SAR test report 3 of 4


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Calibration Laboratory of                                                             SciweisanscherKalbrirciont
Schmid & Partner                                                                      Senvee suisse ditatonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                      Servite svizer6 tatura
Paoghaussasse 33 8004 Zurich, Suttarand             Cns                               Swiss Gatbration Service

Accedted by tSvss Accrudtaton Senvce (GA5)                               Acsredtation o: SCS 108
Te Suise Accretation Savicn is one ofthasignatresto he EA
MoltitoratAgroomentforthe ecogniton ofcallbratonconiicatos

 Cattraton pocesuety

 Catbaton t                  March 23,2000                     «e
 Contonot hecaivesen         |lMTéBranée

 Thicatralon cerifctedorumeni h raceailyto ntonatatandarts,whch retzn thephyslcal uns f measreronts (50.
 ‘e messurement and the uncerainies uiconfdence probaoity e guen on e fotoing nagesand are part oh cotate
 Adcaltatonshavebeanconducls in h cosesatortoy facite ontanmentlenperaire 2 2 3)C and humiaty «T01
 CalicatonEqupment used (WETE citefocaitatcn)
 Rimay Stndacts               e                   albate (CenteaeNo)                     Sthadued Gatbaion
 rovernenstsi1ss              commmun             maoros m 2rraores                      Aproe
 Powsersscserzn               wramoserr           1noros io arrores                      pars
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 Reterce 3 s Aeniie           sncssoseca)         tdsfi 2tromss)                          dace
 Retemnce 20 9 Aenamer        sicssore t          Prtaro(erraoren                        Asroo
 Reternce 2009 Arenar         SN.Serz0 0.         tdb (ie.2tro005)                       dace
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 ores                         sn aeo              aSczoe ie oxesss0.Se5)                 Seooe
 Secenday Sandarte           Lo«                  CreckDae(ntoosg_                       scratied Chock
 Rf qoremorh cesb             USEERIITINE         aug90 (ntowse ceat Ond                 Intowsectes Oxts
 Nemert reajzerhe arsse       |ussrasoses         18001 t rouse enc at05)                Intouse cteac octor
                              wose                         Furcion                       sqrewe
Cattrtedy                     KatsPoiove                     Fedvicaliarager

Anprovty                      Naakisi

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Thiscaltraton corifctsshal nohe recvcnd meestin iwihostwiten aoron!of e tontay
Gonifeate No: Ex3300Marca                           Page 1 ot 10

Calibration Laboratory of                                                       SetwaisrnchorKatbrirtinst
Schmid & Partner                                                                Sarvice suie italonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                Servio vizzere i tratura
Zroghausstrasse d, 0004 Zurih, Suttzntand                                       Suies Gllbration Sarvice

Aceedtns by te Suiss Accrestaton Sevce (GAS)                                 Accrdtaton io: SCS 108
The SuiseAceredtaion Sevicei onofhesignatros tohe EA
Motttatrat Agroomontforthecogniion ofcaltrationconticatos

TSL                      tissue simulating lquid
NORMcy,z                 sensitivity in free space
ConvF                    sensitivty in TSL / NORMxy,2
DeP                      diode compression point
Polarization 0           5> rotation around probe axis
Polarization             8 rotetion around an axis thatis in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                         measurement center), ie., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial«
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques‘, December 2003
   b) 12C 62209—1, *Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
      devices used in close proximity to the ear (requency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)®, February
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * NORMky,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 9 = 0 (f < 800 MHz in TEM—cel; > 1800 MHz:
     R22 waveguide). NORMxy,z are only intermediate values, L.e., the uncertainties of
     NORMicy,z does not effect the E—field uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF)
   * NORM(Mxy.z NORMxy,* frequency._response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
     linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
     the frequency responseis included in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
   * DGPxy,z:DGP are numerical Iinearization parameters assessed based on the data of power
     sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
    * ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or
      Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical feld
      distributions based on power measurements for {> 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
      assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
      !ypical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
      improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitvity in TL corresponds to
      NORMy,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF, A
      frequency dependent Convis used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending
      the validityfrom + 50 MHz to + 100 MHz.
    * Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a flat
      phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
    + Sensor Offset: The sensoroffset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
      from the probe tip (on probe axis). No tolerance required

