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RF Exposure Info

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        IC RSS-102 ISSUE 3


     802.11 b/g/n 1x1 PCIe Minicard
(Tested inside of HP HSTNN-I77C Tablet)

        FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H
         IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

        FCC MODEL: AR5B95
        IC MODEL: AR5B95-H

   REPORT NUMBER: 09U12855-2A

    ISSUE DATE: November 3, 2009

             Prepared for
      SANTA CLARA, CA 95054

             Prepared by
       47173 BENICIA STREET
     FREMONT, CA 94538, USA

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                              DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                  IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

                                             Revision History

 Rev.     Issue Date                Revisions                                             Revised By
 --       October 11, 2009          Initial Issue                                         --

 A        November 3, 2009                                                                Chao Lin

                                          Page 2 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                    TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                                                  DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                                                      IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.     ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS.................................................................................................. 4

2.     TEST METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 5

3.     FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION.................................................................................................. 5

4.     CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY................................................................................................. 6
     4.1.       MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION ............................................................................. 6
     4.2.       MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY.............................................................................................. 7

5.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ............................................................................................................... 9

6.     SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 10

7.     COMPOSITION OF INGREDIENTS FOR TISSUE SIMULATING LIQUIDS .................................... 11

8.     LIQUID PARAMETERS CHECK....................................................................................................... 12
     8.1.       LIQUID CHECK RESULTS FOR 2450 MHZ............................................................................. 13

9.     SYSTEM CHECK .............................................................................................................................. 15
     9.1.       SYSTEM CHECK RESULTS FOR D2450V2............................................................................ 16

10.          OUTPUT POWER VERIFICATION............................................................................................... 17

11.          SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS.................................................................................................. 18
     11.1.      SAR TEST RESULT FOR THE 2.4 GHZ BAND ....................................................................... 18

12.          WORST-CASE SAR TEST PLOTS .............................................................................................. 20

13.          ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 21

14.          TEST SETUP PHOTO .................................................................................................................. 22

15.          HOST DEVICE PHOTO ................................................................................................................ 25

                                          Page 3 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                                             FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                               TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
                This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                    IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

                                 5480 GREAT AMERICA PARKWAY
                                 SANTA CLARA, CA 95054
 FCC ID:                         PPD-AR5B95-H
 MODEL:                          AR5B95
 IC:                             4104A-AR5B95H
 MODEL:                          AR5B95-H
 DEVICE CATEGORY:                Portable
 EXPOSURE CATEGORY:              General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
 DATE TESTED:                    October 5-7, 2009
                                                                   The Highest                       Limit
    FCC / IC Rule Parts        Frequency Range [MHz]
                                                               SAR Values (1g_mW/g)                 (mW/g)
     15.247 / RSS-102               2400 – 2483.5            1.09 (Secondary landscape)              1.6
                           STANDARD                                                            TEST
 FCC OET BULLETIN 65 SUPPLEMENT C and the following specific Test Procedure:
   o KDB 248227 SAR measurement procedures for 802.11 a/b/g transmitters
   o KDB 447498 RF Exposure Requirements and Procedures for mobile and
      portable devices
                                   RSS-102 ISSUE 3                                              Pass
Compliance Certification Services, Inc. (CCS) tested the above equipment in accordance with the
requirements set forth in the above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions
expressed by CCS based on interpretations and/or observations of test results. Measurement
Uncertainties were not taken into account and are published for informational purposes only. The test
results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as
documented in this report.
Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and
modes of operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless
done so by CCS and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document
not carried out by CCS will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used
by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency of the
Federal Government, or any agency of any government.
Approved & Released For CCS By:                      Tested By:

SUNNY SHIH                                           CHAO YEN LIN
ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR                               EMC ENGINEER

                                          Page 4 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                      TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                              DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                  IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC OET Bulletin 65
Supplement C, Specific FCC Procedure KDB 248227 SAR Measurement Procedure for 820.11abg
Transmitters, 447498_RF Exposure Requirements and Procedures for mobile and portable devices and
IC RSS 102 Issue 3.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 Benicia Street,
Fremont, California, USA.
CCS is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0. The full scope of accreditation can be viewed
at http://www.ccsemc.com.

