Test Report DFS


Test Report

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                                                         DFS Test Report

                    Report No.: RF150107E06-5
                          FCC ID: PPD-QCNFA344A

                    Test Model: QCNFA344A

               Received Date: Jan. 07, 2015

                       Test Date: Feb. 11, 2015

                   Issued Date: Mar. 17, 2015

                      Applicant: Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.

                        Address: 1700 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110

                      Issued By: Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan
                                 Branch Hsin Chu Laboratory

                 Lab Address: No. 81-1, Lu Liao Keng, 9th Ling,Wu Lung Tsuen, Chiung Lin
                              Hsiang, Hsin Chu Hsien 307, Taiwan R.O.C.

This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark,
is permitted only with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The
results set forth in this report are not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or
any similar or identical product unless specifically and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results
thereof based upon the information that you provided to us. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error
or omission caused by our negligence, provided, however, that such notice shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to
raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time shall constitute your unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the
tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific mention, the uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into
account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification This report should not be used by the client to claim product
certification, approval, or endorsement by TAF or any government agencies.

 Report No.: RF150107E06-5                                               1 of 25                                   Report Format Version 5.3.0

                                                            Table of Contents

Release Control Record ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.      Certification .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.      EUT Information ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1     Operating Frequency Bands and Mode of EUT ...................................................................... 5
2.2     EUT Software and Firmware Version ...................................................................................... 5
2.3     Description of Available Antennas to the EUT ......................................................................... 5
2.4     EUT Maximum Conducted Power ........................................................................................... 6
2.5     EUT Maximum Eirp Power....................................................................................................... 7
2.6     Transmit Power Control (TPC)................................................................................................. 8
2.7     Statement of Manufacturer ...................................................................................................... 8
3.      U-NII DFS Rule Requirements ................................................................................................ 9
3.1     Working Modes and Required Test Items ................................................................................ 9
3.2     Test Limits and Radar Signal Parameters ............................................................................. 10
4.      Test & Support Equipment List .............................................................................................. 14
4.1     Test Instruments..................................................................................................................... 14
4.2     Description of Support Units .................................................................................................. 14
5.      Test Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 15
5.1     DFS Measurement System .................................................................................................... 15
5.2     Calibration of DFS Detection Threshold Level....................................................................... 16
5.3     Deviation from Test Standard ................................................................................................. 17
5.4     Conducted Test Setup Configuration ..................................................................................... 17
5.4.1 Client without radar detection mode ...................................................................................... 17
6.      Test Results ........................................................................................................................... 18
6.1     Summary of Test Results ....................................................................................................... 18
6.2     Detailed Test Results ............................................................................................................. 19
6.2.1 Test Mode: Device Operating In Client without Radar Detection Mode ................................ 19 DFS Detection Threshold....................................................................................................... 19 Channel Closing Transmission and Channel Move Time ...................................................... 20 Non- Occupancy Period ......................................................................................................... 21 Non-Associated Test .............................................................................................................. 23 Non- Co-Channel Test ........................................................................................................... 23
7.      Information On The Testing Laboratories .............................................................................. 24
8.      Appendix-A ............................................................................................................................ 25

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                                               2 of 25                                    Report Format Version 5.3.0

                                      Release Control Record

 ISSUE NO.             REASON FOR CHANGE                                DATE ISSUED
 RF150107E06-5         Original release                                 Mar. 17, 2015

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                      3 of 25         Report Format Version 5.3.0

1.    Certification

           Product:    802.11a/b/ig/n/ac + BT 4.1 M.2 2230 Type Card

            Brand:     Qualcomm Atheros

        Test Model:    QCNFA344A

     Sample Status:    R&D SAMPLE

         Applicant:    Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.

         Test Date:    Feb. 11, 2015

        Standards:     FCC Part 15, Subpart E (Section 15.407)

                      KDB 905462 DO2 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v01r01

The above equipment has been tested by Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.)
Ltd., Taoyuan Branch, and found compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The
test record, data evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) configurations represented herein are
true and accurate accounts of the measurements of the sample‘s EMC characteristics under the
conditions specified in this report.