Conifeate No: Ex32008Marco                          Page 2 of 10

   Ex3oV4 SN:ses6                                                        March 23, 2009

                   Probe EX3DV4
                           Manufactured:                 March 10, 2009
                           Calibrated:                   March 23, 2009

                               Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                (Note: non—compatble wih DASY2 syster)

Cerifcats No: Ex30.Marce                 Page seto

   ExsovsN:sess                                                             March 23, 2009

   DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3686

   Sensitivily in Free Space®                                     Diode Compression®
           NormX               q490 s 101%..      @ViVim]®        DcP xX    so mV
           Norm¥               o4 e101%           kVi(Vim]        DoP Y     92 mV
           NormZ               oss a 1010         wVi(Vim]        DoP2      so mV

   Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
   Please see Pages 8 and 9.

   Boundary Effect

   Ts                 900 Miiz      Typical SAR gradient: 5% per mm

           Sensor Conteo Phantom Suface Distance                  20 mm 30 mm
           SAR., (%].—  Wihout Correcton Agorthm                    es    se
           SAR., )      Wih Corecton Algorthim                      os    o«
   Ts                1750 Mite      Typleal SAR gradient10 % por mm

           Sensor GentetPhantom Surtace Distance                  20mm 30 mm
           SARa, )       Wihout Correcton Algorthin                se    as
           SAR., (%)..—  Wih CorectonAlgrthim                      os    os

   Sensor Offset
           Probe Tto Sonso: Gonter                            1.0 mm

   {The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
    measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    corresponds to a coverage probabiity of approximately 95%.

   * murcerantas t Nez ds not atesnE:tit nceranyce T9L sePage 0)
   * Nomeralincasatopuanater weerany ntonens

Certfeat No: Ex2.008Marce                      Page 4 ot10

    EX3DV4 SN:3686                                                                                       March 23, 2009

                                                       Frequency Response of E—Field
            Frequency response(normalized)                     (TEM—Cellifi110 EXX, Waveguide: RZ2)

                                             as                                _
                                                  o      soo        1ooo      rsoo   aam        asce   soce
                                                               —o—rem            —o—ne

                                                      Uncertainty of Frequency Responso of E—

Cenifcat No: ©3—3008. Marce                                                Page Set 10

   EX3DV4 SN:3686                                                               March 23, 2009

                            Receiving Pattern (¢), 3 = 0°

            (= 600 mke, Tem ifrtorxx                       1= 1800 mie, we ez

           as                  C
           r                                                                    =s0 ie
           y                                                                    Ca— roomce
  Err t)

           e                                                                    —+— 600 hite
           00 beoeagart********Ssssppettt                                       ca oniny
           34                                                                   —a~2sc0nite
               o  so   12  1so   mo xo

                          Uncertanty of Axil Isotropy Assessments £ 0.5%(ke2)

Corifcat No: E006.Marce                   PaseSoto

   Exsovs sN:sess                                                                           March 23, 2009

                                           Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                             (Waveguide R22, £= 1800 MHz)


                          nesos +

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          tnout Signa!)




                           acoor      ocor      oo        o       1           10       1c
                                                       S (mWien‘)
                                   ~9~notcompensates               —+—conensaies

                          Ba          a01            o1             1         to            100
                                                       Sa (mwen‘)

                                      Uncertainty of Linearity Assossment 0.6% (ke2)

Certteats No: Ex35 marce                               Page or10

   EX3DV4 SN:3686                                                                 March 23, 2009