                                          Page 5 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                   TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                    IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national
                                                                                         Cal. Due date
Name of Equipment                 Manufacturer      Type/Model       Serial No.
                                                                              MM DD              Year
Robot - Six Axes                     Stäubli          RX90BL           N/A                N/A
Robot Remote Control                 Stäubli          CS7MB        3403-91535             N/A
DASY4 Measurement Server             SPEAG         SEUMS001BA         1041                N/A
Probe Alignment Unit                 SPEAG            LB (V2)          261                N/A
SAM Phantom (SAM1)                   SPEAG         QD000P40CA         1185                N/A
SAM Phantom (SAM2)                   SPEAG         QD000P40CA         1050                N/A
Oval Flat Phantom (ELI 4.0)          SPEAG         QD OVA001 B        1003                N/A
Electronic Probe kit                    HP            85070C           N/A                N/A
S-Parameter Network Analyzer         Agilent         8753ES-6      MY40001647  11    14          2009
Signal Generator                     Agilent         8753ES-6      MY40001647  11    14          2009
E-Field Probe                        SPEAG            EX3DV4          3686      3    23          2010
Thermometer                          ERTCO             639-1S         1718      5     1          2010
Data Acquisition Electronics         SPEAG           DAE3 V1           427     10    20          2009
System Validation Dipole             SPEAG            D835V2          4d002     4    23          2011
System Validation Dipole             SPEAG            D900V2           108      1    21          2010
System Validation Dipole             SPEAG           D1800V2           294      1    29          2010
System Validation Dipole             SPEAG           D1900V2          5d043     1    29          2010
System Validation Dipole             SPEAG           D2450V2           748      4    14          2010
System Validation Dipole             SPEAG          D5GHzV2           1003     11    21          2009
MXA Signal Analyzer                  Agilent          N9020A       US48350984  10    23          2009
ESG Vector Signal Generator          Agilent          E4438C       US44271090   9    17          2010
Power Meter                        Giga-tronics        8651A         8651404    1    11          2010
Power Sensor                       Giga-tronics       80701A         1834588    1    11          2010
Amplifier                          Mini-Circuits      ZVE-8G          90606               N/A
Amplifier                          Mini-Circuits     ZHL-42W        D072701-5             N/A
Simulating Liquid                    SPAEG             H2450           N/A    Within 24 hrs of first test
Simulating Liquid                    SPAEG             M2450           N/A    Within 24 hrs of first test
Simulating Liquid                    SPAEG            M5800             N/A       Within 24 hrs of first test

                                          Page 6 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                     TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                                DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                                    IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

Measurement uncertainty for 300 MHz – 3000 MHz
                                                                                                              Std. Unc.(±%)
                 Uncertainty component                  Tol. (±%) Probe Dist.    Div.   Ci (1g)   Ci (10g)
                                                                                                             Ui (1g)   Ui(10g)
Measurement System
Probe Calibration                                         4.80        N           1       1          1        4.80      4.80
Axial Isotropy                                            4.70        R         1.732   0.707      0.707      1.92      1.92
Hemispherical Isotropy                                    9.60        R         1.732   0.707      0.707      3.92      3.92
Boundary Effects                                          1.00        R         1.732     1          1        0.58      0.58
Linearity                                                 4.70        R         1.732     1          1        2.71      2.71
System Detection Limits                                   1.00        R         1.732     1          1        0.58      0.58
Readout Electronics                                       1.00        N           1       1          1        1.00      1.00
Response Time                                             0.80        R         1.732     1          1        0.46      0.46
Integration Time                                          2.60        R         1.732     1          1        1.50      1.50
RF Ambient Conditions - Noise                             1.59        R         1.732     1          1        0.92      0.92
RF Ambient Conditions - Reflections                       0.00        R         1.732     1          1        0.00      0.00
Probe Positioner Mechnical Tolerance                      0.40        R         1.732     1          1        0.23      0.23
Probep Positioning
              ,    With
                   p Respect
                         ,     to Phantom
                                   g      Shell           2.90        R         1.732     1          1        1.67      1.67
algorithms for max. SAR evaluation                        3.90        R         1.732     1          1        2.25      2.25
Test sample Related
Test Sample Positioning                                   1.10        N           1       1          1        1.10      1.10
Device Holder Uncertainty                                 3.60        N           1       1          1        3.60      3.60
Power and SAR Drift Measurement                           5.00        R         1.732     1          1        2.89      2.89
Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty                                       4.00        R         1.732     1          1        2.31      2.31
Liquid Conductivity - Target                              5.00        R         1.732    0.64      0.43       1.85      1.24
Liquid Conductivity - Meas.                               8.60        N           1      0.64      0.43       5.50      3.70
Liquid Permittivity - Target                              5.00        R         1.732    0.6       0.49       1.73      1.41
Liquid Permittivity - Meas.                               3.30        N           1      0.6       0.49       1.98      1.62

Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                   RSS                          11.44     10.49
Expanded Uncertainty (95% Confidence Interval)                                  K=2                          22.87     20.98
Notesfor table
1. Tol. - tolerance in influence quaitity
2. N - Nomal
3. R - Rectangular
4. Div. - Divisor used to obtain standard uncertainty
5. Ci - is te sensitivity coefficient

                                          Page 7 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                    TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                                  DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                                      IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

Measurement uncertainty for 3 GHz – 6 GHz
                                                                       Probe                                   Std. Unc.(±%)
                Uncertainty com ponent                     Tol. (±%)              Div.   Ci (1g)   Ci (10g)
                                                                        Dis t.                                Ui (1g)   Ui(10g)
Measurement System
Probe Calibration                                            4.80        N         1       1          1        4.80      4.80
Axial Is otropy                                              4.70        R       1.732   0.707      0.707      1.92      1.92
Hem is pherical Isotropy                                     9.60        R       1.732   0.707      0.707      3.92      3.92
Boundary Effects                                             1.00        R       1.732     1          1        0.58      0.58
Linearity                                                    4.70        R       1.732     1          1        2.71      2.71
System Detection Lim its                                     1.00        R       1.732     1          1        0.58      0.58
Readout Electronics                                          1.00        N         1       1          1        1.00      1.00
Res pons e Tim e                                             0.80        R       1.732     1          1        0.46      0.46
Integration Tim e                                            2.60        R       1.732     1          1        1.50      1.50
RF Am bient Conditions - Nois e                              3.00        R       1.732     1          1        1.73      1.73
RF Am bient Conditions - Reflections                         3.00        R       1.732     1          1        1.73      1.73
Probe Pos itioner Mechnical Tolerance                        0.40        R       1.732     1          1        0.23      0.23
Probe Pos itioning With Res pect to Phantom Shell            2.90        R       1.732     1          1        1.67      1.67
Extrapolation, interpolation, and integration
algorithm s for m ax. SAR evaluation                         3.90        R       1.732     1          1        2.25      2.25
Test sample Related
Tes t Sam ple Pos itioning                                   1.10        N         1       1          1        1.10      1.10
Device Holder Uncertainty                                    3.60        N         1       1          1        3.60      3.60
Power and SAR Drift Measurem ent                             5.00        R       1.732     1          1        2.89      2.89
Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty                                          4.00        R       1.732     1         1         2.31      2.31
Liquid Conductivity - Target                                 5.00        R       1.732    0.64      0.43       1.85      1.24
Liquid Conductivity - Meas.                                  8.60        N         1      0.64      0.43       5.50      3.70
Liquid Perm ittivity - Target                                5.00        R       1.732    0.6       0.49       1.73      1.41
Liquid Perm ittivity - Meas .                                3.30        N         1      0.6       0.49       1.98      1.62
Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                     RSS                         11.66     10.73
Expanded Uncertainty (95% Confidence Interval)                                    K=2                         23.32     21.46
Notesfor table
1. Tol. - tolerance in influence quaitity
2. N - Nom al
3. R - Rectangular
4. Div. - Divis or us ed to obtain s tandard uncertainty
5. Ci - is te sens itivity coefficient

                                          Page 8 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                     TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                              DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                  IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

802.11 b/g/n 1x1 PCIe Minicard (Tested inside of HP HSTNN-I77C Tablet)
820.11bgn 1x1 with HT20 and HT40
Normal operation:          Lap-held position, and underarm position (Edge)
Antenna tested:            Vendor        Antenna         Part Number      Peak Gain (dBi)
                           WNC             Main           25.90675.001     -0.35
                           Yageo           Main           6036B0063701     -1.90