      Prepared by :         Q" M                            , Date:    Mar. 17, 2015
                              Lori Chung / Specialist U

     Approved by :             e /\-/, Date:                           Mar. 17, 2015
                            /May Chen Manager

Report No.: RF150107E06—5                         4 of 25                Report Format Version 5.3.0

3.     EUT Information

2.1      Operating Frequency Bands and Mode of EUT


                                                             OPERATING FREQUENCY RANGE
                                                         5250~5350MHz                         5470~5725MHz
Client without radar detection and ad
                                                                                                      
            hoc function

2.2      EUT Software and Firmware Version

                          TABLE 2: THE EUT SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE VERSION

 PLATFORM NO.                     PRODUCT                   MODEL NO.
                          802.11a/b/g/n/ac + BT 4.1                                               2014/12/26
Windows 8             1                                     QCNFA344A
                            M.2 2230 Type Card                                          

2.3      Description of Available Antennas to the EUT

                                            TABLE 3: ANTENNA LIST
                                              2.4GHz                         2.4GHz
     Transmitter                     Ant.    Gain with    5GHz Gain with     Cable    5G Cable Loss Connector
       Circuit   Brand    Model                                                                                 Length
                                     Type    cable loss   cable loss (dBi)    Loss        (dBi)         Type
                                               (dBi)                          (dBi)
                                                          Band 1&2: 2.56              Band 1&2: 1.70
      Chain (0)   WNC 81-EBJ15.005   PIFA      3.00        Band 3: 4.76       1.15     Band 3: 1.74     IPEX     300
                                                           Band 4: 4.76                Band 4: 1.79
                                                          Band 1&2: 3.08              Band 1&2: 1.70
      Chain (1)   WNC 81-EBJ15.005   PIFA      3.62        Band 3: 3.31       1.15     Band 3: 1.74     IPEX     300
                                                           Band 4: 2.42                Band 4: 1.79

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2.4   EUT Maximum Conducted Power

TABLE 4: The Measured Conducted Output Power


                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             18.02        63.319
        5470~5725             18.18        65.721

802.11ac (VHT20)

                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             18.22        66.356
        5470~5725             18.64        73.119

802.11ac (VHT40)

                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             17.54        56.696
        5470~5725             17.36        54.393

802.11ac (VHT80)

                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             12.95        19.703
        5470~5725             16.74        47.178

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2.5   EUT Maximum Eirp Power



                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             24.11       257.356
        5470~5725             25.95       393.282

802.11ac (VHT20)

                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             24.31       269.700
        5470~5725             26.41       437.553

802.11ac (VHT40)

                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             23.63       230.437
        5470~5725             25.13       325.494

802.11ac (VHT80)

                                  MAX. Power
 Frequency Band(MHz)
                              Output       Output
                            Power(dBm)   Power(mW)
        5250~5350             19.04        80.082
        5470~5725             24.51       282.319

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                  7 of 25   Report Format Version 5.3.0

2.6   Transmit Power Control (TPC)

U-NII devices operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz band and the 5.47-5.725 GHz band shall employ a
TPC mechanism. The U-NII device is required to have the capability to operate at least 6 dB below
the mean EIRP value of 30 dBm. TPC mechanism is not required for systems with an EIRP of less
than 500 mW.

Maximum EIRP of this device is 437.553mW which less than 500mW, therefore it’s not require TPC

2.7   Statement of Manufacturer

This device (Client) is without radar detection, then the manufacturer statement confirming that
information regarding the parameters of the detected Radar Waveforms is not available to the end
user. And the device doesn’t have Ad Hoc mode on DFS frequency band.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                      8 of 25                     Report Format Version 5.3.0

3.     U-NII DFS Rule Requirements
3.1     Working Modes and Required Test Items

The manufacturer shall state whether the UUT is capable of operating as a Master and/or a Client. If
the UUT is capable of operating in more than one operating mode then each operating mode shall
be tested separately. See tables 6 and 7 for the applicability of DFS requirements for each of the
operational modes.

