3. en           Dave zoos—as—z Time: crsasses
      . Insuen

                                       dispn cuass—n
       \\\                                                                        ay

                        is                    2                        xo     m        s
                                       Peoueey (13t)
              to.9 Shseided room
              czepn crassep rawea07 ioi
              co—ry pravs manaz—avicie

TOKIN                                       wo. 53—11, Rin—fu Toun, Lin—kou Hsiang,
ranyan rom mc me. corr                      Taipei. Country, Reiwan, ®.o.c.
6 t t d dlo k 64 mds i                      rel:02—2e092133 rax:02—2e000003
                                            Emadil: etemc@stenc. com. tw
Data: 20            rilef: Di\pitecon—3. oni
                                             Date: 2002—05—21... Rime: ersass2e
site           wo.3 Shielded room
Condition      czspn chass—b Kim~407 oo
sur            co—nw prave w/in At—isici0
Power          120vee/cone
Memo           reap
                           over Limit     Read. Probe: Cable
             Freq Level Limit      Line Level Pactor Loss Renork
             wie      apuy      ds   dbuy      asuy       as      as
  i         o.r8e   az.se    <erlgs e6l37 anlse         0.40    0.20   or
  2         o.eze   aa.27    —a9.0% em.er ae.e7         .20     0.20   op
  a         o.27m   az.09    —a8.9% er.os arlss         .20     0.20   or
  a         o.ase   a0.e7    —ze.se. se.as s.67          0.40   0.20   or
  s         0.899   ss.es    —ez.re se.00 aa.ee          0.40   0.20   or
  s         7.687   se.03    —ei.97 e0.00 a6.sa         0.50    .60    or

 TOKIMN                                               me.ss—i1, Tinctu Toun, bin—kou Ietans,
                                                      Iaipes Conty, Insumm, 2.0.C.
 TAIWAN TOKIN EMC ENG, CORP.                          Tei:or—2e002133 max:or—zso900s
 6 M & 44 th & 6 4 fhak iA                            Imasl :stenctes ons. con.ew

 Datass an                rires Hize—on—3. en             Dave zoos—as—z Time: crsasiss
      . Insuen

                                         dispn crass—n
       \\\                                                                            ay

                          is                      2                        xo     m        s
                                            Peoueey (13t)
               to.9 Shseided room
               czepn crassep raw—a0) neommaz
               co—ry oravs mar ar—assee

TOKIN                                            wo. 53—11, Rin—fu Toun, Lin—kou Hsiang,
ranyan rom mc me. corr                           Taipei. Country, Reiwan, ®.o.c.
6 t t d dlo k 64 mds i                           rel:02—2e092133 rax:02—2e000003
                                                 Emadil: etemc@stenc. com. tw
bataits 32            rilef: Di\pitecon—3. oni
                                             Date: 2002—05—21... Rime: ersas:se
site            wo.3 Shielded room
Condition       czspn chass—b Kim~407 neurrat
sur             co—nw prave w/in At—isici0
Power           120vee/cone
Memo            waree
                            over Limit     Read Probe: Cable
              Freq Level Limit      Line Level Pactor Tess Renork
               wie      apuy       ds     dbuy    asuy        as      as
  i          o.ase    as.or    —as.07    es.ge   aelar      o.40    0.20   or
  2          o.a82    as.es    —as.te    e6.37   as.os       o.40   0.20   or
  a          o.eze    a0.7%    —amnler   emuer   ao.se       o.20   0.20   or
  a          o.ase    ce.ee    —o8.17    se.ms   me.os      o.40    0.20   or
  s          0.899    an.se    —as.es    se.00   es.se      o.40    0.20   or
  s          s.121.   es.e7    —on.13.   «0.00   24.77      0.50    0.60   ce

 Tol(ln                                           mo.St—11, Tin—tu Taun, binkou tedang,
                                                  Taipes Countey, Iaswam, 2.0.C.
 TAIWAN TOKIN EMC ENG, CORP,                      Tei:or—26032139 max: or—2e09009
 4 M & 44 1 & 6 4 k 4                             Inai:ctencgstane, con. ew
 bavas: c               Pites: B4tecon—a.en             bave: eo0e—05—21. Times cisai09

                                       dispn crass—n
        \\\                                                                            ay

        es              is           1          2                  s          o    w        m
                                           Peoueey (13t)
 site        .: wo.9 Shselded room
                crepn crassoe ram—a0> um
                cb—ry orive manatamicue
 Hexo           wirme