Antenna-to-antenna         33.9 cm between WiFi, Main antenna and Bluetooth antenna.
separation distance:
Power supply:              Power supplied through laptop computer (host device)

                                          Page 9 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                   TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                    IC: 4104A-AR5B95H


   The DASY4 system for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:
   •   A standard high precision 6-axis robot (Stäubli RX family) with controller, teach pendant and
       software. An arm extension for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
   •   A dosimetric probe, i.e., an isotropic E-field probe optimized and calibrated for usage in tissue
       simulating liquid. The probe is equipped with an optical surface detector system.
   •   A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing,
       AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The
       unit is battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted
       to the EOC.
   •   The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal
       filtering, control of the robot operation and fast movement interrupts.
   •   A probe alignment unit which improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe positioning.
   •   A computer operating Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
   •   DASY4 software.
   •   Remote controls with teach pendant and additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning
       lamps, etc.
   •   The SAM twin phantom enabling testing left-hand and right-hand usage.
   •   The device holder for handheld mobile phones.
   •   Tissue simulating liquid mixed according to the given recipes.
   •   Validation dipole kits allowing to validate the proper functioning of the system.

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COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                    TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                             DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                                 IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

The following tissue formulations are provided for reference only as some of the parameters have not
been thoroughly verified. The composition of ingredients may be modified accordingly to achieve the
desired target tissue parameters required for routine SAR evaluation.

      Ingredients                                                  Frequency (MHz)
     (% by weight)                450                 835                  915                 1900               2450
      Tissue Type         Head          Body   Head         Body    Head         Body   Head      Body      Head     Body
         Water            38.56     51.16      41.45        52.4    41.05        56.0   54.9      40.4      62.7     73.2
      Salt (NaCl)          3.95         1.49   1.45         1.4     1.35         0.76   0.18          0.5   0.5      0.04
         Sugar            56.32     46.78      56.0         45.0    56.5      41.76      0.0      58.0      0.0          0.0
         HEC               0.98         0.52    1.0         1.0      1.0         1.21    0.0          1.0   0.0          0.0
      Bactericide          0.19         0.05    0.1         0.1      0.1         0.27    0.0          0.1   0.0          0.0
      Triton X-100         0.0          0.0     0.0         0.0      0.0         0.0     0.0          0.0   36.8         0.0
         DGBE              0.0          0.0     0.0         0.0      0.0         0.0    44.92         0.0   0.0      26.7
  Dielectric Constant     43.42         58.0   42.54        56.1    42.0         56.8   39.9      54.0      39.8     52.5
  Conductivity (S/m)       0.85         0.83   0.91         0.95     1.0         1.07   1.42      1.45      1.88     1.78
Salt: 99+% Pure Sodium Chloride              Sugar: 98+% Pure Sucrose
Water: De-ionized, 16 MΩ+ resistivity        HEC: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
DGBE: 99+% Di(ethylene glycol) butyl ether, [2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol]
Triton X-100 (ultra pure): Polyethylene glycol mono [4-(1,1, 3, 3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]ether

                                          Page 11 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                              FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                          DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                              IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

The simulating liquids should be checked at the beginning of a series of SAR measurements to
determine of the dielectric parameters are within the tolerances of the specified target values. The
relative permittivity and conductivity of the tissue material should be within ± 5% of the values given in
the table below.
Reference Values of Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body Phantom
(for 150 – 3000 MHz and 5800 MHz)
The head tissue dielectric parameters recommended by the IEEE SCC-34/SC-2 in IEEE Standard 1528
have been incorporated in the following table. These head parameters are derived from planar layer
models simulating the highest expected SAR for the dielectric properties and tissue thickness variations
in a human head. Other head and body tissue parameters that have not been specified in P1528 are
derived from the tissue dielectric parameters computed from the 4-Cole-Cole equations and extrapolated
according to the head parameters specified in IEEE Standard 1528.
                                               Head                                        Body
  Target Frequency (MHz)
                                      εr                 σ (S/m)                  εr                σ (S/m)
           150                       52.3                  0.76                  61.9                 0.8
           300                       45.3                  0.87                  58.2                 0.92
           450                       43.5                  0.87                  56.7                 0.94
           835                       41.5                  0.9                   55.2                 0.97
           900                       41.5                  0.97                   55                  1.05
           915                       41.5                  0.98                   55                  1.06
           1450                      40.5                  1.2                    54                  1.3
           1610                      40.3                  1.29                  53.8                 1.4
       1800 – 2000                    40                   1.4                   53.3                 1.52
           2450                      39.2                  1.8                   52.7                 1.95
           3000                      38.5                  2.4                    52                  2.73
           5800                      35.3                  5.27                  48.2                  6