                           Conversion Factor Assessment

   1e Valdiy (Mie]®          ts     remnitiviy Conductiviy    Alpha Deoth       ConF Uncortainy
   4so     £80/2100         Head    «oses%      oarash         oss     ont       oi6    arost(en)
   ass     ss0/a100         Head    4isk5%       Osorsh        080     07e       a72    £11.0%(e2)
   e00     ss0/s100         Head    «ise5%      ogrash         082.    071       842    £110%(en)
   14so    £80/2100         Head    4s25%       12025%         oes     O86       774.   £110%(n2)
   1730    £80/2100         Head    Abrest       tares%        o8r     o62..—    760    £110%(2)
   1000    £80/2100         Head    400+8%      14025%         o2      080       781    £110%(e2)
   doso     «s0/e100        Head    40o#5%       140k8%        ore     Ost       721    £110%(e2)
   2000    ss0/2100         Head    4005%       n40k%          O77.    050       735    £11.0%(e2)
   2200    +80/2100         Head:   doax5%      1.7te8%        Oe      og2       T4     £110%(e2)
   2aso     ss072100        Head    sore5%       neor6h        0st     072       621    +11.0%(e2)
   2600    ss0/2100         Head    soou5%      noskh          O3      086.      620.   £11.0%(e2)
   asoo    5072100          ead     are«s%      poresh         088.    196.      641    a104%(e2)
   4050    28072100         Head    deas%       a4orst         o4s     180       455    a1ai%(en)
   s200    +80/2100         Head    deoxs%      asse5%         080|    180       430    a10.1%(2)
   ss00    «80/2100         Head    d60#8%      A7625%         080     180       414    131%(e2)
   s509    «80/2100         Head    sse«st      40625%         080     180       387    +10.%(2)
   5609|   £80/2100         Head    d65+8%      Sork5%         080     180       365    a121%(2)
   se09    «s0/a100         Head    dss«5%       Sare8%        080     180       301    a101%(2)

   5 thavaliy t 190 Mt onl anpla orDASY vtandater sePage 21 Theuncertiny is me es
   ofthe Gonve uncerlat atcabaton roquency and h uncralny forth indenindreauency band

Certfeate No: E306.Marce                     Page8ar1o

   EX3DV4 SN:3606                                                            March 23, 2009

                        Conversion Factor Assessment

  ttiity Valy Mite®       ____rsu,   pornitiviy Conducthty   Alpha Dopth   ConvF Uncatainty
  «o     sso/ar00         Bow        serksm       ooresn     040    OSs     977   £193%(2)
  sss    «soje0o          Bow        sszes%       ogresm     ost    ors     870   £110%
  e0o    ssojert0         Bosy       seos%       t0se5%      063.   Ort     #47   a110%
  150    «so/a100         Bow        storsh       tabesh     041    105.    719   +110%
  irso    «sore100        Bow        ssassm      rdoesm      080    Ose     716   a110%
  fo00   «so/a100         Bow:       ssaasm      nseasn      087    O6t     685   a110%(—2)
  doso   «so/er00         Bom:       ssa«sm       nseesm     o63    oss     70t   a110%(e2)
  2000   «so/a100         Bowy       ssa«sm       ns2es      OSt    073.    684   1104 (e2)
  2a00   «so/e100         Bow        seaasm      neses..     oss    o4      668   £110%(2)
  2eso   «so/et00         Body       se7es%       tesesn     043.   Ost     648   a110%
  2000   «so/e100         Body       s2s«5%      2ee5%       028.   113.    640   a110%
  ss00   «so/ar00         Bowy       staase      ssres%      050    100     614   a134%(e2)
  woso   +so/s 100        Body       wowe5%      soresh      050    185     407   ai9%(en)
  sao    sso/s100         Body       «ooest      ssoush      050    185     405   a19i%(en)
  s000   ssofe100         Body       dbss%       sézesh      050    185     d2t   £19.%(ern)
  ssoo   «so/e 100        Bogy       dse«ss      sesest      046    185.    376   a134%(e2)
  se00   «sore100         Bogy       desasm      s7re5%      Cas    1ss     361   +10%(e2)
  seoo    «sore100        Boay       dszese       soous%     050    1ss     384   a13t%(e2)

  5e vaty ots 100 e ont anles o DASYv and Ngher(sePage 2The uncerant is menso
  ot e Gom uncerintat caltratin tecuency ad th uncralny o th Inclnias teuency n

CenieaNo: Ex.3008arce                         Pagesorto

   EX3DV4 SN:3686                                                            March 23, 2009

                             Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                       Error (4, 8. £= 900 MHz

                                                                                 Error (a8)

                               w s0—080 maso—o00 more—010 ©.010—00 maz0000
                               mossom momasmowom momos mosero

                         Uncertaity of Spharica sotropy Assessment: 2.6% (ke2)

Corifcat No: Ex3—3008marce                Page toot 10

Document Created: 2019-05-27 00:44:37
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 00:44:37

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