               TABLE 6: Applicability of DFS Requirements Prior To Use a Channel

                                                                  Operational Mode
                Requirement                                   Client without radar      Client with radar
                                                                   detection                detection
           Non-Occupancy Period                                  Not required                   
          DFS Detection Threshold                                Not required                   
       Channel Availability Check Time                           Not required             Not required
          U-NII Detection Bandwidth                              Not required                   

              TABLE 7: Applicability of DFS Requirements during Normal Operation

                                                                  Operational Mode
                Requirement                 Master or Client with                Client without radar
                                              radar detection                         detection
          DFS Detection Threshold                                                   Not required
      Channel Closing Transmission Time                                                   
             Channel Move Time                                                            
          U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                                 Not required

 Additional requirements for devices         Master or Client with               Client without radar
 with multiple bandwidth modes                 radar detection                        detection

 U-NII Detection Bandwidth and              All BW modes must be
                                                                                      Not required
 Statistical Performance Check              tested
 Channel Move Time and Channel              Test using widest BW           Test using the widest BW
 Closing Transmission Time                  mode available                 mode available for the link
 All other tests                            Any single BW mode                        Not required
 Note: Frequencies selected for statistical performance check (Section 7.8.4) should include
 several frequencies within the radar detection bandwidth and frequencies near the edge of the
 radar detection bandwidth. For 802.11 devices it is suggested to select frequencies in all 20 MHz
 channel blocks and a null frequencies between the bonded 20 MHz channel blocks.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                       9 of 25                            Report Format Version 5.3.0

3.2   Test Limits and Radar Signal Parameters


                            WITH RADAR DETECTION
            Maximum Transmit Power
                                                                (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
 EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                   -64 dBm
 EIRP < 200 milliwatt and
                                                                           -62 dBm
 power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
 EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the
                                                                           -64 dBm
 power spectral density requirement
Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of
the test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will
ensure that the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication
662911 D01.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                       10 of 25                      Report Format Version 5.3.0

                            TABLE 9: DFS Response Requirement Values

                     Parameter                                          Value
Non-occupancy period                               Minimum 30 minutes
Channel Availability Check Time                    60 seconds
Channel Move Time                                  10 seconds
                                                   See Note 1.
Channel Closing Transmission Time                  200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60
                                                   milliseconds over remaining 10 second period.
                                                   See Notes 1 and 2.
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                           Minimum 100% of the U-NII 99% transmission
                                                    power bandwidth. See Note 3
 Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed
 with Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
 Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the
 beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to
 facilitate a Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10
 second period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between
 Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For
 each frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are
 performed with no data traffic.


Step intervals of 0.1 microsecond for Pulse Width, 1 microsecond for PRI, 1 MHz for chirp width and
1 for the number of pulses will be utilized for the random determination of specific test waveforms.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                       11 of 25                    Report Format Version 5.3.0

                            TABLE 10: Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

  Radar     Pulse Width                   PRI                     Number       Percentage of
                                                                                                  Number of
  Type        (µsec)                    (µsec)                   of Pulses      Successful

     0             1                     1428                          18      See Note 1       See Note 1
     1             1            Test A: 15 unique                                  60%                 30
                                     PRI values
                                randomly selected
                                from the list of 23
                                   PRI values in
                                      Table 5a
                                  Test B: 15 unique
                                      PRI values
                                  randomly selected
                                   within the range
                                     of 518-3066
                                     μsec, with a
                                  increment of 1
                                   excluding PRI
                                     selected in
                                        Test A
     2            1-5                  150-230                        23-29        60%                 30
     3           6-10                  200-500                        16-18        60%                 30

     4          11-20                  200-500                        12-16        60%                 30
                      Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                  80%                120
 Note 1: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test,
 channel move time, and channel closing time tests.

                            TABLE 11: Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

                        CHIRP                                            MINIMUM
             PULSE                      PRI         NUMBER                                         MINIMUM
 RADAR                                                        NUMBER PERCENTAGE OF
             WIDTH      WIDTH                      OF PULSES                                      NUMBER OF
  TYPE                                (µsec)                 OF BURSTS SUCCESSFUL
             (µsec)     (MHz)                      PER BURST                                        TRIALS

    5       50-100       5-20      1000-2000               1-3          8-20        80%                 30

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                                  12 of 25                   Report Format Version 5.3.0

                       TABLE 12: Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform

              PULSE                          HOPPING HOPPING     MINIMUM
              WIDTH                                                             NUMBER OF
   TYPE                     (µsec)   PER HOP          LENGTH   SUCCESSFUL
              (µsec)                          (kHz)                               TRIALS
                                                      (msec)    DETECTION

     6           1           333       9      0.333       300      70%                30

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                      13 of 25             Report Format Version 5.3.0

4.        Test & Support Equipment List

4.1        Test Instruments

                                TABLE 13: TEST INSTRUMENTS LIST.