                           (εr = relative permittivity, σ = conductivity and ρ = 1000 kg/m3)

                                          Page 12 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                         FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                           TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                      DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                          IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

   8.1.         LIQUID CHECK RESULTS FOR 2450 MHZ
Simulating Liquid Dielectric Parameters for Muscle 2450 MHz
Room Ambient Temperature = 24°C; Relative humidity = 40%                      Measured by: Chao Lin

     f (MHz)                  Liquid Parameters                    Measured    Target     Delta (%)   Limit (%)
                    e'       52.31   Relative Permittivity (єr):    52.314      52.7       -0.73         ±5
                    e"       13.89           Conductivity (σ):      1.894       1.95       -2.89         ±5
 Liquid Temperature: 23 deg. C
 October 05, 2009 8:53 AM
 Frequency              e'                           e''
 2400000000             52.4104                      13.647
 2405000000             52.3983                      13.7204
 2410000000             52.3837                      13.7856
 2415000000             52.3801                      13.8291
 2420000000             52.3662                      13.8553
 2425000000             52.3616                      13.8735
 2430000000             52.3673                      13.8668
 2435000000             52.3515                      13.8729
 2440000000             52.3471                      13.8874
 2445000000             52.3181                      13.9151
 2450000000             52.3142                      13.8942
 2455000000             52.2452                      13.8708
 2460000000             52.2091                      13.8427
 2465000000             52.1453                      13.8055
 2470000000             52.1299                      13.7579
 2475000000             52.1148                      13.7337
 2480000000             52.1226                      13.7408
 2485000000             52.1158                      13.7599
 2490000000             52.1182                      13.8172
 2495000000             52.1201                      13.891
 2500000000             52.1152                      13.9939
 The conductivity (σ) can be given as:
 σ = ωε0 e''= 2 π f ε0 e''
 where f = target f * 106
       ε0 = 8.854 * 10-12

                                          Page 13 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                          FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                            TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                      DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                          IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

Simulating Liquid Dielectric Parameters for Muscle 2450 MHz
Room Ambient Temperature = 24°C; Relative humidity = 40%                      Measured by: Chao Lin

     f (MHz)                  Liquid Parameters                    Measured    Target     Delta (%)   Limit (%)
                    e'       52.17   Relative Permittivity (єr):    52.174      52.7       -1.00         ±5
                    e"       13.94           Conductivity (σ):      1.901       1.95       -2.54         ±5
 Liquid Temperature: 23 deg. C
 October 06, 2009 8:13 AM
 Frequency              e'                           e''
 2400000000             52.2704                      13.697
 2405000000             52.2583                      13.7704
 2410000000             52.2437                      13.8356
 2415000000             52.2401                      13.8791
 2420000000             52.2262                      13.9053
 2425000000             52.2216                      13.9235
 2430000000             52.2273                      13.9168
 2435000000             52.2115                      13.9229
 2440000000             52.2071                      13.9374
 2445000000             52.1781                      13.9651
 2450000000             52.1742                      13.9442
 2455000000             52.1052                      13.9208
 2460000000             52.0691                      13.8927
 2465000000             52.0053                      13.8555
 2470000000             51.9899                      13.8079
 2475000000             51.9748                      13.7837
 2480000000             51.9826                      13.7908
 2485000000             51.9758                      13.8099
 2490000000             51.9782                      13.8672
 2495000000             51.9801                      13.941
 2500000000             51.9752                      14.0439
 The conductivity (σ) can be given as:
 σ = ωε0 e''= 2 π f ε0 e''
 where f = target f * 106
       ε0 = 8.854 * 10-12

