RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                Report No.: 80911007
                FCC ID: PPD-AR5B91                 IC: 4104A-AR5B91       Date of Issue: December 30, 2008

Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures
that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission's
guidelines. See §15.247(i) and §1.1307(b)(1) of this chapter.
According to RSS-Gen §5.5, before equipment certification is granted, the applicable
requirements of RSS-102 shall be met.
EUT Specification
EUT                                  802.11n 1x2 PCIe Minicard transceiver
                                         WLAN: 2.412GHz ~ 2.462GHz
                                         WLAN: 5.18GHz ~ 5.32GHz / 5.50GHz ~ 5.70GHz
Frequency band (Operating)
                                         WLAN: 5.745GHz ~ 5.825GHz
                                         Bluetooth: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480 GHz
                                         Portable (<20cm separation)
Device category
                                         Mobile (>20cm separation)
                                         Occupational/Controlled exposure (S = 5mW/cm2)
Exposure classification                  General Population/Uncontrolled exposure
                                         Single antenna
                                         Multiple antennas
Antenna diversity                            Tx diversity
                                             Rx diversity
                                             Tx/Rx diversity
                                    IEEE 802.11b mode: 22.64 dBm
                                    IEEE 802.11g mode: 24.90 dBm
Max. output power
                                    IEEE 802.11n HT20 mode: 25.65 dBm
                                    IEEE 802.11n HT40 mode: 25.59 dBm
Antenna gain (Max)                   3.62 dBi (Numeric gain: 2.30)
                                         MPE Evaluation*
Evaluation applied                       SAR Evaluation
1. The maximum output power is 25.59 dBm (362.64mW) at 2437MHz (with 2.30 numeric antenna gain.)
2. DTS device is not subject to routine RF evaluation; MPE estimate is used to justify the compliance.
3. For mobile or fixed location transmitters, no SAR consideration applied. The maximum power density
   is 1.0 mW/cm2 even if the calculation indicates that the power density would be larger.

No non-compliance noted.

                                                 Page 210                                          Rev. 00

              Compliance Certification Services Inc.                              Report No.: 80911007
              FCC ID: PPD-AR5B91                 IC: 4104A-AR5B91     Date of Issue: December 30, 2008

              30 × P × G           E2
Given    E=               & S=
                  d               3770
         Where E = Field strength in Volts / meter
                 P = Power in Watts
                 G = Numeric antenna gain
                 d = Distance in meters
                 S = Power density in milliwatts / square centimeter

Combining equations and re-arranging the terms to express the distance as a function of the
remaining variables yields:
              30 × P × G
               3770d 2

Changing to units of mW and cm, using:
         P (mW) = P (W) / 1000 and
         d (cm) = d(m) / 100

              30 × (P / 1000 ) × G            P×G
         S=                        = 0.0796 ×            Equation 1
               3770 × (d / 100 )
         Where    d = Distance in cm
                  P = Power in mW
                  G = Numeric antenna gain
                  S = Power density in mW / cm2

                                              Page 211                                         Rev. 00

               Compliance Certification Services Inc.                             Report No.: 80911007
               FCC ID: PPD-AR5B91                 IC: 4104A-AR5B91    Date of Issue: December 30, 2008

Maximum Permissible Exposure

IEEE 802.11 g mode:

EUT output power = 309.02mW
Numeric Antenna gain = 2.30
Substituting the MPE safe distance using d = 20 cm into Equation 1:
Yields:   S = 0.000199 × P × G
Where     P = Power in mW
          G = Numeric antenna gain
          S = Power density in mW / cm2

Æ Power density = 0.141mW / cm2

IEEE 802.11n HT20 mode:

EUT output power = 367.28mW
Numeric Antenna gain = 2.30
Substituting the MPE safe distance using d = 20 cm into Equation 1:
Yields:   S = 0.000199 × P × G
Where     P = Power in mW
          G = Numeric antenna gain
          S = Power density in mW / cm2

Æ Power density = 0.1681 mW / cm2

IEEE 802.11n HT40 mode:

EUT output power = 362.64mW
Numeric Antenna gain = 2.30
Substituting the MPE safe distance using d = 20 cm into Equation 1:
Yields:   S = 0.000199 × P × G
Where     P = Power in mW
          G = Numeric antenna gain
          S = Power density in mW / cm2

Æ Power density = 0.1659mW / cm2
(For mobile or fixed location transmitters, the maximum power density is 1.0 mW/cm2 even if the
calculation indicates that the power density would be larger.)

                                               Page 212                                        Rev. 00

Document Created: 2008-12-31 14:34:28
Document Modified: 2008-12-31 14:34:28

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