          DESCRIPTION &                                             CALIBRATED         CALIBRATED
                                   MODEL NO.        SERIAL NO.
          MANUFACTURER                                                 DATE              UNTIL
     Spectrum Analyzer R&S             FSW8            101497       Aug. 06. 2014      Aug. 05, 2015
Vector Signal Generator R&S          SMJ100A           101878       Aug. 12, 2014      Aug. 11, 2015

4.2        Description of Support Units

                              TABLE 14: SUPPORT UNIT INFORMATION.

 NO.           PRODUCT           BRAND        MODEL NO.            ID                   SPEC.
                                                                               The maximum EIRP is
             WIRELESS AC                               RRK2012060056               27.64 dBm,
     1                            D-Link      WMC-AC01
               MODULE                                       -1                   Antenna Gain is
           NOTE: This device was functioned as a    Master      Slave device during the DFS test.

                          TABLE 15: SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE INFORMATION.

 NO.                PRODUCT                    MODEL NO.

     1.      WIRELESS AC MODULE                WMC-AC01                   1.00 Wed 06 Mar 2013

Note: This module WMC-AC01 was installed in the DIR-868L AP.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                          14 of 25                     Report Format Version 5.3.0

5. Test Procedure

5.1    DFS Measurement System

A complete DFS Measurement System consists of Radar signal generate system to generating the
radar waveforms in Table 10, 11 and 12. The traffic monitoring system is specified to the type of unit
under test (UUT).

Conducted setup configuration of DFS Measurement System

                                                                      Radar Signal Generating system
                       Control PC

                       Analyzer                                                   Attenuator


         Attenuator                        Attenuator                                C/S

                                    Traffic Monitoring Subsystem

        Support Unit                                                                Master /
                                                                                   Client with
                                                                                  DFS function

Channel Loading
System testing will be performed with channel-loading using means appropriate to the data types
that are used by the unlicensed device. The following requirements apply:

a)    The data file must be of a type that is typical for the device (i.e., MPEG-2,
      MPEG-4, WAV, MP3, MP4, AVI, etc.) and must generally be transmitting in a
      streaming mode.
b)    Software to ping the client is permitted to simulate data transfer but must
      have random ping intervals.
c)    Timing plots are required with calculations demonstrating a minimum channel                
      loading of approximately 17% or greater.
d)    Unicast or Multicast protocols are preferable but other protocols may be
      used. The appropriate protocol used must be described in the test

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5.2    Calibration of DFS Detection Threshold Level

The measured channel is 5500 MHz in 20MHz Bandwidth, 5510MHz in 40MHz Bandwidth and
5530MHz in 80MHz Bandwidth. The radar signal was the same as transmitted channels, and
injected into the antenna port of AP (master) or Client Device with Radar Detection, measured the
channel closing transmission time and channel move time. The Master antenna gain is 3.428dBi
and required detection threshold is -59.572dBm (= -64 +1 +3.428). The calibrated conducted
detection threshold level is set to -59.572 dBm.


                            Control PC

                            Spectrum                                        Radar Signal Generating system

                                       50Ω Load (Terminator)


   50Ω Load         Attenuator                                 Attenuator            C/S


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5.3     Deviation from Test Standard

No deviation.