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COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                          FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                            TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                  DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                      IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

The system performance check is performed prior to any usage of the system in order to guarantee
reproducible results. The system performance check verifies that the system operates within its
specifications of ±10%.
System Performance Check Measurement Conditions
•   The measurements were performed in the flat section of the SAM twin phantom filled with Head or
    Body simulating liquid of the following parameters.
•   The DASY4 system with an Isotropic E-Field Probe EX3DV4 was used for the measurements.
•   The dipole was mounted on the small tripod so that the dipole feed point was positioned below the
    center marking of the flat phantom section and the dipole was oriented parallel to the body axis (the
    long side of the phantom). The standard measuring distance was 10 mm (above 1 GHz) and
    15 mm (below 1 GHz) from dipole center to the simulating liquid surface.
•   The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 15 mm was aligned with the dipole.
    For 5 GHz band - The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 10 mm was aligned with the dipole.
•   Special 7x7x7 fine cube was chosen for cube
•   Distance between probe sensors and phantom surface was set to 3 mm.
    For 5 GHz band - Distance between probe sensors and phantom surface was set to 2.5 mm
•   The dipole input power (forward power) was 250 mW±3%.
•   The results are normalized to 1 W input power.
450 to 2450 MHz Reference SAR Values for Body-tissue (From SPEAG)
                      Distance         Frequency          SAR (1g)           SAR (10g)        SAR (peak)
    Dipole Type
                        (mm)             (MHz)             [W/kg]             [W/kg]            [W/kg]
      D450V2             15               450               5.01               3.36              7.22
      D835V2             15               835               9.71               6.38              14.1
      D900V2             15               900               11.1               7.17              16.3
     D1450V2             10               1450              29.6               16.6              49.8
     D1800V2             10               1800              38.5               20.3              67.5
     D1900V2             10               1900              39.8               20.8              69.6
     D2000V2             10               2000              40.9               21.2              71.5
     D2450V2             10               2450              51.2               23.7              97.6

                                          Page 15 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                     FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                 DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                     IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

   9.1.        SYSTEM CHECK RESULTS FOR D2450V2
System Validation Dipole: D2450V2 SN: 748
Date: October 05, 2009
Ambient Temperature = 24°C; Relative humidity = 40%                       Measured by: Chaoyen Lin
             CW Signal    Forward power           Measured                                       Tolerance
  Medium                                                                  Target     Delta (%)
              (MHz)           (mW)           (Normalized to 1 W)                                    (%)
                                              1g SAR:       53.4           51.2        4.30
   Body         2450           250                                                                   ±10
                                             10g SAR:       25.1           23.7        5.91

Date: October 06, 2009
Ambient Temperature = 24°C; Relative humidity = 40%                       Measured by: Chaoyen Lin
             CW Signal    Forward power           Measured                                       Tolerance
  Medium                                                                  Target     Delta (%)
              (MHz)           (mW)           (Normalized to 1 W)                                    (%)
                                              1g SAR:       53.6           51.2        4.69
   Body         2450           250                                                                   ±10
                                             10g SAR:       25.2           23.7        6.33

                                          Page 16 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                     FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                    DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                        IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

The following procedures had been used to prepare the EUT for the SAR test.
The client provided a special driver and program, CRTU v5.10.25.0, which enable a user to control the frequency
and output power of the module.
The modes with highest output power channel were chosen for the conducted output power measurement.
802.11bgn mode (2.4 GHz band)
        Mode              Channel         f (MHz)        Antenna      Output Power Duty Cycle (%)
       802.11b               1           2412 (L)         Main           17.50          100
       802.11b               6           2437 (M)         Main           18.30          100
       802.11b              11           2462 (H)         Main           18.05          100
   802.11n 20 MHz            1           2412 (L)         Main           12.95           99
   802.11n 20 MHz            6           2437 (M)         Main           17.40           99
   802.11n 20 MHz           11           2462 (H)         Main           13.92           99

                                          Page 17 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                      FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                        TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
           This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                    DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                        IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

WNC antenna is used for all SAR testing. Additional SAR testing with Yageo antenna is performed at
worst-case test configuration.