ToKi     n
Mnapemememe ncass.
                                                wo.53—14, Rin—fu 2oun, Sin—kou Hetang,
                                                Teipei Country, Zaiwan, R.0.C.
6 m k 4# d nk 6 § M ak a                        rel:02—2e092133 rax:02—2e000003
                                                Emadil: etemc@stenc. com. tw
batast: 30          rilef: Di\pitecon—3. oni
                                       Date: 2002—05—21.. mime: 2ii47:21
site       wo.3 Shielded room
Condition czspn chass—b Kim~407 Doi
sur        cp—nw prave /n ar—asiceen
Power    : 220vae/eone
Memo     : vazes
                       over Limit    Read Probe: Cable
         Freq Level Limit     Line Level Pactor Toss Renork
              wie     apuy      ds       dbuy    asuy        ds          as
  i        o.r82    se.9m    —as.es e6.37 ge.ae             o.40       0.20   or
  2        o.eze    a0.29    ~amlsm em.er es.ms             o.20       0.20   or
  a        o.27e    ce.39    —am.s9 eo.se e7.se             o.20       0.20   or
  a        o.ase    ze.ze    —a0.59 se.es as.se             0.40       0.20   op
  s        0.899    s0.e0    —25.20 se.00 an.zo            o.40        0.20   or
  s       10.397    a0.as    —29.es e0.00 ee.es            .90         0.70   or

 TOKIMN                                             me.ss—i1, Tinctu Toun, bin—kou Ietans,
                                                    Iaipes Conty, Insumm, 2.0.C.
 TAIWAN TOKIN EMC ENG, CORP.                        Tei:or—2e002133 max:or—zso900s
 6 M & 44 th & 6 4 fhak iA                          Imasl :stenctes ons. con.ew

 Davass aa                rires Hize—on—3. en           Dave zoos—as—z Time: erssois
      . Insuen

                                         dispn crass—n
       \\\                                                                          ay

                          is                    2                        xo     m        s
                                         Peoueey (13t)
               to.9 Shseided room
               czepn crassep raw—a0) neormaz
               co—ry oravs manaz—asices
               amzo ay

TOKIN                                         wo. 53—11, Rin—fu Toun, Lin—kou Hsiang,
ranyan rom mc me. corr                        Taipei. Country, maiwan, ©.0.C.
6 t t d dlo k 64 mds i                        rel:02—2e092133 rax:02—2e000003
                                              Emadil: etemc@stenc. com. tw
bataits 36            rilef: Di\pitecon—3. oni
                                             Date: 2002—05—21... Rime: siisac24
site            wo.3 Shielded room
Condition       czspn chass—b Kim—407 neurrat
sur             co—nw prave w/nat—ameise
Power           120vee/cone
Memo            aupzo prax
                            over Limit     Read Probe: Cable
              Freq Level Limit      Line Level Pactor Toss Renork
               wie      apuy      ds   dbuy      asuy       as      as
  i          o.a83    se.ee    ~as.es e6.s0 me.oe          o.40   0.20   op
  2          o.are    me.ss    —anles e0.98 me.ss          o.20   0.20   or
  a          o.ase    ares     —24.99 se.es ance           0.40   0.20   or
  a          o.690     27.se   —as.e4. se.00 e.se         .40     0.20   or
  s          1.6e2.   29.20    —z6.80. se.00 me.s0        o.40    0.40   o
  s          6.97e.   es.zs    —an.71 «0.00 2a.a9         0.50    0.60   ce

 Tol(ln                                           mo.St—11, Tin—tu Taun, binkou tedang,
                                                  Taipes Countey, Iaswam, 2.0.C.
 TAIWAN TOKIN EMC ENG, CORP,                      Tei:or—26032139 max: or—2e09009
 4 M & 44 1 & 6 4 k 4                             Inai:ctencgstane, con. ew
 bavas: as              Pites: B4tecon—a.en             bave: 2o0e—05—21. Times eisseo7

                                       dispn cuass—n
        \\\                                                                            ay

        o               is           1          2                  s          o    w        m
                                           Peoueey (13t)
 site        .: No.9 Shselded room
                crepn crassoe ram—a0> um
                cb—ry orive manatamicue
 Hexo           amzo may

ToKi     n
Mnapemememe ncass.
                                                wo.53—14, Rin—fu 2oun, Sin—kou Hetang,
                                                Teipei Country, Zaiwan, R.0.C.
6 m k 4# d nk 6 § M ak a                        rel:02—2e092133 rax:02—2e000003
                                                Emadil: etemc@stenc. com. tw
batad: 36           rilef: Di\pitecon—3. oni
                                       Date: 2002—05—21... mime: 21255742
site       wo.3 Shielded room
Condition czspn chass—b Kim~407 Doi
sur        co—nw onave w/inarameiss
Power    : 220vae/eone
Memo     : aupzo pray
                       over Limit    Read Probe: Cable
         Freq Level Limit     Line Level Pactor Toss Renork
              wie     apuy      ds       dbuy    asuy        as          as
  i         o.asa   ailse    ~aslse es.se ao.se             o.40       0.20   or
  2         o.18s   as.es    —a0.39 ee.24 ao.es            .40         0.20   o
  a         o.e27   29.90    —am.er em.s7 es.s0            o.20        0.20   or
  a         o.a%e   as.as    —as.e0 s9.0s s.os             .20         0.20   or
  s         0.899   arlss    —anle7 se.00 an.sa             o.40       0.20   or
  s         s.zer   as.oe    —z7.06 e0.00 anles            0.50        .60    or



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Document Created: 2002-06-21 12:26:20
Document Modified: 2002-06-21 12:26:20

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