5.4     Conducted Test Setup Configuration


                       Control PC

                       Spectrum                                     Radar Signal Generating system



         Attenuator                     Attenuator                               C/S        Master

        Client (UUT)
                            Notebook                                                       Notebook

The UUT is a U-NII Device operating in Client mode without radar detection. The radar test signals
are injected into the Master Device.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                        17 of 25                   Report Format Version 5.3.0

6.    Test Results

6.1    Summary of Test Results

      CLAUSE                  TEST PARAMETER                  REMARKS               PASS/FAIL

       15.407         DFS Detection Threshold                Not Applicable              NA

       15.407         Channel Availability Check Time        Not Applicable              NA

       15.407         Channel Move Time                       Applicable                Pass

       15.407         Channel Closing Transmission Time       Applicable                Pass

       15.407         Non- Occupancy Period                   Applicable                Pass

       15.407         U-NII Detection Bandwidth              Not Applicable              NA

       15.407         Non-associated test                     Applicable                Pass

       15.407         Non-Co-Channel test                     Applicable                Pass

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6.2     Detailed Test Results

6.2.1   Test Mode: Device Operating In Client without Radar Detection Mode

The radar test signals are injected into the Master Device.
This test was investigated for different bandwidth (20MHz、40MHz and 80MHz). The following plots
was done on 80MHz as a representative DFS Detection Threshold

 The required detection threshold is -59.572dBm ( = -64 +3.428+1). The conducted radar burst
level is set to -59.572dBm.

                                          Radar signal

                                           Noise Floor

                                             Radar Signal 0

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                        19 of 25                 Report Format Version 5.3.0 Channel Closing Transmission and Channel Move Time

                       Radar Signal

                            Traffic Signal
                                                                           Noise Floor

NOTE: T1 denotes the start of Channel Move Time upon the end of the last Radar burst. T2
denotes the data transmission time of 200ms from T1. T4 denotes the 10 second from T1 to
observe the aggregate duration of transmissions.

                                         Radar Signal

                                                 Noise Floor

NOTE: An expanded plot for the device vacates the channel in the required 500ms.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                               20 of 25         Report Format Version 5.3.0 Non- Occupancy Period


1) Test results demonstrating an associated client link is established with the master on a test

EUT (Client ) links with master on 5530MHz

2) The master and DFS-certified client device are associated, and system testing will be performed
with channel-loading using means appropriate to the data types for a non-occupancy period test.

Client plays a specified files via master.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                      21 of 25                    Report Format Version 5.3.0

3). The device transmits one type of radar as specified in the DFS Order.

Radar 0 is used to test during DFS testing.

     4) The test frequency has been monitored to ensure no transmission of any type has
     occurred for 30 minutes;
     Note: If the client moves with the master, the device is considered compliant if nothing
     appears in the client non-occupancy period test. For devices that shut down (rather than
     moving channels), no beacons should appear;
     5)An analyzer plot that contains a single 30-minute sweep on the original test frequency.

                                            Injected into Radar

                                                                     Noise Floor
                                           Traffic Signal

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                        22 of 25                     Report Format Version 5.3.0 Non-Associated Test

Master was off.
During the 30 minutes observation time, The UUT did not make any transmissions in the DFS band
after UUT power up.

                                                                     Noise Floor Non- Co-Channel Test

The UUT was investigated after radar was detected the channel and made sure no co-channel
operation with radars.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                    23 of 25                   Report Format Version 5.3.0

7.    Information On The Testing Laboratories

We, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch, were founded in
1988 to provide our best service in EMC, Radio, Telecom and Safety consultation. Our laboratories
are accredited and approved according to
ISO/IEC 17025.

If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us at the following:

     Linko EMC/RF Lab:                                     Hsin Chu EMC/RF/Telecom Lab:
     Tel: 886-2-26052180                                   Tel: 886-3-5935343
     Fax: 886-2-26052943                                   Fax: 886-3-5935342

     Hwa Ya EMC/RF/Safety Lab:
     Tel: 886-3-3183232
     Fax: 886-3-3270892

     Email: service.adt@tw.bureauveritas.com
     Web Site: www.bureauveritas-adt.com

The address and road map of all our labs can be found in our web site also.

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                       24 of 25                        Report Format Version 5.3.0

8.   Appendix-A

1) Test results demonstrating no any beacon on DFS band after power up.
2) Observation time is 10min after power up.

EUT (Client) links with master on                EUT (Client) links with master on
802.11ac (VHT20) mode                            802.11ac (VHT40) mode

EUT (Client) links with master on
802.11ac (VHT80) mode

--- END ---

Report No.: RF150107E06-5                      25 of 25                   Report Format Version 5.3.0

Document Created: 2019-10-08 20:17:31
Document Modified: 2019-10-08 20:17:31

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