   11.1.        SAR TEST RESULT FOR THE 2.4 GHZ BAND
   1) Laptop Mode: Lap-held with the display open at 90° to the keyboard
   Note: WLAN main antenna is more than 20 (cm) from phantom for laptop mode, so SAR test is not
   2) Tablet Mode 1: Edge - Primary Landscape
   Note: WLAN main antenna is more than 20 (cm) from phantom for primary landscape mode, so SAR
   test is not required
   3) Tablet Mode 2: Edge - Secondary Landscape

                                                                                 Measured SAR
                 Mode                  Channel       f (MHz)       Antenna                              Limit
                                                                                  1g (mW/g)
               802.11b                     1            2412           Main          0.925
               802.11b                     6            2437           Main          0.968
               802.11b                    11            2462           Main          1.090
   802.11b (with Yageo antenna)           11            2462           Main          0.923               1.6
           802.11n 20 MHz                  1            2412           Main          0.398
           802.11n 20 MHz                  6            2437           Main          1.040
           802.11n 20 MHz                 11            2462           Main          0.414

   4) Tablet Mode 3: Edge – Primary Portrait

                                                                              Measured SAR
             Mode               Channel        f (MHz)         Antenna                           Limit
                                                                               1g (mW/g)
          802.11b                  6             2437           Main             0.092
      802.11n 20 MHz               6             2437           Main             0.087

   5) Tablet Mode 4: Edge – Secondary Portrait

                                                                              Measured SAR
             Mode               Channel        f (MHz)         Antenna                           Limit
                                                                               1g (mW/g)
          802.11b                  6             2437           Main             0.031
      802.11n 20 MHz               6             2437           Main             0.029

                                          Page 18 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                      TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
           This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                               DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                   IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

   6) Tablet Mode 5: Bottom Face - Lap-held

                                                                      Measured SAR
         Mode               Channel        f (MHz)       Antenna                          Limit
                                                                        1g (mW/g)
        802.11b                 6           2437           Main            0.052
    802.11n 20 MHz              6           2437           Main            0.055

Note: Since bluetooth output power is less than 60/f(GHz), bluetooth individual SAR is not required.
Distances between Bluetooth antenna to WiFi main and WiFi aux antennas are both more than 5 cm,
and thus bluetooth is not required for simultaneous transmitting test.

                                          Page 19 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                   TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

                                                                                        Date/Time: 10/5/2009 4:30:22 PM

Test Laboratory: Compliance Certification Services

Secondary Landscape

DUT: HP; Type: NA; Serial: NA

Communication System: 802.11bgn; Frequency: 2462 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used (interpolated): f= 2462 MHz; 0 = 1.89 mho/m; &, = 52.2; p = 1000 kg/im®
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY4 Configuration:
— Area Scan setting — Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
— Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3686; ConvF(6.48, 6.48, 6.48); Calibrated: 3/23/2009
— Sensor—Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
— Electronics: DAE3 Sn427; Calibrated: 10/20/2008
— Phantom: Flat Phantom EL14.0; Type: QDOVAOO1BA; Serial: SN:1003
— Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

Lapheld, 802.11b H—ch/Area Scan (10x11x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.45 mWig

Lapheld, 802.11b H—ch/Zoom Scan (7x7x9)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=3mm
Reference Value = 26.7 V/im; Power Drift = 0.117 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.62 Wikyg
SAR(1 g) = 1.09 mWig; SAR(10 g) = 0.446 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.50 mWig






                      0 dB = 1.50mWig


REPORT NO: 09U12855-2                                                                DATE: November 3, 2009
FCC ID: PPD-AR5B95-H                                                                    IC: 4104A-AR5B95H

 No.   Contents                                                                          No. of page (s)
  1    System Performance Check Plots                                                           4
  2    SAR Test Plots                                                                           14
  3    Certificate of E-Field Probe – EX3DV4 SN 3686                                            10
  4    Certificate of System Validation Dipole - D2450V2 SN:748                                 6

                                          Page 21 of 25
COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4031B
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                      TEL: (510) 771-1000   FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of CCS.

Document Created: 2009-11-03 11:26:47
Document Modified: 2009-11-03 11:26:47

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